Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1936, p. 5

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pbgb 4 at numb iwmlnin kwairr as sooft as mb kllkame hu finished lesson for the day clhe packs her shiny and hurriea quick away we used lo wonder why ahe rushed end where her hoove could be- llut now wr know because bv week uie akrd u- home to be we went along a twisting turret uiat wunl very wide wiui gardens in uie front of all uie liouses oil each side and every j ullle garden hud a tlule wooden gate and ml kllkame livrd lialf way down at number twenty eight we went usdde end saw n lady very ild and kraal i wlw said well well come in my dears i m glad to vou all and while wr storied lo wipe our slioer upon tlw front door mat she stopped end spokt lirkerv and kara hi liead a pal hhe calvj ml kllkame my lear cntw and an her hh w white bhe smiled ns kind rijm mb kll kme mid suddenly 011 loud tbls u my mouirr children and looked ai proud jii proud hi now we know why jtfly kllkame goes huryuur a way aa soon a we have ruddied liavtng icasorur jar ue day though nabcy iiwurom says in school whan ulw kllkame gets wild ota ann x cant believe uul she is anyone dear child i morton st john webb wkluyh inaugurate r7f- hion rot eutijovkks y entrtewla t start to raul4n thfl covgetowm herald wttneckr xmiw jay- 32nd 1936 lovutwruty sprcssdlry ivjm neighbor lias your jiusbajid any hoobleet woman no ie lla rieurllll cut- uca and rheumatism now and uien but im glad to lay he itai hewr luul hobbietf guinik grade anm customer trus narrot swear in a mild sou- of way sir dealer ye lu belonged to it curate who had lib supend reduced rr ladlgeatiem caa acidity awe all castro nox stomach powder oa earn at amftimirt 1wg bear nearly uimn over two tiumlml member of uie wnv wriley jr co u nil led oi can ada iuln wuh iooo emiloyee of uw eoniimtny in tiui united fualea in a tetulotl itlait irerpntly anjmmnced the tituti wenl inut rnecl in canada on july lu lose under uie iklfit lite amount hi men mis futwikdi on tle workeru watfea uiwl the length of irvlce with the wriley c4hntatty wrhiley a liave al- xvuyi been hileiuely intertulcd in umj rlfarp nnd fcerurliy of uielr employ tv unit havt ulwuy mmilfested uiu llttrmt lo uw fulwi extent in ortli r to credll employees who have len with ucciiinualiy tor tnuliy yer brlore the hart ofvlie pun wrialey lutyn made caah uwitribullmi to uie tutu ot almost stooooo ui rovr ute-w- years of pro vlott acrvlco ntts any employee who ba liren wiul the tytigurtf oomutny for its 7fn and whom- awry b now woo b month would have an auto matic peiudon bf xmoo per month on tltc uvenmf he coropwny and the hhployeea nay into the fund an tin ambuht eucli roonth ne em- plpyeej oontributioiui mount to a bout foor centi on ovtrv ajilr earned iti v tlreroent li net ut c5 yeara uie rictaiicy la eslimated- at 13 irart above ase 66 however ill uie evnt of death or alaoontlnuanoe in the employment oi uie wrlgley com- pany or ki tike ame of early retire tbervl rmtloyees may withdraw the fund whlcli they have paid into the jjanx pluji interest oumpounded ai annually wymenta and benxlona are all baed on a percentage of wage multiplied by uie number of years with the company ai an example for employees long with the company manwho has now bee with wrigleys tor twenty 0e yearu eamliur a xalary of k300 00 would if lie continued with the com pany for twenty more years cam iwnwi of si 10 00 per month and if lie lived out the normal expectancy of 13 years he will have witlidrawn i total of 15 840 00 although his oon trlhuuons would amount to only 1 1010 00 ttlat lite wrigley company u acuhg in perfect good faith u evidenced by uu tremendous amount of cash do nated to uie fund in order to ensure fair treatment to old employees stilly aware of tlte moral responsibility of ui employer to life long employee wrigleys have uxumed thu iresponsl biluy rcalbdnff uiat uie welfare of the community is as important to corpor ations as it li to individuals keeting uie liume beauufui do tnfoffhnuun u more apotcdauvc uian iuiotilauwo uuvuo oo liow u aeep tut rumrtsis- ilodi wiui