paolt t presented hilti momenlo by i earl halg mr j a micill kinrrnl uienl tn uuanu for the c p it i uii possusuol ot u lim intlklhli 11 minder of tlio unit of pnli mmsli ui earl llnin unil tint mcmlnn ui tb orltibti umpire seniu ltugii to canada mr mtoih ihiompiiiieil mhwiiii aud bja purlj foi uluiiit 1000 null uf ujcii lrimn cunndu up cm l half uf prtfiullnl c w itculu i tho c v it and tluiinu the w k end just before the puh mi i tor uio old cimntr mt lti wu pre sen ud h hit on i i half q ttlo ihll ultll ii low u sihersalvir beautiful i mstiilml id tonu of nppriri thou of i in i vicpbof mr mi nil lookum aftlr tbe iouiforl im i n t mnmml i tion qltho mitoi- un uimh tinn oh the siiuir nil ijiilish lainpire sori ice i iitm ciwni in 27tb june- ill tl lolj 1si25 pus coltd to j a mtoill imi villi sincere n itbos mid in ht ibunks hv tbe member of hie bntish l pire bemec leniue in iiiiiriciu lion of ln kraut kindness dm mi our caundmn torn hniir tm tbe connived signature in ii fiti simile of tbe earl a binnum presentation whs made t un in formal reception in rita cutltoti hotel montreal mr and mrs mtgill hail on im day this week for a trip to the old country and while in scotland they will be guests or llail and co id em haifi at berntndo llnir scottish neat 1 fc notice to creditors i ihn uitur or t aatta f wu- ilam llnntvr lata at th taw alp of emqulas in tba oouatj of hut sag folaonen bnsy dog poisoners are atil at work hilton several dogibonio vnlu able havo been poisoned iind died from the effects of htrctinine nearly tbiriy ranine hae died from strychnine poibon durtub tbe pott year the asugur ln the police of all i ho alien and tow nam ontario bav been idblmotiodb to tako the numbers of all motorists who iyiilt of an eoenca against tbo glare bins recently put in force the fi11j way departmant hate ishueil bonk lets giving motonut infill uclions of bow to adjust their hglita and these way be had tor the asking the chief ptovsion of the motor vehicle act iu to the iffoct that no car hall project anj dazzling light high enough to inurfei with an approaching driver large objects at a distance of 200 feet should bo clearly revealed b tin headlights but the law regunc that no glaring aliall be projected above tbe 42 inch line ycwcanalwks keep a roof ovhttourhead if you carry vnbttnom iluunallm wiftwbkktortlmfld orirpaif wmdajrm pkuhemsvunaconminl etmer c thompson iraraice service georgetown ambitions young people 1 ton want to tti ike goo i 1 touknowm ims iu yor you kunw lliut rilaimnd is necessary 4 you know that the qnolph buklnebs college lu a broad tomprebi nunc in b bannesa experienci d 411 tlilinl instruotore c individual iimtrm ton mlliod d coojliiete equiiinrnl uf run ttiotb and ofote dot i vk e good will and couneetionr itli tbe bssincii publit fi irtenlmi bradvates ia tbe place for you to get your train lug start monday august 31sl al guelph business college onbirbldf o onl a l bouck prlidpal aod proprlelor pbost 1165 ilhtloii tiik estlflh yfak coal bmi d l w scranton coal in all sizes aio smithing and steam coal mrs fwalkins ladies blue bird beauty parlors upstairs over mr dnlpn office maneulbi curling rmtingaad sbtgeiofl we solicit tbe rntronncf of tbe udiei of giretown and viemitj miss francis haja it 0rtw jhmx 91 tbh geohbtown hrltaiu aoouat lt idle by nr ls lrh0 dat l siilinar foriuitl adniimslr in lcor iowii ihi illtu day of a u i9s notice to creditors la the luttar of tic mtt gf joan aj sun do r tnoy lkta of us t d- hlp of waiak la t gouty of hal ton towhip clark dtouhl ls14 uiupler 121 that all creditors or others hayink claims or demands ajtainut thttstauor the late john a iwy who ditd on or about the twenty fifth day uf june 1s25 al tbe said township of esiulsini are required on or be fore the fifth day of september toaend post prepaid or deliver to the under- iinned solicitor for annie e tracy hi txecutnx of the estate of the said john a tracy township clerk de ceased their christian names and sur names addresses and descriptions tbe full particulars in writing of their cairns a statement of their accounts and tho nature of the security if any