brills august specials we have reduced our summsr merchandise 25 per cent to 60 per cent with prices on the up grade it will especially pay you to take advantage of our drastic reductions and replenish your wardrobe with good merchandise at low prices- d brill co georgetown cmw md sad fcu st 1st bucks meats ft real meat satisfaction uj economy try sfefipfa 1 bucks loclb thick rib roast shoulder roast mot co bootless pol roast pienle jrrt ibreaklast jgh hams llck bacon fresh sparerlbs 3 lb lor 2sc b i ih8ksj1sage 15c lb i 2 1b- 19c frtiottrterslub 11 12c boneless roasls of veal 1 2e lb we sell for cash phone v of ifit we bsw w ouiv deliver nkw apvertisements xty ii vartakk pithitchu 014 a- pjjjjjhlw mh u tow v ml aaaaad tolld tritk bsuu til too- tatauu kant w apply km j j allan nwlu sts ualaf iwu suit t burftu cup- baud mfitai oaio tad huuroui other trtuhe awjy jot wu11uu ooilam vtow hlulh cbatmmnl buia oa oua hoed is mat uehl vaitr and furaaat p aucau lit v tea bt arrenstd btfam apely w aamaay breasted out u ahsb tent my j promptly it wml hu be la pirtmt wndhiwi vitamer ms rum hum h r ii omfpttm tp 3 j jj uutt 1 ttntabt ui botw wawrts kim bom wealed a huhit la kottti tad 10 lafihm tad up la ff el til taurlar tad to at i wood for sau caim am h aaar ken a ttant brist o m at jtwete or itmi boate iwa etw wood for sale r a tumiimiii ny ohfauo wpofkm a wmwww www early resulte to mdglng 4 the world orgln takblwi lo begin a bas tndlcaud that ontario jrrow- ara had captured a fair ahar of the ihmi obter honour in red top grau went to j n vanloon of wtor- ford with fetter u bntwely fttoo of watarf ord in o4 plae u tt uahtoftbacher of cayuga w first tn lb uu for pft anccje fettftluflof btu canadian blur ate with caon l held or wahervtu eeoond and nine other itauhmand frow follow ins in onur tn wat com wqulrtof tnofw than ho to tttatum tint tmt wat towu wmvat turor- vllu out and first ntaot la th eum for until flid pui whlu or yuow wa won by r 8 im ctmtiworth oul u fulll uxjt- itantt cut wi wowd to th fttrimiluwa uin- utry of morthrn inum in th ou md or nbm w davuon of bua- balm bd alcht oatarto gro in the toy tmana ytllow or innlah eoloar klalnh lioon aad son of norwleb took woond to the u o winner tn manu aad and third in th oollacuon of vw uhu aaad w rthan mamhart tftd wum mmi both of wawm mm am th wm tn uvtaii obtav fcfd tu oauaton mdfar of ayr took third tiuoi in uantal d whlbv faisouijau ihl hit la buttownt to tndloato tha envlabla ahowlni uada by ontario atowara t tha u thtt gui tmis oouhw4 vajuaj riceso ovldlmiof indigestion oalyl taactubmwi thcr georgetowp hct1j wejnexwy etening augmt 9th 1933 local news of wear bwu- tbt to th uat hamih of thw oh bnxr tha picnic thtf umimt tha uadvicb tt10 rnfertirari epma td wkj rroen rrtd you dlrdtbd tha wwit hoitb thla v- a ijaodiy tad altandw tha hm daaa on nturfay tnzu- uw olowr umiry at tha lrutt jlurwi tortiv ymtf few 6oliflr ta tour foimuht on lahi bmt w ttoaid bua 1 u4h of tha charky thu bactee at hoaa to too fwfeto to m tma tha tb ummi of an argf mf a thwaj to touaba usu tb wtiw it m wuh tha tmj uuod tha ba4 of you to ft tuj wamtoai for inotortsu ttia fchir of fmin on afafthay ntoht w hduah airatot4 afur tw vy ttmll tha bwit tihf tl6a wa htd u mirudv rvfc oixih oiu utlday wy aaon to bnapo- owa courtwtf ad ffc irttf wtlllbfail a iauy acaur hwud rhaa tuntbu ufa on your loa s tha tha bou saabaa tohro tikht u ptt omxuoua w oorwtod to uaua pfcyoaa wbo yod td tha rvu u w la ihr pa yo fab9 to think oar to tlicvtnef iba frtond uoaday b 1u w ohvkmd u ttojwto dajt in canada uila y rta sail who to ajy to haid latk u uauaily tha ona who to alwaw lookiaa l tuft jab fwa tm hlfthar thlnaja fas ufa lor frian than ft prttty fmim9iiw a bpautlul