the georgetown herald wednesday lvcning september 2nd 1936 pmge 3 dont overlook these specials in fall merchandise at jb r i jl l s boys auuwool golf hose will pal trcnri ch0h jill 9 vnfkuh siiimics a r 50c wjjular vjiiuc al jus 33c v boys cotton couf hose apccl 19c boys blouses u wu of twlterns oily 35 girls cotton stockings special 15c p ladies wool skirts in k nssortnwnt of shades only j 79 mens wjre wool sweater coats blue black fawn and heather nl just 179 ladies new fall shoes brown or black suede calf and combination leatliers regular values up to 3 00 special 198 boys black calf oxfords special 179 boys pure wool sweaters wnk uppers a remarkable saving at 98c mens and boys all wool caps brill make arc on sale at 49 c d brill cor cor mill nd main shu phone 167 georgetown rump roasts ideal for threshers jg boneless stewing beef 2 for 25c fresh pork shoulders 5 to 61b each lg lb fresh hocks 10c sparer1bs 2 fo 25c boneless veal rolls shoulder roasts 19c 17c p- sjverbright salmon y lia felt 15c fillets 18c ripe bananas cooking onions carrots generou bunches 3 23c 10 lb ick 23c 3 10c local news thli wax court day in town labor day next monday sepc 7th a public holiday jlalton onnmrnura picnic at ueorvrtovm sept tsth mlvi- mathews will rraume her claurc in tnuic this week eofaetowu llnj playx al to rtmito exhibition to morrow high and public- schoou opened on tueaday with a good attendance midnight frolic htatlry park krin monday hepi 7ui 12 09 mn hoy unider orchestra it mbu margaret dickie alcii will mumr tier cuulm in 1uuwi and theory thursday ept 10th all the iateal uylea tn fill kill llrnry now on dhplay at misses claridge 11 raid block oeunrrtowti ukny of our ctuatua will be i ui aboubltkm uvmorrow rheri oar band days iri ttie compeutlon dalice bunwy park kiln uo dijf evening hcpt 7lll hoy ffnluvr ictieum dancing every rtiday veiling it hydor power will be ofl on the weai ode of main at wrxt fjunday morning- 6est th from 5 to tlso an ltd really aliouldrit keep anybody faue lor chnn ill ycle iiding- on uie ildcwajkx in town l tabooed frum now on a j otic to that effect appear ut an oubr column ivdeiaruinj- will ap- tiredate the uetiou of council lit rtr cluing u have by law readuiy tarn forced georgetown is becoming uie popu tar uwipii entr tot this diitrlct conservatlte picnic al gtokufciownj uun w uuu ruwe rttovinclal ucauck and otuu srkajlfcjkh ooi krftkth roitm music kv two bulnlktiaaanc 1nu at nicut hatukuav stt ut ts tuk uatk 111 ton conservauvvri and their rrkds will unite iii a r p tile to be held al cleoixbtowti on uauitday uepl 12th wtkn lion url lowv jrovinciaj aw and other prominent kcullcmeo wul addreas uie ifatlkehntf during the afteroooo tlita wut bo a krand opportunity or uwj dtiaou uf hli camununlty to um1 uwi hew leader and jiy umj afternoon wiui ukhr friends averybotty u invited trcardleeu rf poiucajlcmullta and you arc aasiikxt tqi ciijuyaou uttd moitkaui tiuv a toood proffrain of aports vul ooin- rarncc at 3 pjn and at 4 ftn the lottmla teio r and olhcri a hi jir ukort addmxrv the uitjw fllotti tscottuh band atul oeorveloaru ihpo ihutd wu te present hud render m ciwtee pronain of mutio during tbeyaitcrivoon then there will be the baxi ijjtieti picnic when kjtlny ice creajit and candy will be aervod tree for ibo cbudnsn jmn4 jour basket wtui you youll enjoy t dance wlu be held in uie arznourie wlken good tnuxlfi will be provided fend the ajhnivon im free 4hib wu1 be on of the btowri events ever held lfle oounty nd personals utt ults itov fif njonu i vlutor tn uwn lt widay ijr it t 1aul miit utr irrrk ai iakclotnlku ttear nurui ilay alis join mccaijiul ul kukcanflnr l vlilhitf willi itrv and m11 over rd vrtrtuiij will f fnlui aruj ueorki alcott airivrd ttoou- root lltelr 11 kiinumie u vimy on munuiy niht- mr wid iti- ifuiuld