sni7wwwmnitj ft2 tim ouonralowu llurald july imllli w2h i a s a ii i dovt mss this ga pa vndmr ihm auapicm of nerval presbyterian church on thursday evening august 2 a i t i 1 i t i i i i s s k a fiftclaf program villi b given fcy the brunswick trio ttmtntmtnt booth on croum i births marruuraa uul deaths ara bow charged for t the followlmj nlail births 5o marrlum mel 4ull mm memorial eudlnc loe par lino extra for poetry dsmd mkiukenat rocanvllle dask w tueeday july nth ibm john mc- aueanratberef mra j b slacken- a oeorcatown in his 78ui year tw funeral ml hold on friday july 20th from tha unlud churdi to bocan- villa camalary watt in georaatown on wednesday july ss ims jean camtrm beloved wife- of qots watt in bar mat veer tha f unaral will taka plaitt from har uu raaloaaea durham btroat on fri day july nth at 2 pm inurmant in greenwood cemetery georgetown si georges s s annual plenlc mtgbttri lay steal ai emsraste park newly mt rrctcal obituary adults 35c i i aj children 20c memorial j aiammmalmhcraallarklei st stmot la lack aba caratr rath aai marker yaaul attention mn to caabatsvrjr work artislio and accurate workmanship ouarauuwd j uyi wm c allan j sfottwuat work brampton haaaa mesas sum avkkn by sheissaat tthaj halton garage llrolrvic and fitcl j 1 i hi balteriea reetlaiged gas buloi for usl battery oil j m doyle prop 7 wu st cffhawa i jarjptilsliiakewiitltjts saturday treat this week we have a nice chocolate caramel they are not real hard nor yet eoft juat a happy med ium you impy cant help liking them r saturday trtat 89c weekend chocolates to thoie who have tried our weekends they need no introduction but to those who have not yet sampled them do try them thia week its the best assortment at the price anywhere hard and soft centres wk end chocolahb when jou think lab class chocolate think of hunt always frcab at this store j w hurt on july mill i02b erin town- chip lout by death oiucof lbs una of our pioueert il th person of jolm wilton hurt the lata mr hurt u tha second toil of the lata john w hurt and grandson o ueortfe hurt who settled in kriu township on lot 17 sixth coureaslou ninety two years ago deceased wot bom in 18a5 in the same house mi whleb be died 71 years later jn 1878 be married janet mo ktnnon second daughter of tlu lau nell mokinnon who with four una and thnw tlaughtera and tixbsen granduliildren survioe tbey are laurenca of tieorgetawn mra david sovereign and mrs peter cole of burlingtoni lira d j sinclair ubea ter qoldwin and clifford of erin tnwnihlp the ltte mr burt wat a man of ahriitun character and vat a ataunoh tupporter of every good uauae he wat mpeelaliy ntereaad in the per petusl oare of rural oemeterlet and wat active in bringing the matter be- forethe ontario oovernment to liave ltwa enacted for thin purpot and did much to improve the coningtby cemetery at wbiob place bin earthly remaint were intered iu tbu preaenoe of a large ooooouree ol friends and neighbor no monday july 16th krin advocate church news extra special rose belling powder 1 lb un wo sot vinigar bottlet vanilla nig mu for 19o olaikt potk beans reg 2bc for 21o neb stjap flakes reg 16o foi loo pilet brand hardinea wrapped ouly loo jett o soap 6 for 2bo atlat brand ripe peat per tiu ltte g pure food store g i 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 ht oeorgea churob eighth siindar after trinity am holy commnnioo xi atn ahortened matiut and sermon by the rector 7 pro ahortened evensong and sermon by tbe rector tmon service renp l kipp editor or the canadian baptitt will preach in the united church on sunday at 11 am and in tbe baptitt church at 7 pm united church the united church 8qnday sohool will hold their annnal picnic thurs day afternoon july 26tb to eldorado park special can will leave tbe vjdlal station at 2 pro adult fare tor tbe round trip it 36c the inn will leave eldorado for the return trip at 8 oclock e i e i i plenlc specials heine sandwich reliab helm sour mixed pioklea bine ribbot sandwich spread 20c and bins ribbon mayonnaise 16c and club house olivet stuffed and plain 30 3d 80 and grape juioe sss gold medal oonoentmted lemon and orangeade 25e maple butter 26o croats bleokwells pith uud meat paste 2bc bulk sweet mixed pioklea per pint 30o aoc 3sc 8sc 30c eoo a e farnell pimpth1iveiv 75 the nevilles umcns altaaumminas cmncs gmtfkfnntly ihkukmtllmmttluutdw t l nevilim ftfaw jsatia at tka paae albert t harrit of the lower middle road trafalgar is receiving