fpa6 tested recks y about i pswaaaa for tils iw ta te there at no u mao raattny aawjoabat it the holiday aeaata tbe miaimrm imhiii bate ue i auuihttw sjsanolkg of the occasion ci amis whether adults or ehdnren are anre to be delighted when a tray of individual loa cream planed on a ally ascot kven plain lee cream which hi aold in a variety of flavours ii i ii ah- when innn u i by the atuk purtsattnn berrtce do- satnkn department of agriculture layer of sponge cake 1 inch thkk en white uhbapnnm butt or letag soger board with paper and place te in centre wnmnai lee cream cake waving about 1 inch of wt beyond brick on all t cover ice cream and cake with i of whites of etas and brown nihkl in hot oren to fo sap from paper on fiah and serve at once sprinkled with ihredded co- pun in two mil with lee cream replace tops ban with chocolate butterscotch of trait lance cap batter 1 cap bread flour 1 cap boiling water 4 egg tintuiii add bolter to boilinc water when netted add hoar all at once stir over the heat until mixture leaves the of saucepan ooal one at a thaw beating weu alter each eg- te added csilll wacebytmatt tfnw on battered 7naking sheet ta y hot oven 3t5 i f- a t t or until free from saaee r ounces squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup cold water a cups sugar pinch of salt jablespoons butter 3 tablespoons butter 3 teaspoons vanilla melt chocolate in water add sugar and salt and stir until sutar is dis solved cook 5 minutes add butter and vanilla serve hot fjwai with see cream shape ice cream into ovals wih tablespoons and place between two meringue shells if desired top with whipped cream use any flavour of tee cream to suit the colour of the meal etc whites v teaspoon vanilla lit cups fruit or fine granu- beat egg whites until very stiff add twothirds of sutar very gradually and continue htwr until mixture will hold us shape add flavouring then fou in reaaalning sugar shape with spoon or pastry hag and tub on wet baud covered with paper bake in a very slow oven 15a de- lr about so minutes anoic ctunksa may scoots details of the heroic work done by cnhw boy scouts at rawghi and elsewhere in china have been hinted at hs press deapatrhm and news reel tiam n scout bureau at lon don reports more fully as follows despite the grave danger of bomb ast as and around fttng rtilnjfff bay acouts carried out their scout efangation to help other people at all usees then- mlm in the hospi tals and other places can be looked upon as nothing less than heroic and under the inevitable danger they still persist fas carrying on ra after high explosives had been dropped on shanghai young scout began araiililug tor the the slightly injured with huprovtaed from blood- plies of nrt jjvj tt as stretcher bearers one of thews yewag- boys performed task from which many a grown kan would have attrunk- a lift in a building had been halted between the ground and heat floor as the explo sion ewt ob power blood streamed tree the cage the door of which bad forttr opened by same injured was run up to the cage but smt too msl tor u a scout went up iniii- he- tor what he saw then threw down a let ftued with blood and she grmwomn task of re- u early mnrnsng hethiae raid pvrhttachtag vu- fcr twenty sunutaa was another ed ta which boy boonta polios and other charity worker rushed to reaom the wounded tha rteatruotlon y a wide area and up to a of volunteer were still fat mrtrvwung the im mm iii in ijr at kg ohowaccuao was going i in the wwanrtd dav- trjet had aaany chilians were killed bnortty attar uu said every avallabb rmnn and boy scoot with thaw who had received era enmmoned to to reeeu the wottnd- tistt gesystavurn huarl wcjnearjay evening dcwomber 29d 1937 i eagles view of rio for cruise members 1w awl lilfiimtk fotbebutvi bruce county win start ataxo of a ijdooucre tract in amahe iwwnshlp sooth of vtlarton- options already taken on sob acres of land wul be increased by thepurchase of another 500 acres nfthind to thai township is oia the most aut able to the coantry agrlcuhnial ooasmlttee of the county council under which this ctam of work votves baa been insu to obtain the addjtkava acreage and report in january on the matter f a county forest for qreyjwa rested to the county council in the of the t fw mr- etcolaanrw report which an option had been taken and the nejlii that the council take up the option if the property to nhsxlg township is approved wy the pputaaent of lands and itarests mearty suajbos trees were planted this year under the sbnoae county reforestry scheme which hi apouaored by the county council report stated that ua acre had been purchased tor reforestation purposes during the year the largest tract pure was- in tossorontio township