page itle georgetown i lerald wed mul15 western canada excursions going daily canadian national prices reduced on all summer millinery au the litest shales nrj style in 1 for lmcs od cuira come in uki oft misses claridge herald blodk tmk rahhagat a aoul n oodj hoan unal the way u jtnp and vtmar vol func our pennons out and airtwd your canvu alronc 5m utouuli to motlaj eyea ao ta a cratl you aneii true tilfltiwift ioar in heaven doth uiimi you gukllnif lemm o koui oil oods high taril1 look to your oiuiw wilh cc jnr moiu wlira wbd- uv kind uul hium are blue aiwl fair vour lmltn mu way at tour of no hand uiw your own 01 m- aoul uiat ull on lixlx hbrti mcnu bum utu kbllm- hui im odi lilgh uul tall ou wjiui utnmty aim tllttmnwnd bv wind of praise uiilouch- nd bj unai of blame tliryond ur lonnly way beyond uw ruuliiuz ar qixn-f- ktvouihea out uir it land and or ucrort tbtilow will belouud brief fynoprad lounqtliir trtm h received ot ur fettiu ofne of the suic of moji- aal zvoaa lu jxranchev 0tnwl wheat threshing u uo trrowttal in amauflnha sajutalehewall und scmiumvo and on ural albarta ttntuaiatuni rwitunu confirm earlier jimhrnftiwiu that while tike wheat cop dll be oianter utmn last year and of uneven distribution the train u of koouant quality to vane districts ukibjmtntucku have been halted tempor- rfiy 4y rain in quefac crop have nmade jjood pwpatrasj and oondltioxui e unwwura to harvcauns in oax- tbiay vitochit aio liave been bencfl ouuto late cropw- pall wheal now lubtmcmaad wai an average yield of utaou duality and priotf ifralru were a dkjia crap in the aaaxilhne lro- vuinoa toodnmte rminialla have been uwuerticlal xa grevinc crops all of wnuah anw of eood promise- in itri jfcdi oolumbut a good tain crop has tbatm iha and in feeneral other utettanio oom knd roots have been dnvbal nd ihoucfa backward are tww troffnaaanti sumt beets ti ine xhnubnt w0j and ata in feallsiac- tuny oo icne new pasture toil h vioble a auhuy below bj0 rop of hut varieties of ap- pxuk ht indicated lontaloe kro be 4nc douvead to gannerke and a fair id it expected in southern a ltumfc uobaooo u fthout ten days lata und the viold and quality are below georgetown fall fair oct m he dare not move in bed niskts were iorlure through lumbago otl t hv- nrh ii 1uiiiwl lw tu icriiiilv liutu i iplt all b alul licn ltuy ul ron r u iiuili 1 r hit- otnuulut uti uli- ullillhl to lu ul um uood iir utlltr full mr ij1 ihl uuui oil imi llhu kriijliil timmtuhl him rli i i huil u inmi titlui k f lumtmuil wltii i l t hm bj luul to uy hi ihui iffhluii i oiili i wl nukk for iiain 1 ituln t ktuw lul to tak or hul to 4j0 i u tuttlrd u tr kiujimh iil uiui 1 uri vi ry tcrute ful i did alur uknil u 1 d4k- i frit rljrr utul ultrr uliik i lurur txtltl f urn tutd to i uuit uj htliiui41 jiail riill ly tw tiu i tuvfl liof tlftd ihl jittniat ram u il krumtieii i coihblnauon jf nu hkhtu miiral jillt alilrh x t 111 thniiluun voiir lur uil kiiha tojieulthy rtuuu taotlvry twy rn mtr uthniil rlruhtiiit and i lwj u kni hut huk tnutii i win m friendly interest- by scott yj uyaij feucmr jxmi renewed yetv ontarios new traffic control system installed uolnruts wlo hicome uinoyed at