hat u ft utua htohsr ni uik that tut eta tub uthlna uiu oubt to u plud i uiixiaa of th wombnt hfuwh a nuauwr of oar tulm m to dundaj on uoaaay to iffanil tha ivovtnctoj irnib dtniontruoa u tv iiovud wtu ui tharwa or tha untca tn axton rfuhwa ohunii bhua nav ui bannto to on hto bond whan boy aaya ha jo ov to at ft hod unntof yu know ha taeana tha kind 1j by lba ua wa not by tha father hifiurin of tha rjii butfc alnlhu and tha toeaj ru and tmun hand wul oatobtboa tha uth of aisjtm in ouelpn uua yaar wwi h i aavaaa jto b nonuiar holiday ipot for raaid a numbar ubi th u4h or tha wak cad futua what yo eulkkla not uou ah ta htorhiwultfi to caitherla uaatoa what yv tawnt- uom attfcbou oi- wwa nil near tha ojf jl ac tion will twj an i aala of itotmboid fumiliuf 6a baturday aaf ikk vank voh aurtiwi r w btkasfataad our toam ooams8 wuj hold mppthif nat tha aaitoa- of n tht to feajwmfm acrtouuttral tvwuty tll u raoanatd- d oont formh to eftu ua you rajra ootoitar ohatat wa on ta yon uality h ixloaa to nrtt h any trftvatun ontarto grain 41 aw sob ins waroa at th worfatw orala kathlbt- uoa at uaejaa and raonto of tha old ivoftnoa wu amy ba nroud fte thalr ftctteohurtou fsb buaara oaorwkoea olrfa wrtfthn taai will nuy tha bo a ladlee uam tvoia awwtoronto u tha hlh aehool crounda at 1 pm tbara- flay ttomor alafe tha mand who ansaranuy halaee hto umbralla wtth you on ft wat day jata ft hputauon for aaawahy you wat ft atmajw of water trtokung down tha back of your nadt- w thank au thaw who o kindly east tn their nanonal tuau thto waak u you wafa not not one of thaee and thww alone next weak our raadare aporaelata thast baseball fane will heee a on dortuttlty to eaa to eraek teajne la neuon tooftw fninv wbwn u4 ton and oaorfatoww ctaatt tn the bal lon oousty t4tfue ntoyrn tony of ttu rtortld oe- to that dlatant frtond or nuuw it wtu ba aaxtfwtlaud uka uttar from hoae wranoad oonua can be obtained at tha onto ur sam l biada ho i hole at oadar ct oolf oura in one uut nuht hafora number of wltneawe thla to tha aeaoad time 8am haa performed tola tote tha winner of tha booster dab draw held uat wednaeday war roy fthenherd o brandt ord a bidder and a arnucronff tha muato waa aupouad by the booster club orohaa- tr no matter what on inureau or voaatlon in ufa thara to aduoauon eomblnad wtth nroflt at tha canadian national exhibition toronto the data lhu yaajr aw aufuat utn to bant 0th st oaorgaa and st alhan mm- day school held a joint ptonbs to l balla wrk near ilaullton on satur day about too inembere of tha bun- day achoola and friend o4 onjoyabl luna a losej was on tha tuwti h- warkad ft ht watohad naopla mbbl to church in tha torrid haat on sun- day momlnaj the tood pmsto wul avoid hlch bshperaturae of the futura oakvula star aufiut tth vvtday laal waa tha xkh annhwraary of brttajna dadara tion of war on oerminy an aoooh tn world hlatory and an upheaval among nation that even future eratloni wul nayar b tltowad to lfar sm touriat front tha tjnltad btataa are being warned that wnue ut uvl country they stay not oarry without oualnl nannlta vultora alio ahoutd bg tntow to canada tharg 1 uo v4 to fto hjout araad tha lome hlfte bsottuh band aocompantod tha lorua hlitoa toi pck50ka15 wtoa dorothy ttaw of tcramv to vfaklna la tow tob wn bota at otoa wrtutom to holidaying fat tomato uv tad wtrm j houoaytow 1 ltr w sl udy t 0h waa vkttor m tavu wa day toet wiill btrt a mflohm of toranio wa ft vkitor to town on rwfimwtf btbw doratfay ifraamptofl of twoda ww ft tutor in toa bwt warn mr a b wuloo of atod to ahiu to vtolilz wien brtooda to town uua lfctcspt vomiflt of aotos to bifida wttm tba uto kdfeh bftba aad utoa liw joy oault m bouaaw hutob ahwrtsodtng two nkj to hmunkl btkfa uv and us ywd