v the okoboktowv hbraui may l t netlee to creditors btkaatwuarafta f wll lias mmtamr r tw i la ia cat 1- notice is iikkkby oivkm that mil peiaona having any illation or demands sgaliwt the late william snyder who tiled mi f about tli twenty ninth day or match a i 19w at the city of uimlpli in tint comity or wellington and prnvlnw of ontario are wiatml to wnil hy pait pnpalii or to deliver to hie undersigned unlinitom for norman boyder anil keglniih bnydor tin emwotort or tho i ul will anil testament or wllliiim hinder fclm trlelan deceased their names anil uddmates and nil usrtleulmni in writing or their claims il tal- meats or tlieir tuhjmtm mm in nature of the securities if am lield hy them amdtakk notm e iliat alter theaabondday ol luna kw the said ksaeutors will proceed v is trlbuui the assets r th uald demcued amougtha persons imlitled thereto hiving tdgavd only to tl maiuis of whleh they hall tlien haw hail notla and that tlw said xnnniui snyder and reginald bnyder will not be liable far the said assets or any bart thereof to any penum or whose claim they hall not have received notloe dated at oewrtown ontario thin aeeond day or may ai w dale thompson solicitor lor the bald executors notice to creditors fcattoafattsraftlwamata ttmvtl java ifaljls la tu xkmamlac la th cmy r iiuu wuw notice u hereby given that all nenopji having any claims ordc- and against tho late marv jane meclure who died on or about tho twontleth day of november 1927 at the city of ouelph in the coun ty of wellington and province of ontario w required to lend by port prepaid or to doliver to the sudersiimed wlielto for willlani a mectur cyrus b mcclureand david henry mcclure the execu- ton of the uat will and testament of mary jane mcclure widowde ceased their names and addresses and i fult particulars in writing of their claims and statements of thoir accounts and the natuio of the sec urities if any held by than and take notice thataf ter the second day of june 1928 the said william a mcclure cyras e mcclureand david h mcclure will proceed to distribute the assets of ha said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and the said william a mcclure cvrus e meclura and david h mcclure will not bo liable for the said asset or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this second day ofmay a d 1028 dale thompson solicitors for tho said 8t eomitora notice to creditors la tk bsattar af the autat af f ar maker lata rtaa tawatlda af kf testae ta tka oaaty af haltea notice is hereby given that all persona having any claims or de winds against the late mary fish er who died on or ab ut the fourth day of january 1028 at tho town ship of esqueaing in tho said coun ty of halton and provinoe of on tario are required to send hy post prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors for a seward wil i sod and alexander d hume the executors of the last will and testament of mary fisher widow deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the sec urities if any held by them and take notice that after the second day of june 1028 tho said a seward wilson and alexan der d hume will proceed to distn trote the assests of the said deceased among the person entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shallthcn have had no tice and that the said a seward wilson and alexander d hume will not be liable for tho said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this second day of may a d 1028 dale b thompson solicitors for the said st executors the public health twins- an taafartea u carnal with tfca pauls baalth al nolle la bsnbyilvsa tbst all red deals of gsorgatown are esquired forth with to dean their etllsra drains jsrdi plir styes water etossts outhn aatl ewer premises and remove there iron si dirt manure sad other sub stances which rosy endanger the public health aadto have same cemplstad by the lath