iianainlainia in teti ultfil whoii lintfar is lu ros traiflp in proximity will shortly have this uuuroe 0 linvr aailliaj nidaaaiii im tenia inywm lhab noou kdopted by uie e- nartment of highways for otxtario wbenhy haharbm timmtatlbci tkuuiattc iit- uunuut aututnatlcauy as they pass over traihe detectors pamu ttuiit wiih thar kngfy iinwul li ttswfnc wamxntl u be ttn important step in like lvpartnit4u hixhway kaihy proraba tht uuw tvucmi ui iwiinc 4nutlled by the mortliem occurk company at winy oolarvo pomts afeofloc hmu5 our ijwlltc atlutvul all xutfiutu jvdls oitario wlverc uw flrit inttallauon us the provinoe naut at u a tuu 4uu mmicuau to 4ui inuniictiorl bucvd to be oike 0 uie tnost dsjucerous in ryw in lbaat it pf 31 uulmuua uff qauluuy uul ltrnrt car tracks over two tnurtbi hlthways that iw tboxouchhuna dwr a bwiiiy aiiwt df tamiar trufllc to and from panada re you in nee of printftstg when you send out a ler qrcabr or any thing that is prim 1ms 1 u4 your business or faith 1 many business transactions are lost becanae of poorly printed envelopes or lcdhbedaaeaals or because the circulars were tirty tjae type ot of proportion and cncsp paper titaecl dont you risk this n send yoar next printing order to the georgetown herald phoneno 8 prompt service pn coill i stlmh vurd jvly mu uli lnkatit o urnlliii it wuhiim rrull tml lutji cairtn kl u klul howl mv- i un rluibtm in hrvfr hill ilny rv aot tb miitb ward nc tor tbrm it ih an oakla in a cold rliy a dotnty fat tuotbrr boldhkj fitrth a frlfiodly h tfrtwftor tl bat atkj lndhrrat auntoit bar aoaa iwl daub trra heutlumtatally hq 1 fthhlrally i hut wu daa hut while th rmhleatu of tbo i dark auaally railucoj apprvciatud it la awwnev tby hardly applied lba aaaotloa ha ektlaanul ot atbtl aad oahlwa it waa a tnatlnct bv solotnou ilrady inauea h caatlakaatt ef cnlxrd parvntaje fouad that out solly hail at one tlma b to brwt of tha ward with hla broad airwt mad acbool aduatuku toppvd by a oat-t4- broad eorretpondcmc coutwa la law which blart bhw ba akin by tha wr ewawiloatioaa ftrrma ua wiathar hotly tmharltad tea aa aa rwd whlla ua fatkar n- trfboted podgy for and aatnta balad uy bia own wforta be awt up the cawt- blaatloa behind a woad kabd dek am goumaaf utterlae attory at law ott lb wlbdow it waa a numwot t- pride u ula fa lbr whan b oonsj tb otaee am hlh favutvca n ahard by the ward up oa block aud aaothwr they dutiful ly awattxal tblr paltry liw efc to bias wr aurprtad that ba ariwctl pay did not rar hlia ami after tmtu- saaotka tba laiullord tuud it tm4vwtry la eawy mit vvlrtlon prdlna for whleh raaa h 11 1 not hire hily lully artaruhhl ike ward in blttfr akr athd w at through a foiirjtr kla aa law elrt in a ilowntnwp of re tbr hu stuoutl w hru u osj la include latlbdhhiil n and caarhlajf if wtttth tb lucntlre pn fitutlnn of frakdlaaf allbu ami dhmujiliy of 1mk bnda la abort tlw tulnljtih4tti af joatlca at a price 17a aerapd aad rmvi brusfa ihba eara katbrlak a rlleatrla nuridnt a tlroabi f mwj oee day la june whn the tuwlla frulfpui pubrart li is and ch ilnd wraiofci fvldtnl siilljr r irnd rv- cdd by a small van of ru w rurnitura wblcb wrat into tlw whole tiwl h mr of tba at4wly