page 4 tke georgetown herald wednesday livening aukubi 2 i93f responsible borrowers always welcome at canadas oldest bank axnplc fadluies foe persooal loans to individuals as weil as loans for business purposes to farmers and manufacturing and mercantile firms arc and always have been provided ty the bank of montreal people in every walk of life rake advantage of these facilities for obtaining funds for personal or busi ness use some for small amounts and some for large applicants prepared to meet the usual requirements of sound hanking practice arc invited to discuss their problems with the local manager of the bank of montreal bank of montreal israklumud in iad trvncb monyklal georgetown urauadi x ft smith manager ktooilh kmolht fcxehttng uxvtqi ylmi outcoub of 111 ygams mjccittwjt oreaywiw tll new wosjttajl owned in boning wsiawt twenty ehjfalh outpot woe- pita operated by the ctmuaii bad crws society in this province opened august lgth at jdlkoe ont amid much rejoicing on uv pert um local resident and taints op etors in that district jeluone is situated on the cfx 150 mile north ut of rwt arthur and la uw centre of one of northern ontario a heweet mining areas being the jumplngocr place- for the bturgw- ol rier tld fleld or one year end a half the red crow railway llotpual coach the outpoeton wheels has been eenr- ln trw a4ltnwi dwrw ptwldtne iiospitaltsatloa and public health and nursing servloe tor miners and sett le in this area during this period the nurse tncharv of the coach haet on various occasions to make trips by airplane due to ahirrtce of motor roads to different mining c to to attend emergency accide eaiea the nearest public hospital to jeui- cob is at kori arthur iso mile dis tant a ion and perilous journey for petienu needing immediate attention this together wllh the work accomp lished by the coach proved oon- dusiteh the need for permanent hotpkalhiatlon in this locality and lor some month a local hospital committee has been busy col funds foe the opening and wruipplng of a loeal hospital the vacant cxxjet hotel with u lanliary facilities etc was found to be a good building for hospital pur- poaox at a very raoaunal rental this was obtained and paint some reno vating and uptodate fcqulproeol toon converted it into h modern five- bad hopual money is now being col looted for the installation of xray equipment which will be a particu lar boon to uie mine in this district the official opening of the hospital was celebrated by a public reception and inspection of the hospital in the afternoon a dinner banquet to torn 400 guests and a dance in the evening on reception oommittee were dr it uoutley director of the ontario di vision candalan red cross society uh w i sandervlxt hurae in chart ot hospital ur kucene ipaqpetto local chairman and mr- pwquette airs roy newton was in charge of banquet cruest speaker a was afrril cliandler iort arthur representing red cross work- at head of lake superior other speakers included dr e routwy afr a sharps uiperintrndent cwj mrs rtank stevens president ladies aux ulary mr k- c noble dr norman mutton of reardmore and dr w j henry reident physician this new red cross oulpou wlu irvlos twenty five mining properties and will bring hopitalbcation within rch of home 1300 fceuws and miners wire received laid w staled already al patients luw been hospitalised atul i orten alone to the end of kpent we ar lol itaathh world fur nil rati get and ih hrni- uwt we uv is juit lent yri wn an wt oil t hluhvay of urn veryuy ami e often hear things that aauurul wrong rut jcsre a mind of my own uuu no one fanlum in this world ax im irtkddinir aktng and f oiun uihk of the wurlo ar it stands and im we imve trails and troubles uit tlmw u iull a briaht j4c that we never can fcee ttiough our lived arc compared with uie ktubblrd rut metnorie linger as the feay palwes by in trouble 111 klug my beat ong aikj