affrt bad ukuy ara hdudwytog movies c7 eskimos xmt til rl i rm ii ia ub mlul ibhill 61 ckmwt 0-8- r4l molil j ft vuj6t to to0 ud nib uw q- or 61 ytnaxld kol li wk sd bub ur ad lu k wttfciotd uid j u mfrftrtli hirna11 u iibld itvrair 6f o n um it urfstw4 bl b- tad uh hi mm 61 olb in vut- tfif tt o fewla gdllted y tinililll uw t- trtlll w tllkiiiiill u t- tul u in ura cv7 a ibrfarw tad ite 61 kasof ttuid 63 lu iii i ott tad smba 1m 61 tbnu 6l ibt kk 6ad uu alto uutia un j a tkimfl tad uurtal t b i iwjlujhw ft cuatm uuad iwinla uulmlsluiullf1raulbi la mt tad fetth uu ada last bhs u biabtla u btf tte ba dr tad uroldurt tad lau tm nturetd baau tiur h- sa tad dd uirt ff la luaftaai cmfau lmj u udcur ur tadftbt a hum tad uiti ittbb at uaeirhj bd tad tfuk ur tad ur rttuat ub wulr 6f niiiy ftvilm ftd ur j w mxillt af tt itnfattr twma tm tuut ua ur tad ate u a rjuli b dr tad itn a u ha bt fturad aaau tlur mwf urj tt tl outa tad mwr mau la tat oilmm vtlkr ur tad ut u- dktw tad fcjtuy ur tad un borta aua m otoaua tad ur hiuw jatoa ka hoaatr- ltd tt wo hmtb ur w a urfunu tad ur tad uhil uaoumrdtahelataau ia balidtr ut trued ta nan toa tad aim wiulttu vuaan ta taaa ea auadu tatdkbd otal rooltaa u ootta 6eu aba pfcotaa tad ur ad um timiiniami tad tea ar at oaiatrtah del tad ua ratxaa tetat larat d talt tottk tl ihtlr dtnatr ataw ouauiati taty ftiw attr batk fadr tar ihtir arii tttja un w a uinmll tnd tan 5w j iu a vtaatur tad ut dun- eu mriiaaa af wtmiitud art atu dmtai tl lwrttndhw bilh w w clinh ta rtam ustt or 9 i utua aba au b la outtab uaiauti tar tatu at la ihit man- lag tutatlr la lia la atamh um j teoaatf ur jaett aaaa- dim uut attiui bullbtai im mdia un wuiltau tad iu tuu tad ttatur tm hftllatflfty at mraud aa uut luau dtvlu tad uy vlr- ttal wauur af omtltad oblabd ootlob m haudty tulam aim ur tad un laury atacaiafd uu utaal oadtw aa ait hua buku t that wt ai bar bratbar nrlb oadmy ut ml fcr bar naau la tat hu af avttaad ntumlat by mas tad bwilrett uw luuta l utwid u iimiarful la tat itetai ojojt amattiaai tad btr taurba hiab bobaot ambuatt ontlaatu at ml it bar untrttibif fnfdau twain otrtlaatu uw wlaaund biakh at tat ala tfjaaw m1u ur u buratu at turaala tad urt asw- aua at uidltad atm banaw vwan win ur tad un t 8 mil tr ur aad kit a a yauat ttaeaaa ttauabi hvt ftwei tad un tbaja uuwtyat alattta tuttta af tat i ii m yauai tar uw atm thiy btat atta uatartai tbieotb oetarta tad qutate taduft aatar- dur aianlai far ttaalwlllt aa thalr tmtura ula cniitt hai llanaa ta lavaitllti thi btnklad lyttaai but tanmblat avn uanartaai la uu journal it a tnttai uitt u1 auk aauttla btafc aasooat to aat of tat laail btakt tacrtaia tad lata may burttttd wttbout ktbu harrlaly dtpimm plfiai uaj utoalt b ntaud tbtl ibt uan- tban twbai tt tht runf kauaatl fthi auu low thatr atbultruy la a aoubto af han tw tfilt ailt- ukaa fat yttr lat tltbtbaaautl tflualu btklt ar aai toul far maun aad ortara ollai far uta btu bt bud tbau thnu aoatlnut ta tunat up- wtrdi af looao tpmtttart i in wut nvathnj a j3s taenc la otkvtiit ul mdty tvtawd whto thi vatuaaiit took ibt boat far tmp tt niagartouthhcjlki tat band wtat ta etaip an bttiwdu fay tha vuk and flfnt yuioaburf nmu auai utm midan u a htm adrloti etriy labtd tarty to riia out tht wttdi tad twtt tha ami tabid your bialaaw daat toll luii aoat ht lay tad aaatb your whvii bay your ibla utt talari driai tad buy from taoat no ad vthlh a wry euioytala swat took pttoa tt tht ult latf uotol tottonhim oq miwujfty avoahtk aw whoa tat frtaadt of ura jack twtiitwtinl otortttowit ate auaa vnuan dtrtd btr a wtt tht tut xfiwt ttiiwttown fttnthli falllalt hftlt oaorakowtl i wry auohittui ptealo oa wdahdiy uk ow bum twttot teatua letwnus uanit fiauiiuu l uiant otwpbill