fvse 4 the georgetown herald wedtkxly lvrnmg octohrr mill li amtumiatiathna salad4c the cost glasses m5 tutr ibe imj r wew awr iwi y m a uiwfc eye tnmow u ymf o t walker ro b w t fcoajrs bruo jatottc th oe4j0jaawww when lucy elop4d nd how ft h louis raybold x all the latest styles in fall millinery now on display at misses claridge hcnld block georgetown new advertisements ujh uwuo for arty eora or wllwn fehica car bot be removed hy the toe ertmlttai lloyiva tuytatoultkd oobm sjuvk la s to da thb bn telle oamcnsltiam oonil ettd gallouaaa artlh tfa ant apllnelbwi gall oor druex today hod order a jar ot thai vkwimhwl sajlvk cllnh o tone lnhln will require allsbuy looser traaiaaedx rr tale hi axoo- cg14acjcu dttoo ptohe u wood for sale cbalce hanreoad kiaple and beech fealxad aott wood afoot kaaaonabet bricea ajy jaefc toil phone su oooi tt wood for sale chokw uple hardwood and oodar rail at right price ordent left l a uuma or at my home phone tvonpuy auenivd lo a uv1n0t0nk wood for sale choice booth hd maple at foum sloaja cord ulxed bella u ba ooid ulnd wood us oar cord j uundtou ra ml or tajj trucking caruge all kinds of hauling dona lhoroucb ly and raooahly j c wiuami hum ml u radio repairs yaa aea i m i te keaaa he baal hugh lindsay you get better quality aju pay less when you buy your printing requirements ut home lwut oar seiutple of jrrrsmautalul oeutkal kaooat1 fctwwi hoalaall tlcauctal xtamumtu mhawto boaorih umami cnaouutam buoa mu emtfttat wma raauh ik georgdowi herald phone no 8 tcstei recipes uy betty kmrcmy rwra raw these are uul many hot days heed before eold knuwr sets whto umt mercury diniba in uw uacrmometer lake a can of pinea- juice from the shelf feather the letf xklllkmiil iucrcdieou required- delight your gutam and lhe family wiui thea throat thrills ihnt styw cwkull 3 lahwaktwoiu uimr 11 utajlootu chockpcxl fcrililt kvr lj eunv 111111 pihptu juice l ciipa txxlnnml mietr 6 trcait tulnt wv add uct ud chakidd kaint to v cup pl juice and boll s tain uus strmlo throuch chsckth oi wry turn ii add uthcr tocredl tiu hiu wu uul icrw kw tmld wiui oe trodi feaint lf la ah vitus 6 kacrvtacs- lfal lrwm pj cutis aucr 1 ilnl wltr a cups cruke juice 1 lurt llawmllad rjrvtyli jui doll ucr uul tilrr lcvethcr tor s mtnuiws add orauce juice and dioe- aihale juice coot strain and from la a uudi 8crv in ihrbt kuucd u u 14 rviucsa baj as eimvy j 1 ct twawj m aa y tiiml bnsul is our best trtnty food l tvtdcuuy ircouled by the army judtflrmt from the anwwmu cj a their dlcttik fcxperts pntycribe and the uuii j it avidly coauuood hy cdts aiul aldicr there aeocas lo be a uaoti here 1w umt rest of us tuf kltchctu at wt tolnt dally turn out a variety of bread and rolls or the thme what- mmu mrw hue cadets every day vbte cnwet- ic uudeuu who tcrform taeotal and pltyucal talks all day lone d taaust be l the pittk of fymd to do u coauue lare attkounts bread wilh other food actual orureb on lhe anvxuu of brtd needed lor wildktf have juu hm rk46d in the allddle wt ejkere about kjboo of the younf taet ak kfvuktjumc ac aft mcdcsxtutip ui boutlaeni ulctucan tlurina th man euvefs of the uecond army ileeti bc of the hatioual ouard of tvvo stalea and two divisions of the rduwr amty are inchkted fvou the n tnnwenl foods which uie army authorities ave prepared for the eivmpmeiat the folloedn iht will fciv bom idea of the ajwoeutefi to be apoeamd and the proportion of foodivto be untl bread wfctwj the tut folioved by potalacd aad feood red bref thee nfurttv for the vek are in tuuruu uread itim ivatalou isajtas umi lorr uutter ajma ctdckn itio uacon 141s kus doi mjrio ihs tajua 1c cvtoau kali 301 ttial lumdd fclv us utoae idea of uu valuca buwd by the army authori- uw wlu tttuu tl the kaott eety jiotilu into lite diets luep tfae ioidlen in tty peak of ood liealui rtioi watch the coats and at the aafe docajix tliat uwxul budct probuaat like the family a idklnf ltv virija wuj cvaa is a dainty that may be tbetk and served at hotae with that bluppad ctfeaai of wluch you ars so fond wmm uaie kara 1 sfis 1 baaipootl powdh cup kaous