9er lipty second year ok puhmcation gedrgeto wiiitortay i evening ootolier s3 3rd 1918 l t i r i 1 1 i i l wa 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald lpuhluluu every wedne8day evening at the herald power printino office georgetown ont contract advertising rate8 furnished on application ten cunts per urn lur uratlnsorliull and live cent per line for ouch subse- iuenl inruon wu bo ouaried tprj i gmiyv 9jhayh i pasaengey 1 1 oa nhi vpassengor si lm v a8ii jpasuenger b80 im t going wkbt moil 100b aiii passenger rflgswager fwnlpt yilnik tifitpiui sw ophioijobtht l hair 757 irr mail 680 pui going south mail vr 1005 im mail 740 ptn ifsi ibrirrmttntnal iinluiiinql d r jiarwkfia3pi uji apjpetif iiafibfttlott scaled t1mrdkiilrlit i r yf f liwfwiisw rvieai8iiwwi jttiw ismriltm- f ywwpawb ftigotii tmitybr 4v 0kmmifehtifihiijfc eoms teifflll- th lomo or an optimist stlsfyiug and eaay oiil it mir once pohru you ah you wnlk ahe luilli of i i l than noiiniitt what iusiih vim initios wmlcf f toil noil strife lllfmuoululk jlwl i1h lllld if mu nut uuwoll tluuni yim ami though yuu mtittr itinilfiliii nufmindwiceea ao to prepare aa untnarded moment it waa miss tucker richer to dollars than la sense who fired the drat shot we all forgot to suggest our new neighbor for membership a committee oaght to ba appointed to can on her mrs chandler did not like the artbterahe bad not liked her in ftct evr stnee that lady bad looked american is not songster saems that jtaai mualcal insilnct-has- yat to be awakened in the unltsd state tbe last quarter of a century the general feeling has spread abroad that i america waa quite a musliml nut i on i und it la trne that in tbe large cities or the eastern eeaboard and qolto for into the middle west more la a good m nm tvtvmtii h roinjii i ihvyiiiibl iioy jviuto yofwo voiiivonltl imiiumn tlivt trio worts fliqtloh witlt tlic amiloi and tbe grievor grieves aloii awtuahv latracnai i partlcbxrii ttebifamalsa- u -v- wttafc mute cjadmtlavltua- category o tinatiaihed remajaa jplbjnabatatoii nt dptlfcg motbr raoa intlog ha cuckbot four tfclock warning sent the maple square jtdlv club scttrrxtnho oujalft reflective homes where aoapa and atena boud and atevfed to- a rapid jdanibte mr fkui th food erfjolc tfcelr ow spwta md ijnagjnatloiis that ttty atog atji pax to eyttfs actitltrot dally life jusji afiljhd pitorally iithbjr laiigh aiwk- hfl wen thupf a the great enropeha ntlphsthpvitrtjjjingviipchl- icotchi rtlb stoas kuw and oth- eru and the result in titv4feai ir ut lolk sens and folk dance which la the priceless htrltnge of all these na- tkmiy- kff rstfr m i f- rtift rtr jvm why thagiertcqvnav hot yet become a singing animal as aristotle said everyone waa a social ateraa i la a difficult matter to explain although ctoubtlesk sufllclnbt tlmewere taken rettfjbl cafe mlffttje suggested but at any rate it is a fact surely onedf the most direct products of this war wh lie th brlnjrtng jbpme to tbe whole boiljpufjtjlccf the value of nualc for liy meonof uie stress of war which is ortnglrig uiewhdle coun try together a love of miibic may be carried bto tie roost rsmbto ports of lie country tiood regimental bond bave always furnished one of the most sympathetic bonds between the body politic nnd tbe government of any given country and we earnestly liojje that mwe nnd mrtre ttotti during the war and after it we shall have in america a num ber of such bands whfch will cotiklder it chair pleasure and duty to may at all public and patriotic meetings espe cially on national holidays tlius im pressing upon all cltrfcerisi the stimu lating effect of martini music in a number of the camp in the middle west and iotas we were told by