pipty skooni ykak op 1linlication georgetovn wednesday evening october 16th 191- 150 per annum or 125 if pajd in advance the georgetown herald la pnhluhxl every wednesday evening t h herald powerpfintinq office goorgetown ont contract advertising rate8 furniahod on application twutvnth pit lint fur ural limurlioii ami live ivntx i i for ouch mubt- uent insertion will tie charged fur ull tiuiimlvnt lulveitlawmvnta twulw 1 turmrfticb ailnitjttt vtivt rwilc bcltjoltj ohnwcktiiriiljamfervtiiiiriiiirt iiiu lk ill tltu iitiloeny molid v- rvs- ji mkbv ipublistjer iwsri b48 pfri jmaiii- jnsv so ujir pusstngjsh htw im twmnflwisbir iwltc i 767 a1n mail 1006 iinl l biol p passenger 686 pm 767 pni mail uoinot north 767 a111 mail 6u0 uiu mail mail uoinu south 1006 ani 740 pni toronto suburban railwav daily timetable am p iii goin east b10 2154 ooiim wht 6o 810 hunday timetable am pm pm going east loiil lij20 u46 610 ooinn went 1040 610 pm 640 747 pm st georges church rev wm burt l th raotor unuuy eurvloe an follows latins 11 a m jjvenuoiig 7 p m sunday tiuhool 4i a m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays of each mouth at 11 a ni legal 8 hilton wallbridge a dale barnstork solicitors etc toronto and uoorjrwtown uillco icuiiiitxly block lm hoy dale in churice of ueorv- jowi ollctt medical dr joseph mc an drew physioian and 8uroon muuicul oillour of health dlntrlct surtceon o t h 0ttc hour 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p d phon 68 oluc and keuidtmca main street south oppoifite presbyterian church optical l l plant d o oph d eya spaoialiat georgetown olllce next to library phone 1 for uppolntment dental fran k r wat80n d d 8 m d s dentiet gaorgatown oni hours t a m to t p m except tbuihduy afternoon utmtlstry in nil ita branohee over bah telephone offfioe f l heath l ds d d 8 dentiat olllce in lane block one door nortli of uneilla carriage factory houra 0 a m to 0 p m 1p1j11 an autumn landscape brilliant iwuilot and criiiihoii htiiin ami puinlifn of yellow nolil warm blown htubhle uiui lipciuil kiiiin the wnyaidow scared anil old a dazzle of green w lie re the ultii- uiath breaths aiale outt told t or6i thhaflov i blubftdlb- wilieilipk nloi u 4 r v 8unt sjrialyalrjwv jjiflhtiindfltp wii r fliittide wlwjid4t5f airti dwiitiij ctrthyhave the buhowu pvtv hjnfe qna iii liii tbarpriiiiirc j if wni h avrtr4cf rvhrti ava7 bst abe would rtttirn she would coafldently expect to tlnd nonit- tbioff ber book if there wm not a rlctlm ibe would be diaappolnted how a fanners coatoft hoot caine to be ijliig oq the farther bank n plain eight li a myntery to be ex plained aome other time in dnyi roue bt a bear might have overtaken him at that apot and devoured everything bnt the boot for the twosoaled ur- tlet to leap the brook and aelze the boot and make it faet t0 and leap tmali itripmc the the work of ages vvtirjhtf miohl-ttmii- jmbuck butchee ajwx kp cboio fttoek of the beat proosrable in freeh sad salt kmta vhloa ha aalla at tfca lowest possible prices canada food board license no 9 2108 get the best mmm some fall fishing bytkuwlg copyrtabl por syndloate ya 1 lb f ft v krtf intt tut wko aa lerft the apot- an boin befflre me tfm rftubalac to aeewbat lack oreru 4tudy hf caae atealte- lltj ajulluv mr- all jod a aale to tee bit donj x wjab t w aa big- eva5bneb itdblierihat evi albjkuajfl i hewaltidvlltlajdwtoewb tie ftrl would do berf anvnetnrned bbe came ainrli she hioqchi abe aaw itiwtvahpeli hhw jbb betaetf it and flung thnah rtti tbe gruaajjefiind her 8bj hadjuat dlacovered what it waa and waa looklaik at it in wonder when the email bey leiri hja f to v- i eawjthe niy when he don it if old aome one put thla old boot op ib hook aha na some of the flrent monument of art oreat edlncea ilka great moun tains are the work of ages often i ho art underxotk a transformation whlli they are yel pending pending ineta interrupts they go on ugaln iiillly in accordance with the hange in the art the altered art altn up the fabric intrusu itaelf upou it aualmllnles it to itaelf de velops it after its own faahion and implies it if it can the thing la asotuplished- wltttout iuturbnce natter for very large volumes ftndbftntorue unlwerfcaj butpry ofiunianjat1ite u fboio -aubceulr- pugraftingaofaeveral apeclesof drt our real estate bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers probably we may have just what you have been looking for call us up and we will be pleased to show you our list e a benham phone 10 4 georgetown m 1 l auctioneehs benj petch licenhed auctioneer fdr uolton and peel ulunwilllama kojit olllce bales conuuetod gatlafactorily and at sonuble rateh orders left at the oeortfotowu herald ottloe will receive prompt attention jackson and lee civil engineers and surveyors temple bldg brantford maj a m jackson r m lee jusuhunlual unslueer etc olbdlb h ot wynno