whole uran cup woem uicar amdy ked cui ooately out tlmtes cui hnely cut lllimuotl fhtfuvit kwi tas uiull uxht and foamy kdd baking kowdcr and fch aud bct iaul aichuy thick oumbca remain uu laferedieots and fold ho knlatlure tvicn into uftata4nah pan winch has brfd kreaicd lined with heavy paper aw ah feimed bake in aaodrrale timi in ujk 1 si mln ulea or until iuo luttnu ede oi cake wdli hkatau oool 3 to iiptdf then turp oa ao ww rarok and re move l4mr taiwuuy uuna ti cut in bar and km with hked cream avta c npuim iim art yauhjc uly etwlrj rwti how wol rlrr te tmcf jog and t ur- mtimr will b biid iw koni wat hi yuur trp ftry rekrol ber irate ptjl tcebenalty iw- my i hte u craia bu amrr- tre may km4 1 if be arbi ynj hwa wbea ytj veil throw tkrtn n verbo id ko eosbler t mloe akall ka aaythlak te do wltfe a o af that kwa luakealey 1 nee i know u yoeac wblpfterajmppm- twmt wtat in kaaw mmr atvl ibara where ibe tom ttaal- r4ea prtorxry if o wnad eny rcawa to meet r rale yoa wwiuj rtl- rwver that whatever bla faiber tamt- im crab mieeetf if u aer fbera wu aotbiac wut t be amd by rnftber wtaa father be ami crahx aaat 4aka mattrra into tbelt eiern aad ran away t wait b brwicbt bar fvom im kew aeejer the attttrivy ivtac aacb am w aatkbik able aa aoi aa t ulapimi seor an tared bar fuer departure ah raned crahj ea th fupkw tvaee u m it me f be u oalr father la ahoat te kav te taken te fcarope ttnt brat fire a bit of an bba 1 weald tike to try ot- yon krvviw that v have fett tt waa a- weite loyal etf me to let yeej take m te ywr father knewtac beer dad twel about mm bat 1 am freedy te tbrw loyattv overboard in a geed eaaae u ht u the btat bear a the day te beard year threat u ua dear amdently crmta fcave ber mkatarr data waa aacaaaary fer rerla4y at three a alper farseated airi wn ad mtd te the inner wsca jtka luvtty aad any a nr eoald bav aeaa that lbe waa a arered til tla leek abent ber eyea jlrbr alt ba- there wa alh laf kwmetely terrtfrlc abont tba very kaa au wba ree at ber eatraaoe it maat be tbe lbcy that aaly la hi baalaeaa saaltaca 4 be aatlry bar ratbera ebalna- tbbj w kahanda daacbtart waa bla knattec my bay talla me yvr father ip matck v bay part x canlner orahl a darn lnrky banarr locy dimpled tve ee u aak yeu te ttanaw war mind abont thf ahf aald iuj iij tba twa a tneai talked aa vr wbtle oat in the affile two af jkn tiu rtaepertlva natomera gaoled tbelr beel that evanlac oeorre llawund wa kutnmoaied te th trbatw xvem efr ktlakteley nreva abaeulely ahukad la wkaty te yomr aaa bavlajc auytblr ta am wttb my danthtart tm waat m ta well ef all iblnr- fww camlaa here teatarrow atttnt bom to aak ber t tlaap and yaj waat me ta throw bin antf tliata txartty what i bad ta buad atyn ooad aubt rohaaaly b tamed ta bla daafch tr tbar yati arj b abeutl your yanr yoaat man fathrr aeat want you la bla family any hear thaw i waat mat la ulna kow wlwava your prldey rat lttcy avelwd a dlrwrt renly injitead what vas tbe treuhle it tweea yi twa ah aakd avr kttrw exactly h tklmmed mj- ttiuui and ni ia tb market aald rowland alnrtly ttmlnjt larnrwatla that 1 bad glvea klaa aa a frlrad haw bow uallk bh monaured tjary thattcbt fully w inafa all you know about ir aatd ber father but bjr wordit trw at laaat it bad bn unlike the mau be bad alwaya anppneed tukoauy ta be tbe followlajt aftraaa lary wait lav for craljc in tbe llbrarv aaw ber fatbar drive up and cmr up the atsl ia be waa eolax ta be tbrv to threw oral aut ufrll at laabt be weald be able ta e what a kpundl i yeaajf saaa be aaa or rat fch beprd ab hadaf ranrud tblata bit ta far waiting far that ui af mt uyev demanded ber father tba at vtyt aad t1i wait loa- be ul 1 tartly aad threw bjtaaeir into one of the bu leather rbalra th f miliar roll of cralx kport traaduer broutbt ber iteart to twr tbreal a arcond latar aad la atoml aa tb tbreabald uoklntc from on te tb alber stawtaad raae alawty wltli a ln daa at vale h father tiu m you are planalajr la elope wltb my daughter k aald auutly virj wall i teak paaaee for lnry aad ber toother aa tbe llnmerir i aatblaklns uf raarlllk it