the georgetown herald wed mtjiy evening april 26th 1933 i- that lad of yours vim be well and economically dressed if yon ouwl him al brills hm u a timely ikl el aeaaftram atugeetion for bora wool tweed suits wm tr pasts to 8 to 14 yr 495 better grade euwool tweed suit with extra hrws sizes 10 t ifeyr 8j tweed caps 48c wool vneck sweaters assorted shade a 8 to m 69e golf hose spoeul 19 boys oxfords abes 1 to 8 198 doeskin vests for sport wear site 10 to 16 yr allwool sleeveless pullovers assorted shades size 10 to 16 yr blouses sixes 6 lo 10 yr a low as combination underwear black pirate pants very new childrens coveralls smartly made size 2 to 6 yrs per suit 75e 9sc z9c 45c 89c 79e d brill co cent mm and mats st georgetown pfceae 16 difkt li jm ffmt istd fusts with tee drtfij for real meat satisfaction and economy by showing it bucks f steer beef est irrfjed now weiohecatno raama oia aur roioi to vou in tbs but possible condition sirloin steak 19c lb m1s1 collage bolls peamealed bacon pork mumjikmlf setters mr chops cat fret tkeula 14c lb 17c lb 21b or 29c waffled steaks have you tried them trie natural juke and seven are fcrooiw to the surface where you taste then- j cjuahty weeea supply you we sell for cash p co j buckdever local news yrotrt hahlnf aao open ttrtt irbwvcuyr hsanlir towrtlng of totm council neat tuesday bight the too moms todsy look a if spring was reading number of fsrmsrs la iw totality a busy seeding vtmbytearuj annual sneetlrtg td lb united church totoono 3iiqi of our titvela bi town haw itmwtx greatly improved by in use of th gradvr lfclon inserting totoorrov rhuisdsy night at p- in lvaj roots k4ii4lo couneu will hold ui twit ivgular meeting on uonday usy ui u l ptt- itu drum tll landroue good m new a tergala j w- cvheul ii boa cl4-to-tt- h arts craft rd flobum rifaintt u th ami mi ytuiridey fcrj prt- dy april jrt54 txflt tnj amlng u- tc4lo to of daylight tvig time twnt uoftdajr cwofurm wuj uxt tlw flrtt of juiu t tn trviaiu lavn hlflf beottuh lund will foapw in th uuelril sttlgj utu taild u htijiod btftt rtdiy 066d luik to ou bof 0m tosvoitto tola tia d- llit tawing ub rwsi uauuy th ajto uu uiu ubu bit ua tijir 4 bv k oil p od- w il lduuauh bfoiism a afili toot b our um ua wk ihat lafuufrd altaou il u pulw4 it up ho piouihmi ci irhwv tuul jakrf sill u dr join ua mbt at ua eteawl uavr lh ullptflp ol woiv town srti la th utuu1 cnunh iwat ftindiy alunuon ffe wcfitrn lutuut 1u it th boa of uux uj14 cbav uain uiwt on w6diudjy ujr sm at 9 pa eiakuon c obura ey ualkir urgd to b pct- fitfij i bar th imia tua pjuj pcautlan thould b llio to uard asilau duaw turn pia tso and rd ihout lzau auo m th dufkuy at otulllt curts oo sauuttuy- th prlu vtnihtu at lh lonw lufka boottuh band hiiqufridi ball utt knday lujht wti ulu u hu- kio t camckuu ihtao ui ud i lira h 8oydr ulu inn 1u11 and ivmard kniht w all aird ta thu lacalu that ui aalarut of ootarla hfto omtrle ookmtulon ciftmrt should b toad public lu a public utility and shy uwxiidnt th pwpl kao shat thy in pajlo uwir ocdcialit th wobunl auxluary of th canadian lataa pol 1w tuld ruchr tau rtday nldt shrb th following r th wlflnitt w uonry j rlchardeon p ilrauty ura o jaava ura tvootu and ura j dlalr wagon repairing we can promptly repair your wagon no matter what it needs we do horseshoeing and all idnds general blacksmithing henry plows harrows etc jor sale al reduced prices j n oneill son ba personals ir hwtr winona ij toraoitf wm a vullor in iowa a kat6ody ur xiic ailm of ui tbcmaj pni butkuy wfih trijrtub ta tom ulu lolhwrj wiw tpnl ui k ub rrta6d it