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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1933, p. 2

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p2 r rr tha georgetown herald wednesday evening jahuary iii 1933 erwin goldhams meat market 3 tutfiiinriviirfciaawr aa ji special prices lor cash only friday saturday fresh hams mi or whole 9c lb pork shoulders to roast 7c lb streaky side pork 7c lb loins ot fresh pork loc lb pore pork sausage loc lb choice breakfast bacon 13c lb porter house beet roasts 15c lb boiling beel 6c lb erwin and goldham splenfid addnu phone 1 georgetown your e e by o t walker dosc cyealab brunrfarj who wdl be at walaona drug store georgetown the second wedneaday of every month mows wawosm eaoo ifou mm arroorrinwr or r ur n ill o v w1lmss at u oak to tii for 30 oenta you us uufihnft ibout 100 milea by ntsmtm ui any one call stailon- tostatlon after bw tun see list of hiu a front ci directory thats great bill well sure be there id give an eyetooth to go into the dry and ice that hockey game to morrow njghi fred uid hue wed never get watt why not g bill on long dj- tooce hilda suggested perhape b could get you teat today by george ill try it fred agreed two mlaatej later be bid bill on the line bill out only could but would and whit uore he had a leat lot hilda too i tiltljnjoy that game hilda uid afterwards u certainly obliged to bill and glad we have a telephone effective january lit 1033 all our price on parts and accessories and labor are materially reduced in some caaea aa high aa 30 here ia one example au 4 cylinder can grind valve inrludfru refadag valve and valve uei with apadal aqutpnsenl clean tfatrttm data carburetor adjutf tnnlrig check battery and light former price waa 800 now only 3so price on all other car ia proportion speights garage 4 brake specialists ptaooe 2e9w geoffvtowti r- r t- i i by dr horwoe brulairi ow sauwicirax rmjtoxoe a uomxl and ottuoaokjat qusttttlow thar wa a fair ejidtafio at the oratory theatre ut sunday after- mhni dr ilorac brilleln dtcln of th ctllsww ruihkb burjj of oaj5- ado iw an addr a that very timely topic th mgnifctwrthit ol a uunlcipaiuy the speaker said in part th dlf- thou btlkani running a corpora- uoo and a privet company u uiat th profit of a corporation epper in more eucwct and hwtur service while th profit of a conjpany appear u dividend whan a corporation sou la lb bol th tax or ralaad when a coapny go in th bo- th stock holder haw to put up woe money to carry on uen of brain and cbarcur should b fcuud la run a puhbc wporujo and tbwe should be no h u a town like aortown twrywdy contribute to th support of ton in on way or another if council r lk privet toajpanle and had to bihi cuoclu out of their own pocket lhw would b frvaw twwli and uad iomtncuaty thf alwuiad b a ibut u th d6lat of tauevuon vu it tui iylag trr iiur-a- lnj t ad th touuirtputy ttuw in cu kbould cohdurt uk af- fairt u id thhr own p1ax bualm and not tnnd htymvj th rruu 6f th munlcipauty if idany twin had uwd durrrtlon in thtr rnllal pindllure wy would na b in th pom ion thfy ar today with uwl fulur buvtaaacd owrhrad utt b kpt at u krwt thr mum b continuity of pollry aad that policy ahould b baud on th tuvd of uw comirmolly a a who ttwf aluwtd b plannlog of futrtnt and caniial stvnduur and ttai4t ahould b sad at bfstnnlnj of ji bilon any aup 1 lakn in canttai apddl turr th eay and maani ef financing vhild b oaialdrd tint uunldpal ftnuu u a boraj and nllgunu qura- uon and it u tarusuwat on th pop to uurt thfsuflvaa in it- a bud- gt tncludlng aalaru wa aup- piud ooulpmrnt c thould h tt up and aatl ahould b cut down by contldrtna th nuru of ii iusl th council ahould hav atataoudt oxh month and uur eoud b no scut for a daflclt at th cod of th yx admlnutrativ machlnrry ahould b aa almpl aa poatlbl wilb fw oparau paria th fawar cara- mlttau th utur au ar nacaauary on th bud i- th numhtr of da- panaunta thould b kept down oa raor dcpaitmcnia nuan more e patu to the taxpayer bpand only in amount of money you know you ore abi to cotuct unified managa tnant u the only a way to t th bati aarfvlc for th uaat uonay in any munlclnautjr