the geo fiktyskcon1 ykar of puillilcation georgetown wednesday evening july 31st 1918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at the herald powerprintinc office georgetown contract advertising rates furnished on application ten ilt insertion cljlts viiiv v mvu and vlluvk uvcmidflikly ailvrilacrtlinliiwltl liuill once wuli ninui vililiiiitaihu lxi ttianv roisv mamr w lit h viwv miinyiiis- inv y kiasikftiav rates ii5 vftiy v hviidiwh wypfi nio- juvi- iurjimjiiillliltrtjlfilrtnvll i xm m10ltflrijihhiee mail pllhhclttl pllhhuhjjulf mail puhmgilrftl can h0 nm u ill pmn p in 1110 ooino wkht mail mail pllkhollkil 201 pluumhlkul mail ooinci nolltii mail mail ooinll south mail l- mail 740 toronto subarti railway daily timktarllk ulll ill- doing kant h10 au4 ooink west hro uio rltlnllaytimktamlk ooint kat ooin wht 1040 iini pm pm l 1021 1220 j145 010 010 stroe church rev wmburt cttht rector kunduy service an follows mutlnm 11 a m kvensong 7 p m sunday solioul u46 tt m in base ment holy oommunisn lit uml linl sundays of uuoh month at 11 a m legal shiltqn vvallbridqe 6v dale barrister solicitor etc toruiilu imj ueorgetown ottlee ktiillfly llliek i koy i lulu i cliurico of leorge- oivii llhiiio medical dr joseph m bkijm mna am ua ft jobtrn ww physician and suiueoii medical ottlcor o health ulstrlot surgeon ci t k ollloe hours 2 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p m phone 58 oltlce and residence main street south opposite iroabyteriun church chiropractic no medicine ourgery or oetaopathy a m neil8en d c oradualo of the ralmer the ori ginal school of chiropractic daven port iowa u 8 a otllco over lluurlguns drug store ooiihullatloil anil spinal anulysls kin tuesdays tliurbilliya anil kutilr- iuyx j tn r anil 7 to 8 p m phon 160a yol want till lllst qlauty luksii and cluil meats at the lowest uawvv cuffowjlinham v- iv r i o v wv jlftilltf ji i f rijivf tlliiti jy tv y v piiaiiyiriimtiijinv clifford linhaiv1 phofae 196 main street optical l l plant d o oph d eye 8pecillt georgetown olllcf iifxt to ulniry ilwlm i- for apiiointnicnt r dental- frank r watson d d 8 m 0 s dentist georgetown ont hourn i a m to 5 p m oxuopt thursday afleriuion iminttntry in all hh branch over bell telephone office fl heath l d8 d d 8 dentist ollloe in ijlne ulook one door north of onttlllh larrlimo puotory hour 1 a m to ii p m auctioneers beij petch ilciiihod auctioneer for halton and poii llrnwiiiuimh 1oht olllimi salok iiiniiluuiihl hiitlhfiiiitinlly and ut iku- huiiahlt rntih chiioim lifl at tin fmiiklown herald ollliui will iwolvi prijinlit altontlon jackson and lee civil engineers and surveyors temule bldg brentford ilij a m jiuuh m i melliliiwal bilirlnwr ti olhdus h tl wyiini- iiiiiiitim wnlir wiiikh loillfiiihir iff c tlllcy iliklmteied alililtiit j a tracy clerk tuwiihliili of khipiihlnit clerk llnl ulvlhion court tin lilidlilb fhe and life inmiralke ciih ronrominted inhuoi of murrlatfe ilcenaoe ollluu mill hlmot wot oourffetown onico unurh weilnohiloy and sat urday ofternoonb j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbing hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 2fi georgetown ont the evidence ah to thi tlinrmikiiinhh anil pni ticnhilily of onv roiirws tho llfhl of llii inonlli oni of ii muni prokifknivi inminimh incn of tin cily fiillml at lhc nlhw of llii for a hookkkkihll wi biiii him oiii- on i hi 22ml n riiiinl ol thin limn niiiliil a iloolikrcpit our 11ainiil liclpwiib iidininiimiiliil tin- vo iii ii 1 1i t till tlllllui il wi kent out iiiiothci hiiolikiipii- tiiik in tin- way our stiiiliiili nri pfaccil to liioil tliw aiiniinil wi niiil mnriy inori liuliiith i i libiliuinmuial ffitiiim fijujiinjiuuiihil i to cm in xilttiwv tllihm i nm1i i ilit vn itvi iil viiliulriiiifitf tliul hrtjvhi v- v vill iyjttosirliinji wniltnjioiiftlimv iiiivk iniiilijimf fit ivtimufii iimixniry iuitji kiioi jml iliviiiijtllwlhpt ihiit 8f t h e s h ge m a n thehome of better shoes gibbens if we knew victory whenyou buy home miptdej ftirahara bak- orps sttirirlffaiil itaisj in argre 4ing bead hiob las m6n wq substitutes than iafiy you fsari- bake ai iduxe every bouse wile is asked to save as much wheat as possible she is doing this when she buys victory bread and is making it pos- sibleibr canadajto fur- ish her soldiers and allies with food liinhfl hounl liiusi no 51m1s thfiiari kiiik of wiiiiiiioiik initiht- ihkk uriiinih lyinn nt our fiit anil vi- pithh them walking ihoiikhthks down the hiihy erowded klrecl ii w knew our pace would slneken we woiihl htep inure oft with eare ijhm our earouimtt fuut be ticiuling ja the enrth