day of may nest on which day the aauuuy inspector will commence a general laspseuon and further take no bee that tee section of the public heslth act prohibiting the keening of bngs be- tweeauaaavh of may and the iflh of pt hi pens at least 70 it m and fio ft- from any with floors ksnteleai water and regularly y enforced earnestly requested premises eanslanuy dean waa- u roy dale llayer the uunldpsllty of geerce- apru trub am agstsaltasal laase agricultural umt lot sal si tl bj per nlrellki aaid lo oewfeiewn call or imallar on ill howe ll c p r adds further trackage lontlmlliu aakl to oeeiteiewn tsrxvssisssiii phsae iu osergmnya w hue xjiirtkswxvjjrjj mlw of ononi luimlfaml mill of iruumiif will nlortly limi luiit ly the canadian par hi r iiiiuy i wrvin- th wrtu of tfip v utirou vur tiiktrlct l ultown lv ilif citlnt of tile w or now unilorwuy ahout tliat thy an itillcai6i of tho nroerawnw of ixkixftm of tho alrvady multi fold triii ifbiie fotultim la bivpii i in tlit nlanit iklnir tarrlwl out at flar it cutihifootof ronilllehmut und in tho iiroiomi new c v h an at tl o nouth nd of tho arcond vurrow i iridic und of tlip allou una for urtl addltlonh wl irr tifiirj mr t i ni ml huiefrintrnjpnt viaa ihuied i n rr tin tl l vfft f- a ottf rtll cvtl ttnl of txlatatnt irakm fuilutlw oxrluhtvo of main and mil nillpry llnwi rurtnintt throunh tin yirdij of tho pauiauo of thrnuuh and loioltrulni mtv inif um nt rami lur hlutor iorii on tin nnrtji ahon to tho south oridoftlinhitonil imarirottu llridvr thp i k iiuh innn tlmn ii nuhj of troruuit lrom tho aoutli end of tho vprnnd nurrou iihiltio t oul iurliourutiiiioihitr7mhhi tlo lalaiit crfk nnl lomjirlrtt tt mh und tin aoutli 1ulnt t ro u ata haw hftfwn llino and fuur milm in tho onultlam itrmlnal ard bvrifntr loth unimiir and new wmtmlnvttr tlfn nr 2 j inllffl of iriikuk nh i ml urn lt funloul intlm i ih a l thl ii irtpnm r i urf i- lalllmlty mit 4feaj lh leulllttf uc f ard mllm iij wl of tl i frwutr itui r uhdijo flila trairtaffo tar u tl i c v ii ik contirnol u not onl tuuinif mro of u nit inly und normul prow tli in truilo throuirh tho arcat iiort hulauo handllnu nn ahnor mat otiiuniilon in witilward a rain movprnont aihutlonm hovfrlthn mute and othorrf will bo nihtnmary to can for thlmerdwliii wwthound traflf whlih ivurhod a tnult in tin rrojl wauon of 19j7 2 i lie unmliun fufillm i rut aobtuurd uluut nl ijimenth wrp mu f in ifijj ttttulnid moro thun bu 000 go0 1 tuhi in in 1 0- i 24 an 1 rcarho i the n or i ll ih mirinic of 6j oito odu i uul i u hllppiil mirouih the i nr 1 f clf fnlifli hrnitr a washable semi- gloss paint a paint which cmhod- ies all tho delicate beauty of artistic tints with nigect durability that is mchogiohs it pro duces a rich satiny effect which is not affected by water splashes grcaso marks and tinner prints even ink blots may bo cosily washed off thlg beautiful new flnlxh 1cllfcif it is the eatiett paint to apply that you ever tried it spreadi a ions way and covers perfectly no brush marks or overlapping will msr the emoothneu of this remarkable eemlglou wall paint excellent far kit chens bathrooms cellar stairways etc high standard liquid paint is the most economical paint on the market it is ground so fine and made with such exact ing care that high standard spreads farther and covers better than any paint you can buy not only is high standard most economi cal but the finish it produces is unrivalled for its high gloss and beauty high standard comes ready for use in thirty handsome shades porch floor paint let uppclnlly dcnljinihl for viruntluh lluora it with itunda tho rataffc of tho uuithar und tho unual hard urnr to which verandah are h object it inatn n lurprlilnftly long time and coven mo mtnh aria nnd cover it will that a pint of tl ih porch floor paint will no almost an far nn a quart of no called tjicnp paint enamels tho beauty of a nanul