iw a later date anil lattlnk tbe two of you fc 1w a botwy t1ea drawing i ury late bla left atwi and vilwnl ay hu hcbl baad to fralic l kiuw ewmeli in erltuwwdce wba i itave twoa unnn be mil i it gat untwr ay akju wui a i tlumalt your fwlber waa iummurd to tuy rlrt ikweatid i weal atrnlpht num i tbu warnlue ta bee ttlua uimiu it id tbe rourae of cojutrvatliui i leunus tbat year fatlter bad aever ktltwi tbe ta farmatlaa i aut blu he- abowrd toe praofa u bu having larva up la the lajroauri beyond nm the reahi o m teleeruta ho 1 nnuitsu and i buae you m rhll ireo tike spoken and the written word tntuliul 1 alfacaa octaarr lata isic lu her knees swelled wjth rheukatism to go upslurs was agony nutf l tivliiie in hlrh lnuni i tii i u iulf unwiutt ll an in rt in mtltiuiy luhitwal jtl kimt1 in uhitkk ruitttiiuf ui uiut l n ui ho to mrikhim out iimull nl ulkl rrluvc lilrnniatk ullr hill itattl i tlo jibkt of ur ijlii irllrr i ir imii ukinic kntjni uil fl tlllr- oaultlu wlmii i ittrd i it ui rlrntmtlun in both kitri 1- ir ury i roultl ml ri irom u dutlr witlumt a 1ituirr 1 titulil luil kiirc1 uyt to it uk lulr a uumi moa 1 run run uilur uiul kattl m tntch u- i ikt ixiiut i i udtrii kruclirll i rui aori llkf u teotu w i ii i 1 i tin- lmmiutli iu kmvtati 1 tur rltrlti u0cill jt uiu ltrll ollwr iiuioiluuu oi tlic wdl iu u tkmttlnlirvit llt iuvnt- lli-r- lllmil m talktj u u uawll 1 kiw uu dt 4tliiil urn- til litun hit bermme vyt uw ilew aim ye i scuooia day rotuot with the liolulay leaon over aiul uie chlklrwi hack at rchool inolli are ciullnif coauidarahle tune aiul timuglu in meal prrauon uiakiivj every eoit lo tnalnuli that nuusu wlucli like chlurrtt are enjoy mu a tiu reuilt of ukelr uiiuaer varalioit ll he a feood uua la fdan tlw chll drens ttvoal tlru aiul with uil as a uuclrua make the ncjry alui tkau aikl addillotis lo ull adull lamoa build milk inlo eiry nieal aliowlna balm for the ddldrvn u aaet uve need of uvtlr urowuui bodua if chlluren arr foitd of tnllk they will probably drink moie umm a pint crvery day leaving ux tlian liau the amount recomtnendod to he ierv ad in cooked food at ttfkrau in addition lo belna taken as a beverage milk will be uaed with ute cereal kir dintw milk may be ulillaed hi making ttmat veelahw and tuli snucea twie and counties milk deerts fao often eiteclally hi homer nw there are trowing ohlklien a bcaliocked or creamed ttuh u ule tnaln course for supper ltenr agaui milk u uied and it hi ah lite halt for i nl erin alu iluku cuu raluulioiv to fctivx- aumili akwi hiyllu uiirl4lr jwlvt tltftr txnurul viumii itl 1jiliji ud khj ucub ultli r ul uiy mid- udiuvrf ivjimniatyi t lwuilu uiiurnaty ur k h- urkliviun atl uvr ixt lic sih livj lov ltjatrni irwi ltir- tur lll he riufuutl lor u tncutlll li kclhiu all luntl uf horlr for tlu driutrltitatit ol aurlcullurr akkw acton 11 wx a uimcult lujc tor u jud lrijlo clvooe tin ik t bahlc at ac- toitatalr from lhe hltf tutry in live cliuft hut thce uirce acre luuilll uhm tlu tloclakui uvd live rxl ril- hon in tlirflr cht c itoiulld tyler jin of sir aiul ur- oeore tyur lnrur in uu hoys cul 6 to u tnon- tlu old lick u fjomt duughurr of ur aiul ilr ketih hoolt s uk win for blrl uiulcr c moiilll old olcilice ulurii iloherton dauuhur of ur and klr u luoiciton won lr i imrkl for uru c lo 13 nuiiitli old hcve uurrton ii ixujfcd by uie oouiic1 to carry on hl duties a ltntr until uie tiul of uu lerui couiku muounyoiuly made uil ru qui l uiul aluvoutttl ll will mean con julfrable icriuci mr llatrion fcjtixvd to carry on hl oluce utilil like ttul of umt year xlru ctuu hymon or 133 wmhly itoad toronto tnlrrtalncd about tarnty former acton itirl at ivr luune there in luuuir of un dtai tuilor a bruk of uie month kfr jax synuui acton alo altcruled ur and ur a uaui returned lail tk iron a ljl in worcltr mi xlirc- uank nvithcr ur- w auiv ohencd tier wui birthday and n jilcuikl heal hi ajd uullc uplht coijmn iti ll onl i gnuk uiul rul aiul h r thuit io t iir4 iul ie itjn lakiall- al 17 1 ii l iluv-iliukiuli- j u wiki 4uii i 11 til lltiuk win lnhuil utf llruun lt ih wofd