wln 1 am fcad ni tnke every one fcuul in this world as im trodding along iio what hae you done with the day just gone byv rave you made someone happy uiafs udr are you waiting uie moments uiat are flyiiig each day as you meet i lie good and the bad don t sleep in the church or alt on your porcli and walch your urouier do wrong you will nevr nlul work wiirre theres no work to do in this world as youre troddlng along i think of the- hornetead where x was bora they ued to call it ihne itidge and the rumber silwr as it sill now today and uwr mill and tlw old rtutic bride theres a ucon to learn from that old irri4 mil pur il uorked and hummed ith a cong so i uant to ilo that in m dulim tli rough lire in uil aorld a im ttroddlnn blong ry samli card tottenham auutant ho madam we haverit luul gpy for a long time manager overhearing oh ya we have it madsm i will jutt send to the warehouse and havr bom brougtit in for ou aide lo aisiit ant ntw refube anyuung tend out for it as uuj lady went out laughing the manager demanded what did aiui fcay asluant ihe udd we lutvent had any rain lately our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms prompt work broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards low prices when you want rurmtuitf you naturally want good printing ruomjptljr done fct ur coat that u the lutxl of printing we aw qualifml to render we bfcve modem type ucea a wide icwtwu of papa atodta and layout auggeatiana which will enable you to attain wal quality character for your lxuioc or enter- priae be the job urge oc atnau we can em you if you will phone our tepteaeritaiive will cam and if you wuh uut you u planning the worlc t bo jane monena1 the georgetown herald ttkodornu alonti i am troddmg along on the hbrttway of ufe trial lead t tlw end of a romd and i tneel lite world each day as im uoddutg along and i untie as i carry nt load and ititrn think as im uftdulnc along i a i mrri uw worlds iju uirting i tneel ute kmxj and i mrrt like bad in ub world ms vm troddlng along and i m twl downtteartrd berau- 1 am ptjor i kimw uiat i aork in tlw dlulx- i will hold ui my ttrud and a way do jig bt tr a kmm1 name l kxttrr ttuui ln ju t walrti yi ep a you tryrl uuougb life ror what t not rigtil must be wttaog u ahead thy re game tihmh others the lame in tiu anirld vmi m troddlni along think u lirt troddlug day tluds tilt quail scifmcs rott rkotefnnom liecenlly my dog and i klrolled in hit fvul abjug a country fence suddenly ihvuog topped polled and pointing and coming up 1 fcoon reoog nuwd ids find as a motlur tjuail i too uoppfdto r wtutt would take place a tiny object ia bigirrr than my thumb ran from under uta motlter and tcurrkd away titen with a whir oie tiwuur who liad re mained motionlou until uven sailed away for ome dltartoe it aas uie uue old jdory and tlia- juoe old way that uie motluir tjuall has protected lier young for perhaps thousands of yearv filie flew for only a ahort distance because lier wings are ort and ma4e only for jiort fuchhc try as i might i could nol have found a trace of tliose utile youngsters tor uiey were 4curey hidden under uke icavos and grass that they so greatly resemble uut the mother was nearby on guard and wheal x luul gone on and all danger luul paed lte would return and with her motlter call would svtnq lite little ones to her again various means are usd to attract tlte attention of an intruder from ue young coming upon a motlier and her young one day the ran rapidly with one wing dragging as uvough injured x did not follow for i knew her scheme i watched the babies scamptred to safely in a split fcooond and uicii when tlie mother uwought all were sfe he flew rapidly aay git tempted tea to foll4y her and thus draw my attention from ber young when night comes a oovey of quails will arrange themselves in a circle with tails toward the centre head uut- tills gives a pair of cyos to look