finfah ia unexcelled it im part that distinction and beauty to your woodwork thut no ouior finish can approach wu hnvo lowe brother linduru fnamel for both in terior and exterior uu it in nn enamol of the hlfhett quality and driea to a tnr- faeo which rounblea por- colain in it elou and moothncsa neptunite varnishstain in a hifth srade vornlah tain it varnlihea and atuln in one eaay operation the stain color are non fad in vemlcol has aplen- did wearing quail tlo and fflvea a fine mirror like alow easy to use dries quickly and once dry it has a sur face like alas that ts free from stickiness and dust off easily r leuotone flat colors are unexcelled for interior decoration mellotone 1 used throughout the continent for the interior decoration of the finest buildings and humblest home it la so eaay to apply to durable and spread so far that its first coat u mfubu comes in sixteen beautiful color from which many bar monloua color aebemea may be obtained uellotom ii also washable r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown appearance may make friends for a ctxl car but it takes performance to hold them mclaughlinbuiclc outsells because it outperforms tie 017 4 c dtrrd payment pub omtrt masjr swvaafacss to euyer of uclnuguia buick cars tt urons niiumi utuaat urn uuukfmulmim rhst um asbjulsuc prtm iuj four lvir kvdaulsc ihmtk abirbc indura liduas mm dui ummlmt shii iim raukmf rua hasktimlr m yawwiul 1 1 m u h ii ivhul k aulas uswmtr bumtf ttmm mciaughunbuick s v king georgetown a aease whbn uttbt autouobuih arb bun t urlauohijn bukx will build 1hbm notice lo creditors iatkmwrk bau mt la m oiulr uui tka tw rfq 1m th 0ntr hl b l t u l i i i l i n g a nrw s i i ti l 1 r j in aulomohlei moncr i denln u hint all poruoiih hiuinp utiy clantih or ile- mtiiulrt daini hut iriln atiihnut m orniuly wlm ilml nn ir uluiut i lie urn foiirtm nlli ilny or mutt li 1ii2h nl ilia c ilv of gmlpli in lliu coun ly of welllnuloii iiml pnivince of onlayio uri riiuiriil lo wiij hy mmt in puul or lo ilelivi i lo ilia mi ilarwsneil solnilom for margaret f tliiiarmiilt i ho viliniiiiutriilrlxor flic ildnni of amliroso m dramly vfertliunl tl ceiijieil tlnir imuilti iindaildroiihosiinil full partitnlnrn in wrttinic of llicir ilunim ami slnto menl of flit ir auonnln ami ihi tiutiiro of i hi heeiiritu h if nn hold by lliem ani i kl noiici that of lir the hiloiiii iln ofjiiin 1ii2h tlie knulfmiirunk i lilhi i o111111iv will pronml to illulnlmtc the iimu in of ilic hjiiil detfurtinl anions the iici somuintilloil thereto in nifjc uenrd nnlj to the 1 lauim of which ulic hiiaii then linva hnit nntiti nnd that i hi iaid murunrot elhol irniulv uill not lie lialih for flit mud nwetm or nn iart thereof to inyurron of whoso cluun hiii hiiiiii not i hen hnw reeencd notin dated at ucanfslouii ontario chii miind dn of may ad102k i vi i fe iiiompson ohcilors for the hsiii ht mnrusrct ptliol irnndv nolleelo creditors i a fjut kitttr f t4 auute f wi- turw c uuro tmuihtu f baatlaa la taa cautyal ltas ttui fturtmev 4ttst1 noticr is hcrobj uivcu ihntall lieraons having any elsims or do mnnda nnainat ihn late walter w colo who died on or about tho nuitot nth day of apnl 102 at the township of ijuc8iiio in the county of halton and province of ontario ore required to nend by poet prepaid or to deliver to the undarslimcd solieitom for george currjo tho administrator of thcea tate of walter w cole farmer de ceased their names and addresses nnd full particulars in untina of their claims und statements of their accounts and the nature of the nc unties if am laid by them and takk notice that uf- tcr tho second day of june 1028 tho said george curne will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased am6ngthe pcrnonsoiititled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then havo had notice and that tho uald george cumo will not bo liable for the