v the georgetown herald seventieth year of fhioocalvon the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 26lh 1936 1 so per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald sfrtftbrr of ua- i w r j hehper ajadciatlua cln r riue tua tflwii aaril scuv 13 tulaivdard timer passenger f gas pin iasstiiger ahd uall lo jo ajn avenger and uail lu pjn iimugers ir toronto sj1 iasseager sundays unljr tjl tun mimr for toronto w 9 43 jxq amtime u teatuna saladff tast and uail wmohii and ual kfcriicer bunday c50 pttl 11 13 tun mah kmf passenger the cost of glasses ur bttity tw udn ufa tvkd ta we l u m uwmlh ky- ei 13 yeaira axyi1aee w fffm knt mii- w jw4 u 1 hljilml w tw u tkw kun rmy imwn awrt otwaoceicro ottometkit evchiocrt sptemallrtcr brafetm wtv k at ao- bktua srout tw in g wmu i its hlrav4 or hy mmm 0 t waktf ai i til axkljkm xml the have you ever itraird tw rattle dying huitiiu lavl breath or the took tsf ivotior in lare that uretv dratht havr- imi rvrr iwawl a iter von rremin wtui vitarp and sudden pain and looked tloii pt u mingled urm oust will hot mov ngaln have you ever lirard tin- moaning above the nole and till i aim eeii llw gory blood i up wliese tmuf all t-j- u1 isertl uicnvi mav iw uk iaavl caosvcktown daily waat ili5 sjn 15 tun si5 pbn si5 ta s tun 1130 pjij 5a5 lin cs h-m- 1136 sw 3t tun 6js pvn a is pm aailtmim standard t1vuc luncrajries llnnad io a in cuiaa unltod buus slid luns confccnonutt directory lfei- uu ice odemoioq itmalis aids 1 sulnnktsim lamcom kmmr b4y raa mist isortssma llw la lssa fwfw uln ijrsi asst w c chant anur eta coiuolklll ulock ujanitt oolnltowii- khlqlie u pa ua us tlakky sss ay st k vlrsur ttfea stxl it uwsml osok gordon onydoa u3 msla bc maria bruatao talaplioas tst uinu h- un lyotaaaa bolussc biajaajioo taksboss ms it a watsom ojwl scaul 0a uli- la a aiiiiil tluuajay a m nielsen uu vaar a rratalc chiropractor xray drugleu theraiist lsitr lljal omoe ovr dominion glam clarttoam jlmcl j tun ct laaoaula tl i frank fetch ucdufid aooxbomkss l tk chn a r i u swaalt barvlos cfaaluohsbl m r xi caaaxaaowa l r vjt oom- ctabaabaat monuments pollock a ingham hil nff ul oaaat at worth gait ool ihahaot out hit la oraaawalial sensational optical sale cut price m ftc now stock lenses and frames abuuuiuf uiv pilv for ooubl vulon fancy jibihs slul ivobcrliiuan unbui k eutajulua uj ulku master eyesight specialist will vr ytait ttvmrirsi j h strttsa ko hintons laalaio siarc casaiawal tiestjay sept 1st onn bv unlv tua aavt l kahil aa aa i aajr uaa i u mju lqvv gr4j s canadian national ro mi 49 bjfmumacmel w saa lay waccormacks ifeuc rtiona xrr stiie gkosxcictown automobile accident policy costs only 5 per yeair pays tlaam af ufa- far hiiphal ar una utu geo c brown norval ontarso wvrn ymr car u u4nj lixl kavt vyihl rwr ll llkr jrri i it rr tisivi aimttwr kotlr 4u a4u4trr lrn wlju u ikjky auy s himmi you itavtr vhj ryri twl tlw tjirui rlnsjli out n luut him upon k fauucruus hiit w itaw ou cvtji tnrj uw tlrri mr-in- rwl ru the- ukl imu kvirrve ai you kt vr uvr uu- urajt whu yoii look xikdavh curvrr sj hove ytu htul ilw k- nsition of tt isvut car kt your bid tut up u ui lghl t suktxl vn oil n lkidt tii you rvr paw school yard n give tin horn a tvlam drivr oloas to tvsmms oi kids q i tn jump n scttot did you vr tak- it quart o ryt jp wallow four or flvr n ukr ttw uld bus tlruwn llw ri4d n hor m how to drtr luvr you rrfrr imh uttur child all crumplrd up kull wlu uid to run acrok th alrl wltm h car cajn down tlto hlllt uorbid ii aruronw try tills im orry but dortt you tills wu ivot hvnt