pre 4 the georgetown heram wednesday lvmintf january l3l 1937 iiurrfnls brmuty im jwr lt human 1 iuld til j uii i tut 1 ixuld bkd wi 0111 vxxim i uiuuu aiad lihurv- jouu 1 111 ala- in u i uu rud 1 luii qtnrorixj wliwll lull l tumrtll uidaulllg al it rnd tiul utl- i 4 if wtuid lud uial lliat u iailtuti miille twrolmg balui whutl l lll ur u all uue tutkuilt ih ii ok it not lur u yujr illat- liwiil will u ul vulu sit hum t one oj wulni a judy f wiod a uuid uwn u uie jou luai lvr lod alwl m war ufllii gar uiou il lt j tuuwut t ijlmur bivul i hud u ikwrfl a few oui111 till vlcf ad ul with cllumv teadth to rjhui lieut 111- llultt ul hr muachetwd puts 114 jr 1 ul llnnd cresuurr to b u lit 11 ll lllptflei bul atut llv7 vjiuiamun i bv wu cuisli alni li iri ud a liualuui inle w uu ll l i i iu but vuur ubl talui jlllew mti ia that euutiu bill mllwr kxal ult utiuwu llmi lite to oul idea t it uuiiiuir well u cmviifim thai liecbhx it voir own iwari u true or if u uoj vuui iiwujt i tliul wl wealth nur tltto v v llic pliantuui ol n morse shall tier seek our ioul in vaui tuii o 4aruiwi sorllum klec- tru cumpuii in tharfce of tawyrt u et hy lw cwjrtuc lo ilwuard tltf inlerki ol ill- ihiuic b iuttuii like hux- turw i iimule iiuul h lut ulunrtit jwiuia bamfuieri aiul -axxl- lur- uunuf uaih wmrs la m ucctumi lth lit tavmrji tf uuf climtu ilriktwr ox ll l iooeli j ulhrr ci0 lit dnw up be lules concpnun kccouiili hch lw uinutthlr to iil uwjwi in 0 ehuw kbnuory 1 hur iw ruwa klaiuj by u wiklicire on dec a rwjuu all ujrs to ktli w j ijtiirllm or clwnu tiwiiwi irocn ittujtlfi vuwl- u lirmle tnut oeouil or ccouiili- tliat tlw booiu gi uwir b in- llaul bj ft chrtrl ccauiilttt ui lb utttbiilon at itw law ociei tir tlwlr durcitiluw oomln or id- la u13 a comuit tluil uie uiir ulioe boot fc uiwlr lnluctlon b oblltd lo iuro- doc lo ui ctmrl iccouiilani u tuch books rvcmrtii ouciwr awl docuttwnli uie fcccoununt wtf re quire tlve ivuchers re ciwn iofcr to irat anj inrrtimrittwm ol u ruwa b liwiirikwiaj nliiuiiici as f ult ol which u bnior or -olicl- tor uuuti ol such uruytbant may be uiiwrnxl or u54dei oruiu txrtiuloa arw wd la uie- niwc kowraina cliewu imuls- hie lie rule jji in liart ttelor uvaiiuilw ai liixtijlgaiiort oa cowpialnl kowle b a uilrd iwrsion uie iwnclwrs or dtxipuiw cotauaillec uy rjiilr lirufta incie euieww thai a uroiul ol oonuiulnl fexisls wwl hm require hie iiioaii by iikh comiuuuint to ui law soily ol a reanabl urn to be fixttl by th ucitchrr or dxlitflne cotattlus lo coer coil- ol llie uvluufta hie u ol the latnuw atul oliei tor again t lwua the complaint rwui golcu to cow mr alx weber rwodin- on ih ormer rjtt lano jmlb1 oj walkerlon aiul lw toi lu lit hand in a threshing acciont a iw n mto i- uie malm ol another uujuna inckleni uiat occurrwl on his arm a u eks ao thai wj uaoj aiuwiine at uw llw bul whick lias inc turned oulw atttush uiat his iwitfhboti have- ali to think ol it to uuh all uie indbjeilon oul ol uielr xystttais and lia louiwl uiat it l belter than uie drorblal aiinl a dai to keep live doctors aai itnrias that mr webrf liad a wild in the head a not aluwlhr un heard ol uunc h tete iarls and uiat vhll ruunlmt lo tlurjung machine a hua couh uial jkook hu diaitliram looned hu ial uth iroin ulr avoortnei and shot iheca into the- clwunier ol hi ast runnlns machine- nhlch s aruulina out load lor live raiiaekhl calti on uie tuma alter recmertne trom uw urnrl and alnl earchlntf lor uw wi ins llrtmkn uw dljnaid lamter ka lhen up a tot and wenl aboul hi- u ai sorrow linj and slohlns like ll uas eood bje lorevr lo lil luale uul iortuiu liad owelhing better in lore lor him lor otn dai ulr 1 noticed a cow uiat wa- chewina -oeae- thlntf other uian lier cwl as lurn inir uj lier noe and rolllni back iver e like lie aas souis lo kick uie uuckei if omeuuna iu not ione quickly jj lioiiplna lo uw xexu lia did wliai uie ttvoiai uiould hav done looked a sift ikor- in uie hiouuu atvd lo aiul beltold his ls- dng luate which q iwliwd out lus on walicauon was proving so un- ullable lor uie olot w l to inarktu undolna aiid o m