till- llfolloptowh hrttalti hulimum litui nun a ere on dth ere all pnriom records set by the mmnljjba telephone system s pro vincial aufotarnsmiit owned and oparmted utility ware surpaased in july when net eawniiura fer tha numth were 116764 a suralus ef 9100000 tu predicted for the pre nt fiscal year according to an eetlmate made by qmom automobile club official from data anpplled by transportation compaid and ceratea 809800 tour- uta have slrsedy pi sari through quebec thu yeer thu it u explain ed la an increase t twenty per cant ow tha total for tha- whole fla i bnudlnc permits issued in winni peg since the beginning rf tha cttr- rant year to data have topped the three million dollar mark helng 18084840 for 1tg4 structures for the corresponding period of tart year the total waa f289au far 1781 buudlnss an increaae in talao for this year of f746sm heavy shipments of uili seasons crop of potatoea in prederktoa hjl are now being made to the cuban market from the potato mt oaf the upper sl john river aceonttu f the provincial loperinuodent ef the cropa and aoil dlviaioa of the depart ment of agriculture there have been large cenalfmaeate from cade- ton and victoria counties greater montreala poaelatton ia now estimated at lflmftoq accord ing to the lftte issue of loveu montreal directery joat pabuakel population of the dty peeper b esti mated at 907m0 population in the soborba and aommadlaa ceaatry 1 given aa 120600 the last estimate of greater jfantnala population by the same authority gavs the population aa tnfltl r a party consisting ef twelve chin- eae ettkaents from hong xoog and peking arrived in montreal apartments and shape of the cans dlan tadfic beltway in order te familiarise themaetvea with the rail- way situation in canada they will remain a few months and them re tail to china to make practical we of m ittfftr they scasirs among the notable personages who errived in canada during the first week in september from kurepe were princess patricia sir thomas and lady grattaa and the carl sad countess of mar and kauie all of whom were on the canadian psdfie steamship monntroyal jama outer curwood on the empress ef scot land and baroness orcsy en tha montnalrn of the same line calgary alberta the no beyelite wall imperial contlnaei to- amass geologists it aaptha production ingres sad july to 01186 gallons 78 degrees beauma an in crease of 26 barrels daily over the june production tha prodoctten continues to increase and the flew ef gas at 20 fioqfioo cable feet a day u being maintained this flaw will shortly be riirnmirt to supply cal gary i preparations era under way far the holding in montreal in jane next year of the annual csnvantlen ef the american association of baiireed superintendent j k savage gen eral superintendent ca pa- eiflorwas elected chsjrman of the arrangements committee and plans were made for the organisation at a complete committee to go ahead with the business of f tha conrm- tion a success a daspstch from london antes that in the past three wekj more than 20000 hoses of qnabecaaade cheese have arrived and been aald la london a good prices the qnettty it ia said being of the beet it la pointed out tfiat if quebec predacts are to obtain the peeluen they de serve here it is nsoeesary to keep continnoae suae ties cemlag la erdei to make them knewa to the geaersl public rather that to make eithei 1925 taxes notice the 1925 tax nottcea having been sen out the fnal inblalment is due and payable on september 23 24 25 1 will be at the new waterworks building on the above date prepared to receive taxes f e mccann ah collector ianportault to tal psiyera bj inw a bicb camo id to foroe last yean glvea thacolleotorno option in conneotton with penalty if taxes are not paid oo dates indicated itf aotre 1 ahipmenta along this uaesemt 7j0 boxes of quebecmass eaeeas want forward frem here te the lea den market during the past west busines training u a necessity attend the guelph business college hwira qhlkoil indihbml hstiucttm r hlkiteqcrlacel tariradm start on monday almboi prbdiilatoffmk pkm 11 ladies blue bird beauty parlors npataira over mr dajej office iredllifl ctrlth mttofmi wvaollcifctht pearooage pf the ladiea ut grargen and tkloity mlwfrancib salash i raoste ti herbalist here are yon suffering from any disease mr merfln tha propxietax of the oamadiaui 1 barb oavrdeiu mua czpert in horba will beat the hotel mcgibbop georgetown far oneibuyxiinly lay sept 24th all day and evening consultation free nartodb diaeuea bbenmatism bladder troubles diabetes rjngbfi dlaeaae stomach liver ktdoe kenritis neuralgia blood preasare heart troubles codbtipatidn and all diaeaaes there la an herb for every disease remember the datethorsday sept 24 vim wwrqe insurance broker j insurance in all branches phone 65 geobgeiown i how the cnr 1924 dollar was spent the fall circle shown above