mt ssafwfara year cat ifr ii tfa hahlwi haki a aln z00 to uaa tb cnatoora hanu jr itm n a robnson live stock dealer aaa botclier norvil uve stock trucking all loaj fully insured fhonei gotwt 101 is f- a wort to lie wise and btller times for the farmers koonttd fitut at tb fcui tax at bbbi mow s not iau to atr outcx boaw liiuailnli i f uamom of tab dtarlct al bin kmtd usalitli for li syawat of usblnla pftamtlfrd b aj uialal mm or hi aw of thai attd la obr to tad t dad ru hl aad til ukm hiuitilo td 1 wwuld us ltd baj fra tadi u sdrud gilbert sinclair wihuw aoj ttiilff ow mi w cukmuurrtmrt w- it it m dm alu bm ilfau add hobday oaty umu trrahoiko aa tkarayatnftw directory u so bust ii i j rwawc at tnooxw k tv waxaoel awjt it x4uy nuwc fetch lipondimav if 9mi a monument hiujocx mohair aaacaaar a oaoat lit i the new way to j buy coal bluccoat 4viannoiacrrf timmmrlm m awl st 0 m j extfaddtvery summer millinery waaattbuaamamaaaaanae uimaimimi tat e newest shades ud materials la 5i7 crepe straw and felt hats ah stew hab at leu thta hatffrfc misses claridge herald block ueaialr cmcm a bthm lom of iliuiij barej oraat odd abom hanity tu buriw a lua an- oukb u white thnavjtkl kmi our witi fa to th uatdy hlp brtrvte of kw a th mm lamai apod i or thu m bry lhbl thy fcbldta tsw t4 i all tow ub y- a4 cmir 9 ftm dial wtilj 4vb umy w kutf a tby bu at tia j dy wlua th dy 11 ktl b flat b gimt feiid vui id kuicb u v11- umibj tta th kiob b tbw vmm xul tmai bvl iawl bas no uiti uitf vhccary woo 5 owd aiim idtixtfu co j wiromicai nlufmnt koaaa uiry uw etila nm ai fw lurui dr uuula wtfa mwuirva x ttfptu4l wm id labl hfwvb kvdclt ud 1 tby lw nukt irid fiiihin km ue uwr uutr t n putu id u1 4w i tdly cau u ik tfcirtii tmm hjariai u lb ifahiii haktiw ihmpm t4 tttf luw da mo4 itoda pu- tmuii hi tdlkddal unit ui tbw fm 44 tn meaning of roales vcuu kr akcmtv c w ulc tunk uiiit id ui ihiitfib finrli wmn m you towf- uuuunn hiuinvi kwm mim w did you stop to thin by ecuon r waite shawn ok uhiaa william linton andrew editor of the leed engued mercurj a- aay j sotnetifiu when i liiten to windj talk but plana i want to jet up and remind the peakerthat maxfet a peopb some of the expert get entangled i fonaumnd i they ought to make it their job to get riaht ihrouib ff the tbaeewho make good are khortaiytted if tlvey their good a told when they have depotited khem in the of a whouiiw or upon the thelve of a retajer no article j old until it ha reached the hand of the man r wonuirfwho i intend to tue it the manufacturer in order to ull thev right peofife uticie at the right price in the right place at thi right t leave hi marketing to the haphazard channel fay whiebjjo cedent commodkle today reach the conaumer markeafng vance atep by step with making- the method employed more good at lee coat to informed cuitometr rho demakd the modem factor in thi butineu which alohevcan tfiui the cooperation of ditributorcan findmarket eattfiifortirotui- tomen and can reduce the coat of the whole operation u nuvertwnb the united state wa the firtt country to diaclmer thft aell- i ingb made aaaier by the creation of pull from the customer dun by j the exclusive ute of puth from the manufacturer a universal habit one