roovr- laa iu two wre made lianpy uie cow or the removal ol uve obstacle u tanner over uie rtalnlng ol hu teeth and as jiak4cr wxmld ay alls well uiat eiul u wulkertui llerald maiybe a millionaire b hal c vehmc3 last irtmm wv- ui nla hll wlik 4riy r iwiih- lb hir lkrlk w- w irm f 11 ikr ar wit i brkai t id a i linn llnrj sjt nurifcw w- thichl t mnrlkilh bn1 w b rrtrrk to iwola iur hf uw uirr- lj jil l wa toj if ttaj tlyrwu xmik i olvtiri wblrh ran ib to j lllvttj klt itmf ivu wt kit of u tt- lb fcowtttw tb th- w ktll uj r im ra uniu yia i w wl ta w hiu u- ar mfrliv at kmr tu mr vnt abj dbu jm wmb1 wa m prtwts afvl iv iv i ban a vhn h i rwti ltui vn k rlrp mnl- w uttk tat t kk imr it o r nur iwtu wufc lit ir lur tvntk luh wblw- uujjvc nta il lb amkv hi- ri vvr artr a vry kry r rw bowklac rila tb ittliriuttu vuwiitla ww lit a aur- mu- w- run hcll muk inlu trliy a uu wtlw raln m a bf w lllykurd txm4c iu u lt a- harry uw hnbe4 wltb toixb karjhw ibat wv wav iirr urd f ihu br ntck urrvy i kj iu it loyktf i1w uudtwr b wlwj u ua ua h inurv tlwiv u a uw in loins to bttnt tuy dlu utul firxutt tplklox ml of tlte bua aad lavlbjiitlax tala bt- kvwolhtaa at thu track kka wu tttur tfcwv arv avany lnly hnfactalu abd alamlt irtevucb pretty bkl to kull maddux mruvrk ttw 1 ua u bmku iq rrxmil uf tb etitb- bvuk4 aad lky miv civ1uc41m rb wry ru woum ib bala ym la about rdy irt t tku bum k a bl ratuhty or wwr tblbjf- ilujder bay way i aint fcr ao iniiefa aiy ljttc tba wat haw i tkl d a uhl ju4 tu a frail tk- uuduw- a h ilrairw ab aaja waat a fchhl h ttby wv m uudwr t- uy your pranwa oa inccoto wbteb u do to win tala rc ti- ltly ui it twrtw tbtac- rurvia ibre u wa artay abtmat ibu brrv placo i il ml ilk tb ukka of it al all ya bad blt4- kt juir cbeirle u iur twvckwu ratbr tli a tbrxkw tbat away a cmay buacb uul tbr u bo baldltaj uuddr aw uui u tw oddd oa tbli ar kc- eur bv yells at a allp vaaicbr tb uhu to hhl la i oa ibat baatt- llrut lutatftau tae bu4u rtvlw tka uiidtlr t alwuutvly oat of kl ailad wblck u hat dlatcttlt for mm la da 11b b ttau tbu u tb up i trra walilug for all w ufa it eajiaivt g wrxf bauae it a s4lptj to wff by a prrtly wltb vy rd kalr u right 1 aijra kaowlae w cab ai uti blau abad aad bt your- wlf tw ir btayb tbr dalura oa luat ntibody avr aard of aad ivfa xn back lo sow ork llwwvvr uuddrr bau oa tda about utila wblch la tbit if a bid- u worlfa imm dollar of a bta uaotwy tbeu u- ia warih wcy illlar o uuddve wjja i 1ib ll all or i bwa aoihlax wblfb ir omirw awaaa taat be h ii all w ar kuiklac vry aad wba 11 ud- der five bd cracka ikvwa tao tbou- uiad twckra hut iba i atw aoto- tblux ibal aulfr aw burt out uub la i kicks llarrj aad iwrtle aad tby alfaki ias uui to aad wba iludjr coum bark wv tcax arouad lilu i- tbat b wual kaiw atblac at all wblcu la ala aalural alale or buad aaywa yba w rudfe uudhhr t tba rat 10 watch u wiau go srvmiad l liitk ucmurk tays trvatbllag froai lbaatmy f4r i iu vary irrv tbat i will uavw lo wava ywi fdorvr txr tblfl rare because wltb tbe ull 11 va rkfc wblcb i win i a a itolag lo buy aw a udlw collit at wblch i diall glv tr ducaltoaa to all baau rllul uvad uudw ulbu froa iy wha tlocolo lna tbe race aad w bav to cam blui to tbe uylac window wberv tbv tsltwr bjudi biu a bakat full uf nevaba lt tuu avybody uujtih iimuivk fclct uud iludder buall xakis up tbat tbuj lt oaly a atovl ludl t eiup as be looks lu tbe bake aad m it la biunj wltb hukv aiooey san0t in ytuusfc hours as iil ol uie ureal iylem wluch mahkc ui province of ckilarto lo keei auaosi uie enlire network of lrovincul liltfhwav opu uirouah- oul uie winter 0ilarto highway wi buiers liave built up an orttanuallo capable of audmg 30o0 mlb of hlahwai ai three fvour afur live iuwd ari- fl truck mcluuilcl 4vraiwrs and conenienui locud luw ol abraavv- liave boade uos aonderlull eenclriit ftt an aocom- plulied fact tlie material- ud to make whiter urnlug afe are avd cbwiers and tone chip mind wlm common jilt the wit pivnts lh mock fuuw from fejuig aivd whi tlie ajuul u mattered on tlia hlthwuy live all well 4oe uwreby em- uduw