iskk- the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 22nd 1936 ft 3 holiday at brills for travelling sports or vacation at home or elsewhere r the following toga are euentui for a pleasant holiday bathlngsurts uz men womi and children aluo trunks broirt hw j wtyloh knit fiuuull wl blue iwis blacki viium oq white shoes tfaujppyjtyw in tnei calf or huckskm brogues and wo- jiq tiwrti straps tin- pumpr and iatuial iteduced dowtiu jj childrens and infanta white boots wl skres 49c up sport swtatfers vr tniiwiinn irb tt ui boyi- uany good taoticu in cool t nnti urrycioui hoeycwtib culton etc- in a urge variety fa if- colour ofilv oijc kneeucngth fuhfaahkoned gtitfoo stockings willi elaxtie top- all til- latest shade jgr wrar wlu thlt including mitu fmwy d leadiuioc a wellknown ra make special oijc fuhlengtl chiffon in 4amc aiustlea at 59c fcsr white slacks ar htrti and for women cool and unrtul far street qq- uwl apottwear sellultf tit just ifoc camp- shoes wltii rubber or lealtier halts ttjown black twotone brown or biek and white por men women bays and e ip u childrens sizes 98c we lto carry a complete stock of the famous siimuis scampers we are featuring lkr latest n mens skirts witn button- down collars slocked in navy and royal blues brown tan and rnaroon they are tailored by forsytne d brill co phone 167 georgetown j leg young m loins lamb housames 27c lb 23c ib front quarters 1 tjc ib thick rib and shoulder roasts 1 lb prime rib roasts boned and rolled 22t fresh hamburg steak 2 ot 25c hhiw25- ut w1ui5 frcsb sparcribs 2 lb kir 2s stewing veal shoulder roasts veal shanks 2 f 25c 17c new potatoes iart bajcet 35 oranges juicy vafencuw 22c 32c 43c new ontario onions 3 b for jqg mm mtmnrrrmmm brown label 31c yellow label 27c z parowax 2 for 25c shredded whl 2 for 23k aylmesl tomato juice fancy uauty 5i i iv sainton lull tin 1 we sell jpor cash phonier w r titir w local news highland cijo alurdmy lucau our water uppy fortitllui dont waste u- jm- oiit cnttypi w 1 ii ox hawing to puii utc lawn muwtr ihls mimtiyr neil fluitday july 3sui ill u kty klu kdwanl viii wul unictl llr vuny tklemorlal ixmil fall to be uy jorctown ol saturday ajtd and lcar tcatiiich uukd dancui and hts- j ilwir wtaii brllevtt we knutl work by ue fl of our brow nad their liimiu duruitf ux heat wave domtlaj hahrl oii your lutaw iy july ittaet if not you are in ar- im1 would thriaui a imoniih ttrmltlavnoe ttlovti ijr ura are not vtry pteo ulul hi ihu iielshbjrhood this jreajr ii you at thinkinc of itoldlns ot iilyiuf iiouui atuu ookw quaitty it hi tine truowbi brlcee ilymlrr hriaburilsi ocdvr to on- lartj law ottwvn i mm otuy method of laciihrrroc ttctksncnl which hmx itrrn rutiaintf rmmjat in xxttf york ajid cuhttf towiwhip oana uw will lnwrr fljj tmd ihiereu anlyoomr miay u ixanu out lhu cla of indlvt- juaj tli- um of tiw jreav u here when liroij who wouldnt think of bailn with a tly on uieir lbw wul o on a luciif tlwl tmlk meal in the pnsence of likouijihd ilkral io kay hothlos of tlur anlc knalu ciunert bujp and arid otlmr nyins inleou and crmwl- u4 crittars- iialurthty b k biff day in ocorge- town kichland katnm aid knotorcyde lacing uiukr uuploea of the itpo thuwl ijhx year borne 4000 beopie wtleimlnd uils evrnt this ly double th htlendanoo bt expected- lie wiui tlu crowd and be in leorse town uu uaturday unernoon tveniuc a tonic sive vlgot to ruiulown deople for- k lk hesdached and ceneraj weakneax dr llatonojmls linuu and xerve ihlte fioc box lhrw wek treaunent- itecom- tnended by uaocormackv drug store personals ubx kathleen llale la holiday tn ai ilracehrktce- uux ellntbeui iancan ls holiday hut wt her hone hercr dr- and