kaitthaa ur c oawtiuu of trwlfei apmm a lw day lau wk at ur irry tuadtfarda uuai kra and ltd tbot6fj cf twodur rr w4t cod vlaatart at uayoa uadtfiuwa ux and ur w j iuifnikt 6f uluhu innt sunday trtib ur and ura david wiwl and ur oouco apni kufievy at th hccm of thair uuhur uj arbvitrong la luilltoii ur and ura d w- bakur rtura ad hou uu w4 aftr apndlng th lntcf kumtha tn itortda uui vohl uitifh hu iviufsd tkimw aiur tfarodtag eouni ci ru lth frwfid in llauuioiv uui uartoti usjcay rj of too- to apel tb k ui wuh hr par- inu ur and ur o t uckay ura 1l tklfrwtu of twoata vuiud at th beau of hr paknu ur and ura j w uniudy during tb k- uu uawtt law h3 ctf ofat uotpllal ttaronto apwit th ad vuii ur and un sd fcbitliir ura w ii oli and daucfalif dan and wrttv apet eauw tttth ur and us k u hou ct olwlll ur llarold wvtttvioftb tad ktia wrusuavorul of toronta tuurl tlh ur and ura 00 wrliuth on tud7 ur and ura ikuah nlih ud daughter uagartt of hawiuofl v vuuor lait jk ub ur and ura ouhrt hinclalr ur and ura kuiur koi of fi- roiua vukora hh ltiulpmu uoi of th luh srjfaawf owf lh j nd- uauar can bart boa of ur and ura laufvno cwh ha texuinud besu froa bmi utavul llplul liasik tonalur a fcmttiifnj optrauts th bou of bi- oaor hald a shut drti tut k uus lb tenr wn j hobaru ura o limii ilrruift and j walters ft tfst- ttng prlh u voo by u loruao and w icnlght daju at kwvat biily tub th roung bathalora of hcnti u1 glv a dans la th pariah hall h- val oa thursday mwleg april tul uaitlnrabuay orchiatra bui aa- dmtinn floor managtr vou ar la- tud adrwuiion inc 11 dan at gw th trua aihua vu1 hold a danor in th tob bau ouo wuliaau on rtrlday april ssth uarehauot bro thers fimd ouaar orchalra will uipply th miulc jack cain noor manager dan from j0 to lunch arvd attmlation tac st ujglt ta ckiu un o it uaum haa had uou high hop tl tn twr jrwy htrd ihu year th lut tt of hrr gold mdal cow iorwardj lulajtatlon th dam of her herd air wu 14 prr otnt the tveraa hop it for th whoir hrrd t th tajnr ttnu was s3 nri ornt nrcafdl kboch- nd tra thr ororgrtowii branch of tlw orrnfrll umiral ululon arr holdtnti ihowrr and tea at thr homr of urs david wilton chaxlr ot on euturday afternoon u fllh from 4 oclock warm clean second hand clothing hvpltal luppllr and uud allk utocklng and underwear arc nordrd- pruabyurul akmaal uttng the llalton preabytrrlal will hold their annual meeting in the united church oeometowti on thureday april 3th ther wul be thpe aaatioiu homing watlnn beginning at 920 afumoon al 2 and lh evening u tjd- an inureatlng progtaaun bai bean arrangad and lh guat speaker wul b ura j if ruth fatary of th dominion board for young woman work everyone ta7ud to tiund thaa meaunga rmrfal ta and baw thar was a good aitendano at th la and aal of ham baking ta bt oorgi sunday school room last saturday afumooo th ta room which wma to chart of ura w o p thoiflnaon was vry attractlv with it pkkt foo nd itrchway of sttno vw ta ura w v orant and ura a o oroat hoant- haklng ura b walkar and ura j hail whit etophant ura p blatk- bum thaw wu vry enmw muaioal program arranbd by ura b kirk uratuooul jr woo th lucky daw for the afghan rug- dawrt aal wasrika thar was a good atundane at th town hall on uoruuy night when th lakaahora puyer of ulmloo pre- lenlad lhtr variety concart iraturtng waivoitu of living uoovu wp- rntlng thr duke of wellington uary qun of bcou lady jan gray ann boleyn nell owynn ouver crota well quwn euiabeth and filr watur raleigh all of th toodal r as cptlooatly good and th actor took their various parts apundldty a variety coootrt fou and