rvnovated ijiufemhal bttudtax h aat bihlad eurtalnrd wlndi wa krtnlnjc dwn bpltefully oa tba atarln faeaa of aratwldla iwltcbbora- thou h t fca tba hallow youth newly i- 4abtd traamshth af tb autr otllr au hart fraea tkw ninth ward val t la advance and double ratt th little lawyar tnatroctd kavacly it i ah tw nata and avary afteruoon you out had wba owvai haaney to which ch wataaa uak w nlbit ualtt mr olaabanrc at tba fccaab and harry gro- eary eallact frau avcryuu who uwh uaa taoay uake 5ulvrtln uojt advtnk eradlt at tba warekouae scare vr ilia ayaa blaa vldousjj ror ku nwmtha aa laeldlouii inniitmice iiawvd wltbla tba warui it vi arv fully guldad and wivhrlowadhl by lhs red bfaded uu behind the curtaltwhl wlndawa la tba lowtotba bulldlae i brar ur oluahura la hav ing a bard lima of u a had thing wuo a fawally aiia goaa aairay wbo aald tbatr h boy wba works far tly fcaea he m it allp i know be dldat qid ta he bit bia up like ibl bad aaya vry bat days far die ward wltb fruad axalat rrteud ani evin old uid jaaaca audectd of haiulhne utol irvada la tba taldat ml h tba uttle lawyer watckad tba krowlojt havoc and ex pan aid bja buataaaa of altllag criminal t tbrauali loaphla of law bia avhthbora u vlrtluti kta aulhjaaat bau ww imud or bia ea an aback tbay watrhwl but ine atie rla wttb waawur wlih mt no rat carta ty bat tbay did walrh tba atla oa crluu mrwl know tba bark of the lowriltml bulldlu aad eauld axm eartala utulklajc luturva la the allay itut why dldat they ga la tba front wajt ay tbouahta will rlaa ta muruunt an i wurwtura rlaa ta otucla era thn eaiami a tlaaa wkaa tba ruumlilivg to the law thai bolldiutf aud with vtll aad workawb atuat uw ihn urii xu lyia iwlval ofneea taocb ta ida irrlta tloa aacratly taavlax ulth blddea trmaaaalltnta iknctlwa lufla- fraaa anoiher part of tba buudlux dtaklruj aotew of klty- ladiacrwtloaii aud alna wer iim ladlract caua af ur llnuurif ttludinj bia bfad aolauily bfar lira ilradug arfitaatfour aaaatlia latw f bar feuuy laaara la ou bookktwt hag at tba rtaaa ba aald vou r- aafcaabaa hauyt of ara funny abaut blu m ajtdai bar uh- yunal rulr ak if w bad ml kwowa wa aaiakt kava wrot vatji awmr can hu ur fjimdiurk would yj aalad hiarklnm thtatr nllad to ura llrda h i ii b ta htui ika 4d accauat oh wadaaaday mr fllahbura- uallrd bowod aad did nt aak which v jay the ward urvducad ita umena cna kid- aud rlotkaa sulkta bad rbaiia aacpt that hally kamaww waa twuiji kdv at ika prlaaw mr kllaoiura dludlunu bu ad 1 tkouabta abruptly ad vtbi back ta i atacfclaa paacktaj carefully lurala tk 1 kaiaht kb4 r- blow uwmrd lba htac speedy mermaids in cne swim mfi t of the ti2f nvuii j lor hit women tlinc xjih lmmbat run in front of uir canadian national tihlhiuon ground at toronto on st ntt mber 3ru tronlim tn cxiwrt oh mrr tll le har hj ilie it runt lnt jiouii ibav no 1 l nell hurley larrotl formerly of xlcinnhu 1 tin hut n iw tin uli nr ivillj iirrolt the ixuaj hicirlr ru ci of victoria i1c llrreallcr jw i culrur to wiide in canada l t cur 1m htl tl nr for tlntiiuirtrr or the wlfuire hut droniwl luck and rtnijiwl in third juacc no j u urn jvelyn artitruiuf or illicit hi ctinn of tit cn1 uaratluui ulm