thu eial ui vuiw the iuuibculjce kxperitnciital aiaui n oi uie liooumon leparuaetil u agriiulturq lias avwmliieu uw es bciiuwl lutu of uie art botii irom iimr own tiorluulturlslk and irom outer uulnurtuet uia ilowen nuu be col tiuer early in uie mornhijf wlien uw u mu1 on uiem or in lie pool of ulw evening itoaea pvontkl dahlias and giadiou reapoud una wilti cul in uia evening but it u lo be remembered uiat dalialls mult be cut in lull bloom irta pop- a glow of pie iuwl pink in luiu bioora and and wlnguw peoniet when utry jdw a good colour itlc lip about uie bloom makes all uie dlfureiice uie ineuwxj of cutuiui is 1m bn poitalil ulauuluf uu with a tjiarji ahlln urx uie bl aihcuxu ua or utuimj uw hxota ilrtd uuu uc iretj lc of water through uk kialks u uie leavts ulid blouonut u impeded ona irrrat hdvantagv of the atanuhg cut t- uiat umv ucntd jure vnsvcntei imm reatiug llat on trie botlucd ol uie vu oitd thereby dteckunahe up ward how of wur alter the ilnwcrs liave been cul um llcxi tiding to do u to unmeduoely tammxji thxt urn uwu faiuatol unlu wui and i wu1 give um a ciown uf hie llevelauon 3 itl ijoioon iaitafk acta 1 m lu a 4 i thr 4 13 1 tij- lumnrr days are none again ocice bkhc the glad rartn yteld iter golden wealui uf ripeniug grain and breath of clover nebia- atd j deepenhur xlumle of uimnrr if liapvy ll lqlanhahh si tptutauu 2uhmwtuu wau w hiiitnii norae ick in um uurt wjhmt txrunuug treigln only a imm youve yu ukoughru- and of love and ioy and prayer w4t tfm imfewwr mi iraat 5 alter jvfiutxwj uie cturudlan cailb grew u4adily aud uie auihortu in alarn armed ivtct and john they would liae been put lo death not tntaliel counaeuexl iayuig tliat if the dc lailh wvre rail of ad it vmtld oon diaap -tna- drr iiilh prolmkxi uir lailh urasal and ievej lira dracigsx w ftxtem- uf wlpxuune wax slephecrti ieu leuly autr operby tweachad toe gosnai otu imt too wax arrwaukt jnd u- tag eeiith chapter of arts hh great dw- noak uieru tr wrveral loura li deev fencf li recorded t oech a a clearing sale of springand summer hats all sizes for ladies and children from 59c and up come in utj kcuro iotm of the bajrggotu wc tore otfenotf misses claridge hcnjj blodk georsetown f snapshot cuil its all a matter of how much light bkcaubb toodon eameraa and modern fllm ntake it poiudhle for u to achuv hsppy reaulla with vary llttu kuowldkd or a our comaras fudcuou many of us do not botbar to find out bulwe will more often kt bfeiter pictures if wo know auough about our canifraii to uador- ataml what theyre up to aay cauara is oluply b llgbmlabt ba r ebambar will a film at oa ead ad a ut of optical guuia called m latts at lb otbar add to that a eaulrlvatu for admitting light un dar control into the box through the leu to tba aim and you have the e- oantlolji of a cataara taa aloe of the ions and the extent to which it u opaued are important when the una opealux in iarge a lot of light la let into the camera to re- oard tha picture on tbo film tbatw all very wall but lanoou do nut do usolr beat wide open in giving aharp ttiimgihi of all objcta bothtioar aaj tr when you waatalinrp cleuwt detail froiu foroground to tludauoa aa in a good laudacapn pli tur you uvd to wjauiall tlutm openlok wkau you are lutnreted only lu picturing an individual or a compact group a la tha do- pio- fuir abov you- rail aafely uae a rauuvily larger opn if you to- eua carefully i ad ut net detail youa dont matter ao mh in fact often help to accentuate tha pria clpal aubjecl lu virtually all caueraa thera la buua mean of cbaiirug the nlw of tha louu upaulug in moat box cam area you pall out ajlttlo alldo at thu top of the cuwa u nihut roldlug i tbarw u another type of ad which have a meaning in terms of the ratio betwoen the diameter of the leua opening and tbo dlutanco from the una to tha fllm in deal nating utmie aeltluga tha letter f tu uaed l bcu you aee tliat a picture was mado with the leua at f 11 it innana tliat tbo opening of tha leua waa illlh or the leiiatofilm dlu tanco it happona that r 11 lu a good average opeulng nultber too largo nor toe email in fact aoiua laeipeu alva cameraa have a