the georgetown herald sixtyseventh yau of pufakuiioa tu gan hunit wfcwky ein auua 16 1933 1js0m b adnnca x00 to uaa tim gkomiowd hanlj j kwou crtt tha tsfcl tmfmt tfid uu 18 m f i 6 tmmta tu siaani sektavle urtcnvn tvu to ua m ul iu ut utt ml lua ul xi pj- lu pl 02 kfi aa pa 1ui pja- 3c sjndih unl uiiium only kjuvfyiuf stawdajid tu1b ifae0fcjtua mm happy vacationists dihectofty ls bay bus nttru fifijif tt iuw uiuat- cubsus b fnoowi osm u union m fiioiw ttts luumtamc osl kbbstb u uwoox v l mm lm om i is us tuibaa m i nultt cmbvc w a m nielsen cufocmctor xray dnifuu tbnitt ife lllitfcrl omu m itomtnlnn 8un biai 1 i va cant nniv nw u frank fetch monuments pollock a ingham hiinnmr to outt ft wortb gak oal ni bunia ixuini tawni eur wtfc ia o otamwr fi i it ii the to buy coal blue coal and ff welsh anthracite irl oi omw t o mil i or uh no extra delivery charges to nobvu bvcwaktrowtf ouwtnuuu home wjmoot pinwi mum ff ouhu xt pfaa a iftm u john mcdonald waaler ulllum natrtirev o of floa w d ilarruc oandua ulaltlor lo waahloitoa and lire lurrus 04 aapbev of cada trim ulnlilrr iu i loo- it b baeuutt u seen bar ilh bla moaar tota of ihtm apoarantly mjoriaa- uuiuirm at caaa4aa grx uxrltlma plajrirouad tba kttra con aaab of tha auoaqula itoul m aodrwbytbi nav uranmwuk vbara taay an apaaaiaj ititir vacation uijyx llarrtda oto4 ibaa thara for whlla tu ttomo kydtkuut jost at lha mm4ie hour bo iw am dip or lbahlll i uv whw uw road tuma boulh- wuxl a alratrf p by tba mil h uafmd th tu wttb a fjliij bound thu unkw whartf tba imda fcro dnim aad turalfi bnimiii our anitrd jld hi aurkto tha tvttea ootid tvior h cjrid azid bu mrf brtwm im tpariiud tua uixy habu attj htf buaiiad j ba hiintvrg mmtfh of tba faad cf and who hiajr you bat i qumtioa- d hlm loo nuloua lo ba ua ud hi boo aa tlakua mi tha bolddur of ui wo aa lfy i ia ms bvitfeatd b4- tuv a put tbm kaay bkuuoa only tha ctuha upwi wy baifc u a potfcftfuj of tunai abd oo biy ciuiow by ljttw wul a tuiu of our own ha crid ttwa ha xid wida hu walbt ba and uaytd u tha uifiaa la- kotf thu uws ua hutwrd a ttanm u ul chidt of itfci tijiacw latd and ihl ilu tba ttuiie nwudtdl ii tit acc that utf buih wind m tt fch uttnj tiling i glva tha tuna that u1u ua ulwloa ut a trtil to tha ujt a hymn to tha trw and uu chonu to tha vtnd of tha at- ttwn ha tw a tuna for ay vht oen that i bay hua ba 1 ptoiiii a tuna of uuahta and boyuh wa a tuna of to ad fuzu a una hit tha haart of a hippy boy hrn ha puyi tn tha wind and tha tun ttwn fra i had uraa to thana his ha donvd hi cbaquarad can uadr nu a bow and a flouruh ana cloud hu tmtaap i uuti ba ottr tha kul now touu a tuna to ifea haaa and ha tlrod acxoia tha hlbroad and vaniihad aoonj tha uaaa i fcoautlata doubt rva mo hbn u mwom to ux dfabi but nan tha tuna coaua imtahwf forth uka ruihlnj tou tus tha tuna of uuhtaa and boyub fua tha tuna of y and fun tha tuna for tha haul of a hanpy boa bao ha nlaya to tha tod and tha tus tit ax faocumnu a docior oho aa sunutnlaxubfit of tha bunday bchool in a asail vtl u aatad oca of tha boya thi quaa tloni wujja wtu you tall ma bai w buui do tn oodar to tt to haaaanr bam wu1u w buat dia vary trua npuad tha doctor but tall ma what va mum do bafom wdia- w muat 4l tick tald willi and wnd or you daiv oa am mm suu of ttraj an tuot of oav u tota about l tba atam to tba anwt that in tba but of umilaan ona tartar er whrfi u ovia aiiolnar biuu paaa u uj tha kithand jda thai- of court la and ajaa haa bn u mtulatka in tba pkmtnca of odiarto sooiabody hawloi taaa u la mkhlaan vidanily caauxuttdj uui fia um od tha hlchr u ocuiio il too cfua biiiu that ft urtorut teiog nowhwa ukl la no hurry to tt bu drlm of bacau u j pumia drtvina- than autuij around od a hot day tmuhii hoc i a 4lo i aad tindi tha biiddia of tha toad about tha m una