hi btoiioktown hr niluinl id ivmy l shoril t typ 1 ihi uteri b 1 hint dt 1 1 a itcili ruloi ii lull of tin uir on 11 i mint oiii mr tr m 11 1 from mont on ii hid trii finn h ijikfi ii tin nan uy on hi iiii ill i lu nkulnit t r lii urnl oniotbtmnt or ariauub wm auniiiniimiil ini- i i n nniili of the oinkiiiiiinliit of itit ami it w ljint of hie diiinln uiiil irinco lull lthleii tin 1 0l nl buetltllffumil nf tin- nticiuh iuk funu foi ainu iihm imh ieorkloun tin- umihiiiiliiimii be effpctiw lit thr end of ilin- nin tb wilfrid willinnimn i mi itaonu fttnnpr of lin irmc u dibtrut will iirinuii mi un and will tuktuipr tin- ilnlns innttiuil iiitiiidrii u ludti him liicn iitsuir omlit dun bo nd pink don oitmt fin i pam ivo xnr mi uilimi- ml ii iiilwilc of tbeontano arikiiltniiil colli t ip rssass msektt canned lgoods specials lor this week i nnpnipi most satisfactory rang made there are so many good features embodied in lie happy thought that it is the outstanding range value at any price one reason why happy thought run gen arc the moit sjtiifuclory ii found in the conett relation winch the many exclusive feature bear to each other it ii llie per fectty balanced range let us show you the perfect balance in the tilemifically jrcipuruoncd firebox du plex gmtes draft control broiling and loaitint front ampe reservoir pyramidal oven plate ventilated ovqj heat con serving flue and ull the other improve merit a which are bein enjoyed by more than 300 010 critical canadian house happy thought pipe pipeless and com binalion warm air and hot water fur naces serve every type of h r h thompson go i bmmtromnammrw happy thought he dthe jelj powder in it a for jellj powder h tor tomato soup a for kelloffge bran flukes 2 for knllofaa com flakea 2 for sugared datrs reg 15r 2 for lie nl th brnn per pbn shaker sail per wk good black ten- baking powder itetf zr lj saunndowo jake flour 1jli 1 lalvamzed pail 12 burn boc 1 large pkg tlnpno 1 60 lue 125 imported french ciihhk 3m d c for bj lavolineor gillex powders l neb soap flakes 2 for 2d lux h for h5 flezoor chipeo lnrce pl 2s try our whole wheal bread 100 pure a no health biscuits our produus ib nt once nuio wholesome nod toothsome innt be beat nmde from nuptrior grhde al hour and pureat ingrcdientu koos wanted mark clark bakery and groceries phone 229 bangesfurnaces bring us your job printing in appreciation of its wonderful exhibit at the toronto fxhibilion this year the canadian pacific itail i th 1nnre of wale ranch at high itiver alberts contributed the highlit priced bull at a recant fall vale m calgary inn eton cru ader whuh felcrni 2hi anadian wheat exports for th twelve nioiitriii etidinj september joth 112 mount d to 226 74781 bunhi l valued at f269 j 46816 while for ll b twelve months endinf september 102 they were ico 037- tjstl bushel valued at hh677126 according to a rtport of the do minion bureau of statistics export of bacon from canada to great britain increaied almost 5- 000000 pounds during the tnt tilne monlha of the currant calendar year for toil period during 192 there were 70988000 pounds of canadian tiacon shipped to the british market whilis this year th corresponding- figure rose w 73- 934000 pounds the value of the asbestos export of canada for the 12 months ended august 1923 according to the do minion bureau of statistics excofd- ed the value of those of the previ ous year by nearly 13000000 these exports for the last year amounted to 202046 tons valued at 8376- 249 compared with 122766 tons valued at 6604661 in 1922 the first consignment of 1000 pounds of british columbia douglas fir seeds has been shipped to the british forestry commission lon don by the dominion forestry branch from its plant at new west minster british columbia the seeds wera extracted from the tones recently gathered in the frascr val ley districts the year 192 will see a new re cord in alberta coal production it is expected the total production for the year will reach 7000000 tons in comparison with less than 6000 000 last year the production up to november 1st is 1600000 tons greater than the production for the same period last year the record production previously was in 1920 when 6 400000 tons were produced the pay roll this year is expected to exceed 18000000 i oiroumt hill 1u2g attention ii try g hugheymcdonald i for cntnd plug tobaooos all kinds of pipes nnd pipe repairs a williams mgr is mill st georgetown l tm s ea sd tm ts dipping for the tick fihup 1 1 ikdi t- ijon mtmi his s dim 1 lt 1 1 dm i r fhr ili ii 1 u a lr ll 1 ml r far- lie- irritl meik fn il kir ij tiw miihii1 ml min- ic 1mb 1 j i onvifl lirimri r hrr ll flrk intr rl wi urmiil tat in t tin ill illiul i1n i ititm ford garage in georgetown provided illr ctlons a lowed tht walr tn ping fhould l i b kllrtit rruuiinl our s ito allow tht oujrtilv hs lot bi ufi the right way to boil potatoes put the potatoes