vvhlvmi ol luroiiui am trndumf tin- actk wiu xlr ultd ura cliarlrs wuiii qurcn jueei- col lktiihm manjutll und urluill of nw york wm vuitor at um home of chief muruiall uil tlday iir aiui tin lux ihukiuvlmmiw nd ul linw- aiui iuk of wuba jmih- imtil pu wrrk rntl witti mr aikl mr j j mcciitl urv f u vreyj ur overufl hnd ml mirww overfiul luve re tufurxl lonic ullnr wimiiiuc t plrax khl ttnlklay at kikardlim ur anct mrs joseph llanoock to ronto apent the week end at the itome of utelr parctiti mr and mr alabrtw llaneock oeorgetown f j itwluitlaiji cirorttuwii mtui mr aivj ur harid lucurdou iviuiui tiynhj itonw on iiuuduy alter u ulcaant ttoliday tat maile ijtkr ifuliburymi lr a m nlrln vclunmd lumw twi lotddy froot jiniti phio lir ike oili one of uie uiiioiptu kprakrr al the lint fnrrrtlauoiutl iutiiumic convtnllmi held in tliat city mr- amuy lahitc inuxftuj luve liuriwr jikl itutall nd at if quick llilpailul olt itjic toii 1 ltouc lj llp t tlu pi 1u it um imrfmlli ul lll lull 1 1 lit lank v- lool diuiil 1 u uu 1 pair mul tar our tm f ul u if omt ahln pritc ilonilt jivih hi 41 work lluiuli juiin mudi voiiiii ol c4oifrlokii tf atis uath iiului ut u uuly liuiiiiu of vhii own lie our dealer in your district uii fi ioir 11 iii tumn iui u it jrut make ulu toojuy from tli umjtc tikrni 1 1 11 i j iuwl 1 on jiii ui ivmi houit wilu toduii to iuiiii iiixintlt ci jh si cl qktl u u0lltllu week end specials cleaning lr up odds and groceries ends in grpuu 2 for 21c kincs rulrt smjoi lb salmon 2 for 29c flour 7 lb ba 25c coffee vi lb isc soups 2 for isc so chip 3 u for 5c we sell fok cash ph one c f irf tra w f kyjkw deliver wanted 5 few young men tntclunlrany incl lived aitr 18 tc 55 now eninloycd to- train for wortlt m while job ojhwurtunltu lf oqud imctuhka iuiho ld rj h vlhloh ifnuoutitv larvf orsailuuoi will operly train lqei w mlfccud for veruma lurvrw vlv ak juvoiy mirft poutloif fi p catioii a4ly uix ii nerakl onlce o wday and aaturday njchu ttou fmi wul irie wlul come alou folk you e always wrl 1 j iw cohw- ant our merchaiku can auptuy you with tike bct uuallly tncrchail due at the toast reabonabie krlek w a unhvj cmavrk itie rvftular tneeuntf of group mo 4 was held at the home of mrs bue-j- itanan queen lit monday evnln auiut 31u there were 14 members prrtit- during um buajneaa period it was deckled tn hold teat and aale 0 baking sept ibth alao a khower for the bakaar next meetlnf tte- freaiunetiu were aerved at the cloae feuaj at tn taawrrew ttte lamo ufws tscottuh hand of ortjnelown will puy in band competition at toronto exhibition to morrow thurulay the draw will take place at b15 am atandard 1 and our band may play anytime af ter that many of our cluaena wul be preaent and we wish the boys every kuccea in theb competition they look like winners aaln to ua uj narrew lkaeae ul lillian itorland of toronto ld a narrow eacape from serious injury lait friday atumoon wltesi her car left the road 00 the main st north hul turned over a couple of times tn the ditch and unded tn front of chief mananall rcklenoe ttie lady who was badly bruised and shaken up was taken into the ctum liome wnerfi ahe was cared for until saturday evening wlven she was tak tn by amkulanjotf to toronto fjlie at tribuled uie accident to a truck crowding her off the pavement grata i naeryw in the church of lit- uiduul and all antels last thursday a cliarmliyf weddlntf look place wlien manpuet victoria nancarrow dauftliter of the lau mr and urc walter cliahea nancarrow of caltfary was married to william carrol graht son of the late mr and mrs howard naylor grant of tlie township of hope rev c clarke ajudsted by lev u c llarvey of cranton couijn of uu broom con ducted the cetemony asters gladioli and rerns deoorated uie diureli atr- a llarrlabfi of montreal save hu niece tn marriage aive was