th an- it arr all veil raratvad and calld for encore- the nurtalrunnt under the auipkaa of th w a of bt aorgs church bar w o thampaon mad a thort opening ptvh and introduced the players at the do of the program th ttaulng artist wera tnlertainad by ur i un c n voung and harry on ty ura h 1l wt four kimna- chudircd buphl ktatrvy pbyuu and barbara all of th baidt i his lttoihf caf vtctorla ho uu btaiwrl rrank of budbury bart of aworcaiowtt starwy of lonctoa kcg- land ihm alater amiib and amy of zxndoa uhuu of ottawa a ula uit uarou olry haddw ta th bault 111 farothrf krank of b bury fctuodad th funerrax th high aatmot la which h was hld ta th namuuuy was atthi ta by lh tuny uauuful floral tii- uttaa rcrd flom brwddi neigh bors and t sjm fcno uany ultcrihit khura and cards of syupathy vrr rlvd as u cons iki fom th folkrwlng hllov tn laully wreaths prank wright and family budbury ur and ura- it m klcw kutau uuubir cuy uut uarkii dlcka ut uarket oualuy uvat uaikih lluuy rvrrifr cootnany j b mw davua ueat uarkst jnrd biauui itarry taylor aim jrton suy ctobby u j h utoocald ur j baitwr ur and ua a m- wood prwincul air ircrta ahials and apraya ur and ura j ur and ura w j kogw ur and urm w langatah ur and ura brt wrlghl oaorgeuhrn ur and ura d j ucdonnsu baft oanadian company kduh and harold igwy ur and ura t- kloueruon uf ana ura j cksuuuy and edna ur and ura w j afrooultk and jan ur w j watt and family grandhlldtt ur and ura j w bottr otnada packers uaiu bod- bary branch carjda packtra bault branch ur ant ura o uoor ur- and ura ii p uroughton ur and urs j utllitamt ur and ura lursaa bton and uurl ur diwlw and fauy ur kd uasuo ur and ui- j la tij lor ur and ura a- d u and ura bt ulchael dr a u- wat and family ur tod ura il yata ur and ura w- pow- uy ur lad ua a rutuaga ur and ura a ucauuur uildd and korman uubl j- housto cards of tymsaiity ur and ura j ullcheu ur and ura p irwin icwtch pontisx balia ura lalond ur and ura p whttthou dr and ura w h ball ur and ur e j neodvo ur and ura ka u ounntngham ur and ura a utstlnlry local council of weuet the apru meeting of th loiil council of women took plant in lh library the president ura j b uackrnhe piridd corresponding ecratary uuu lutu tawton read letter of acknowledgment from ura w ncdoell and ura howatt ascr- tary of national council of women ihu lrtter containing information pertaining to the meeting of th na tional council to b held u calgary alberta from uay 3kh to jun too 1933 ura llowatt aald that u was always a pleasure to reostv lh r port and luu from th oeorpftosn locsl councu of women mr a b ran- reported for public i leal ut and child welfare a sum or money was granted for dental work on motion of council ura uae- kerul will act as traasurcr until th pall ura w nodweu wu rwetd tpaasunr of swimming pool fund ur a if pur gav a full ratvor of th bt patrick u hsld to uarcb ura uackcnai roprtd on oantral relief urs hunter very kindly offered fc homa for an afurnoon tea to take plans th latur part of otun urs il l iluu oonwaor of leagus of hatlona gav raaum on th subject wnuh proved moat in teresting resolution nartalnlnt w this mattr war anoroved and passed by council th hoaiesxaa for the day war urs d wilson and ulta uary law the uay meeting will uk plao at the bom of ura witt ptinebal op laitc psuro w wtiomr ffjs it bumf fsuuiaw th priiffipi of a lare- proportkai of broksn or bruised kernels ta ed trtu esrlouuy dserrase us market vahis and further loss is caused by the invasion of fungi after th aead is sown pall wheal and clovers have whv tared la good condition