the georgetown herald fiftythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening december 17th 1919 si so per annum or 125 if paid in advancn the georgetown herald evcrv wednesday evening j at tha herald power printing office i georgetown ont contract advertising iiate8 j pn anpllcamerj ten espw oerlitieioilitiiabrif lnd ore crtj per lips tor each -sltuae- qoent insertion vl he charged- for all transient adysrtlsbrnhnls twelve- luic io en inoeu advrtleitinl without apetilic ui reotioqaalll bo inserted until fqrblnl and cuuracajtcjorunsur aijyiruawinence wlllbo oliaiicu uiki schraonitv syrrhqut xtrt lotuuge cwwigui itot- contract tiavectlbeitientil must he tn trs olnqo by momluif ili- ni v i t 1 s8lkhbscbiticn rats 8 one yeau- tlgo ur 125 if iuid liy 1 iulvatio 4lxrtoiitlsi 8scejita buv and- the miaiel4 labelshow ihe lstj vtillr wttitcripttom expires j m mooeu3 pubiulro j gtrtim tabl going east mail 1030 passenger 1120 mail 710 passenger sunday 711 going west klail 707 passenger 5- 15 mail 767 passenger sunday 1010 qoing noi1th mail 77 mail 610 a in a in pm pm it in pii- viti nin u in p in hail going south 11 aa am toronto sububau rallwuv oaitiy timktabiii am pm ooiug haul b10 2sj4 loiug west n65 810 hhndav timlitahlk doing liilht am pm pm pm 1021 12220 846 010 am piii going west 1040 610 pm 040 7ii pm 017 pm oiu counter cheek books at the herald st oeorge8 church rev wni burt l th rector sunday service as follows matins 11 a m evensong 7 p in sunday school 1146 a in lu buae- uot holy communion hi and uro sundays of each month at 11 a m will caruso thrill you alma cluck or john lmccormack play upon your heartstringsr harry lauder regale you with his illimitable fun the opera the symphony orchestra he violin the piano the military band the dance orchestra the vaudeville stage the vjctrola brings you the shining lights of them all 1 the foremost artists of the world make records e clusively for his masters voice your christmas will be merrier for the victrola and it will be but the beginning of a long and happy companionship between your household and all the mastc magicians of music and entertainment come in and let ue give you a oameeutamtioa legal shilton wallbridge ov dale barrietera solioitore eto toronto and georgetown oltlce kennedy block l roy dale in charge ot george xjwil olllea med1cal or joseph moandrew phytieian and surgeon medical xlltlcer of health uiatrlct hurgeon q t b twice hour 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 o m phone 68 oltlce and roaldenoe main street rioulhi opposite presbyterian church dental frank r watson d d 8 m o s oentiat georgetown ont hours a a m to 6 p m except thursday afternoon dentlatry in all its branches over bell teleohone offioe f l heath l o8 0 08 dentist olhce in lane block una door norll of onellla carriage factory hour ua in to 6 p m chibopbactic no madloine surgery or oateopathy a m neil8en d c graduate of the palmer the ori ginal soliool of chlropraotlo daven port lowu u s a oilloe over hourlgana drug store coiiaultatlon and spinal analyalu tree tuesdays thurdaybsunbr8atur- days 2 to e and t to ii p m phone 180 auctioneebs benj petch llcenaed auctioneer tor llalton and peel aienwllllama post oilloe sal en conducted satlafactoilly and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald uincowlll rscelve prompt attention william maddock relurnud soldtnr iitoenvd aoetionoer for the county of helton sales of every description handled alsi agdnt or magnet crraiii sopiirnlom anil dasollne engines for tonne wrile to bon ii or phone 17 milton ontario milton prentiss nfilnkkks ni maciiinkrv huokbhn mnlnrx eleulrlr rnpnirh koy bloc ttupvt6 i a tracy clink townalilp of issmubiihk cjerk srd division court the lesans fire and life insuruikie os ipresirited luauer of marriage litaonees omoe mill stiobt west georgetown oitlos hours veilneday and bat- day affarnoons 5p jtmjppmi wt d j matthew druggist and stationer si georgetown ont pattersons mea ma specials for this week farmers business for the past 54 yean this bank has given particular attention to tfaa business of farmers we have helped many over the rough e laces and have aided many more to the ighest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any