1 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december lat 1937 page 3 keep your animals s rv t l d to o c o m d i t o rv pearsons i in what on h one m w your hem are awe laiaaowfc n tt fcniahr of fcer feaa when aiilaaala and pcautzyara ridden by mnndn tbaa dibd l o hnwimw raanaaa hiw british itni ife b inu that it le poselhle to ksap hn- stack la tfc top oondldon all of wuwil sprn r ecfeattacafiy j i einarlus for naaay animal alldaants twythm 9 good for 15 rays ohly altar thaappaaranc of tnlii tbls coupon entitles you to reduction on tb regular price of any of these muse get them from your nearest dealer maccormacks drug store georgetown ontario expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repairs to all make georgetown phone 11 lane block tested recipes a1tlk salads whether frh dried evaporated or canned the apple is a wholesome food easily prepared attractive and palatable at all times there is no waste in a good apple due to the largo amount of pectin contained in apple juice it may be used in otoer frulta to give a consistency to jims and marmalades and even the par- lnsh and the oorcc of apples may be utilised ror jelly the following re cipes are taken from the bulletin canadian grown apples issued by the dominion department of ajrrlcun ture this bulletin may be obtained from the publicity and extension branch of the department at ottawa free on request 4 baked ap- kalad bake canadian- brown apples until tender stuff the centres with nutsf and raisins and serve with salad dressing or whipped crcam afrpotkalaj cut- in dice half a pourid of cold veal or fcsork and two large canadian- grown apples add two chopped pickles one tablespoon of olive oil one tablespoon of vinegar salt and pepper 10 taste and mix with ma yonnaise dressing 4 apple salad scoop out the centra of bright red canadiangroun apples so as to make them into cups put them into water contalnlnc a utile jtmon juice until ready to be filled mix equal part of the apple pulp with celery grajie- rrull and crenm dressing pill tt apple cups giirnimi mid serve 01 lettuce leaver brazilian salad rcmou mclns and seeu from white grapes and cut in halves length wtf add an equal quantity of canadian rroan apples pared cored and tut in small jjleoes also add khredded fresh pineapple and celery cut in mnll piece then add of quan tity of j3raxll nuti broken in pieces mix thoroughly and cuan ulth lem on juice moisten uitly mnvonnaikt dtvssttr famk snutads cream drrsstaff yolki of j crcs 1 tabejioon migur 13 teaspoon salt 1 truspoon musturd pepper j tablesjioons vinegar j tableikmnls butler j cujinre 1 cup ere i m uhlpptd iiuu thit k bt it 1 add iin imvij mil r butt 1 md st tusonln cook over hot uatt r stirnn coasun 1 until thick and smooth cool brut tn r npptxl crt mi jim belon it ii the following taken from the ii- rrvcombe chronclle and north devon new england refer to mr david howell who lived for some years on the nerval road and was well known in this district there may be towering skyscraper in america and our cousins in the slates may call the atlantic a wiu- pond but they cannot and any strawberries in uj3jv to equal hi size and quality thosa grown at combe martin two yrrvao some ameri can staying ntlcoagx martin were given a dcscriptiariof shammick- shlre strawberries they gaped in credulously and said tell us kn ottier one do just to con v wee them that truth is one of the typically british virtues mr david j howell of berrynorbor organised a strawberry competition at combe martin it was a great suc cess and so was laflt years event the american sceptics now ullentf- ed began to believe that in compart- pn with three ounce strawberries thb statue of liberty is not so won derful after all the sunday prea gave combe martin strawberries some excellent publicity indeed it was stated thut it took seven bites to eat the prise- winning strawberry which weighed six ounces a little elaborat ed perhupjbut nevertheless publici mr howell as the result of the publicity afforded combe martin strou berries received many inquiries from all parts of the country as to how theu gnnruntuon berries shout d be lfuun one of the inquiries came irom a iui ulleld as kenju and tin corresiwiitkui mr a ii a sttjiuy wrote i am n grower or strawber ries hen and uould like 10 huve somi particular of tills coloual strain 1 shall be exirenieij gateful if jou uoki cumiiimticate with the pro ducers mul inform me of the name of the uirlely plants could be tent by airmail and uould arrive here in ilvr dajs liiey would act us an iidvirtlsemrnt of your locality as all the inhabitants oikenja will be keen to knou uhere the came from re great number of vuitort from here to london would make a- point of visi ting combe martin for kenya has u goodly numb r of devoitsjiire people tea for every taste salam trr examine nor big stock ot xmas gifts now ready watciifs oss to m300 diamonds tm to wa gold binck signet has o jibja wedding unos l gold birtiistone ungs zja suveubings wu stone mta compacts lie i- lojso military sets 