said assets or an part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not thon havo received notice dated at ucorgetown ontario this bieondday of may a d 1028 dale thompson solicitors for the said jt administrator du kant 65 psjllvhsy calf f n sim l i j oh 1 liu gfamify andpower tl4uqntenfed hybeauly vi i ill a rul it ikr durant a4 atw a ootlluruhli fjvimortoraliurt stroiglil 4wiy run an a cutviiilr hill in traflw o umlir nny nu i imulitiimu you nuy choowj only iktit can yuu litmiruly vxprms an ajiutmmt rjirilti litis will tullt jutomoltlu sulnlity to turn tlw ural cj cwrytliy hiotivrihg villi tatr powr its inert rvtry teatotim deiiuml vith cfttsuuy aikl in atlilitlom umt krjuty tlul is wo chiru uruiur of dtifmil built haytf hunt um11 the opwrtuiuiy uf fiovntg lo your twt sitlirsctjou uul tk uew duranl sikvs haw tkt vttillyioipouni qualififatio awaits you at your local dursnl uvjws ytutou vbugavwefl mortgage sale of vataaue tarn am parcel tl leal estate la ttte vuiafe aeawllllum li the ttwa- under and by virtue of th power of sale contained in a eartsln morttfaff which will be produced t the ume of sale utefe will be olyored for aale by public auction on the premises describ ed below at the aaid village of glan- wllllams on saturday the jotti day of may 1099 at two oclock in tho afternoon by ren ieten auctioneer all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate lying and- being in the township of eaqueslne in the county of halton and province ol ontario ana containing by admeasurement three acre be the satm more or leu and being composed of part of the east half of lot number twenty in the nine concession of the said township and which may be more pai tieularly described as lots numboi one two three four five six seven eight nino and ten in block k and also lots number fourteen fifteen aad sixteen in block i aa laid down on a map or plan of part of the said half lot miule by george uepfauups p us and filed in the registry office for the re- aorondstoouou abhius too ste gistry division of the county of halton on thvlwentiothdayof junea d ibm on the preui8es there is said to be erected a good frame dwelling bouse barn a commodious hen house and a good garage this property offer a splendid opportunity for the right per son teau e tteie ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the solicitor for the vendor at the ume of sale the balance to be paid in ten daya tbereaf ter without interest the property will be oftered for aale subject to a reserve bid for further particulars and conditions of sale apply to dale ft thompson solicitor for th vendor georgetown ont ben petcfl auctioneer 4 tl loom l ctutvlr x imipwosliiihlwviawlinl wjhw durant rueliy tiwll fol ai six cjllndm calwclly i ion and i i ian l mjh t j speight speights gasage guelph street georgetown ed car jjalitu the result of new car popular ti an unuiually jood selling season in the new car market always reacts to the benefit of the used car buyer that holds true of the present situation on account of the exceptional sales volume of the new chevrolet we find ourselves with an etra number of really good used cars on our floor to reduce our stock without sacrificing anything of the reputation won hy our new car dealings we have jut all these cars into sound condition and arc offering them at pricva that compel public inter est now is the most advantageous time to buy good used tar from a reputable chevrolet deale jlct us show you some extra attractive values special bargains 1926 ford ton track 1925 overland sedan 1925 ford conpe j n oneill son it pays to use ftartin senour 100 pure paint an0 varnishes of special product for every purpose for every surface looxptwe paimt tl inwtor harbuire for fiatdvstui floors neutone humutili athpsmt varh0uuh for oilcloth ftmohum w000iac item for fkon andfurmhrtl fir sale by a e cordtaflley georgetown