congratulations upon his appointment at a juttloe of tbe peine for halton county notification of wbiob be has just received from the attorney-gener- ala offlo toronto mr harrit is a native of briatol england and dur ing tha gnat war went overseas at u sergeant with tbe 220th battalion york rangers he it a member of the oakvuie masonic lodge the canadian foresters tha whits oak social club and the oakvllle uwn bowling club he it also a com missioner or the trafalgar public utilities bees- waanlere olaae te tews on tuesday morning resident of tbe west end of main street wen indeed surprised to see a fullgrown deer in that vicinity mr o h switxer saw tbe animal in bis ism yard and called members of the family to see it before it disappeared in the fields it was latar seen by mr o w missies on tbt second line about 100 yards from tbe cor poration limits it soon disappeared in the fields however hurdling the fences unite easily and making a rapid getaway it is many many yean ainoe a deer has been soen so cloae to town or in these parts free press iiaihablaajititlasa a very pntty wedding took place at 10s morse st toronto on mon day july oth when stella kathleen only daughter of mrs slelgbtbolms and the lata arthur sleightholme of georgetown became tbe bride or gordon allan leslie eldest ton or mr end mrs allan leslie or brighton out the rev t 8 ganlt officiated at the ceremony tbe bnde who wat given away by her uncle mr that blythe looked chinning in her gown of white silk vette snd use with a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms at the entered tha room to tha strains of the wadding march played by mr e mcllwain the carried a bouquet of ophelia roses and baby bntath mitt ilarel bradley her only attend ant won a frock of green georgette with mohair hat to raluib she oar lied s bouquet of butterfly rotes mr retulok of brighton ont suted as best man after the ceremony buffet luncheon wat served at the home of her aunt mrs t blythe the grooms gift to the bridesmaid was a neckbue and to tha best man a sotrf pin after spending their honeymoon in belleville the happy ononis will reside in othawa til svorgea church sunday hchool lield their unnual plniilo ut ktdnrado park on saturday afternoon last when nearly hoo scholars teachers and parents spent a moat delightful day a special canadian national electric train conveyed the large crowd to tlie park leaving george town at 2 pm and returning about 8-30- during the afternoon a varied program tr sports was carried out tlw winners ill the raees were- miss adams class boys 28 yds 1st billy ariuslroiigi 2nd feltou belian girls 25 yds 1st ieguy adiunk 2nd helen blackburn miss groits ciltss boys 111 yds 1st treranine bslian 2nd billy mc kally girls 3b yds 1st evelyn woods 2nd edna lehar mist westons ohms girls mi y is 1st evelyn sanderson 2nd hutli james r- miss coulters etaxs girls nilyjlh 1st viola coxtjdani 2ml irontv carmir miss bruudfordti runts ulrls 10 yds 1st hazel wulker 2nd doro thy surgtuinl miss mcnullyh cliwv boyn w ydi 1st llqyi hiiiilermiii 2ml godfrey collier sirs heluuis class ilirls 50 yds 1st kiitbleen hate 2nd bessie walker miss hadleyh cluss girls 7fi yds 1st aileen costigan uud rosa polle miss knights class girls peanut race 5 yds 1st irene hall 2nd elsie carter mra cooks class boys boot race bo yds eaob way lit dutch costl- gam 2nd wilbur bradley mitt th impsons olass girls three legged rare so yds minnie sur- geant and ethel hall mr carters class girls hioiv nee 35 yds 1st minnie sirgiunl 2nd lily huggins mr davis ulsss boys buscuit race 1st harry dcwburst 2nd arthur huu teaoben rouet 1st miss adams those in oharge of the sports were starter rev p h wane judgea prank dewhuwt anil hugh mcnallys umplt k mcnnllj an nouncer v hay edwards lwuoh was served at 030 and after an hour spent in bathing and boating all nturned home having spent one of tbe most enjoyable days in the history of the sunday school craleu hetueal mbite this years prixs list of the csna dian notional exhibition is greatly in exeats of 100000 the followiug letter received from nurse murray mutton bay cans dun labrador will be of interest to all those who to generoualy contri buted to the bales sent by the greo- rell association to the nursing station at mutton bay hut sprine mutton bay canauiuh lab june 10th 1028 dear gnnfell workers your two bales and box arrived iu al condition judging by the in- tsotness of tbe consignment and the rough handling i assure