wearing graceful gown of white satin made on princs lines with cowl neckline and train and iter veil was held with a coronet of orange blotso she carrlad a bouquet of while rosea and ulyof uievauey two cousins of ui bride mls joyce harris maid of honor and mls helen harris brkkamak were iter attendants they wore similar frocks of wtuie u made on long lln witli replum jac kets buttoned down uie front and uttleuce can they carried round vtoktn noegays of red rose and babys breath with lac frills mr uoutux masmlth of oaliaws was groomsman and ihe uuterg mr ctuirlcfi mancarrow of montreal bro ther of the bride ur w j smith ur edward spencer and ur it a fidwards a reception was held qray oablec avenue hoad the bride and groom left latr for n mo tor trip tha bride travelling pi ft swart blue iult wip ctick coat bu hat and accessories on their return they will live in georgetown to ronto globe umehouse about one hundred viands of am janmn ucharf uaembled on uooday evening at the home of joott brothers on the 4th une and tendered him farewell party previous to ids leaving for fled lake in the near future ttie evening was spent in dancing to music uippued by parkinsons orchestra jzefrealiments were served during uie evening tr korrie exneed the regret of the fcatlhng at the re moval of ur mcjiarg who will be greatly mused m the commuvilty ur ucharg uianked all tor ulr klndneui and the enjoyable evening provided he would ways rameni ber uite eood tlm umi will mte people of uu community ttia mng ing of rlto a jolly ftood fallow brougtit llu everting ut a clow hydro power off sunday sept 6th all west hulf of mum slrtt from 5 to 5 30 a m fciiblonkcth ntf icuully anlcrj to arirttnu yccoirtinuiy georgetown hypkp commission a jhtimn to arthxrtxicaaaiir it u encouraging to find that ontario government 1 fostering idea of a return to apprentlceaiup tn trada and industry many of tlut ablest men in ca today served a trad apprenikealup in their boy- iwod days ttuj mox competent builders the unarteet railwayman and uie mot skilful printers learned the rudimentit in uie right place and after years of arduous toll wllllntf uas to work persistency and an atart mind will carry an apprentice to the top of uw ladder in any trade qpr portunitied abound v4y for vm uftlled worker lm stano today it u almost imnoudbl lq hkhina the vices of a imtlntr mi steal u ui tb wand for umif arvioa how many bot hit serving an annrmucehlp in the painting trade in uiu or any ouier communlujm at uie prrnt timer how many are learning to lay brickx to become automobile mrchanlcs tq teguor ue tnaciliilta trad far ute intricaciae of rao truly wr have been following a false trail where youth are concerned alul the aooner we return to realities and luace a true value upon uie apprent- iocijilp syuem uie utoner we will have solved one of uie countrys meat e4slng problems 4umooe he former jua nielen and uauxlier lob uccom you are cordially bivltexl o come and ljml t ran uessnt charted and arthur chap- you man of victoria uc made a brief all uie even u will be on tttandard uotoer in oeorgeiown last week time and uie date is turday af- to call on their aunt mrs c h lwy- ternoon sept laui at oeorgetown foot ttiey are enroute home from ivrk the ottawa spooigkl lly wilfrid tglcilart otuwa leplember i ttie nouncemeiit uiat uie canadian wlieat hoard would pay s7j cents a buhlicl for ttie lau croji an a mini mum price and uiat only in uie event uiat uie market price dropped below 00 cents proved disappointing to many farmers in uwt wet wtw lutd been advocating a minimum price of a dollar or even higher ttie iool circulated widely lau w reprint from a wclem publication tending to sliow thai uie average cou of raising a busliel of wlieat on uio prairie was fcl 03 and it was argued that in view of uils years light