home jewel rare a f w4i khewvhitlraf t lilfpatilimfi ltwe kihvyhiw hitliroewivtiiftt 1 tipr i te tiij nnrif he ie niiklft fli ijt tf we knew what feet av weary yvlkin pathwiiyh ruusliy tajtl we would nuieklvhiitien torvvaw h t re wiirjtf tit i h lt- h liph d h tu ptil iw y- v- a- i f xti knew wjiftt hpntjflnrtktinv jwiavvcthviffiawv6rki jvniji wornoapriltliftivavlvi pi5kon jvv paiiiim orojljidwrwliinreit fiatl wvwduld yton iatietiirsitohde tioiicti fviiwwuvri tiiwihoos gibbens corner bakery b v gibbens new advertisements house to rent iuiim miin si siilh nill olli apply lf help wanted s waulil apply ill house to rent u h iiiiiii ali to w iii rii lihl cllk 1071 f we 7uld i to eiuilrone freely smikh of hymifathy ohweet xwwx8zi found wanting a by horace stanhope berry picking hiiiy pilcti and all il ii winli il lin id prohibited thiri irkpiikkinfr will nrc- 717lf tenders t mlir will lir riviviil liv llm umler- il lii llu- piirliaii ol lh went half of ii n iiiiln-i- js in tin- l ionihsioii and iii- ul hall of iii- ii si hall ol lol no 2k in iii hili iiiiiiioii holh in llu- town- ship nt kiiiniiik in liu- lluntv of llnl- lull saiil laiuk luini pari of ihe lslal ol iii 1 li- william in shorlill diiasd william j llhvkk kxiilor i 1 i lasl will and triliumiil ol kaid will mi j si hill liivasl markilnlii pu onl 724lf for sale at bargain to quick buyers owner leaving town kailiaul llonu parlor rook htove new lasl fnlli lliior iovirinits linollim new lasl falls siimiiwirili hallheiirintr lawn nuwil 0 ft aidii hose spray and rl iiiv last fall wliilharrow and sev- l her ail ils apiy j oseph wrijf hi union slivi near criinhoimuk 2t lee sing laundry the old lllliill uinnnry liiihiihihh work liiiirniitil i uvvir5t iltltti 8liirts 10c roe block georgetown tin got pailieiihiih now guclpli i business college voiirses ives eller bourses herald bldic obelph out twine wire fencing buggies wagons ploughs flourv hhnnl wilkiiihon pnnin walkiiik hiid riiljum i1oiiiih cur of llymolli nimler twine will 1 hold very leiihoiuihlo for iihii photir 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval ont here is the safest way to buy your new car find the name overland on the radiator then stop right there thia little symbol of motor car satisfaction insures the finest materials designs and con struction it guarantees all the essentials of conplete satisfaction performance economy comfort and beauty combined in an easy to handle car more- than 80000 model 90 overland cars already sold vindicate every claim made for its exceptional efficiency easy riding and comfort it has the powerful and faithful overland 32 horse power motor 106inch wheelbase buoyant cantilever rear springs autolite starting and lighting vacuum gasoline system and 31 y 4 inch tires nonskid rear if your choice is a light small economical car let us show you this model 90 overland t j speight representative georgelown wuiysovertand limited wlllysknlf ht and ovarlsnd motor care end light commercial wagone head office and works west toronto ontarlo- aug 26 toronto sept 7 300000 admissions sold first day of advance sale come wlththecrowdstotheftreat- est exposition in the 40 years history of the c n e tv the heroes of britain a production oftreman- doua force and beauty with 1200 participant i say l reeves darlow lolling against a tree trunk a few feet beyond a high stono wall his sketching outfit lying neglect ed at his side uttered tbe ejaculation hharply and aat up ills hand sought a certain spot on his forehead with which suddenly un- exiecte81yaonig- fly lug o com in contact the blow had been a sharp one broke the skin and evidenced the pohhllilllty of a rising lump he won- drud what had struck him and why then lie recalled the sound of merry tiirllsh voices beyond the wall hninillilng thrown of course not purposely he solllooulzed ah theres the misulle u slipper as he arose he observed the object in ipiestlon it lay on the grass white kinull hlbhheeled dainty he turned it over and over to his hand somewhat ndiiilrtukly then ho rouned nt the echo of u rustling sound where a portion of the wall was gone and there was a hreiiih like a gateway a graceful feml- nih hiiure had appeared one foot snltiefhlnk etce the iil in view wore odd slippers on oue foot was a black upper and on the other line of white sntln the counterpart of tin one rest- lug within the sketclilni case he car- iled at that luoiniit i declare i communed reeves with himself a token of hire interest in the intonation ive found the mate of my cinderella acquisition there could be no doubt of it he had caught only a luminintury