rid your aindotvavrtfnomveb lot joqi- hourbte boolean nad liigb yon can mmc a httlo bden of the upjere you occnpy bo ytfwiata tho world wore wihpi wei suppose you make u atari jcy accumulating wisdom fiw the bo rap book of your heart do not waste odg page or toll live to learo and loam to live it you want to give men know tedgo yon must get it arc youne do yoo wish the wirld wore happy then rewetpber dny by day jubt to aeattar noeda of kindness aa you pass along tho way for the pleasure of the many may ofttimea bo traced to one aa the hand that plants the acorn qbeltera armieh from tho sun luqh a laugh ia just like mu9io it freshen e up the day it tips the peaka of life- with light and drives the clouds away the eodl grows glad that bears it and feels its courage strong a laugh ib just like sunshine for cheering folks along anon cautiu vatioaal bailwajs xbe gross earclngs of the cuna dian national bail ways for the week ending jane 21 1924 were 4884988 00 being an inoreasa of 8038 17 over the corresponding period of 1928 the gross earn mflgjal the canadian national tballways from january 1 to june 2l 1924 have been 108 680 g97 00 being a decrease of 914 684 18 an oompartjd with the corresponding period of92h bloat pnaldrat toronto bo ad fredg johnston formerly vice- freaiaeot of g a btimson co hthahaa recently accepted the ap n polntment aa president and geneiy al manager of the toronto bond exchange mr johnston entered the bond and banking boaineea over eixteen government municipal and cana- in national railway bonds he i a son of the late judge johnston saalt qte marie ontario and vedbia edooation at trinity e port hope and upper can iflege toronto j the best day last sat have had in some time kaer we are selling better floats and at lower prices so it ib op to the farmers to help us to keep down the big proqts and i will aee tat yon get good valap also gat sour repairing wbeo you want it at the very lowest prices before 1 came to town yuu had to pay 8 for boots that yon can buy tram me for 8 60 i toon cut down the greb to 8 50 what business has every tom dick and henry selling boots it is for tbel j c fwldar and cleu big profit only we learned tbet w totormn shoe business and oan make add repair boots that other mllera jmow nothing about bnt they do know the high profit alright we can undersell any store in ontario bar none white boots 60c to 76c dealing with horses what lo do when your tlorsei are broken- winded heave anil icn sjn pumin trt moot ibxomnii n i it i llicro ar two ttpcritfi of lah nunim pre- tent ire hhiwirn m until rtl cunlrlbutcd i y ontariu department nl ari ultur tcru the h rm ii ilvih or bnkin wind la aiplld u a condition ai ctiiim tiurnts which la manlftauu by iliort in hi of brinth duo to tin air c ilia ol tti lungs becoming ovtr dlntenueil it u cauatd in many cants by tenllng hones duajy bay particularly tlino thy and clover hay allowing hruli to drink an uxceaalve amount ol water after feeding and unt l ton kalag to work and also overload iiih tho stomach with bulky food nlwuji prediapoaea to thtf developing ut i heaves nonce tho condition is run wltb moat frequently in hontia wlitcti are greedy feedera over furiiua when the stomach la full ia alwayi iuibre to produce lieavos symptom hones which are affected with heatta usually kttp ihi uuslrila dilated or wide open and liuvi a hur rled wheeling breath inn itrcum panted by a double llftlui or l tniip leg of the flanks which bic tun intensified and more nolle nble bj exertion the peculiar lintvlnfe ol tho flanks cauais a rldtt to uppiai along ttib iowlt md of hit ribs wblcb is known aa the heave lino an other symptom in thi presinco or a chronic cough which la more pro nounced after ritdliik or drinking brpken winded homes ktep tb anui relaxed and pass much oatua ot wind at times rreaunent tho essential feature in the treat ment ot heave la to alleviate the con dltion by careful dieting by reduc lug the amount of hay or roughage and feeding chic by on grain and mashes and regulating tho supply ol water to the minimum many badly broken winded horses may be enabled to do ordinary work dusty hay of any kind should not be fed to broken winded horses as it will aggravata the symptoms and to obviate such tendencies tho hay should be damp ened the bowula