in all direction- and at a warning by any one bird ute wtule group explodre and dadies away iprding like a fan the inexpert enced person may be startled for uie moment and uiat lthe plan of uie bifd for during lhl juut lime of surprise lie lias gone omc dutance to afety quails are found over all the country if you live in uvc outh you know uwm il tlie partridge if la the middle uaul tliey are uie bob- white while in the north and wet lliey are llwo quail but uobaliite twrtiaiu the htv1 for uuu is tlie name lie calls himself and few there arw wlu do not raoognlxe uie dear snappy call toward evening and dor lug moonllglit nights- ott uu pacific coast live bird is a utile different and u a jousin to tliose east of uj itock- ko this bird is darker lays a cg instead of wliile and lias a different call ttie bobwlilte is quite vuluable and altliough lie lives tn tlie grata fleku and woods nearby lu doec not eat uie grain before it is tiarvted lie l a mlgbty enemy r weed eeds and saves uie farmer many liours of lute ing and plowing because of tha quantity lie eats when uie liarwl t over lie eal the grain uiat otlier wise would be wasted nor is hl value haed only on hu weed datruc tlon acuvitkfi but he t an enthud astlc inject eater arid lucky is lie wlio iul a covey of quall take tlialr abode near or in his garden quails belong to uie ciatcliera tlie ame a uw common lien and tutkey ami are uie jnallet of this groujk they do not migrate but remain nearby during tlie winter monuis ttie young need not liave food carried to them aj do nearly all ouier birds but go with uie parepl tnu uie field almo t as soon an uiey come from uie shell to learn to tmt and scratch for uieiuvn mo ouier bird brcomeii so iridependent in so short a time uy kleiuwu 11 umlth in our duub ahlmau ihirllsh oburvcs may object to al lowing malea of the younger geiier- athm to go around all summer with out hhlrtk but we uilnk it might tire theul a lot of valuable praeuoa or wluils bobig to tiappeii ui tltem uwy kurt lkayiiue off uie dehu ovth- bfiinning of world miaaaons i oljtkn itjct and sakl uu llarcn into mil the world and juvji tlie tjfewl lo every creal uark g n l u we bear 11- a is arl 11 1u 31 f titiihly spring bonnot by rranlc j bunfceb i i liui bur it not ahaix luiradr ar tulk our brittltrr aiki tnuk tujr tjt hi in lu karvtue is 21 lluvr chrtlulw uw ta mf uiat all limuwm um- wofuit if u liny un uiwla r oliluatl4mi to u uil tlui tne ailft mo oive diailmd u uikd u rburch in aliluich but j vriul chru i iiul mc thrir lium dltloreul ulmik und iinnjcduitmv litwrt u u clturrh it au lb- itmjjir uit rjx utrxl ui oibitltuuitioii rather tluaji aly nui chlivery bting kruiuitauud u ilellvtf uw mi ate u-i- aui work in anil m h au jujj attne jki jmiui uiir luun and lh luuwi of hip lord wo willi tlam atal a gmit yumlxr brlirvtxj uud turiml unui the twrd lloon m d foreign tntdons are all one llolh have as uelr liuter pr- kj the telling of good kteas from uou in jlrlj in ibk jut nfiy 1vui ugu uie jatiklcnt voluiileer uovcmeiit lyhfati as a result of a hvellng of students callrd by air uoo4i liincn ttun otfr thirteen ihoumuid ouiig knei aiwl womu from canada and uie uulud hlxu luir gone out as foreign mhslotutfk3- thls lull crnlury a score of nation ul churclidt iave beoume independent nie movement urguu bycruist bnude ilk auten of galilee nineteen hundi ral jmm ago goe on moving now ailh lajer puce- uian ever before setottuv the beat 13 to be iiious is not suihcieut quaiill cation for being a mllonary today tiilioiuiry aorg ruhta lnullct and cjiolarsiilp of uie liigliest order co- liiuur utlh pintual 4iion and couruge chrt4uui ciiurclus are oon- slunuy ruldug uie ducuuoud land aru of uioae going u uie foreign iwid canadian clrurcliec mahitum uie scliool of jjljituii ui aliich can dklatats rrccjve training and tnuiwi ark on furlough reoclie luruicr training uudonarsc need to know hi