fixed openlug or aperture of about that ratio llmaller openlnga flg or fll for example cut down tbe amount of light entering the leua couuxjut nt ly glvon the aame light condltlona long r oxpufaurea are mtlred tliat brings ua o another grndgot which in terma of tlwe also con trola the amount of light that outera the lone tha iihuttor vvr moat ordl nary auapnhota a abutter that openu and doom in about lxth aiirond la entirely adoquate in fact thbi nh ut ter apoed coupled with an opening of fit la so uearly right for average outdoor condltlona that it la a kind of magic formula llhutter apeedm faster than 1buth aecmid are oalduta ticmdnd except for plrturta uf rapidly mavlng objmta and then with a larger leua dpeulng olhirwlau uot enough light would be admitted ieuaea by tbe way are rated ac cording to the urgeet opuuhuc at which they work you boar cainura faua talking about t cj irtiaee f 4 c lenaea and even fso lenaea iboau faal leiwoa are wonderful thltige tlnyll get plcturoe uuder the poor atlitd of light and they do have that uxlra uptmwl when you uaed it hut eviii ao they all work better if juattaent called a diaphragm with wkject haa adwjnate light with whloh m orwoter variety of opalugn rulllng opportunity to alp m in malaed uowu uad a small or opeulug f ti motaatoragni type- the to- the aak- of aharper duii jr aetuaaa are shown by nuuieralal o jolltf vam oimi lir it cool water rboir prolongauoft of life u tulped by quick action use khotucnv uiey are guicred tuick- leaved tloweri kucu ait uocxk juiap drugoiu xiiuiiab and petuniaa need ul leait 10 to u hours loaaitig hcluce utey arc arranged in the vaae in ttie case of kllaca nirew huneyuickie and buicr noral decurauoos of tbo oody iort katu factory reaulls have been obtained byplltung or pounds uxit au craplng uie ttenii before soaking liowevcr with rcfccuco dipping stem hi boiling water belore being toaked in cold there is some doubt altuougli on occasion xucii tlowers at popics liollylioca rnignouette and daliliis have bciicth- cd by uiu meuiod nearly everyone kiiowa uiat cutting uie stems of arranged liowen- once a day tielptt lo prolong uieir frehnebs but in uila regard one mutake is made uie cutting tnusi be done uiulcr water ttiu prevents air bubbles from forming in the stemi and preventing uie free now of i adding onequurter to oneliaif spoon of clunrooal or permanganate of pouuji obtainable from any urugaxore prevent uie growui of bacteria on uw cut end aul uie tu of one or two drona of creolin or lmuar disinfect ant tends to prolong uie life oi uie flower but aspirin lias not proved effective iwnuem in particular find it difll cult to draw water uirougn uieir stems to uieaa ilowcrs an kiasuiruunis are henented by being plunged up to uleir klftwy in coo water for half an hour at eight hour interval warm and hot draughts came immediate willing in cut llowerc dahlias in particular being quickly affected wiui regard lo containers one horlcuiturist has discovered uiat cut flowers lost longer in copper vet- els llutn in any ouier type of- tttuck dluvklts acaknajtb 0ll txamiia tott all to uty uiat a motorua hg the manners of a truck driver la no loa der an expression al contempt but u actually u desirable compliment be- caiid uie tuannera of traionort djri- vers tn ontario at lfcai4ltave reach ed a point wufcivj uiey offer a profit able example to the average taolor- ut oocordlng to george h larkz of bt cauiarinui wlio last week was elecled prealdcnt for uu enuing year at uie annual meeting of um auto- mouve transport akaoclatlou ol on tario in uie king kdward uout to- ronto lie declared that the ontario ulnl- filer of highways lion iv u uoquea- lcn luul put his finger on tha crux of tile whole problem of lughway safety wlien he uunctied his current educa tional campaign to promote oourteay and consideration between drivers tiie safety of life and property in volve much more uuui uie knere ef fort of uie individual motorist avoid mishaps to lilmself ur parka takl it niuit cpjing from a- definite de sire of motorits to make driving pleasanter and easier for each other and x lieartlly recommend