a number of juuiona u oakad by raupaycr and anacrd by dr lirlualn it waa th baat maattna yt bald under th auapoae of ooretown orum and th apaoiar gae a whole lot of valuabl infonnauon to hla audlanc in moat lntluant and rlfaiing nrff on motion of ur j d oodfrey a baarty vote of thank waa tandand dr urlttain for hie able addr john v tfloktab dcad the pelawar ladaer of kawark u a in ui uuu of dae xlrd ha th following rrgajxtlng th death of john k thomaa a natlw of oaorgatown who left har aom forty yaan ago ur thomaa waa a vlattor in town lost aummar and will ba rtnwmbtrrd by many of our older dtlaana th recant death of john 9 thama la wilmington will be great ly regret ud by all diuwareana and othera who ociioyad hla acquaintance ur thomaa waa a cttlsen of th on eat typ and a achoiar of th moat progreaalve achool of political thought in party politic h waa a dacnocnt and hla democracy waa fundamental ilia iturdy tndivlduaiam hit poaluve character and hla deep tntaratt hr th welfare ot hla fellowmen vwrw tnaptr- ing it la with aadnau that we jotn the horde of friend who will aym- pathlx with the family of john p thomaa tn their bereavement scour news the flrtt meeting of th year iftm opened hut wadneeday evening and the atte waa olmoat perfecl of aevenlean membera only three were abtant and it oartalnly looki aa if thle year the boya are gotng- to uka th horn by th bull and begin work in real aameat th od yar waa one of many una and down for th troop and it waa only through th ptrmveranc of th boya and the group commute that the lot george town troop remained tn action how ever th fact that there are now thra patrol each boattlng flv or mora boya apeak volume for the work done hy floouter o davla who haa been in ofiee ainoa jun lit 1033 at preeent aoordtng to cuatom the rut mrol la uadlng in tha two montha oompetltlon which will com to a eloae on jan si ivrhana alnce that will be two patrol tnatead of on aervtna refrehmenta certain mem ber of the itoxaa will get enough aandwlche eaka etc to aatlafy their modeat appauta which up to the pretent hai never been acoompllahed the ueaver patrol wilt b tn a poal- uon to put up a good right in the future line they no have alx membera including one aecond claas soout the wolvea our new patrol haa done very well ao far under iu leader ooout fred armatrong pi who made a name for himself at camp by covering twentyeight alice of bread with on allc of butler thla patrol may aurprtae the reat th troop in the next competition be cause to all outward aurna they art aettltng down to work and in any pat rol thla la the flrat atep to sucoeaa west saturday the court of honour will hold 11 tint ilttlng thta year to decide on a new program of actlvl- tlei for the next two weekt all new membera or application for member- ahln in the troop will ba voted upon plana are alio being made for a soout concert which will probably be pre aented tn a few week tune g tueaybe prlday january istb t park lone fuubaoodad comedy drama in a myalery aettlng atorrlng dennla neuaonterry and hetty fitookflekt pax uovleton newa cartoon hoe co a soda fountain saturday jan 14th matinee lit s pjttr kngo a weird drama of black magic in the african jungle atorrlng waller iluium juipe velea and con rod nagel comedy dream ubuae tuea and wedneo jon lyaftd is silver dollar the eplo atory of a man who was made by tuivw and ruined by gold atarruuf brward a robuuon and babe daniel comedy rllrty aiaepwalker bflailovoy tidv traila juit d mora weeka to oomulete the ft piece aet of free dlnnenrore esquesing council omuj arodrtci ro lata waltlot etolldf avdrroot aooouftw aajuuto burarttovn jan tin lj th council auet tor th tohip t tuulnt for th ar ikxj tot j 11 ovrlofk aw and babig aub acruxl to th oath of cede took their uau aa taliomt oaoi ourrle hw w o aixu dnty l ll uullln o w uurry and m a itobuuon councillor ttw ulnutaa of uu uawtlng wet vad and eon- ruined ur cujtw id a fw bruf vudi vutad that h waa plad to b ekct- d aa head of our councu tor an- oincr year lie hopd th rrawfrtrt of coucuu would cooprtau with biu loj year a they had in lb pat w nav u k4 with probma uut have nvtr un