lu- a- in uic hwmn ul 133 1q31 10s2 1533 and 1sj no 3 l lucy aperue of tijojiio u wiyxrful uimmti ulvo l lictlcr ocr a lniiycr courj so 4 l janet slirater of port credit ulnncr of hie onlury of protfrrst vlm at clilnlo two lour olo no 5 l mono looncy of warren cliwi lwi flnljil mtht in iwt uhtch wa lier flru yrar in pro uimmlni- no c l miy loaiiei iter to uuna ului a on fourth jilaw hi 1030 ltilrtt in 1w3 fifth in 1s3 fir in 1534 arwj fifth la lftai tjw l in lilendid muulituui mid l retardtn a tlve mot dangrrou cortciwkr tested recipes lly lietty barclay tirr01ual stokv or atatlwav ay caalian hfatlomal vujuut0 altjuls at 4e tlic rvjiort of uic taol of uie prov- i canada jxir of ruilaj daelon- nice lo- the jicrlod from november taru with uitu ikunnt girt nitni ltuoujiout a cciuurj u uud 1034 to uurcii 1j6 iul jill uai lunner lliuinlui m urujuuc tuctorial uoy ut uie lued and like all other lallalcaj turl are an ideal dfe rt for a canadian nutuuial hxluuilkui uiu hoolo lias mucli of tnurtsut if it can auiidh lu1 dinner not only be3ar iat and nr tnuiupll ur hi rtadily located we tliul uial mil- cii tnty can tw o uelciouat hut itltil boldly and uttli a vcultli of ton gaol luul ta committed to it diu hecaa unj arc j easily served colour ui ilw canadhui natuiul uur tlie pod and only one was and if uiclr fuluuz t a little iirntvl iiji41vii dl iilaj lyom tlve jwn uoolon aiul all of lhtm ovtr tixtoeia thty udo jat tliat loucii of dllfer- 1 cornc ih iuaiunr locomolie of can jears of ic ttiru are twentyopa ence that etry ho tfc aims fof u ada tilt liarclictcr vliicli niah il clil at uw utilton eol jd uie pret- aft lur duiner ahoe uie ordinary hnl trip in isjo and l liere repro cut number there al any olio uzae ikr an two jiartcut rcclpos for duced to tu full ua tlw jutanuc j kn thirteen uldch we mppase war ornie tarts mad wiui a luuntf of iihoucttfd od limt fiuures uluch uniortunau lor all of t ft v c tailed uulcned milk uial gives ttrc brouiwxl around the dorclieler lraufjhu to learn that this part of i rich crcamine and unoaui texler uiieutli lino tlie ytaxu xa come tlie county equipment is entlrly ad turc uiul to uicm l iireehud tlu nura quale and the citizens of the county dice of the locooioluv uuuiu oi uw-lart- o hcjiavlnu that uie complete tumlith clnturj includau hi- hiam taciiitici yfe not belnu utillacd jte- moih lnaiuluud hloo llu 14 mile iuut at uutan ao were ulio and iron hlthui coiuiccliii the tl uie total eipeiuliturc for muipteaance haurenix and ituuieiicu uauru aj ftiu lsc2ty tlia averaa ouvl oi one hundred jljn ao l cn til 1u cacli iruoner per day hl kl 71 and tcdi uv clojuncni uuui it pail lucltlie tialli per capita dietary cou 1342 cunuuini ou ulumiuatod tbi lu unlch wuu to hear out- uie tact uiat bivii ulmcd fur uie tiru umc a iuxaiicr do not rvceie expciiiive jncu ol ratluoi niaiu shoaing wliii meal tlic aenqttcot per day for historical accuracy ltic crouui of uic fuel food and clauiliitf aas just a canadian hatumal tllcni duniui uu trllle ocr toc tlie ilallan county niurj in iu3 a men incli of lao in ml and otlier fu2ircs sta cbacaute orance tarts j quar uilvitcned cliocoiate 1 3 cup- il can unuecuiuxl con- deiud