acres at 5jo per acre two tracts of mo acre each were bought fas mespra and sunnldale townships al and 4 respectively seed grain saggeai far sahag at sttt the ontario department of agri culture has just completed a careful survey of the seed situation for the spring seeding of lftsjc this survey kui i there li n suhicient oats and barley in the province to look after the ins seed requiremenis provided of course that every farmer will immediately have the best of his grain cleaned and set aside for his seed uany rarmers appear to think that because their grain this year is off colour and a tittle under standard in weight that it will not make nut- able seed but tests already made show that when this offcoloured and un- derweight grain has been thoroughly cleaned up to a 50 cut in some in stances good seed was secured which germinated as high as s0 if this work is done now the cleaned out train can be used for feed with this in view the department feels that if ontario farmers follow out some such policy there wilk b no great shortage of seed next spring they will have seed of known variety and origin and will not be obliged when spring comes to buy unknown seed probably at very high prices or use weedy ungennlnated feed grain many farmers have a fanning mill of some description which with a lit tle repair and an extra screen or two will dean grains the correct screens of course are important and should any farmer be in doubt the depart ment will be glad to furnish this in formation on request where farmers live within driving and trucking dis tance of power cleaning plants that have securers and carter disc ma chines it will pay thenr tohavetheir euaiftiiftr done at one of these plants what is more important is that ou farmer start now so that the clean ing and germlnalng can be done prop erly and not leave it until a spring rush develops oermlnalton tests are slow and often more than one test is necessary for satisfactory results to make a germination test in your home put a piece of blotting paper on a plate with just enough water to keep it damp spread a definite num ber of seeds say 100 on top- of the hlnttlng paper and cover with another piece of blotting paper put this in a fairly warm place about room temperature w degress pahj keep ing the blotting paper moist through out the test at the end of six to ten days if it is oat barley or wheat count the healthy normal sprouts not just everything that sprouts and from this calculate the precent- sg germination should you destr to have this ger mination test made by the domin ion seed department than it will be necessary to send a onepound sample of your seed properly labelled addressed to dominion seed branch m oother street toronto for all samples in southwestern ontario from and inrlndtng ontario county sflwsrwa and parry sound districts for eastern ontario all the area hast and north of the above hm una should be addressed to domin ion seed branch v building ottawa wuur himaasg at cbleks ttst poultrysaaa with proper equlp- aaent eaa handle chicks in midwint er with as utile mortality a with april chick be may not get as high preeenlage hatch as later on but even the hatehabillty of egg are higher priced to start with then it will take more fuel than with spring brooding but there i more time for looking after chicks there may be leas rtumin and mortality broilers will catch a high market and pullets should be laying early in the tall or even in late y when egg price are at their peak of course if many started hatching all their chicks in january the higher price for broiler and egg would be d out and chjok hth u 1 other season would find the best market brooder house un noted for prolonged aero wcllii and the higher price for chick win n the number going la for january chicks wmhiithalsai there should be toed return for the few who do and they can prolong the ua of thatr wupment a thow who have jan uary chick usuarty haw another batch fas the spring so as to haw it eosnhsf into production at rent eeasona january win goon to rang warty to tha aaaun or saay be for the laying pan aboard a tansy itoar wtu go a fcagoy crowd of winter crsueetour- lata next january wbaa the can adian pacific liner fmpraas of australia head south from new york january is ou a west in die and south america crubja the glamorous llln city that was- named rio de janeiro be cause its harbor was discovered lo the month of january a tad tnls- tlrw fnr ilie mm claims that the hsrbor is the world most beautiful certainly other port would have in show much to rhal this claim and there is hardk a doubt that the euiorrks of australia crulso pas- o tf a ri ihenta haa tha height of tha lofty coreovado a saoaaiaia jat on which