yon no ex pert psckur oould hsve done better everything it useful and hod i ro quested you to send oertain things it would have been exactly what yon did tend womena coats are in gieat demand always after serving the purpose tbey originally started out in life with they an out down turned inside out aud sometimes issue forth in the forarort boys suit quilts and such excellent quilts as the ladles iu ontario make on a perfect godsend tbe women here an thrifty and good sewers but then an never any patches left so seldom they ever have new material and they surely do appreciate those oozy quilts the tiuned food waa doubtly wcl come tha steamer was so late this year june 17th that every one was short and it wat so highly delightful to be able to give s can of soup and ooooa to one poor old aiek couple hen prom time to time but winter i used to taka them a jar of black ourranta from your donation and they enjoyed them so much tbe mission tton it like a second hand tton we get wood and work during the winter and issue receipts for clothing then after the oloth- inglrrlves we hsve store dsy onceni week during tbe summer and it beata any rummage aale going tbe more protperout families order from eatona any kind of reading mat ter wonld to appreciated we are hoping to receive books rrom the diffennt branches end start a circu lating library i am going off thia year aud expect to go west if possible should enjoy spending a day in georgetown and masting my kind coworkers many many thanks very sincerely yours marian a murray glenwllllams ml m tulurlrt llirlritu of ltwmnhr nv njnttt u iv w tlai with km fritdtlu mm win hruvii nl ulciluii ttiumt thii wwik mul willi mrn s muclua mihrl erii wutklllh iii liirilpri in kiixtwliiiif u dm- iiujm at tlif inline of mr urnl mm k hhulil mr prank logim uinl mini vinli login i liuv rtauriiixl immiu tiller himiulintt u wetk with fiminh in mottfonl uiul wohuuit ivmli tlin utiiloil ghurli will hitltl itutir aiinunl plo nil- nt klilorailu on hitur- iay tuly jhth own ufe 3ipimuil in imvii ihhii tufrniih frimji iluirt idlluwiiii hi ut or tint till jsiiiio i he iii hpriuu cliarlfxi fannliilo cluotiiili tin inriu orly or tlimlinh line ciimt clijiigna corny iiuhumi lupwilr lust uuutlny mormivv hy iilacmu u ikjom uroiuiil hih iuk and jumimil from it wuiu fit the harii flu left jic iioiihu uftir h am iiimi whuii jiit ilnl mil upiur uyain ut olimik inn lw huh lor doit ufiil liniico woiil nut tu hk for liliu iliitluik lmi jfiiil it i vaiuhuu ttfilrt cllliil hut llirrv will ui no iihjiioht mr kitriiiluli wan horn near thlmlluiwti c uon qf tlolin rumiditlr muni his firl tiiarrin lifn tin llm wewt nl ir h1 weul ui tin iikt miln live ipam tiui aud hud juht iiiovtd to it luryn lurin in hie ohiltciihum ihxtiiiil lh i- flurvit liy hiu wlduw mul luu miiih two hintfru mid two trouer ottawa onurio by th d or tbf bufon 15 ttyiau eluba will hav ihb jtabluhm tbrouthout can- da aeeordln to ajvlcu from tbt air board a toul of i1700m u jmidk apant 17 tha board thia year ui tba uwmotloa of thaaa eluba for elvulaa flylag cluba hava al- rady btca atabllabad at montreal toronto ottawa hamilton hall- rax saakatoon naiina uooaa jaw edmonton victoru and granby one at haliru aad aaotbar at lon don at about to hilar tba lut tranaportaittoa of mall but valuable vaekaa by air from canadian paelfle 1 intra at ftlmoue kl to montreal and toronto there by tavtw about 9 boura in time ta bteawlnr inereaalnjtly popular after montreal toronto london and cbatbau outlph had lla turn with a parcel or irlih llotna rolni to a department atora tbera and tba eblpmtnt being welcomed by maror robaon and other prominent elll- aena of the town tbeitf parcel ar handled by the canadian paul- fie epr company a tablet in memory of men of tba seventh royal pualllara wbo aervad with tba qube carriaoo during tha alera or 177bt by tba americana under montgomery and arnold wna unveiled on dominion day on the wall of the chateau prontanae by hla excellency tha governorgeneral present at tha ceremony war offlcera of tha puelllera from bngland and a de tachment from the canadian puel- here of lndon ontario who are affiliated with tbe english corn tha chateau front cnac oeouplea the alta of the old chateau st loula which warn the mlllury htadquar- ten during the nine inipvctlnn of the duchaaa of bedford net 20000ton canadian pacific liner which recently made bar maiden trip to montreal at once djacloaed hie ax t rente aul lability of