to b trrm hy folks us irhnuvr hjj you tin toe it wa ttmnt for lit thouifhtwa the cmvltu lw kill li tnaln n hiar tli aivckwtr fool wlu l to blair ue mau in lit otlwnr car will liralilrr altow bu forcing ahead votmi and uui ivrlxaty um fcipt of toodm crime which fclvee ullnkimt twotil usot cancrrtt u the yuuifulnnui of bo inajiy oflrndctta wtxn yountt per on baakt a mlstakr the court tm ns m prison trnn u k punish hrnt and in the hope that u wui ifrt k care but too knany of thcae uave jaich lrujit ulkns hardened crimiruoi- u l the duty of ubiety to rrculoi zwcit youths to lielp them dlcovr and develop tlilr better i a utmtoik has uild yc rjvould tnaice our firijoru ivoticu tor moral dbtstt ilraluliuf the imprfecuoil of our canadian pmaj tyiietil a royml constalsjjon has been apikslnted to uudy uui probleta kloch thought hxr been fclven of latf to the horuml yoeta which u uj in knjiund ttie rurpoa behind the krurluh yaem is to train ruier thart to puiiui ttie uujrui of intence lias nouiuxk to do with the kchousnes of the crime the prc uce u rather to imp- b threeyer period of training utsder uiu fcya teni the youthful offender la not look d upon u it public enemy but ks the unrorturuite product of t kocul eiivlronnt for which uoclety must take utw of tlie butne uul rcmqpoiul- billty one oflhe important features of live ytu is that at the end of ids period of detention each youth provided with a hi brother wtto h reiaponjuble for hltn atul who trie to find hun work and wtio oltera counsel the prohlebt of jutenlle and youth tielhiuerwcy r one cuuvk for the uttaot tliouitht and inteirwt oxi the part of us all a worthwhile nolu- tlon will bvean uve iavli of mamir youiur young peorde for uveirulvee uul for uve pocjuve cjmiuhbulion which tliey are luble to make to society approval of tlie ptenan and are juitlfyln uvelr eiditence tlie montlm of april uoy and june at u in tlie opinion of arrow otocuk tills year accairdlna to tle firm uil clurtcr work l liarder to at today wlvlch inuros the oenlral ontario n uuin ever before the reason they i unis tlie driveru da jar rubbers fruit jars do fruit pectin a xxx vinegar u-i- mustard seeb cassia buds keens mustard 3 dou 14c 99c 1 13 1 53 pclsa 14c gal 38c 9 oi sc 3 oi 10c 2os tt13c catsup flavor p tl bd 35c 4w orange cram sandwich biscuits 2 u 25 heinz dojoous cream soup mushroom 2 25 stonev creek red phted cherries 2 25 salalya tg 31 h4boww rvfct ioouu iftlt mjfuwtg salt cocn tvapobaud milk 25 lux soap aakts surprise launpfiy soap 5 23 ft s o s scouhmg pads 14 23 glassccs nw cherryjamo 25 uny- hain a srurrco holbay olives 30 maxxrol house coffee it 35 limed schoot scribblers 5 10 carrolls l m i t v- free delivery phone 35v ilure hundred twulwlid paieiuti ulil im wrolktt icalim uley tuthl and r- pin it uie number of imi itinis euirichl uii a if row totaltci ual yrssjr celilral ulttirio 1kb liu ilud ure i xiuimihh iuy b day llack lit itta kluxw i u 1wyne hiul jiit luksti over uu old atiuw iliie at tlmt time the iuure uxtiou la it vuxlrl ol lour men und tliey liad on uliir liauutv -lx- obouutc buncu uiavt wulikis ed oer iid miles of ontario hiiih in u tiwv or less tulr- ttrf rnaunrr tltatt wa letflstded a rlicdule lii-r- were only- two tistkl icluitit tlkeu atid tnujlng tlie brute atmeimefj tv be ual ule bu jjld be alonit kny kninuttr ur ljyne liru dutieia when he haaujivd cqouu as maitsagaiiljso- lor wetv u orsanlae uie ihsea tighten up uie iervice ukt tlew cquipr tamt trioarce tlie aace staff and lak over uw roulesi tpoday central ouwno ifx- un limited l an orisuiuulluui