mrs j ii atilne rc ho- dayina at btuiseon jlke ktr oharlea dldckford u attending- bummer fichool at toronlo uolvcralty ktra wtwiey jones and acra youns ut toronto vilted with un j lluck ixcal cjhm u rcj ljrulckj clomion courn ooed- knjuujuitf ortloerof d company of the lartu itlilt who u being transferred to um command of a reserve batta lion was hoi evening presented with pair of military brush by mem bers of tils company klajor jh kbctu of oakvllle tecond in com mand will carry on tfipormruy aa cammandhic otnerr saruiemrai trank tipwmi mint i1nt iwb lit of the ohit cblidren akt society of the lounlka of llalton and feei had di- perwd all but two of the 19 wards of the wiciety trom the oonko home at uutoa and had found um himbltf boarding homes throughout lhj two couiltie lnce the las meeting of the society late in june it wax reported at lau wrke meeting of the society in the ununpton courthouae mr ttkampon wlva is to be provided with an astiitaiit in the near futun- by vie of tlj cj03cutiv at th june moittinjf received high comtneadauob irum tlie members but night bamgiuauittg wt vaks a ban on gambling at fall fairs hak bacn advocated by fnpoctor j a carroll of uie onuurio fairs and x- itlbtioiu ajuodauoc ur carroll re cently announced uiat tii deparimeat had oomplcted a long ut of regulg- tlonfi which will be sdopted for coun try tmira on the black ust artj slot mudilne wliere results depend on clianc indboeat burleaque money wltfcebl coin tables dice crown attd anchor boards thtu roudown bucket threecard monte swinalng ball khd punenboard hot one of theae u any circunutances will bt tolerated oypska it jj decreed are hot to ba given pace or allowed to operate while the practice of palmutry will be confined to reliable persona known to uhj niarugetnent high pitch taken operating jaw auctions ire also to be prolublld from the tabs sir ahd sir irth of isterboro ipent the week end with sir and utx wm bennett- sliui fcrle iwatkina of ouelpli u uhr- goeu of klha uary tiludd for a hi sar and mrs oordon itobtnaon and children of krin fcpent bunday with ur and ur llalpln sfrs hewitt and granddaughler audrey firth who has been apendlng holiday with ura wm ilenneu re turned to utelr ikoue at wierboro on sunday sllu uarkwie fry of uiltnp u spending a week or o here uriltguast unt w j uiu ur lleggle pent k few day in lbtowel lau week ovt wedntedsy afternoon of ust eek the friendship club met it the wne of ura w x ulll the oocm- klan wax mix hulx btrthdsy and the aben of the dub 1 bar with beautiful pair of ttecr w the united church sunday school picnic wax held on saturday afternoon at lluttonville fmrk a large aiaaber of scholars and frieodj motored dowxt and a very enjoyable time was spent member of the ayjjl of bt al bans church held their annual pic nic at lakealde far fort dalhousie on saturday afternoon the members of the friendship club motored deem to ur cleaves lwunming pool on wednesday after noon litre a delightful picnic ws held and i mou happy time spent by the club hay and coatn j0sxoykd in scotch tajocwl nmx velatoeerx luerauy grwwaj nest fww bu nearly 300 farmers of the fkotch ulook and bpeyude dutriot worked ureauouly but thursday afternoon and ihuuly succeeded in besting out s knux fire on the farm of the mlrtni uoore ttie fire which b believed to have been caused by i cigarette or match conuimed a urge field of hay end com an alarm was sent us to he oeorget- town fire department but as the truck vis not equipped to combat such ores hi the rural districts it wax hot taken however a number of the local firemen volunteered and vent to the scene of the ore and helped to beat ts out fjlck of