driver ur ucquclens profound jjo- ban try courtfcay in preepung diplomas to its trans port drivers who had fulfilled a- pledge to liave no accidents beiween atarch 10s5 and march lsd ur parker ob- cerved uiat courtly meant much more to transport drivers uian carwuoniea euvjuette it was a- real pracucai uilng whlcli evpresacml lis- telf in a helping liand extended to the atrandd driver wherever he might be met it luul earned for transport drivers uie reputation as the modern prototype of the original good ca- maritan only motorists who luul been gtranded on soma lonely ttrotch of lughway and had ben passed by doaens of uiuioncerned feuow mo torists finally to be rescued by overalled truck driver reaiixad the pirit of lielpfulneas uiat transport drivers benerally manlfeard on the road under uie seats of all trucks there were nares low chains ore unguuhers and tools whlcli aere ai ways at ah disposal of one who might he in need the 176 drivers with uie dean re cord wet among 300 who luul volun tarily enrolled for a years teat and who had travelled fijgjtkht miles averaging more than 50060 miles per driver without a serious mishap ur iarkes announced there luul been no fatal a whatever only two in whlcli people had buto injured ana even uien not seriously and but 60 property damage mlaliaps all of whlcli luul amounted to us uum 11000 low irniahu mnil tu oltnir wjttli potuhmuu hur hiuibwdl ui unrn inurwtietfitetd art uaaily btumuii uu junifin to body knaiw hia naoiu aat uil ne id doaui tiut lamn iufi lor xium- linnrniii owumrv and anww uhr tn uunr betlrr uian hu untuen thw uitt baurar lpnwuv weiulu about uxlmm hiinthyatl tkduiwb and lie wat shoe inaavxil ontu xuiwumi and ti loaam bw muui a but uuauia uhiui l ai h ber liun bw wmu uimmuuil alam graot hun mnj bimwuii un muor black hmu lu whiur uur uiwl whjtui lundl limu mil u iumjiiu bark a bumt und uull ikw jui v ry ioa bewdad until muamil in itaul wltli a nvmdiar thaiuura lumcoai wluiti iwt waikml uftuvwja atwmi thloiui wtuni iirwiuhr iulu wuultnuflin tttr art xu b- loartmrti ho mar batt tumlhunt 0nrvily hs uja uo w in you uutta by wjuk muitli u l bmne bun l wjm iij ti mm- ui 1r koukl puill bitt wmtgiiu un wild au anal it wjiii wnktafai mloc imsi lie ian- wi umm mmaixo tbuwiumn into ttoe euljar kjum ta tmuflicrv cnauw and atari- d u luauv kuiii wnr luiraet would naw tpvnatttbtij ue ru nu talk of frlencimpr luvd and known of your b and your vvl- too ift mm im i wtinm who e ultra wii lririmljii ad love will do rn ltw triiaiitv uuk of life jie i i rr r maid or wile itk b ou like a oog ui 1 iih ink pi bv o ihl juji j i ml 1mmi in uw jky rp 1u1 ihlni jlut u tine wk ill lik trictui alul ill imr iim- tlrk bv ll t atu br ll hrv r u huiul u trine 1 i u hl mct tblats to datrssuslinb iut jatanessi bxktlk vkt ilktkjkco canada in an endeavour to detenaunw wtiettier uie japanvae beetle a paru rularly ualigerou- inject has invaded caiuula and lfvlo u wimue unme- llale uinuol mxsvurw uie ivxntnjoii ivtaiiiqrtil of agrwailliue u now arrying on uapnlng uueiaiuifl at 4riu pouil in oaiarto kirmr uie kit trm initial bouimlary ttmae tranc will b ilaced hi iocauotu where the bn-ib- t mo lcrly to be found if ll i miit his beotus are fond of hiigbl tunliglt atui a background of imiiiutnl border or iiirubtery and uirtfcn it l wetiry to beck uie to miatloii of owimis uf gardens and liuftlr viirity in order to locate tile lrln ullabii ttr tram will itjhd regularly by an hiirctor of uie hill lnmuolcal lttbtwh ikxniniiai lnrtlneiit of agrirulture uj if that irj ur lonruoiitng pojrvly and lo d urmbie hlwr any beetles iiave i urn cuuglil lbuu or piwuerty dur ing uw too 1 1 of ulsllecikml wdj lio 0 dhuhit aui a- utiu- iprmiyeju il o u lofil4e wiiwl u uie oc t upattl of the pruwrty mi w r uvu rnloinolocil o uw untied thalei deuartmen agr mliuin flumivered nl the japauwac bevue u wrongly auracuxl by uie ofstur of gerunlol and eugxiipl two fnilat 4lt lid h pert unwary thli ufcovverj led lo uie ooiouuctiort p haamn an viuaml luuiujul andlib continually runnhg u hrriik kjnau7owwrt orail j stiswa rapl ln t iporv colter if its not jl and in which uiey