llial covered over 1 06o- 06o mllrw 111 1035 mid poueatm a heel i bues an mce uiak occupket ieen lam rotwus b rcprrftenled by 1s5 aceitu throutfhout oonlral ontario aud hmlnina rculr cliedule over suo miles of bus routed mo lamall amount of tlie credit for k- auccevs of uie arrow woe the directors ktal 1 due lo uie dxivers who by their courtesy ife drivlntf utvd cleai cut appearance liold the kood will of uie public for uielr pany it luu always been uie policy of uie present heawli bt uie oompany to rettakd the drive rsand ouier mem bjuv of the uaff not merely aj emtjayeed but as vital members oi 1 organhcatlon wlicoe su4oraiotis are eticouratted and whvle welfare l l vx cotuldcred with uiu uu latter tlioutfht in mind uie company lut vroilded every mnuoyee will free lire accident and siffcttav- inur anoe nearly every monui an open forum ls lield attended by drivers mecluinlc and oluce tatt and dl cuion is invited rearduaft duties routlimtf and uretveral tittprovetnent of tlie buiineii a lighter iide of uve company work is uve annual bn quet for drivers and akenll iveld rly emch year in one of toronto larser hoteu cotiiixsenclnc two years ago the central ontario bu lined in co operation wlui an owen sound uavl- tratlon coaqvany has stuertatned hundred uckol- anu travel bureau men and newpalver publicity men oa a caomblned weekend bus trip and cruie around ovrglaa day in utls way uve ticket and travel mienl become acoualntetd with the trips they are tilllnif llat all uve arrow route are cover ed iby uve uttrertjuiee ivowever as uie presence of eljht ii pauenjrer bua3 alvows jhve of uvese uitauer coachess were added hut ynr on ue feeder lines and have proved so utisfactory uutt uve addition of wore aiitlcj4sted bus hulory uvows that many lines found seven pass- eruter ears too small and 31 pajuetsjjrer bubec too lanre for practical operation accordlnjly some eampanies experi mented with uve xmaller type of vehicle and it was decided to try tlvem on uve arrow fir it is tald that uvey are meettna with uie of h nature nole for september or tituht lor xhuhlly l ui dullali in ihu my the i uvuv t xlay b in oodruti tiinociowi 111 umlloni lollo by vuli lo 1i mb r the u nnlnj of ayt 0e bound coilliutwsud u clulplr um lt live hwt uaul- kplorliafcj ue itnyloi iu o ul l wild ilower aje v jinjrlii tlv ij4laulllilploil ullr duy altttu kuoru ico live mxl tltiil anouur uutt to bruin nitiive anuti uil uiw b an th publu ifcuj live ttji iaitu t oixil li sxhool hlkln 11 uiiihr lu jiuria of unt yhlkltn won uniul ui oujiiit entry biuijlo iioni llieir nrutij arrow cuaur uclul eafaice and for uu btuj 1 600 ord ui uu iy hunts loan iaui lutres of sa st- utvd 1j w r offend aj weil u u tt lptll vtlf of aijjo oiuii devrlbhsi to llisir lull llory brim 1m vmud 4 f uu poetic lu v tii oti wlu a id llumiyhl fsii uie ijcuoiu what pttluir bcjuty ai lja duy lim liurvthn ro oi vuili f lajnuif in u tlii tmtvimalir rouivdl tnuvd lurali i il c4ilin rmier 4w uve enibla m of ipuuuei uldeuroh tluilsiorm 1quuu doutn taivou u-h- lulo selda of clouiof ivmllrvl and cjirriuu a tjold u b led rny luilllownit biacki- unall amount of udeu liliitf 01 f uu ljrd umu lotmllisk ragwort uw arrow jit at el uuauu wxru dtilriuut uttillt uim haakad live purjie nd over lie ntirc lour iolloax up niicluseusii imui uki uve luvaf by exlejjaive laipapcr udvertgiiiu touch 0 imperial tplrndour to uve ttiree wel klvoau indlvlduau a lady 0j punnuer lkudacuw thl riot uf jhimalkt iveadmatcr laid u uuld uirn tu uvdutih it had cxane 6 editor of a local 11ev4ml1e1 aere ap- ja fsiit