w 1- the georgetown herald wednesday 6th june v n i7 v general news ij 0 tbej arfit liuiunmeo agent in ixnd6nl dead v t- stocks of tobacco in btarl an low aaa will be exhausted by the end of tie month central c totpnto orangemen in urge numtfarav attended servrte at r 5ooke chaftn orojitpa oontrtbutloit totba red frt angle fund has -ifttad- reacted l ta tptai of tstpop j ft-ef- 96hltaymitahtfpreatwa instantly klljoa being run over bjra- follerrw tfb drfvii ralpbobtrbm toronto ws after an eicitlng cbtjee arrested to- the police cltygetl wfth the theft of a motorcar the caitfdlafs filcers tralnrpg- corps at lavalv university quebec has been completed 260 mea hav- ing enlisted a memorial tablet to the late rev dr 8 harper gray was unveiled in old st andrews presbyterian church toronto j j cunningham retired assistant general freight agent of tbe otr formerly of montreal died at bis home in brantford advices from tbe maritime pro vinces are to tbe effect that farmers are not sowing as much land in wheat as was hoped and expected tbe war treaty bet veen france italy britain and russia ha been abrogated and replaced by a new treaty tbe manchester guardian says about 1600 men and women are now on strike in winnipeg the freighthandlers having gone out on saturday while some other unions bave voted to strike joseph parent is dead bis brother laurent may die and three other per sons were injured as o result of on automobile overturning into a ditch near tecumseh lack of white seamen has obliged tbe british authorities to arraigo o man the imperial munitions boards wooden steamships building in brlt- lsb columbia with chinese crows italian airmen drop 80 tons or bombs in val sugana austrian patrols were driven back between the adlge and astlco albanian operations enable allies to reach cerevodaostrovlca front much violent gunning proceeds during tbe night on the british front thirtyseven men out of 168 se cured exemption in toronto yester day the womens college hospital to ronto held its first graduation of nurses german submarines start un restricted warfare off northern coast of norway the french make important local advance on front of 4000 yards in region of locre tbe french and italians make an advance to a depth of 12v4 miles in wejtern albania the groat grand champion gold medal hacknoy stnllion spartan 609 1265 10484 enrollment no 1127 approved form a 1 first prize and twice champion at toronto first prize champion and gold medal at ottawa 1918 first prize at ottawa provincial winter fair in 1914 first prize in harness for high stepping stallion at toronto national exhibition 1914 first at ottawa provincial winter fair in 1015 also grand champion and gold medal 1915 first prize in harness for high stepping at toronto national ex hibition 1916 first prize and grand champion at central can ada exhibition ottawa 1915 also first prizo and gold medal and grand champion at ottawaeast- ern ontario live stock show 1916 first prize at ottawa winter fair 1917 first in high stepping class at c n e 1917 and first and gold medal at winter fair guelph he established a record at the tor onto exhibition last year when his colts won 17 firsts out of 24 entries will make the season of 1918 as follows tuesday will leave his ownstab- le lot 18 centre bond and pro ceed to georgetown for night and until wednesday noon wednesday night- franklins farm hornby thursday his own stable fridny nightdoyles hotel claire- ville saturday queens hotel bramp ton for noon and remain until 6 oclock thence to his own stable for night and until the following tuesday the above route will bo oontinned throughout the season health and weather permitting james tilt owner i o v v- by every rndlq person whq isnbt on activeservice in any of his majestys naval military forces or in the naval or military forces of any of his majestys allies and who apparently may be or is reasonably suspected to be within the description of class one under the military service act 1917 who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within class one under the act jotice is hereby given that under the provisions of an order in council pc 1018 of the 20th april 1918 upon and after the 1st day of june 1018 every male person who is not on active service in any of his majestys naval or military forces or in the naval or military forces of his majestys allies and who apparently may be or is reasonably suspected to be within tho description of class one under the military service act 1917 by whom or on whose behalf it is at any time affirmed claimed or alleged that he is not whether by reason of age status nationality exception or otherwise within class one under the military service act 1917 as defined for the time being or that although within the said class he is exempted from or not liable to military service shall have with him upon his person at all times or in or upon any building or premises where he at any time is age if it be claimed that he is not within the class by resson of age an official certincatfloitiia dale nf hishirlh or a certificate of his age signed by two reputable citizens residing in the community in which he lives and having knowledge of the fact or marriage if it be claimed that he is not within the class by resson of marriage a certificate cither official or signed by two reputable citisens residing in the community in which he lives and having knowledge of the fots certifying to his marriage and that his wife is living or nationality i of the fiots it it be claimed thai he is not within the class by reason of his nationality a certificate of his nationality signed by a consul or viceconsul of the foreign state or country to which be claims his allegiance is due or a passport issued by the government of that country establishing his nationality or active service if it be claimed that he is excepted as a member of any of his majestys forces or as having since the 4th august 1014 served in the military or naval forces of great britain or her allies in any theatre of actual war and has been honourably discharged therefrom official documents or an official certifi cate evidencing the fact or clergy if it be claimed that he is excepted as a member of the clergy or of any recognised ordor of an exclusively religious character or is a minister of a religious denomination existing in canada on 20th august 1917 or as being a member of any other society or body a certificate of the fact signed by an officeholder competent so to certify under the regulations of the church order or denomination society or body to which ho belongs or r exemption if it be claimed that he is exempted from or not liable to military service by reason of any exemption granted or claimed or application pending under the military service act 1017 or the regulations thereunder his exemption papers or a certificate of the registrar or deputy registrar of the district to which he belongs evidencing the fact or other class if it be claimed that he is not within the class or that he is exempted not liable or ex ed atyo g a xi lifiuate uf two reputable chlxefifl residing in the community where he lives having knowledge of the fact upon which the claim is founded and certifying thereto failure to carry requisite evidence if upon or after the 1st day of june 1918 any such male person be found without the requisite evidence or certificate upon bis person or in or upon the building or premises in which he is he shall thereupon be presumed to be a person at the time liable for military service and to be a deserter or defaulter without leave penalty and he shall also be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 50 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment and moreover any such person may forthwith be taken into military custody and may be there detained and required to per form military duty in the canadian expeditionary force so long as his services shall be required unless or until the foot be established to the satisfaction of competent authority that he is not liable for military duy false certificate the use signing or giving of any such certificate as hereinbefore men tioned shall if the certificate be in any material respect false or misleading to the knowledge of the person using signing or giving the same be an offence punishable upon summary conviction by a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars and by imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and not less than one month issued by the military service branch of the department of justice ottawa may 22 1918 i if your child is not tho brightest in tbe olass it may be because the eyesight is defective the right glasses often make a surprising difference with a childs progress in school work d plant optometrist phorfe too georgetown next to library bracelet watches just what your soldier laddie needs we have them in all stylet at all prices a b wilson main street next mcgibbon hotel a fa