waler hlu4ere4 tlie fire fjahtera h krauftoal mw winij vrosvufu hemmha orsmptan usllus a little jersey cow own by the h il bull uui son una xx been swurad the world chniplon cow for the produe- tioti of butterfat or three consecu tive years in the threeyear period aha has produced 6r uus ltr weight in milk or ttyjuah to put a fiuartoa um4 doorstep in that milk there was 3001 pounds of butterfat more uuua any otlier row in any country in the world tia ever gven urampton bsilusv riie to fame is somewhat xiirirttlar to that of ordinary plater becoming a i liore in rrnchig circles ror the jersey wax one of a number ht was nearly sold for a iw uvillir fly years asft vesvnssasvease bargain fares july 30 frota georgetown tlckrti also uild at all adjacent c-nlt- uatktns x g to cnr slalioas in mariliraf protitices j v frv wf qw new fwuk r k ulamj newe kfl f 8 vy 3 auk 1 tc otuw ss montreal 47 queoef cily 1000 ste en de beaupre 41q5q tickfu- funi truiiilt 14uuls siwl ihlormstloii frort agcntx afck for luuulblll taia i canadian national georgetown highland games saturday july 25th acton wxiler keith hufrauui ei oeorge- town ts spending lux houdsys at uie home of lu grandmother ur llutfrnsn frwuu are indeed pleased to learn that uh jeaa uorrow was able to re turn this week from uie wouern hos pital hi toronto all iiope lier re- cowry will continue uiss nora kenney itn left last evening for uontreal wliem she will join lv and ur a a u kenney of usple creek uak and sail via the unntrxke for the trip to vtmy ur af uudonald ualn ut lias been placed on uu rettreedent lut or uu- ifaardrnoav comiieh l ur ut- ilakl wmu h w eguw m likc rf bd much tfijpyment in u ifwim frl will hoe eg perinlued lo uavs aiiis ttssuu sst caasuy tlm tusiu uu thursday of their flf- temyerold aott uoyd at the ouelidi oetieral itotpltal a week prcvlouuy uoyd had been uker i and the trouble was dusihwll m tkm oaaloped and he minrckiy 1u wax a brsybt wl kswaly t ed hi rrlng and tor ta ias year w ml had bw wth h tttaodnajseita ur hnj ura jeh akiu on theb- rartu at oaprtnk where be was ax brloved a hi hi own hocn free freaa uh ucatriee uctlrady aueeu ferauaou of 1 orotao were wees iui guests willi uu up ur a u kouou and uk jean kluult of kumuntun alt are vuitor 1th ur and sir j ucucrmkl ur and ur w 11 wuaon leturned ttum alter ikulkuying with mr and ur c a wuson and ur if w wllsorr on uanltouhn ulahd- xfr- and u luoma ljoo oourtreluwii -fjru- announce the eo- urgement of daughter sarah uuviie to ur ifaury kltaore sarrett uo ol ur and uril luiry-kvu- ui ursmpton- the marriage will take lace the mlcklie of aufruts georgetown banff places setondaiwaterloo sjrsme rifles scottuk band place second to hanover in class 4 joe wilcox wins three first prizes frank carter and norman herbert also winners canada greatest band show thla disjinclion was again claimed tot inn waterloo band ketival through prw- uentatlon uf another grand display last saturday- it wa the fifth an nual festival staged by the waterido uuaical society culminating colorful uiuxi for wtdoh waterloo 1ajk was jammed wiui one of uie largm crowd in history the audi ence wa larger uuui at any previous reuvla beireeltemted st txjooo to hfltx ttkousanoa lined the route of iriyeveiung pswade along tcing and young streets tu all as tend participated jn u djfy vevenl while thu u ndt the largest hnmber of band attending if i represented sn lncresue of ow bands over ih x3 uklnk part ui the 1ws fecuval i hejt m uu wn oousw rha caatejay much the i oruy tor the tmprv street lighting wludiy tfesentsa strik ing contrast to the ughld- r a lewweeks wgo ttte nemgrtnent u artnounced tludjct- gwendolyn uorris