l abrauve ui uie su uiuo- wuiiout uie all urt attd und chlders would be uujpaled by wind and uanv iwior tlrex no nj w about your you sfj fet wxman wl h irum live hoiiul aiiakmi hubby and wb1 u iha liudu ffiiulr ikftyre tbe itiiauiua caave vrbody vrtirv t klad or klltaaya l llj saw of tbe paofiw www irtsvu north into tbe lllhuu aud iltelr dwndauta bav vara kilts vc jbce tbe iehue wbn reuialaeo ih tbe rtvaquered lerrltory war latr ra- roaiuerd b tbe mkluga iw luuea ad mi tov lrhii tbr piiw uur lorvfatberu covlel lb rutoot of waar- li t itte ciivtrliujd iiu tbe lea wblcb la nirw uf uahe have bouaa inuiaera ctmwtu wlrljr tlurrllui vrfrv u u warfara er- rlosl na by tiuall ladeaaawai ha add tliui latuer luulleu nt lruoia 1 1 itkbthu ivetnt dune fnvu awbusii or by mi ideii rwiw uucb or ibe tlibllax if tbe iuwrlcaau lu the uovaluiloa a- utuy lu ibe suulb bmlgbt b trwied ittrlb varfara tb word la lb muilfl tlwlauiwe af uuerra wblch as unusual olfthsck from live nauonal ilevnue hevwwi a conviction was oblabved recenuy for an otimre aalivt uie pecul war ilevenue act of an unusual ru lure tlie nrotirutof of a ian com iiiercul concern lu an chilarlo city was reportted to have bm rvmotllnv durtn uw ait uw jrn caiicelbht excise stamiie from cheques atul af- ur erasing cancellallon marks to liave ben reusli uie slauivs on new thmiu uierehy evading pay ment of uie stamp ati a srch of ilia pimiswf reald a number of cancrlbrd cbeoiw with uie totcle itauiis rteovd a quanlhy of utclse siatm of dltfervnt jrnomlnatioiu which apparuy liad bcu takn from used crrmoa and trvwbsd in as to tvmova ciullauon mairks a book of blank chajiuaa with tskcis uamtv attkchmi all of wtdch slatopi bore tovldcic of cancellation and a busv quantity of umk chnio whose ax- cue sbuntia bor unmloakmbl iom tj lialng urii cancelled lwic and abo of liavui been rlud tti penalty lmmed wu a baavy hx or 3 taoulh imprtwnhaanl tested recipes uow to srk iumb kmu ac of b l a ui 4 uoib vnll loi i lo a iiouixi wi th nwl with a diu4t cloth lub ute aiil wlui lr4mi lt 1 lraiutai lhher im1 j tbw 4juoil lumr jir ir wu4 mv 1 uld unw uw tp f liir twt f ilk nwl l ouue i ull r1 kill mu do- rt in udt water ila iuauij lull willi tlie mil in a itot 5ou ot y t and ay uw meal lor so 1mndl itrditcawtlie umitmil to uial ul a tnedtum imni uveil im dree- i ami vk ute tanl thi teleraluj uitlll itiider al hm 30 to js lulpulv ihi jwmaul wlieu uw tatnt i doii inuoii h ibr lu ali lv u lin- 11 rxtei twy tbl fhwuilul lbdn -iibh-4hoiilia- uf thur hi un law ubloiooiiul tt lab add imm and m liatl cu boiimi anlrv ainl vtu conuhui unlu uw tulxtun thit ken cook two mliiuh lajn with salt pnell cut mint luv and u btue wmivi juke malt belw w 3 uqund maluui unifii iu- or lianki 3 ouaft cidd wabr 3 ible- tamrt i 1 tcsiaion alt vepilrr 3 tablnvpoo tarlev itrtajivr km aud lal and cut rrwul ut umu ww ikii lnu kfuk und cdver with cold wlr 11 at wra lu- ally ui bodlntf iwhiiu udd jii and keiiher and uiluier unll meat is irikder muaill alvtl renmvefnt ftr- iwat to boilliitf munt uild tlx w bailey atul cook until tender iwtuw ar laaah slew uvrh oylet cut meal in two inch 4uax ilull in sesuuird iviur and bromti in a liot frying ln or krlue add lol bu waur to covrr and inihkr until partly cooked add lunuiv carrot potato- alvd cuiwul jlfxl wa and beui bimnwr until e table- uie tender cumfwb lamb any liart of lamb or mutton may be pralrwi in ihu wai bear meul in a hot ian ihacc in a coicrcd jian or ca-serow- add a mall utnouiit of boiling watrr cover ibihuv uiul cook slowly in ovn when iiartli cookusl sieaon add j iced ohuul and lioia loos sliced or cubed add enough w ur to irevent bunh und cook un ui meal and vevetabku are uudtr ierve from c erole dui t1rve ecipr- urc taken from the pamphlet electoil of lamb cut which mai be obtained on request from uw kubllclty and lxleiuaon branch dominion denrtbwnt of agriculture ottawa wluiin two iear a vers sad prince kdaart will wander about the world from couihrj to counlrj trilns deiierately lo forget hi- arrow he will liave lou the woman for wtiom lie gave up