officers and song leaders that there were drafted meo who had come in- from remote towna- and settlements who had never seen any musical in struments such an n pianoforte nnd violin and who had no idea thnt men conld make pleastni sminds with their vocal organs in connection with the utterfng of worln toroatai babarbma railway daily timetable am pm going eo8t7bw xu going west bs5 810 sunday timetablk arri pm pira going bast 1021 1220 going west 1040 pm baii 747 pm b46 b10 610 st aeprgeschurcrl rev wm burti ij f hpoor sunday service aa fouowu mutlna 11 a m kveiiaongr 7 p m sulitfay bchool 946 a nxaa base- mnt holy communion 1st and 3rd hundays of each month at 11 a m why bobby if fi tvf qlfl v 0 1 i joyjlonbcrr af ftiaiif no argument with calise the flavour lasts anywavl aliii after every wfefcl r i i a jrrr uasabsaktiait tkz fl legal 8hilton wallbrioqe dale i8 sowjl jss- jioiasui and osorgatown i jiuqicei kennedy ulqek lo ifc dale inyslaygaor qeorti- own ullloe medical dr joseph moandrew phvsioian and surgeon aevdleaf tytifarhilh district ftirgcinqrt is oxllco hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 ullice and residence main street mouth oppuaitei ohurob jmbuck ttliiraya keepa aholoe stock of the best proonrable in fresh smd salt aateaxspwhiob be sella at the ibleprices sw c canada food board licenoit no a ool iduaiy d tpjii ob eye speciallat georgetown o noj to awiwmyy phona 1 ov appointment r n giapi gtet the best a llrrj- i trrrrr wntmrrt r vs x isifll6eni denial twafr8qn d i hours 1 n u 5 p iimrmiiuy hftwrnooj dontiutiy 1ji all ita branohea over bail telephone office f r- fl- heath l0a pip r ji j- dentlat l j ul offlee in l4ine ulook one door north of onelira carriage factory hours 0 a m to 0 p m 7 ysf w liv- w n chiropractic no medicine bursery orbsteopatir bobt m ooo bc vkq craduatef the palmoffsffeynidj school of chlronnctk pavunport uiwn ua y i oaice over hourijiiiiu drug store consultation and spinal analyala free tueadays- thursdays uncu6uwuy and 74o 8 pm r r- pbonelsoa ft alfctionl benjpefrch licensed a ln tor h afid pool qioiiwnilams 1ot omos concluctod anu aonublo rates orders left at the georgetown heruld will epolve prompt attentjom jackson amb ueb civil engineer and surveyors temple bldg brentford maj a m juoicboit t mrlea meohanlcal engineer eto olsdls r o wyurtfr hoherta water works mnblneer ikj sw o tllley keelaterod anhltebt milton prentijss ij nlllneilrivl anll mnfbr iov uldli maiminbrv uhiikuiis klivirliltonalliti j klurtlsto i if if it j a tracy ulork townwhlp gf kiniehiu orerlt 8rd division couit ilio lending klvennil life tilsulanoo iiim represented ofsmarruigo uoapseav- alifmllifoooewaist g jk iur wdsohifty noopsfi i kivhtcluiis work guftrnnteed at the txmraenrvmom mimiiih mty 4m vitbout gt iii uuitly read vithout btinined or tired eyes ifib taifiiig or jofvoti vo and sliould liaye attention you oant tliesighl covtli tlie loft eye nnd seeif the lines in all seotionilof fthove circle appear equahy dark arid rlistinot if hot yoii imvo astigmatism a visual defect which should bo correct- u tma cry- the- left eye in the saine manner hna yjmr cyoa etwnfedrrbr dr phantqpmmetrist itfme ino ggoitzmy1si mextito riilaaiy i in wr ju tv- laddie r soldier teds we have theml tyall style vi v mm wilson malrvstreet njext mcgfetis firyhnlb -j- l tsai gsg i 33ll3ii f ceoiipf book 47 y 5 4 ec my 11 i i ii 1 1 l lmsl wi wy edmund gapps less coal mostp geo 0mm3 vt orttce montreal oktintown shani ton branch t book i o oomploto a w eo mak it there is a place in it for everything yow plant raise jffiyt spu juvcjd f with a sujnmary oftme jhimi i puts yoapfsrm pn rusitnsar basis s free to ftrfhersi call or write virrc frrrr