or juaak uouj ijiiiiauil inrrtuvued from m tjk touiuripaliiy ll li yira l c unwa wnttmritur umw and w prunrnlal more hi uie city y jilbii beeue l a lieauuful waxmbt buttawoluu brnou xl 1 u crlebai place cduodun liad uu hrighuy eolouied iikct about pacl uuo b wa utut iuw iih w xery uli rrttorlal wiu j jf u own w rniikaor ttu ztatsi viu ned hkl e fancy nwl butorurui men taetallic grort except tor uie lue nun ttoarata lunwi ho tmw ufi muulrd citwu will lmtrr t wm v lteh lie my i lial or u mark i lilt bitt r end i ar sou iwrk ttu imi uixl ioir w riuia hi thihl i poll jtulur w urullaiiw a r alwthrr imj rr anmu rivht altd irl tie ollh ti 4phft fti p op n our rklmb alm tilt rl k ttk aureat deal hi hraril lb- tf aboul iiot- cutting in different lnea oi fauinas- it mafcuv no difference ftuihanundi wuu idnuuuniw 9rturuu- in hol line til tklvinnv a man may be 1 in lie i continually running up toculll- l liicticirt cuttrc if its tun in til okn munlripaiuy il li yirov lurue d ikurunrittal ture hi uie city csrlebai place canadian liad uu ktlfulty puuuwxrlo allay iitaparkm u hh heaverv uis dialectical ttwahnd arojt uiat ued later by kt- paidl hat built up liis argument on the old rvatament showing uiat however re volutionary uie new doctrine tesgbr he utere waa tthj rigid adhinn to uie old testametil stephen argtaad from uie known to the unknown ewwn as paul trequenuy tlid ba after aaw t 1 pww j- rv copoerv brown kw ttitift tl ww nwvatluch jjrrimlna1 he l a tool he not only ll uie abdomen furnish fluict yx wt tssltts ttliviurnrritf a iotlhc nrat fjhruianirwatvr uid xo uar lu jwk d tor hk w fv compeu- down pd luu islswirtsato w b ur lij- juilb lowtl himself and au aw rum icarieauy a totairni ontil uw would omsnu llu uut hr ttles the sliip llbsr k tau hi rjt m h lie himself l atuwl nauilng liption found on nowws or oirub noothi uwitaarslal c w ai noth sf f kd ilced t taoxti liwok the wmuiltt lhawe woken an lnt ui lt krt uicm back e hem pulled down uiroa a ghw of waur my spirit and he luwfcled down ana tin wat vtty tnudj nif itiiit aoaanpuvh i m1 um noof uj all uie abj iclen cried wuh a loud voice lord uy na mant miaioi ai uluit the am m tlw cant pick uiat aalcr this kiri lo their charge and whan btng giuuwul b tor oiui iuwl tsb who he luul said uis he fell asleep btrwd hla uukukktxntad ih jutn ttcuttingt k lueplien died in uv splritof bint who uuj tuwii hux2t the rtwluld toak wj its uie f lb i bottom of prayed for his eticwiks on the cross itdu unt liuuxtimn wjdtb auoli iue m y- hlmelf l saying puier forgrve tw tor they lhaa lfatf- issslt tokr xuudbe uin inferior article no bus i j 3 lnauy know not what they do annaranily uimw 4m3ut rneitoorflt i ma ca lnnanenuy keei upif akjejiuslly from japn ateplien was defeated and uaul ttc- ifasttit w hi no wurd of hl rvlce if th ta vicbi life for uie chnstun f i c a- would cramp a martyr beat uteplienk death was worthy follower of jeimsi christ lie pad l oaur hudj wkui lying m h hot- l lll to ood and kald lord jkaus recctae uan of uirt- qartt uw wul ao oaf ully i atl1 chlw ttie cooteralioii of uie public connection with thl project l uill he scuttle- the sliip bv mhung uil in u tlirhl box aiid sent to uie do minion titomalogist ottawa wlui i it tc gtvltil name and addreai of ben der place and date of couection it t l wiwjfmy requesuxl uiat uie uap gels uie beiirflls of prkco lwil in any way and uiat nobodi tlie man wlio u ta ct proilts i ooii fliuis toriou but in realiiy gtephea waa ialajiuxwlihi ut ujui have bn m- the victor and haul was vanaukhvd i imhtuung ui wjatiih itiih dtm imcs btnlhert died uiumphanuy whike saul out caw ouamr im othout iusauv became ashamed of hk succeaaful dutla wit uwtur ttulbml u wm force tliat prayer lived in bis teem- ory and he could not forget that look upon stephens face we canztox dl the martyrdoaa of f from uie conversion of tsaul tba spectacle of ho nuach constancy s much faith so much love could not be losl it u hardly loo aelah to y wiui augustine that the chaxcfa owws gaul to the prayer of gtcsbjetv krwil hprtaalaac l k tliougli a ik lemven was woxlung in balds mind alter the of btepheu he