knowu to ooaa ufor tchiwj iu uu 1iwvm9 nor hat e any uia tne piuiaiu lht 6iy iav to be twilt im btof in and ul laoj itonuimto uullln that th tvda- uitr pay hell itiiohai tvccoauu s3 11 uli 1j jii6 locaj 4i3 llydu ijuic pwser couaa unjiipton ugiiu ai counul chambtr 19 uotud kl- do oianmuuirare uofbtown ui lignt ai olo wuiiaua uw j it barijui i eort imidaocd la couill chanuor woo itaitml c uhuhv utria of late augl uciuhbi violto ita omrglon itenud pou- uii ofcfeudt to oat i11ui town of uxrbiowu to half t cwrt and uailuf t ujfii luot kfun4 tit uw pr auung iui tovai aiuf u0 c luuaru piuulil uu unii bond to end uf lft u cautted ifurray appalto trut th tv- uier pay th folkmlnj ihwp tjjin utnkl lacatcchnle i ahaep kulnl by dc t 00 1 ihcrp kuuj by dog ww total tiaw ac o uaiiy valuj gjco waluoe a lauby 1 aheep kill ed byjlu snd duncan d waldle vahiaum- kingcanvad apptlbe uurray that th traaa urer pay th treaauitr county of ual ton notpital aocounu for uoj loltuo u 11 luuuay rh and eaxhanaa ii 7 carrud uullln itujouon that th tra uitr pay the folioatng aooount for nil i uoidoit rwlow good auppjad u uclaughl n 0u40 good auppud j ll 0u 00 fm auppuad oallaghar 30 goodp auppud ucxaiugiain 11j1 good auppuad ed cauldy llool good auppjad lugo mao good auppuad l berafinl 15 if good auppuad durant m00 total 154 ui sotk by cauldy and luiaon 11940 total 0mj5 vfm ttthenk good auppud u- btlrrot ww good tupplul al vlua mm goode aup- pued lira llobarta floju total uog a w twntoa good aupoiad wa ohalbourn iiom i uawnntt good aupplaed h teinant kx44 good aup- pud e vivian lac total lja-cr- tied itobinaon uulllntbat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to ap point a cumber of the local hoard of ileajth for th year 163 and that aaid by law be now read a flrtt time cutld appalb hurray that bylas to appoint a member of th local board of lualth for th year 1wj having been read a firtt time be now read a taoond and third uaiaa and daasad and th blank be oiled in with th nam of c v bajraciough and that the corporal btaj be attached there to carried hurray apptlb that la ba granted to introduce a by lav to ap point a weed inanector for the town- ahtp of fairfilng and that aald by uw be now rean a oral timer car ried uullln itoblnaon that bylaw appoint a weed lnapector for th towruhip of r bating ban read a tuit time be now read a aec ond and third urn and paaiad and that the blank be flud in with the name of wo j bowman and that the corporate seal be attached there o canted uullln uobinaon that leave be bianted to introduce a bylaw to ap point aueuore for the year 1m3 and uurray appalb that byaw to ap point aaaeaaora for the year ukij navtng been read a orat time be now lead a aeoond and third urn and paaaed and the blank shad in with the namea of n tborapoo for ward 1 3 and i t it price for ward 4 6 and and that the qarpareu deal be attached thereto cejriad uullln itohuoo ttlot leave be grantad to introduce a bylaw to ap point auditort to audit the toenahip aocounu for 1003 and that aald by law be now read a oat tim car ried appalb hurray tfcat th bylaw to appoint auditor id audit th 1933 account having been read a flrat urn be now read a aeoond and third time and paued and ute blank fill od tn wtth the name pf walter brain and that the corporate seal be at lached thereto carried uurray appelba that leave bi granted to introduce a bylaw u aulhorlae the itead and treaaurer of the oorporatlon of- the townahlp of eaqueatng to charge the revenue of the oorporatlon to aecure advanoea to meet the current eipendlturee of the oorporatlon and that aald bylaw be now read a tint tune carried uullln roblnion that bylaw to authorise th head and treaaurer of the corporation of the townahlp of epilng to charge the revenue of the corporation to aecure advance to meet the current eipendlturea of tha oorporatlon having been read a ftnt urns be now read a vcond and third time and paued and that the cor porate seal be attached thereto carried tioblniorj uullln that irave be granted introduce a bylaw to grant pormlialon to the reeve and treaa urer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure ot the townihlp and