Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1936, p. 4

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-a- fcb p4 the georgetown mermw wed rtedy evening may 13th 1936 t thirtysix million in one hand eight cheques totalling la value too leas a sum than 147 s- cto changed hands on may 1 when the canadian pacific rail way paid of thahalaae in prin cipal and interest duo of the sixty million dollar loan contracted in isis and cuarantaod 1 t do- tntnlon covrunttt at that time it will be remembered that la june nf that year the canadian pacific had to raise the sixty mil lions to mt maturing obliga tions the money warketn of the world wra then foe line tbo full effect of the financial crlau and were closed with the result that it was not possible for a cana dian institution to borrow ho large a sum on advantageous terms tho canadian hanks therefore agreed to combine in making thli loan but as an added tnerumrc of nocurity to tho banks the dominion government agreed to guarantee repayment of tha loan both aa to principal and la tere th loan was to mature in five yearn or mlxht ba paid off by th canadian wclfle prlor thereto oa nolle to ba given to the hanks it has been paid off in full in leas than threat years and tha obligation of tha govajna- ment to guarantee payment cam to an end automatically tha ttfr- ment tha cheques baaed today wore presented r alnc all interest and othar char ges have been paid by tha con- liany tha entire transaction has not cost tha dominion govern ment one cent tha loan ori ginally carried an interest rat of five par cant hut utar this was reduced to four and a half par eenl new loans raised hy tha company to pay this off war made at a still lowr rat of in terest qusnapshot cuil i dont forget to turn the key or else it la a rr occurrence when a double mnour daw wot enu two tread picture amd waste hi- tjlbl above picture of a ilrohdlhg- nsg younic huly miraculously reclining on the surface of the sua amidst a fleet of sailboats reminds us that while modern cameraji are indeed close to balttk robots in their performance they sull dmuand tho cooperation or human intelligence in order to function wllh tho result expected tha photograph lv the curious con sequence of double expohurt illus- trail ux the fart tit l the aim behind jgour camera hum will wove ovr for the next picture by tha exorcise of lis own free will about that it is totally lndovrut you have to per form this operation younuilf if you forget it and tint that you have twka or tbrloe espod tho saula frame of film you may by chshce japwura mi ehiualug ami worth keeping as the one above hut in most cans you will have a meaning less jumble of suporimponad ahapatf and shadow that will interest no body not even a cublt itwit yo you exhibit th-s- have lom two or three plhufc- that sk john van oimmcu perhaps you can never take again and have wsstud sim most of us have had this expert once yhea why uot gvt the habit of turning the key to tha next ex poeurs the very instant after you have taken a picture if you havent this habit as yet and times coma as they always will when you hesitate because you are uot sure wbetber- you turned the key play safe give it another turn rather than take the chance of spoiling two puturws1 i or course you can nud plenty of amuaameut in dllbrstely making doutde exposures lu ordr to produce freak photographs hut these need careful planning to be atta i they muat be dona usually with hill subiocta and rdulre wlabte ac curacy in the focttslng x tripod t a aral necslty asumndlng plc- tura may be produced by doubu ax posurea dellbrauly planned bet if you have eucc in bach efforts u4 your conscience and the txejullty of your friends he your guide whu railway fr to b reddccd a railway paumrr farw tn canada wul he- cxaaoc ctlcctfve on june ut it was liuwuooecl toxay by c p riddeu chairman of the kanadlaa peacncer auoctation bala faiet for fbsfc cuj coadk innl are facing keduoed apivoxlmatcty is per cent farttiglnk uwm approauaalety va fr- towel ijy oukdk uckrik el ine nrw lw will ato be rood for passage in tour- bj uritina can on wyment of ru- lar bevtti latra for uimx class of ac commodation round trip tickets wul br wood for ux months knmwi