kobertu water works lnulneer w o tllluy lleiristered arahiteot milton prentiss iikjhx and maciiinkkv hrokhkm mo4or icuicirii- repair at the shore or in the country you often need high shoos even in the summer why not let us fix up the pair you have been woarjntf for rainy wea ther porhaps your street pumps or ovoning slippers ncod our wort in shoe repairing why not try our export work and prove its superiority phomfs 141 oeohoetowh iov bloti j a tracv olorlt towiihlilp of idaquohtng clarli 3rd divlxlon court the luudinu kire and life insuranoe oh ropiuaented lamuur of martlane licenses olllce mill utreet werft georgetown cmu houra wednesday and sat urday afternoons lee sing laundry the old unliable laundry iimicihum work cluuruiiteed at- the lowiost p1uc1c shirts 10c aoo bjook gaorgatown we edmund capps tenor tober in sinsink al mrs m coopers eidoiico mninhi boutliiieprkctowii on tuesdays ir it ran apply resmenre uron st k bmrnplon wione 506 po box 158 we can now supply your needs in 3utterapefl attheherajp ioronto purse eoo 209 class tror or pace purse 200 218 class trot or pace purse 200 230 class trot or pace purse 200 iiiiboh divided 110 20 10 10 per cent horses eligible 8opt lstf 6 per cent lo enter and 6 por cent ad ditional for money winners fivo to enter and four start in every event 1rntters allowed 4 heeoridhfn onflh event uhti right is rosurvod hy the driving club to eluinue the order of the program or to declare oft nny event not filling satinfnetorily or for any other cause mntrfes positively close oct 18th ashoointion rules to govern autos mid vehicles admission to c rounds 21 cents adwssiwi ste iadiesfree fihalvd stafd 25c the doctor in tbe city had told ulaa oertle aahford to stay lu the country as ions l abe could on account of tho state of ber throat and that a why abe waa jet at her grandmpth- xra when midseptember came it hadnt been a very lively hununer for the girl she had taken long wnllt sha had fuaaed with tbe old- ufbloned flowera abe bad sought in vu in to win hie confidence of the chipmunks and robblta which came about and abe had hunted for quails neat in tbe wheat flolde there waa one port however abe had set par ticipated la there waa a creek aae- underlng ita war over tbe country and doming he highway a few reds be low bouse tnd in that creet were bib at leant aa long as ber flnger she knew it became she bad even than and because neighbors boy twelve years old had told ber why of coorae there are flea- slathers aad alithers of earn and thay are achln to tea eotchad jeet a a est achea for eraauii havent banled eat moren a kaadred thla annuaar bat i waa tascbt nnday aehool that it was wicked ta catch flak waa protected bumpbl mould we hare codfish cakes if folks didnt to aflahlnr tbe boy fluid rip a una and pole fer ber god mlis oertle went nablng be ateod an the bank with her for a while to advlm now lower jour hook p now stop wobbling the pole now dont jou dare breather now ahst you eyes ndsay your prayers for ttures a flab aa long aa a rail coronfor yonr bookl when bllf an boor bad passed and the saber hadnt had a nibble yet the boy wandered iway in disgust at the end of that second halfbonr iflee oertle aald to herself i know why i dont have any lack its beceuie tbe fleh can see bm tv play a trick on them thereupon aha stuck the end of the pole into tbe baalf and left the hook tp do ita own flihlng while aha retired to the boose for a rest ferrere rofke the author andartlat waa planning a new atory the opening cbaptere wonld ball of a meadow a brook a bridge md a pretty girl and tbe girl would b fishing in that brook the author wau great an local color and he had coin out into tbe codatry to and the goat that a wald haye to imagine he ws qolte sore that he coiifcfflhd ai hot the girt with a fislipole in ban hands and there was one chance la a thousand that lie wonld and ber he bad discovered two or three brooks bridges and meadows whan wa search brought him tp the wlilowa opposite to where oer tle stood a rash youni nuu wosld nave sulked bat of the bushes win s hello and s wave of tb bait and waded tbe brook and asleep now many nab had been caught and bow many had got away mr tort was not raah be did not betray tu presence among tbe wlllswa net tint ha was a any by nature bnt out baaing found hie heroine be moat study her e bit the hereloe of a atory most have auburn hair wbjcb tbe anniblne turns i to gold she must haw a neck like a swan though not aa long sbe must have a grecian nose not tbe sort jou peg around tbe greek restaurant of iferw york but one made to order in athene and aent on packed in pink cotton ber eyes moat be like stars tbe stars worn by constables are ex cluded from the contest her form mutt be divine which means it most not be molded on tbe lues of nek of flour she must have twinkling feet she ehoolij alnt a she