that aald by- aw be now read a ftnt time carried appekbe uurray that bylaw to grant pennuilon to the keeve and treaaurer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the town ahlp having been read a flrat time be now read a aeoond and third timet and paued and the blank filled tn with the urm of thirtyfive thousand dollar and that the corporate seal be- attached thereto carried tvoinson uullln that this council dot now adjourn to meet on february 13h at uo pjnoarrlpd c3bain uve stock loht in uam bakn iffre mr completely daatroyed a large barn owned by william ucdonald on the fourth line of kaaueilng town ahlp saturday night and the las which la eatlmated at tsooo inoudei 13 aheep 3 calve l yearling 4 hogi 1m0 buehels of grain the season a crop of hay and a tractor the bloae la believed to have been earned from a lantern which the owner waa carrying on the premuai a ahoti tune before the outbreak waa duove6d mutoa pin brigade although noti fied waa unable to reepond and the adjoining bulldjnre wen oaved through the ettoru of a bucket bri gade which alto rmcued ib head of cattle and 9 horte from the burning bam towncouncfl laky kjuulow o 1m cct1i abbmonai out or an atabe to ruuf iflllxf me cxxjmcu afevt council of leaj held its hut tt- ing at 10 an oo uonday jam mb with uayor ukarrtil la the chair liwv cianiv and ooittatlllaf bamae cum ia ink davuu otbbona parr and tipettht praaeot uluuu of thra prvvlou mattrafc r tvd and eonflrued th flnaivui condition of th town vbl diwilaawd- ducuaajon ba ntrd uio haj- xtg rhjvtaan grant- it waa tnovxi by j olbbce and aacuubd by 1l bnu that w give an additional fernt cf tww to th ytr iirlgade making th grant aaa a lau yr- cufuj vx ataraaa cbaw atbbona and 6iuht way councuav curtvritrnl tarttmtii lb council pralauii o w dacu tvuiing councilkr for hi tooik oa lb roada during vto 1u ctaav i ur cum- mlng retnarka ur dau ju addviml tvrfirril txrrptliui with grace uw kind re- uutriu it saa huwj by a w dajl and wailrj by if cuae that the ooun tu of 1su do ow ruaur adjourn carrkd at it am th oounrtl of itu after ludacriblng to tl cwuraiin of of- hre tack their reuxtlw ptaxa al fij0 uayoi j b uukraiie iur itaroi cuav courwulor m cmtualngt a b parr j oibbon h uarnf a m- uvuht a vacancy tn ward two wui nej- uule runhr tvinatlon uaor uaxkenil apoke to th btm- brr a floe in addretajng a fw ardt to you a membera of the lj3 council i 11 mat our taak of adoilnaatrauoa of the community aflii for thla year u cot gotng to be an easy tak- our poa ilon a th tanag body for th vatlou other rommuilona and board ho axe charged with the tdminutia- tlon of the commimllya undanaklaxga mm take careful thinking ao aa not to make loo hard and unfair a bur den for th lajpayer and that tho who have inveatad in our town dwa- tuna and the employee who draw their aalarlaa from th laxa may re ceive what ta du thaeo i feel that w ore going to have the oopsratlon of the othtr apariafrg boda in raducing the auount eaadad by doing without oil the earvloae thai are not iibtoluujy nacaaiajy and by aakuig thoa who are eebployvd by the town to take tea for the tervfoe ran- deivd a w have the tame pirocnal in th council thla year i oat going to aaa you to rttain th chaimajunlna i4 the aame commltue tnat you ad- ounureo during th put yaj uj u tianaa haa ounaentea to oe choir- man ct in uoade commlti it 1 louig to uj and tulthle conuooahe kipeoaiiur la ualftand conaqubnuy wui only be ahe to keep tne auaeta wail and drain in a reawtuny paa- tanle f and uatty t wuh to appeal to you paraonaily oa uidivlduala serving the puouc and aa memoir of the cor poration council tnat you picture yourcii repreenudg the tloddwai of fuatic fowling tne tout of equality oaiween thnae who pay and tha who raceiv when uatening in on our aezpuw broadcaat and hearing word qancauragemant ficm our aung and ocher t1g men l was reminded that we are only a unit of the ocj buverrunam u in tar hung unpire wnlch would have to reduce wrpendl- turc and come through this period of adjustment wiin a amue council adjournad to meet on tues day evening jan 10th the adjourned meeting of oouncu was held on tuaday evening uayor