f0 cmant5bank canada established 1864 c w grandy mentfor fc 8hojbyj4ai it for ja a yoz ii i ffttjwtm trio i siiueagevpfivtlp 500 lha slioiililorlotimtboof nor lb thiokwili ttrfrt llbecppi ip ai bib roaatbeaiuoimtiv boll beofvtjelhi florrtbs ludkled nptl fey 1 it uoo lbs smoked rolls per 11 hibiaiibhomihvl3al kiqi ljffv bnlimut java j lor uubriouslouiipg j i3 wjifrtydioi- -ot-vtlo- f iim fihiiikiiii mil 2fic 22c 28c t 2hf hoc 24c v 7c v s the newcomer byuncoln rothblom imnnni larllt um by th ifacmre mxpi per syadkite bebiauiiavaty blind on maple inflire palled in the face of the whiuuriifier- noon sua lingered eager f una m- log- td see au taf was to be sitttius te brawny teapistrs linloiiileil tiie newtoiyirstiusehort brionglhir mortng la miple sqiinro it imim l lmejerstoodj waa an even i wimii jle ereepttflo of the santleys who bud tattlss mysteslbusly andrprelpltalely they bud come and tit tulk iiimtit vhlcb had not yet suhsldril iluuthlt waa two years pasty goings apa com- inga wfre rarluea in fuel tje ab sence of for rent slgiik had iwroina a eioiirte of great pride to till hie tlouxvholdenl on tiie aiiuurb unit it is little id b wondered thai the ullro girl whoitoodso reavjlutely on tliehnttnm step of the if ortner huntley home should cause such agltiited intenvt ijrs oratory wrapper wo teacj repettlng that some married couple with two or three fhlldrnn and intely te raualn nrmliienjrty were not nsdntf tqa premises a ths ie lalmrlously un- loadtal etch watcher eaine ii tie con- clualoa the newcomer vvas a piano teacher com to turn mapla mtuhra into- workahopj theglrliimon- aclou of the iioatllo lejotimenl arnuied as- if by aflnge connecting chpvu entere4 tbefyhouse and qauld lie seen hrougji tbe large bay window making s6ms effort tb crcute orftey out of lbs chaotic fumnl- of chads bnxes and barrels aoorocer mucahns two boyjs mounted tliej steps ar buum kousmwlvsa decided tjielr urcrs npebl wwnhui pd 9rr jabn ifttoimlpgliis trade did a hk only slowlnjf up when he muda change jruatrs g on welknmgt out a niggardly pounili of jlry lilacs she waluswri here around lvtnthlaiimirnuirtihems a if she luuatre got in on lllo ithoufty and klverme a igondslwd oidacalla to have it delivered i wsfpr ruorklpg fbt tlo9d but ahpjup sod pjajs i i jrt jd callabu8nes lliih i wttp up simie of tbem pruwieor airs oregoryvi b orokei ff ashe etfugtrttbst tmrortd- atnfkdy wthe sampling one i jaet onenedlhebot mrj 3rbgdfyi nodded lufthllllogly aaditr jronj wp upyshelplug oar wmtwejwflnrabe naked the grocer waed mw to fhe cqup- plted lilsatocu of coyer ha wsii lie kbire le- acciiracyi du flfteebeetitswotqishe asked liife it i knew a couple of fellows wuodjmp ken atti pr the i beds and get aejn ctfdrajihteqftd fl bmvntta wotflrwfttmnpnllil bonajwltb achoq atartln so ijent ittpfwit toevbmgntamiirtwbii- umw a abflew many of minrled folkbo mrsj oratory trledto ineklliaughtlly offeisdedj oupplng tb hilgsof ilnuis priinesanachea in itlie crodk of her mff jriband gatlierlpgun wi to- gejier wltb her right aba sivupi out of mcoann cash grocery secretly vowlpg naver to set font in tlero uecueris home had dadded to walk past head up blie would linve walked past ose up out an unkind protl- dence hudeuloweuner willi a pleblun nose pererstently downcaak out of tile corner tie her eye eecouldeiee the unnlelcomed neighbor rocking op the porch 8be huashggravailuglj pretty nwhktdtnitys aha rockpdand cro- clifte toduatrthiuoy whuuhpg a h wirb mrs iphapdler afterwards jvas sure wnlch njude hee step on the orange pelnkand the run qf notes waa still tn hef ears w her pride and person mil if airbappebed so quickly she never tcould determine how she fqund basabuv nlgbnjdwned and