held by them and ukt notice that after such last en boned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en titled thereto having regard onlv to the claims of which they shall then have ce and that the said executrix will be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution ieroy dale solicitor for the executrix doud at georgetown til ia fifth day of august a d 192t 3t notice to creditors ib ths mttr of tk estate of wal ter bmb uu or ta ton ofl gaorcstowbla tbconty of hal- ton labonrar doooaaod nolne is hereby given pursuant to iec lion s6 of ihe trutteei act ro i9m chplcr 121 ihnl all irejiloi ii briii tl the 1 u otitic laid waller dean ho died o nhoui itic twml second day of jn 1 ipifrir out lord one huuuod mix mdrd and iwculy fitral the mid ton i hnr inn 11 lor helm mir dcn ihe rulrix fr hirrilmeof ihe mid v dean labourer dncsed ihcir cbi ii iumn and sumima addreisrs and 1 nptimi ihr full pnnuurs 111 wn 1i1111 lims sulenienl of their msnd ihpiiaiureor hie sriunt 1 lie lil ti inem m 1 kc noiie itm fir lucb lladxnliiile ihe ascl- of ihe i he d r anj part ereol i mil n hair hern received h llro dale soli ilur forlhcaid cxrciilnx daitl ni rorkelon ihn twenty mnlh daj of july a o ims j sanford sheet metal worker aid- general tinsmilhing stewarttown pbone 81 r 12 ladies shampooing sarcelunc and curung frizzing and singeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jb ullieo appolnlnenls pfene 2i the right way to boil potatoes put um potatom la ax sfip enasaeled potato pol cover wil watar am nit to uate bouknulaaft wkea batabad drain off outhe bolltajr water tarovgfc um atrsiner spattt no dancer of ff acaldhrj the ffflinta baeaom um handle securely locks um caver on if vottr fantly ases potato yon rcqoln on of tkaaa smpl enameled potato pots 3 riding in canadian rcttkies a growing summer diveislon td wilson in bcortze be the scene orsanieauona that will meet in this wild romantic spot tn the cana dlsn rocldes are mountaineering club of british columbia alpine club of canadas annus camp from july 27 to august 8 inclusive and the trail riders of the canadian rockies on august 9th the special expedition to climb mt logan the highest peak in tbe canadian kockies headed by capl albert h maccarthy will return in time to report to the alpine club lake ohara has been painted by the late john singer strjrent and by carl rungtiui and richard m klmbel the two latter are new york artists and members of the artist colony that sum men at banff lake ohara threatens to rival lake louise whose dose neigh bor it is the alpine clubs main objective i this year is to climb ml good- sir the highest peak vudble from the canadian pacific railway and the ascent wql be made from a subcamp i last years initial pow wow of i the trail riders of the canadian rockies was held in yoho valley near field b c two days of trail riding and social gathering in a big lodge in tbe evenings were enjoyed by more than 200 members and novices i the latter qualifying for membership i one of tbe requirements of which is to i have ridden fifty miles over cana dian rockies trsll dr charles 0 walcot of the smithsonian insti lutlon at washington d c s the honorary president of the trail riders order several indrefl trail riders expected to take nart in this year meeting which will be held aug 810 inclusive the start will b from banff and lake louise bj motor to marble canyon where tht horses and guides will be in wait jng for the three days ride program is as follows first night tent camp goodsir plateau 6 600 feet above lake louise in beauty butof a wilder type third night tipl camp beside lake wapta and powwow held in sun dance lodge there will be a singsong each night in camp riders must bring either a sleeping bag or two warm blankets a change of underwear and warm coat or mackinaw for the hours around tht camp fire is all the equipment that is necessary no grips will be accepted one pack horse for each three riders a word of caution unless one is pre- eared to rough it he should not ride ut if one delights in the feel or s saddle and pony he or she may be a trail rider the rocky mountains