lory modvm science comparmuvc nllgkui and liavc uie perotud tact and luighl lo liavc relkmhlp wlui otlur tiavuig first materod a foreign laiiguajrr riie church at antioch doing ploely and could liave jutihed a policy of building uj fits oail itnitful instead uley deckled to stlkl tlwir two best men faruier ikeld ctinst sakl for hb rollovers to go into all uie world chrislianiiy is a iruxelluig religion wtvcii we lose all desire to ipve uie gospel lo ouiers w- maj aell ak if it luw not lost lis isntllcuiice for ourselves butmidues au the fku 8 to be a christian mi toiiary l no taj taj paul and ihirnabas moou acre in contllcl aiui supersuuon tia complalni uuu qlloiu scno uiuiui out of uie country is very pruiy alien a remember uiat in nuiui america in a jngl year slii 1 kip you bill f hmii why aiaka k tw t iisl f r i r tj kaw w mil i buy tn hm rlfcl i baw i 11 it it it h iul 11 a unrlln hat y jrnoni jul v i ke1 i if i w i d to w wttrrijjfi liv ml rull of 1 elng ur oltu h it i httg in tb lur of bla 1 t uill il ud h mkul rtilibrd bla luli 1 4um uei n r ikn lll one bat j it mv l till mn wted 1m aad tugged al jabwyg nn ft a only silm abe mid tlatw lji its brgtn mr untoxrg aald jlliat i ihr littla udy try it n lonlxbt ilmtika bill kfrowlml and ttxady yanked jfnoey away kb bad to run to kep up alrh hts uog atride vou re be atigry w aattad if courtae not bui why boak m lotv ilk a trtkari ifo know try bodys xpilag as to run hofn for money and decided t be lode pvddant dldnwr u itllt jnhey uwrd la a ttmsll voice all hkm w aumrd to aav fcve dollar aad we agre d to rnkkn it grow kw you want to aixmd it far m baf la aorry b11l jfaoey m voice u wful i u got you pleaty of bata jlaat give me ubm bill prondsod that waa ad haturdtty ulgbl uoa day morning imf uut bad gooe to work jaaay got out br bluo borcg it was luiva ravorite hbe bad worn li on tbe avootfu day wbau tby d kllpptt acroari the ktste line aad boon taarrud it was auu a ah bat jaoy adadttd to beraelf but it til hi t bav ta aaap and ktyl of the one in glaaborg abp window idly ah got down uie milk phehar la which tbey kept tbolr axpeaae bt uvi tbr was 728 left with al uiasl week to go in the ptlcbar there was alao an rrruh containing the bvw owe dollar blllu wblcb constl tated thatr beat vgg bui bad placed tbetu in ab auvelope ao that they would out gr talxrd up with tb boufl kaaoay janey ftnlled as abe bllpped the volope back into tlie pitcher and put the s72 la ber purwe uood old bul wvaau and obatlnatol ur glnaberg wan aweoplog ff us atdewmlk wben j a bey drawn ah if by auaguot atoprwt to u tb bat vou would um k so bhiart in that bati be aald at ber elbow tberva only two bats tike it aad i got than the older generataai uoooou ore pcnl un astrologers palm tvadir u a cup uu iners numerolo- lt4- and oailuayers- ivoiile who coniiualn about uie money invosled in chrluori tuloorl are usually ilent about uie abukus millions jienl for gambllrur and liquor ulsorui are not a pisy fooling enlcrjinse but war lliere l an agelong fight between clod and matiunon between purity and lut betaecn ervlce and greed in recent yearz uiought luu bain changing from uie oiiumiuc volutkmary pjulosopjiy aliidi extod uiat umig would work up lo perfection if we only walled long enough today it l seen uiat there l a aorldwiue moral conflict between truui and error between poace anil war between christ and raaterlalian any one alio lake part in this war fare l engaging in no sham lw tk and ruru uie ride of getting hurt paul and uamahas faced com nurcialhted upersutkm and modera mtdonaricfi laoe godles communism ready to ue violenca to gain oonlrol uujon- in our day are dot a nicety clirtdianlty l fighting for its very life are uummm hweeeedtagt su paul and barnabas won a convert even uiough attacked by xclymas tha oroerer modem have a string of soccess to record today no land of any iae u wiuioul cluristian teochenl