of ltx limevl bmtl of 30 days there will be m rrductkhi tn knbi of uan- danl mitor and toroui car accoca- new advertisements wiy atuirrctau en opportunity to do any kmd of house rvpmlrtnr and koraunc ah garden worfc of all kinds apply lo t x kason arietta t- oeorcetown u new ceaspoolc dltehee and drabs hg old cexbhoola daterh etc ckmnod on ahott nouoe ajo wfjle- waxtung and any other soar danev bathroota outfits oosapjetev installed at umeat prlot box la o concrete work i am prepared to do eoofnu work all kinds wrtbpatwe grveo tree of charge tt yoti require anything ia this line hone 3u or write box m5 a walker oeore ql oeonje- lowii atp tf wood for sale choka uxw uudwxxl pd odar ktmlls mi rilfat tio orden wt t a- lluma or kl boy botne ktmn tew ttrampuy fcttitviwd to a uvinosiqnk wood for sale choloe hardwood alapes and beeeh mixed soft wood aloii reaaonahea prices apply dack tost phono sow georgvtoem v wood for sale choice kuldwood beech and aaaple at fcxmljper cord acbced wood fcuso cortt stalls um per cord jr bmamiupoauk per cows lor sale a cam loab op ifmcsu elimrk and srtuncfcks orada llolatdn and ayrshires gov ernment tuburctilar and blood tooed our pjices wul joilt you and we will arrancd for their delivery apply to hanson uajlx kon lot 1 tlh line wl chlnguaoousy two lots north of lluuonvllld x4one llrampton ml r s3- u notice to creditor km the eatau af a inn ie fcfcckay uui af th tw f geercetaenl be the ceady af llaltew view 4 ajll mrson3 having claims againu the mtau of lh above nam ed uinnle uokay who died oa or about the uru day of uay uu at the town of georgetown are rcouir- fed lo atad to the undenicned solici tor on or before the yuth day of june lis full particulars of their claims and any securities uiey may hold therefore and tajck notice that after the fifth day of dune 1u6 the xald executors will proceed to tuurihute tlie estate having regard only to live claims of which they shall then have received notice and that they will not he liable to any person of whose claim tliey will not lltea have eclved notice for tha assets w dis tributed dated at georgetown this txaad day of uay ajd ifttt knnktf u ejlngdon aollcitor dor sholto uontfurd buck and clarence j buck kmeculors notice to creditors lu the awoter f the n waktatkn late af gins wuluses ba kaiate w ugx- af the vttage the ceeaoy w notice jb hkjlkby cuvkn that all persions having claims or demands against the late helen warren who died on or about the sixth day of april at the village of dlea wuuams in the county of lai ton are requir ed to send by pot prepaid or to de liver to th underugned ylmlfr herein for alexander warren and joirph ihaumnnt the executors of uie last wul and ivtament ok ileleti warren widow deoeased their names and address and full partic ulars in writing of their claims and talemeius of tlielr accounts and the nature f the aecuritu if any held by uwsm and take motick ukat after the 13th day of june fuc the trnld executors will proceed to distribute uwr riiots of the said deocaed among tha persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they sluul uvtn tiav had notice and that the said executors will toi he liable for uu said aets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim tliey shall not then have received notice datkd at oaorgetown ontario uiu 13th day of uay ad ibx leltoy daix kc solicitor for tlw said alexander war ren and joeph ueaumonl reroof repair before p it is too late fmiw u ta up u vm lulu vjl vi i 1 i jwtui ul urv lm st vi ml s auuj l kcawu j tuumi fckigjlr ttuwt wiw jeuit tiispgr hoocsty umijkn tkxt tiiou ikalt not leal kxodux 3d is uaskjtm iaislajk luke 19 110 i heard lllm ll cuom ilkw uial was all ay uli rew dun aly lrart went aiur lllm i ruui alwl iolloed that wma all wlfi coukl ol ollow if im- lrkl lllm calif imtotulty ceeln zacfuua liad a uiiuc bifrrtorty cotnjuek lie wa mnall of jd4urc aikd icll ulai buuter lotl looked down uoii lilni lib puejlhun sj lax katlwfrr updrr um uomi iprvcrn- omitl made him dctked by his jew- ccvnixuriu wqi ullt im kirw uot wa a ubrol of oni ur couvi ike altnul ur syiuqcniui aa had taecn ifc custom in his youth le wa hunrd both ot racial alwl tvlkakku aroainls ajnl dkl hoi feel at tkomc wllh either