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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 21, 1918, p. 4

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i mrinii nirrrifitrnnrnrfvrnftnv the georgetown hera w picture of german vampire sjl v jrt jl- vr if jv wdnimi aiikhwi 21t l chem1n des dames i wiliuii iiioiik llir liulu wn colette was hj inv iili tln row of huiikim iliopiwil itll voh ilkin the evonlido like liiiik jewels in tin- ktiihh the koulin kiow worms crept and in ii iiiuihoii either liiuul the drown poppios alepl i trend the ladies way onre mo colette is willi me yet thi red cross liuriis above her brow lift- cheeks witli tours w wl amlwho jvnjiion johiw wiviik i it aw mjliuifrfs imkrj-bwl- f viiijiitwh u where- nihtf tjiitim tut voiiidef anil the itoufc jiut n ho ruined rood n day colet tit and 1 still see thebnineth of thealliuliort ttpijrljd in victory- vljlke rtutibqwfti twjr tfilllwjhur m v v ri iyaviiisiwfallhtlw letitteh nuiw v and lb 1 viy0s w thlmlsyti wajrariih- 7 m- f hoy rmbartt place tho il botticptii qf dtmhh ohb id ihd peosont y iqdtfrtrial iifof fhti dominion may bo hiul from the fact that there are about sh 5000 pinploecd in vthc 450cnqndiun plants now engaged in uhe product ion of munitions of thra number approximately 5000 11 ro women the imperial munition board haw placed no fewer than 042o con tracts with canadian arms up to the end of may inst this number includes orders for steel and wood en ships locomotives cars uoio- planoh enginhh anl boilers and raw materials as well as munitions and their allied products to spe ed up production and ensure the oontinuos supply of necessary raw materials an organization has been built up the staff at the ottawa headquarters numbering 802 of thjb number mom than 50 per cent are women during last year 1- 600000 tons word brindled inland to and from machining plants and 786000 tons wereshipped overseas by the transportation department of board reduction op household oon- sumption of sugar in canada to a ration of one and a half pounds per person ior month for personal use jh requested by the canada pood board in a buitetnont just is sued the upmost possible eon starvation is urged in addition to tho restrictions now in forco upon manufacturers who use sugar householders are also asked to use yellow sugar instead of the gran ulated product wherovor possible because in order to sot tho most oulcieut economic results from re fining of sugar it is nocossary that about 80 per oent of yejlow sugar should be produced by the refiners the food boards oppoal is made as a result of a conference of the international sugar commission and a full roview of the raw sugar situation tho balance of crop on hand and the allies requirements this survey showed the necessity for strict conservation of sugar on this continent until the now crop becomes available at the hegining of next year kaisers possession embraces many miles but io squara meals says this writer tin flermiin empire better kumvn as tin tjrintin rninplre embrace lios- stu siiunre nillr hut uot n mingle kqiiiir iniiil snvs tli flrklyn rscls it ttiur kliiifdouin six grand tluhih ands870vi1 ffmnd emiseteps- in outlln and inrlluatlon it is likely irrcetilar on tfce ht u luiuada len- id i the north it la hounded by the alll4d fl4t aud on tlu w4at- by 0o ml mai- tin principal waterway of germany are th seize and the kiel cilnul the high cn now under its control are coo- tin 11i to the opera house the kui cattnt la used for everlse by th bot otxl ili plftisant suidays iytlite tabardrvfluy iwatriitedlk voflwirlcw t w o1i jtlip kljtn taror itvuac 1ffeiunry- j lnt entirely n the level it has in the interior a lane tsrtile land entire 4y empty tliere are alao deep depre alimia in all iwrty of the nation uflrlln uif riiplial was estsllllnheil in aefmiirjeeoth cehtinry hh spree rlrv it hafl o- jnf wobvrea tjiii nuiumaw r jnttjn lamwijiinkeni it jue4 v- trt nrintfopler it hliprloelbal occjipimlou aoqki 4ecfor plov jlhe uh- there t inf tiling irartnerthij tkuit hlp folf ftjia r aiinnd wjwethlrllkf melfolhqil qai if own prince jtnw ipbtrfy ajfiparept the natlfltial mftttow spurlaa r- enkt x capital w w visit merlda chlsf 5ly of vueaun la by no msans lacking in attractions for tourist a capital which moat tourlataneter visit and of whose very existence many people are ignorant la merlda the chief city of yucatan yucatan l one of the richest