the i 7 zr sixtysixth yew of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 28th 1932 150 per anmrm in adrance 200 to usa the georgetown herald 41 lc moos i oaaadlan weekly newspaper cjml time table standard time 10 jo a 637 pjn for toronto 944 pjn sundayagolng j sjg pjn toronto s44 pm 840 us it 10j6 sm am mab and new teak bells rve the a happy new year to all main st south phone 2 george listened in the darkness of nights that were so lone my soul obsessed by sorrow my llpa too sad for aong i but in the hllthesume ringing of new tear bells i heard the message god was bringing and a newborn courage stirred my heart that had grown doubtful almost doubtful of his arrow bus nacasni sat vice sub am culm an boildar only 1xh pnv sjb pa cjbo bub 10jb6 p a j sundays sad holldafa csuyvais pa dally fares to houm of at directory wishing one and all a happy and prosperol new year danns drug store phone 327 georgetown uswxbalst v tub afeo way to buy coal and welsh anthracite ljst oeesjwer of swat no exiradclivcry citfricslo f 7 mtwdticisoal bii aiiwit avffcav f iw dsajg e ae jes- dull rnsgsemes youre gshliifont- teamnever taterestthe while toibem sewsomawrt wiey are tor stoeton and dentists to plsce on the to wattb- i vooctor the ttilnr for you to do la to stop tbjmktng about yourself just y bury yourself tat your mat i ps4snwaashndime ev osmant brown visited m offlos by ate wife tvar heaven sake helen stop seat- taring dgtaette tubas all orer mf mssbi n a robinson lfve stodi dealer and botctier norval live stock trucking all loads fuuy insured phone george 101 13 grief rve listened in the shadow of that none can guess rve missed a hearts devotion and voice of tenderness but in the cadenced beauty of the new year bells i knew to carry on was duty the thing that i should do that god was in his heaven and the promises were true by rena stotenburg ttevais jess meets adventure prosperity oil phone 222w purner price 7 burner 3200 9 burner 3500 double 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7jfor furnaces with necessary equip ment 5700 g tear guarantee with every b s b groat choice plants and cut mawawaaamssmawawaawabawasawaaw i saws aaawsawabwabwaaawawawaiawsawawmawawabwaaw flowers for new ye asanas cycleman poinaetna begonias ferns christrnas peppers christmas cherries cut flowers roses mumms carnations marigolds violets all at greatly reduced prices georgetown floral co by marguerite asplnwejl the special train carrying the to new york city where they girls of the allendale academy were to separate for the summer vaca tion was stalled vwo hours from tts destination the more adventurous of the girls bad slipped down the ear steps and were racing along the bard track bed the heat and the long- drawnout tediousness of the journey had subtly relaxed discipline besides the teacher in charge of the rear ear was iii with a bunding headache at last four long warning whistles from the engine announced the start laughing and breathless the girls hastened to scramble aboard again and those who bad confined them selves to the platform as they were suposed to jdo wen back to then- seats with sighs of relief jessie dallam had only come out to the platform a minute or two before the warning whistle sounded she had been deep in a new book about a girl of her own age who was having mar velous adventures jessie was the last to turn away from the plattcrm as she turned her heart seemed to stop its even beating severa hug- dred yards away a small plump figure in a bluechecked dress was lqtig in oblivious eoncefrtratlon over stream that ran parallel vrith up track and jess saw wfth const tlon the gun of the afternoon sun on a bright red bead no one who had ever seen that curly red head could mistake it as belonging to any one except nineyearold valhvda west who was at ones he snhojnjls pet and torment in the confusion of the stop unnle must have wandered os unnoticed and was now lost to her surroundings in some new and fascinating diversion the special was already moving and in a second or two would have gabr ed considerable headway jess glanced about her frantically uncertain what- to do she called for miss barter the teacher in eharge of their car and then desperately for several of her classmates toy name but the noise of the train drowned her voice unfortunately unme was en the opposite aide of the track from that on which the conductor was looking out jes drew a long frightened breath and then hatless and ooatlwn as she had run out of the car sprang down the three steps on the side nearest unnle thus losing her final chance of being ob served by the trainmen and dropp ed as carefully as she coald from the moving train the speed of 11m train was greater than she bad ima gined and she was flung forward on her knees and efcows on the hard ground there was a bend in the track some distance a and tt seemed to the girl that the train whisked round the curve and out of sight before she had tune to get her breath back she and unnie west were alone in the most desertedlook ing stretch of c y she had seen during the entire trip of course someone was bound to miss them eventually but she had no way of knowing how soon tt was