milk cup oraniie juke grated ruul of liaif on orange j orouc u baked tort jielui uclt cliooolaie m double boilir add u condensed milk uirr uht oicr bnlllul uater unul nihtture ilnrfcen add urant juice and ruvd iilir unul uiorouahly hlendoti cut oruiil -cctlon- into mall fixe liuiu nuinhroiu and anuiuie la jxi tart jiclu cover uith ciiooo- latc mixture iop uilh uhlppod iim if dejrod galdcit tarhj 13 cup 1 caju celcned cop dlilxd muk 3 orango 3 exd fc 3 lame jumul granulated ukax li baked tart shells liluul ucclcued condeilohl muk uiui diced imlii and juice of oraruioc add ul11 htutln cox olk four in to tart lcll coyer top uiui meruj cue madi bj beotins am wliltej until tiff and adding uear llajffc lb mla- ute or until meruijfuc 1- brown in a moderately slaw over 325 deftiroa maple kd ie cvaaa tfcioctrc refrurerator 1 package usiue junket uuc lor id cream j 1 pint coffee or table cream cup nrielj dionikd wahiut meals put 1 iilnt oaiiiv or table cream i j uito a chdled howl add llaple junket ulk heat all loflcuier i aiui an ciii heater until ulck 1 to j mlnuta it will not become utf ur finely chomped walnut meat iviur into trai und iwt hi frecjunj cunijartnwtit to frocse or 1 cup pint cold uhlpjiirii cream and 1 cup milk v1u saioky uausagl too many oooil nejfloct uie hum ble ttuaae fauuuj to rvalue uutt it lend ilcf to exceptionally atuac utc di-jwu- here ore two uuuplo ro- saanhb saiasaka 1 jiouiul iiork sjiuxace g malt icreen peppery s 1 cujt bread cnuuhs 1 cup lomatom 1 onion sratod 1 cup dld cekry uix iume hreou crumho icratd onion and dlcod celery llouten uith tomatxie cut top olf licpiurs reuiou tmwi- ajil jiarhoil for lit e minute htuk wiui aujhj mixture and hake in a moderate oven lid deureca x for uilrty mlnutaa to he on uu avtrajy- uiui uioe omllar centrei cluunjuoil in c iue1mv u ultd indigents viu 5 sivts viaics ago railuaj luu in iu70 uie routh of tht cranu trulu bitun and uu turlj jxiiuil of uie intcrcoloiital jn 11m mort rulluoi buikihu cai aud ut t an i thrtmiilmut lhe central urea of tlie uonuiuon in uie map ol 110 hit iiluctratkui of uic nhrih vulum ironticni of coiuda l out rlwt utl a iieadaclie to muni lined uith uu raiud devcloiiment ol cliiajoouncu- co years oso aocordina uit orund lyunl imcalk and uie t a reaolution found in a minute tiirutiim cjtuanl of ttic coiuidlan boalc ducoerd duriruj uie renova nurthonu in uie 104o mai uu luu uie toulilp of caledon halh oury l told of hit canadian nj renluuon uuuructed uie clerk tioiml sj tern a- it l lodaj wiui lo w tach hidhjent to be more apiiroxlnunvli j 000 mile- of load tconomical and cxpre d uie opinion rivum uerj provuice and linking up lwl avuiy indhjcnta were extrava- llic iniiiortant txiitn- of canada aiu t- in u co s more uian five uioe in tlie united hatc dollan to he paid for uie burial of a nor ajt uie lattt feature of com or uie lowujuu uany rellei foirahlt and sjrcdi uuvcl ovrlaaa arc include in uw uitaflcut ed ntu illumumtcd coloured pic ejtiicnditure includiruf one of b0 tuiuaiion h uaxl to ulutrale mu- ft- iw bouie of brand funeral dc i equipment m dai coaclu dining 3 to s14cx a yearn i iiarlor car and jetiimi can and relief coit totaued