lkinng uie reign of king george uie edlh the number of clirisuan doubled hi india it looks as uiough ksgaaas- effort to win a million clirtdlars in japan will sue ceed- there are now more medical musiaiuurias in cliina than uiere were in uie whole world fifty years ago it is onli half a century since uie chrltuuj churcli began work in korea and now uiey have veral uuuuand cluistlan minsters and uielr cliurchcs are uicmch mis tionary churclios in the sense of carrying on personal evangelism in uielr own land one of uie groatot achievements of mlt um haii bekn uia deeloancnt of heroic diaractcrs all uie money prnt upon mlsskui- would be repaid if only by the cjirituui cluiracter and experidioe of ailcs uany of uiem have given uielr tlvos for uieir bellezs qliall wc keep falui alui the dead a backward lafc itecenuy dr itobcrt spfcer received almt ml ian luive acoomplisliod in uie pjlt luilf oeutury it i a glowing cluiptrr of curtdlan romance the mightiest forces in history are persons and uu mightiest persons are christ ton men und women comparauv c religion iulv put clirisuardty in a cla all by tuelf ulssionaries navx aorkejt for clirt not for money uie ablest missionary draws no more sa lory uian uie least efflccul one lk nomhuitlouium has been sn as sooondory in uie light of uie world tok confucuuiism and uoliamme- danlun arc breaklna down itabln dronaui tagore the indian poet when in america gave msage4 tilled wlui chrtdian oruui and spirit tlie aorld ias been ueisdormed dsdance fms been overcome and now uie ta v u to turn a neighborhood into a hrouwrhood tlie piws of uie world is dlcusshig clirisuan ideas willie uiere is crltlcum of um churcli uien t admiration for cjirt-t- an cducat od indian attacking msdons conciud cd lit- addrej i imve to uiank you tor allowing me to lpeak a i iiai done for two hours ahulng oil thai ou lioui niosl dear but you must have noucfd uuu uiere t one whom i did not even crtllclw and indeed lu t above all my ortucum or any inji uie imely fjord chrtst- owktueea ft v 1 j i hoa may every ctirutbra bwja mludnajyt 3 wliy are strong leaders lusntpd for christian mliorut 3 wliy la iwclmluwd training necie ary for btrdulrail aartcultural medical and bvaiigelt4ic mls4onary work 4 how far will chrtsiun evuigeluaa oboume uullgenous in india china japan and africa w hat in uie prceeut atutude of uie lioma church towards mlsoorut ila lu ah aaltu a divorce dal milan jca talk talk idght and day ah can t gt no tea aiul alim frolng craayl viauig lawyer vrvll wliat tks j he talk about u muehr itastus idwe doant kay is daddod hot to buy a bat juat yc janey told blui urntly but bar yo rotuaed ta uaw the window oil that all right be agreed juac try u on ills band u aar ottow be ataerod her into the thep toa talnutee later janey mm out wearing the hat- still in a daw aba arrived borne and look the mo dvdlara aut of lb envelope tbey would have te cat on that i ab would have ur bide the new bat from bill and ooae- wow make up the tnoney abe had apent tueaday abe bgan aavlng the ttrtyceala that was to bave goue for preaslng bui m other suit tdie feaved by doing the pressing beinxtlf uke bad newer preened a suit before but she did that one aoombew that algat abe aaved qfty euu mare bill wanted te go to the taovieai but ohe pleaded a koadacbe aad tbey stayed borne that left ber four daluura to go wednesday abe made a dollar twea- ty ave aeore bill bad bragged that no wife of hie would ei alave aver a tub aad that was be a which would have gone m the uuadry nun be srmt the day ovr tlie auds sod baaing board aad auiaaged te greet feui that algbt hi a frtb frock deeplle ker aching back aad rd kaucklaa by thttredey iuu bgaa te leek r- proacbfully at bor wbro abe earved klai bis fourth dlooer of baraburgor ateak but abe ateeud breelf ube wae ta a race against time far aa hmt- arday alght bui would oped that aa valope te odd aaotber