was not yei scious qf great change ue tenting unto the death l and he enters into the persaeutaai uiat extended rapidly once that it waa begun hut baul laid waste the church entering into every botnv and lulling men and women r i uiem lo prison liiue mercy was shown in alter days aul made t confession of his share us lbesw tr ecutions and 1 persecuted ikja way unto uie death bmdmg and fes- livcring into prbon both bnii and aomew uccaue of his aval he wad ouui hy mull uhuiae j1mji he saw put in charge of the persecution rv qoa 3mr intg wihen e sa standing actly aa htr- wadul do u punwm wuuiti mlf vmutiuing tuke this i want 1st unjiawtf tiua uteol oper v taanaasisiar dtntt batohnvsao vou go along andi ttul tbe townr un a tainute tbw home- wmutu ttaw bsa ead a lew bmaav andi oiiaij tdzf leu tt o the tn lbw- bnfidwouxe me ihe thad to crots uw- tailrjoadj iwuhfi 4tbd e e xailed bisintb and ulaum jnnit- ebea he wouki pmowmul tt 40aund n be back door qi tihe 4smv 4iiui baok up to it otl rttur frw 0i uait ttuap- wjhlle altlng ine hsw owhuit of ouiuiae tinij wjas tin uie dayajse funr cate watw luaiisfldi 4cnd 4nere was bo uungjtc im q i-iipjieai- nisni toor- utt wouiui bum utlto tihe oucxtt with a truck and klul uiu nitu 4jha efow be could nvaoh ilia mhrttltl atinn many amiuahif mntultuei eould be told ohutut uuii wmi suiihiuj sold fel low bull tihr ojhb uiuit ildwayt amuaed mw uhi mowi waa tcbe mae tahtuit lib be ing tumull u barwnuwnwmi blowing in the- lsmmc ttl rimti tenat 4e vf1 al ways badj tki gnwdt bar lii shem and started to damascus to harry christians there if he b ay qualms after the death of hw silenced uwrm by plunging deeper in to plans for eaterndnattng i dahr- gerous aact a wfwgwua1 fin iiina x 4 yet saul was conscientious in what he did in lus defence befotw agrtpua he told of his itn aal tit aoaat haul was to discover that seal was iipijvn and that has conscience had mkisd him- ty of conseienoe is not sufocatnt must be vughtuent as wwll kaany cruel utings are uotse in lb ut of a good conscience when- ani oott- science became tgttwni by r he counted as sin what tormawiy ap peared to be merit the trvn ot all aul r teapeciencw penlence biturly iid he rejent of lus actions as a persecutor jaosuy time did he wish he could recall mr sliare in the string of fi though forgiven fjaul could hanase escape a sense of sin ue spokat oi liimself as uie chief of amnesa thoue uonuis of persecution tumajh ed a nightmare to bis sensitive spirit ttie intetisuy of hlsnr4iaa sarvsot was increased by bis ueairw to jhip ut tihuxia30uwiinuptir uew right up- unduir hut utap athd e wmmt tear- log oic doaou tthe itowet at tie best pwedl q wiuulh the ji oabable with uiar cacti bdutuumg iudl tng w41dly bahmdl biim hus ojamer wan vdumiound- i haamgr imriwah ttnwt iarr was too odudac ufa oaer vun away ho bmttaor wiuut tthe qnaaeauiori tout be fcnt ai bxkndl wdthui tmam and they ot uue iflmr uhr causlfidt twr trd they saat hum buundlthc t atjll ui uead- loxu tnghit butt hiout lhalf i 4nue ebanf tw- avirtvair lao down and dnopadi ttto tthe tustrnihrttttient of the watc ttw- uuxuati tghe oatt oaref uuy abaundi lin tihd bwad und aaarmd w aawalk tqhe thwrn did hot peak to hint butt dowr the ipamwd hem they alba tutnaaa andi toflned bs olol- suxmay aouj wjtin hu ve aign of ertairhaflftwi hntrrnh awvvffd back ujto snot rfni wihiim tthe inlawing xamwr bad aduutmul uttm 4aul aeuied book eaimly taa- in oatst ite ibe iaaded it waaddi oat- httovi ub qibom- jhetber be was eaijlv frtarhnmad uhd ids aanee oc baaojaadaui ojwavmone ul texrot on- wjhdherr tiee n ttrtihw was hk wjaai of g joiew fei4 he tuature of oidl huthawi ems i think it wad t aaaaer df tvrhrrrino haciunk invaar kl hutv ykails ago plfty years ago last week uie new york trllmuuf omoe was uie lively cene of an lnnovalion uut wore uian any ouiar circumstance hai nuuie possible u modern daily news paper the introducuon of uie flrsi iiracucal slug casting machine for typographical composition invented by oumar uergenuuder can be listed as one of the major crlucal iwunts of to day s civilisation it was crude clumpy and its counterpart