glimpse of norma kdueworlh i iku at the town meadow hlie was now in calico whereas tie innldrh of yie ueld bad oieenrvfrjreuvln ajltfytiotbti was sure ifiwb bimijpng tmtwww afen-f- djaril vca i tbe onatytiobud ue4 v tkat ilucojorad jpiarki jufover ib wt eyebrow v 8ay la worth looking at be ail- 9lared i lltimppjythejinlavlnji hfy eemtbataliabdsome sntoftfoult had l ijlzjit at tierl lnfnlte there a- rather spplay iv wv 0 uns slipperless here was nf the innocent missile about to advance and tender tbe slipper darlow was n uund deal disap pointed as its owner uttered a scream und turning flashed buck out of view like a nimble sprite a great hubbub orose beyond tbe wall what scared you norma a bear cried out on animated voice worse than that a horrid man a man but not particularly horrid ita tlier distinguished looking i judge from the fleeting glance 1 got but oh i me limping on my stockinged foot i quick melba grab tbe ball and let us vunlsh there were mock exclamations of fright und dismay darlow reached the wall and waved tbe slipper over it tiut scurrying from the held a group or half a dozen girls paid not tbe slightest attention while with a shocked expression of face the denuded one she who had lost the slipper ran the fastest her white ilkcovered foot gleaming tn and ont of the grass entire ly fascinating in ita mmbleneaa and gracefulness of form hm observed darlow bhe must have footgear galore to disdain the re turn of tbe slipper i aee a bevy of girls playing at football a wild kick and bene the upper and my bump and darlow ruefully rubbed the abrauum spot as to the slipper til keep ft as a memento it may suggest a romantic pencil sketch or a story shine xbt girl to clho ebbmd the newcomer tsbe diuted behind the vttcpek of the house sbe njmpjedup tier hair sh jerked ner apron awry and picked up ep old battered milk palf then she stepped again into the tie of he road and exhibited or rather feigned vast surprise as tbe young man advanced toward her then its true reeves heard him say but no more for the girl joined him and they walked to a bench under a great spreading oak tbe appearance of a possible lover somewhat dampened the former exuberance of reeves still be was very much puzzled the new comer acted uneasy and embarrassed the twain conversed for some time then the girl arose she removed a ring from her engagement linger the young man accepted it bowed pro foundly and returned to his sutomo- blle honk 1 honk i it was off and gone the girl turned toward the house her face once more in full view of the hedge lurker she wss smllinpr as if enjoying some great joke reeves groped in his mind vainly to find some solution to this extraordinary circum stance he fancied the moment had come to reveal himself lie had taken tbe slipper from his case lie pene trated the hedge with the slipper in his hand pardon me this lost property norma edgeworth came to a quick halt she stared blankly at the in truder then her quick mfnd worked out the problems of the moment yes she snlil hushing slightly you are tbe gentleman who offered it to uie once thanks i will take it now it struck me there observed reeves craftily exposing the abrasion on bis forehead it sort of scattered my wits for the- moment or 1 would have tried to find its owner she essayed a pitying look an he re counted his injury she bennn to smile as he drolly dwelt upon the oddity of the inrldenl and then th lee wsa a t e 1- a romantic pencil sketch or a story canadian nalmiimk5 exhibition au the colorful paraphei nulla of romance and his tory in the making in- nplrlng dramatic a s every canadian should aee movement life splendor a patriotic thrill in every temm clint livestock snd agricultural display government exhibit democutratloni of voca tional ttainini by 50 crippled hetfesa fainios on factory lines coloual exhibit of labor- laving device government patriotic toad aswcroalore worldtamed band allist exhibit ol w- at other special attractionsr prlcb ol admission la unchanged 25 cents consult your localagant rog rallroad fare and pursued his way reeves darlows way just now was tbe way of an idle stroller off on a hltormlss jaunt he forgot about the slipper by morning its owner ceased to all hla thoughts before the close of tbe day following meantime she of the lost slipper norma edgeworth and her breathless associates cleared the field and settled down to rational progress its a pity to leave that slipper be hind norma spoke one of ber com panions oh you know im bound with the morning for an environment where sat in slippers and the like will be a neg ligible quantity surely you