youngest daughter of ur ii uorris of london hnguvnd to walter ttayeawnd wbuxaee det son of ur ancr ur w whlt- mee of georgetown the marriage to place quietly the middle of au glen williams ckimb ckst golf itons hknm kixtion ttu eotiunute at the laemx feolr club tlav oompleukl th iitwlws log the various tunual coapeuuoos puyttn ur expected to feet in touch with their competitors and puvy the matehe3 u soon a fcconvrifucal a fee of is cents per featry to betae chiumd to prmkie tumi to twrchue tniomtur cup for bermkhent pc- mulon of the fetnrien tti uutnhea oopotlt ech uun caol the puyeni mlmn all rues ur for in holea the dub shield uul uk comu cup oawpeu- tlolks re caioch puypuy fctymie as the j a wuloufehby cup is meet caupetiuoa the tmiubt should be puyed on the one tie thu tute will be announced by the 111 a rtoss lhkl donoun u ken tiryir n krlc allen jo u uune m liud keotner u kllfeour sr 18 itobl mxuls it w kodeu m p comn or butherund m croy kennedy u k amsiranfe m uiivnnlit 10 a wulouih- by 10 8e uaotcenkie 4 x kllcour i t issrbw 11 t saup a clou suibj3 m a herbert o uranuord m il ustulra itoy sxllis ik k cole m o humeu a ileauuont m m herbert j mmlhs h x usooontsckle o t uckay 1 j 11 uc- kerutle 31 dert wll- louthly 1 w uobb h ken chsrle m ken lanwon 1 itye douflu ii a ksrty u ft- erwln u lw id tsel tcor to muuty o01w1n ow useoortouuik h- krwin j rvull ool k luiadoa ii voula u duncan o branuord a asshy o t aackay w ilobb p ooun j a wu- loutbhy 10 u- uun m jqr liutlierland m o mumtu ii kennedy 10 ken charles m ii u m ii ii ii m m ii m m v anastrotuf 11 u oouflaa 11 a wuloufehby 11 11 usfeulr 10 u xenlner a j kllaour ii k uokensle 11 kllour sr ll w nodveell m j alcdenald 10 a herbert 11 it not ru vlric ltenal w e allen it hoults h heiert it umlui j 11 uao km a heaumonx uaiber 30 willouolosy oop jdr outharland m h wutouilthy ii o urantleed herbert j kllxour kennedy ii ataaulra it duncan p artnsirotie idusour ar jj it balth p oolnn o t mokay j ucdennu poulls w nodwell tc uckensle w ftobb k uaooor- mack u- uouaus it kr111 n- herbert j a wu- louitiby it uarber it kentner j u uao- kemde t itoss itaylhtulm m qttalrlaa laiauknont i kurj mllvamt nlckuc cajllku otie or uie hardest uihtgs the churchy itas to taee u the ug silver fh 5w h s3iukjse4tog at the wetlwg of s tajrm b j uraiorul hall at jwrewuie leceiiy ih- ug hkle u a wmessmtie gad ex onmimi m klq uswf h it u wfteel a tastier of wonew use iktw people manage to collect many of them feonle eontrtbute ade quately without coeapulnt lo soul tauit itxjbably if these people fun realised the 4robleea of u ohuroh they would be of kswaler amielsnov lome uine scottish bana of tcergetawn retained a high stan- dard as- 00 previous occasion and p wtonfl to fluvivrr ottisen liand with 73 point while the win her had ts point although hot winning nrt urue thu yean the- band did hunor to uiemaelve and the town by blns well to the fore among the many band present the chiaena of georgetown have always been proud uf their band and their tpe showing at waterloo on saturday reflect much credit on bandmaster a h ferrott fn the solo oorapetitlon joe w1i- cu again brought honor to- himself any oeorfeecown by being awarded orst priswln the classes 16 year and under 15 year and under and years under for best comet soloist frank carter won weoond buee as clarinet soloist in the class under la norman herbert wa winner of second nriae in use oboe co tor soloist under s ooogratulstioris are extend ed to the band and these young musi cian orl their very fine showing m competition with many from all parts of ohiarlo notick r if tlie person or person wtto stole ue radio from the