er when kut resniihaa pointed at judjetui and tlie content at uut tracuid aitreut number of en uie- a well a- advrubinji live cdmlaliy uie fl uuddlntf bvore cijitec luu kiraulted in a wealtit uifprmatloa on ontario which klu prove very ueiul foi future ad vex ttslntf c adimrtbuiiif ha played an important part tn uv ucce of uie central ontario luis liue- ad vevhijemettii of routed cliedulei and featured bpivcar prriodlcauy in all toronto dally ivcavaper dally radio broadcaiii are oonducted over ualloii cscmic at wiiuiliam onu tlve centre of uu arroa routes and and till more later horh for j uie b4 uulll tiay think warm dsyj will never ceu wllfcju olkajhs arj mu at live ogn of live fcilken optiy at u livop wtiich i iiever ikl whrrr talliicht tlilellce linger it l uvete unit dreattn are aolil lliere uve trlit tf isovex rose ilu uu ectvo of clilldlvinmlk laliuh llveier llie riiuc of emily ulaskeal iar live while up iiever quaff 1 live ajlken jijrn of uwr tmppy wr rottw wnrn tve daylight dlcn when the mirjew tni0 ecnoeav neaut uir icrey of even but hkic jwi bejwml the gated of urtet where uve grim tojl of ileativ wra ps y we iuilt qrvd the ivop of dream warn where uir rile liali fdway 11 wo lunit for duvk of the twrulght wlveii with wealur of hd earthly told it jiall come where aleepnorers clieur t uie lion wlicre droarns are wild jean graham uul even uve imperial purple of uie tnlcluscma- dul te- luxs a rival hi uve uveomparubli hu of deth and brilllmvcy if bit eurdhuu itower tod rvclier uuin thai of uve bird which liar it luune can boat he cau live lvld besauly oi uve cardlu ul flower or red vobtlla caiuvot bo lild ata3atrrna ss2s r7 asint- jtat ut lumitton and cwut toioiito i u attractive vucatlon folders are auo placed in ail ticket otttcpy and denot as tiuuiager of uie arrow travel bureau don uulcoltn t the ma ler mind behind vacation tour ivlmililnif j lis record a a- made jecehtiy a lien lie planned a tour for four eldcrli ladles alio went from toronto to uvtangelt by bus rom uvere to vic toria 11 c alvere uve tmbarked for auklaivd new zealand alur crotl intf u aydney ailjjrulla b boat tliey loured auralla and returned to 10c arurelc and set out 01 a bu tour 1 of uexico jylorida and uve bouuvem staler returning- ivomc u the atlantic sseaboard tlie entire ulp loan to the maliet detail eon pemlng arrival and actiarture b bus and boat 1 plaiuved by ixr ual- eafas tlie furuge on lt patrick street toronto wlvere the ua ore inspect ed and cleaned dahy both inside and out u a model of organuution kach man 1m hu own job to do and l held directly rcponjible for tallure in his line of work a new and etncieul osteal of karaite malnten nnce irlatajjed recenuy l cxvlained eliewlier in uiu article all driven are chen uarace train ing to take care of rood emeigencieo they must leam uie rulei of uve road uiorougidy before uvcj are vermllud to lay a hand on a iteering wheel ttvey are alvn trained hi courtesy and passenger attitude and rant pa trlct txminliaauoiu before uiey are given a run of uielr own tlve cnurc course takes ten daj of interulve work with jiluflahle pride uve directors call attention u uie report which itatevir it l fortunately ui to cultivate from eed live oliver wild iowers which claim ultentlon thl 1uu1u1 are uve turtle head and i ik joe i weed uott per jin are familiar wiui uie inch long tunk aivd wlilte turtle litudu and lutve walclied wlui much inieri t und amusement uve uay hi hlch they appear to eat bees aer xy trony und vigorous an in cl a- the bumblebee mut tlrugale lo lain adml ton to uil