now ex hibitod at uie uergeuuialfr plant in ilrooklyit reminds oaie of a nvdievai warengine but it worked it fulfilled i u pranile of muluplyltuj by five use production of o fast hand compadiar but uie glorious iaradox is uiat it did not deiuive a single hand compositor or employment instead uiere are uiore liand compod tors at work today uuui uurevere in ikae and uie total number of men employed at uie print liiff trauori lias increased many time ldttor and publlaher caiuula luut been uie only market fur tonudoes from uie lutluunat urti isli west indies idnce uie closing of uie u b market uirougli uie imposl tlon of a uiree cents per iiouiul duty in lrj0 iinuil0ea are uie main agri cultural export from the j and only- one variety of iornala uie qlobe w culuvated for uie canadian market our own experience u uiat it is no use to ell anybody our owu eapavi- um hecauae uiey will not be sattafled until uiey get uielr owsl that bis nature was thoroughly changed is proved by the tact thai uie hand uiat signed death w against christians afterwards wtatat love sufferelh long and at kind uunketh no evil love never hih the greatest of thce is love fw luul come to share with fhfjy the spirit of jesus christ miw fereboauea 12 g peters epistle was wxitleat in an at- mosiliere of persecution as was tha book of ilevclauon in iajtfr his tory wc team of phw for instance when protesants wt burxs- od by queen uary in more raowefc limes there has been p itussia ucxico and ocrmaay tkj all uw blame luu not bem on toe- side of governments in some- us- stanoes the cliurch has been at fault and has brouglit perseculkwi us ihainly uie days of prrsecutiou are not over 3irfcxmns who y peace economic justice and liberty ol speech may find themselves fas j nict wiui governments eeo bs fchg- lislt srieldng countrim in the loog view of chrisuan history um periunw of iiersecution ar not all bus demonstrate the vitality of the and usually help to spread it clilna under persecution rice cttflstians tva i uiey wera blood chruilans is high moral value in a etartysw lierolm- if any man suffer cturisuan let lum not tl hraa far 1 how did uuplieu do more by dy ing than by uvlugt 2 prom whom had ihepheu to forgive t 3 how lias uie blood of tm martyj been uie seed of the church wlvy are many churchea caued ax- ler ut iuejjwn 5 is u safe to be a slnoere rhii today t don- to wjegojsl ojb ihtohms tw kmhirtjlj 4eok wer the frwi hjltntess 4udl inifl was haumdi owfeuju ttar 4huv trips around the- hamdbwr spwda ttor tetcise mo ally hii tnaiib iflau taut and lus owner had tuijto imexotlulh doitoyd i wiiimr iff 4ibj wjb uld ghou waiks uhr fruttiuao- hmeiu usd aoorng in- aosuy ifchflas wjufeth thave juthiaant- ad oihfc jth otur lauhd judmais ttsto kjcvcs tuls hketviuijj sjivk ooe- of our town mrrchahta vtaw uuough wiut a tuavtttlon twowniiy which could lielp to heprove condi tions during the sliopplng ruah ott isat- urday evungs uunog tbe aftanaoms if uie people were to phone b these orders the merchants could few wl and make up the order and ha we it ready for uie refin- when be or slie called on tlaturdey aluuuigli some pwma edght be bi klthig lo town k v lirompl serviotf for lhem not only give the daks a but it would abo eoabkr uanat lo grew better and quicker servioe tbw et esiion bl really a wortbweuet yia eeal we itope to hear of eav edoptsug u try u atra see how u work oni toe as eaohi mill 4s ut sophoan on uie im hiuj aam d- appeal fxeejli oaiojoaiwiai awhied dth creau and iu8ul utttber uedue 4aae 4uipaal but a utlul uaumm uu athlhig improves ihenh tlha- eraltoioiuc oouubl xwexiared by ttw- ifouiti llteuuilb tri ite riarismdul qh kuuluilue luutfratt aome del bhtfabhrtl itf uidug ixji lodct litnft ot uoe vureaun x quiwi bautmaniat j ciu tttiill lugair cfcuthi betmu wwiih uwur and allow to luiidi uuejuda tiuun- tu through a ulur- simec bjmtt weul wjuii a jork and uatiuii i quui mi biundimadbw c 4upj tttlilg qtu wjiiimuhc imwlni bbuk wamhmimihwr m dw m too of doutaw- laaliur oaol xa berrite uuuguatiuauiw4ud add to marsh oiuilowa uheu uiakouuidy ould bol iusl bednniag uo wt uuui fold la whilhhuj