these ductless vhlpe tor uoplual travel vnulatud under thu uuu ltiuvro aatotu of intllvuluully con- uolled outieu cool air ls fortw under geutlo ir to every durt of tho vvirnul uroad euddccsts and n openair swimming pool mdd to tbs luxurious appearance of tha ablp aod ii has now been decided that the duchsb of alholl shell be uitd un the south america- jouth afrlra cruise next year red ro orange pko cornea as near to paraction as any ta cans everything that tea experts can do to make red rose orange pekoa superior in quality flavor and value is done in tho treat red rose blending rooma try it today put up in the bright clean aluminum paclcages defiance briar pipes 25c combs hard rubber all sixes 15c mmant toilet paper e rolls for 2sc tooth paste 39c while they last i aulo strop razor i aulo slvop strop free with encli pun hand ol aulo strop blades eioo silveswoods ice cream try this smnolhcr than velvet ice cream take a brick or a pall home today or call us and hnvc us deli ver it iallh 11c jsr 111 llrlcks ific ksklino iich tm- tonoi fie dixie lips or lminui hiulus mul hiimiiiim iervcil in our htnrc gillette blades 40e and 75c fly kiliers wbu h oz wfn hprny tjntllt fly tox i nj kly tx hi iu riiitiliriiiit i lur fly colls b lur iji ii uusi pulfer illi- iwc ill r ilk- ml armand compact reg 100 half price 50c powder pulls all sizes and shades 15c vinoim castile soap 8 cakes 25c h j jtacens bath soap 3 for 29c last chance to buy kotex 3 pkas lor 109 a wraggeties drug stored ihtcar a th right price arowners arc turning their cars in on new-chev- v- rolets faster than ever with the result that we art getting finer car than ever in trade we know that there is a used car in our stock that you will be proud to own the right car for you and we con assure you that it is marked at the lowest possible price satisfied customers are our greatest assets that is why you are sure of a square deal and fair value in a good used car here come in and inspect the right cars at the right t prices easy terms arranged cuieisa ikickrvrsltlcsacb 1mi fard tsa truck ims fart caaae j n oneill son l atk for coupon fb bjh rane us ed cars dju r u bemmctto eye ear noou and throat specialist announoee the tno removal of his office to 11 maub st baurr hayhiltom out eyoglasaaa fitted consultation by up- polntment phono garfield 7w convenient parkins forautomobllvs if you deeire a retpilar inromo that you can depend on inveat your money in standard royalties it pays recnthly dividends and thurt is no ssfsr investment anywhuru if yuu desire information sion and mall tho coupon below jautassasit atoaava4 tbe ontario railway aud muni cipal board represented by charles h iiokeown cuairmsn and j a eult visited brampton and eldorado on tuesday with regard to an appll- oatlon from the county council of peel to cloae the road from eldorado to ohorobsille residents near by want a bridge eonstruoted over the credit wbiob would coat about 12- 000 clots by there it a double diversion to tbe road and the county council dost not uouaider that such sipeutilure on a new bridge is warranted by tbs situation mestings were held both morning and aflsmonn after which the pro posed site was surveyed by tbe board judgment waa reserved carts a 7vtanaf if canadas premier hone bhow will u llllvr n- iifibeheld at night during ths 1028 tavtsssss canadian national kihibitlon standing rooip at the canadian national orandttand accommodates 8001 klndtysend mu without cblbrstlon infor mation rafftrdlnfr standanf itoyaltlea name addreas authobrzbd dealer h w dawson r o box w llraropton distnot reprassntativc mm cmiiieil baa caraa we hive ow aaeicy far hotpoint appliances c ge radiolas etcdrleal jlmaralu la- italics aai icphrcs prompt 8kiivi0k h h darling mmelh j muitjeck st georgrtown suburban gas and oil syndicate tin iiihivv syndicate ow u imic 21 miv 2 miles vt iif acton mul luni iiihiit option mmi mljoiuiiik utic a cdiiiiiletc drilling plunt i- on the proptily ami ioiiiiiiiniiil ilrillin un i uesiliiv july i4tli the syiiihvilte an- eiinliileiil thai lliey iiiim a gonil ehulicu to liml natural ia and oil and iunnider the xliaren a good hpeouliitivu piir- ehase inspection of propertv invited and fullem invehtiyatiun olieited no mure than two idiuiei told to any one pnrtv application for purchase of svndiiate hiiiui to he made to mr tony seynucu ac ton price 2500 per share suburban gas and oil syndicate t sevnuck precsfdenl acton ontario july 23rd 1028 iimmmimmmr