of kaat raautanca ba baa to follow- it louar ilonf pfuy doa to lh eiiddi of th road aaothar drlv ownakki tu tica cot ko bbal la do- u tba taud drtwar should turn ta to lb rubi bataaa tha flrtt car and tha cut and aitdfa to paaa iroubb miitxi r4utt bauu tba ttru diwr tia a kiaj naut to awind lo tham at ady uaw l doaa mm thai tha uotorut bo ha law ful f 04 lb cult tml tht tfvfmh uu ttiat thn and tw uaurp tba eildi of u taad lo wbuh ca ftung faaur than ul n iouuad go itin shlih ooa wu aloo lla hlab ayi arroai th border la not aa hra and u ouahl to b it aay aao- toruta going at lo jjuij sum aaap on th right aid of lha road- tbar an fcotaa ootoruu who ma to arogal to thaaulv tha poar of regulating of pubhe coed art tbay run thtlr car tn tna mlddl of tha road gt up a apt j stuch thry ra sard aa aquaj to th omd rfgilauoa and taal thay aa joutfwd in utunj no ara t paat tbtra thy n btofig in uila- thay tr not comnt- tnt lo tnttrpnt adalnhur and n- foro th taer it unl thalr ab th drtvtn eho follaw lhm na no raaon to upitot that thry ara try ing to do thla thy put othr eon itructlona on lhair action kvo a poluuan off duly and tn civilian purauua la not a poucaan but a bo- tortat a eiagutrai uotonnt la a botorlai not a utgulral twsa onloira r n tha hlgbj and awn pollcaeun oh duty and wagla traia in thlr prltata capacity aa motorola ir aruwarabla to that gud ftawrai toronto ata who has aa- torad a git daal across tha bordar uu ua that ontario u bthlnd tha tlma tn tha way la which lo drlmra iu tha oantr of tha road hobody can lawfully paaa thtra on tha right and ho room a uft lor ig thaa on th rtght wnn ualtu 1 uonpad it tomatlma haipa that tavaral cars uin in on th wrong aid and gat by loa dparttfiant of tttgbwaya ouiht to put out ligsa uutructlng uow dflwi to hug tba right aid of tha road athlataa of both aiaa who basa comnitad at tha otymnlo oamaa wtu k bonora la tha track maat at th canadian mauonaj gahlbtnon thla yaax tha ex track uaat u tha ouatl pd largaat aputad iho camltaj in canada th maat will ba haid thu yaar on baturday 8p- taabar tod swlmmara of boui aaua trom ail parta of t world bap antarad n fu katlonal jhtm uartv than bwlma again thla year sprint wimnwra will alio b in aiundanoa for tha abortar raoaa a guide post youcantrust public preference for ooodyears for 18 years is no haphazard verdict tires are not a small pur- chase the motoring public thinks before it buys and year after year its first thought is good year the number of goodyear tires in service almost equals all other brands combined thb overwhelming prefer ence backed by tha motoring publics hardeamed money in lean years or good years b the best answer to be wildering claims and boasts ttaaa tenderfoot skowej tkettj some iru rue 0y jack vhrooorofctv r was b ka tw- tbai umrwim bfw wh ituulla h bid a girt tlka tw bifo la reudot luaalv af tn bai it w abotd l hut wi h mrntjy glttrfmal ul wa uu taui bmuufai aa aoat of tba vi ba fat w ilka bat tuiuw w ftb aa ruddlly bmlibur uauiiut her utba alia fig- or bad a wk awing to u aa aba ttslkud ilr uir awad t basa lm dad bj tba thf t4d 6 tos- uibt htwtf iu u4b p4frtly uaiihcd mtu hbw a 60 tty kb tuad bla gam and tba bi4 lag lw oiiulng wlib bv tdklag to to a tjkqw or two ba b to nad tfaad mb vaa a alrl tmtm k wtd tq ktac mrffa kl be lad aw cai bfur tbt ttttgb aad uiuvr la bw b bhjbl rama btilfuti fvow loo lag ati wld tua tbat glow to bt bcbb una fraiji rly eaortdfi fid 01 w brr rdibrra raiuli uan1n f uadlrtlucoitrlr in lf ao null to ta fan thai b followed ituulia bark lo atiuca to ba aaar lc rauiua falbar wumt4 fcta bt cwi a bit drtjlr oniil b uartwd hat marvin roulj f1-t- tbn b pro- lild blet wlib a bn and bay ab fot rvady to uart nut tnavthrr kuultaa filbfti furrouin u rid wllh lbo ovrr lb raot tba forthnan ia a hulj