of the been to make the m -u-j- turn ha built up the very large aggregate aales ninwmitt1b1hyv and ha placed at the dupoaal of advertlsera th igc vanotaical v producer of pull to far discovered ttsuily market i aay are only people anftijr la demonstratably the moat certain and economl method of placing altale message before the peoj man i takeoff my hat to those amorican who1 tale publkjty we in britain are benefitting by tl by to get right throughvto the people it- ha etfocti of the ad vane ot jkniur icluctlon hc hhjivettiiipv 5- yt taffchly m jiijj iw uid grwtui u tw i- uat uivfid iuj uiks iumt uia laoti w iw vtu kiaurlimi4 hap tusd ceil- ukl vuttig id w4 bj uujf ivm4j u tha tl- j ilutiaaj he hajb l utdhaiuy u tw th tw titeiiijiij htir iw jwir u jju4 fat tkiauaillaljl cik u irt jlhiij sfmaoj tla ta ti ha bt tw vu wiltlei uyw tf ds esli irv tawlioj uiufa y aj tia tij m ulllujklr uilurbj jf bfwaj tamitatykwuiy ui iv sdtausu ui whac-1- tw ilfiaetfccbj ljpijptly u us iutaj m lau tw tall h b kv svo ury 9ml lm4ii b ntla4u it kaf lauvfatuldv law cof j tiw bd4x m u tm taad tatuiud h p dliv frjt ta uit hfirfiiam ftuiij kwr fcw uftiij kv fm4 la rtj f llajaj frlii fcli ifamghiiit t4 llial u cu in b4 tllia jsmt- ittiult vr au bu sjr u tw i kvm feov bis uuiwj fti fit tm iy htaail biu feum u ktr uttijalatmly a iitut tiu lulua twlt i far bft tfiiliamd wtjallkj llj tw iturla b4 til 1m ufd k y4wj ubw ltb ua ufim th41j uoaw ilhi giafcjr ruld 6t twdf bj but tw kttuiuii wohb oa uj loalm 1flw4 b4 mqlur tad r ts4 wjd 1uii fkaul waipl ftaauully u ex4 bi but itd tiftwb toilalaai hut m awukouaag lutpmly lwhfalt1 umu ukirka gll ar to umviavl -kwufl- oa u4hhij tewv l tkl flw bwjtli om i j tww aua ajrr ilu prelim to k 4 uolloai boum mv hbv ujk au ul wa fcijih4 t tto ckaijlii to hi baital iwaauaws vl tmsw wiutistv ban uutr nmu j ea wj itmhy heau b n w told to tul ttoa k wortj out ttol hob dw u mlv id tut irutll u ii lh tyjaa bwk t ooatr kuuut 60 h ut atmu w4 aow jlb liln it4jy nlol tool notloa b j puy u vuul ats til to ku tu umtkf b4s fml utlm to itu iuto a uiiuh a abmt tia u in unhiblv ttoy w4t mutfmylt fiuiwlmumm 14 1im ublh cuv ua bvkl job la tv dty mlp ki oulj bttitw tttvl 1 ih jlgiai iliirtll fcif uoak tl tjrs urkkm an hm tkm lliu oaw till umi aunt tuk awj kit all bia woitaj 1b tfc dthto tat tkr bachm an ibay ut la aom y tlatea bttlutoflk to to u km lamaaais bioa stfaj doat yjj tolp 1 f tt lav h wu4 but will frbat im takla jr aowim ulka a brfjuada wiip n dartd laak alutmt a c4auiapc at lh oraafaa la bar bu ut utll4 stadj tbld fbeta wlu do- tto ilkm o tib aa fct til tot yv eula man wouljot to mtla y b iic taaai uvar tora if to bnaw il fo aawrlra caaw rmii dkttd m drt or bar abottldar u ato dart- c4l tuvaixl tb telutioa baoaa girl tu i toava aay jiu uagab b4 tbraa eaoaaa el r adar bat itixbd tw twit two ii iirut wuj ituflab raaurb oa bar w lira wp votulto ulaod as ato dikl abirartkllj pt bin with aa ttjr baakat riaa falla tiin aba eadod draabuayad tad oa bow to caa play vto ast day lllto woodarad axala ba hula utrbaly allaet eartiad to tto uuad aootbar fall baaktt of uraiigaa abai aoua clftrattaa la tor band aad aba r4ttttl tbla oa tb tbjrd day adj for tto tblmhlm ulka wm- darad o a