tiowcr befar niaiuriti he will try and try again unul the pollen l ttidy to dust him over wlveii lie is admitted ac the moment wlien lie is forcing his way in cuuiiifc uie lowerlip lo spring up nd loan uve eyelets turtle seams to chea and clvew until uve most vedate belmvldcr must mile at ulc paradoxi cal ivoa of course it is uve bee uvat l feeduil uvough uie flower would fm to be nvaucaunjr uve bee allh thekoent relisli tlve fcjovgeou- magcnui joe iye weed l often een ftroaln logeuier ttltfi turtle liead or near it as it fav our uve juiu damp siumtion toa crlng abov c uie surrouisdiiag ation of low lying meatlowa uiu ttforou plant preads cluurs of toft irinjy bloom uiat however deep or pale of unt are ever cminpicuous adverilemenls eyen when the roldenrod- sunnower and mlcliael hul ualis enter into cloia compeu- tlon for inject trade alight fraa ranee mrhvcli l ioubtltis iveavy enough to uve delicate preoeptimi of buiturtllcy attracts crowd- of uvem ttius a patch of joe ipye weed in september is an excellent place for the collector joy pye an indian medicine man of new icnaland la aid to have earned fame und for urksts 1 typlitt er ana ouur j-e- u ith dococtlaju made from ivlant uy e w hurt dlvlsloo uotany central exiverimentol ay l uvat uve novelty of charlenne bus l wearing off along wiui uve fact uvat more people are rverating uvelr own private cars xlus opera t ors today llieiefoire face uve need of civ t tag new inlerrcts to win back uve popularity of bus travel wlui uiu uvought in mind uve company recenuy tried out several novel clvemes one of the most suc cessful of which was uve tvpu to mowhere it was uvought that a leisurely comfortable drive through uve countn on a sunday afttemoon might appeal to a lot of prople and uutt a novel touch of myklery could be added if uie pajlijenjttzrs were not advised beforehand of their route or destination lavln at 1u o clock and arriving- back at sw o clock allows rsajengers plenty of time for dinner and church tlve driver given ekd ordoa witf instrueuons not to open them i uv bus jsa- lrft uve depot thl idea lias been most niocessful and every sunday afternoon since uli uay has found at lt four bus leaving uve city for suitroundlng country tivase trips aver uually 50 mikfi wlui a stop enroute where the pasiuren may obtain rerriluvttt anouier sucsseasful innovation uils year is the oypsy tour credit for uil id is given entirely to driver dtck rulott who durinjr a vlit to kngland last summer ob- rved uvat an kagllsh bus company was elline tlcksh- to commercial men whlclwalowm uveai to travel at ovrt uve company route on lils return to toronto dick hllott mttfibd uils ulea to ur payne and ur ii j imeb secreury and dl rector wlui uve result uvat uie idea a a adopted uils dimmer tills tour is dasigtved to appeal to the vacationist who wishes to vlit many vlaors but wlvoe purse permll only on trip tlve ivolder of uve nlrveday ticket may travel at will over uve enure arrow territory day coaclias have etablljied uiat l ivard 0 heat oj arrow record lfil cooukc savjls fhl it is transit at uie joint request of the nova scoiia deivartment of asricultture and uie klii town strjaberry orow rp aoclatlon a reprevhlauve of zhe pruit branch dominion depart ment of agriculture yave a practica densoixlralon of uve g ovemment system of pre coollna fruit by live ut fans prom june 2t to july 17 imc fifteen carloads of strawberries were precoolcd and uie advantage of the tioem uila amply manifested in uve tine condition in wtiich uve fruit arrived at the points of deunatlon dunruj