itomxns w jews tiue lc was rich but the taot ut 1m luul made nvimy did hoi com pen- xme lilm lor low- of belfrecect and iaclal jttandtng evellng uiat he was an oqtrat from xoclety he exacted bvxe taxes tliail va just pcrh4p ikowuht nllrua uukw wla inultd hun 11k awrsy aitd ability had mav him chief of u- pxlblicmtu hut that only added to lux shame monghh irllow countrymen iii oow viv ltd teurd tlial jeaou waj ta- ning utroush jrlclio atul w wai curl- to xee him rvolgog that at a publican he had ik dignity to pre- re zacchaeuv ran ahead of the crowd and cldnbod into a aytneoore in order ua4 he might sew jeaus- tliii was an unooncnllotud action for a mail tlokting a itlch kovemment lioltlon but zaeckiaeus had kuiierrd u much humulatioai that he no long er cared what people would think challeei a4 prrljiw s cj zacchaeus acted naturally and pontahrotnly climbing that tree wast really a boyuh trie and jesua tlked luni for iu ibceln thty dlmiuu- ttve man lolhe sycamore tree jesus invited hlmlf to dinner at the boubft of the publican why did he dd ut clearly tte lmw uiat zaocllaeus had personality there was reality abou nlm and reaourceculnced jesu uw hi him a man who could do things for lite kingdom of god upon earth if only he tramierred his ahegtance from motley to the things of tlte lpiril when 2aocliaeet was clml- lenged ite made an lmmeilale re poiue he made haste scrataobled down out of tike toomore tree and received jesus joyfully insteead of kctponuig hli deculon until a more convenient season or putting forth an excuse that he wanted to have tmre time to inveoticme he at once detected that there was a quality of tluiracter in jesus that appealed to lilm instead of making excuses- that lie was a publican and unworthy to tntertahi jeus lie gladly wekiomed uiu stranger lo lus lioue by that apparently chance meeting a new vuta of life opened up for iacchaeux kleatltwtua 1 l ttie crowd was blhul as to what was liappenlng all uut thy could ace was jiat a religious teacher had gone lo be the kuet of a pubucan a man wlio was ooraciitd by itrict jews yet a moral miracle was happenhinj a dinner was being tranjjornw inxo an lumest and eetwrous man zac- liuurus felt recalled to his better tejr he knew that he luul been iklwmt and llngy and he decided to make amends at once he oliered to give half lux goods to the poor and to re store fourfold lo any wlkotn lie had robbed honely became sjomethiag of huilvcr value to him than money self repeei after all meant more to uk inner life than lumping up a for tune lacchaeus knew that he had la nuke wrong rigid before he could ule peace with himself or with god tiomethlng about the influence of jksus mule zuocaheus want lo he an lioce man it is a genuine impluse of spiritual quickening uiat leads people to rtoore uklr ulgotten gains and to cease living aoquisltlvey does not live by bread alone and zaccliaeus luul found the higher ub- slstence decking and eia4ug a la zaccliaeus sought josus and jcus souglu zacc wtkcn tlk two met xlieir purooes becatne one uun as zaecnaeus had announced tlutt tte was ready to- make restitution jcus saxd that salvation liad come l his ikome wluu really did come to liouse of zaocluuust prtcndslilp came friendslup with jeus hope for uu future came a desire to be honest arrived a feeling uiat the past could be atoned for and the fut ure could be better come to zacchm- eus all tills liappened because jeus recogniaad worth in zaocluveus and gave lum hope it may liave been a costly lialf day viewed vn terms of money undoubtedly it left zaocha- eus a much poorer mah but hv was greatly enricled in qualities of char acter and tn spiritual capabuilles qalwatlon came to ids liouse lhrouch the challenge of jesus and the de cision cluu zaochaeus knade zaochaeu- found salvation whexi he welcomed christ and uon tlie parachute never opens until you jump a caaamercuhaj ckareh 4stt arriving in jerusalem jeus went to tlie temple tills hutorlc building had been erected at great sacrifice as a place of trayer worship tiawever luul been commercialised and the liriests were making profit by selling animal for sacrifice tttey manlpu lated exchange and overduugnd people jesus wlio had been so cord lal to zaoclueu a