dollar twtta caa- teuu and abe bad te have the evaaey back i all tburaday ulglit ahe tpaaed aieep- leedy defeat etarleg ar bar with the approach of saturday she a twe dauare deaparataly imday haeralajc abe applied at aa agaacy but all tbey could offer bar was tcrubhlng te the eurphoe f the efeaploytaeat etaaager aae took it aad scrubbed floor and windows imday afternoon- aad bet wrday taerutag w ban aae euggarod keeie saturday bood rhe five ooiure was back la the euveloe hooaehow eh pulled beraolf together be greet bill wbaa he cease burellog late the kauee be was- la a jouuant laood- he nished into uie badroogd aad the aext atlaute bauaced out again look what ive got jaaay be cried jaaey gaaped ue waa aaulag kar ael she began te cry bill have you been snooplagy uoaey ue a aurprlaa the rota pany reieed ate 6ve bucka i kad te celebrate as i bought you your bat jtla put it fa her blond bead and wiped bar eyes altb bis haadkereklar that wae the lust one la the fctere be said proudly say it aure teoka greet aaym would think jt waa at least a tn dollar hat bh1u jaoey aallyed ua a tan dollar bat to ua 1 ought to kpowi itieaal oil fro- pmim wont the limt of ut botllaaueoj itoriuilae tt uitw the earths fllifcil lubrl raat it la usad lu uie lllog of watcbei ttkim a uvnc1 one diould tuier attempt to liandw a bull on a jialtcr when uiere t onl a trap or a ungth of niir tw taeen a bull uiul one lf uu- animal jul oil uie hwt nf it on uw ollu r liaml the nuwt vlclou hull may be luuulled uifrl uud controlled althnut dlfnoult thmuuh the iu- of a hull sutl nil bit of iwnl iquliiment ahich nki iml a frw dallur lus sayl duiuv a life from tiemg jirrl fired in th era u tt hull uul hui always lrpl tlw juufv it l considered too murli effort lo iij the bull uatf thl l tlw tart of irouhlr tor which uie uriitle hiill u iially t blamtd but for which lu 1 not quite o res poujlde a- an tha- ulw taka i clutiux novfrl ani nlrtv coul nunks by lutly lurrlny a ieal jeel i luj ikl b ilemandcd uw i uiiiuii mmly in weauier i imili u repu r tliat uk t ihrougn t piralhui wuuli tlui idaying lull ii n u um y iuj uutk and firth lo tfuur pull ir tlu- l i tnt- iiuwlf p ni h u i miili und y 111 kttllm 1 ik- llliii fiudih that il r nil inut hrullhrul iiuh ut r kind aiul vlt llllrd eetrnhli lung unit n r imv rr jun thins hi- caibnil ii iu illnn i i u ippl j lc ula u a lclrd u u 1m1- lor dnrts ja ihllrbu druiki ihli is lirli in loodjilkh iuul lulurul imii uiur it ha n nriil nk illm n urtkui hi hi ixkh xhuh uid hi ilfml uu ajtfit ut acuiifatuon rfl it i i unytlw r numj rn ik iwif uiat iiir lsireuii tnwl lrutid 4itr ill foukl ih1 en y itni hn tllitv jjrurlotl sitrnmrr drink hut rrdy lie prrjuirri ijuleklj i lui ul pnnupior julrt niul u lew thfr r linptl insrisllrii on huinl iv them when ir rti mkl tmdk- m fir ii ianrt ideal lluwilluoi tlnruppl rriiry ikiual juk j uicr 3 irmotu uin ilar jium clilfl and shake aell iwt ire serving g v aix raiav iats mutt i rown flnk timuilu lhirliam arthur iwku ml irsuetl orenitrvilk lielbime ii lorl llurrl kii tall id v luy milton brumplon oam wujiul tleeuvllle oct aj aug 38 iex 1j lep- io 11 st 17 i lit 1 1u epl 15 1g liept lf is bet 23 23 ept- 33 jt hept m 3s ifiit 3g 3g ieit 36 36 eftt 3s k iit 37 so orl s ort io j cu1l rup urutwfrull julr tup nuptirrry firup i cup liust uie ired uraitje and nuirujliiiw tlwrth cnu lied lr uiw jmll j ilo- mid rastilmrry cymp uhd chill in relrliteiulor u tn ji ru ptwrry juice l tied oikl 3 luu i imwuim ticari uien ready ul jrf itiul ginger uie sliced fruit and lii c lo 1 ervliuta mnrepfdr tx 1 ciipr huaaklon iilneupple juice 3 table poon ittium juice 1 ru ahlte 3 drop wrcielerhire sauce crujied ice 3 bottle ginger ale 13 n ilsei place all initrrdienl except glngtt air in jiaker kavlng enouuh roam for- a thorough jiaking add chill m inter ale and erv in toll uiln lis- a if uit heverage l not wret fiwmul ofid a llttlemigiir