in an smp enameled potato pot cover with water add salt to uate boll nntil sort when finished drain off all the boiling water through the trainer spout no danger of steam bcaldbur the hands because the handle sec urely locks the eoter on if your family uses potatoes yon require one of these smp enameled potato pots sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me- chanic will give prompt and efficient service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe ihiuctory tntif mm- ii- built imr tonkuid uid roovnd i lumber ordlnar main st north formerly browns garage trucking and long distance hauling rnrihare movlig plalcpirllts dane bj jiotir or contract for pripes andarrankements cntl or write wmg roszel box 1118 oeorgetowk coal best d l w saonton coal in all sizert also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nnrval sntinn phono gur24 j sanford general tilsmithing and plumbing now ia the time to hve your fnrxikoe overbiialed vnd jpnt in good aafe worhine order workmanship guaranteed prices itlbot fnmace teoi and taper pipea mide to order goods delivered ste war town tint m r 12 the farmers home market low tariff politicians belittle its importance are they right what are the facts inside lined with mlianiicd iron stn kslvsniied iron slone propcrl c struct d by a tinsmith will make a kood tat although posnlbly rather i hiitiientaile dl kroh nc fniulslon a simple rem ih i iillj prcpjiri d nt home is -nyrllr- irfpartd as folloivn 1 pints or coal oil 1 iilnt of milk mix tloroukhb in sn old dash churn dilute to usu b addlnr elklit lal liua of soft water to esch ml ion of concentrated tmuulon if milk is not evftltitil then usi laundr soap ua follows ont hajjpouiid ir laun dry uoiip lu kbiioii of hot soft water ttifu uild two sallons coal oil while hot churn up well and liin dilute to ubi b addlxi flrht xallomi of sort nch irallon of concentrated tpjp after sliearlii and i repeat in iwowekl ln pup dept of lxtenslon o a t u c probably no part of the business of farming is less under stood and less appreciated than the value of the home matket to the average canadian farmer of to day first and foremost given a government that is sympathetic with you the home market is one that you can absolutely con trol pt all times at least against the foreign farmer who would invade it on the other hand the foreign market is one that you iriaybe legislated out of at any moment by the vote of a foreign ojvemment that has decided that it wants to give its own farmers an advantage over you iext the market that is best worth cultivating is always the gietket that absorbs the largest part of your production the fellow who year after year buys more than half your crop 13 worth moritoyou than the fellow who only buys 25 of it thats fundamental theres no getting away from it frdm the figures below we prove absolutely that the home market absorbs at the very least 63j of the produce not of the ontario farmer but of the average carfedtan farmer including the wheat farmer of the west if we were to leave the western wheat fanner out of it it could be proved that ovtf 80 of what the ontario fanner produces is consumed by tbii home market the reason some people have an exaggerated idea of the im portance of the export market for farm produce is that they have looked at it solely from the standpoint of wheat it is true that we export in one form or another about 75 per cent of our entire wheat crop but the wheat crop important and all as it is re presents only about onefourth of our total annual agricultural production and it is only when we take into account what be comes of the other threefourths that we can arrive at a true es timate of the value of the home market to the average canadian farmer here is our calculation check up our figures from the canada year book the official statistical publication issued by the gov ernment subject our deductions to the most searching investi gation arid you will find that if we have erred at all we have underestimated rather than overestimated the importance of the farmers home market total exports fiscal year 1924 of agricultural and vegetable products jfr including fresh dritfl and preserved fruits grains flour and milled products bakery products and prepared foods vegetable oils tobacco fresh and prepared vegetables maple syrup maple tuiar and rmatellarlcoui hut eirlurtng rubber ugor other than maple molsues and confectionery at product not of canadian agricultural origin alio excluding okubohc beverages whooe export value is out of all relation to the vslue of the agricultural product uaed in their production animals and animal ptoducts including live animali hides and klni leather fresh meats cured and canned meats milk and its products oils fats greases eggs honey and miscellaneous but deluding nib oils seal and whale oils and fun other ttiun black and silver fox