a very sober jess that got painfully to her feet and climbed down the embank ment to the meadow jnlow where unnle and her brook were holding converse together unnle you bad bad glrll she ac costed the unconscious culprit do you realise the train has gone and were left behind the child lifted a pink and chubby countenance the angelic fairness of which was slightly marred with long smears- of mud her blue eyes widen ed incredulously and she glanced over her shnnlrtw down the long track jess she gasped you you dont mean theyve gone jesss anger mened well theres no use getting scared she sad more laumy well just nave to ait down nere on this nice warm log and wait patiently tulyjiey come back lor us ijm stwrul sorry jess the child sain wun ggg oontritenesa x never tnougnt the ol tram would be menaed up so quick honest i dun t an tnls orook has the dsxunest little nsnes in it oome an looa i eu wnile were watting jess glanced nervously at her little guio wrist waten on us black ribbon it wa four oclock all ngnt sue agreed ansentty her drain was busy wun the problem that she was lacing and the responsibility that was hers it their simwvq were discovered within the next few minutes the con ductor nugnt order the train backed to us last stopping place and of course in any ease some one oouid be sent back at the next town in a car to hunt for them miss bentbom the principal of the auandale academy was a very different woman from in- efllelent miss porter as soon as miss benthom took hold of the afternoons tangle things would begin to hap- jen swiftly but jess was afraid that through miss porters helnbhsnesa and indecisive muddling the principal not bear to then- predicament county council and wardens dinner 4 chevrolet for 1933 reveals new style 111 give them till five oclock to come back or send some one jess reflected but if no one shows up by five i think we ought to atan walking along the track till we oome to a station where theres a telephone jess realised lost then that neither she nor unnle bad any money with her end the worried little frown be tween her eyes deepentrt moreover unme couldnt walk very far es pecially along the track where the walking was bard tor anyone at best and especially for anyone with such short fat legs ss unnlea look here honey said jess after another glance at the wrist watch wed better start down the track and hunt our friends up i think all right unnle they trudged ton the flrst roue which finugbt vhem well round tse bend in thetrack there mm stopped abort m4 stared in die may jjust abes4 was a rher nd fte track went across it on a trestle r would be deddedty rsssy for two weary girls one of than hsjsdteenned by legs too short to be sure of safely n the gans between he to try to cross the trestle there refused to a train when they were only part way another danger that risktbm of encountering wei going to leave the track here linhle dear the said gjy were wasting time on this mush walking there eeens tobo a bind of cart track going over ht odd and through the woods let ood out where it goes shall wt the wheel rots ran in a stssag fas hion across the field at the far side the path entered the woods and following tt the two girls found the shelter of the fees coca and pleasant the wood seemed however to be ex tensive for at the end of twenty minutes of steady walking the girts did not appear to be near the other eadhead was host to the inrnhwrs side jets felt her heart then they stepped unexpectedly out of a thick growth of onderbruah upon a clearing in the midst of which stood an old ooeraom shack bven hm the gathering dusk it looked sadly in need of repairs from the earning porch to the eaves otthe ragged roof sua it was bouse and to jess dal lams worried ayes the most welcome sight they had beheld in many a day i owt see any smoke coming out of the chimney jess unnle observed maybe rtobodys home the same fear had o to jess herself well well soon find oat she ssid stoutly evidently the latch had failed to catcht for at her first knock the door swung inward a womans startled voice called out thickly whos there jess hesitated an the threshold for there wss about the tone something wifl that alarmed her 8ne timidly unnle so that the child was forced to stand behind her out of sight of whatever the cabin might contain tft two girls who have lost their way and want to ask directions to the nearest town there was a pause as if the woman inside were too much setonmied to answer and jess seemed to hear the loud pounding of tier own heart she wondered whether the woman in the eahjn would know that she was fright ened ttorwieh yon meant the voice asked huskily now oome in an set down an rn ten you how to go taint far when yovve two ff county council county officials irwrw numbers of the nelson with a throb of relief jess decided that the woman eounded kindly and that perhaps her first hoa bad been only a cold 80 she went jn drawing unnle with her tt wss dark inside but jssrs blinking eyes finally made out a woman tying on a cot bed in one corner there was a stove at the far end of the room and beta stove and cot a homemade cradle from which came a low whimpering the woman raised herself