imimruxl id the imuu- h lir tbe llid toiiiarnl 1 llurr l u iuttpiumi fjijliii hint uie lnul- l u huiury ol book il l tmu accural tt iy uiul un llthle con uuk- lo llhrurit ol ixtok llw old i cutuiu ill l u ju id fciullui plvmluid lluoubluult h uwullul srkt iimdaweff tciamnt is a ovj ikullp wtluli mud icy1 urou41uiul one iiuimid yvu lut wlut uiv ltiuji4 yjy hie utrj ltanuii luaj bv i luuull 111 llvt lliimm vynukkkua oimu vi ry iiuvlkili mk 1u i lltkhir miurutuul t l u4 duttr 111 llibrvw y naotuc in cilli- ihrthlkltoul uu nurui alnt uui itiiutiuhu j uhmhlo l the olu lioaauuall ihul citrk4itu u- n uli uiil u lei liutfujry bwuuly il tuiuiuit tar luul ll wul u lut lotuiui ui clirul ii l uijr ti rl lib ulu it iklucill iiuj tiu nji ivrwimtnl 10111 t fuili iuur us tlii j uo uht tlkr liic n 1 iimn luiuiktlc- uu uul iiuuiuiil uu old i lunicut t iuovm ry lor u uuiiuuvlil tbutciiiaikuuil of tlu nt 1 jjalunmjt the sew iraumal a if uie old ivauaacill urew uul of history the nc jvtameiil yiiw oui ol a hi- a tevkal of rcllaiuil hcttan lui tlu ikrcadutui ol jolu uie hap xu it v0- urtlurrd hy tlu life iuul umcliuup of jtm ctirba iuul licu uie aikkutu hltiuii tnolcliuf niluuiary jounuyia uwry louiul ll nio ij iulvo krlllbti copitx of uu 1u cluriu live txaerieiicti of uid aaaics iitoducrd ucli u uook u uk acts uiul uie iclier wrilun to tokx tarn of mlsion cliurclits pruducod uie hpiiuoc it att- a lapiriiual rcoulu- uon ui alilcli concrvuuxe luopu uuwjujiil uiul uie aorld u ului turiuml uiiule dotl ccruuiuy xv liicion uuil u vital iu not he ccaiveu- uanal ix ullou clirut to rule oiu life liveaju to ske tiuuhuow uiax a ill cut aerate accepted procedure tu uve in uie 4lruul chnt ivuilx elfdiicljaiiie aiul il aio ivuina u ocud atulude iiuead of rarxiui cluutse and crli jiould wvkuok it iilory in ll because it u au evidcticv of life uiul prujtn a w- leyan cv ujlitf ual prrachintt from acli 17 b luul uixee dnhiou lo lui ner- tnoti t uie aorld hi uruii side up ccoiul tl niu he turned upodc ttoaii uuixl vc aly uu nurn to do 1u 11 ml inie u l neooiary for lanlleui cciilury iteforuiauon uauy bible mady la 11 a lwaycliuull luid a luticiil alio haatixl uiul lie luul tvud oiu huiul rtml aiul lilty hook in bt mouilu jie luul reoxl uue hoolc to intjiroit cliarucur iiulmui lie luul he come hojuklj uiul utlacjied irani lift tnc ikychlatru udvued lur to llmll luf reading to uu itcadei uiiel uu daily ncupo4hr and a diaixer ai uy lllhle dally dally ulhle read- hvtf is mar hilpful uian uie iuu amounl ol tinw ieiii once a week pueiftul tenia th l ulc uu tnajina aiiich aa unn cvry day isiul and lilm lutid lltixu uud fouiul uicre a flrur jurit uian in nvesakuueu be tailj uie bereail uere ojkn miiuvd aiul tarcluxl uie cripluref daily ihhle rtudy t- a process of nunlal itimulauon uulortunately nuutv clirl uan- uiuik uiat if uw juu lhinct at a uar from uie ulhle they have done uulr daily hit of uu4e ludy sudi cursory ork would not be rtardtxl a- oxwly at all in a uruvcrlly or bulne- collcce we ned to tx ml nudltauvely nvcnuinxuli w r uaui coinmentaru aiul reatllntf hook- uiat yhe u wonie kiio kdv of uie hacktrouiuj f row which uie iliule uu ratline ns pro duced tlie nvort uiouliu and ume ac live lo uie uihle uie tnorx litntual lulit il rciunxj to u the bible tsllj 7 4 tlie eoile alio aere on lo chrialaiilty hy paul could never for get turn lie as a iuwr to thetn iccntle and yet ailling to nhuke uiew hie ulhle l a mucli dearer hook to many people because ll liaa been lauifhl lo uicm hy uielr parenu or one uaclver ha openfstl ui it lreaure of uruui and become far ever aotalrd with certain cliaptei ilullvulual t xu land out in mem ory because me iircachcr lu ued uvetn in a liclpful ernuui or certain ciioix or the ulblc utx aociated wiui a writer lu lifl- interturoted truui o lualnly and uerlully uiat it became unloruettable uenuon of u10 uoak of geiirax rall up uw ruuueo of lo or uiree clialan alyo liave nude tlili llook a tivuui docu ment hie uilrtcenui cliapler of tlrsi coriiuhlail u rarely mentioned wiuvout recalling uiat henry lvun- auaul verotc tlu