ormuui hc in xdrloirator ut r ou the lirice u perltetiul cut pretty soon wllmpda wnnsylvanu in 1816 lie is compelled to gh an unreluhle ume lt wultlplled and arrvice and to cut down uie aaires of his employetxs ttib him who cuts iirions mils up uie sign tills ay lo ihejunk lieap he admllt his own failure as a salesman he admits he lias been defeated according to the marquis of queensbory rules of bus he admit he cannot win by fighting fair he brands himself as a hitterbelou uiebelt if tile business world were domlnauy bj price cutler there would be ho buin anymore than small liy li healui whenever you see thl ogn on a pricecutter store going out of uudnes you may jjirejt l a lie how can lie go out of busmes wltkn hf neveirwafl tnt apable walter how did you find uie steak sfrt dirf oii quite accidentally x moved that piice or pptato and uiere it wa undemeaui jurfjritiaijt ncw low rtuct iie seu at ataecwesacka twwg kearw prrad to such an extent that hi to cent jears it as found at several point adjacent to the canadian boundar in uie adult or beetle stage it feeds on the foliage of many stecies of trees and shrubs as well as flowers border plants truck crops and different kinds of fruits era pes raspberries apples idum- peaches nnd qutnons in the urval tage uie grubs feed ou the root- of grasses and other plants uore detailed uiformauon regard- lluf this insect may be obtained by eommimicaung with leonard s he lalne tnvision of porelgn pests sup- nreadan entomological rranc rv mlnlort tvianment ot agriculture ottiaa leaaunealuu a dealer in uie north of kngbihd luid occasion to call on a farmer aliom lie did hot know on a matter of business and asked a small boy horn lie found in the yard where your father laddfer tlie boj pointing replied thats him oier iliere among uie pigs yell kui him by his ivatr dawu tbrewgb tb age wjio was pvet the nru chicken luil er ruined 1 man li garden new apvertisements new oess pools ditches mnd dm to dig oid rwwepoobl cfttarna ea cleaned on short notion ba white- washtng and any other work oathroom mitfllt at lowest tlox is wlli ainrecuvte an opportunity to do any kind of house repairing and drotatlrut abo garden work of all kuidx apply to t j aason arietta it oeorgvloer tf concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kirxhw ksumalea given rw of charge if you recuiue anything to this llor plione 3ct or write- boa us ic walker oeorge ut- ueocge loan tp u wood for sale chow hardwood atahw and c mued soft wood uost reaaot jialceev apply jack tost phone ww cnorgetown st woox for saix choice maple hardwood and cedmr itaib at right prices orders katt at a htimew or at my home phone 85w liromtiuy attended to a livingstonk wood for sale choice llardwooct beech and maple al lbo per cord mtned wood u0 per cord itaus 3l50 per cord j bjeaktj ks wr is3j radio repairs ul m lit hugh lindsay dr devans pills t aybae 1 1 lr e tudy er tale at aoeraaka iwwg kiev z uupw outwkail vlar uup wjuiuiugi uvwun 3 quuu twojemrtle t siugar wthip uneuttl ttuuipir wohldkiee a arwsdlt tttild uour vnom ouidl 1 cup buuaor l quu bavwuii uuiur xwsxa l vttut iwlltfr xua itm anuuveiji oiuuuiuu s aupi tsaiu wvutur m qupa ttnuir xtawagwaani ibutunc ijuiwdor c buitutr lutdt augsar t ij omr ail tohwa jem dd ohooubtf waieit bau baeni miawilva in bouw uhaii ladjk un ejodnh sdahj tkuir and jrtng un when wedl ipdt wdit balleadeg ttuine- crwab b utni letter heads h sale bills catalogues 8 booklets office forms broadsides h show cards blotters b stationery business cards and toe top and add 3 i butter tlr tn jtu rnabe lotng 1 prompt work low prices 1x hcn you want printing you naturally wont booj printing vv promptly done ut fair cost tliat u the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modern type face a wido selection of paper ttocka and layout smnieation wruch will enable you to attain resd quality diaracter for your uuinem or entc- priie be the job larte or unall we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wih awut you in pwiuiia the work to be done phone no s the georgetown herald i

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