oeofgeiowu creamery on july txl will kindly sewxi utelr addrei or oome in penvuii we will be pleased to give them um radio license ltp prices hit rock botto follow the crowd 1 ttewt shf room bungalow wah 1 vertienoes and garage- just 6a ualn hl ready for immediate occupalkui apply to j jj uackeiixle at don oeurgetown you cet better qaality and pay less when you buy your printing requirements at home inspect our samples of jctthlulkads knvaxorsa oaumu mmmcs tuucu koatmh ncunt notkkab btataadnth tuuuikabu nabuns 1nvojcss cikcirluls ibooawou rmtnuxrm the georgetown herald phone no 8 new advertisements w steai lotue to rent fat murdock street oocupaiicy july jhh apply to jas bauanune ootsgetao- u ow waaiej itelisble kui wanted for general housework sleep in apply p o bo 31s ceergetawn irp waatea te suwt cht roomed bouse with all oonvenl ences and garage apply box ii herald ofdce up frencli medal at lu of july celebra uon in georgetown name on back of medal geo hollraln finder tueale leave at legion rooms t heat lower lis if of duple liaue on kins at nest to uarlislls store flre plare and garage potteujon lmnediiaely apply to jsmed v ivuuuune hwn b5 r 15 irfetown tf occupancy s with ye meat r july wh bve room itoiise with bath remo3elled and newly decorated very attractive cor ner of ualn and kennedy ihn ap ply jas bauantlne evening phone is or call uu kl uarber ualn ut n tf geej rviees rvu oood prioexald for liorses in jured cattle or anything suitable far foot meat wllh injured anu phone vsatv litouptlv and will pay uie phone clisrges as meat must be secured iuukciatklv ti be of use llores pouuvely never re sold under any condition vannalter vox frwui lfaone s3 r 31 cjeorge town 1 trucking a cartage all kinds of hauling done thorough ly mid resfcatiably r c whltmee hwaie mi ll another week ef vrgshu in tweddie cluckii whll- thy ust- km ix us iw will wiort ui ht these prices 10 w wfct strytert whfl rwalbw that w are always there for wawg ahd poultry figharna ey om aslaed stm ner hundred bullets v13so cockerel sijlo umrred llock nbced staa pulleu 10s cookerel st white mock n lamidure wysadotuvt raised m ttulw 10m ceckweu ss49 utariad chick add 1 day old ttorl one week stf tea day 4c two week ac usree week fte order souti tweddu cluck lutcltery umitod ktuaie ea ygu jvotke to credttchts itik auttuf the wslate wf jaste aaa kfcertul tale wf the twww t erge4wem fa tl cwawiy af uauan marries wisunl jrccawj tiotlgk lx hereby- given that all pereoiu havhig ahy claim ot demands agahut uve bate jlane aim uliortiu wiio died oa or shout the klglrteenui day uf uy 199s at the twwn of lleorgelowu in the county of llal- ton and rvovtnceof ontario are re quired to sejkd byval prepaid of to deliver to tike uivjnbikned solicitor herein lur wuiiwll uhortill the esectitor of uie last wul and testa ment of jane ann liliortill married s n deceaaed uieir name and sdvueaak and full particular in writ ing of their account and the nature of the securities if sny held by them and takk notic uiat after the ulxteenth day of august 1s3s uie said kxecutor will proceed to distri bute the asset of the said deceased amo the person en titled thereto having regard only lo the claim which he shall then have had holloa and that the said fcxecutor will not be liable for the said asset or any part thereof to any person of wlwwe claim ike shall not uien liave received notice dated at georgetown ontario thu lsui day of july u3 lehoy dalk kc solicitor for the said william abortul dont miss this chance of getting real bargains curtains 2y yd ifriiktli importer net curtains only 69c pr ji curtain nets ecru and creum ut 13c and 19c yd s oil cloth thl- oil