tills 1 lh report from the majority of rpre entative although aom district el ford notable exceptions a greatly stimulated interau to pruning am praying u oburved- among orchard uts throughout ontario o a c hlbltiui aa tt a party of o a o student have been guests of thomas e wilson of the wuson packing company chicago thee students ar gradu ate of ii oollegiat tnstuutee and have rroelwd th thaa e wu son bcholanhlp ur wuson for th past two years has ottered these scholarship of 1300 each to threw graduate of loodot collegiate in- uituie and to boys who are- from lh farm and still interested la agricui- tuic he is an old ontario boy wno atul has a deep interest in lh pro vince asuaaaee fa dairy the department will announce plans shortly whereby financial will be provided for the improvement of dairy herds the scheme is designed to aulst every producer of muk provided be is willing to puirhea a high grade bull of known pedigree this it l felt will help th dairyman and to crease the present low yield of dairy cows tn ontario walter t evans service protection on buunky aftl mnd uu lup- tlt mtmou ni th min 01 a iuut wjilsr on j kaubbiuo ami diujhur o r- and ura jadt lmrarn fw- ton wu unlud in mtrrug to ux alhirt kdward tut eldut un w with louche ot sow btmn hu bj ssirfrtocks with slow to sish and carrtad lt jndplnlj ton tirul sliwa mauh th stoom wu auindad tw ur arthur errtns- si toronto a rptlon way held it thtnoni oj lh brtd unci ur wulsra knumnon th uns ooipl will mild on ooors btrwt omraatown fire automobile truck cargo accident health bond burglary fidelity liability windstorm office oneill block phonet otfiee ibs resiowe 208 a policy for ewery rult icpieyi tueattut prlday apru uthwhat prlo hollywood brudod with hudluu and sold to the crowd drama that rip th vu trau lit bohlnd th kw itarruis connl nntt uukw uoui eartoon trador ulctoy vat n april jlh maltom at t luov oirl adapted trow th miulcal way ur abduua larruu oen osrard pltu todd ss asssl ooenlo ortanlal omhu11- hovtlty rambling hound kadis how sdiyinn widneidayuay 1 and swnat no bsr tomedy drama iurrln bukh kaatob charlie ohaj eneudy chrl ortot koveluu bses am man band tha 5rple ol the aa nla t olfr new aovert1sesients ttooaied boum t rent ponaseajuo uay iwil ahply o h uuckart ptsian ilsl oorgs u lawa iabwiri uws etc ahjjrpsaed also repel oark on furniture osll at shop od uiil street or phone id d laird its o 4t asw oaite iw tts bed clover seed also rena oali krwn from registered seed laurenos burt phone hlrl obortan u uay ue irtu fee base duantuy of tianoihy and alfalfa mlilad hay alio korthera ttpy and baldwin apoiee tor tali pnooe s r ctiriiunhsw it wul buy utft lajured cattle or aaig au auiiau to to meat at any time vunajier pug parma piwne ur si cetoern atgi wwu ugbnru hatihing ae klb iwr lo or 3vc each ta aattll lota a hiu linairuwifc skfi waiueal bakuady or tensral ry ioode and udiii luadytovvsar with mauwiu tn boeejlfcruiiig apply by wur only tfctt ti ibrald oatu it fcw mi sal caf beasie t ilooiaed bouse on oeorsi blyest rkmirlc light hard and fcft ater mude umujtm ran to fetuble party or unant write un- k oetrao- der prlno of wales kid osuiawum oat ii lei tw bate tv4w choice alfalu hay u1 wu the or win trade tor trmii o aw uedtolay khode uund sud beith- ing hi fcv fi pnen arw pwaaaie one 4 wmaijlk b ika pull buda boa waiter t ktca oajo pnotu u u uw tievk a ad weaine ta fhf oid rmii bftrill asiteerba a oa avbort totn ftko wut fieahifitf and aiiy 6uaar mb 4csa- jaisee wuliajaa a k ooualh general ua41ai at aa um garuv rasinm iiay a ptofb fell ojaogttsrrowy