fw boar latar that day 6ny buecaii iomfaud by aa a- tidal alaptiad off tto itov to tto u tarsd atllta awbaard ala aulud bouaa wbat i ear far daavoat boata ajy aar bto ktuwa daaa aaoaih fjfw bottiw utar uua aurad ta ajaautiwat aa uoala uamail amolla cmt oa nna arti aad with tha ottor atu two tuablng y gload llgbtly oa h tlbtutuy slutaa wbo ratunud tor tatiaaaload vaia with eomttound la- mivat atapivad abaahl tto tarry fol- lowad bmwkly by toay baarlaf a tat vignhuvklsf has- w it tuaanr daiuatuud tto attuaad ulka u to ooafrodtad tto ntnbk gruop lt hmsiina la an atuarlraa bow or will to voluhtaarad itoala hap pily i know toll lav it i bop hell lov iut lou abj tto wa tint of liar rbaato birlthlanad to a it uaan irunlad tony butanh ly h ihan mib ahall alay toaia bkr now ill bave iota ooa fruit aiul ttu too rnovad fur word aa awaradwltb a fan divided batwaav tha tnarvala of tha fetmaja naw aky- llue aad itoala jvuxlmm or artf oauattoat cdauutld 0f momdat tto thou aulbfirity ta pavtb tto wwd td otxa and tt uk btaty baacrtminfl id tto ffaflatritblbai vtovfl ttou thealt to imtfully omt lavt with ttoat mrrm huixx aiw oct skdlta mi bdlkma s timlblum ctkdtta k katlmud id cud fconl id at- oilmlum bd suy s wy dr ahliur artist bmkb wd oil utb hu ummd hmay hiltee ufal tijaud bvdliws mjmrtm out- bw a ub andud td ux bmbd e id all bliu tf idbvia bc oudlldm id sddttim td s itftot uv td iwhit d bblti tij id twcbta ftad blalaj ufeitf hl btoditj tw uld j6ha ipruuti fcd ura ewiui auiy mutd id udr irbu tu achuft cualu uad bjctl t local advertising has the julqmi dmg that comes from the outside u jb merchant have to keep that le bvy uiuking the hqme town newspahe ststently and with careful attenth paring of comt uii i rj tr 1k0 v0df h or bwhll wxu to- muarj cw- lia aad wmwi uulliy idbradai trtatiaaiifl froaa tto uttw gohiga to lholory to itart kh af ku mhdij eaun wia aiatf gaiaad ai waurti ooimafalty uarttf bkbool tto k- btaiadaf- at qaaaa imlrmaty huw- atoii wtor to afadoaiad to tam dr aants in hit ft to lata- top hajuaiai bad tto umbhigit o batf ordatoad by tto only cdxrica butop u tto hlattwy f tto afaitfan otlurtij to ojaaadai tth twtafid bat taoa of huroo wa torn of utoda wiuh j abd waa dlaovtwd by bia taiduy wtod to aotplad tto chru- tua tmmh laufid of ditirto toa uhk bmmr to paiwfd aad ttlfvht uj fesaitad pitioo to tto dr aaaula fini biait 4j u bt aaa osxitra aad ihti thtirfhii at a oatm warti wda taabimjf bs ookitor itaito aad tubury tha frkjotj faoa atad to aad of thia aa- tatulm pariah wa auda by hctum aud uiiav wtoa omajttiiaria ptftaluaa and oct boraaufa- whaa tto atiid ana wioev wotikt aot pmlt tha willorubia itouaod of tjaml bar dr ktolvtb wat to kla bvat la- dun paruh uuy wtora to tab- ofd tor iwarty ljw aaof tto uuttaay oaiaato aod otaway ohbpatf ityum hu totafaat to tto ladiaaa waa brf i tormad wtod to tiamuad to thi laiu earlavdla- trici wufc hla athar w j a bjlat tatotod hbjt r aad promt to tto ititnnil aad a tkalici to tto ttaur in f att auty lflfmrwaa had a at toaiiaj- w tto doctor uia aad ii wa tto ainuat daaw of hla auifaar wttua to va yt tjhm ttoa ud urn to adopt holy ordara a hla bitoloa to ufa hla totofaai to tto fmfht wa bo aat thai to satuaity took ud tto