an in t tnohi ahtutstohuatsr isswd by i wat rata thi eosklm drousfat ibt fjntltr part otoourts jsttt t aiautht of juat aad dub djdlai toton injury to au cttmt if mitumt tad toot crom mra walau luritnira ttthouth u trahu in wry thart tudtbt sj ss ntwrthash las by tha twdi uthi abttdy atnaw tl auapb wul bt aood rail irhatt u niiardd u an oatutet mo ii mjtoy etth aad yjaklt of u b to tht mtufoit bsj eiuabihari uw of othtr wsuttat awt wttt ytaldt htwbtta low iht tobtaav iwld diltrlau at tht tautbtm oauatlm ban aumirtd tad tht flu uwd ytajd wtoat3iu3i m o l yvw sail prfiirtt ukttj m feuw wnm ba aad fciftuaiatat bava bawfl ad uto tba mabmrtoa4s of buw fcw lrtala hd of o s khmala of oium wbo i wad yatr to tba arati lou and obulbd 11 am atovta a of tba faaaotia twto yawiig rfu jd tba riara m tba xtle ta tba lataraata aata uj oovarauaat iaorda ku ud at tlavaft with tba kwhtmoa to their 1166 wtoiurd tbaa al tar bftabug f ribda by an tafwuoaai waiba aftg wad jvue 6rda ag tkatr kabuj a4 coaaltjoaa of uvtog btr kruala vaa a laaaibar of tba lfr barwmali bariy thu kwda th baa4aia tup to hum wuiiaw lai4 ivfeag 1wu fakw of tba uwid st jbw rimklla xautu oft tftal trto tor rtvmi kaibitod tbawtoa wboto jaabu wy wotw- waa kg blajdr arm ltartag rwawla u vlnto b ti by boat to akbwlk ad luar by fc to iminii say oa uimm wtthkm lftftd it wmd ai tbta g an aiiwai caattrug uaajm b to aab of frtaahmw kttom vaat trig wa ft uaj ba waa fttokad n by an wtoiag by otibw4 ad awrrti wjwaw ta tba ms to a wig w tba ubaa and h wa to aaoiiw aa ini aa ra lata la ta wftw at twiaffaaw bay lftavlu tk twawbu aw iwatog ta tba baaa ktr btafta fciaitui aanair wititb wa to ftatry blat to pfllplfatt w4ar b aaiia ua laaam twft baat waft wraibad ttowa dayw aftat nabtowlil at iwag tba to iili ra frtoftdly at as rbaaa ma alara at tba aubt of th anhag blriim twaebto w iftia bg ww awklaiaa it waft fwuagr fcgibmbto to eat tba aaibtaa w tkaw to4 u b aaaalaaj by tba aattvaa tl 14u brtla or w ahaalua wbaj h wa bt aiatlba sftaabtolg of tbft uaftdft sabjtsm af yiaiarta lftftd ulag wultoa trail btr lrtaata aaij they uurmhv aia with tiia atom tba eoaat wkaiw thag awa to twl aad tuft tfcae giiftti ar not aataaliy bleed bat eg uu ftaaataatoft wbtia tboa atoatg ttoaaaatb et ftf htbar sarw abtoail to ajaibftai bav j bay van wyb 8u hawaii as tovaltd beoaaaa of atramg atsjady uat aiabaa bla boaaa liabla to aaay frartara baa uadartokaft to wod m it it ii to ibbtto ttolk wbieb to baaftdeau by tb baito vauftwanto of taroalft abtauast lasav un panbon aftw wimib beeaa vnabxa to uaa wfcbiwt ttoaat bay bated itoator vww rl maw of madktaa i at of ua britlab uadtoal aa- ieatoltoft faaafatbarad at eaat- towtftft bftguftd and dtofuirii tba hto a taaftfctad laaludiag aattaaal iwriiat aumlftutattoa wrgary eot i road alga and tba turriebloa laltlatal ns eahala aaattaaa of taa asftwuttoft uroftgh ua baa on tw- aartattaw af ftarrou tba baa oa aarrato waa ftmaaloaad by tba out break g tultuaoato witofe later igaial to nohb awarieft sir oaar buebxaaft aald tba doe- lara war unable to eoauatyut tba bu oa ftarrota el t boot digamy you way bwgs ba aald but tf yoo bad r a ah id aa miny combiualoauoaa aa tue bad from wosuuj to use maaa btgh fuftttlooartae wka aaam nabto to ur wttboot parrot you wau taahft i aaa atauag ua bald t i bub oajr obow raw ixa waa man toaaa a leg ha eannot gsaw saw one but aoma animal aag notably tba aaabryoala aably atai aumaftder tb raaaoa why to ft twyatary but aetaara ha etroefc ft ftw trftb aaaklag tba eaoaa twto toftu la made public u ua wftaw of tb diawvary that x ray da- ttt tbu ragaaeratlt power radue- lag fthblytoblft to baaw eoftdutoa of tftam afwtoqery tba pavar of x ray wrdator ragaftaratloa la tovartabrath wa bmoww