hfttct the wheat producer should be guaranteed some thing better uuui 87 v cents for years uie wct ha been agiuulng to be delivered from fluctuating wheat prices and from private speculation on uie urain exchange but uie an nouncemeiit lal week indicated uiat uie government sticks to its original idea to uipport uie market agalnsj undue cullapfe but not to get involv ed in uie wlieat business one wlilt tiiore uian u abolutely necessary fcujue u all camada ttie ottawa government after all u responlble to cluatns from cliar- lotletown and halifax to victoria and prince rupert and while uie wlieat growers are a mighty force in uie country their demands must always be welgtied wlul uiote of uie flslier man uie texule worker uie mixed farmer of uie eat uie fruit grower and uie miner of it c and uj on if uie federal government is going guarantee oot of production or even a bit of profit as well u uie wlieat producer all uiee ouier icople are en u tied to come along for ome too ttie budget of 1u36 wrote off 31 mil lion dollars los incurred through uie ubluxauon of wtieat and uie feder al government could not have done much more uin it lias done now wltlaout widespread villcim vox years uiere tmve been mumbllmrs and gnunbllngs in ontario and que bec in regard to wtieat- go uiat gj agalnt uie dlsjjitkjacuon and loss ol voted which uie government faced for not liavlng taken a more sturdy stana in aiihiort of uie present wlieat price it rniut weigh uie rebellion wlilcli would have developed in ouier parts of uie oountey if it had gone once more wlioleheartedly into uie wheat bujne4 and had incurred losses again it lxulli pofjble uist wlieat will sell well above uie minimum price support or no uipport and on uie wliole uie action of uie government courageous and correct one in uie light of its plilloopliy and prom lies ttie prefnt wtieat act wa- really uie olilld of uie liberal party even if introduced by a ooiuervauve government and utelr uieory of a minimum price w exactly uie roke whicli uie current price will probably play support wiuiout the heed of uie government buying and handling uie whole crop catue fr aaalerm fe4irig thai bastern farmer is being en couraged to buy weatera cattle for feeding at uie last minute it was decided to refund half uie freight if cattle were retained uiree monuis instead of paying a cash bonus a forecast in my last letter also uie lied cross financed no doubt to some extent by uie government u to see to it uiat uie wornout kit olien equipment of ute farmers in tne area alnkled year after year by drought is to be replaced ttie us relief measures do not include such uungs but after years of crop- failure everyuitng in uie liouse needs mendliig or replacing pots and iuul ketue stove grauw and uie like new tnipb agrmtt hon w d ulfr minister of trade and oonvnerce u back from europe wtien he neouated several trade agreements ttie nature of uiem may be made public uiu weekv wiui kuropean conditloni so difficult doubtful wheuier any sweeping arrangements were possible but uie liberal uieory u uiat uiere u trade to be secured if h is gona after ag arosjvely enough after uie kuro- pean agreement are completed uiere are new treaties to negotiate with australia and new zealand it will be uilereming to see tf ur kulef succeed wliere uetrt utcvtlu and hanson failed relatively ttie uber als af course argue uiat you cant esiiect ollien to but from you unless you buy from uiem and any kuro- iiean agrfments inevltalily nvolve onie furuier reducuon of the cana dlan urlh wiukn ualvlkh not hie person most orten betilrul ttie wheel of a death car on onlhrto ttreets and hlghaus l a man lllh ways lvpartmenl llgurw have reveal ed that lit uie first she monuu of tht year w 8 per cent of ttie drivers in volved in all accidents ami mm pe cent of uie