the ival few jears uite work of uie- traruportation divlion luu been uve meaiu of preventing- conoid erable ls in tranit boui by ea and mil precoollntf a it l cninvonli called imply meail tlve removal of field heat from fruil after liarvestlnc and before it l flipped to markel wlui traw berries as wiui ouier fruit uvere is a tendcnc to pick and ip fruit uuu l not full mature be cause deterioration l not u apparent as in mature frull fruit l mature wlien it luis reaclied that stage wlven uve norma proce of rtivenlna will cojiunue after the fruit i picked and enable ii to develop rull flavour in order uial maturv aell coloured and huiguvs gic ruts insi itance to uuploytes palloainc trlotelj on uie announce mmt or a ten4on plan which a- ure- rotesrtlnn in old ace tor all emivloiee wm wrigley jr co ltd lia- jiut made imbllc a plan by which 1 errj ejjjqj jj ujj company is provided with lite uviranoe at no ccv1 to hlmeil all employees alio liave seen uiree or more nvonuu ervlce with uielr ivostuon iuxecuuves and depart ment lietvl are injured for s0o0 foreman and aljnen for 2000 and all other employee par 1000 tlie insurance l ulv en luiotit medical examination and wiuvout any aire limit luneilts are iq he paid immediately upon oealh or in uie evtnl of ivermaennt and total dis ability occurring before ac go if an emjvlojee terminates hu cjmiriactkin aiui live wrtglei co he may within thirty duy- auine his iruurance hlmjlf paying at the rerular rates tlie entire cost of uve inurance will be borne by uve wrigley vmpany and l in force for all emvloyees as of august it wlui uil addition of free in-ur- anoe to all employee to uve penjon plan which us put into effect uve accidental is itndinc op jnuky tlie coroners jury lruulrinjj into the deaui of llarland k hustler 57 held at qrampton last jfriday brought in a verdict 6f ao death attaching- no blame to the drivers of uve two cars involved tlie jury found uvat llarland hust ler came to ht deaui on sunday autf icui from injuries received when a mouvrcycle wlilch ive was driving collided wlui a car driven by wullam uacoreor illlkboro road toronto and liu body was uirown in to uve paui of a wetbund car which he had just passed driven by ahwt dcadman uorvcton new brunswick uucorvgor informed uve jury ha liod not crfn uve nuvtorcycie until single light flashed- out beside tha deadman car just as lie was going to fully devetopel fruit may be placed w le compleud a pro- ffrrtm rf aim ullt rlbfflhlt a i wluiin reach or uve consumer uie transportation divuion of uve do minion fruit draivch tecvmmvntl to ivroiliicer- and ji iiever uie ian pre- coolliu sy lem ulilrh ha proved il etllcary in alt uie fruit producliiu oreo- of uie dominion if uteres j much good in tin orl of us and jt much bui in uve be i of u wliy doet one tinlilical luirty claim all virtue in talk lo the re t of lut tram of ivrovldliil definite ecurity for uve employee and uieir fainule- aivd deivendtnu a meik ittur man aa in court for a minor offence wn you ever in trouble beforct l ked the judge wc 11 er er wa uie he 11 la ting m uua i kepi u library book loo ion once and was nriod ten crnl apples ducbess potatoes slbalor 17c onions s lb lor 1 3c bananas 3 ik for lie an mom sviear salta rhuk tlrvit large mae 3 lor 20c oranges sweet as jwley nl sia 25c doz c0lltrli vkllow urge uie kir4 rle ummis large silt 19c oiktrfralls al spttul miles carrolls limited txjnslkvativfc lricmt kundas prom reports received it appeara that uve picnic being- held at the drivtntf park iri dundaa- on saxurday alaiust 23ul by uve