doctored la the hobiei of this person it was dr yuttlpfc himself who was muxwurns aomefhng abaut abholumjyppt to be movef inc9herent tlioughts sharply interrupted by pgly palpa in the leg furrowed her brow now df nt let ft worry yiu end very gentle il j wh itn- 4bh imillli l i wovprnltiflililiiiila jililo ian a quantity- pcitato8 6n haivfl 1iiiiuiu tvm n on ikc ibo ku wlfcenmi niilioh l tl h i lie ik liisn irlain strmtv gebivv erks tiii l 5isebrbjbrt i5jc- a soft voice was aaylng doctor aaya ita a serloua fractur and yon must not be moved i hat youre aver so weledme the bright smile and clear blue eyes cononaed tbe words in the many weeks that followed mra chandler canie to love her pretty and competent nurse she had no daughter of her own and experienced for the firat tlmenoval appreciation of little set of tenderness and consider ation perhaps youve been wondering aha abruptly began one afternoon why none but my lidsband has coins to visit die here you see tbe oiks rooadi bare dont take kludly to new people and wsjxwere all so disappoint ed la tbasantley a who last rented tha house vr felt we bad to be care ful abqt 0 next tenant but fb added vehcmontlyj wlen i gat on my feet again ro going to tell the staple square ladles club that yoqre better than all of tbem pflt together why youre the first girl rv over met theft id want wailt to many the girl blushed and bar eye glis tened ton know mrs chandler contln- qed proudly walts my bqyrrapi im hoping yoall blush lke that when he waa you re coming home soon autumn bad com to maple square and found mrs cbsodler well on the read to cttmplete feeovery propped up in a cosy armchair before tbe buge bay window she watched in excited anticipation the children ahooing itbrougti tbe fallen leaves swept inbi tbe gutter she was thinking of her ft that day and of the debt she owed this whp bad taktaa her into hr home and heart tmay ane bad learned goodntss wag aura than living alrsmntit waa lovlnt gentleness and nrou kindness 1 xook- she cried out striving to rise from her armchair there comes walt can to him before he passes by quick i and mrecbandlar was due to aa ether shock as ah aaw br stalfvart son pnfpld th newcomer in arms just as if he had dpne it many ttmoa before economical husband the conversation in the lobby of a washington hotel turned to a subject of wartime economy when a lit ting anecdote waa related by congressman porter h dale of vermont recently th browne moved into a new house and not liking tbe- wall paper in the dining room mrs brown decided to bare it repapered at her own expense the work was dona while brown wag at the office 1 want yon to look at the dining room immy said little wlfey when the old mail returned it the dinner hour and waa proudly led nto that apartment how do you like it t ii ilk tbe paper all right replied brown just a little emotionally but why in the world did yon use pasta in putting it on pastel waa the wondering rejoin- er of tie good woman bow else could r hive put it ont tou should have put it dn with tacks declared the economical hus band ton dont suppose we are go ing to live in this house forever do srire rootbir 1 cej again didnt ne was mlaudnt we know how yon distrusted all gtrlst 8o we mt apoa the plan of little bweethear coming herisi orst for rknew shed make yea lbv ber imrs chandler smiled through bar tears shes done more than that walt vowidf nsvsr io set rooi in iiieru d njlri only bh his special tuenlla c lsjv ileiwb itnirtst be adinllleil iir sold without any qualms or cdii science nlasteenceut can of pcnqlibil marlced islowu i to twentynine tbe sveekly meeting of tliitaliipjo heuare ladles flub had tin umini illy large attendance compilllng