guides association an organliation of al the guides in this territory with headquarters at banff is looking after the arrangements for horses and euldes 50000 harvesters wanted 1500 to winnipeg km half a cent a m3e beyond to all points inmnaj toba saskatchewan alherta edmonton taunts calfary macleod and i jit rturnlnaj hall u cent per mile to winnipeg plui w ft to destination ll oil urn going dates august 18th and 21st aumiisi lulli toronto caledon euat pee ton meaford gollmtjwood penciling mijiand purr j sound sudliur capreol and east thereof in ontario aiiiml 2ut toronto inylowood jh and nil stations sooth and west mini special trains leave georgetown auk aiftl 7 bo a m 11 6 n m toronto aug 21st 12 ho p m aug 21nt 10 81 n ni standard timg purcbsx your ticket to winnipeg via canadian national railways whether a your final destination in tbe welt is a point on the canadian national tickets and all informatfoa front nearest agent alice discovers new wonderland at wembley w av bjl nfjsw 3 a r fjp v 4 s taa animals mot into uh alk la iaao tt bod know wha we 11 do said alice lets o to wemb- 1 1 ley what do you want lo bo to wembley fort asked tbe walrus who was always asking foollch ques uonj anyway i i srant to see the sailing uhlps and isallnc wax and cabbaces and klnxa replied alice hs ha laughed the walrus 1 wont see sny seallnswax there its all at madame tussnuds and i ham my doubts about tbe cabbages loo well i aball see lota or sailing hip and kings amid alice starting to cry tor she was tory fond of cabbages and anyway lr you go to the exhibition alone you wont be stole to get ln to treasure island as they drmt admit adults unless thqy are eccorted by children ob all right said the walrus who being iii years old so longer regarded himself as a child and had secretly wanted to go to treasure island all the time i so away they went when they arrived at treasure island they found a real train not a very big one it is true but neverthe less the realest train in tbe world purring like a jrainfljuvat a utile station labelled baar as if anxious to get on its way around wonderland look said alice there s peter pan tbat aint peler pan said the walrus whose edu cation had been sadly neglected thats i cnnsdlan pacific engine i dont care answered alice staging to cry again for like all modern children she haled to be contra dieted by her elders its called peter pan because it goes everywhere and never gets old or tlresomn this ary reference to bis age effectively subdued the walrus who nov relapsed into silence and dldnt say another word until they were sested in- the utile train and slow- 1y palling out of ban ft it would take too long to describe all the thing they a or all the wonderful people they met hut they had such an interesting time that alice soon forgot all about br otfcbages and isalingwax drain lo4 jobn sunt waa aln ibac there was long john tjllrer with his one eye and wooden leg and piratical dtirnwulon and ihire were mother goose sir francis drake roblinon ntoe and han friday humpty dumpty mule bo irei jnck and 0111 and all the other fairyland people alice bnd read about hut never met before and they saw the an i mala going into the ark which nnnh hud provided for them tn case a rainy day nhould come alnn- and wash off all their pslnl of course they asv lots or other thlnes loo the rocky mountains for instance and the gol len hind while we re about it said alice when ibey bad seen all there was to see st treasure ijlnnd we might as well go ln and set the cansdhn pacific pavilion everybody goes there joti know so in ibey went and saw all the good things lo eit nnd wear and work with that they have in anada tliey were shown around the building by a big man in blue who had pr on his epaulettes and explained lo them ibot the initials meant canadian pacific tlitumy and lhat they had put up this building and hindi treasure island in order to let the boys and pirs in fauland know srhst a fine country cansoa is jim l presently began to get dark and alice bad to take tho walrus home and give hint a bath before be went to bed well thata that remarked in- unlm when