time and talk over your flairs with us you are always welcome siuoltud lnim whole or hull per lb smoked rolls poi lb coltish rolls per lb sidi bacon slab or half lei nf lam l per lb hhouldor lamb per lb stewing lamb per lb rib roast boef per lb thick rib roast boef per lb shoulder roast ioi lb boneless stow inn beef per lb rib boil pnr lb choice pioklod pork peril dry salt per lb hamburg stcnli per lb bausngn por hi voal chops per lb loinroabt veal por lb r shoulder roant veal shortening 1 lb brick 1 lb brick of lard fl lb pail of shortening 8 lb pnil of lard i0 lb pail of lard for swifts oleomargarine cheese per lb any person requiring a dressed and vye can supply you with no 86c 8iio 88c soc 86c 28c 22c 88c 26c 28c 26o th mcrchants dank head office montreal of canada eatabltthod 1804 georgetown branch acton branch h r mimms mrjiager l b shqrey manager 40c 86c 26c x 28c 86c 86c soc 82c 87 96c 106 s2c 88o 88o hog or a quarter ot beef call i quality at a reasonable price watch our window for specials on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 wo arc busy installing of ico manufacturing plant wliioli will have a copnoity sufficient to supply the needs of uio town lots know your requirements any persons wnnt inp special nanfcrnofcs ohll at creamery highest market price thats wbat wo will pay vou for your cream spot cash on delivery nnrt w will take any quantity christmas fruits nuts vegetables etc it will pay you to do your christmas shopping at my store read the followinprioes then come in and he convinced orntlgeb inigest 60c dor- oranges 66 60 46 86o doz lomona 28ci doz grapes ohoioo 26o lb peanuts 26o lb walnuts cliolcc im por tod 84c lb ahnonns 84c lb filberts 28olb brazil nutu 84c lb dates iu bulk 96a lb canadian conking onions 41b 28c spanish onions 81b 26o italian olive oil 60y bottle 40o italian olive oil half sizrr 20o qiape fruit 4 for 26o bananas 80c doz a lemons size 800 800 per box grape trait 8izo 80 47r these goods are sold at wholesale prices choice cabbage lettuce and celery a restivo georgetown creamery co manager vjwk vsi5pj5fw fruit specialist main st georgetown you may put antifreez in your radiator but not ir your battery why then neglect it when it plays the moat important part of the car of today leave your battery with us fthls winter and have it in firstcjass con dition next spring we keep them in wet or dry storage a the customer desires alto repairing done work quaranteed batttries left at fired cooks garage will receive prompt 7 artention v d f brigden our mission i if oii cannot on the ocean snil among the swiftest fleet rocking on the highest billows laughing at the storm you meet you can stand iuiong the suilors nncboied yet within tlie bny yon can lend n hand to help- them astliey inabcli tlv boatsmvky rfyflri iielwieak ttioiirujb ju jrliiioiibtbiii stcinttl hntjtr yoti caii3tnrirl witujn lhevmluj whilo tlie luilltuudcsgo byi youenn srutnt in happy mensirre its tbeyslowly pnas hioph tbbugbthejma torgettht sn er thoy riu aqt forget the opng lif voir onbnpirp tbeoonaetiiriive you tself needier trqe lfi wheie atean atnoke aietliirl- e8ttkeres covk yov ofi to do whentltebaftielleld is sileut vop canghwitm careful tread you can hear nwaj the wounded yon can tover tipttiedend do not stand tjyidly watchinu for some ffroater ork to do porttwjo jsa lazy goddess- ibf will never come to you go and toil in any vineyard do not fear to do or dare jf you want r field of labor jou can find it anywhere ellou m times mm we give it results talk ask the ht iidents ask tlie liiiwi- ness man arrange toiluy fur inn 6th guelph business college herald bldo guelph ontario a l bolck principal educational and for service brampton business institute courses pro pure for the host busi ness shorthand and sccrotnrinl positions train in the underlying essentials of prosentdny business sucoess moderate tuition foe minimum time consistent with ex acting business requirements new 8tudontn received mondays thruont the year address toilny for complete pnrtieulnrs c e b0usf1eld prin brampton ontario notice ol application of th viufla of georffetown in tlie county ot h alton to the ontario railway and mnniolpal board to bo areoiott into a town nndor