to jireiwre yrup heat uifceuier rijual lutrts of rugar and water until rugar i dl olvcd cool before udng 6 ervlng iwhtht crack ull 3 cujv iluaalluii pliieaiile julor 1 cup tomato juice lor lnrtuedton aekuly md al hioouch tmr lake castronox stomach powo er un sale al jkeernaefca ufe bear radio repairs tbe aetnua a i dorviee kaebaiar la ear mae hugh lindsay tcsttd dairy cows irllkta bjukus aad ckabets bred for type and froduction sixty xhdtara awa lus free delivery on truck loads compensation certificates ac cepted as collateral cday twtcet gwara murco farms undut out trtck us ii i j oari qsnapshot cu1l i shots over bright waters 0 wfc tie artistic value and extra uov coenblae to kolp the bholoorepher i that laclude an anpanae owu- clouda aad bock llahuag eakano tide iv you live by the aaa lake or rlvr or wbnayou annd time by them for health and recreation donf tor- rat that you are id a snapshooter paradise always whore thore is water by it or on it ther are preaeutod to iho atuatnur plcvurotaknr sconos of charm boauty action and bumaa ln- tnrotih as aubjoct and background for oyudullgbung pbntographa tbo ocean surf tbo mlrrorod calm of mill watoru id bay ana lnlol tho hnauty of shore lines seaport vll lagoji ueauldg at tho watori odge shadowed wharves majestically moving steamships apedlng motor craft gracoful sailing yachts hoal ing lo the wind the mi n of ui aaa doing tbolr sally tasks and inland much the same aconos on lake and rlvor what mom in opportunity for the camera enthmlaat in addition whore thorn 1b wstor ono aifldom baa to complain of lack or uglit oven oa tho btormhimt day for watnr la a natural somotlwns uaiillng rcifloctar luueoj it you a ill take note color tonns of niont uverythlng that cotuposika thn acinic frame of boiling of watnr am mart brilliant bluor grt nr mddtr ytllownr whiter than in und scapa chancfls for clnar aliarp pic ture a are tho boat thte overaumcioucy of light ia an mi thing to allow for ybtinyou are iiiaklug iilcturnu ovvtr tbo autir on bright duya jluwaw tho largo atop opening just as you aqulnt your eyes oa uta water the diaphragm of the lane generally must be stopped dowu to a btdsll opening to kaep it from letting in too much light- cameras with fast leases and ul trarapld ahuttora are decidedly aa advantage on tho water a elae- whfiepf because when yon want a doaup or a racing motoyhoat or uie dive or bathing beauty the re quired extra aped le available but tho innspimilve ftxod focus box type of camora does a splendid job with many tuartns aceaoa itg evorago of char sharp plctureedvet bright watara ii high ooodehhtrgameatk loo imy bsually be obtained tram the hegatlvua thn eecond or amsller strip opening la thw one to use where light is so intensely rebected abosrd btaaniablps aad sail tag yachts aro wonderful chaacee with any camora far atrlklug angle aaola p or down of funnels sails aad rig ging with claudetuddad sky or w till reaps as a background again veasala at anchor la the shtltor of hniakwater whore oullluue of tbolr hulls are mfloctrd ta the waters surface often make onchanllng pic tures if thought t taknu of tbe ootn poslllon on tbe wstor too we find the b si opportunities for paeudo- iihhinltght plctunte shots taken into tbo mu whun it is low with fairly aniall inns opening catching tbe shining path of tta rethvctlona from tbo dancing waves ioa jdiim vav omidiui ymx ivaclur itiibrl what on idling to la alien you grow up lobb im going ta be a grand lutlwr and just dt arourul telling ry one mw cold tlw wlntenv wrt and die uilugi 1 dkt whtu i was a lioy rwuier to young tor juit mi to bod i now what ere you rryiiigvfor tjui i a ant a drink ralher io k i go to uoepl prices reduced on all summer millinery all the latest sksules aiul styles ui summer rvfliutmiy for ladies uul ckiuwit come in and arcurw uhd of tied haysiuu we av otferilig misses claridge hcru block georrctown i