thev got outside of course it is replied alice what els would it bo t i mean it s all oier now prunih ed tl e il rus who bad been annoyed becauie alln 111 i prised to allow him to- go into the ark wtib the o iw- nnlmals and you dtdtilsee sny scallob wax or entvita am not many kings either thsla quite true repltrd alice pitlcnty but ive foudd out a lot about arsda aid i ve lad a jolty isoodf me so yofl may grouse as much ai you llke im quite satisfied and so they went borne and ihe fusnr pert of jt u alloc did not wake up- ftr rhe had not been dreini atajl georgetown flour feed mill five roses in ux uiki 21 hi un pnxity flom m sin lt imni national pastry in nnd l hi lm clink 1 etd unit si riiuli ii il cm ik hi l n il u ih of nil iuijh itulul imij unit stunv specials lor this week w c bessev phone 195 georgetown wo pay highest price for oats hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 100 guaranteed lamps 2b watt 40 wnlt wait 100 watt tunghteii 100 wntt nitro ico wult nilro 200 watt nilto hydi irons guaranteed 1 year 475 iro irons guaranteed 5 j 575 km da orders taken for ranges and appliaricea of all office town hall tsrsrts your roof must stand these tests vulcanite shingleswil you complete protection forthe maximum period come in and let me show yon these thick tough asphaltcoated shingles sec vulcanites patented features which provide a perfect seal again it the weather see the beautiful dis tinctive appearance theae shingles have in sage green blueblack or indian red or if youre intercated in roll roofing ask to see our toron to roll roofing it will give you every satisfaction six daring tento for shingle bmlfltwillbtili ly watkritest eok j fir lamplt in wilar for 1 h hours bmm bjwlfht jf it absorbs aarwstir 3itk8tila a j tiiib pour bolllbsirsiir on it bis if irmi of tsnparaturs affsct iu t a lsy urllcingwii comvi w j alexander georgetown new shoes for old dont be too proud to have your hurlbuta rebuilt at factory they will come back to yon about like new they will be enlarged a sute to keep pace with the grow ing feet rhurlbuti cushionsole i l shoes children j we not only sell but recom mend them a i brill co teokutown 0nt bargains i in real estate 1 0 room frame houso on mum st all ronvoniencpa rfnriife and lion house rardoo good fruit and a nice usn pure 4100 terms 600 down balance nrraiged to suit purclinnor sovcn room frame homo and two loin pnco h60 14006 roomed ruttake in uolleko view on coiipro st j for quick aale f ho0 terms arranged to suit inn linnei tor pnrtieulars npplj to a benham rbal estatlj atlnt thortltown phono 104 it ox 410 a if it is- a mo vi rift or lrnnhpoi tation iiblm inar i when hu engnf iik l t us nnlnin mnr ti blpiiia adtito on hhipiiing iuliii- iiinin keen fee ltrerem e- our ciiiloinois oeowetown 7 phone oht 17 1 w n snyder cartage and distance hauling- w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown food lionae coeoa 1 a tins kl i oeuiintil 1 ib ii llernngh imiiotted 1 lb ilinbrt iniiirt il 1 ib kiiered tliinnj imp 1 lb li bniid hnddu 1 lb run chicken llndlie 1 lb mi inllcd meau 4 fur itirl nnd hoiuih i for liiljoii ihilkstimll a tot cii to hnliemian uiips i ikgn fhso hoiip clupt fill moftaflj flj to rinolnio with ballonn utiiyfiitlt ii ib ba remember our ti kel fur thenlri on nllu uiii one ihilk riqos wantld mark clark bakery and groceries klftotv send mk we veust- b school v catalog bt mane mmi sigh and mail tow we will seuj j un the mf or in at ion that you should lime concerning this school sign nnd mail this rou ion and wo will bo rind to put jou on tho right track start here begin now brampton bnsliess inslltntt brampton oaoraatowh i n 8hoalli iusji1i i i standard 1 i anthracite i scranton i coal i in all sizes i anuiinaticall screened and j londed coal wood select lamp for domestic and tlireshinc purposea smitlnok and cannol coal in fuel icarrj oorytbmg to bo found in wi up t date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 georgetovn x trucking and long distance hauling fnroltiire moving picalcparues dono bj hour or contract for pncea andarrangpmenls call or write wm g roszel ox tll oxoftqgtow