have got that foolish scheme of yours out of your head denrr never dissented norma with vigor it isnt a scheme its a teat and you are bound to go through with itr barring the possibility of some of you chatterers betraying the fiction oh well be true blue norma i pro claimed an urgent chorus all this would have been greek to the unadvised all would have been mystery for that same class had they seen norma bdgoworth twentyfour hours later whereas she bad borno the presentment di il faftilogably dressed young lady and surrounded by companions suggesting the same order the next day norma was installed in an oldfashloqed farmhouse ten miles dis tant aa pretty as war though arrayed in calcxtiimrrtgln active bouee- workand teerajnrtonjoylt it was lining a hedge that marked the term limit pn on side that beeves darl6trodnd himself two daya after the incident of the slipper was it ate or rofeybatpral coincident al that glancing beyond it ha noted a graceful girlish figure hanging some 1tandkercbirfijmaltej i deal expression came into the face of this strolling artist an be discovered broken and somehow he lingered for an hour and again somehow he wne a vlaltor to the farmhouse the next day a week went by what could such harmonious companionship lead to but love real mutual love reeves af firmed it under that same broad spread ing oak tree and norma did not seek to deny its existence suppose some duy you should real ize the vast distance between a poor farm girl and a successful artist she suggested artfully i have money and love enough for both he declared i thluk i had better confess said norma the young man who visited m here was a suitor for my hand and fortune i suspected that and saw to it that he beard of my loss of wesltb you know the result i never cared for him but i have no father and mother only money and i felt lonely and helpless and my friends urged rae to try and like him but i couldnt it seems there was only one person i could love only one te dear only you animals o the caucasus inhabitants have preserved much ef the original charaoter of their stone ags ancestors tbe oaucaaus lies on the road which inks europe to asia and ita high val- leys offer a safe refuge to man und his herds- this explains both the mixed and archaic type of its domes tic fauna which shows some curious analogies wjtfi the human material of the curious livingsethnographic rou- soum pt those regions observes a writer a in all probability not one of the do mestic animals of the caucasus la autochthonous the earliest epoch at tbe importation is prehistoric the latest is contemporary with our own generation even tbe sample belong ing to tbe stone age have preserved a good deal of the original character ef their uncestors owing mainly to the preservative character of tbe moun tain region turkestan tbe countries of the cretan civilisation north africa and america have each furnished their quota from europe hall the bull and tbe log the soculleil tartur dog es pecially a descendant of tbe wolf bad ita ancestral homo in the plains of volga worthy to rank as nation finland has flight to be welcomes among the worlds republics its qreat natlonsl epic finland of todny is a prosperoua anil rapidly developing country inhab ited hy tin enterprising progressiva nnd hospitable people the population is roughly speaking s800o00 dairy fnrnilni has become one of tbe most important industries it is more proflt- ublij ftiilfl the rnlslsar of grains be- cuiise of jhe uncertainty of the i l j v tij iiy ftiotv pbf rtijl nnjl apiblounelgh imrs tjiiniatpleitre tatetixgtidebov eriitlctiiiil frjiyiu amf have had pnough experience in self government to be of lovitt helpfn solvlpir the vnrloua per- peklurprowonithtnte n to arise tlierels niijligjes renspti wrjiyf uifex great poems liy onfepf oor sweetftat slngefs nviri cl winter whites in the chiisrhto fteriti wthout jwrltteuj literature there ires bonded cdehg froin farher to sod for many genera tlons in flrrtnnd a jjroat national epic wthe long wljjter evenings the stagers sat beside- the flaming pine logs and there sang snatches from this epic finally there appeared one ritas lonnrot a simple country physician who traveled over the country and col lected this unwritten epic from the memories of hundreds of these singers he culled the collection the kolevnla and it wu first published in 183n longfellow copied the btyle in tils hiawatha irreparable loss to world literary treasures destroyed by the huns at louvaln can never be replaced no reparation can restore to the world the naileries where charles v ruler of almost all europe