on one arm and peered imwntly at her visi tors set down do she urged them hospitably but she breathed with a queer labored sound haf made the girl look at her in quick apprehen- the final meeting of the helton county council was held to the court bouse milton on friday last all members present and the m in the chair owing to the illness of the county clerk the clerks place was takes by sheriff brown a letter was read from the o p b asking for relief from g cattle guards a certain crossings in the county after dlsciswlrth lt was moved by mr campbell seconded by i mr beadhead and carried that action be taken it waa later moved by mr tbetford that the council do go on record as being strongly op posed to any measures for the movsl of the cattle guards a very satisfactory report was read from the commissioners of the house of itofuge for the counties of helton and peel part of which was aa fol- towst i doe to having a very small bal ance on hand at the i of the year and with some extra expendl- turea such as reinsuring the bond ings and themnsotence paid for a period of three from f last it was necessary to call on the bo for money to make payments and we have l to date the am- ounts of guko from each county we believed the aforesaid amounts would be all l for the year bat the inspector of public institutions on bis recent inspection of the boose msde- an order that fire eec be in stalled with ss mmstes at the pres ent time it is necessary to use the actio for sleeping quartern which la the main reason for the need of are nnap the erection of which we deem would be jnore economical than to bund additions accommodation the present urne consequently they are being msrslled at the appraxtmw coot of gtoooiand tt win be neeesj to can on the eomitlrs next year- money to cover this exnendlvure members of the eouneu had sn- proacbed the rsjlwa eotapany with regard to the twt trains which had been cut off at qampbelrrille the rsjfliny conspahy agreed to nava one train stop night and meroing for the oousvjiileiiog of elaatreju a high school and also to bars one train stop during the atternoon at the tywrrtnsloti of the fili mr madhesd the retiring thanked the members f the eouncu for tbs very g support they bad siren ban during bis year of of fice no pobtto orttee was easy going these days and although it bad been tax many ways a duboult year mr r m be would look back to it as a year of pleasurable ass with bis fellow oo in reply each member of the coun cil spoke with eloquence of the piss sure tt had given them to work on the council under warden beadheads efficient l xaeb one- felt that ejthough taxes were high the council as a whom had honestly tried to curtail expenses as far as tt wss maislslenc starting the new year right t uk ttrwml wardens fcpw held at the yriw tp m on friday evening last when warden onbdbnwgrwwthasw became it etttfwdles jkfsss eiptesnd by thousands of sse of the dominion the ckevtom sbc introduced witk ssasw bststejewmiplxswsttswsspii stream design make tbete cut among tbemoewliesiiuyslebttwnnuket fbber nodraft vcwtljsthnjmtottbsgrettr estdoesdcsja tlif cbevitoltl six is ffmdi ttapfoved mm abort shoin the betntlfol ttta- jsx tsstronl shml rtt 1 qoatttr sdmwtaaf tsw i lm ma 1 t drddib6 it lie kfti s vkw of uirarnd at 2jjfaj jesss eyes bad now become more ac customed to the d and she could see that the woman was young and had probably once been pretty novaajpwcrrer she was worn and tmg- eyespawnd there- were a spots of red on her prominent cheek bones ignorant though jess was of sickness she was surejlhat the wo man was seriously in instantly her fears departed end were succeeded by ptty and sn eager desire to be of help tm afraid youre not well she said approaching the cot with soft steps cant i do- something for you get some one tnere must be some neighbor who would oome to you y jigwtwy the wo muttered the thlnknem had returned to her voice and the flush in cheeks was deepening she at jesss srm with thin hands it alnt a mocbut it might be tenfer an i can do to make tt theres a can of c muk on the shelf she added raising herself l wttb sadden feverish energy on her pulow ri tried to lei it sn fatated bvs bid nbthm all day ber vo traued off into unmteulgmle him pmirtmr- ntis milks on the shelf you sayr jess asked brightly there lie stul and 111 get some for the baby and for you too she prepared the mflk at once and let unme watch the- baby while he drank it turning to the woman she tried without success to get her also to as je forked she quujupjied jgi med aevsrall township councn and oflvilals end a nnrnhr of friends over eighty guests were present representing sll walks of life in the county the b began about eight oclock and alxmntttnl spread was served exwarden w a irving acted aa toaatmaster gad fulfilled the duties very capably and affably the first toast wss to the king which waa i to by singing ood save the king the toast to the dominion of canada wss proposed by donald mo- mtyre of georgetown end responded to by hlj honor judge mnnro both of whom spoke of the natural re sources of ca and tts greet pos sibilities judge monro said that the people of canada were to be con- mended for