pro vision of the mnniolpal act takk notick thn whoreait il np- penrs by ilio hbuosbintmu roll for ha yenr 1919 of l ho villajf of gtforgotown in the county of liallon that ihu tiald contuint ovor 2000 inlmbiuuiu cnpest it l the intention of the council of the said village uftor hrcu montlir from the uhto thlk notiie to apply to tin- ontario rnllwiiy and municipal hoard for tin erection ol the miid villno into a town and further talcit tuhuv thai thu liiuiih itiiodod to bt iiutiulcd in the wild town nro the limiik nlrcjuly thiblislicd fir ttu mil id villiyo l tiorxfiliivvn and thai ilu proptttod namt- o ilu aid town li ruw ii i tlnan i ttuevt pitted ai twgttowii ihis liih cliiv of novembiir a 0 i 0 corporation of georgetown take nulliis lllliti- 1 tlif coumil of ill corporation of guorfrutovvii baw iotikliuilod ill h ioiai iniprovoinoiil riinforttil oncrniy pav menta willi oiwroit urb on mill si east mill st weal nnd main si 2 thu coni if tin work on mill si east is 1028 7j of wbuh s68v8i in ilu corporations ulinro nnd 34291 is the owners shnrii mill si west con i 19- 97si of which si3ll67 is uiu corpora tions shliro mill 6iiv84 ismlio ownors shnrei main st ilu iohi is s1039o00 of which 739000 is tho corporations sliaro and 300000 iho owners slinre tllo special rnlo nor loot frontage on mill st bust is 140091 1 on mill st woal 1s202 and on main si 22262 the ipocial at- semmeut li to ba paid in twenty equal an nual instalments 3 the ostimated llf of the work is twenty yunrs 4 a gourt of kovislon will ba halil on the 24th tiny of december 1919 at 10 o e6ii 3 in in tlio council chambor for the purpose ot homing complaints nyinjns tho proposed assesiinonts or iho accuracy of irontaico mensiirament and uny olhsr complaint which persons intoroilod may desire to make and which is by law cox nlsable by ihe cowrt f u i1th eieru no disgrace to feel fear one result of war has bean saner iden of what constitutes real bravery an knglisti uistrver mill attenlinn to the fact hint our world wtir baa destrujreivmlie f iu biunj nrrnlil heretofyrvi wveir ti uwmt ult- tlignltv rtne ifljntlij uwlittw faifc jbe solilfei kjts rtiat uv idioiikl br eacless and thsiiikrecall6iisl tu the better the roliltist trenior or timid- it j was a black mark nenlnit ih noiiu respondent lintglitfcn well mlhi unv llest brfnn or mlbrdr aitl ibe whodluur to- warwaailiihrtfl- ance ot tne prsanul rthlt tou theory held w inanyr vi member en rtlv ithj period the boer war when ibbrltuii rufffed hi stterelj in ollberslieinuel bejil cowardjy fat i uinitianec to soek sorer iteu rheti as now tslt fear for that ja one- of ituhv altrt- butpktnd lnderidla qne of th tnost valnabie ot hnrnnn povestlnhk since fear it our protection from danajsr and hsrma- inniimfrahle we few wild beat to avoid ttaem iukea anil splderi to increase our attitfon storms and tempests that ws nuay pre- pn re cleans of esrape from tbem so ii only in battle that ebir- ulry insisted ihst man shnnltl b with- ml foar pretend to be with the vimliic of nsvr warfare iiowevpr all jnnds at once cam to more xnne understanding snd the old physical hiavery has blvfn place to moral resolution the man who now enters tlie belt of shell are of hnrled names mill ilcsdly kaaea do tenser attempts to rool himself into th be lief that lie la not afraid he knows full well untl nly a stupid nature could svoiii th knowleiui thai the human is ai the mercy of forcea a million tltnes beyond his own ability tn cumiter the old knight might really believe h was able in unhorse nil the eueinles that rode ntislnst him and therefore might conceivably be without fer hut how can aoldler feel that way when faelm modern weaptins of dearruetlon therefore tt is no longer a dis grace to feel fear or to admit it the only disgrace i to allow fear co pre vent one doiuir bis duty how much finer liber it needed for this netr de- nance i had good points hottempered woman evidently not altogether bad need for more consult the chairman of hie shlpiiltiit hoard ha called the attention nf ibiigresx and the people tn i lie ueil or -nlrg- ing our consular aervlre nbril in view of the fact that onr ureal mer chant marine will he released for ne in foreign trade mr hurley telle us obssrves