skins as products not of agricultural origin fibres textiles and textile products including all wool and woolens also flax jute and hemp products but excluding binder twine manufacturers of cotton and silk manu facturers of mixed textile and certain kinds or wearini apparel at products not of canadian agricultural origin grand total exports all kinds of farm produce 489094124 now the groaa agricultural revenue of canada for crop year 1923 fa given as 1342132000 deduct ing the grana total exports as above of 489094124 leaves a balance of 853037876 to represent what must have been consumed by the home market in other words the export market took only 36h of our farm production the balance 63 c consumed in canada 1 two thirds of what the canadian farmer raises he sells in canada 394407246 91939305 2747573 frnillr ianwlte a lonfi winter genral moans a i wiakintd vltallt to all animals and i snytmni that can be done to remove i obstacles and supply hi essentials should be done oiie or the crvat obstacles to huicensful poultry inn 1 bandr is the invsslou of intestinal parasites these creattra flourish i within tht blrdi wlntir or summer lkln- their toll uiisfi n and jrrenpee j tlve or weather conditions th are worse than potato beetles which are 1 honest t nouh to do their mischief lu plalu 1pw and work just cltht hours a da for but six weeks of the esr the intestinal parasites infest ing poultry have a unlou code of their own 2t hours per daj and 365 days per ysr ket all you can why worry about the poultry keepers pro- nts at the o a c th intestinal parasites inflating lh poultry flocks wero banished for good and fonitr elkhteeu months n how na k the method a gallon or a mix turt of whist and oat to which is added a small tvaapoontul of loncu rated lye is cooked slowly ur two hours and allowed to cool the birds ara given their ordlnar feed one morning and then nothing else until the uext morning when they are given as much of the lyi mixture as they will eat wuh plent of water this is dooo two or time tisys dur ing the season at intensls ot one month the large round worm infesting poultryf my be as short as one inch and the esecnm worm only tlri i- tentbs or an inch and one of tape worms only one flrtleth of an loch long very easy to overlook l- st treason oac quelpb flusines training is a necessity attend the guelph business college qn turner blilg gnolph ont individual instruction by business experienced instructors start on monday a i boijck principal and proprielor fhona ii6w tsrotioefc ladies suhroonc habceliim and cuiung frizzins and singcinc try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jb uliico apfmllibcits pfctie 278w export prices that fail to govern home prices in attempts to belittle the home market the argument has been used over and over again that the paces obtainable in the export market always govern the prices obtainable in the domestic market statements of that kind constitute one of the meanest forms of dishonesty it is probably true that in the absence of an effective wheat pool the liverpool price pr nearly fixes the domestic price of wheat but the liverpool pnee of hay or of potatoes isarmosrnegligible in its effect upon the local prices obtainable for hose commodities in canada and the reason for the difference is that wheat besides being a commodity that can be stored indefinitely has been provided with terminal facilities that enable it to be handled at a minimum of expense and is carried at the lowest of all freight rates whereas transportation costs on hay and potatoes substantially protect the pro ducer against surpluses only a hundred miles away hay and potatoes for instance in 1923 for instance farmers in nor folk county received an average df only blr cents a bushel for their potatoes while farmers in welland county less than fifty miles cay received 1 00 for theirs in that seme year fanners in perth county receivtd an average of only 9 28 a ton for their hay while farmers in the adjoining county of middlesex re ceived 11 05 for theirs discount these illustrations as much as you like on the ground that differences of quality had something to do with the differences in pnee yet do they not serve to shake your faith in the man ho would have you believe that liverpool prices atways govern domestic prices didxhun- der bay farmers for instance get 19 64 for their hay in 1923 because it was of such superior quality or did they get it because of the high cost of bringing 8 98 hay from huron county or 10 11 hay from lambton ccunty if liverpool prices governed hay m the way and for the same reasons that they do wheat ontario farmers would have to pay shippers a premium toltaketheir hay away whats sauce far the goose is sauce for the gander belittlers of the home market assert that a tariff on farm products is of no benefit to our farmery is the united states tariff