exelrod auto paftts kev aad deed u tw aj3 rhi f care al nutimi piiie cuofu miss lamb tmxdical uatttsuttstf kcub by day or ek por peruaialr phoae mrt oeofe- b m kev t ct fili l o lju fmm baitf slptpfe werts ififreniflst plcir wtnl phone 141 4 dltmennw wul be tveu wy- the following rrom the bault bt uarte paper refers to a brother of our esteemed townsman ur a e wright the funeral of the late frederick w wright who passed away at his ham 443 wellington street cast uondsy apru nth following an ill ness of several month wag held wed nesday afternoon and wu on of the largest ever attended to the bault- puneral service were oonduoted by rev l sheldrake of boo- uichlgen at the family residence which wu inadequate toh old the treat number who came to pay a lut tribute of esteem and affection to tv highly pris ed friend pevortt hymns were aung and kt ha claw of the service the oaruge moved to the mortuary where a further short urvtoe wu held and the body laid to rest letter inter- ment will be made to greenwood oametery pallbearer vera ueasra il p luoughton b il elgle ft h davis a a west william leuitslah william dhton deceased who wu in his mth year wu one of the moat highly estwmed men of the sault where ha had been a resident for the put u year lie was born to umdon england uay 18th i6tt corning to oanada to 1b05 swd his ant plaoe of residence wu in ofllllt where ha wu married ta ulu lulu uay coulter ha had re- aided tn budbury for a urns but finally with his family settled to the sault in 1w0 he wu formerly connected with lunlsabbatolr company later with the uiissey perrter company for 33 years for the nut three years he had been manager of one of the a r wood buollne station oon trailing thl when taken over by the boo puel ai ou company in all htt contacts social or buatneu he won warm friend and genuine regret 1 foil at his demise but it is in his home life that he will be tabued most keenly where his affectionate homo- loving disposition wu manifest by hi extreme devotion to hi loved one he u survived by hi widow two agrtesdtar u uaisr psxtay la cesulswe bigesei trad agttcultur ecordlng to the on tario usrkeltng board provides roughly onehalf of canadas raport trade the most important turns be ing gtato and grain products eheea live stock and live stock products po tatoes and apolea pva llttgiiiil u great britata the ontario prult orowers associ ation announce they shipped this year some too car of apples pears and plums to their european com mercial representative one hundred and ihtrtyflve oars of plum and pears were eiportad to great britain this la the aral attempt to ship abroad these fruits from ontario the business will be extended this year reacting breaew ctotkse as soon u the checks are removed from the incubator ta the brooder they may be fed after seeing to it that the chicks are comfortable they should be given allghuy warmed water to drink to the usual chick fountains chlckalsed grit should be placed be fore them to shallow pans and hop per of mash may then be put at their disposal it is important that sumci- nt hopper and fountain jpace be provided so that all chicks may get uifnctent food and water without crowding one the hoppers are put down they are not again removed u there 1 no danger of overfeeding brooding feeds usually consist of the following essentials chick scratch grain mash grit shell charcoal and green feed vor grain a commercial chick else mliture may be purchased and it is not usually fed for a week or ten days the mash ordinarily will contain ground grains mineral feed suoh u hone