flahed did the girl across tbe creek from tbe artist fill nva bill tea and more sbe was s arlph a hourt an angel with her for a heroine that story would fto like buckwheat eakea on a winters morning bran when ana be came discouraged about tbe flsh and turned aeru with a ahrpg of her shoulders k wai delighted with tbe sbrog an artist and an author has two eplds af we al snow one la a dream soul and can bear the wblqfsnof the other gives him proper appetite for s bole4dno6 when mr torlte had looked upon 3rt wth ppa oul b laid it salde to lookjrltuibsvuuier the girl wftt h did m1h and bea right over there in the wlleral oertle walked down to the bridge and ovter it and up tbe bank to the clump of willows where tbe two- aouled artist crouched he saw her coming bnt there waa no escape for him he straightened up and raised bis hat the lrl looked him up and down with contempt and he felt obliged to say 1 did it as a jokel are you what is railed a comic supplement to 1 sunday paper was im sorry i did if ob doat apologize there are men of all sorts of caliber you know 1 architecture of cbrtatlah europe that younger sister of the great mfcv sonrtea of lhejestwft preiiehti to p an trameriiefcijroatlon dlrldeb- into three euperlrmumbent zbnerf clearly defined the roman xonei the goth id- zone and the zone of the revival which we would- will- ingly entitle tbe orecdrroman thee roman stratum- the moat ancient and the deepest la decupled by the ci a vt- bnt gertie had turned ber back on bun and waa walking away when she rejoined tbe boy tbe latter said say that guy is stopping over at fanner tnrneri do you want me to go over there and lick him you made his kuees wobble but i can make bis hair stand up 1 gueua be sot enough waa the reply and yet the girl did not con gratulate berveif upon her victory had it been such a treat crime after allf wouldnt almost anyone else have taken it as a joke couldnt sbe have taken it as a joke but for tbe small boy the guy was goodlooking and a gentleman a geutletnan sometlmeh jokes aa well aa other sorts of men he bad cqld he was sorry and would have gone further if she bud consent ed to listen he had blushed and been confused sad had gone away as if looking for a bole to hide in hiss gertie bad a temper quick to flash and inick to cool off again and by the next morning she bad made reasonable excuses for the joker so it waa with the small boy his father bad aald it was a good joke and his mother had smiled at it and the lad bad come to feel it a duty to go over to tamers and tell the guy that he waa sorry ha bad given him away he was on his way to turners across the fields when he caught algbt of gertie on the highway sbe was in the old baggy and behind the old boras which her grandmother had owned for nearly twenty years sbe waa headed for tbe village and tbe postofflce a quarter of a rhlle beyond the girl was the guy he waa running down the hill and waring bla bat at her now then la that feller crsxyt asked the small boy of himself aa he mounted a stump to aee the better from the brow of the hill the artist bad s4n a pair of horaee and a wagon coming on the dead ran he bad in stantly realised that the driver of the lighter vehicle would not take the alarm until too late he was within ave reds of her when he recognised oertle and aa he reached the head of the old horaehe grasped the bridle and fairly dragged the outfit into tbe ditcb aa it was a wheel waa taken off the old boggy and tbe girl thrown out sbe waa somewhat bruised and terribly scared and of course mr yorke bad to aaalat her to the bouse while the small boy remained op the spot to pick np the pieces and assure old dobbin that he bad had tbe escape of his life that evening the same small boy called on oertle to see if sbe bad any toca broken and to add did you give the guy any more fits why no waa replied do you think blm nicer i i think so is be a hero he must be then youll marry him of coorae and til be left hlgb and dry i thafa what a boy gets for showing a girl how to go aneblug and catch an old hoot i which reappears- tuirtf from the grecian column in the modocn and upper stratum of the revival the pointed arch ib found between the two the edifices which belong to one or other of these three strata exclusively are perfectly dis tinct uniform and complete such is the abbey of jumlege such is tbe cathedral of rlieims such is tbe olinrch of snlntecrolx at orleans rftit 1hn three zones mingle and com bine nt their borders like the colore of the prism and hence the complex fabrics the edifices of gradation and t monition one la roman at its feet gothic in the middle and greco- roman jn the head this la when it has taken six hundred years to build it thlb variety is rare the donjon tower of etampes is a specimen of it but the fabrics or two formations are more frequont such la the notre