on farm products of no benefit to united states farmers- is it no dctnment to canadian farmers if a foreign tanff is a detriment to canadian farmers why should not a canadian tanff be a detriment to foreign farmers and consequently a benefit to our own what a new industry in your market town means to you it increases the prosperity of the town gives wcrk to the unemployed adds to the population gets the empty houses rented and starts the build ing of new ones the town immediately has more money to spend on the butter and eggs tho vegetables fruit milk and grain your farm produces the foreign market ia admittedly an important market but after all what docs it consist of isnt it made up entirely of town and city dwellers wageearners who cannot obtain from their own farmers as much food as they require so they must buy from you ia the city dweller an asset to the canadian farmer only when he happens to dwell tn a foreign city if we persuaded him by the offer of a better job than he now has to come end live in canada would he not be a digger asset to our farmer than he is at present those who scoff at the home market would en courage those dwellers in a foreign city to stay where they are thus leaving our farmers in tho position where they must take a chance on ship ping thcr products long distances and then selling them in competition with other producers from all over the world isnt the plan of those who would build up the home market a vastly better one a aifitr tariff wilt givm mora ttroracre good join in thi country canadian workmwt with good jobs arm a btat customer the ac cqnadian farmer will cocr have treatment for hot mr larvae heavy infestations msj cause in digestion give the horse a chance help him to be coin forta bio 1 re moving the too nu nitrous but a lar vae rroui his atomnch fast tho horse twent four hours and give three capsules ot carbon bl sulphide to be ghen ont at time at thi tii o the stomach in june go into the null for six weiks and thru reappar to start their devilish work our aialn dept of k tension oac qui iph thw folio win k mini t ontario agricultural t giving kood uatlsfuctlo t buhnli chanua f this priparallon is k pt tn a suit able box in rath pen wli r i may be taken uj th swim at nil the l keep plent of pure ualcr before tb calves and nil lirijjst list or pasture grass it li mirprunt how touch water the wllldnuk vote conservative for higher tariff and for lower taxation the pedestrian b ot miulun 1 be bo hard if he could wtt ii rars and ankles at the same time notice of registration of by law number 27a viluo m hereby ifiven ihnl a h lih ji psscd on llieloh dnj of septem ber iw5 protidllk far the issue of de benlnren lo llu- amount of s2281s hs for llm purpose id pir for the conslrit lion ol a tontreit pavement on guelph alreet irom durham slreel to hlnis slreet a tortcrete rsveninl oi mnin streel from ihe mltrsectmn of guelph slieet wh mnin street u ihc whuo bridce a tonrrele pavemenl on mini streel from i he 1 atcment n i ready hml of guelph mid mh sue in a tuncrtlr pavemrm on u tit r nixl m ii strcrls from guelph siren lo llic pjvemit already lad dnii mimsiitei i- i d for inn the i ihc 2ui d nuli in 10 anj part of i of mums sm and t tnurrd in th llctistry iitlieluii ol llallon t ol sepcmjer dated tin- win day of september 197s it l heath clt notice ftoll re municipal voters lists pal olcrn i ills or ommions and 1 iy arc found kindly notify ueik all onerx and leninl should be on thi list i1 are han in posi office and icrkiflkc laii day lor making ap ird 1925 refer e l hlathclb nw hoeky rtilss some of thi mv rubs run ntl u onti d bj the anulmn amuli in hockey association have rkoh n lo a good deal of discussion cnpicinll i that which prohibits bodjchtcfcinr tn i forward the rules urnlirv nt ii somewhat drastic nusion at i hi meetmjr of the liuki com mitt lur ing the annual conmntion of tl u qteur athletic union of nn i i i rant chief amonj th haiii the elimination of bodrhn kin in centre ice anil the reduction of thi niuntwr of substitutes from thn to two another changi i tin n mm til of the defense line from tuni fi t from the goal lin to a point fortt feet from tho end of ih rink bonl keepers who hne been rntht r too severely handicappul b the rule also are allowed til r pnt ilorxi th rule prohibiting boilrhcckmt on th forward lini will applj to ii f nn players making a rush one the hnti crossed thi defi nsr line fort fict from the end of thr rink flagr anti official will rumire to uitlj th i neu rule this fall ko mnnj nnt weipinc are the rhnppe in unicoi ts a story of succest ir rrrnrda mnip by r kriiiiuntih nrc nn i to the innitirn lilit nf inn inihiiiofta start here begin now brampton business institute collections we handle collections only no sideline notlilnr loo old niiiiill la oc hnrd for net to la ivwin in auns orlr nn fn imm no mnh kelly aiken jcouectors