publican spoedlly drove out the money changers from the trtnple court- it is significant lhat jeus was abui to convert a pub lican on the jericho road but the re ligious leaders in jarusalem ullution- alised and l regarded as an end hi stead of k means wlten uie temple worship became a moitey making pro ject spiritual power ueparw clirist was crucified because he dared to ex pose tlte tlisltnneity of a corrupt and worldly cliurcli he could save a sin ner wlu was convicted of sin but self- rta lileousnets on the iart of tltoe wlio uumiglit tlkey were virtuous rais ed a barrier that wa hot overcome clirlj wi the jiubllans to god but theofllctal relufious leaders would notnaocept ids way of life qelleui fr rij 1 pur wliat do you make mou fre quently apology r 3 wluit l uw greatest cluulange you ever received 3 wliat uukn us want to be bonctr 4 if we are not winning are we sin ning t s is it possible for a cliurcli to live without retlalon caretaker a steward stood at tlie eaikgway of a big liner ulvlng lnurucllois to uw arriving iiameilgerb hrstcuvji lo tike left second to the rlfilit he reiraled at bitervals a young woman stepad daintly aboard with a baby bjt iwer arms aa she ikesllated before uu stewakl he icaiwwl forward and smiled politely hrst or second ma ami ha askd oil sj bluslked n iwlther im only live nurse i o kftetur hillker wlieii i was a young man girls knew luw to blush daughter wltat was it you used lu sav to ihcsrit milton t urx james acurray returned home lajwt week alter iwnulrtg the wtnler in toromlo wtui her nelce afxa uanpxt- et itarbun mrs- u it mews and her slater alfctt k u harruon who have been spend uu the wmter with retauvea h oiliacu tiave returned home k- oay teller in the bank of tor otilu luvs brn branjerrvd to ute lurrw btaikch his place wul be lak- m liy j k ijaly from ouava r lay liw been in uuton for two years mimi a lialf and lai tooade niany irteimi all ot whom wiatt him aucceu in tu lkcw ocjuon at rurclay eiilnas meeting of the loan council it was unaiilniously decided utal uulon like all the live wirv lid u-todau- towns sltouwl otrate on last time lo begin at mld- kilchl on aturday uay 23rd and enu a i mldnljthl on uotulay l wldrti u tabor dvy about r ul lit oviock funday fooroi lug wpuc cameron apdrrmm wa drivlig a truckload of milk kalhereei rhiea farmco hi nelson townxtui to be traikaporind to w ewaojery- u tor- uto um- steering gear locked while utipokile the farm of the late jacob 74rwrll two touee soylh of j uuton talaang uve truck which u owned by eed lawrd ol ulllon to cravh tlirotutli a deep ditch and a wire ten- ee uuhug u a held upside howi attdeevon and his two compudoiu crsr gllbrrt and ftrycr llayward all of aiuoti were jofrefl lu smash ity wincedlrld to get tree- of ihr w leckac rctiamiionli erin ut w y oray who has been 111 for a few days was removed to guelph eneal hospital tor treatment on sunday urf many friends wish her a ukeedy recovery sir ahd vl r- w it ucou and hmt lly of woodbridce ux dwlaht fev- ans of toronto spent hunday with ur and urs g t zicott and called on their falhcrv ttev j a evans who i- lit there were no unusual fish stories since tike otkrning of the season very fea fisli were caught in local streams tlte anil folks who enjoyed a mess of trout were thou who are members of clubs wliere the pond or stream has been stocked ur c w uxcuuheon purchased the old hotel property at belfounbxln last haluixhay and jias taken potsed- ilon ur and urst uccutcheon are well lauwn in erin having farmed north of the village- for a time and lieve conducted a grocery business in toronto in the meantime they in tend remodelling ske property and opening up a modern g during the late hours of sunday nixhu or early uonday morning thievee entered the bam of ut in r john and daniel uculllan and car ried away two small pics about thirty ftve hens a robe coat and car jack tracks were plainly viible where lit loot was carried across the field and loaded on a motorvehicle on the 3xnd sideroad erin twnshlp ad vocate bolou cs hjlanc im lellinyuh its a cinch tliat if you use slang ome wise ttuy wlu hand you the raspberry uany an old bean tries to appear like a young parsnip by spouting nifty words jumpin jeepersl