greatest tliiiui in uie world an exposition of love tu depleted in uita cliafiter wlua iily uiat uu peojile in uie yruniosme at nasareui did not lee uie value added lo uie mil of lolah alien jetl read it and explalnrl ll at a syiiaotuo crvlccl the kuue f tb rare 1 is tlie ulhle of uve race u not limited lo any hook althin hoard covers true uie chrtatlan ulhle class hy ttelf uil literature lias hood ia lorur in a unit uuu uiere is liltlp desire for clianue hut uie acu of uie aiioua did not ceae vvlui the taenly lfihui diapter actlotl of chrtatlan atioule ore till vorui recording uljuonary bluuraiuiy u juwt a modem mjulvolent ol uie acu of uie aliaxles tlie llihh l uvflu entlal hecau truui uel ouljdt uu uoak into uie uvoi of iieoplr cliaiuj hui uielr coiuluct cliolre custom and cliaracur tlie uelormauon of uu snrleeiilh century uave a urvr uuiieuis to ulhle uidj and produced treat reiull ui tran4onncl chrttlaji uvea today uie lujlil centrrr not much around uu liherty uihle as ahuul ulial kind of a o- t utock riiui uu calf club dk clety ue rdiall liave will it tw an hlch a uie huhlkjht ol ordw of uicltlj in which clirt han lru uielock lioa hrouuht oui 33 kleal louiul in uu ihhle will have 1 torniieulon uie vvliuien iwuia hoi u cliaur to llourlji or alll it be n i tw uruce iteld hefitnald net order ol oclety conlrory to tlie tlber- 1 uud u ilcul donald ivi r vd ly and love dletincuve of uie clirtii iu an jojm j ry ui ian luluir it ls qulle pok4hle uiat cltj woclire luldie llohlnun julm uie ivvwitwui century ny e a new sjc cluio ilorher harold ur- ile boys club fvkihitt ouuiuuiiitg t lockd fall tfurs tlie county of hal ion l moft for uinate in liavlng on tlielr asricuuur- al societv dlreclorute raew alui both vljon and eneray all uiree atocuue linve uunj hi uholt lieart edly behind uie lradtrslili o j a carrol live new iuiperintcndt nl of aijrtcuuun1 societies a a hult uiey ore today carry injf on a laelve n oiiul irairamne liulead ol liavlna a- uielr ale objective uie laiiinj 01 fall lair amont uielr activities call he nuiubered held croji comjuhl uoiu hich have been carried on at all three cnlrej dartruf uie nat two year a a result of tills activity up ward of so airmen now jrve uie county iu ouroe- of hlch quality uxl uau barley and a heal bal prtru tlu ufree kcleues joined in -lnsor- ins and laiftxur a county ecd fair tin- we underhand u to he an itin crant event and uiu year l likely to he held at oearceloftn tlie liace- unt- laced hy uve hal tan sochly in 131 and again uil year provide an oilier feature aliich ul mucli lo com nuiid it tlie outtatullnji ucola in houl years wd4 nitinu tnhulos lo the fnenti iierierverance ol uie ilal- ton directorate in iccuiiiuj udi a hard working cat needier to ay uiey wre miu fortunate in ecuring for uwjr tuaeh and director one tilled a- un frwd sluivu at acton uie directorate nudn a jiecialty ol a iirourumnie on uie evening of the llru day of uie fair tlie ucow uielr vciure hi uil direction can he measured lo owe extent by uie crowded liou in boui 135 and 136 fcquetdiur toaiijdp under uie leader- jup of tlie oeorsetown sodely annually beoomlug more generally re- ithintsjed a- an ouutalidiiig eed cen tn for uve pal uiree yean at lea l tlie equeing iioclety luu iieen ai or mar uie top in uie agricultural so- cuty competition at uie cjk and lhe gueliili wlnui llr in oompe- tiuan wiui agrtcuuura societies from all iarl of uie irovhvc uio euj ing ociety ilucod tint at uie 13 buh anollur acuvily lo which uireo atuicuu arc clvlng leadtnjiip l um iiroirammc hlliu carried on with junior fanners 1j to 30 ycam ol ase hit year club prujecu curried an with calvec faah aiul grahi atacloh w litre uulr iuutj j nw lio been llghl the pai i ytrnnn tlie liiard tpoilaircd a foal club ilinr cuorc aero rewarded with u hore uiow at leiu1 uie equal ul all surrounding agricultural socle tla tlie w inncn in tlie foal duh win a laluiwi w t craig ilewl gordun ilodncy ljle ounhy wol lace tw ucktuuiuner wllfrod urownlow and gordon allken calf and groin club work were parunrcd hy uu italian aclfty at