live throne and he will tpetul hk tuu da in huimr arwl kngland alotve tliu l uie iiredtctlon of madam tvrfren lalla iroleor of occult cience wlvo vuited toronio- al though tier home l- in inirt- jie lias siem most of lier life in various place- from new yorl cil to hong kong tlw reign of georye vi ai ma dam lalla will lie u itovroal onc for uie emjilre because during uiat lieriod it will enlarge lartl from uie annexation of certain ijantl follow mg a great wrar the war jie ays will take place in 1u7 but the empire will not be come involved in it a- a matter of fact uie empire will beneat because it will ell vai quantities of muni tioi aud oliver material to uie warr ing nation jiut about uie time thl war get- well under way iutkiiertly w hi re turn to canada in uch a measure uiat uie former boom times wul look like lean yean in comiiarkain rur uiemvore ii wont be a flee lug luiopeiity it u1 be here to lay in uie tj1j iart ol uil ear a great oil field will be discovered within elghiv mluir of toronto ma dam lalla iredlcl in rvbruarv a toronto man will perfect a certain type of planlmadam l not certain wheuiec it will be vegetable or fruit which will pose amazing properus pirst of all uie frull or vegetable which ll will produce will be sold boui dried and fresh secondly tlve leaver will make a fabric which wul be not only waleriiroof but fireproof thl material will alo be much in demand hy warring nation in march uils toronto xlenllt will commence to build hls factorle and by uie middle of the ummer uie turst croti will be read for uie mill madam lalla clalnu lie luu lire- dieted many world event and jul in cae you are keiilical jic iro- ducs a wcrap book containing news laier cllpiilng in a core of tangu- agi tlve clliiing carrv a r gu lax newsiiaiier dateline and credit madam wiui the fouottuvt proilie cues amotg uiem 1654 ttvat aoote ryench flier would hop the atlantic which he did two years later the suwjaianese war uiat carol would jvturn to roumanian throne 1624 tliat beer would oaaln now in uie untied atc uiat tlie mar ket croh was on 1l wa uial jlnmv walker would be reelected uaor of new york and uiat laouardla wxiuld i olio uial tlie next ihtldcnt would be a democart 1631 ttie dlctalorjil of dolfu in auuia 1631 tlie re election of itooovelt qluk ytllss ahoiy cts perfect w hile caw are hn urlablv deaf llvev arc urr lo be if they liave blue eye tlie egyiiuaiu con tuctvvl the cat a acred animal and u uallv muuunl- fled 1l remains tlie cats ol uie i1p if wan and uioe of north uuteo are all tallle all of uie muium cats unearthed in egiitlan tomb- have red hair due iwrhaik ut the elnbahnliiu fluid- and unguents taxl lu mumiulling them there are llirvc lime u munv muxle in the tall ui u cat a then are ui the human hand und w rl1 at the end of each hilr of a cats whtker is a bulb or urrve fllue which make uial lartlmlur tialr n ver delicate lecler a rats head hu u reuular parti lion wall irtectiiu iruin u uk in ward wliicli nuturah t 4i l u lirovi ion uluiu i conru ion ol the brain ll uktk wailuoll tlir jkorlrv i mllnwitl in ihr world lia- surtetl in buine on inrluil the oivalle t cale limit ut a k t ol tsti ier ojit tlu vatican citv rull road hi home l j cis fret long 11 l conruieil to in ight lrufilr exclu ively enceit when it vurd loromo tlve witrhe the iirtvule car uf ivpe itui fioui uis vatican lo uu italian ittale ltallvay with which conntrtion is made even thoiikti uw rullwuv l w itlioul iktvngrr irwttlr it ikves k a magintlcent white marble rail ay station which l never ud ttie rtiamkwm mv tery will alwuvs bo wh an emrvnr emjiert dortjit us hh oan sj stem and become a millionaire jeus the wter of life mjn tfcxt out wltuver dimkrth ij uw water llnl i jiall khi him jvall iww uiir t jolui 4 1 lkin pajair john 4 1 3t 0 what a l dah ihl wwid put t-mj- hltu wihi with w frrvnit hrlt l-a- ltl un u i uw uiaht aiul khxmu kv nd kkk jii ihitlt- will iwhumed utui tln well 1 ku him llw wind ay and uw rl ltm walr- diall huvr a voire and uive him rlo- fliwnl trachhuc ltmilellinfc the 4wrfuthwt yg jm b j u pent