son pack a wallop uuu a wow wordpunchers leave their victims smeared with veral claret swell ideal yiursir ioa a punk idea that any redncoed been can ankle into society raxxlng the ba how do- you get that wayt oh boy youll tpili the beans in business if you say 0kay get you or get a load of this suffering sciatica i dont be cuc koo quit your kidding can the slang i slang is always under suspicion by wellbred people true some slang words after long knocking may gain a like pardoned outlaws in to good society but indularnce in slang may easily become a habit society lias its test words and ikhrasec it passes severe judgment upon anyone who tajta ijph you for i understand hubby for hus band goodness gracious for you surprise me pardon me for i beg your pardon hit uie hay for go to bed good aocicty frowns upon jguch ex pressions as seel listen here 1 jtuess simply elegant you dont -y- it bet you is that rlhtr speech may brtcee from slang and still be expressive and picturesque usually an equivalent can be substi tuted that will enhance the speakers style concerulng the use of slang there arc diverse opinions one avows that iang is bora of necessity while an other will go any distance to avoid ujng it tlie safe course is to avoid vulgar and commonplace expressions at all times and if you feel lhat you must use a popular slang phrase very swringly r our best speakers do not indulge in slang they can be brilliant and pk i without leoendlng to the made rfcsulw- wrunonplace of the purity of thelr englisli speech uiey are extremely jealous and by the way can you im agine the nolislmd lord ctusterfleld eer indulging in slangt by grenvule klelser dont forget the cora borer thu seuori siwaklng to a large gatlicrtng of farmeni at tlie ojic the irovlncial entomologist reminded ids hearers uiat tlie corn borer last year came back willi a vengance and increased on an average nearly threefold this tncrwase ive attributed largely to the moist warm whether last jine and july uoritioal montlss for uie la- ct the tncrces however was much greater in counties not under ive act than those under it in many counties there is now much fear duu lite borer will again increase lhl year tlie entomokajlst says there is little doubt lhat it wul do so if we set nice moist growing weauier again in june and july and meteorologists seem to think that we are entering upon fries of wetter seasons to guard assist such increase aiyl tlie damage it would bring to thd coin industry it is necessary lo re mind growers that uie com borer act will be enforced tills year hi all counties where it was enforced last yw and uuvt the inspectors owing to the serious situation will ba in structed lo be striour and firmer hi seeing uiat it is compiled with by all in counties where there is no act uw growers are urged lo plow under all corn uubble carerully rid to gath er and burn or ilow down any com stalk or pitcos of com left uncon- sumed anywltere this u became al most all uie borers are in tlie sluhle and other corq remnants until june and can be detroyed bj burning or lilowbig uwse under and not discing thfrjrt up aga 1 kcwew uw kwauah customs officer u cluiieae ita- nugraut wtutf b your uamey chine sneetf- u uiat your real immet no ue transhue it into velty goad knlfah well what i your tuolve namef ah ohou tested regltes uore care is neceasary in plannliu aikd servlnc nwls al uils season uusn si any other time of the year for apimules axe pobably not as keen as usual and bodies may need lonlna up tiller uw a inter munlhs a good rule u i illow lor qmi prtnatlme inriiu is n include in ue meals every day a- loul a onurt of milk for each child uld a pnil ifir ctb twluit in loea tlte oluklirit iruil juirex or rliocolaui yruji tu be added in milk orajoun- al whrn evuig ll u a beverage otlmr i i in whuh uil luallhlul titthtt muy be intoikuhlrj lu ute bwil are in uiw supper dlleb bimj dtv wr1 alsi in saum li be served miul meutk fult of egrlblei the following ticipe- ariiattxl by lhe milk utilutlut rvv liulfjjnd cold 4mjr lbonrli llmlnuui lie ihiruneul vi atjrvrullure air rrrwan- mrnued uoe 3 lalilemjoui butter j uihlpfkin iloui t a uis mjik 1 tea ftoori salt leasjiuntk pepjier teummi fuprita leuskaon worce4teriilit