pored over old lenrnltik asserts the toronto mail nnd ftnplre there is no way to re place the 2no000 inunuhcrlpts whloh went up in smoke and uslies on aug 27 1014 mankind is permanently poorer hy the destruction of complete sets of nil sixteenthcentury editions no said but ttntht of virgll nlnotefh slxttentiwwiittttjr you- millions of terrenee ton of sallust complete slxticnthcentury editions of tacitus senecn martini ovid horace juvenal llvy lucretius luclsn cic ero and cnesnr rune copies of aris totle and the imporlifhnhle oteeks nre lost forever prleelesi early bibles whole libraries of ecclesiastical history and civil laws texts illuminated and initialed nnd bordered by the patient labor of spanish oeriunn nnd lowland monks ilore was the truth retard ing the spanish conquest anil tbe trip of the inquisition there were math ematical treasures also fought snd destroyed submarine blgwing rr submarine- the anaed- gnard of the united stales navy aboard the steamship silver shell was ordered by itb commander to haul up the american flag snd wait the or der was given by chief turret capt william j clark the guard obeyed and 60 shots were exchanged in a run ning fight lasting nn hour nnd a hulf the enemy was sighted at about 2000 ynrds as the german approached the vessel wltn stars nnd stripes fly ing and her men nt the guns fore and aft opened fire the submarine re sponded nt once with her deck guns and u sen duel of remnrkuble fierce ness on both sides wu started and kept up with no stop it woe taken on the run in nil the submarine fired 35 shotr und the armed guard 2ft here however is where the sustained gun nery of the american mnn of wars man outdistanced his foe lie had the inst shot it struck the submarine raising ber out of the water the sil ver shell held her position for a while and the tjbont not coming to the sur face it is believed she went down clark is nn enlisted man nnd has been in the navy 12 yenrs his home in at penbody mnsfl neennimendntlttus have been iniule for his promotion fortune was with aviator natural animal camouflage if you would study cutuouflnge by land go look ut the wild animals says a writer see how tbe tawny lion and striped tiger are painted to resemble the tull yellow bush grass of the jungle tbe giraffe is painted with a quaint diamond pattern exactly ilk tbe flickering light among the acacia tree on wblcb he feeds the leopard the jsguar and all spotted cats the spotted deer and the dappled hers are painted to imitate light under a shady tree the pig la patched pink and brown like tbq sunlight and the badow of tbe denser wood the ele phant la painted a hasy brown ilk the great trees of ths deepet forest bo all the wild beasts are colored for concealment in their natural landscape while many of tbsro change their clothes with tb aon wearing- white tor tb snowy winter brown for tbe torrid injajmag otherwise his first attempt to loop the loop in air would have been hi last it took many days of nerving mynelf up to the point and mnny steep dive before i decided to flip her over ilillllp dwlght ruder writes in sun- wit the sun was high above ma and j had attained an altitude of about 500 feet when i felt i was ready to take the plunge to this day i am fratefu to the maker of the machine bemuse be constructed it so good nnd strong if the plnne had hud a flow the man ner in which i took thut bret loon- would have landed me in the oeroe- fery when the impulse came overtso felt around to see if my belt was se cure it was bracing myself fer the ordeal i gave her full power and shoved her nose straight down straight for the earth i went the combined force of gravitation and or the wide engine giving the plane e fearful speed the stays shrieking in the wind nnd the control columns vi brating in my hand with the enormour pressure steadily firmly i pulled the controls back as ff by magic the earth van ished from sight und my foot pointed toward the sun it lasted only for a moment while my ears were still deafened by the rush of blood to the head the earth hove into sight again at a queor angle and my head seemed to be pushed back between my shoul ders in another second tbe earth re sumed its accustomed position i had looped the loopi but oh what a loop i later expe rience taught m to throttle a little on the dlvo and to dive much lea or with inst enough speed to put the plan on its back and than lot it fall out of the loop in that first loop of mine i must hav had a epeed of iso mile an hour and how the plane stuck to gether with that terrific pressor ha always boon a mystery to met r jg fcjj l yiiiimgmfe xm vjv