but thla to tba frat aw- hi ao far aa be know to ft buk baaed aalmal itriy ftuluaft dallara of dritub twoftay oaa to hollywood ary yaar tor amartoan fllau and not on cent of tfteom tax u said oa it though if britlab aohpabtee nude tha earn prodto tbey would hare ta pay ft si os vey ii m aaya a tpactal da- egauh froaa tjeevfaa to ua souuaai t elmply asdot atand tba aoupd af an automobile harm why notf soma month ago my ebaaffaar atola my aar and alapad wtth my wtfa and awery time i bear ft horw teat i tbtab ba to brtgglag bar uas saybaana to kent about tan uiouaand acraa of aoy- baasa jw now growing tn tha -hat- hm dtothot to aupply tha oil and uaal factory now eatahluhed there rn of a few tleld hav ahown tha bnatt mhilrtg up better moat erop under the dorught oondl- wl the ottuw product of lau yoarw operatlona of tha mill waa aald aoms tea tso and deuvariea are ordarad un to nut ootober the plant wag homuited for throe montba tnuanu fadutw of uat yu crop into oil and mil with four thnu tha ftoraasa big ttbhotod that a fuu yaar wtu be twautrod to handla the oomuuj crop carrtok townihlp faruen who tttuto that they hav lott thouwuid or wore thickest thu year due to the dxigewdatlftrii of aklinki nan oom- wttoeratg with nontum afooonald of tth oon bldtwaue one of tha town- ahlpw wg ralaare of turkey at tha pewaent tuna norman hu boo turkaya whkfe ha to gatung mady for tha fall marktt but thla number would he in- eraaadd by over loo btu for the iiutu- roug midi of polaoaia who have ltub4 thai sjittftbar of btug twrawyg fakow qystto mtot af vi i amy tt ormimf buamry to stabia sy r bk ahdaal hoam of tb ttuau milpafua frratar to aaatlag baub aftar auw tbaa it yaan eg mufruai aibihrhtfta rkmbq to a w u w41r wiliiabw wba ifrmda bla matfaur- to tba aarvtea of lb blariaa ajfaortgwal tawhtaaowd r tfatgftaa bar wa at oaa uat tb graalaat ayatar artdttcug arw i gaaada bat u baa ua tailoa auavc 11 wfaaw tb fiyvt war uukm by ft dlnai due h to mid to lafacuow frm tm- pohad or auftud far axaart ataui tmrgftiaf wiuu thto tojportawrt ba bteft rttbdraw from grodtuue bulgaaft ba iaattoaad os tb mark tbougb to amallar tmtiitoa goat yar ba tfca war lt ttiaw row bubavoaal bay www uad to alavg ba4 ioalg u aib- rw abora of ntyia snoft cram glav tou w bay varta aad tfta toaa glaaud oymam b wnriiag ft a- ui fugpty tba iriini twiamtoa of cwaadua oratom to what aaba barrato ymr white tbatw baa waa aota mbrf- atotft of ua gaality wf ua fwrnlrai otr oa ua amrbat to y al yaar at oa time uabr awgaartortty n a atallar af garal raaacamiaft la faat twy ww gm gartoa at tb utaraaltoaaj biaaalluas to gwrtg earn yaafw bafam tba wr tftaag ftfat bha orator vw auatoal to vartaft glaasmf ta tb burttlau ftarg ww mtawug 1 bbunal 6a wwrw fa tern re ta tb bot eb hrrftiw bmg ahlgfid arroaa ua dttastm sal awtwitbauadlag wugb aaigw aad ft abaggw af tilaaai rii ti ura ftaoauaaf tb tv oaifaiaher to toarpg i rtft iltltiw bad baa abaft oat 4 uft waxaf air ua uy bwf ubaiima say pfagmad wirda af g barrato of on ftgv yuu tma to fta tublag u to daffsmaa aboat lia at u aad of a wmade ewjry t oaaalitb of ua i ytatd w bateg ukm uulbs nd ntls btaft awltoavci i 111 t imaartoj oakaraht to jagws baa ftwardad ft ggtama to a wmiamj ofttaar at a jigaama jail for hto uft ate oa tba phbgoaulaw uat tat ar raraly erhwlaala oriaua aaya tha hiar are ahaaat torarteuy aoaiailttad by tba ima aad rim far praeumablr iku aadaahtaai to fouadad os ymr af ataritu aad tf tru it uada great atfatawsm to ft raaaat baaouafamaftt rram lyrtf bam aft gftiaruas whtar mr that twtt as maay au a woaiaw ar a tahias ftiimwiag tratmaftto to new york ua saggme aa ft soa- atbla sybuatlaa af ul hm tbal to ba atlm to aa outward and vbwhto auta of aolvaaey oaly u rtab