rwxthlj baad- tnm nun tkal uanta rtnild u vu in lo wlib kulalu puulla uar1a noilrd twd tba fortbaa eltb it utttt admlrntloa pnbapa for bla nitd martlltwa uanln bad tn ad ult that ha dldat rut morn of a bgura ta lb raua pirlora trourila afartad aa aooa aa wan la amounted bla baraa n bad aavar fvlt orb horw bjiwua undr him brfurai tba tur ba bad ridden through cvo- trml tarh srfra fca raallaad bow al- nuuf toy bboanl aa roaaparad wltb tbla tba bore rarad uarrta fvtl bark- ward aprawud la tfca duat tba to mart and kulalla asd bar faibar war bbot snllrllooa bat b could w tba glial 4f roatabituiua amaaasaai la tbatr n wbra tbay gtanrad at koulu lb glaacaa aareoad to aayi i ifcla euppnam ta ba a man and ao it wrat day afiar day is haw toak uarvtb rfanbrad ba bad madaaoma progrva ta boullaa atranioaa bat bar baa tatrat la him aaamad ta ba waavting fta vi bartbrakra for aba waa tba oaa girl for him ba fcaw not that aba art oally wa coatamptoofta of blaa bvtau ba aaaldot rid iotcm asd rooldnt tt along la tba ranch rosa- try bat aaewbov bacauaa ba did dt thow m bravaly tn jtritapoamoa wlib bar falbar and tha foratnaa at but dtfaparata ba apoka to naw torfc otw tba loog dlacaar ttlapfaoa a day and a half bitrii and bstslag waa brard orar tba raacb that raaay htalalia fat bar wld aaaa ba a mall plana off it raota not at all- uarrta cwrartad joat my puaa 1 bad at daw fboagbt yaad an uka trip ta tba sir that ta ba addad polatadlyalsra tba raraaua waa praaabt aalaa yoa afraid tba foramaa tttrnad vlaibty pauj khlauaw fathar look ad atartlad bat ba rvavad eala- ua waa acatatla fiba aald a rtda la a plaftal uaraalaaa asd of rour dob aad had araat afraid t lbayva both aftaa adalttad to w tbat i bar isnt anything ta tba wu thayr afraid a affar tbat tbar waa no quaattaa aboet tba rtda balaay foarftoma it waa eaaaa uantft had t admk to tarn tail tplna and do barral roll hut attar all thay had dallbarataly provided bin wttb an almod unrtda- abl boraa at tha and of tha rtda don and dad war wrackal avr again i dan awora trytag to mat hla irga brhat ao ha- could walk away from tba plana aa fast aa poaslbl im loo old to uarn now trick ilka chat eulaltaa fathar daclarad without rrvationa thoagb i aavy you you oust rra growing op to thla gaav arallan it waa aa thay walk ad aftaa aoppar with tha rbroaullr mot of tba aaa- aata a ft era low patntlnjr tha raw laad in pasan color thnt klanrla eatd llonry im wild about ranch llr and im rraiy about city ufa ah admitted though i aoniatlmaa thought inayh city mm war puny aa cora- imrwt with treat am plalna man dot aa rompanml to running a ptala boat ing a broncho ta child play how about our incorporating ha auffdiaied spending our tlma ii ft y fifty ranch and cltytt a wll idaa aha acboad tha mao la th moon saw thalr aa nrarti and approved even if in tba il lata nee ft jackal did bowt disap provingly st paara asa uafaatoww tha viati data of st iuula birth la not utman hut it ta aupposrd tn hava iuhii lutwocn tna yiom 0 and 10 of tha chrutlun era aa it i bolluvct that ohrlat waa ihihi amuu four your prvvtoua to the tlute from which wa iount our yeora it la to ba fnippoafil that laul waa from nhto tn fourtrtit year younicer iaul wua burn at tur- bum in aala ulaor but wua atnt to jerunutetu to i aducoted iu wri be- beatlttl at ilonia ft tha year at or oh during on of tba prutumaof tha ffliris aaaav atbiifiaaf naro when door way legally be killed according to the municipal world doga may be killed whan found with out a tag off the premise upon which they ore habitually kept and not un der tha control of any person any person may lull any dog a which is found killing or in juring aheap b which in ft township or village la found between sunset and aunrua itraylnir from the premise whew tha dog u habitually kept