repreacnts the gross incomo dollar of the canadian national railways in 192 the circietfa di- vjowinteei number of segments each of which represents the pro portion into which the dollar waa broken up for expenditure- in tha directions named the total amount spent on these items in dollars and cents b as follows labor 12721601740 fuel 2805847186 materials supplies and other operating expense 6306944181 texe 458859356 equipment and facility rentals etc 660056100 balance available to apply on feed charges 1477232792 total tfckdwit b ta in th nide to tlw pert which the duller of the i csawf natsanel ra9way plays b the beseem ef the eouati as a whou ltd atkua dollar rzssy all of it m fa earcautim end fconfa its way wage paid to a awafrie as eapadntore bseat hb000 saap esmetcogspaysre satata ea4 tu r adaesi swaa a sod ml caaeda te tha taershwe of h teaii jnaprodw 244j054i355 nuy depaodeat upon the saoear which the syatan distribute n ttls way no cntoprua tn csnada la awch a large purchasm ef aupplia aa tha caa dwa nbocul railways whanvar it at poanbla te da ao una auppbaa aia percbaaad ia canada fraa prodneta maaafacraiad by thscaaadkn worhnaa orgtowncrtninaabbca ta tlwatofsreomacl tha cceapaay rewrote o in imraaar ana aabamaa tbe entarpnaa t ooe that attuoataly sanoitad with srary phaaa of iadoatnal actmhr to tht doaaauoa horn dw jatbsaw of a snwpar to tba buadar of loeaaaotivaa the pnehaaaa of tha csaacliaa natnsal railway rrrhanrh rf f iadeetry aad their aarvice provides aa cbpfttiableaaaacysortha 1 people aad their goods esplaee here is the summer home of mister jack frost himself this is the lee cve in lount sir donald near uluclur jj i uib iglit of uie aud utrcsma la llirouhh ka opening al itu car iil cuulht tas froien walla to gllntutt in ihoujiii ndlt of a uiousund llmta tu iluu 1 diamonds it la rumored ttiai us u iho official summer rtaldcncr at jack frost hlmelf to wtilcli uiu sidly uooarch retires for h an ix asp from spring time auction sale farm slock impleioenls etc mr isaac winter 1 s un 1111k lil cut li i i rntu nunsli ul thursday sept 24th ut jrncy tint fal s m jinr h 1 oi lit jrrs r 1 u kl h nnlkirik lifi ayralnjc 7 1 e uc u imlktu bit jrlw sir- il on li r 0urluni yr d if n hloiii yn ilur m- jtli j iyia mir j1 milkultrwil lih kin ln nnlkr ilno pnl 72 ireihcnij in ak jri tra ine lrl 2f in han iflivt afceed i r linn iv aii tblb is a scene from mr i ro ta irhaic grounds on the roof or the ttond lu the t unadlun pncltlc hoewos it is here bo we under- tald that mr front aptndi most of bis time svhen not askip id hi cao for a pastime ho enjoya most of all riding around bn chunks of floatsk tea and his favourite food ts a good deep crirckly glacier which prefers coated with a generous fronting of newl- fallen a now when id the nights iro long and drtjry ho lets out a wild whoop of joy bo we aro told jumps oij n iia slug snow cloud and soils ana ovtir the continent pushing down mercuries and heaping up drifts wherever he goes but after all nobody takea bint very seriously those days tor it would be a tiresome old world to live in it friend frost didnt come alone once in a whfte and give us omatnlng to contrast with the sum mer atr i ii imillun spring looih lulnviiitir ilt minev harris dilr nn 2 hndy mv n j u ilkinnon pa ilmblt iurr ro kid kn cockl naydyt lkiiv mifle fuirnw art f 1 iherr hr rwa u of t e hnrniwa root ufflr i lailn dahir lrron wvl irl juhrfin liiirki ol oilier liinltn lay imk 14 xn ipn et hety altitbi iiuo lioisr slif li jief ilea butt sleclii 3 lk r of i pb lhit iron kelllcn log chains 4 joublircs imrtow cirl shnrpkn i ilor i haui1i drill 3 nnk rublier urett tuggv lot of tool i mm liouscliolj rflcils ckainaltfmil 1200 l8 ollf set i timingtt huniets 6 burae cullara 11 r 22 iiuh htvsh hens 2 k bc ops all must ho uilitas hie farm lias been coopi rented tfrmsgrnni fowl and all mm it n unu hi cltdil on approved joint n v a rtkikll amtionc wood hardwood mt any inirth ou raii rtf smarord s6 a inad w50 a 9ln td tariwrethuiikss5 00 load a free li of kindling wilh every three cotd oikis murraj bros 1honc 90 r 15 it maintaining ford leadership highest quality at lowest cost introducing many improve ments in the worlds most popular line of motor cars the fordor sedan celor guy ri bluk uumi raonln wfx coopo lu body nlckilcd mlluor itull and luaillamprtau loibnladi ion dnr cloud at bofb dub standard 0ujfnbat utcludn mmrtcr card tkvsrctaiiujtuieabla diiu d wl wiper rtat haw nrirar aad dais the tudor sedan cotedark bh wtd bbek aum1 ronatai btk mntbodr micaalhlrbdialor fan ud hcadtamn lowv aaatai boa larmairiailinlilil da i id al both di llhlna obc4c v cqulpmrpi tnchidc hjt mniiihlridirltrtr rwar liy the coupe sclproark aba ma bufc mtmtl taatam r- a h1wt nlcktud ndluor factl id baajumn rin anyuc wdlailat wbkih unomauy u n kcanncttr lar da staadud sjfolh cars trucks made in canada tractors r