jhe way they were fac ing the depression and present dmv- cattks be believed we had reached the bottom and are rfimidws up wgrn lack fit gold was omtrotmle today be l at length to the book puhllabed by p l robertson of milton which he believed if the pro posals were put otto effect would beh so o problems geo buhner eampj utuuosud the toast to the province of ontario which wafe responded to by county grown attorney w l dick and wm basnpslure v county crown attorney dick referr ed to the b scenery in on tsrlo which be termed the banner province of the dominion and eapec- holy halton edunty wm hampshire made one of his usual able speeches be urged upon our young men to serve not for them selves but for others which would help to solve the situation today kxwarden amos mason of acton ptopoosd tbs toast to warden bead- headuahd the county of halton mr mason referred to ms pleetent associ ations at the county council and com mended the county council for the way they bad carried out their duties under the leadnlilp of warden bead- head under present difficulties warden beaonead replied and said it was a ubissiim for him to wvlrome the guests present and e his thanks to an those who bad accepted the invitation he eakl there notgreater honor than that of being warden of the county of wilton bo was p to seew j bracken w a irving and k x- poster pr s wttb whom be had commenced bis mmilntpal career he thanked the meumeis of the county eonnso for their cooperation during the year and also an those who had contributed to the mnrwai of the evening the toast was also responded to by reeve w morden of trafalgar reeve w n bobmson of oakvule and reeve geo b harris of bur lington who gave many interesting facts and figures regarding the work of the county council before taking his seat beeve mor den presented warden be with a gold beaded cane as s slight token of the esteem hi which be is held by the m of tbe county eoun cu and the pleasant associations wttb its lu during the past year warden read made a suitable reply thanking be members for the token and e bis deep ap- prelatlon for the gift which he would cherish and which would refresh bis of the many pl days at the county council daring the evening music was pro- sided by bennetts orchestra of carlisle snd duets jwere very soostl- abry rendered by tbtr p v kelly and maurice beadhead of lowvtoe who wen obliged to respond to em- here must b a point to that conviction we havecome to that a good start is an excellent thing having started well a man may make a fool and fizzle of things anywhere along the road thereafter but that makes no convincing argument against starting well to turn aside from a very good beginning is at least a little more difficult than it is to keep on having started badly in a general way good habits and right ten dencies are quite aa difficult to get tired of and to break away from as are bad habits and wrong tendencies no matter what sarcastic pessimists may say starting right is that much aiivwayand sometimes that much is a very great deal but what is it to start the new year right and to make a really hopeful beginning on that first day of january that isnt such an easy question to answer perhaps the easiest and surest way to get at it would be to think of some ways ol beginning that would nh 2 be wise and right and good for instance it couldn vi be a good be to start out in a mood of depres sion and filled with a multitude of fears andjnisgivings no matter how easy it might seem to drop into such a mood there isnt anything that could possibly meet us throughout the year that such a mood at its beginning could poaaibly help us to face we csnbiay there fore that to start out with a fine spirit of hopefulness and with the most invincible and stronghearted courage that- we can possibly rally ourselves to would be so far at least starting well we can be rather sure that the year will be such as to make some real demands on that sort of mood if we can begin with it and carry it with us more or less throughout its days and months but perhaps we think that there is not much to justify us in such a mood and not much likelihood that we can hold to it for any great length of time or with any real certainty and assurance life looks so uncertain and gloomy ahead both for ourselves per haps and for the world in general that it seems a poor time to be preaching optimism and courage well all that can be said in answer tojhat is that it is a poorer time to be giving way to any other mood putting everything at its darkest isnt it true that life nowhere or for any of us is so bad or hopeless that a fine cour age and a spirit of real adventure cannot do something to make it better we talk of the hoplessness of the situation but as a matter of fact there has seldom been any one situation in the whole history of the world that has been anything like hopeless the one great fact back of all our living is that fact of the remedial and recreative forces lying everywhere to hand with the eternal god behind them working in his omnipo tence to make all things better yes it would be a very fine way to start the new yearwwith a strong and cheerful faith in god for the