c which 1j found straying at any time and not under proper control upon premises where sheep ar hbbl tuauy k9t too ftfctty holiday afrvknls why do w drad to uto in od tha raahaa of orw owf tha wtra afur aach houdayt thar la alwaya ft long list of that who hv un to saaloua aoebwhta civic holiday had ua long wur and traic iuiw uj vtcthm bom sr0 wry slwpla and could hav uan avoided by a uttu caa courtaay and cqmftvw una it mqu aleioit imsfmimii to arua oca hundad par ortit cocciwuori u outwi iow bm to fort tfc up rub of uxwiy trry nub lulo djiaxua mlr without a thought of undvr- tow tuaa or tlrflr on physical strvngth or porr ttwy jump inu th vaiara wuhout tuiowing tha piac ad find that lhy ara djvtag invi shallow waiara tltfy gt ipto boats ind caaoaa without knowing juu how lo hanul lha a ultir su cornea up or wind tad thy u in daavr iopl gd hoilday pkuux in cara niirt alung tha road tat sai laugh ing foffcrvtlul of lb fact that tbay ai dtviag ft poarful ffj thax ovmanda careful atunllon and th cuartit uf urain and ay itu a cui tn or ft auddaa wh j th ar tn if tat r a awvrw to tlu right or bit that causf tna acctdant it waa all to quick and dua to tha fact that for a uotatnt thar waa a upaa of forgt- ruloaaa of lh raponiibully by tha drtwr if paopi will only atop axa cooasovr tjir duly thar woukl ba fjf arodnta tuporta atiov that duruig lh aubuarr taontha thar have barn ft giuar numbar of aartoua ac- cldnua thara waa a slaady dacrw pmlouily but jt aiinu to haw taken a jump latrly tr pra rauit br rbrrclwd if tha long list of wtikiy acebbou u to ba allwtrtaiad ii can b don with lh coopralloo and sup port of th pupl try whra you r on th road or waur to eurcua thai oroiaiary car and sound jud- gmrnt lor th tairty of all- disooveauno oub tbllt slf- for oenturtaa mn bav raad or ua- trnrd to tha eorda of tha uaatar lovuig hla praorpta and rxapl and taaklng to folio hla uad that thar has not barn a dour fallowing and btvatrr accomplish mnt u owu lo th fact that hla taachlngt have not bwn aufnclmuy undarttood or an- plud to prrnlday naada and fta- tivltua y bacaus of tha tmaj unchangaahuocaa of ood what jaaua rawalad as trua rgardlng ood and iua creation la trua now ho part of ood creation can fall lua lawa can navar ba finniu ptlin in tha trtumpb of all thai la graat and good la a foundation atona upon which to land aacuraly and from vary attnd- point such anllghtanad faith u daalr- able abovw all ual dos not th glortou phrsaa hatra of proau uad ua to rapaot lha tj of goodt thla la auraly thing to do lhad lo faar and pradlct tha ewning q tu ood bpirtt who mad all la ra- pfih lor ula splrtiual creation and ita oontlnuanor and ataadiaauy bolda u lo ui original perfection han in uoda ukanraa rr heeling and aapraaa- ing uod ta govarned by this law of clamai paructlon and ta mrsrifttiity atona im ood uod la creating giving aatabiishing man ls recaiving uocyisg a fg aa 00a undar- mmif thaaa tnlruual facta lh trua tens of self ta catahliihad and tha counterfeit selfhood which has ofiaa teemed to ba euth a disappointment u rejected togathcr wiih ita pri pnd and seuwul through una pro- otaa w find trua atrcngth wnlcb tuastaa humanity txcaiua u refu th div in christian uciaoo uonl- wiuti yolit own upcaklng oi uuiiuaxlca did you ever reau utcot ovr m an auamua to aaa wuai gooa tna dead person really did ui in world ot course ita not always ft fair ifai no many otutuary nnnraa sua urutcu oy oouora ana otaara who don 1 anow h mw ifv pr woo has frfi fin except tn meagre uuuuu auppued in answer u qua uuna or pcrnapa lna story ta writ ten oy somu reiauva who piuatna to magiuiy uw good point ox woo may uuua uicm not wurin tqtiing uui apart irom theaa woriny poonl wno auuer auicr tneur daauna trom tna en oris 01 inch weumeiung uto- grapocra w