ti tsfuj grutrd eixrtse it buner blend in flmr slid ea add milk hz iifterin viyotwir ilawk lurlow kitai nrrvly lutlaolly mhrilkjf palm and ufu tear- lc si i be wladlam aa a trttiwml hank iu ayea bwaaatk hit- illrly id t hat aearrbed ib in 4 i- ur tlttlihi kulr4a bint mall in riileia for alaa af 1uu full u 11 tuunr be eallwl ihouak hill ttuntuf waa nrteeci mltr awwy lllllt iv rimiad berl bo yoo baarr u rebad iwr wprw hcklt ottfld trvmhllajf the burke frimo tb rot dvh tk rim f the shaft dog deep late tb brvhea rruiahllac jarta hiumbukg tor old llsaks woe evee vera wflae tew be otrrlad tha bucket down tae abort trail raw rarnii vo waed to eruab a sample at th idijg reca brv teal wisevh aatd lb capper esjp ver tha kra twyfye- tow bmtbl bubbuwd 4awcia aade- rfvely mtjlnx add milk tuir until uilck i tflxty f belww tae rlur f usti lil lmlel rlteev nd rook oveo hoc abaft flld hank bad reaad u- aatvr lur u mhtutos tthotrd f i la 1oj 50 rf raapaet pinaeh or t mkrl btaiuuti fuimed irrt r snkull balk may be mldd iu the riltwp lara fnr 50 years lk hill tufflng aad hawk fearlsw kssa rtttwa aid aa4 giuiuil ta oh idfiue jriung uaae itlee kwddlog cuji riew j cufv milk lj luhlespooiu cofiisturch 1 cuil knaple syrup 3 eug while j eg youu s uii malue syrup thai rice hi saltrd water until ten der bcald milk in double boiler tir cornstarch smooth in j cup bulle synip and add uradualu to the hot milk btlr until mixture uilckeiu uiul cook 15 minutes add rice and welrbeatru fcg yolks ihaoe iii but- umd baking dish beat ag whites utiill stiff icradually add uie cup maple- syrup jum sjirrnd over pud ding bake id moderate oven s50 dea-ree- y i until deljcattly browned fsbout is minutes r rail cwoarw 3 eues or 4 egg olks s cup suiiar i 8 lcostiootl salt 3 cups scalded milk teastioon vanilla rvult ueul muir sluihtly add suar and eaereh agala the hthw af baaldaea aad salt gradually add scalded milk i stuoled pine that aaarkwd the ja-etu- cook over hot water surlng con- widt it mil wawhl aadv rianui untu mixture lhlckens and coats uie soon cool arrange fruit sprinkled with sugar if desired in bottom of serving ush pour cold custard sauce over fruit sectioned oruhges sllcvd bananas cooked gp- ples canned plipple catined peacliedl or a combination of fruits may he used garnish with whipped cream warrh a awuith since th trea ruag in the la4ur had ki awy old hank bad found bill twataar groaataa nd paralysed la the betlom r the shaft ilk leg shattered and waa hies vinaee mlhwi to the jaerkav ittf- laea adhm ef torture tcrom the back of jeaabal the lanmred hurra thrae oh haak ahd lull aad had shared aacb eberw uvea thair arabty camrorts aiotw aftaai waly thirst sbd hunaar jaaabal waa now tharlog hills reatralat la taw hi hllchkl kbd vbxoroualy hag j be protwatad voull have n wait iwr rml ow llshk hsd growled ha part tag as if to reassure hlaaeh ou bank kaatt bmlde the bucket baaed h b kla scarred eld cheat bin i wwsw richf and the- abrapuy old haak waa staring at the wwwalah asses hi uw bucket trw bllir he awahact atralxhtaatag u aoddaw aaoaaa tfca bocketfal ae j amsrarug with saag- kots rwarfully 014 haak tsraed to wakt everyone knows wliat sherman said about war uul wliat slierman knew about war was about as much as men ot his day knew about electricity tha last war was lionihle enough with its deadly tlev lec guxantic tanks crush ing everyuiing before them and flam ing with shot and sliell poisonous ggses spreading death far and wide airplanes dropping bombs over de fenseless cities and towns regard for men women wnd ejuldren non- combalurust none wluitever before the end of uie last war everyuitng uiat human ingenuity could devise to m torture murder soldier or clt- laen on uie side of the enemy was ued as if pity compassion n regard tor human life ruu no place in the soul of men the next war it seems impossible uiat lhtre can be men mad enough dehumanised ehouli brutal enough to allow such a thing not to say tie- cuune it but should another mod ern war come it would break upon the world wiui alrocltieie and horrors berare which fcinds of uie pit should such creatures exist mujht stand aghast there are now fire bombs so deadly and yet so light uiat a single two- ion bomber we are