the georgetown herald wednesday flth june 4 t v v patnfisttvvjgoajfeeing gye- 2 j ttrfwonlvomqiwipbn -wlme-wilnjidfiiaybnnnuiipwr- d worlds v witwin one vastcelestial nlnn t gufdo ttyou otir foet thnt blindly f stray vlnpatns owriroaqdiwiya nri- 4 work v v sfaw ite 33fy wjft arjd aofii its svolje -w- fjtijjniivaouenthwpdi v trl5woaw wifchiph6y wittf thitio w sj hiuitfwat made f wiiji mdnihaiiistoopiwdfruijea 1 j wjfh vfsfclohb wiyo aad flowcrah gltido but man has crossed thy wijl di- yinv and wrapped too world in bitter in 0 master tench us what to lo to lot thj blessod spirit in dear father wo would gladly solve could we but looognize thy call the task seems luird the way no stooi and we so week and prone to fall open our ojosthat we may see and know tho workings of thy plan that each may do his share to bring mankind to god and god to man gtr tims table ooino ea8t mail 048 a in passongor 1100 am passenger 845 pm mail 628 pm passenger 880 pm golhq west mail 7b7 am mail 1005 am fassongcr 201 pm passenger 085 pm mail 757 pm going north mail 757 am mail 580 pm going houth mail 1005 am mail 740 pm toronto suburban railway daily timetable am pm pm going east 810 221 010 going west 865 810 747 sunday timetable am pm pm pm going east 1091 1220 85 610 going west 10 10 610 notice to creditors in the matter of the aatuto of m-l- oolm mocallnm late of the town- hip of eaqnealng in the county of halton farmer deoeaaed notice is hereby given pursu ant to section 56 of tho triistoo act rso 1014 chap 121 that all creditors and others hawng claims or demands against tho estate of tho said malcolm mecallum who diod on or about the twentyeighth day of feburarj 1918 are leijiined on or before the 12th day of june 1018 to send by post prepaid or deliver to samuel wedstoinonal ont tho agent of the administia- tix of tho said deceased their christian names and sin names ad dresses and docnptions tho full particulars of their claims a state ment of their accounts and the na ture of tho securities if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned dato tho said administratis will procoed to distri bute tho assets of tho said deceased among tho partios entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which sho shall thon hao notice and that the administratix will not he liable for tho assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoso claims notice shall not havo boon rocoivod by her at the time of such distribution j a e braden of tho town of milton solictor for the said ad ministratis dated at georgetown thfs 22nd day of may 1918 twine wire fencing buggies wagons ploughs fleiiry shantz wilkinson porrin walking and riding ploughs car of plymoth bindor twino will bo sold very reasonable for cash phone 101 r 88 thos e hevvson norval ont canadas registration its purpose and application canada faces the gravest crisis in her history four years of war have taken from the dominion a heavy toll in talent and labor yet despite the shortage of man power our allies still depend on canada to maintain her own fighting forces at full strength and to increase her exports of food and war materials so vital to them and to the successful prosecution of the war every ounce by which canada can increase her food production and every ounce canada can save in her food consumption is needed for export to the allies should the war continue for another year food cards and a rationing system may have to be instituted it is the duty of canada to be prepared for whatever situation circumstances may force upon her it is quite probable that before the war is won our government may have to place restrictions upon the occupations in which men and women may engage in such an event the government wishes to be in a position to render all possible assistance in keeping our population usefully and profitably employed registration day june 22nd o that every available unit of human energy may bo utilized to tne best advantage these conditions point to the necessity of canada knowing the exaa capabilities of her men and women at home all persons residing in canada male or female british or alien of 16 years and over will be required to register on june 22nd and truthfully answer the questions set forth upon the registration card it is not the governments intention to conscript labour in aey form but to assist in directing it wisely 21 be used as an aid to the military authorities in pro curing the men necessary to maintain canadas first line of defence to mobilize all units of avail able labor in the dominion and direct them from less essentia to more essential occupation to establish and intelligently administer a system of food rationing should that become necessary ummd hr n canada registration board ip you want the best quality fresh and cured meats at the lowest possible prices try clifford unham butcher our now cash and curry sstom makes our meats cheaper to yon clifford linham phone 196 main street chew it after every meal the flavour lasts what tourist sleeping gars mean in comfort to the traveller the interior s somewhat more modest lo appointment tuun the stiinclard or first clait sleeping cur of solid steel underfrutne and with highly poluhed dark green finish the cuoadian north- erostourut cur present o very pi can tog appearance thettucriariflnlsbid in ntaboguay with aisle carpet co match and cork composition flooring to deaden sound and loratn vibration commodious smoking room and toi lets kitchenette vritb appliances for light cooking running wuter etc are greatly appreciated roomy berths accommouutingtwo persons it deqtrcd are just onehalf the first class fate secondclass ticket holders may also occupy these cars and the dining car is always available at meal time trains leave toronto union station 10 pm mondays wednesdays and friduya for winnipeg and points west for information literature tickets and reservations apply to nearest cnr ticket agent or write general passenger department os king street hast toronto canadian northern thprfe mo two kitffls ef bolle on artti tpday ju8t two kind qf people nx taord i sny notthe aiftnor and saint for in- slijndor8tao f t jwiflt fctfoijoodinrelwiir bnft tlw nd ie hlf obd- s w nife tho rth and tlxr poor for w eoinln rnaov woatyji you hiiisfe first lrnpwjlu58tftt of r his cbijsoioncoiind iioaltjii not hc fiumbw tnd prdttct- tgr kj lifoiitlo span who putrpvai0 flirs is not ooon- todji rtian not ttib hfyppy and sa7 or hn bwift lljink yours bring each man hw latirhtoi and each man his tears no tlie two kinds of pooplo on oartli tliat i mean are tho people who lift and the pooplo who loan wherever you ho you will find tho worlds masses aro always divided in just theac two classes and oddly onougb you will find too i ween there is only ono lifter to twenty who lean in what olass arc jou aro you oasink tho load of overtaxed lifters who toil dovn tho rood or are you a leanor who lets otli- ore boar your portion of labor and worry and euro county hut pay the ontario railway and muni cipal board has ordered that hal- ton must pay tho larrcr sharo of tho cost of a concrete bridge at bronte 20 foot wido with a sidewalk tho toronto and hamilton highway commission to pay tho balance tlu countys sharo is figured at s1hoo0 of which the ontario go- crnment will pay 40 per cent un der the highway impravomenlact tho contract will be lot and the work dono as soon as possible it is cleaning vwu so dairymad pmfcrt no shovelllua required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal w soloot lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and canncl coal in fact 1 carry overything to bo found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 i y