uilton tlie graui club dliilay wa uie cenlrv uf unirlangly uood grain luilolt uie whuien heuig kniel ihu addluu woodley howard king hugh unity lo u-j- uie anul toiulli and jolm ucteaii ucclur rwonnatlon imiur far uuui uie lie lkr klr llohlnjui idiurtliuru formauon of uu- mxlrenui century 0c uwekuii gkn canvpli u waurr thl ivew relomialwm uu- luule lieul joiui jyder allan timpon ami will liavi a urie plac- but mow mnpha is wil hi iilarl ujion iotle tlian in lit ul ion- umt lift han literature qediaks ft uiacteaakh i how l uie old tvt lament gredl lor literature how l tlu new twtummt ureal for living t 3 would tour lllhle tudi or rutinl a tudy ul all hi unlnriiy 4 wtial pi rauial a uriauon chl ur arouiul your luhlet wliat ciuitrihutlon an vtiu luaklny tu jurtrlvf dr devans pilb i kyv a f w w timy vwwwk twvf men ltauien4one lord ai georgelowu uu eoculy again oiiuirvd a boys uram club and doilie tlie dry year and cajuihiuetii light croii lotn ax cell m grain wiu on dnplay the wiiuver in lhe huva ecuons wcr4 ai olio donald ucnabh jolm uc nahh craig itcul jolin alt zander ururt iteld ami uud frvju r vn ull lhie jiflili wi ixtuul our coiigratulutloil tut uu ur if uieli rctuctne iirugrumim in uiving lead i rjilp to agrlculuitt uirikil 1 1 rouiity theif must tc kept wanf good health a a kmc winter depeiui in raat neaaure on beeping yuur koune eqoally warm in all room and at all kouia your task ia lighter willi ilmco coke the tnodcrn all canadian fuel winch maintaina a aieady beal all tuy lorc switch to hamcu coke lot a trial ton youll hvea cleaner kouae o oluat ho oor bo imule and youll have a warmer kotme hecauwi there lea waste lo thi fuel every shovelful priuluce live tnaalu mum lieal anti youtj have lea aakca uy crry out j ilamco colte vista veaa per ton and lea ktaeaw coat wjf iwf yor 4ow r a iowrer coif ta otcr lrj aec ltaal6 ijrtrocllo ccf ovnsumiru itaalittor canada cqke not a substitute but a fuel preferred by thousands of users s a rculi of ariinl tjwri i mlvanlajs rvot to be found in enf in llieir out liomt umlcr otlwr liartl fueh ilj hcatmp after winter il is i i noledi rtial to a trenventloil heat a lliat nwin ami inur lioa and lar oils au dnven off the holders are naluinj llul coti nult r lliat while cutly 62 uiul on il own merits tlu of intuniinoilscaal is ford car uual fuel t bn the carbon content of cole tin i not i new fact i or more than asv snn- nl yir il ha lie n rquileil uaj has skawti in tun tint tilf 1 rerltm tint there i no finer coklr on the market than ilanicci coke made in canada by the most modern soenlific rvrocess when ou corlsjilcr that hamco coke coais considerably lecf ier ion than any other hajrd fuel of comparalile value the monthly savinrs m your own home arc obvious fuel experts say stop think ing about coke as a low priced sub titute irrespective of price it is the pelfeet fuel you cant liuy a heller fuel no matter how much moreoupa the money ou save is an rrrd asirt hamco coke told georgetown by jokn mcdonald estate j b mackenzie sons ritdue agar acton canadian satloal nkv hkanctl us i tlie -urvry- for uie iuw branch line of uie canadian national lluilway whlcli will rl uie tnuiing diirici in northern cjueliec ouui ol uie national trailxotiuiutilal liav- hen cotnii led and 11 t anticipated uuu oiltructum work wdj he cotninenced uiuihi uie neoct few wvck uccordliu to an announceuwni mod at uie luudeiuurten of uu nuuanal bum adai tlu canadian national inunteivd the ope niiu of uie rich nuruiida minin held hy buildliu a brunch line uilh tu ltouyn lrua uie national lyuiixoiiumnial at luxh ertau tlu develoinunl ol uil field ha cxiendcd eastward and a num her of lmpor ant mine r now pro ducuig and ouiir vajuahe proprtu uto being- xhuiicd up the new line make rukaulc further extensive development of uil rich loktilury and wall alo ajun up a larg area for lumbering and colonization- it ex tciol from inline lerre a point on uu national trancouuiicuud evnly two inile eaj ol tacliereau u ltouyn uu ouuicm urnilniu ol ui tuclu reau branch auuionly lia ien rectued lor uie coniruciiaii ol