mexican province nnii to go further into the intrlcnclcn of geoimiphy forma the rluht arm of the gulf of mexico merltln it show city officially began to exist in 1m2 when the spaniards laid the corner stone with much coremony and pro claimed grandly that the very inynl nnd noble city of merldn chartered liv bis most catholic majesty ridllp ii was npw on tlie mup suor then merldn has grown conild erably acquired a plaxa cnlhedrnl unjlverslty hotels nnd a goodly nuinliit of millionaires and considers itself n city of some importance one governor of yucatan with welldeveloped sense of civic and ns tlonal pride tried to senarnte tin unlike old times town meetings not just as they used to qe bs littht four mod 90 potmlfely it u an lmprovmnt but nmlnlaont cltlzn emed t lmk with a carta n tlnga f regret how did town meattnjjr go this year inquired capt dadlvy pattvr- ahnll jutt home from a voyaga ud cumin to headquarteih for laforiua- liou f what had hapjienml or luter- iritvylifi lit had nwigr waaajf caj beimtt ortp4l e wealthy cltlseps of the capital from some of their surplus change for im provement of the city the millionaire elemrnt could not aae how it would gain anything by installing the beauti fully paved boulcvarda described so cmphlcally by their promoter and re fused to contribute but the governor placed atax 00 the honequcn the chief source of mcrldaa wealth 11 nd with the proceeds which ran into million of dollars he laid pavements which tnae walking and driving in the city n jpvons iifrimr instead of the iiuplens ant necessity which it hud been an ioaless rafriaterator in homo without ice the iooloss l is an important factor in conserving food during the sum mer months food such as milk btter ofjher suppliosand leftovers that might spoil without some moans of refrigeration may bo kept cpol in the ipojpss refrigortitor this cooler can bo mndo at a small icost and is especially well adapted for use in the ordinary home whore no ice is stored or where it is hard to procure evaporation which takes place draws the boat from the inside and a temperature of iso degroos can be obtained make a wooden frame 10 to 40 in ohes high ho to 15 inches wide and 12 inches from buck to front use 0110inch square lumber have one or more movable shelves rest ing on the cross braces shelves and frame may bo painted white a shallow pan is placed iindor the frame and a deeper uan on top the lop pan must be kopt full of water all tho time cover tho en tire frame loosely with wot cotton cloth to lit lotting it overlap in tho front that it may conveniently be drawn apart to form a door allow throo or four inches of the top of the cloth to rest in the pan of wa ter on top the lower edge of the cloth to rest in the lower pan this simple device will lieop f resit meats vegetables and fruits milk butter but it must stand in a cur rent of air otherwise it will not do tho work the food inside is well protected fronj flios etc frame must be storillxod unco 11 week and the cloth daily thrplane ued tanks ho modern tnnk nnd its precursor liouever in crude says tiiagbrlstlim 8cence monitor one can rend nil nbout it in alexander tie qrenta ex ploits just to show their dislike of alexnnder in particular and of pnn hellenism in general the thraclnna in vented war mnrhlnea in the shnpe of loaded wagons and conveyed them to mount hnemus so aa to command the pass through which alexanders sol dier must inarch at the critical mo ment tbeblg lumbering wagons load ed with rock were launched straight on the helpjess raen below alex ander however met this onslaught by ordering his men to lie down nnd w th ed l a could r qyer a 1oad of molds jy this njanauyer we are toiq he otjyed his army fvoni feweyepago tood sonti our wames sweet who by tne doosnt deserve his niune at nil wus dlnjng at a fonda with one of our doeeyed daroaelannd was looking over the menu when be asked her whether he woqld have a little atuinip hi10 blushed deeply and answered in uti- dud t 9h ajr pujee you are so iudaen sweet of course denies this but you perhaps dont kuow him like we do slim jim 4411 co u 8 m 0 in the marines magiines wajnt qelnq it far ijun a london banker was dlaturbed dur ing an air raid because a british three- inch gun mounted on an automobile trnjpk took up a position directly in rropt of nla bouse b went out and usksd the officer in cnurse to mnye the gup farther down tho street as the racket was too much for