hiuc of hi urrw in tojiin oil it mi lt- found ll w-orui- willie in talk with pellr lie look liww frian je lo udk wlu-nlc- ihmu at mwnbjhl while he wv l iliw at the of uw well lit kutruiva lw wlcomd an liicrrf lioii and ctvattrd treelv wilh a wilmail wiki rp- to draw wjirr went to uw ttoow of zacclwii a b 4uel iiublcn u likla a uofnl lilk we 4hmi mvh of our walk- ll hie lit eonvrraailioil ll b of l n nor comer liun i ra ual we xllrfllm ilw weaiuwy even lltough we can do nothing about it- we retell uie hntuhuct oi uie iwwspapcr aj- uumibh r intend ui lake no action lmlwlul coiilersallon wa be re denat4ve jeau transfurmed his uu ciplr cliuhi b talking with uiem fnr month uimhi end hu convriai uv elrantrd them and nevrr derad rxl uiem tlw felt a klunulus a uwy canw under uw mll of ui mind tk v aw larger wrcabillue4 in them ive atvd hi humanltv becuse ol hl octal altitude some years ago u hook wa ikiblijwd with uw utl tlw table talk of jeuf borne or in mot profmivd lavylinr- were ut tered while talking inlormally nveal a large group of young peo ple recriitlv declared we want help in our i wr iial ivroblemx but dont want sermons bermork liave uwlr place but nothing can take the place of uw clinic of souls wlwre two likiile face reality toaruwr ipre quenllv ihl l bet done in spoil tan eou conversation satuajd ar tvntaal 9 althoulh tlie life af uve woman of samaria war briuhiig wlui pergonal tiroblerlts iwr first word luvd to do with uw race queedlon bjw knew uiat she was wrfecuy safe as long as uwre wws get wra dbcujuion about the ancient feud between uw jew and lite samaritans it is much easi er u discuss ioiitics at urge than lo face the realities of personal conduct and matters of individual conscience jesus was a jew and could have de fended uw action of uie jews but evidently he war not concerned with racial prejudice he was much more concerned lo give an individual i iwironal erwrwnce of ood nation al lirohlem- must be studied but no individual can change the nation on a national cale all at nee th chief trouble with uve nation ir uiat it l made up of people who are guilt of inferior ihlnkina if as ln- dlv iduau we begin to uilnk ood ln4ured uioughts thfee in time will lead to action arid enough people llv ing cod oon trolled uvs will trans form uve nation salvation cannot come b wholesale or in bulk come h trarkjormcd individuals who leant to act eoilecuvely uvur water 1114 statnant water may prevent one from dying of uilrst bul it does not urford live jo of drinking clear cool running water from a pring to which we turn in uie lieat of a um day nelialon taught jesus ought to be like a drink of vure clear water from a running prmg ttie world has ufuclent tagnant religion tlw modern terra would ue canned re ligion creetu ritual form ceremony mles and rubrics rve juac useful pun- but the rarely ccntribule a contaglou plrilual experience how mav w liave a religion uiat will be like drinking from a bubbling spring we ma known uils only by having our religion as an individual rela tiorkjiip between ourve and ood bj tlw tranjorming frlendjiip o jesiu on a dally basis and by the constant induration of gods holy spirit religion is meant to be lift not a load it puts wings under us instead of lead upon our feet clufet liad a contagious joy and uie ouroe oi it was falui atvd fellow- sliip with ood thl cannot be medi ated to ik fully uirough uie agency ufi die church it must be a direct experience of uie individual oul in relation to ood moral galhfa 13 w the woman of samaria was very ready to dlarus uveology but christ faced lier with uve moral realities of her on life since the war uwre lias been much laxity in regard tlie marriage relation people coffed at the tabocu of uve victorian era yet deep clown in uwlr hearts people reverence high tandards regarding home and marriage a uw british constitutional crtds suddenly demon- trated even uiose who liave broken every law of ood and man still re vere uw ideal of a home founded on faithful love a oon as jo us fac ed the woman of samaria with uie moral realities