the in dependent new york that tlx- rut ted 8utea will have m000000 khim r merchant ablpplng by the end of 1w0 and that aafaat ns these sjilps nn be freed from military work tiny will en ter commerce the present conniilnteu would be entirely inadequate to dandle this enlarged business time are not onougb of them their stuffs are too small and they are handlenpped by in experience with duties that will be de manded and by nntlquated regulation even now the burden of work espe cially id the way of lnqulrln to be an swered la overtaxing the undermanned and underpaid force mr hurley therefor pleads that lramedlftt atep be taken to remedy tbe situation we need more consul and lurger consular staff he tells us if we do not provide them today and prepare for the great growth in our merchant raarlneand trade after the war i fenr that we shsll suffer a serious break down veuv heard im look here aald the city editor to the cub reporter you should writ everything a briefly as poitlble in stead of staying the middle aged bald- beaded performer in the hired aggre gation of followers of orpheus wb nightly provide the harmony at oire f our leading temples of mirth md zed hla trombone firmly in lilt hands placed his feverish lips to th mouth piece and sounded thereon an unearth ly tone like the walling of a inat sent on tbe main street of inferno now shorten that up so the reporter merely wrote the slip born player in the orchestra blew belva note the jugoslavs jugoslava means south blsvt tbe origin of the word as political desig nation li not definitely known it ap peared perhaps first as an official name for a south blav combination at tbe convention of corfu it had bow- ever been used previously by arch duke frsncla ferdinand to describe tbe slavic people of southern auatrta- hungary serbia and montenegro according to the plan credited to him the south slavs were to be doited into on nation and to form an in tegral part ot austriahungary thus changing it from a twopart to three- part monarchy he did one of the indianapolis grade schools recently organised a company or rndets a high school cadet wis obtained to train them but the prin cipal of the grnde school tvaa k bit uneasy over the way her boya might treat him you hiiye to impress them in n tllgnlflpdwny she advised him when ho enme to the building make thorn think youre a person of impor tance and then theyll niltti you the seventeenyearold cadet nod- ded ha went on into the aestmbly room faced the hoy anil explained his pohltlon fallows he begun my nnmei tone captain tnnes new salute me they did so did the principal mentally wi 8kpjjm awabmbtmriwelpjm tlimm2mwiwi a layer ef tin at my friends wedding everytblng bad gonv off fine tlieteroniony was over nnd the bride was nlintii to out the weddlng cako the knlf went halfway down the cake sml snipped iho tnhje rocked dangerously nnd ov- eryono wondered what the trouble wns to the hides amjinitninetit hor mother removed the hnttnili of n cuke tin from tho oqntor nf tho unite all the bnda did was t tell the jmnt ihot rvnr wotrjftlsr xwhares s 1 surely no mlghprtced lawyer ceulel jay aurpaesm athetls iplsis er ihllsiind wwefc won fjarmr liberty- tberewas a negro fnrillly llvtug iq rowllugf green kyi- the wife bni a noiortotnla ungovefhable tetnper umlly taking it out da her hqsbantl win i 1vbs meek suidllowlyi oril tblk oeo- culoii she sthekywm wltbasttlilet innietlhg si wound wfittlbful and denv oiodui it to bcvilute hi having to te tiike to tbe tosplta lor treat- nfenf tbe neighbor- khbwftiy the violent temper of the wife and thf cruel treatment she hnd inflicted uptjra her- hqtbana tor uch u long tluio v wete so oqtraged tbey rtuld endiire i un longer and procured ani5trriill for her arrest on th charge vf iisiaiilt with a deadly weapon tbe husband eat through the trial glvjpg rapt attention to ls every de tail the case waa handed over to tlie jury and after very brief dellbera- hon it brought in a verdict of guilty the old darkey husband rose and said mnrse jedg i dont reckon notb- ins a ole nigger could say would make much dlsonc but i would lak to say word before you sand tbe old oraan hi ihe penltenshy shes always bedp a good mother to the chlllun all the neighbors will