told could carry and drop over a ucferueles city wluiout warning 3000 of them ttiese immediately upon falling on street or roof burst into a liquid fire at a temperature of over 5 000 degrees rwlirenlieil even a small airplane could drop scores of them and set a city on fire in as many places dead lier and deadlier gases are being studied tn the war laboratories of every civilised god save uie mark nation of the earth who fscing uiesa facts will no strive by every means in ids power to further every peace movement uiat makes its appeal to hlmf it seems quite jhellevahle that another war wlui tbase latest inventions of death and destruction mlxht easily leave in ashes great allic of uie contending nations and kui millions of cttlsens far from any battle line and mean uie very s iilrida of uie contending nations what shall we dot talk peace gle for peace work for peace pray god for peace in our dumb ant imau acton al are slad to see ur wm kenney able to be around again and down at uie store after several weeks illness ur and lira alfred buiop tqflsi emberton and urs ewart of toronto spent sunday wlui ur and urs a 14 lluion ut and urs g a duu and children silent tlie week end visiting in waverley n y urs a uao- 1herson lu accompanied uiem will remain uie re for a few weeks wjui her daughter ul uary e uachier- son wlien uie lilue n of ur stewart ualcolm fell into the jilt at tylers uarage the ouier day lie received uune nasty bruises and a bad shaklnu up ur and urs john ituell quietly ohserted uielr fifty fourth weddlnb unnhirary at uirlr home on yourui atrvt wlien friend undered con- urutulatinns and uood wllies frec- lrw haltori jail aointmfciit official announcement luui been made uuu frank ucnlven a proinln nt fanner of ns agaweya luwnslilii and former councillor of uie town- sldp luu been appointed govemor ot hallon county jail at ulton to haortted julm i uccallum wlio luu uhd uie iojtlott for several yeatn and uiat urs ucnlven lias receive uie liost or matron calvui rlcmlng a returned soldier wlio lias been act ing rumkby since tlie hiii of arthur uayes last july wliep a pri soner cliarged wlui attempted armed robhtry escaped from uie jau al- uiough badly sjiot ui the letf re ceived notice of his permanent ap- liohiuuent of turnkey ttie new ap- imilntmeuts took effect on uonday last uuocnss is noudng more than doing your basl and automatically itetung alkead of others wlio arctttj trying very hard bet strata as ha sua- tfcea was a bill tnafag wo u saraw ware trudgldg up the alopea lea aw the adobe sat btweis red awaatase tuffs old hashs wabtry wywa asad ut a dlsrsrblag vhseau a eaatp was epriaguwg btsjfy heoasa heeebj where asw ktvadl lar deora and grew sett nag fat aad way goo wrare tw happy harkwss day tmr old haak sag bul aaj jwasbal old haakw bpe and tiuwet wwra vurslag he atagsarws ba tlae plmw lag wlcklap and drank frees tke eaatsesl ttrackua tepid wahvr tha aaly aad hie talrab and ryj bqalda freas tall gold stamped giklshi ww kla eeakl always k ale freas new aa for tha ssklng ktat th whsv ta the cmdble was lrug at oht bank sack uom ba atew a rwartwl gsasta h saamsd auva htdeeuaty ajfvm slewly racrstfnuy ou auak assp- tlad tie yauow stozf back late that backet tad earrud it up the klu- it waa trwaaaa hiwy kg kaw usal after so years ov wsary iath be sad luxury the black assatk sf tiw shaft kapsd ar old uaak laer daises salfron ayes from the bweket staxs1 up la reeenatrane aa k draw back s heavy boat the bnekat baasped accusingly against the thkblag aa it nil and old hank spat dwa ss- flaatly shaskeusaly after u twsaty sticks af nwdar uft old haak kstherad thaw labs a swadw aad began hla last cllab deww the ladder uldway to ike bottoas be takspa thaat la cararally bahd thw eswkkbsg that beltf back tbw and- ta twee apst- isred aad klaaad aa old haak dass- berad ml their fww hiliageai bed rail frying pan and dtgxug meat wsr bslag esmsihud wksn the blast came the earth seemed te ansa and thaw fold up tight agala as bsaa at dtrt and rock blertad out haaka rallty sscrst la iba bettosi f the bard saraej abaft iriva wiles free the jweetta old hank met tkem bul isreheaaai aad whistling jayeuaty aatrua tk nled- dlag lapaarsd burr hid sphahl stick ing ersklly