should be kepi regulated by feeding bran msahes to which may be added a handful ol glauber salt or oax seed meal heave u usually benefited also by giving from one to two tablespoons ol powlers solution of arsenic in he food or drinking water each morn lng and evening for a period of two weeka from time to time in many cases broken winded horse become more serviceable when moved from a damp moggy climate to a dry one department of extension o a college onelph tape woems how to dd with these pest when attacking hones rone are frequently seen that give little response to liberal feeding and care continuing unthrifty due 0 the presence ol intestinal para sttet a point often overlooked in the care ot animals two specie of tape worms variable appetite unthrifty and poor condition indigestion with periodic attacks of colic are tho com mon indications of the presence of ceatodea or tape worms two species of tape worm infest the intestines of the hone one the tenia plicata ranges from six inches to thirty inches in length the other tenia perfollata is from one to two lnche long both hte comparatively large foursided head id wblcb are fashioned four round cupshaped suckers their bodies consist of a number of overlapping segments the tape worm segment or joint is a lets reproductive organisation itaelwd and spelled the content of the bowels it can beuescrlbed as k small rectangular body containing eggs after break tag away the eggs may be drifted or carried from place to place by various agents many perish but a tew are able to continue the species by being taken up in food or water by other animals in the intestines ot which they go through their life cycle and provide for the carrying on of the next generation prerenure heaanre suggested preventive measure consist in providing clean fodder and water th avoidance ot low damp pasture land and ponds contaminated by the dropping of horse tajw worm la iu petted and no quail bed veterinary is available to administer treatment the following dosage can be given creolin onehalloance oil of turpeu tine one and a half ounces and nw linseed oil one pint lo be given at one dose as a drench on an empty stomach the treatment may be re peated at interval of several daya highly important in keeping live stock healthy and free from intestinal parasites drinking from filthy shallow pools or ponds in which hog wallow and cattle and horse wade 1 responsible for consid erable trouble and this trouble dots not usually show up until late winter or early spring a cement wnir troug wall l woo d for sale we have for immediate delivery a large quantity of both hard and soft wood cnt any length now is the time to put in your pall supply tour order solici terms can be arranged prompt delivery telephone 991 e murray bros aorcetwb hjfl ha z take notice peotite who ha ve wheeling rsfiwi n good frames fsl going to n water is the beat insurance against tape worm in hones l stennnon dept of extension o a col kid quelph have a good ram t none of the domestic animals re spond to skillful breeding and tood care more readily than sheep it u seldom that a man pays too much for a ram if not a good judge of sheep take a good sheepman with you and trust to hb judgment and don t be afraid to pay a good price when through with the ram he can be more readily told than scrub beside the increased value ol two or three crop of lamba buy ks tires municipality ol the town oi georgetown ontario general reveuue add expenditure account lor vear ending 51st december- 193 expenses iloiid of hoi hi 112 00 umiiurj uu 2h i 10 i hunt hh dtbmlim iiihuiiii ill lown imi rlukinw l prinupnl l lull it si 771 tiii bucks ijhh ikowrpil fiorn iiiiiu ciuitil of lliiltiin a v tin iloloi turn iinuli doniitmnh cli hihiinuirt inula it 1u il int nut on biiitk iuiiih liiw obih print inn mitboiiii a a kit iulilir liibrnrt urnut iroiurbjr laiipi hi nit ludirik u ilf ftislrntiou of hi i iwh if salaries strniui i urkt a ru uls intuit jurii t llhlilln tunphune ta ililmtth juixi hoiiim i kitnn il mimiiiit iota i i i knsm si hiluh ion y at lux roll umoh gent ml town itiit lonotj riilo sdiool ittiloh nppurfti cfnuiterj fjfit sutch ixxt tux fines teih a itinln liionxch cjoiki t of finltnti lumti dn itinlwio tnx irom iviimtiii inlorenl aunieil a pioniin mi ill 1 1h7 g1 