of lver own conduct jic ought to take refuge in anouier duculoii aboqt uieology the in tellectual problems uiat people ad vance ui nine cae out of ten are a moke cxtn lo cover up moral de feat tlw wlvo have the wider t est pertence in iwrsonal dealings wiui in dividuals tav thai only rarel are uie lirobleiik intellectual as a rule tliey are ttvora sabilwi uarkkta sls one of uw greatest word- ever ut tered b jesus l wlien iw aid uiat lod 1- a idrlt and uiat if we arc to worjilp hlui we mui worsllli him in truuis laws facl and reality it i ualrt to train alter ecstatic emo tiuiks the place to begin wlui is uie dltfcrcnce between right and wrong a indicated by our own ronxlence ootl l a siilrtl and we cannot wor jilp hun with vdol or wilh gifts or willi calliedrak alone we worship ood wtwn our attitude is one of trut toward ood and of love towards mt n we cannot worship ood av luim a ww are really worjiimdng ourclu we may not be temiiled to idolatry but egotan l a wore furuf of idolatry uian making graven imave now ma we attain uils high pirtual wonjilp chrlt will lieh u ilw woniail uf samaria de iialr ed about it williotu uw help of a mt lah jvus aid lo her i uiat ikag unto uwe am he a mudy of tin caaiel and uie life al chrtt will teach m uie meaning of spiritual hip qaatiutui for dimosviam 1 cull ca ual cmveraxllon be made le cm ualt j are your htlereta predomliianlly liollltcal or wramel 3 ho you arue about religion or wttne s ur clirutt 4 will must w dl with our guilt to find plrituaj wac t 5 how may we worship ood in j pint aiul m uulh blinding headaches made her helpless forced to ue down for hours at time other unrin lutrti lwada iir will lr- lilrt li l hull ihl if itrf unui kl amipirr i wu vlbje i to vrey u itradadm- willie tlvrv u t nl i rmnl u 1m- ml ulit aiwl all krr in mi huwt wkvd wa iial lo ll toit i hour ut a lime my uunt wui ha luk n krulwn afl for 1- veur with uai rtrial r- ulu uuuvtul mi rvinu th m i ui wi mid i if ii4l lul unv iilnrii ilu- hradatw uit lulliu 111 i t i leel iultcl tlr 1 ujii ulwuv lake krnhen ir uurlv in luluie mr i ww lltudaih can fn4uriitly be ituitd to a lbaudm d ixnfli will iv tlw ulkvu4irttet releilllmi til tlte jte4t of lugtiaung ttnir ivullfiwl whui poiioili tlw blood tlw immcrotii xu in knuibn v i in uw two- plrti- tljmliiutloil of w tt htallec le tiuilntf hi u ikiro lilotnf freuln uikj thu- helplmf lo brinif lief irai luadarhv tvw tll to ku lirvia- in lb amd hlli vl thliu hi uu niati rlih tlr nl- opt linr luru l- tt-n- to u cjiuriw u ihna the lupp the ua lit uf oiuwuie thai ihr bliaa tiutl be littpri d thbiuh a nuuoii- whle cilf fuivllw anall ciurel due b out tpther uul tuaki tile ilh worth living irvcrbotl in ft iwarr turu lyiirik uiilouilli to tin anything lu uie spirit nf calm d ulwrulun tet it don mid out of i hi ua be on vour to all th tlnu lep there ii j llvil ur- lit hki uml ur rominonlv harj tlw- f all ha if ih ir pluc hut tlwr l a time and a plate for uw cilm quiet liuln lakiiiu cfin ui rut ion or hit little courlt ic ihut uw world l iu daiiti r uf lori eltlnu tiltojtuwr tnki time to be human it doe l require much a the hour are count ed and it help u lot ju t to taivd still 8 lltth vvhke for n talk when you think you can afford ll lea i can it be uuu human nature l loo much otkanuwd to permit of real humanizing influence rery da juv if own club for nven and womn tlw won t or lont meet with each rther with tlw rult that there criou drifting aiiart man of uiem have nothing in common becanjj uw wxm t in t ere t iletnv ahns in wliut uw otlwr half of uw farrll cyirtilmct is intern led 111 0dniun of omeboil lm l alaa quoted and tapoil and apultl more uian tlw opinion of lw i head of each liouliold b ea ouwr neglecting uie little things nearest at liand and admiring uw great ex plait of amebod ut a dltance or some oraanuatkm that i going to re form un world with uw aid of all laws of uie land ln grooa uw great eil of modem crimes if people would attend to live little courtesies lo uie human obligation due from one to tlw other to the thinking of all the