driven involved tn fatal accidents were maka mor uie nu mber of women drivers tn accident decreased and uie number of ihn driver in accidents inctased no uaiiatlon wn uven for uie tuiun mr tm4 hi hawpnswts ihw hfw friend on uie beach as lliey watch uie ktrb exercle in mmlorn bathmg sullsi uo you uilnk llibi lort of uilng is really any good tor reducing uec4td rrletid luuirt why walk uiretj mltea every day to w if f utill ai waiter uiliig uiu couiury lumb in tht llglll uf recent develop ptrttt ti blgrr aktd bettor uxuayent- uie olympic gamea where sclltauvett of western r they played with uie nmat- kith team ut llakcl ilwrrbxtrt and mrs crandy wtui liave been in colung wood hokpital liave o far recovered from uielr recent tccldtnt uiat mh hanrtuin wa- able to return to her lworae in qeorgetown and mm gran day lo uie itome of mr and mrs it j harrbon toronto last wednesday uoui laulef wu to uiank uielr many friends for uie beauufuuflow ers and kind enquiries duringt ukelr uy in tiomita ula ilutruwi al tliough unproving nicely l not yet able to bee visitors helauver and friends from a dis tance who attended tie funeral of uie late angus duncan last thurs day were klks j duncan brant- ford mr and mrs j patterson ilrantford mr and mrs l tank- land lvtrolt mivt margaret dun can llranuord mrs h duncan urantford mr and mrs d nelson hamilton ur ted holmes hamil ton ur d holmes hamilton mrs u mckcnxic ut cauiarines ur and mrs h evttlt joranuord uiis ielut llranuord mr h imiit uranuord ur and un h mots lirantfotd ur and urs d mos urantford uu il um uranuord mr ii uofei nranuord mr and ur m xlrootn uranuord ur and mrs ii kltclien uranuord uis l kitchen uranuord ur j kltclien uilton ur oiid ura w utt- kee toronto ura wred ftwn toronto ur q kitchen toronto mrs d uackenlse toronto miss p uackenxte toronto hev c kilouen phlbulelplila ujja urs leonard gllllngtiam london ulj tattenud cleveund ohio ur uc kee toronto virt priend wlial part in uie play are uiey giving you second ttrieiid i m to be uie hero ines fauier hrt prleiwi wluit does he do becond priend he dies five years before tile curtain rles on uie flrt act uptwamai at am m mmmm w hv send your printing to toronto at g wake up m wis can oivk vod y better work w better service better sktufaction m and tien j it keep our money m at home y 4 just practice iiendlng your j money in georgetown and uien we can defy uie depres- don m grgctown herald i phone no 8 new advertisements ar kal white enamel dreer wlui triple mirror while iron bed bedroom table i tione 87 ltp lw sal 1ulit piece dining room ulte good dm er and uhiger ewlng tnachlni or alt apilj at herald ohloe atp kuui seven roomed houe to rent on market ut all convenience anpl at herald qoce it 1 1 kr keal lloom cottage main ut souui modern cumenluioas anly to ken lietti u langdun plioiu aaw george town u 1w keta pivc room cottage on draper ut io vuin tnitnedlalely anjuy to j it uockeiuue a ttyn vwr kab ijoyd baby carriage in llrt clas condition will ell for tiau price apply uox herald office 11 iu wkuuj wan let lo rent ijx or wven rxvun i houm willi gttragv prrferred or tober or november apply by letter u lkis f herald ohlce up wuntid two uplurubjiad rooms ilh convciiuiuc in quiet iwime mlddui akml wuiilfr rvur iartlcularu apply it herald ofnce lti hau wawtcj otwul griirral for iirlvale liome in oakvllw k30 monthly to idurt a ply lo io this 611 ur huilie bit oakvlue out tu kt waiui for any corn or rjifloui wtucn cjii be rrmoied by the uov lch uijiw ijavd llivuolnu goltn talvj- in- 3 uj o dal tp u w lailve d all itur coru- und cidlou- with uie lufct appllcuuou cull you- fuggrt uday nul order jiir uiu woofckrnjx iialvt caltouw uf long uandiug will rrjulre fjlgliuy longer treatnwtil por jjiln ut mut coitmacku nuvl jrixnta u warning to bicycle rwlcrs owing to