and uuurad balag able to aod ua aa ftaaba and fag af batag wiiityif gaaaiad uhad to yruab bau aw taagbt to throw wrfiatoe balto ftboot tba maa of mllirwa bwh uft other band ba ta wry tuu to tab bto ggnr aa h aamaa oat wmt b can atfard wbatbar tow abuaby w aat aad armwambty gtw bto itwa khnw fat to tba grtoaataa waa it baaasae eg bto oaaammag to uabr aftfftriaf geawftbty that cfcawr aeid hm ma haw umraabowt m uaiatw torf to bfr al o sasaw gaa tgwr raatty s dbv tratoat waa mmry wtn a wwawe uas a avar aid tblag wtu aaa- aioa for variety la family ufa and mmi nro rmtty rnllia u tb haamt kroai ymaad fatwrway night ottax bfr ihrg oat ragjg pfbftir ftff wagtaa tvaiaa omj as bl tlij rr of tilt fit what tb groeatauoa d tana id ft on of tb worst eae of fraud tb britlab bftautry ef labor bad aw dult wtth waa raraalad at oavafttry wbaa herbert wright of loagfw aaar oavafttry waa ebargad wbtb rraudqtaatly obtitiihig about till m ubaaploymeat nay it vu atatad uu wrigbt bad been aarryug oa buiiane ft ft eoal marcbaat wttb a ayard at stock tagford and uat he employed two or three man ua bad aavaral vehi cle oa which bto earn appeared and two coal trucks wblab awo bar bto nam during oa month wright raid for eaal hkhaaaa tha awm ef tti 00 end do ria tba waak wmav honed la tba eumsiou h aeid s uary rompaay ever till 00 wright ta ft tuteawat to ua mag latrataa arglalaad that ba took lb hualnau over lb rough ahaar hladnaaa for hla brother and hie children aad that ha eeaalderad h had dona ft harm akd who had t proata b or ht brother he replied that uarw ware neither probte nor wag wright wa mtttanaad to w- moatba hard labor sky painted nf bkvbutb of the mltllon who pau aaaually through tho a rand central tarmlbai new york probahry sot oaahalf of ooa par cant turn thalr faiaa aky ward ta look at what waa oa pro claimed tba moat beautiful eeutng to tha world it had ft an effect wiu tar ate but ume cruel ureaa ram along aad vowad uat tba whole work wa incorrect to that tba etar ry haavana war inverted a palat- ra error put the ttare oa backvard that la thrlr arrugamaat la a mir ror image of ua maa atare real position in the heaven an interior deeorator copied a aleul globe rram tha outride laataftd of viewing u from wltbia wualu tulosb oh cahud crulblna tho oown bottom nugr th panama canal conu with bt mouth wide open a whale recently tuadc thu mlacalculatlon of cottlng a nub marine eabl hatwmd lila lip ho broho the cable all right but in trylna to gal away from it he wrapped 110 frot of it about hla body and choked him mk to death u welgbwl about lb nsws siul infohttstboa for lite buoy fajuur vaulluud yrapnaata open tnpneit a being advocat ed in aoma iuartere fe aununer use the tide are oonitruotod of lath or other almllar material admitting cool air freely and thee are roverad with wire aoraenlng to keep out other hem mlob and other nuisance the usual trapdoor u auuatod at the front and the top u hoarded ocr but three aldaa are ventllatad oac team watt ontario agricultural oollea oualph won premier honor in tha lntorool- leglat grain judging oomiwttuon at tha world grain show bearing t30 pnlnla out of poealhle 0800 tha oao toam captured the team aggregata print of ft 1300 trophy stum lalarahall oohoe of boulh woodalaa ont von uholarahlp valued at isoo for looriug tho higheat individual aggregate of 1 0u potato the o a c team wa cwnpoaed of b u oohoe n d hogg of ortmo udlw awhihakl bf record bargain sale the buying opportunity oi a lifetime hunovcja took arkaouca al oat gnat sab daat proredsocia hu soccaaa the following are only a rw of the great bargains we still offer handkerchiefs meam while hndiudiuu mon fancy tweed cop shirts mens dnaa sliuti collay attafkaj mtuajhcivy work sttiria