acudy of tawdlhtt to erdar thai to uwht touat bwu ttoaa aaad pro tto wwdittoft tnkctor whkt toay ihwl woawbiaoay to mmol to ctvtat ohukfa iiiiihnifcfia th afatlana hmrr baat dmiux u apatit baatty ai jaw to tto with aad wtiu bah prafitiaad bwdieto to riaiiwttto uadar th fsactor who had to hla cat th latohawk trtto saa tor to took a ptcraduau eoura at waaum 0unuy aad viotort uoa- amal wtato to tto wjthcal eauacu kau to w paaaad thaaa au aad faaatirad hi ufiaua to twaotaa kadu da to courts to july lo laavtotj tto xadiaa for a ttoa dr itotitb bat wit to t wtor th ehuah had fulaa toto dif ficult thiia ho rfjotor lor lva hjbuc school inspectors report tfiouowium la a of th rvpoh of lt datyaa a 11 ilil i a0fl0am atabud akiaacal cma- uuumx oat jafi latb uu rtharwin aad waiiifara iaatktte botoal taoaud u0gton ckllalnj ito fjtkrtlaa baaay tmx tto etautom af 1ottr actoc um to turxu tr j baw pjaaai aald to laufytof to lto hlaialy taataaiacsiyy awwi a uiu bnrtttoi f u a tto vaajaatuafl 61 tto actoai aad ta wont of ito auo am ft it u iinnifiynrr u ba to auto apaeiaj jfttifi af ta uba to wnkh i has uwtoamty at- vmttmd kkiaa cj ui4iaa ftm hkt utktod to aay oraav tto i it blb of ptkiioty camauflua to to w4u wllnlilrurt tb 1 u aacaa- kml tor taatijital hi alitor toaruatbati w irrijrbiint to aay fotaa ail of wbbat u vary aaw- auttvy to ia ud tto iroiiad of coa fcrmiuaattoa to ii ha tto axdciaaey bj u aaaabl amajs ma aim oodaft iwujrtf td wdfimal t w torvund ymt utoioi i atea uua ehaa baeatwi tto rajillaaahajl fcllu i ft -t- u l your inawatiw ao to nil lto t-l- uaci but to tdua ito ataff by oaa tha iamai to to r wiuaout prtjuii to lto inpiirfiia af tto wont if tto buditor of toatotora auctaaibir ta baai uam tto aia of uat a 1 6aj at tajj to amy ihai feilaa okbrnl baa feaa- aoavpanaar to waaarh kod a bmid lafcotmt art wtrthy ta tto- fab if t aud boodbca an tto work i wtoa taa wto wmc a- wa witm to aaatty a tfaad hirt toafc to ta w bftea b pyar td- tiataiamf a for wiaajn y oad tali mi gl cacb an ataaaa wort to tot wm una to th bfjkaol llhiatl of th fcthool la oaeflaatoaauaaiea dti ab ua aamad aaalkat wa to tto of amid a lnrtaflad by tto faault boa tto batoca ai tto afiamml rwaul itoiia u rawatoaioi a taattmoa hat a j i with 1 lubwllllj fetad am to itoi th aehaol attaato barrto uadar aba ait la ato aaaat vp juala our- aatat itory eaaalata mat la twvr faulua but la riuar avary uia a h mm optoauahitk lady hu jtttt oauad up bar hubikl who la daadt ladyi john dar u that you john toy dear uktorvjohll 1m you happyt jolurhtbt tny dar taury mob jaar an you tham toti kwol aahh with john toy dar xady lhina w tdimi a wooditiil plmoa johdirmn thft itary oaity amt- h bato ajway pad a prtatotlm aba mld that z ahould di younf wil- toy daar mamrkad oo you dkto altar att didoav r hah aad bo au haa th bbhad to thia tlsaa had put th ehurth vmf miith to th bad mi awl a my but ta uaa thab xwo a lto doctor had put th etkurah bat u ua mat ar- rabaad for a haidamt motor and laft th eocalaaattob u aoooktoud babaa af tatodv laatef muroa lto daator oataw into tto dtota f aarvtat th chureh ai wlrnatatoa tot ft yi jrtom tort to waat to oraad vaut wtort h had 41 6hutha aad four aaatkaj aaeh ttoa day thi yaaia that