wrwt oerttrp dis trict of uv ouauvervauve associalloit of ontario will be one of the lartf- nil political rallies eteiheld in on- tariu a capacity crowd is expected to liear hon w fcarl howe uve tvew tory leader tom kennady and ouver aeomlivent consrrvauvea oreai ln- urecl is being slvown in ur itowel addreja which lt is cxiveced will con tain important liruvounorments re- gardmif uie affairs of uve province plan- are bcintf rapidly completed make uto afursvoon and evening oulslandlnir a feature of uve after noon slaruntc at ts0 will be a horso uvoe i j telling toursiament wciu known players from uve eoure dl- trict will ivarticipate anotlver major attraction will be a soft ball game beta een star players from hamilton complete program of porta and races for young- and old has been arranged sluoc will be rendered by uve wenlworut liegimeni hand in addition there will be an cttand- ing dance orchestra for uve free open dance in uve pavilion circus clowns will amuse the kvddlea ttvere iii be aeroplane manoeuvred and ouver svmtacular events ice cream orangeade lemonade milk candy and an ample supply of pure drinking water will be sunpued free of charge no effort is being- spared to make uve event one long- to be retsumbered thl section is part of uie wei centre ditrict under whose auspicea uve picnic is being held and every one from uils district ls invited to uend ii- len for furuver details dally at 13 is 630 and 1100 pia over radio station ckoc duvath 1u can t ay wlveuier or not uvere a- room between uve two cars for uve nvotorcycie to pas- lie said he tiad he said no idea of husueru peed at uve time lex schrag lirampton wlvo form erly owned uve motorcycle on wlilch huuer met his deaui tesuaod tha moclilrve luul alaays luul a tendency to eae to the left glnettal vews ir e llarte ileame daughler of ur and mrs l ileame tturfard rtudylns for the pal year at cam bridge university england iuls ac cepted a post wltli uve hanuruz xs- utute toronto she iul been in at tendance at the interruuvanal confer ence of icxperimental hlolaglsis at copenliagen tlve three quelpli mlutla units ttt- tralned lost priday for ivtawawa camp for uieir annual trulnlnj kier lod ttvey are uve looui dth and 43rd baueries included l the huv field ilrtgade five times winner of uve central kfoclency torviy i do- inlon conipetiuon cluarged uilh iveedlne at 47 mtleri an hour on tlve ueaoh ltd on aug 6 prcderick harrt00 of ookvllle wn lined 16 ur jjlarrton told- uve court he wa ovf 70 and luul driven a car for 30 years without a uu maiv- for pbmlng william pord and floyd ilroiiman both of dora luul a narrow xape utven the truck driven by ford was truck by a freight train tliuiiling- in the olnjt yard- at acton la 1 week tho truck prececdin westerly on wo highway crossed onto uve railway track- and wa- hit by tlve train uoth men traped but uvelr truck was badly damaged ml hlooblud uy ancestry datac luck to before uve days of cjiarle- maipic how old u your family count nocouut i really cant say you ee all our family records vera lo in tlio flood school opening new school text books for public and higii school kay and save sty at hintons jwxllii auj htavfonut mula sl clearteuwv wnflls il tt ir s fr c xe aiftd lie ptn points kt u c4j rvu j atod cuuu le eael luasiuls le avwl 5r wh large lt page serikuem v vsa large m jrag ivbu paay lxcveive se t nail b4aj le sc ik h im ltsaf kte hmmkn lit w seuuee llisvury trly ltwhse ltttf k kuska avl ljutllbi new feurv lteurk u- try maltaal fctr iiuv fjjusv all aijucadv wk alth ukfjjno in ljutuk quantf itjoi v