imnirrou- oirajuaim fiou clturtl bkitu m ri uii u ifin against ndiiu on tit i ui uullc 1 ceorifcluwkt anoiu itii rinl ut varnliu will be proccutod w o uailhalu it chuf ut imiio motonau truck fend tractor ownert no ihx1 to lay uj jour car or truct or ul fxuchjvc- iulig or lubort job are you uunit too much oil or go 7 hil it luton jup doe it molt or lack coiiiprw ion 7 rliqulrt- ubout oviuiaul in tal ed in hplf an tiour good tor loooo mlli lnjoy prucllcully nuv plrfurnmnct uitti more iv i and kconamy an n l wanted oviulaul ejalij urump ton it concrete work i am prepurud to do concrete work of all kinds intimates given free of charge ix you require unythlhg in uils line pwone 331 or write uox ilss walker george ibt aeorge- town 4tp tf wood for sale choke hardwood maple and ueech mixed soft wood moit reasonable prices apply jack tost ptione mlw oeorgelown tf wood for sale choice uaple hardwood and cedar hails at right prices order- left at a hume- or at my iiome phone iiw lirompuy attended to a living ktone wood for sale choice ueech and uaple at 3 do ungle cord mixed hails 330 per cord ulxed wood 12 5 per cord j ixkanuipoku htfre 2cs w 2xj gergtawa cleaning and pressing por beuer cleaning anil pre jng caii laaallf clean3t3 piioiie 575 georgetown lofce t pricor cuarun teed xjnoe tried alvroj a customer it trucking cartage all kind of littiijjnc lone utarough- ly and reasonably p c wlillmee hione 341 it chip to colij sojip i i irj wjit r soip f cjiiitllr siip sn ip ow hr ukj souu clotlw v pain prhk k bunplinty f aknth tb jjlnfavv 15 jj 3 for 10c 5 for 40 1 10c 2 for isc 3 for 10c ylr 12 dozen for 25c i5c20c 25c mcbean co i lom h4 msi tiiksiav afnnoon at izm umjvu eokjctown save with safety at your rexall store llfroaciiic nlivrum i on uin huls kirii luux taiuatb irava tooth jastt specials for this week bt4qurters lr schml s ur rtry foil llae hu rulc btul lllxb schwj trxlu umi oar rnplrtc lln tf hilrfmui ml and ivnclu rmrry m bird sav1 vouic hit a 4knni1 uk liaski mr ul r mhu tuvlxoan w rhb rrj iiirjc of magnrsia robbs drug store hiiovk it we iww till rexajtx htokat ctojuletowt- auction sale op catttt an1 h0umls ouinj to builulnus and feed being trojed bj fire uie underuigned iuls been iru true ted by u- w bed to ell by public oucuon at lot 13 con e 1- qucung on mtia sllttjvibjrw ihb lilc at one o clock the fallowing jettsey cattle jfmre bred bull henuim re uicltrj 82023 3 yrs old jer jy cou 3 yr due gent jersey x 3 yv brl mar 15 jersey cow yrv bred mar 33 jersey ywr 3 jn bred uar 3ui jersey cow 3 r- bnd mu 1g jirj qow c yri rwl june 3t jeriej cow 5 jrs bred june 2a jereycow 0 yn bred july hi jre op 5 jr frejiened june id jerici cou 4 yrs- bred ua lo uoia in on rslircdjuh 3il ttij to arc all jnukliitr well ilottoln tulfer 2 jr- bred dec holtcin heifer 3jrrs bred apr 34 rj j lu ifelr j r bred apr 9 jcr hclt r j r bred may 11 jersey lulfer j jr bred 4 jersey heifers 18 monui not bred 2 jcrey heifers monuul holcsks black mare h yrs ijlack mare 13 yrv ti- hms- caji wiank pftch auctioneer w j aiaxandkil clerk clerks notice ol firs i posting ol voters list velen lu 153 uaietjuiy w taexitir county tf lujut notice l hereby ulven uiat i have complied wlul sectiarui 0 and 10 of uie voter- ust act and that i liave pott ed up in my office at stew orttown on the 2nd day of september 1qjc ttie ilt of all perron entiurtl to vote in tht uunlcliiallly for member of parliament and at munlcliul ejec tions as appear to be enuued to vote accordant to uie la t revled acss meytt roll and uiat uch il t remalm there for inspection and i lieribj call upon all oters to take immediate iirocrmnilng to liave anj error or oml 4on correctwl ac lorlinu to law apeal to be in with in 21 duj from the 2nd day of sep- limbcr 1q3a dutm hit i03c ind daj of september i u uknnftt tnunjilp of kjquetlntf