realization of a new and better world- which we would help him to bring in outlook opinions it is an awful thing for a man to go through life without developing all the talents within himself john ktsktne the restoration of trade holds not only the enonomlo but the social sal vation of the worvlt owen d young if you put the ohanitel there tilings always flow hi the right direc tion- lady reading r- we havetamerged from outdml- cultles beforibsnct we tbsu do a nguln advancing to over m atafi- dards of wellbeing charles m schwab it is bard for an imaginative per son to be very happy peter b tears ark comxnci i nave no belief in inspiration william butler teats people nowadays go around deny ing theres anything to romance any more they think its fashionable to be cynlcal lenore uric the tunes call for a souloearchmg reexamination of our national pur pose hi life herbert hoover the united states had better take warning now from the fate of several european countries roger w ood save the ring brought other snensssful annual fun to j a conservative is a fellowx thafs in office and wants to stay there huey p long it becomes mare and more clear that individual co needs to be supplemented and guided by pub lic or collective planning sir james arthur salter we may oome on a new golden age if we get tear out of the world and get a new economic eooillbrlum established john drmkwater in mew york marriages are too short and novels are too long paul morand i am sure of one thhig unleos we get some step in disarmament there is chaos ahead lorduastor there is no record in human his tory of a happy philosopher they exist only hi romantic legends l mencken the bustneas world is no peace for a woman alice poote macdougau one should always learn to love oneself for that is the only nelong romance oabrlee dannunsio wttb the exception of oapttahsm there is nothing so revolting a re volution qeorge bernard sbaav itan uvea ooiy when be lives dan gerously sir arthur keith the present is the invisible bridge over which the achievements of tbs past walk toward the shaping of the undetermined future alfred koyes pod m clever but not dishonest asbert hmsteln there is too short cut to prosperity through theprotbuon of governmental credit in huge amounts what la needed primarily is not credit bat business nicholas murray butler charm is sexual virllityjoseph hargesbssner tnere is no swift and royal road to universal prosperity thomas w tears are coming years are going creeds may change and pass away but the light of love is gi stron ger surer day by day be ye as the hghfof roorning uke the beauteous dawn imsniii with your radiant lives g an the world hi hoes of gold selfish claims win aoobno longer raise their harsh discordant sounds bor tn law of love win conquer burst ing hatreds narrow bounds human love win spread a glory fflttog men with gladsome mirth songs of joy proclaim the story of a fab- transfigured earth author unknown arguments which draw their de- tftftiittrstvtfw from probabilities are idle snd unless bos is on ones guard against tbemtbty are wary deoeptree hejto canadas pruccipai wlntkjt sport abbas the snowflakes gently drifting to earth though bearing no postmark are letters of invi i to canadas whiter sport fields where the principal attractions sre i skat ing snowshoelng tobogganing hockey and curling in every province these attractive pastimes are indulged tax throughout the whole of the winter season bach one is a plea diver sion from the u field snd sansbo sports of summer snd thsss plesssnc recreatvnal activities are bwnomtng increasingly pjbpular both from at competitive and healthrea standpoint covered and openair rinks will be found hi every etty snd nearly every town in canada scores of hookey and curling contests are carried on in u part of 1 be domin ion from dec tin march to bogganing snowsboetag skirunnmg and swjumping competitions are us ually at the pinnacle of then exdte- cent in january and february dog- racmg events and winter carnivals are other sport featuresi which create much interest and draw large num bers of spectators the most popular winter sport areas in eastern canada are found tat que bec city and vicinity and lanrwntlsns montreal snd adjoining territory ot tawa including the oatmeau- district and the highlands of ontario gen erally skiing la carried on in the maritime provinces of move new brunswick and prince island to a somewhat lesser extent but skating hookey curling and ice- boating are leading attritions com fortable hotel aoti is available ttr these plsoss end an an easily reached over unas of tha cana dian paclflo railways i the prairie pruvfaoes andvbritish columbia afford opportunities for sn the- usual whiter sport swtmtles lbs winnipeg bonspielbi the biggest an nual curling toatnament in tnewettd the pas dogdsrby fa still the fttora event of its tanotwawing entries from many parts of oanada and tbs unit ed states eurunhlng and su-jump- lng at banff auerta and rgvamoks british columbia etttraot largenubi bets of visitors while itbose who de sire lets strenuous sport wm find op portunities topuy mir 5 courses on tbs islands aa of sout british a ellmate wsen r 0o jtotsato 4r i