good they could do if uwy wanted to rattier than carchlnft about to find out all tive xarvdal uial people roll around in their cheeks uirre wxuildnl be lialf uie need of uie clulir wlvo want lo re form every bail bul themselves ttiere would be human courtesy all the y or round people would grev t their neighbor- with a smile and if thu babit iirevuiled a iwrson might get rid if hah uie 11 l tie complains of und ae a lot of doctors bill for about half uie alltnenl of uie human famll are poslbl uie result of chrcnie lrouclw h that iieople nurse to theli own heart dont wail for orders from your favorite club to be human or court- eotk make it a -ea- round pracuce and ou 11 not be loin in discovering uie great truui that being human to every bod whether llwj rv m your latum or lift or not l the bet in ve tment ou ever made and pays the ureate i dividend- chauiam news uorlor i uiluk you must be drink lug loo much coffee try drinking a ubfilt uie lnttteijl your advice i hiwrttmius uocioa ive lived in boarding iliotki titr ince x lelt luim yoars ago owelty ta uaralars new paper makhig announcements of uie mom tlw overlooked hi making ttu robbery frund oull oon lorii her and be liapp oka in jilted suitor oil no i van t iye bought too much for iwr on uw in talmcut plan new advertisements cfaaalax wwaaiac kaibia- ucas and ladks moiu and 0r- ooatx cleaned prwubd fopalrod i allexbd al mou iraaoahbia pri- huptmani cijiiag uul iptfwainjt agent for wlita cfeautot pboaa 3rt itwlna st georgetown aavd chyuiinir wlu b callad for ivevent fureft by uiug s1hje ds toot remover destroys alt boot troaa slow and furnace pipts chinineys s boiler lubes ic dote not damage pipes in any way lurtacuons on every box irioa per ihx iq fully tasud and aiiarowd writtor anply t j tfasou afutu street oeorgoloan io out ihomnt at tention u wood for sale choice hardwood uattu ajad batch ulxad aoft wood uoat ratateabht prices aptily jack tou wwoa xlw ooriolowo trucking cartage all kind at mhny don tw ftifc ly aud nuomaoy y o trtiltm wood for sale chub ikech kad uus at iu do cafd uiud kudu tru taw durd ulmd wood u4a w ob j bkanukofco jtistmrub in tant tow nucs iu ku at autouatkv iww h4c corns uaoraairh castor oil- for kby ti tluaay isjummli haj itlv l a w lkiiu llj buhh minti uin ih 1a mmul uiua ui jul tita ur ltta- tualaia lii tor ut cohoowtm- fcj kjito al lily ul wu wl ptu itu wy l ktlun xinu fall to ia4jvj aay t4ih ur tliuj- t robbs drug store 7 less ash more heat itfrsolutiofts regarding your wvottrv va n now id order thovuncls ol families are gla that la tar irry resolved to use onrf hmco cole in ineir furnaces they arc bade again as customers this year jecau- the y vex their homes wanner at less cost iiv your turn now wont you try a ton of the modern fuel- nuifie bcienti- fically every day in the great haroco oven- ak hamilton t these are some of the advantages you can count on i lower cost per ton and per beaton 2 more comfort in cviry room 3 quicler heat in the- mormngs a less labour because lighter on the shovel and fewer ashes to carry out s no dussoot or gas hamco coi imiu att yo tkh ntk immj mth hamilton by product coe ovens ftfii twit mat ust li ifctiita limited hamilton canafj ham coke sold m georeetown by w h kerilner a son j e marjcertbe arson- ritckie a agar arfon iraslcvgttts covtftolajtt surrly on oj1t- i llijnsc rtes alrcondltioning of pasnger train oiheraung on canadian national line- w ill be corkadembl extended before the opening of the next summer ea on it hj tated toda b ofaclal of uw national syum with ai- proiilmalely me hundred add tw-entv- ftve airconditioned units now in niieratloii including pullman car operating on acnadian natlona lltrw invder contract thl ten ice ias bvn rnol popular with winter and um mer travellers alike all experiment with aircondition in the united stales have been closely tudicd and uw best feature adapted for u in the ytem tnr tailed on canadian na llonal cars tlw result lias been tha both the travelling public aiul c ir department officer liave found tlu equipment ma t satljactan lu ilt