tjame of paris an edifice of the pointed arch which in its ear liest pillars dips into that roman zone in which the portal of st denis and the nave of st goruialn des pros are entirely immersed such la the charming semigothic chapter house of bochervllle which the ro man layer mounts halfway up such is the cathedral of rouen which would have been entirely gothic had not the extremity of ita central spire pierced into the zone or the revival victor hugo gathering war news the war has restored some ofthe oldtime romance to the business of newsgathering from places that canadians might regard aa tbe far ends of the world when the cana dian settles down into his easy chair at night and lets his eye run casual ly down the column of his favorite paper over the datelines of the far corners of the world he does not al ways realize what an effort it often cost to lay before him the news of these far places take aome of tbe associated press despatches from jassy the capital of roumanla for example things were going pretty bad for little roumanla last march the bolsbevikl had turn ed things topsyturvy in russia and king ferdinands country waa left alone on the eastern front to face the hordes of germany and austria roumanla was quarrelling- with the bolsbevikl over the disposition of russian troops which had been on the roumanian front there were serious possibilities for roumanla in tho situation there was an associated press cor respondent in jassy but the only way of getting news out waa by the way of odessa wbere the bolahevlkl held sway communication with odessa by wire waa impossible and no trains were running as bridges woro destroyed tbe roumanian government was sending col joseph boyle formerly of tbe canadian army from jassy to odessa in an airplane with a peace treaty and when col boyle flew 200 miles over the mountains he carried not only thb treaty but despatches from the associated press correspon dent for forwarding to america that is how some of the news started on its way from jassy through russia finland and sweden to london and finally to america revolutionizing salmon industry conhtrnctloo of power plants that will cost 6000000 and that will revo lutionize the salmon packing industry in the whole columbia river basin iro forecasted hj application of mc- riownn wash packers for power de velopment sites on the deschutes riv er in oregon applications for 8000 coble feet of water rights in all have been tied nnd plans have bean prepared for two gigantic dsras one 118 feet high 800 feet long st the bottom and 800 feet long st tbe top and the other 288 feet high 80 feet long at the bottom and 120 feet at the top power generated by tbe water im pounded beuqd these dams will be used ts ran euon cannerlea and tin- plate plants la which tbe cans will be mads hypodermic needles the war has upset many old standards and set up many new ones one of the curious results of this up heaval is that gold has been reduced in some cases to the role of a cheap substitute for other metals says the popular science monthly hypoder mic needles for instance were for- morly made of platinum or platlnum- irldlttm two metals now practically unobtainable the increased war de mand for these needles led to many experiments with other metals and alloys in the hope of finding a good substitute a manufacturing con cern making a specialty of temper ing precious metals has recently per fected a hypodermic needle of spe cialty of tempering precious metals has recently temperod 14caral gold which offers many advantages the molal- boa aliuoat tbe hardness and rigidity of steel is not attacked by steum boiling water or chemical so lutions used for sterilizing and the needles are much cheaper than tboae of platinum or platinumlrldlum ems philosophy w dont know what were fighting for complained i rrusainp private whats tbe difference rejoined another w wouldnt wgraxrw airplane needa strong weed a modern airplane propeller la ess of the strongest anil most perfect products of mans handicraft i some airplane engines run at 1708 revolutions a minute and can be geared up to 2000 an engine of thla bower would use a nlnefeotslxlacb propel ler and the apeed of tbe made and would be in the neighborhood of 808 miles an hour revolving at this terrific rata ths slightest imperfection la the weed front which tbe propellers are made would tend to disrupt them and caws them to fly to pieces for this reason only tba best aai hardest wood from the heart of the tree is used for propeller haass it takes 2000 feet of timber la ths rough to furnish 200 feat of wood geed enough for propellers black walnnt is the vary bast mad of wool for prsneuer blades for be sides being mpcnsely tough it dees sot spatr when hit by a projectile west rejoined nert ln flm eter named casts aaahef ever get it a w otic ash maple birch sal 1 1 x