aaacaxnaie in th chair koev cv and counculor parr ulbooaa cum- minga lurnea prejanu air uagughlen and ui v u donald mad application for renewal of uullard and pool license th matter will be dealt with next meet ing night ouowtng are tha standing commit tees appointed for the ensuing year finance c gibbon and dame street and walk barn cleaves and speight dulldlng and property olbbons parr waterworks and plre parr speight and oibbon charity light and police speight cleave and parr printing and industrta cummlngs and cleave uoved by oibbon aaconded by parr that w v grant be reappoint ed a member of the high school board for th years ibm m55 car ried uoved by cummlnga seconded by olbbons that david wilson be re appointed a member of th public library board for the yeara lou-st- 15 carried uoved by barnaa seconded by cleave that w c anthony and k ucwhtrtcr be reappolnted membera of the cemetery board for the yeara 19333433 carried uoved by parr seconded by cum- mlngi that the regular meeting night of council for 1033 be the first tues day in each month carried uoved by gibbon seconded by cummlngs that wm ward be reap polnted pound keener for the town of georgetown for the year 1333 he to provide hla own pound carried uoved by cleave seconded by parr that the clerk be untructed to order two conic of the uunlctnal world carried on motion the bylaw to appoint a sanitary inspector and one mem ber of the local board of health was read the necessary number of time and finally paaaed and w o uar- hall waa appointed sanitary inspec tor and joseph watson a member of the board bf health the bylaw to appoint a weed lnapector far the year 1d33 wa read the neoeaaary number of tune and finally passed w o uarahall be ing appointed the bylaw to appoint a taxco lector for the year 1033 waa read the necessary number of time and anal ly passed w o uarahall being ap pointed uoved by gumming seconded by name that the clerk be instructed to hold nomination to mi vacancy in ward two on uonday jan 23rd 1033 at 730 pjn and if election u neces sary to hold election on uonday jan 30th and that james kennedy be deputyreturning officer and uark clark poll clerk carried uoved try ctntfrnlnga seconded by barnes that the following accounts be passed a sargent ita i1u if uorchment ww its 18nd 1l llarchment ww its iftbo if llarohment ww ata ibm bell telephone co mun office 618 georgetown hydro electric fire alarm tm georgetown hydro electric are hall 18 georgetown hydro electric t n bit georgetown hydro electric ww ltt georgetown hydro electric power 413 georgetown hydro electric eta lights and mot light 4tf to john udooamld eoej ww wm grippe ojra town truck 13 omrwetown lutabwr co 7 7 a sz vdtrv u- ita j m ootcul jk bon town truck 3tm wm- waid court avrvtcr 460 c tnoniaaoei court srvu 400 ulw sc hymn ttejupe ww 10m o0howu trrald printing ba4 uxnsld c ueclure charity acct 7jw lurold clafidur charity acet ft 00 hiku c ulur charity axet too uo by cmve aecceulad by krr that thu council adjourn to tast on tuwlay jarr luh at pu carrird band concert tiwre waa a good attendance at th eonwrt given by the tome hlrw ucotttahi hand in th grgory theatre en banday night- th enu- talmrnt aponutd by banda- bin arthur llartri and the fouow- big dauchtful proarau ws btuib avrelatd by he prvnt god taste lt4 sqnj tund hymn oft tn unrf of i la woe hand uarch king cotton by sou band saaaphon boio hockd in tlie cad cf ui prst aundafiian h iterbvrt unndanujt by ur jo youiig voau alo by ur o wwt ac- tpanul by ulu u t wui ourwt bolo by imif- a stiri- ton arkdnnlad by ui band vwueuotv hum rinaor tstrai- turd trtt pw for april by uvp band bolo itojy cuy by band wan w ojl vocal haio by o what luujlus by tn hmnd uaifh 4uujloao by th band kowlty nuberrboaaun tte uiu turulabrfn bnepherrl udoa- ald and uagbughea acaontpanlnd by the bind overt urw lalhuh dor th band hynin th church ha on -oun- datlon the band o canada and the reguuntai uarch uf itobc bhcrwood oocupted the chair tn a wry canab e banner as prosy for ur to stone our honorary praalont who at our annual flec tion of ccmiw waa again un ly eueted honorary prfldit for 1013 cmczmm elect loeme