bis nerves nd got this reply look here do you take this for a blooming burdy- gurdj r economical light weight touiio riot ji6iy tojacinfice rbofiness h coipfofvand ieauty in4f sye i6rjey joojs ififq xhe wide- ticepi seats othia model ninetylodk at jts ample egroom look at itsspacioiis tonheau note how inviting and beaytiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance co nbined with small car handiness and economy just the quaii lies you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 3 2 horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j spei representative georgetown willysoverland limited willy kulsht nd ovrrland motor car nnd llsht commercial waftmlf head office and works west toronto ontario rfcr3m ltiljlllaaawlllll m kajtniirypicilureby atgji- rgv iieiid avftla iku-lklu- rdloujorv peaceful jutk draw on your customers through the merchants bank with branches in all parts of canada and corres- pumleu abroad rthis bank is in a position to present drafts promptly have them accepted and collect payment with the least possible trouble and cost to you the manager will be glad to take vp this matter with you ti1 mrcmant5 bank head ofrice montreal of canada establihed 1864 lohlktown branch acton branch c w grandy manager l b shprby manager autui be tunes is changed wtilnlerf ully apectalty since be war broke out tdwn weeln nbwadays is get tin tp bs deourloua ns fk bllile elasav wittt lit jb ninau- xuy ju yeili y agtiar ireclliy airvicea to ucladtilvreluyheil- iijevaiai qo vfildeta brbkvji bt oft tove tlpnwlfcvfirnor don hurts to suspend v0iuudriiilwm of aytlcie 21 while ha euu on tp uoot an- imprujiibsavuie cltteu aa nu proper psrku in him vvr mulfo nru miiits- ajtagavel yal aet it done put- in chptalp iputlcnshnll with u cllucwc it used to tnkeaa abl 3imn to do the mod ratlnv tbey waa times iimtlnued llrln- dlc when a woman couldnt go by on tother side of the street from the town ball without atlcbln both angers in bar ears but this year there was a row of in unin tb gallery nu all lis- tenia an lookln on an knlttin weve got a woman oa the school board think o that tb battle of umpteddiddy wnnt botbin to some of th vlleut collisions between the boshkelovls fiiuu the up per end o th valley an the cltiimuera from down on th cape but they aint nothln like that now th hutclilt is burled in a carefully marked spot an what do yon think cupn they opened up tb meetln with prayer an slick prayer it waa at that hitler bate8 o the baptia church he pinyci fer plrut pullurd th njodrntor tiuit he might preside over th tlelihrntions with wlndotn an jedgmcnc it tilut on record tiiul el pollard was ever prayec fur before not that way th elder prnycil for must everytiody un everything nn then for aihn nr what irs the great war- sweetmeat tfte- benefit the pleasure tte economy pf a sc packme of jwrttcteys hfamiavk ie yofbe sweet tc-tloti- ot rifte allied anrte- be inijrtit have left out well wasnt it a better town raect- ing than the oldfushinned kind in quired cnpn putlersliull nasul 1 hpose it was in speoklu o rusults an good bigness prorvitdlnm but there seemed t be fiuinelhln inckin this war hus upset mnuy old nn tlmehnnureil instltoo- tlous somehow boston lole dates or fall fulrs ikoikjktown mtoitkh 2h toronto cnk aiik 21 in sept s ms-it- ik sin 17 is sit 10 21 kepi 2421 sit 25 kit 2027 oet 2 oct 2 oi 81 hll oet 010 hurling oil thiiiibsgiviitu o lit h i 1 1 oiiiiiumilf rinilliiii act on streetsvilli feruns alwrfojle cooksville rockvvooil milloii kiiu notice to creditors tuil fllko iiorirt itiit itftvr laivllttcitnyoi j siltitiljit rolk flic ullijevlil6r wilt j prostcd tlflsvibiuilie enlatil- ohe f xhe juest jsorouton uo4 ia ail sices portland cement when horae qt pipped wlhn tin firmy horwo is womidetl nhntit the fact or jaw it ik noi nent down to the veterinary llntfi but la kept to be teuovd by itn drlr then it in that n rood driver curt coiinw in for t men totid thtiii ropht earifully feeding them by hmid boll- inif 1 heir oiitm making them nturtheit anil hpendltlk tnoat of the day with their rlihrjroh until they etm feed id mtufiirt iiidiiu it a this pertiunal en re of ilio man for hu horae that has botn the muse of the oew order chut nil hnrwem hare to be returned frota hospital t their own nnlts actiin for a tiiiin rare is h no nieiinv frunnferred to the iiue elteut to u new team of tioruvh fioub feed pbo visions john ballantine georgetown phope 80 