ud tto doa- tor aaaat ato yafa ai th pariah of kdrrtj 8toahtown aad iforotay aad from tbar to abruay l h want to th yukon what to paai two yaajr aa tmaalpal of ito rfadua retaldaatlal ajchool ai oakroaa yukaa thu torts ooatputod twabty mam of aarvtoa aauaa tha qaaadlan todiaaa la uaioti tail a laft tha yukoa aad attar a briaf eharg at ik uai- ttowy awrhov h oau to atyof obr 1m1 aad hu ntalaad baiub ar ahua at hla praaaarpahab thu rud vatafab of th ehuttb militant oomt toot than twanty tau avary buday wlflbm aad aubunat to ovtlvtr tto word to eataraauaaa who to ciuou la lal ohariaa latab at tattttolaeant of to umt of two or thi aaa to uy uabw th lalalatar thai dlrktaa th woid tbar mutt uw uitoptof pannywortha thm q bt alhanm 4ya ohrut church port mim mad ba johaa ohuntx houth oayuca to to auk up jiu toadad pariah tha ehuroh of bt johna la tha 4dat of th thr in oaubratod ua alahtlath aanl of ooaaaorallqo in jun ima ohurah wrt alauland alao 61 it alahtlaui anahfaraary to tam imt tha orlgtaal aduto waa daatiw llahtnlna ta auguat of tha aaat m xa jt rvou plaua oaalaaadihy ctollth a naw church bullt atoti aad faaad with whlta m marad lto haad trow th aate bfi fraja piadaoaaaor thu ehuroh aura thab 1x000 all of vhlch la mat wuhlto muh- m r baa church yn waa built la ttto and wa oattaaeratod to ttuhop ow no tha nravyahi ai of ito hlatorlo hlatory aad tttaay found thar itotolaeabtof thaw of 1i1j thar aujajl btav hold ins tha badie of tiratty- tour wotv woman aad ohudrattof th stid stoyal wuh jmiihar who wadrowaedff port uaitlaad by inn of th ahlp xa bmrtou iwaart i ham toauam bator you itlrtnt bohjaia of mttmtt mj itliftataaaial which ahouid h i tl 1 yaibf bhawlwl and aoataamr- itoa a a maard a1 lb pmaafii tba mutch thought 1 totag to tto aurrfeuhma of th almsanury aahool ta tlataatiy iw tbla 1 aiirmpluilad by th prtrliiaa atoiwwbvi t whlcb haw toaa oirtcuy mapoaatou for bawptoa our aehaol fcieuty taotptl who to aonaal tha would ham aa ttifwd abatoysnaai of a fcukahi kiad tba ar aaaaqy of tto lyp wfaa oa hot eoasputo tto full afchoal ooura at t toot ibh attuatioa by aay awma only oa whkb t anuiliiitmul ua- eoadittoaa aad that la daaapaeaato aaout th ataia it la tort a ou of th achool euluaa bat datoa abl to uk cam of ail tto laaojuaiiua of ulaai aad ability ul tto chudiaa u ail wudno war abl amhy to uk adtaattojt of th adiaeauao wkkh u aomoarnm wjth boofca djitwautmf ta irmmaiilhlwibiir arnnlil to um ooa- atmfiafhaff aad wouu iwg ifianualiii uaauy oaty to th ktaau acuity of auatii tttoiviawa toto ity thfat dattuad femai wiuy hut thaaa inwwmtta do aaui tvmmo hatotwo kfutcadebl duiiaa lb pa waak l luraj utaraauu with tto aaasv aaua of lto uvalitj aaau m ttajdar aad w a topiiilika aad ta oovoxy tn tamndkrwaa arwwttfcrtad t jaolor wba kmatato a wd damtli ywmt to tvataaa aad aa tto arwt of hmth wwmjaa- taa to wnjiaaaj- bbcbt otnptaitom took bafi a tto formwr riawwatmrilatii1 aad foijr ai ta batur bfr wfan toxaod of cum hhlyb mmaimf miutoa taiaf u tataat ihai tto two tmaoffrtafratlfwl ttomi to to kud ptoartoir at hoaw aad to twi tai waaawau tor toatr- eajimty ptow uma wav asawmd tto pria wtoaara to tto tuhuamj- t brtio lutlmwr uluan t orral baattobaayi i mill jr oatta i