uinxu isfottikafl hand at th annual uaetmg in st oaorgea uene club roocd c uoo- 0r algkt the fouowtag were laetd oaoer of lore hide brotuib band for leal llooorry rwkut atr 8 stone prealdent bandienen e h- ua- gaoughwa vljrluflt bancvaa wlfivd oul bnrurytrurtr bandurian wllftvd lcalkt finance commute bandsmen cyril brandford aid a blmon lahrarianesandmen llarrry king and edward balluigali auditor bandamsn ft- ii thofbt- bandmasur- h- perrotl e3tteeaatjbe3t given flentekce at hslirom charla e ryan excraaurer of trafajgar townahlp appeared before judg uunroe at ullton on uonday pfaadad guuty to thra charaae of theft of township fund and wafted the fallowing iitivo for theft of 0141140 it month detarmuiau and six month tndeurtntnat in oatario reformatory at oualph theft of tmo on year dtmlnat aad alt mootha tndeterahut theft of gill on ye deurminat and six booth indeter minate th but two sentence to run concurrent with th flrat character evidence waa given by t a ii u work it and jam waldbrook of oakvlue and evidence a to th prisoner health was given by dr steed of oakvlue d o cameron of oakvlue counsel for th priaoner askd uauney on account of ryan a tailing health and th fact that the prisoner intended to pay back the money ur cameron irajvd that corirlnseaant in prison would mean death of ryan ftirmerg knd clergy hold joint meeting beuky abbateftoefl uixirom gattaeainm om tugtolmmh a joint bulling of th hajton prea- byury of tii uotud church and the farur of hallon county wav held la uulon yesterday in bt paula united church c drury addrsd a lame audl- inv at th morning sfsuon and in th afternoon the sneajurn wie w c good of brandford and jamaa prold a uctutvr at the untvrruly of toronto wlut are th outaeka- uid ur dmry tn th vey of th solution of th probihas cf today i wntur to tay the gratet is the abywaaj ignorance of th pop la rvgard to the tarirf queatloat and raxhane tk huhltudm sr yu ridden with rary and th tou of thla vploa in th fartd shuatuw i tjjvkxn in itua tlv punhaung pwr of th popl u t17 pr oral of that of ibij in regard to itidustriauaatuui ipijb- tlcn has changed the rarm situation from a self luppcrtlng to a comswr- claj bata of rxclianirr th farm of today li pountlajly telffupporung but lr th modern tandard of liv ing th larva u dependent upon the cjty the city of courw u not wlf- vuihuvting but l largely cvpfndvnt upon itw lum the picture we see ut pfbitit u tli city untnipoyqnt and want trw country plenly but low purchalcg por ur good vdasiid lv need in all fcofttaalr rvfcftn fur prcpie to take as uwr fcino chrtu itnuiun on the uount anycne- he said wluj studi econpeojc ojw3utoru mut rvaiu tliat free trad 1 a nmriury um nt of chrlilianlty but thr are roarnllra- tiont ur iwold aakix lla the church anything to do with th economic t- uatlonr it lint poaillw to lay or christianity en sunday night uk we did th sunday clotne c had at the brgtnntng of the oepreulon the world may b bankrupt eeonomicalty but it is shove all bankrupt morally and spiritually thli la a marhln as and un u man conqoers machine the mac hine 1 going to conquer man what promote civilisation will live what tells to proeaet ctrullion will per- uh- locaj hydro cwttmieeino iind rr ntxtkiiufcv so custtail exwcnkew owkmo to bcrtctt im veaeti oruutaoie tli local hydro oonutilailoti iwld thefr first tiweung thla yjr cj kw day rvenliig ln the hydro ome uembr prancnt were kf c dayfoot j u uackkoxl and j u uooe on motion of ii c dmyfoot abd j jj uukiuu j u uoor wa clrcted chairman for tat uatura pertalnlng to th opartiloo cf tlie hydro sysuw in gorcowii plrv duusaavd at sou lenjrth and 1 riven very careful eobaldvraurj owing- to a dnclt last year and sw ln 16 j i it was found ncaary to cut doarr operating firpnas in an effort to for slall the riuing of jsla to hi ceiniumrr ll a drxld4 to have the oia- fctiilaci urvwe accounu aotwcud by ui ctov tp own uova by uilckctuiaf and treundd by bv imvlwjt that ulu ryan be en gas 1 fur jan rb and uw at a itry of 1100 per raonth- crrtd uo4d by dayfoot and sootatiad by uikid that 11 j foster be ra- enaajvd for jan rvb and uar at a tiiary of 1 pr aoonth carrwd- tlw