mens fancy cotton sos underwear mtna mchno comblrtiiona long awvct ankle length 79e mead allwool sox 1 1 m all wool so 3 2 p t 45 shoes j cniwi calf tldn and kkl uee skoee aixes 4 to jo- latw strap slppcn 111 and patent laiker 2 so to 4 0 your ckoios 135 childa canvas skoee rubur aoles sites 6 to 10 ojy 49 rv special 10 tba renter brown cryataj sugar for a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mcbean co 25e 69c 69c jpfo25e phone 64 georgetown in addition to firm rjay asd aehej vrahipa tha ontario bm mctuwd t total of krro in todlridual euh e wwrtto tha awkaubawan unlfarauy team ptoiwd amond and atoo took arm honor tn tndmdoaj eaab awaida the amount being too ilany fetud- ast hi nil from rti jj amari- of grain and amau twd wwf bulodad tn the jddstoer the ontario trim isuhav laoorda how that mora barn ar dfatroyad by fcjw orlanatlng fom t ooiabuauaii tn hay than any other oaua aftoapt uwniog in unroddad bam uarmat wuelhar fvwwtaw to isb ao cunsaroue that more bam brae than em war aspectad in ataad uara vm irrg ivar bam bum ad tn ontario and a daeraaae of it pvewnt tn tha number of firee known to be cftuaad by aponunaotm ooaoiua- uos cvwdlt for thto t given to tha mora gjanaraj urn eg lt th gda- quale uea of utt la tha aoat certain way or iwbudtng and preventing apontanaoua ignmlon flraa pi to c gavtoad nat to lab t cbmgly orowar would ba waq advtoed to rafuaa to ftooept ua than glao to uts par hag at tha farm for good- quauty potatoaa aaya o w bauer saeraury of tha ontario ocowerv uaufcrte oousell uany growara who ar familiar with erop and market eondltsflna ar hfualng to aooapt baa than fc par bag raaulttag that with tha ihort crop into yaar wlu ba anally ouatoad bafora tha to erop to twady to ba liirtifa1 tvan with tha toomaaa ta prw th net ratutsb par gem of potato will be cwildefhty below that of a year go vrom informallon f fr from other pototoprauetng tiatrit is the dominion th ifcts crop will be eos- aldarably ttatow that of tha bue gaw- eral yaara while rapoha from th united bute tndtoat a drop of etwr 00m0ju0 buahale from laat yaar the unicnipuloua trucker travel mue daily from grower to grower bearing down on tha price and usual ly la euooemful hi tinding aoma grower who la not up to data with market maiibwig aruf pomlbly trtrivee a bar gain away below maifcat value lit than to in s potation to usdermu hie ooinpatutora iwuihtng in a ganaral market weakening not at ail in keep ing with th tow of aupply and da mand naturally tha grower autfer secant eaumaua iwcelvad from t- uahto aouroh plena tha early potato crop t no more than 00 per cent of a normal crop wioee to th trade on the whota- aala niarkat reoantly were gtu to xu per bag aaoordtng to grade ass quality while other aouroea war quot ing w45 and tlto for tha eame quali ty delivered to toronto barttoauaral net llardy phlos to beat tiwneplanted in lat aiiguat they ahould be divided bout every third year when divid ing clump th oentr ahould be n- oarded and the outalde piece re planted in good aoil good varteuai ar lcuiabelh campbell x gfahtt vvau anton buchner and baron von dedem tha autumn crocua colchlousi autumnal la an totereatlng bum planted in lat aununer and blooea in early october with pale uvandaw flower tha leave grow tn apring thla u the proper time to traninlant tha uadonna lily lillum parutthit they ahould be placed thout five inchea deep and given good clralnaga by aettlng bulb on a layer of coarae aand death af pri profeeaor y kris ullkin head of tha aplcuiturg dapartniant u tba ontario agrieultural oollaga died after an lllnau of only a few day lie had umtorgona a aarlou operation and failed to rally blnoa 1010 whan ha took up hto dutle at oualplx tha uta prateeeor fluen