10 u vim ivorv toilftware uju to smm leather goods wallets uc to 11 m mxv pvrses he u fc cigarette caheh iv to ycoo lighters u to ts kcarf mm colul pina tw finn waldnaan calf ubiu mm brooch neokmjl earrincn rrabclcu ivory clorkm alaraa cloclaf manila clodu thermoncurt etc etc boxrm laictrlr cormpondence cmrosi xmu new vcr birthday and everyday cardii maylnf card gantftf monopoly tock kxcluthj big five bakatrlle domlnoetf cheekerk chem crlblwti hoardm and fk xmas decorations for tree and walls llnvl illnoka rone uelu tana and kralf wreatlu 8truu etc etc large assortment of toys at reduced prices hintons gift and jewellery watch and optical repairs georgetown humanitarian service an i lectrlc il do ice designed tn limit alterdmnt r u aklng to un minutes lias twin insuillid in knt fin land it oniimvs of u inrue fact ultli a proliiiflnu toniu hich uumi he mmalt i begins siaris nio inn after i iht minuti om tl the t ulnks a uirniiu und if tin jm akt r nil minuts tht appintus ulwi rcom into dumgneis nt r m opjyirt mil o juh h ttttl out t inbirr is m m your eyes n muw thrflfws the ki ink ii mil ik out nit w fr itlnhaawotairtrtll hfh electric arc welding hudsqn and terraplane sales and service grays garage phone 113 georgetown i ii hrid ilickuards one unit i m u ureenhorn ouiir fillou nt i jol ils suitchmun in t ratloiul ml wht n he wuit to wirk he knew ail tin siun ils that u switch- ni n had to mu o tin i nuineir ol the sviltrh imine but lie lorvot out of thtm lie minuti to sjinial ht t nclneer to trick up but to nuw lis lift hf couldti t n nn mbt r tht iniei slirnul so le ran to tht enuif nd yelled to the tnmtir ii mimer m ahead batkwarls now ui in iiurhk r i nn r i in wn oi s v u t n ir own nmlili to headaehel tired drowsy frehni at symptoms of eye strain we perlallie in a horoujh eye examination 18 years ejfprleie for glaves of qt ai1tv that lke coirtfort for glasses m a reaunulile price consult o t walker ro oitometrist fveslgilt srfcilist brampton nho k at itoilus drlg store georgetown the aacond wrtlnedav of eirry month or you mav contain o t walker at tits oblce in kramiktoll inikiiiiiiikiiriiiriki anothrr venuon bnrntli the sprvndlnk clu stunt trro the illaue smith he uiooas no nas lncc 1033 has bisen to him for shocvs gems rhom lifes scrapbook frea8urra rlchca hr richest uho 1 content with the i for content is the uealth of nature socrau walks in the direction to- wardj which he looks and where jits trauurer u there will bis heart be alio if our hopes and affections are tplrituaj they come from above not from beneath and they bear us of old the fruits of the 8plrit mary baver eddy much learning shows how little mortals know much wealth how little worldlngs can enjoy young wealth is not his that has it but his that enjoys il franklin to have what we want la riches but to be able to do without is pow er o maodonald no man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger- it is the heart that makes a man rich he la rich according to what he is not according to what he has il w needier sm mpi1 canada has ordered eighteen of what are probably tbe fastest bomb lng planes in the world these planes will be able to fly with- a complete load of bombs from 40 to ao mjui faster than the new transcanada planes the bombers of monoplane design are being built in canada by the falr- ehlld co after the designs or the successful british bristol blenheim military plane that flys at 3m mpjf with full load the power used will be two bristol pegasus motors of 050 hp each and the ships will have a cruising range of 1000 miles with a normal load even with this load there are few pursuit or attack planes in the world today particularly in the countries that might be interest ed in doing so that can fly fast enough to catch these flying arsenals while these are being built on a costplus contract it is expected that out total expenditure will be bout ujmojms catmthlf maa easy ihiuosmaa how did you get up that tra- tramp amt you got no senser j kat an it whan it was an acorn grapefruit 6 marsh seedless nlee slss 25 leal lettuce larga hat llottfia m t ca turnips 5 lbs real uble aal- a- tty waxed a treat mj for your dinner f grapes 2 pauuula dellcitmu aiwuty swt 19 oranges navels la 29c doz celery tomatoes sweet ptftatoes apples easifirst or domestic shortening nbpk 13 carrolls limitbd new cut peel christies biscuits j ritz table figs i cowari ecohowkai cocoa mij 2sc kltovtk cututd powder 23c trrt candied red for fruit cakes lb 9c five roses flour cr 24lblu 105 b large eggs for your cake 33c carratt tea j 1 33c m 9c fmily baaj molasses t con gelatine pt 15e carrolls the best mincemeat yellow corn tomato juice 2 15c country kilt 2 lbs 23c 7 pearl o pg- soap 5b19c quickest l suds oxydol pi 21c sll w kii i chsie and sanborns oro s ivory soap oxo cubes q vi ussle 2aaas11e biscuits 2 lb 29c coffee party cream short sandwiches aox 10c ox 23c pw 36c sunlight soap 5 ba 28c sw4 iu ivia eimii calav ichlet soap 3 16c st croix castile soap 25c akssc carrolls l m i t c ssffl free delivery 3 v