vljirklau iirilie cyuny ofxv jvwellf dfastd wi dcil t orahpait tvjl4iu ofn liri- riinimhj vf send bjoi pv jo iirifin jatus i- sfnklitjiv pfttioihxor the v 0 fh us vviuuiitr ivhiuniiinlit ii iirjimi lmita 5 e ivd bythriji ftr the askifn ttli wifd uktatc or any part1hreorto any pwtfoi f whowt claim hey halt not thwi luiw received iiotiec unuid at mjuakdale ihih 22nd day of ujyarx 19tjt i mcvtiiovan solicitor for ellxnbeth shortill and william j rowck kxeeutork of the last will and testament o mini william jurmh shortill decrawetl arthur rcaatell t s f collate of moslo london snarlan ohotrnumtar preabrterlan oburob osoraretowzs teacher of piano or gan cornet violin and singing tuition fee in any branch 6 per term of 2a1ehnois at my resi dence main sit georgetown or nt pupils home pia 8 tcmed m ptwhh aaiai j 1mj haraa german cfflclsnoy oermnn industrial efficiency is so nearly a fetich in the popular mind that it is a distinct shock to hear it challenged by competent authority to roy young dy laid a con tractor at a recent trade gathering we awardetl a contract to bridge on of the swift western streams to a arm of qarman nlbiir- oniju wt they did i buiuad if they didnt baud flu eatwater of the plan downftraam ms sm yon theherald only 15 in advance hawpqpwai phh4rn cry for fletckeaa wov vwv dont miss the opportunity of a life time attend chautauqua at george town this week s wheat we have on hand a quantity of home qrown winter wheat ioif seed and have the assurance of an ample sup ply of american grown white winter wheat which will make excellent seed for ontario this is the year for a large acreage of winter wheat and hppc- to have your ordere early l robert noble limited norval ontario castoria the kind you have always bought sad which has been in use for over thirty years has borne the signature of and has boon made under his per sona supervision since its infancy allow no one to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience against experiment what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute rpr pastor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverlshness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of bike revived again folk who iotnnumirid ti think that the livycli whs iiiimsiiiu nlnnu tin wuy tlnit th linrwe lift glvid up to tin au- help save western crop 20000 farm laborers wanted 12 to winnipeg frtnnriqtfrtratorauftw iihnnt working hours upehnuy if the only worn- tomolrile ux a pleasure vehicle htivc nn- in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought junk and metal dealer highestprices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetqwn d liipiind to be eighteen other ktiiis the war ims ulvvn milild sbj w npple- she is impulse to wheel manufacture- aciiiril- inn to a wheel miilexninn quoiid in the jf nrter yea she boston post and outalde of the thou- y nt hotter than you suudx belli- inude for our troops ucrosa prtment house the water many mora wheels are belug ftwltrlilionnl thats got niiide for tile american public a larr ii0 flrness of number than in former yeure jorl nine hours a day or ect the swltrhhoard on hoi- qroear had nothing to bay gn nllvo she wants to do it the grocer thought one day thyf ha father would like a steak for his dinner aa kfcf spirit likes to show her chunge from the baenn so he aent hie iih to do what shes got to little girl across to the butcher for one guiiced tlie ion with the air pound of steak jftfolt that he possessed keen on receiving the steak he thought feminine psychology he might satisfy his curiosity by weigh- npuve got a lot more sense ing it and in so dolnir liofound it to g hoys your age was the be four ounces llitht of woicht nfly retort if yo take a he brought it across to the butcher t purehearted country girl and snld what is the messing ot 8 sarter instead of some only giving me twelve ounces ot mesi fid overdressed society girl instead of one pound i ylflit the butcher calmly replied i loot tad taken n fancy to abby my onepound weight so i had to use ro reason ho did not like to your onopound puckot of tan facf tnkon for granted he xplnln to himself jnst why use of torpedoes in warfare ifta remarks that morning itetween 1878 and 1808 when thaijrrltntlnij 8unlahamiirlcnn war broke out tlfer invent on tatee developed a worn only twelve inutnnces jn which rtat in the management of the torpedo bud been used in actual ment house he loved to war dire