s44fls7 brins ftrcibli to tlm jiectolor the municipality luwl 30 hotehj truum uiat u pa uijf r train of to- ailu uquor liois each of which da l miuuihiff mor uuui a me- a t xl a5 for license to op diim of hndluu dutoncc uuu it t vnle t lownihlp tax rate uas an uptodate hotel on ulieeli offtr uiree mill on uie dollar while two tin iitrj coineiiience lo lu palroil- at1 a lialf mill were raised lo pay kniiuui nu uie hruliant col a bono of uie toronto grey and ouruuj ol tlie huioncul ftature of uruoe railroad lhe cxlilhil l a relief replica of jo- t we uie inunlciiiallty was jur national park and il mountain lw 30 uie deputy reew 23io and peak- coniiilele uith jaiwr vait uic councillors ar5i1ui onujukits loda and llf course aiul uie nu i the flerfc a- laid j300 per annum mcioii mountoui lnamad rhcrs uu treasurer 75 oiul uie tax oollc- uhllc tlie continental limited 101 wa tlu munlcljiol elecuon of tekt of coukage now hoys uie teaclkti- quired after wluit f bave explained of tha lion ficrciieii strength and daring can any one of you name a tinkle ani mal uiat uie king or bems landd la awe aft up uiot little willie a hand well the leaelter asked which be the ani mal willie prompuyl xheaxe leachnf uie llonesrl radio repairs xmhimiiw hugh lindsay u haw hk acrvalls 49c bjmum acnei iffls ctkt ttajia toronto star iperuluu betutcn la trm canada and vancouver drauj into uie lu turn tutv and mo onuord again uiui motor can ulflly runnlns owh t flues l ovtabio tlic nuuu from uu iution to uiof lodifd 1ottcuud in broad out lino ant brtl ham tinl the modenihk touch hi itmn uu xlnhll which u fulh hi ke iiiitif uith the jjlrlt of rullu a luoyrx u cxemjilllled i- tux kvcu1lsion to uhstulm cixada afciwate staffed bakej aagjlea 1 pound pork aiuage 4 cookhuj apjoe i cup iu4jhj t tahlajioan butter pare tfic applet and remove uie reiitn uutt wiul pork j t luce in a hokina uui hiirinkle with aniuluai uiul u uuroof as lar ulot and dot uiui butter add cup uuter cotr and bake in ino- dt rati ov en 3i0 dcreefi p ovtaiuo hi s uuitu 0dtuuuil smvim lakawr imy day hptmilr 1u- oi labour dy ilure will btt cxkra trip betwin gueliili und to- onto leavliu gueliiht at 730 p umvlnu in ivuunto at 9 45 pw this extra urlee hi beuia otwruud liriouirui to relieve uie lieavy traue u incli uluajtt occurs on a liollday ihjhl it t jilji the ihteiillon of tlil ctinijuhy to operate ail additional trip rwan ivirtuito and uie canadian nauonal kxlilhltloi 1 rounds to kcit- cliriut ut 1100 p m cllandard time lliere will be tlve umial trip uavtiuf at 16 00 p iii but uie extra wrv ice at 1 1 00 pw k heliuf operalctl ior uu cutivrnlnice of tliou wlui wuh lu muahi al llw kxhllutioii aa lona u utkible at uu apiiroach of uic early fall ruaui ur jutaurahh travel an op- partuiilt to l4l iioliil ui witeni canada h far il uu iaciflc at npo- h lumnicul rui will he iirovkled rwu dt 11u of ka u ni canada between sfpumbir 19 und octnlicr 3 by low fan txeqraoil oju rated by live can udlan railway accurdhu to c l uludell gluiirnian cuiiadiui n ur a relation 11ic4j fuhu will b- 111 cllcct from uie uaritlme lyovin ctj and all ku11l eo i of and lnclud mir cajirial cochrant budhury laullj ie