uy ujjt oakrtu t- omw6on auficmi bmfaaaml fbtuaawy vuldw horby- 4 tmka uodtaniy taarmtar auaou rtdlamt vva la ammamay tto am all ito tto junior csaaa whtoh ijasdfcaiitoiav fhmjiihilrta y wka ahtaoa gbaadamahrto k waa wood o a wm hwtwk fwamrtimnm k jk ni tikartaifm jimtcto oaav al ootmkg om mj5 isaakbaly ta ahoot wuat a muudauan hatp to bay of tt wjhi aoa uwoim bock aor toamsscn taaa poatl niii ooa um with th aatt4ttlaa whkb too lahoratary ajrtaa 6a b ma to aa amoaaiary way of tto sork of haturaaa uw thy turthar baad th adranltoai of ah aad afaaia aad barhap tatmt off au lto opnor- toaltia of all th bmaua of wf ajaawton whkh am touad to tto laaauj ah tor both boy aad tirt to am vary how to mctfctoi thaat prkaary faato ao tottoiauly boaod ua wttb tha auaaaaa of aay mlial tt t th otitrioatooi whtcb w oucbt to atudy aad atovay w ham boiad ouraalm with taaay aurvny to moaot mam aad baa put aflmrotv to taau to auay watimbliiil um aad prladpm not wttaoai bmaot farual lt ua botbav a vay atudy of lb euttaoahaa of th aiabv- afiury achoel on which to dm avkfa dct chaaaa soam ot tlj abouad b owply totoraatad to auobv a proiaof- it 1 a happy oatoddatia tbat juat whaa tto curriculuas t aawaadiag to btifh tm ihat tbar ka oobb la oourld th prapoaal of aa zntor budlai abool whlcb i totaadd to tick up alataanury aad aaooedary adu- eatlon la aucb a way u to hm tovourabl opposhuauy for lbadof pupil of th warladtypaa to whtoh i ham hfarmd th ortaai bauob tovolvad ha aot toaa fully workad out t ooftuaand to you a atudy of th aubjaot a you baa op portunity faithfully your tiowacotta ctod 1st tot lut telhk itr hsrtln of tba 10u iim urmsk- lax tabu im tiniwwiiwnl wi his btof tub pand on thi istb u2u hu abe 1m th eonudt or fadua bw read diwa td tb 16th ud hi dmouty ur and um our alsiu aad fsully ol wladior put it dan ui tut cutu rfaadi ur u l lyoas aut 1u bsl ulshb hsw hun a fatal aeeuuit 4d ewutdax khlk uualilm alddf tb trd um iui ear ddudid wllh ab- thir oat and h vat thrmu cimb out ofuu esr ou th kad drinr- ioui ot braauxon wu oalkd sadaam u aid add hs wa tbaudlataly r udmal utmatui uowltal w fi td lura that tu u hn- dr bului tasrrld dauihtar or ths 1au jaalal ohamhw el in ism sod hi m uiu oiady bdutb at m awt havdldof torodtd xx bmllh alw hu oo br6ur dr elliott bmlih ol kanau city ua aid ooautr ulataualaw bollth aim or kauu ottyv ulm amllh vullins bar hrothm han tali ma a julud ui what tb dtwufitttrlbutdd hi laoslty h ald ufat bartb y ku si dlttiy i both ulmr t stmtoldjmpj and hu datnutbe baim dr bjaub u youhtar than aubar hu bnibnr or ruweonkututlm and hhbabu t tojwtal an l jsloal ulurmjl tatnavmjkmh msli urikjfidkra e dodda aadtaajlly of ijhmmrood apaat omktyiy tthmr luyto u aavthft oasatrov th day lv- aad air w j hutud and fasiy attootuid tb tttakattoxi m- uhtott at oaoramiowa ou batunlay af- baair futuf our ioaai quarriaa an ouay at praaanu th hajtott brick go ar buiy ahla- plng brick at praaent aad hop tob abwto nauttt oparatioui bar to tb sl a law uiimbar of touriau tlaued thnush our uuivuut buiddjbnbuaila ula jaul uaria ofbuwahtotar mutt ber holiday with her mttatt we ua u umo u hvlar up vhsr aohoal at uu sth tin skarctbsml days alii ltotu l an aaoiiutai tatebar and wu a