the huasojnpnnese war la u time when hla law course ffttm ultorded many opportunities for tnke over the entire the use of this deadly weapon of desit of the place himself and striittlon nnil whiteheads inventiouiljy needing to net the largest ciiusetl creiit havoe the rnmblnatlon0come from it strive to run of the hiihumrlno boat uuu tio torpedoj had its first reul trlui in the present j wur pared post by motor one of the blggoxt stik yet token in tbe introduction of motor truiks as a cltytoclty carrier renult from the de cision of the iioniijiiic lepiirimint to estnbllsh niitnernih piiiftl pnut mtitor truck routes thexc huve already been surveyed and n mrfnnth between 8000 and 4000 miles in length with shorter routes one iluiln of ronton extends from portlunil me to new orleans and another iiiiimikii the mid- die western tnlex wlille utlll others ennneet prlneliuil nu tlie puillle coast it is hnpei hint tlio operation of these route miii u mliers to be es- tihllshed will mnli rinlly it lit in the dis tribution and in the loueiliiu of the cost of food iirudiiiim per mil beyond ml u ulnnlpoa plus luoo lunch btervieo at moderate prices jou and a skiouio kouto ay csk va apasl 22nd onto 10 pm aug 22 hew agent georgetown t 61 kin st id toronto ont hern railway auction sale of stock hoasebold furallare andolber articles tho uiulimkikdod has been intrttpt- orl 1 jamk8 arnott to hcii by public auction on bin iuomihoh mnplo avenu georw- town on friday august 28rl 1918 nt 280 pm the following horso 9 years old cow fat cash 1 year old jersey heifer buggy cutter har single bellsi-cul- tivator flow seed harrows collar and hames cross out saw stone boat scufflor cutting box neck yoke whiffle trees dinirifi fcablo vinegar barrel 6 dining chairs davenport wat- not 2 wash stands congolouin rub new hall bung ing lamp reading lamp kitchen lounne churn cream cans and strainer pail picture 2 toilet sots lonk laddea wood tjurms fat now and sums of r10 and under cash over that amount 2 months credit nn ap proved joint notes bbnj pbtoh auctioneer- 0 your newest shoes hometituea meet with nccidonts if you ii ml a rip bjonk or some klikhlfdefoot sotttl them nt oner to us for our expert shoe repairing wo know wo otiii satisfy you with our kood workmanship our prompt soivioo and our fair prices why not try our shoe repair work on that riimfortiihlo old pnir ib phone 147 oeoboatoww her kind of measles retiring n hoshiuu in the iiiimary room at one of the ineiil siihhiin recently one of the aoiolnm lirnlie nut the teacher son herhoiue hh a note to th effect tba ahu blleved the ohlld linil nisaales bnt porlinpi only qec- nif p niehjes wbim ilto mother read that unrt of th nolo th fww icraaaa edout t dont ilka unit old teacher i i havent gdt aorniu nieaiilos i mt merlca pobllo men lets l indlaaapwi good range ahould do for sas y e lvngs qf your range there is no flue sys tem just like that of the pandora range before you buy a range learn about the pandora method of heat distribution it is the secret of good badng and of every kind of good work a it is the lung system of the range j w kennedy mcjaryls tondon toronto montreal winnipeg vancouver st john nb hamilton calgary bdmonton batkatoon m harvbbt hands in demand to save western crop mr r l fairbairn qnnernl paa- setikor atfent cnnodion northern railway toronto staten that aa a rosult of a conference between their western representatives and representatives of the dominion and provincial governments at winnipok it has heen decided that at least 20000 harvesters will be- required over and aboyethe looat supply of help available to enrnor- tho western wheiit crop this year- anuppenl must be mndo to the- bast and this help should be timod to reach winnipe for dintribntion to noody points west from august 20th to september 10th it in un derstood that harvesters wafios this year will he from hso to 4 per day with board for about throe months work mmm nm otwtful hivt yur fiffflim or boiler put in order now dont wait any longer than necessary to have this- work done the cost of repair parts is stead ily advancing and the labor situation shows no sign of improving get our repair de partment on the tele phone today and give us your order no matter what style or make of heating ap paratus you have we can secure the required parts wc bmlejr iwflemvo yia fe mmtimtimv f jsjsle ilfeviihrvlfelfe i l m

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