ataada a auga figure of chrtad from that nunmlt pao taasoear the tamed loaf member of abore exeur- aioaa will hare an oagwat ay view of tha dry and harbor thrilling fat itself i the ascent of the sugar ivhu by aerial cable- ear in two ride tlret to tha half way station on penedo de urea the summit of the conical surer xjomt ttaelr beside these two e there are other trips arranged for the fiveday that the lovely mountainous region of tuoca and the mountain residential section tswsvm a a party axosoraionto wajoy the uxntlo bightufa bio la not the only port of cell on thht 1 1 ilia barbados grenada sal jamaica are island that will b vianed during the ss day trip who cm the marnlsad of south america ijs quadra venaxaal will anarw wjth wo the artantvaw of tha tt of attatrallaa passenger who will be back h new york eat vabruary it pictured jsbova are the theatre municipal al mo a view of bota- fogo bay from the coreovado hlecar aaeaadtng tha latter and the empress of australia tha druumtshlp that will visit mo hsrojd had taken his girl to lunch and she had spoken to a very nce- looking man at the next table haroldis that msrra friend of yours girl yes harold well why dont you ask him to join us girl cooingi oh harold this is so sudden harold whits so sudden k girl why why hes our minister gerald did you ever put vour overcoat away in moth balls to fceep the moths swayt harold no i put it away with three gold balls to keep the wdf away tourist how much are your rooms night clerk from u up to 13- tourist how much for all night the georgetown cafe serves only the ch6icest foods special new years turkey dinner 50c we invite you and your friends to dine with us best service reasonable prices happy and psospestovs vfw year to all george chong proprietor main street next door to wrights butcher shop georgetown a big special reader5 g l 7 ri giv yourlf and your family anjoy- matrt and trtoinmnt tha whole yar by salactsttg ona of thata spacial offarsemhar otfar parmit a choica of toiojwiia3aunas tegafthar with this newspaper vtt choose ottck ofteft j mkuzines fiom twsust turourmo1 dcmaitlaac 1vl ntiaul mmtmaflmu lat dcswsttum aacsuawt 11 d rttltowlm wl twftkt aft domutim itc doaawlltcillfttteaub its awwam aihnuh let ttmttitdl raawrtr iftuauhc dta htub rot mts a itt ihm in law mate ltl yoiw alfspamsk atwdlbto 1 hjkgjkzic mm mm a 1 unaum not mm i rojra aaumhtc iff glutwiul home ttwtlty 1 tt umaaum muum 1ft nntwat kvltbtlaaw ttmutim itt sci1n0itieh0heiim iff hdtom itr alvascktm iff ohoukw ncsrmy iff okm ioib rot i0y iftt moaummy iff rnaxdttrltuuhsc- itr vhscbt mlswalkkt ff f your gt7 ahoswa i mat3azmu anftjaasurli i amouhk rtavvk wd eel dcrmw1 ffailt owwt ma x i am chtttatm tht maaaxwass dwshd wffm a vaaw suncurtlom to vo0 mhat iswtwtmmi scoattab wwm amd rwovwci jaa1iaalaavaaksaiaam llgjl n t7 rcamadal937i 1 ckoccraf ifarcehlng finger waving appointment phone so r 1 orimwoods barber shop and beauty parlor korval xi wood for sale cboio beech and maple at single cord mixed halls u50 cord utxed wood tus per cord v zutandvoatd mum us w gsjj for corns or callouses use lloyds thymolatkd cokn salve deaensulaeb and relieve pala with orat anpllesttms yod cant lose youg mokby bacx if 11 he paid ky the asaker ta anyone praasahng at afflee a earn ar ea that they eannei r with tu waaaerfaj new adenllne brinatallaa which thaws no afasus pralas hlrh- ry fallow w with uwyara aaauo ika lraaw and satahs gesvaanawt r salts for sale by abetwbmactnt dkug stokk ram j7 geer- tewn treasurers sale oi land for taxes townsttfjp ot k8quk8ing county of halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of igsaue- ing bearing date the uth day of beptember 1mt a sale of land la arrears of taxes in the township of ksnihviing will be held at the council oh inner in the village of stewart- town at the hour of ten oclock hs the forenoon on tha tth day af faav rwary lata unless the taxes and cost are aooner paid mkmxat i henkby given that tha list of lands fofsale for arrears of taxes has been prepared that eoptat of the said list may be had at say offlca that the list of land for ante for grrear of taxa is being xabbah ad ht th ontario csaastte os tha th day of kovambar ust tha tk day of tjeoatnbtr ttat and tha tat day of january ism and that to da- mault of payanant of taxa and lust the land will be aold for tha said taxe and cost treasurer ottos that uth day at octobsr 1mt oldoaclb ubtjc treaaaxar i t radio repairing u yearn ksjaanvasea we specialize on this work j sanfobd son uaoatokyowm mr u o o o farm worker to hiker croaking flald dtdnt you see th notlo aay- ing pedestrians alnt allowed herar biker with great iwaaamj of mind tnt not a pedestrian rim a oo oh thata dlfaatwat ton eaa