awt from under maaua ulbt skirt jetobal dent like it hi wa i hrlag her out whets ska could hill grinned ap uows tka suaeoatlatr old hank waa todhag jinbua long aopplag ar but hanks watery blue ya rfw4 b meet theee r hu partnar btil wa shst gat aa atlna not svn a abaft- uow eemaf dropped tt at si w hare la tha bcuahtr- old haak gave jaaakarg ar a final tug it bee dangd maek week dlxala la aa aid shaft las drtft over taeauw paradoxl lata af good free gold in tha pis cars uvara thatll twbat i was coatla deww ta tka jawc- tloo te see you aboul bill tufthig scowled eaf across tkt adobe seta trunny baw buy yen gat all at aacs i had a srta htaaek wsm struck aomatbla soaestkhr lhatd tasks uu vm could inks it seny iw m whlls hut old llauk yas abwady tursiag jtnlwtl to the new irail jwhat bs b l would wa da with yssr ba wa ouinilillng into a hupping ayapalbtle tur two old tiaa taverws waru ulilte coltsra and drlakla through atrawa and all ihe tlua haakwrta for suwvthlii wvs alrwady go waisaf to cms grtwcrs orr are hereby houned that lie oom borer act to in force id uw county ot liaison this spring and uiat the krovtncial knujmolocfcx lias itotructad all inspectors to sri- torce it strictly and tee lhat all com nekt bim t p properly cleaned ui by uay us w ikofwuan townahlp of enqueain ii ueuiujvn tuwnstilp of nawakaweya radio reparis mmmrn mt s tmwtmm r hugh lindsay debts debts if you haven t already sent your list of jnmm ot noiss to kelly aucen oaulnoavujtx owtaru it would be wise u do so now jessba ad to hi hrsalha cau uairrs hoaurd vincent qthicn in clucago daily news writes the automobile hradllaht liowever remains at the hnrv aiulbuggy level not a particle ur progress seems to liave been made hi the effort to provide a light which villi not blind uie ouier fellow there un urlou device on uie market which are supposed ur eliminate glare i have wn no evidence uiat uiey do on ihl trip i luiw seen a lialf-doa- fn large trucks lying overturned in dltclies grewssma spectacles x oau- not say wliat caused uue itr but i would guess 1 lieadlhrlit glare 3i jeepy drivers truck drivers are rnmrlunes reoulred to work longer hours uian the human frame can ww dure and a sleepy driver is more dangerous uian a drunkeii drtvw while on uiu uieme i tnhrhi men tion uiat itood driving uiama to be on uie increase itiere is unoostiotiably uj siied and infreuuent enoucb to lw tioubw are instance of such fol- lloa as passing on hills ahd curves mull at lam liowevet are nucnsrejus examphd of uw fcort of lmbecie who tikes past larked oart at forty miles an liour and who aiiekw too clostt it uw car ta front of adm- baby chicks sc wftiu lecbonui my sth 9c edi bund roda new hamptwe red june 8c each custom uatcbinn uy utfa mad ch ttmndmy 2c mn ct thus alui uu lord tha tetr at the lonl b the btcinnlnc of knowklce sryw 1 t adolph sandusky on in 1st um w jlirampton u k um g ms ulrll mttswervwwwg spring is uu and will be dona hi a hurry dont let 1l detain you from treating your grain for smut with the dut dishifectant ceresan can be done anytime tndeperwl- attt from the weather are you bothered with scab in your potatoear then treat your medvpotatoea with semesanbel a hudy uvl effective dip 4 ouuch wul ut 15 buheb for 4vi per busltel l de vries mm kit ta ur awt 8uk p wul tmeiim ir4mdt rtimhw now thai hs warmer watch this ttltk way your euicks are packed for alupment is al ways important perhapa even i more imjportant hi hot weauier i uian in cold i bray shlptong methods are i based on long experience whui hundreds of uiousands of clucks fchlpped at all seasons of tlie year and here what a customer wrote us about uiexxi uie other day i ywsr ekteks arrived imjf j alive lat- slxkl x aaa wy prsej f use eihis f lkti firinhs awd tkhwk vsor wtwkad af ir ts berfwol have you ordered your dilcks yetr october wlui lu lilgh egg prices u just b monuu away with fastgrowhig thicks you can have in uie neat while prices are mounting euw- srowlng slock would materially cut your profits bray pulleu usually lay at s months or earlier often reach boit pro duction at monuia ue us write us or plume us tooay tniw bray chick hatchery otto antowm aaasaawaasaaaaaaai

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