meal animal feed such u meat meal fish meal muk powder etc salt and cod liver oil unless the chicks have aooeu to sunshine within th first week or un days it will be wisdom to insist that cod liver oil be a component of the mash if a commercial product le fed concrete work i am prrparad to do eoner work ol all kind estimates given free of charfe if you naulr anrtluot tn uu una roome ui s walker o ser st wood for sale oholo raau uaeb and altaa waas al lomt nrbevj a wood for sale oholo uieu bardeood sue oaiar ball at ksbt erlau oiom w a a hum or ii sty unm hue law promptly attasdal to a uvwoafoks bigger and better bargains house furnishings lace curtains new anfwala a large aatnhmcnt of late curula net 36 wuiu and cmua curtain n 2fe 38 soe 7se ya 36 curtain madras 18c fancy friuej curtain muilin lsc 25 c fancy frilw curtain 49ct 59c 125 175 rv net ecru curtains net erru curtain at l0 200 usq vtk crrnxjwes 36 flow crrtor at 19 25c 3sc towelling 22 all linen towelling 22e 20 all linen towelling lg yd 1 6 all linen towelling 13c 1 5 all linen towelling 10c remnants a table of remnants short end of towelling cottons prints cretbne voile dress good etc simplicity patterns we reliver georgetown ontario lie absntb vvs awmst vers oevarn mm a kiaiiaiaal flulalj wltiiehs cabslagt wif u sfi jmjb c e l o i finis p atkt yu mitri wane susj laker f ruujaag i aaj tte bel w wllb kyasua c waiiillilgt c say es ftsabhl wala dixrabta vtlh c 1 j ami saak a si t rttliieaeolyassj jeu with ssuuks aet ll tfltla s tull swavjai valcety s ittat youll see lite wet paint rriisnllie asi esa batu mmaotu ituij ni bm wtix j rubtvej salsh wllheul ike w nsusls you kev ewe aeeal st riwr vusiiiai soiaiamta selfumoovhlno wood for sale oholo hardwood hmh sad ataou at sum par cord ulad wool tin par oord ball sua p eord hardwood at hh mr oord j aajuctmrobb rkaau ms at ttj wood no 1 jurdvood baton aad tfuela ami hardwood ltokb aad elbad wood uw ball sua aar vsuaug s lnnlobka of hardwood tor qusba hauara sus prtoa ar tor wood cbunnd thu wood u alwaj dry uui kept undar eor j u uatral raaa u r u h c bailey electric wiring and repairs phone 232 georgetown celoid finish tu coupon and 2sc entitle kouer ta full vi kat can kyan1ze celoid finish wul brush ta abpjy g r muckart plumbing heating tinsmithing electric wiring radios and service phone 310 georgetown k word to those in need of roofing now is the time to order for immediate or later shipment rrlh aa qahaalaal slatmul u ea tar a raba la art shafm w1uidio i w daat auaa atarka we ui at form gmmvicb i gilbert sinclair phone 3s3 r 3 georgetown r r no 1 wallpapers wallpapers and paints are very reasonable in price why net uk title epoertiutlty ta freahea up tbeae ahakby resws dent wall oppertunluee are teat by wait- lag we can da yettr papethsiigihg antl palntltig at very kasattsble ntee years of wperhne le yettf gkainnlee of a geott aleatt jet sample of utett atyleg in paper alwaya on hand rtlmatee qlvest if neeeeeary btttur or extuta- pautudg e bludd phone b r 6 glen williams seeds seeds red clover ais1ke timothy alfalfa seed barley seed oats at best prices book order early as quantity is limited georgetown flour and feed mills w c bessey phone 196 georgetown t round trip bargain fares to toronto saturday may 6th lv 0mwu c 1 1 if 1 rrou toronto all 10m iffl 4 a tba1mi iyt tuu ohudrn b var and up to otl pm undar 11 halir pahb wiaeil may su tkaal ga la eaadu auly no baigar badtal notbi thauj8 operate on standard thus obtain infonuatlon purohau uckau trom aurgotowii ontario dtpot tioket aienti its4 canadian national