siast farattt wttb bar txiaua bb will ba stauy mlu d fiou har sobool bsm hakorl county jkidginf cnww 1bu um etota aa smd nuudd hjld td alurday jlia uttl thuilihwilly adddofltod by tb rdattg oet af ib eooqty uttjtd man woaue iboa bart id tb ruaniaair bouaa wftuaa and bftrhwe awn at tb u aiddl add sjatd tiiialair tfea leau btaib of tb dnduoaaav td asrhwltum hu tea a ouatvaat awoudt of tba id roaurin ud t of wt id th oouatjr aldat by tb oooeaiauod of odr tfimlrtp1 latawba i a tuounksnv t atwiihiirtl r klrt of tb ojuaty ortdou ulltca af hwa by tbroiatt a x t ft tb ow jwsjkw ntwn wa t btid la ui twa bah smiab waa uia abuy wallat b ehanat aa to utu sadld of tdmdla as luuo kubtruod of laoton th mini tudawi oonriiiid of hntmdsn attar tb fdwuy pah of tb af- t utdooa wu teaof wab am fnat variou dtolrieu of tb axndr ta4taa oa temtat dairtflrirtwlli of tbab work td th wataaav cob hdal aba tb oaiarid uoanaiadt of asrtataw ta u saoik juacta wat unowr tb dlmbudd of tb ouftdml bubnaauauwj a o attad auwiad by irillrl a l imchry oatt taury wtm caaa wmiob joa wubaoli jos mar at um doaualod tin aatkawaaablw- ratio aad a uatatttd of the add kaarsdu atinnn 1wu sa addltlaa lut allob brno thmdaw tsd olaud aipwa tlltrflt wttb th of ui wofk and baaaavtd hidnla aqdaotbly ts uu ttartlm at tea wat- ton tor a alat of sbhb and bborthora eattl utaoo in pjt vuw nna ewntd by rilhwi a uayay wbtr a au of otyaaaue 1111iim phbhmt kofata haty ftfcttrt and hatktt umbu wam jddaal tb sroup than uowd td nlar ttrta aw lad auai of mouala oattw ana ibutlud up at wfcy many tm tan tliuu of vohubbw mrtn to add- um ihw olatat of smd wat jdd adal ul hlb bohoal uutoo what roaloai on bw lin ofmiook sad oo of awd wat tdkad at um aon olulldu ot uktnf 1atobj auih jilitdfcl kate tb taaebia of ui ekati to idthar with eluiiiailon of tb m- ouiudlrtdual whlob wu oo oftb but ataulmtat ul wbal oarvpn- truuu ttik wu miim by a fa wall alawafi muahu by ur oa0f ouirt chtlratab of ui asrieuluaal ooaibuu of th ktaudn oduflty council who i eonipany with wtat uonba vlotor uau and uau tm aooooipaiuad tb oeattiauuoa fro mfbtlatloa te nonlulori xn th tauiaw a vtr hmautt wu ooaduotad la th town hsu ullldn with a oodly jan and caurd to by tb lath of arae 1 v ohukh wollaad ut laul blau dub wu miait i hlshly ablitunun bfaoat tor tho praiant sbbr fatbo- duoad by ur w n 5oblalo7wardad n of tb oounly who sobd aathaltmwjl spatial aatartalalil brosiaaun taaav but wm ptovidm by alsatt oasair and triaoa at union and ua atto aujihy of taruky and ur aotd oarrt who bad tnokaa to tb boyi auuar la tha aturnotav a tban but very olosr out adaiw b tb junior ot ut eounllr ad uwawatda in th two ooatbaokals war mail at tb lywvlnilnn of bttwasnuum by uiu vmuam 10 obara of tb do- uaauo bclmio nndtjag cmotpttuioa auuud by uuatadl totowd um aowdy jllmabout sad io orout uulaaw of ij bank of toiaolo oak- vi1u tha boy award wtrt uad by a a waaun twutad by uu havai rohtrtlon duncan omnprau w m robuuon vtotor hau oaorg outrl tboa a sbd olalld bbad nott all of whom war ekbar aotbw ta ui oapaclty of brawntlnt than- own trophy ornffafiiiiii aaiaon saw teophy by tanut adaullad saawat of tb brbw wbuiar in both stock bmd and d0dmu0 oobipmltlau touowat k i i- mcl kss- liw