operation alrcondllloning emliroce- mnn than slmivly cooling or heating the air wiuiln a car tlie proper circu lation of correctly- tempered air t the principal requirement tlw problrm of car builders lias been to prm id uie correct amount of freji air in proper condition a- to boui tempera ture and humidity the airconch honing equipment in ue on canadian national cars proi ides a iilentilul sutiply of freli filtered out uie air controlling uie weather factor iiul maintaining balanced comfort with in uw moving vehicles rtesh air from ouuide the train i drawn into the cars h ivowerful fin ij m fir thm i h i flit r which nmm all du t pollen and other imp iritu tlien tlw air lia e over ti at m rr rmuin unit iccordlng to the out uie temiwrature properl ttinpem it u then forced into uw mr replacing tin u jsx air which i drtimi b tan throurh an cxhaik vent luuiv d ui run rol or the freli air u 1 i i i iturr- in canadian na- lionu ur c m huaiicd jeepmg cars tirh imtui in i room tva an indlvl d il air mli t w itch can be opera t t in h ki nv r to control uie air ip in irh nianm r uiat ur til ix m iialixl in club lo ii in i nlitnatjnn car fresh air i di t ihutrd ilinvu uw cars trod u t in i rrllthv some of thfase duct an- combined wttti the luthting ilxlurc otlwr arv curate ouuets i d mil in o aninted to prevent ir it i id u provide an even circu- it lun of ftl rvl ur tlimukh uie cars thi ur a mil n uml m equliiment on oui niian sitioiuil traitv functions uirruikliniit the v ir in umrner u hikii uhn heat and du t with in i in wu mm in winter ll is io 1 umll ut providing an even timjwrium u hn n draft and div- ctimlnrt tlw wamied ireiji air en- teiuu ik car conilitinning units au- nui t th iloor luatm tem and n inn un a t tier iialanred tempera tire thro i hout hm or jvort jour- dvi iil it nniii traveller- to be inn if tlu o ite t improvement in ir n tr el n to ut vtarv alr-con- dili uuu of prin ijkil pa ciiler trains 1 i i u t tiv j f ir as uw can adian national system is concerned it war laird today by c w john- ton general iwssenger traffic uan- afcer rf tlw national system alr- conditionlng etiuipment is being ln- tailed in many units at present ui uw ivops and uie laf program wilt ee uw number of units greatly in creased accilttcnt- anj cohrntation uvdck tll woucmcn comrcnsatlon act the figures for the workmens compensation board of ontario for uw elr ltt how a total of 61b3 accident- reported durlnglh yer as compared with sttsw during lak and is uve largeru number since itoo when uie total was s7 tbe fatal accidents numbered sts as combared with 147 during 133 the total benefits awarded during uie year amounted to wr3j6f 15 as compared with wj 141 13 during ldu uw 1m tbruros being made up of mmjit9 compensation and tl tttsoijfi medical aid taking a basis of s60 working days tlw average dally benefits awarded amounted to tulsm requiring an average of fi3 cheques per day the average number of new einimi re ported dally increased from 15 in 135 to 506 hi 1uc tlw accidents reported during de- ccmbar uumbarad s444 and ihe bene- nt awarded amounted to 6x12a33a tlielr age l about the only thlnig women attempt to conceal uwse days the georgetown heralds for readers of this paper tfltlefids i wa ar cemtunang out nwsrapr wtck tlis httm grwh limjiiiiis ofurt te tkctl you cdn rcatbta rsnvarltauscnd mf injt on this rmri reading either offer permits a thoko loi notch nu wnh our popr nd rsirdul of your tucgaa you mil toy rit a bortin- you get this newspaper for 1 full year choose either offe oaour a mbdaasi4lab d d a mmsbmm a fahrkailty a hrofcaitmat d hhrjfhtintwujflilusl 3 its d caaratmr 1 yr o cat hsrtfatari aal hks i yr vour m isssssa and 3 mg magazines ip- special offer n2 1 tugume rtw grotr i micume rttaj ctoar ibat tkbhwaua ktacua as cm ifcitbawi a haw oour lfctrtj kwf u teats twsav lisjkai trajhrt sliiii w 1 v 1 1 x 1 your rcwsrakk anoihq magazines ccntuutmi i tmclou hjeasc uxo uc rjofftn wa uukixicofffiimaxi auctttck- 1no ihc uagxukiu dcs1ke0 wllh a ycaks sutscwk tlom to you rakk hxui st ok tfd toww and nlovlnct