uie iuw brunch on uie line located h uie canadian national nuuieer uu aiinounceiiicni uaios lroni innnelerre uie line rutu in a woulherly dirccuan fallow mg wiuihi llhl of uk wet uic of uie iull itlier uptll it reaclw lake tlhlemant adyaixiil to thl cclian uicn l a large ami ultahle lar couinlxauon ll uicn wiiur in a mare uiuiwev rly dirvctlon iiaang the ouuicilt comer of lake laicoll hnliiedlalely weo of lhe village of pacall at wlucli paint it will jrve uie in iron and ueu4cre uiiiux jlu hoc uien tonunue far ux mile- in a omli waerly direction uun wliuj to uie ctt at uil ioini u erves an ana which l btheved to tiave valuohle oupiur lwartiig ore a indicate ul hy work alnady done oir tlie plemmln mine properly ten inlle to lie wful uu line reache- the rajiklly growuij town of val dor from which pohil ll will anr a number of muung proji ert tiuluding siiuia and lumaque from val 1x1 uie line turn- ulghuy o the ouui crovdng the narrow eu i wis n lake lcniune and lake uuhul uu directly to lhe north ol tiil tretch of the hue are a number of vvell known mine- uch a- lcoe uilllv an tthaw li y and ore- iu sta hell prom ue cro uig of tlie nar row- a iiarthwlerly ulrecuan followed tor about live mile- whenp lhe line l within uaht of lake du bulin to uie north iix milrlur iher on uve luu will arve uie can adlan ualartic mine a man di taiici to uie ouui of uu right ot way hie new uruiicti the u iiart out of uu touiljilfi of ualartic into uu lavni jilp ol cadillac running in a uet e rly direct ion and ml jug jum oulh of the otirten and rtumilkaoil cadlllae nilive- it dicn cuiuimie w urly uirough uie towiljilii if ilouciui and joanne croaiu uie kuuiy l river abau one mile ea t of the wc urly hoiuulao of jaaliiu towiljun in thl dtirict tlu re l a lame colonl atlon ana which ha- ben already aeiifd uf the new brunch will irealli tacehtate the colonluilioii ol lid diulct 1ttmi nule 00 uie uiu run- thiougli uie townljilp of ltouyn taking a tu nd to uu ouui be fun wmgiiu into uie town of rouvn l fit a ihort dl l met coa of luuiyu uu line iu t rlo tu tlu urwat ter mini tlu uital iciilui of uie n w line l 100 mile farmer prodiicrrs to tirovide any lc- irtxl oluaivce in connection wiui tlu keeivlng of uie records 1vjr mu considerahle ume uu- mllk producers have felt that u accurately delermllved cott of produc tion wxutld- be of ureat benefit to them in arriving at a lathjarlory ale price wlui this data at their rotnmaiid uiey are convinced they will he placed in a more favourable liojuon on uie ouier hand the milk dl irlhulor knowing uie meet aihantofceour conumer price and aho dl trlhutton cou as uie result of coil tant contact w tui consumers l in an adv antageous position in dealing wiui farmers many factor in addition to price ire included in uie agnsmits drawn or betueen milk producers and dls trihulor and it l uie prerogauve of uu ontario uuk control hoard lo tfrcle auuiorlty in eonneetlon willi rrvement made oetween uvee to partiee juit0rubihti moxmcokn rue just martnaaflie xwa sure o brays service bulletin now ready tm ibm pall service uul nd mailed to our regular cus lomere we have a few extras which we will be ulad to mall free lo anyone who may he in- lereaed practical mfortnatloii on uie housing and fdlng of layers fauenlng oockerels etc pin1 oome flnt served wldle our supply lasts wrile to fr w bray ummti chick hmtheky clayburn avenue st cauuulnes ontario snapshot cuili the shape of a picture horixontal or vertical tost til milk sllt ii ontulu ritout t his wliat tloe it co i to produce milk ontario tlie milk product r of onuiio uini t tuvt an uie r to uir i iu ik i in uu vtry mar luiur 1 utnagh tlu coopt rution of tlu ixo tuuni s uiul dm in llu haiulry li urt mebl tif the oilluti airiruhur ooll ttc uiul iu lmiuiilr llruteh doni uimi lhpirtmrut of agilr iltun a xjti th tat l nuw arilith in gaged in uils uuy it l pi timed to team uie ev l lor every hon of ontario aiul lor er tyi or marktl tu thl task uu milk iutxhicer1 a- jvlatuul mtrrtwt ii rhee hutu r coiiceiuratihl prtulucl aiul wholi milk in cooticr kwi ui li uu