had bowl head of tha depart ment of aplotutur lie wa a gradu unto of tha oolhrgw rftoalvnig hto degree in toil a native of kant engund the cleoeamd wag in hi nltyflrt year u wag prorbiotoj aptarut and twwtary of the onbarip borvkeepera jatlaika w tha uto pieaior wag reogouwd aa ona of the ouutjding aiturtota tn north aittairiea and ft widely known authority on the aubject of bmetv lug and honey production u wa vttf popular with tog tauny baa- aefcwiftftf ontajta jhfegx wtttj tjaatyej oaaftttaftaoil kg oaaast sawag dby u tmuw kwaataf t r iri la ttaoloai naariy baif ua total v i aii ftn oadarto tba raeawt raiiriaft faww waato uat of ua wamatmw af canada fiftytwo par taarl im ag airittob origto iwmiymabt haw wu tabtb origin r r l soul be gar emt ait ettor bw- bnbaof on aar cwftt aktoito tb fmakatcbawan dagaarimatd f nataral luaouroee itotr at about 100o mat nit iu ftb throughout tb ae- vtoea ef luekiicbewaa darmg tb ooealag aaauar tb bird aw batag bald ta captivity at toinir jaw prior to liberation daepiu a aomaskat latar aaa aoa uta year crop ttaat uroughout ua prairie provmaaa grovtia tuuaa for otlalim to tb eguioft of j ii lie kay awaaral agrtmltaral agent caftftdus pa cifte railway he btaad bto vtow oa improved molatar rniillftnft and geaarou growth itartwhafft which at eoma point was ua beat atac tsig oomplettog a havulioaally aaa- oeuftjt vlalt to oanada aad ua united bute luting eararal month the otrord oroup aallad raoeauy aboard tb kaipreaa af australia for icaglaad under ua laaderablp of bav u alias vbmy thalr cajudua vtolt toreabtwawi ttbftbouaa party altacbabis yroatanac at which tew jiitm war praaall tb daatb at vaseosvar h6iav tyegr w rntriiiiial ftugartotoadast britlab cajamaaa ditrw caaa1un paeltta bab way aaaarad one of lb but m- maubig uaka os ul nnihaawl wttb tb talraseerutg railroad days of u tarbr aavaatlaa bto aar- via attended to naariy u ywam tt was bars to satat jobs mara 141144 oraat ifall aaaior ha tragi dent canadian paelna bafiw back from uraewaeka mto bos trip uat took bbu to tb vdft coait atatad that ba had aaea and biard much ef aa eav eouragtag ebaraeur duriag bto trip and notbiag of a contrary ss tor n added uat uar wwa diathwt ravtval of boa ass tw torauon of aosildanoa fmrm taanagement urougii ta application or bualnaaa prlantglan sraettcal and thaoraueal knaar- ledge asd ordinary bora ftaftag to farm problem to a naoaaatty gg uta day of lowered prieaa t o y heraar biuinr casas owv haft 4 u s wtanlpag kiwanl at ua boyal aleiajtdra hotel raoeaily tft aaaoclatlon baa attandad ha aatf- vtllea in saikabahawas what bt sow baa tt aaa umgwre wks u44 farm ef a total of itrjggg aerae under attnarvtolos udr tbin imeauflttot from u eountria attended ua tilth in at tog of tba paeltta seuso oasv graaa opasad at tb awaafagg hotal vtetorta juna l and ga tlautagt at tha vasoottvar gletgt vaseottvar usui jane 14 tt was ua brat uat tha crjagrwm ba uat on ua americas md of ua paelflo ooaas lord uutaarford addiweaad tb oougreaa from hto boma to aongtoadtbi apaach ba lag carried by radio eloa em gw inlua to vaiaoo canadian pactattilbgr eapraaa of japan recently bung up s saw apeed- record when aba travel lad tba 1410 mile from uonolulu to victoria in four day eight beurg asl urea ulnuua bltophu laeufft it uluutaa from bar beat pravlaua time far ua voyggg ggtd muek ftutdutancuig tba beat nark far any other paelflo ibtar lydigt tba slmpraai of cauda the literary ut of tba year ag beau uada y rtadarto nla cagadlaa autbor llvutg uaar nal- on b1 whoa btrintory tug beat iwoasuf ballad ry ftutbori- tleg gj osa of tb uoat protousd- i ly uovlas bookt nina who taut kntlu ttta tht rtttkt of but atlltrt atlfltr ta tin otatury atadltd btatatt tud trtutbt far tat r