mrs orugory at whose home the club enli vened hull week hastily lo dlitub bereiunll daugliler via the buck door mpst bring body to fart tbe first litigation over burial at en has been decided according te case and comment tbe decision holds that a steamship company which embalms the body of a passing er fwho idea on a voyage toward hlu boms country is bound to transport tliej body o port and deliver frtsthij tle to its povsembn for bmafanucs l- amgg in case it buries the ica th court said at the tlm of the burial at sea tha body could foav been carried to port wlthqht injinrjooa effect bad tha hflwmp bee pmn ttopjgb tb harbor of new york and approaching lmiiniiwimvfe luaiallnllon into ofllie tinice electa hog lruimrtit lh afnln kf elucted flusimtsjc jlenvassoclutlon he nnrternooil pur r but lodiy naitljef gtivel nor green tha ktuhefi wulhtliu china hnstlly gar- clr9alwunil to tlihtvlbute hr gtoclff uddlyof crobui-beo-aijnl- fiiiii win ita dock it cqpld scarcely be said taat the defehdwt wotild blustlfled in basllbig the body into tbe water from whence it could not be reclaimed thereby depriving the next kin of the folaee lof giving the body a decent burial history af belgium maern belgium jkhis only front 18ir bnttbeligtory of the equhtry linlesfrom the time of tiiiiiih flueaflf eoudtry inhabited h the belgike bel- t llltl f p randa t qerurn pari munition brass to cost less perfection of a new type of electric melting furnace that wilt reduce ma terially the cost of making brans for munitions devised bhwillett a government chemist was announced by the bureau of mines- patents have bejn silgncd tosecrptnrj of the inte rior lane ns truatee cornell university and brass manu facturers wore among tloae who as sisted during five years of develop ment of the device it h intended tb supplant open crucibles id wulih zinc and opppor are melted by full ueat under present rqanufactnrlng methods knesrn a alblland belgirim is also he nortbtrn part of what w called landers and two prorfneos of belgium uul vbr the name bait nsjfweft jandsrs the louttern pitrfof btd f rrsceau ffcssf lodarn bsujjtiim 1 a part of it smbfijil oild buqay not so bad one man at leaslthlnki automobll la fjotsub a very great im provement speaking of oldniahldned things a nowspaper writer wants io know what lias bnoomuf the gallant youth who lien in had stlopped the horse would let liiiun the tup of the buggy in order to permit his rwcethcirt tq alight without ufflciity well wo do not know what has be- cojjic of jilni but wo retnjomber him peifiiip ho is slumbering somewhere in oblivion whatever that is with the gnitdy lap robe wound about him thntlnp robe with tbe bis red rasa crudely worked in the center it waa a thing of art even as waa the linen dtstpr and tha gallant youth prob- uhly bungs op to it in his obscurity rut speaking of bgg riding tha autoinoblle is no improvement over it in the matter of real enjoy mept not until hie autiimbbll6 is perfected so it can be rlrlvoh with one hand or un til it will wnnder along the road with out driving at all will ii come in the clnes of bliss which the buggy occu pied in tbe days gone by the gtrlmtr aa tweet as they need to beand the roads tpuch batter the mbbhlkht is just as niellow love flows in the same uncharged channel youth la as bopeftl and as boastful mothirs sra as anaions fatners as ini- patlsnt whan dadghttr falls t return -wiinabe- is ns busyt but the wilt old horse that in the buggy- and the- wrrow buggy itselfjin- all but tlken theljj depart- th lbs ihllant fauow who riir ana gracefully id tbe top of the idplon could alight touching a wheel ibiis 0 olspateh iiiiiji -ii- a 1 i jjjwk w vj5 4 il w tf tewwuc j ssas feill