twi ulit imiiimi havi tliil lar cutisl uu liort of mon uian i uk hullildual milk producer thmughbui ontarui uorntiu erne wa- over and uir ych nifu ralor ha lus n upplud ooiupvgatum uil dlanuig ltvnt tt uu account lunik which ha ikii ly llu vicar amteared and iuvl carffulb prviuind h tlu ontario uubl he hilrodurit u laillor win aiiilrtlllurhl collg ami uu domln liad laleli raili lo um dltrul u u kui hcaiuuutr- tuatirti and apiuoveel liarlhloner y the unl nutulthe of the milk you liave in each hlur hi luiuhio r lyurlnu the jxur rritrmit church today ald uie paron tuv of thr- tkuulit axihullural uire sakl tlu old millor he wa cule uiul uut vximbiiuti huuiwknx lciuig ui uu next bunk lo me ilraiuli plan to call on twadi uf uie t i wbem tba rlacliml lhe af a subject ar kawkoaul daat fortjet to held tba caiwara harl- ort tally camttoaltlom may b further improved by aaurohtfj akd triummlaoe fuou tbo stand pal at of artutlc comtvoaltlun tba abapa of a pic- lun makes a lot of dltforence tbla titah mini may aoom axiomatic but liqw of t ea do wo aaatvahaoiora giyc tuouklit to it iu uhlng our camoraa wt all kimw that moat cameras arc so coniiructod as tu give ua a rlioio botwien imrliontal and vor- tltal nlcturi s dptnelhic uaoa lh 1m it lou in which we hold tbo cam t ra but in uiu buaineaa of taking ph tun i tin ro swnua to be aaort of payrlnilogy of uilncua that wake ub cltooao tlio way muiit couveuunt in our haiiuil with aeutia camaraa thu vurtlcal pas i uuu aami ulalnr with ottiorn tba hnritoatal and to chaiieit to thn othnr posllloa stumi in rfqulra au ulfort too many of u el li i mako the qtfort wbm1 we ahnuhl so w o go right oa taking picture ttm tauinr way without talhnrug about tho uluru ot tin tu winn a lit thi thought and lltllu muru than a twist of the wrist would mako all llu dttft r s bi tw i d good and had coin ruuilt inn utiufiitur that tin um u i m loulujt a picture art al in t as much a part of ha cam peal hon an thn um a luul do siipilnt allmipa show all too uiau pi lurh of vtrilcal aubjircia pi ludmg pt r una u full uiigth potet u with a vaitt wasto of marglu rikhl and left tiirauui ihoy wtiisj tatt u with up cam ra in horlionlal jniatiloii thlu iu had bocaubi tor no tblug tint uxeuiau of margin ji mini in t tbo huiuirtauce of thu aub- lui t and for uiuilbi r dktractiug qlr i i lu are unually pr m u ou uin aliln or llu otliwr that aiupahot uf mother picking flhwiri lu tho gar- elt u a aa excell tit llkuueb but why thu eorunrjlif thu garage on tbo h ft martiu aad riot hot ru 1 on tba rhht tbiho ugly ohjieu wiu havti bh a olltuluated if tho up and down vh w bad bemu untul in tlu cbh of set ulc nlcturea a uiinadlng ljudeaui ami huch uub- jctti ua a nock of ithp or a brd iu eatlh atuuuat alwuyu rail fur tbo linrtionlal ptwltlou but uu u uu ofuu d m h a picturu of a tr a walirfall or a akyiuiaiur 1 maml thu varticat 11 u nluiily niakiug imalaa tba vwatta of martjlh ut tbla picture had be ubem virilh tba camara hortkomul aura uiat tho linos which glvo length lo your aubjttct paralhil thu hmg odg a of thn qtm tliun avoiding ao ovorbalanct of margin abova ami he low or to tha right and loft aa tlin caao uiay lu so much for planning tbo ahapo of a picture ut foro you tako it but conipualtlon can bo improved in dmd ofton much improved by ahap lug the picture- attir you taku it tbnro an two waya of doing t ou ipay n dure tbo margin auu la aniiib caaua also cut out dlhlrcllug ohjucta by trimming tho ryrhit qr attll amm wtcttvv you may iipijk tin htgatlva ao an to htv ta- lurted tiortlap and from tbla por tion hayo an milarip mi nt ipmo thuu a v rtlcal uuh ct lu a vurll oal panul thut haa cut out detail oa th hld immuu much more im uroaalvi ita hi irih and impartauro havti 1m en nhanct d similarly with a boriaonlal nubj ct a borlkonlal paum will i mphaulgei kh reptuiti um aand am utuati itsuwiup uoat goul ph torlal work aurh aa quda a plan- in ttaloiih lu num of ita artutlc mntlhai u uaually thu rombltud nnull of chooalug tbu rjxhl raltnra tuiulli m vuaaklng the uigatw and trlitimlng um print lea john van otjiilru