cometl slon will rot od th third uonday in taehekoolh at pw ui th hwro oftuv umehouse the united church bunday school held their chrutmaa concert on tuea- day awning de 17th th alien- j dance was good and the program e- oeluot unloriunataly santa ciaua waj not able to b preaent a he had gune back to his bom in th north but the children were tut forgot iv on friday evening dec 36th ui and lire tk lurkpatrtck entertained a number of friends and neighbor a very jvihrr evening waa spent tn cards and 4l ur it uarthall and uu oj left on saturday to spend a few weak with friend in toronto ulaa winnlfred inns of toronto vullad with har slater ura j mw- ton during th weak at th annual public school meet ing held on wad- dec lath uf h drvereaui and ur u clea wane returned to omce leaving the board of trusts th mbit a before a number of friend and relative aluttded the f m of the late ur clayton longatraet in erin last uonday th sympathy of th com munity go out to ur fjcngatraat who spent bar girlhood day ta xjm- houae ur and ur j newton and will spent new years with relatives tn toronto ulasae ha ill and lillian thuraloa and ur nightingale of toronto spent new yeara with ura bwackhammer ulaa nelu swackhammar of de troit and ulaa uckechnle of toledo returned to their rwapectlve home af ter spending th holiday with ura jjvaekluunmer the much nded work on the fifth line is much appreciated by thoa who travel thereon we are of the opin ion that aom of th o d time methods are etui aheau of the newfangled machinery rrtrtwr elect ocrrw at the annual rue ting of a on plre ulgade neu last sk the fallow jig omcer were uctd for h33 ctibf wu if long dputycbuf if famajtum oecietary joe 1ujj treaaurer rf savlnga capl no 1 a llony capt ho 3 a jt wrr lirut no i j hhephard uut no 3 f uocartney foreman ii u d latloar asjatant fweeaan 4f ueleabtr chaplain t oirtaa uanhall t grteva th reurveoent cf chlaf m tut and lieut prwd armstrong ttuf year cf emclent service is cwpiy t by the member of the briaade they er both usd honorary taibei as th brigade ashgrove tli ashgrov young paoplrt so ciety annual meeting oaa auetlon of cttwn was held on dw kfth kupoh given by the head of the various de- pan men la and the acirtaryuwaaufr showed a very successful year bad brn spent hpaal sakare occv- sionally and well planned waittnga majjlalrmd a live lnbeat throughout rev j a nalu nduetd th ebe- lion wuh the following- rwuh prtoiint ur john bifd iu vice neaaidmt uk owwya walsh 2nd vice prea ulu lfiki grahaol 3rd vlcpeaaur joph ojvtn 4th vlepm talm klulh oufta and ur john kuddell secretarytreaaumr ur ealoa wiuon aaat seetraaa ur 3ani thompson planlsl ulaa uargara otnva asst ptanlst ulsa laabal wriggba- worth on friday rwrun jan tth tha young rvoplea society bagan thah 1033 programme wtth a social bald b the basement of th chufeh m chafv of ulsa ruth otrea and uf job ruddea the maeuf ocnad with th newly epootntad eraaitkat ur john bird tn th chair aft th sjiging or a hymn pray- by so j a neiil and aom frnrtfffa tfl- cuaston the reanalndar of th waalnm was apnt ta games motion aoago ota which had been daeaonat rated ba membera of th 4f ctub of f fiaiw u prevlout meeting at oorwt0am and ullton lunch wa eerved at th dote and an interesting aad oejo able time was spent by all ur wumott wiuoo of otuwa opeat th past wk with hla uothar ura w o wilson who ha been seriously ui ulu uargaret lush of uiltoo apant the week end wllh her cousin ilia evelyn walah h carrolls pre a mmlf22 watch whale lt4 f altgawcouiitcis of a sale until jan 19 b for 3s special f unlisted ibarpins aylmer choice quality tomatoes safi till 25 tk green valley sieve 4 peas 3 libbys pork end beans3 french canadian pea soup2 15 mclarens stuffed oyves lynn valley deatert pears2v 19 quick quaker oats is nkf me patrlco croksed fuh sardines 2 b 23 m bovril or libbys corned beef22s aulmer chili sauce 2 27 heinz tomato ketchup 15 eagle brand fancy lobster 14 mccormicka butter ttinp biscuits u 23 et grapenut flakes 2 pkf e t cranberries pt lb 22e lemons per dot cooking onions 10 lb 21e main street phone 357 2 georgetown

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