tell you that she washes and scrubs and sews and mends for em and keep em clean and nice an when they alck she sltn up with m at bight and marse ledge i jest want to ax you if you wont let her go by the house and see the chlllun tkefo you send her to the penltenshy theys at home all alone right now eryln they po little liearta out nnd it would do em good and ibe ole oman too if she could just go nnd kits em goodby hefo she ivae put in the penltenshy by this time the judge nnd the spec tators were in tours nnd the judge said gentlemen of the jury i hnvent passed sentence yet nnd if you want a few minutes to further consider this case i will he glsd to grant it the jury retired and in n few minutes returned with a verdict of not guilty sailer values charm the king and queen recently re ceived nt windsor cnstle the austra lian new zonhind and south afrlnm press delcsrntee now on a visit to great ilrlfnln hit majesty spoke warmly of the gallantry of the dominions truops and exchanged recollection of his empire tour of 1p01 when mr itranl of new nhillil mentioned ihe nome of magiile ia iinktirn 1 1 1 mnorl guide who conducted tbe king round the hot rprlngx wonderland of ftotorua the kins recalled her at once and wan in terested to leurn unit alie is now in england the new zealand delegate found that primess mary know nil abnnt the prewar maori prophecy rem- corning the bnttlecrulsor now zea landthat the would go into action within a given number of years snd would be hit but escape serious ilnni age if her mptaln wore u maori tiki greenstone charm the first part of the prophecy come true and so up to date has the second the captain does not forget to wear his tiki pasted by sentry a colonel of a colored regiment coin ing in about 1030 was duly challenged- by ihe sentry and responded col onel officer of tbe camp the the entry tried his best to pierce the ilnrknehs gave it up and anally sold look ash man yosll ah de foth tiinii whats done tried to make me think hes flunnel oo way wld dnt atntr the colonel protty warmly reaffirm ed mint he was colonel nnd de manded immediate admission the gunrd unabashed told him to step u so thnthe could see him the colonel wnlketrup to him in a rage and you enn imagine hfs consternation when the nentry took hold of the silver eaile on his shoulder looked up at til in with n grin on hi face nnd said oh lowsy tis de ole bird slat it the bayonet flu marketing marie who was three tbuukfgtv- intt wns out trying her new mask ililng a grocery hjib decided to buy some banoniis mother not having worn her flu protector sent marie in to moke the purchase mother saw thw grocer pulling off tons of bananas it seemed at length when there wn nothing left but the stnlks marie hand ed the grocer her little pocketbook con taining one solitary dime how ninny bananas did your little girl want nuked the grocer as he came tn tho door ten cents worth replied mother she told me she wanted u peek tald tbe grocer american oil a fnmout british statesman lord ourson declared thnttlie allies float ed to victory on n sea of oil tle might have said on a sea nf amorlcnn oil no less than fourfifths nf the petroleum products used by the nlllesi were furnished by america at one time before the shipping of amorlcnn oil wot properly organized the nrnilew lajtrance had on hand loss than one months eupply forcing the general stall to make calculations of how they must retreat in caso of a breakdown in the supply of gnsollne amorlen however coino heroically in the res cue untl waved the day chief credit for our titanic achievement in keep ing the n i lied navies nnd armies golnic with oil wot officially given a c bod- ford chairman of tho petroleum war service committee of tho united state fuol administration by representatives of bntll tbe british nnd trench gov ernments on the iktihiiil of the pre sentation to mr- bedford of the cross of the french legion of honor the occasion was historic in thai it brought together in n liiiriiionlbiis way nlnlio independent oil representatives and llic stnndn ril oil groups u feat which would linvu liton liiioslilcl be fore he coiniuoii ilituucr uugcil tho ne cessity for common i action porbee magitlne wfc- t r 4r i m m bimhsl i i sftsn