clolli while iud eolora 54 1 ahltr ojl clotl white am colors mats- rexolctlnl itallllav 14 x 21 kryolftinu mats lo x36 v mat wool 2 o skeins only 18c 4 ply swcklcr yam 9c oat simplicity patterns lscv ioc 2sc aceirrtl kk -jnuvj- cuutnekt and dxkk3 43d 33c yd 2for 15c 2 for 29e s mcbearigd cloicd hiurwljby hfternoon hf 1230 notice to credrrors law estate eg wuaew woey bste e the tawvkt wf rissilg bs the c ly wf uat- nfonce u hereby given uiat all persons having any rllt or demand against the late wilson wiley who died on or about the tttrday of yb- iusry lx at uve township of e- queaing in the county of llalton um lrovlnce of ontario are retjulred to send by post prepaid or to deliver to tlie univrtlgned aalmehercln for kllen wiley ue eateculrik of uie last wul and testament of wuiorj wiley farmer deceased uieir- names and addressee and full particulars in writ ing of their claims and tvlsletneritx of uietr accounts and uie nature of uie tcurttw if any held by uvem and takk notick uiat after ue sixteenth day of august ajd 163 the said kxecutri will proceed to dis tribute uie assets of uie said deceased among the persons enuued thereto lisvlng regard only to uie claims of which she shall then ltave had notice and that uie said kxecutru wul not be liable for uie said asset or any part thereof to any persons of whose culms she shau not uien have reeelv ed notice dated at georgetown this 15th day of july aj3710m leroy ixajlk icc qoucttor for the said ruen wuey mm btauvek oromatofrf save with safety at your rexall store tat ant tstar- itu the uw utul ok uagnkhu hit wy ststas speculs for thi week oil citkonk1xa me sse oaintv okolxislany rowlmck 1tut ifc vu4ky lskaer uh s tmkm h ilm ukmafexx lie xls kaulum gin tills a e kavuemt tooth hmvdkk se saul lotia rutaknnlkh ei ahraya ekev al ola ami bura buhtran oh ve urn liwlwl aiooasn lie i far he nv nnxx- robbs drug store onb oauver till awxawr btoav cabostoktc church news erittare tet watch aad ray that ye ealer ust late teothtstun ualt s 41 geerxv chwreh rev w o o tliampfjin hector etvenuf buoday af ter trinity holy communion 8 turn sunday sclkoal 10 bm usuns 11 xm evensong 7 pjn- a botetnn tv deum was kung at use cloee of kvetuorur last oundsy in uianktglving for uie exapc of ills ontario uajeuy from the liands of the ax- sasin tlie picnic will be held on saturday aug fcth hl alba chwreh vtea wuuaswx gevnui sunday after trinity ua- uns 030 am sunday school 1030 am lit albans picnic will also be held on saturday aug ttth jailed cbmrch tunietm aw the sunday july sfith limelkouse 11 dn st churclou 3 pjn sx qlen wtiluiinj 7so djut spkaker ur ceorge taylor lhuoor rev o l uteplienum ita vttlmmk kervleee union services of uie presbyterian raptlu and united church oongrega- liona will be lieul in uie united church on uundsy july 2sui at 11 am and 7 p-m- and wul be condnct- ed by uie ilev w a xbutter bun- day schools ww be lield hi uvlr re specuve churches dominion stores domino red label 45 s mb 1 ii fsskse golden tip a bleed that y11 agree ii tlte cnett tee- youve ever istled corn flakes catsup kmaft saijul drkssinu bttat sr miracle whip zl camrtaeufs jelly powders 31 4 cuatjtiira cheese ft i m biscuits cxmwooo asparagus cuttings spaghetti et x9 tdchmeixo llo it cleanser fehrrcttom cocoa we i tb tut chum dog food 3t s3 shredded wheat 2 ixv 234 picnic flcicles shu ur sx jaw wuhukks doa s peprkr iiua ir ulutruj u xit faikvsoap t salted peanuts 1w tuwluil quiluv pas3 gr4omfsl7i 1 kxtka sitlal hot house tomatoes real doice 19c ik iinkmr asowratoilencv for preservinfi cherries duchea cooking amles 49c bald 3 lbs 27c mr nun irr rllctlvr air lulv ilnf jllli dominion stores