uarte wuuljir and hamla lo piunu iii canada iart arthur uve imrillc coo t jlallua tickel will he tood solnu unv tunc beturen sipltmhcr 19 and ocluler 3 uiclajvc uivd irovide itvr a tt4au- ilinil lor j tie n turn movt uvrnt ol aj li from date of pur ctiasa ihtf 1 n nl cloev of accomoda uon a 111 he iirovuihl for thrj u ruooji piv4iit lcmki in cxiachij tuily al aiimxlmately one cent per mlly or hi loutl i cur al uppnixl nvkitt ll tait aiul oimtjtiartur c nl ptr mile and 111 1 taiuiard ueeivuuf or liarhir ran ut apiirmlmult one and one half cenu krr mile iviil regular ehaik 1 r is j nit or ivarlor car ac roiiiod itum occupuhl sttviiowr wiui in hunt of itrlt 1 wilt im perniltted at uiull ti uaru lort arumr arm troiur and tuulltj wiva uieiwif houl 111 and tflurninu tirkut- alll bt- liuhi iiuliu and retuniiin mi tlu ame iultwu mil hut wliirii wllt havi the tirlvllette of various toullnav wlth uu- f-xcuiiaon- takhvif plaee jt un attractive time of uie yntr for truvtl punxt it anuripated uiat tlnvj lo furw will prove an atldrd liuluttuirilt for ukkj tltvlrill tu vllt wvtrni canada of agriculture area in both oana- tla and the uiiiuni elatfu ontario ilmot akuie lia suffered to any larue txtint from fire- rosulurul froiu il n hum operations pus ihuxlhik in pec tor of uia ontario fire marah- ull department uud in oddrrailruj uie convention of juouiorliuod of i rlireiliennen at hamla rcnuy approximately do per cent of all the nres which result from uunslihuf machhie wrc caused by matcliab uul chcaretto uirough t kp of tht lull mr ilardlrur laid ilow air he bellevod uiat uia uirahar tto- iwyn blamed for many firfts for which lu uiu not rekuuohle la yiur ur llordlnij uivlucaled 63 barn and threlitiiu itre uil being an in rnae of 3s connwrtvi uiui 1634 in an effort to lcien uia daafivr of the thppjier flri ur llardlnjf uionunriuhd uiat all uimfclihm ma t hliii he rrgl tered and lloeiwed at a fee utilcient to cover an impaction v uui bv an txirrlenced uitotdicr 111 tn or other competent party uiat 11 lpl jiuuld be a maiplenanca man in cluiruc of uie tepralar who ut uhl hi in immediate attendanca uluu uir machine was being- operat id lliat the ulnio4 care be exer- ri el u prevtnt jiarkj from uie en uie furl or flrvhax or froni xhausl of tractor tartlnu flrci uiat -epar- kt r hould be u rounded wlwen juh i hi to prxvent italic electrtclty uiat u mora uiorouah trial of uie hlovii r prav he made to lulemilne it val u in hvwjenhhf uie dauier from fin tliat u imui freexlnj hand- iht rat tl lira extiiuiuhjur b attacll tl u evtrv iirutor aiul iikua of ail tluit uh iul iirecuulhiju bui taken lu pn vent uie rureh ui and carrytihf of niatchtvi unil miking even to uic txtnit ol mulhuf it uti alfeiioe ihhl 1 uiahl bv uimuarj oonvicuon to hi n canrv umtche or to 4noktj in llx vi imtv o thivhluu oeraumu 7 1 taht w sml y maccormacks iihg mhdk sttle cuwciltown hill mir i vr uuf lour klltf dial u rv ulut i w kot to dlv up ftulf you get better quality and pay less when you buy your pnnling requirement at home ikupect our sttnplc r tnnfeaiaris hjvkxojkjj oiutut mmuc4 vtawjucntm umaartm 1 tmumucks mvokkj nuuijhts uuik wmtk mmhiusts teorgelowh herald ichonemo g