rink nl i income i 171 hi gu01 1h 701 no ol a 72 i ih 1 h22 04 111 y in 2a fiat so 270 2 uftf a 7r oo 2 101 17 1 ho oil ml irf 1201 2hh 50 h j 7h a oir 7n 24 210l2 0 40 110 7h 711 12 212 76 buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown r phone 28w 217k current account balance sbeel as at 31st december 1923 showlog available m assets and immediate uabllllles assets laxib oulsrandinc arienihtohl die mliet 1122 ulitit collet lorn hull 191 per list colhi loix hunk duunco and uii aul i he jin 2h4h 13 h224 h 71 1 38 11 13h76 advancha trom curri nt hank acgol n1 for roiihtrut lion of capital works to bo icil u od fiom proceeds or tlebi nlure lamies new wnurwuiktt j h 0s4 oh uuplpli 8t pavpiiient 27 4h90 hi440 04 nonus loansdebonunn iiihluinicnta ilue fiom local mdiihtiips uonrj corko b laws 180 a 420 if 6 510 71 mftrlhll lluilhon i co by law 603 dig 70 oortfetown aroua co ltd by law 4 08 hug 81 georgetown foundry co ltd n law hit 820 00 smith stone bj law 414 s 487 g 11070 01 uoublng c0mm19monlocal loblalmcnts duo from ulvnprh jih por list attachud 1 199 10 watcrworkb unpaid ralob ns per lint altarhod deficiency shortage of available twetn lo meet i m mediate liabihlies aa per account below 1 171129 b 198 4b 08 435 86 liabilities bank loans demand loan term notes guelpli st pftvenifliit nutril aero ml ovordraft intflreat a c rued accolnt9 laablp cntimftted 7u8 00 j c8 4jc 3c deficiency account as jl 31sl december 1923 to debit balance 31 december 1022 ns per statement nltartiod by surplus domed from ourrent yearn taxntion aa per fllnbftnent attached bj surplus derived from operation of wiuei works n pet slate ment utljachori bj balaoeq at debit 31 december 102a j h smith stewartt expert fence builder erwinqoldhams meat market special for this weekend 20 lb pnil pure lai 1 j 00 thoieo b a men hue kh 28c smoked roll 20c nice lean side pork 15c briscuit boil 8c v rtinia bnkcd llnin c6c sjnare prcheil roihfl ham 50e picnic ilamb 4 to 0 lbs 10c prhsu killi i spring lamb at i 0 i st pltlcls quick delivery main street georgetown guaranteed phone no- 1 while rose gasoline a quality product at a qualitygarage not a justas goi gasoline but best f at ballon garage fisher king georgetown your water supply automatic sure continuous erriceday mm night alwnya under presnuc a toronto pneumatic wta syatemwnu ghre yoo tfu etrace db lea mad beft of all abaolttterjr wato- mntic opeistej by efaclric uatot or toronto wmdmio enjoy thn contcniedt and aave yoonelf uidtiaillyriom continuous dmdgetr ot damp ing and canynui jronr durj water supply toronto outfit can be qatckly installed drop m and lets talk it orei prices and fall information gladly fanisbed see me to-day- w j alexander georgetown out standard anthracite scranton coal- in all sizes automatically scummed aod loaded icoal wood select immtj for domeatio j and threshing pnrpoaea smithing and cannet coal in fact icacrx everything to be found id any np to date i coal and wood yard 5 john mcdonald phonk 12 georgetown bargains in used cars 1918 big six studebaker touring light ford truck baby grand chevrolet touring newly paintfcd 1922 chevrolet coupe late 1922 dodge touring newly painted lute model studebalcer big six touring bargain j n oneill son dutribnton for dodc bntlun ttatt ittui i rcon ttt wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 oeobsetown jfrepbroqdway jl tailored brill cap with the unbreakabl peak also a full assortmentrof raplff jbns1t a e wright butcher maiosl georgetown n iia coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stave coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown itr browns garage marti general repair shop atnl m ufm m ediemlcrlcs charles brown bell ph 90r8 chmp 8a7rs2 n too often this is tbe3tyotpnierty autotyedly tin- aore msuraxe policy in the hom insuranct company protec a tinoticial loss rfp hy elmer c thompson service cetcfeltin w how about your root d br ill co georgetown asbestocote goes over the old roof and slops all leaks give it a inal always in stock a lull line ol harness etc bmtjukb and mocormiok m jjid repmira lor amine j9u and oroaaea indhand engines is reet brwrttonrol the- iwi brnntein and pr mell kwj iichhi borsv tii sl- l k l9is all i innarenlowb nj th n m jlrd ntpniccl and paunl l mas oiuila bona prarrtoura