uunx 01 otnera whoaa me luauirua we navo attemptad write alter knowing ihcm lur yeara and what a taaa 11 has been aome- umaa incy wcra darn and went to some scnooi tor neither ot wnlcii uiey can cuum any croaiu alter uuxj inay merely maoo ft hvmg and por- nap vera married prooaaiy ui leap vcar hut there waa no one thing dy which thay would be particularly rvmomosroa in oraex to nuuto the ooauary a doocni length it waa necessary to put in ft graat deal shout tna lunoral ana ita oetaus and yet even those who have run along vary much in the same rut au their uvea probably ban some notahla eiperlenoea it waa the theory of a treat kngush editor that ovary per son had soma great story if ha oould but hnd it ana 11 was ula bobby to talk with bumble folk and try to dig up these atorlee thus be spoke to sailor f discovered that ha had been a survive- oi the duaiier which raaullod in the death of lord kitch ener tio we suggest that if you have some story that should he known when you arc gone you should toll it to your lanuly now u they dont know u or belter atul write tt down and leave it where they know whore to hnd it out after all the most satlsfaxtory way ta to do oa the late llarry tlndalo did write out your own obituary and leave air oc lion where 11 is u you do that your newspaper friends will call you dlcaiod rjrgusnewe ita- oord one to a bfcycle with the renewed popularity of the bicycle thero has fouowed a ataaay increase in the number of aocldants involving these vehicles such aa in creased in fact that the department of motor vehicle queena imik ha thrown out a warning agalnal the growing tendency particularly among younger cyclists to curry passengers on tlie handlebara or other porta ot their machine such practice la apeol- ncajlly forbidden in tha highway trsf- flo act the bicycle 1 built for tha express purpose of transporting one person to carry mora than one per son the department point out is both dangerous and illegal during tha month of june last there were 140 motor accidents of this number 00 ware collision between cars and bi cycles a total of m of th collisions occurred in urban centres and is in rural okba one cyclist was killed and injured my kreuuohogt uy rji trijaad to cf uxuvuckdv unaaa that 1 lazkad hraphamfy natahbourty aaac i thought ha waa wrong and lo fcrbv it pak thus i haa not thxon a sloti nor startad ft fuaa i have uft you aloe has not ehal at your door to bothar your bcaoa what could s do tnot hrw erllktaad yo tao u ftbtiac uog artmtsd you wti you ciikkan waa 106a uy nihbor wphd all you say u lh uulh but a nalahbor doaa mora to fa frundjy forootb you wwr hat ceo lo lovua aft td cat to ruw tn your car midst lb raid and tba ilc you liavrut uoualtt ovr fiontf nor froja your yam nor dferad your hslp whaa trtaja pruad hsjd uy rwlghbar vu hht lb diiiia that you li ai th tblogs that count bu not the tlilnga oo doat do you think you er kind toao yoti naar thraw a stoo lljt living and lakvtng your tiiljlaaf alorw your neighbor oad you and your frbndly mind kmpfrasfd in scad and ad that m kind oaaa laaaa dacj you evca stop to hmnaa dy cdum il waiu fihawaa oil iton j t u anderson piwur ot hjikauhawan taya tbat br ala- mnt conlrlbut mora lo huaa bn nlnita tmi wall bring n loyauy in lis parsons appllcatka u la tba epitom of lh doctrtn of lbs naa oran and in ita ganarai acwpiancs u u th buckler and bulwark ba lions thar is no virtu mora aplao- did and fa mora unjmraaily ill ass- ad wuhout it lhar can ba bo lna patrlotuia nor cah thar ba paraoflam nduiy it may ba mtauian ba as aitachmanta but th aplru cf u may mistake may bav vtrtua it practice iit4 m and tcu lna whola fabrle of human utiooihio it sppiteattoa to kdaaia add ft spiritual hi tin to ufa and justinea laith hi humanity it la admirable f l la lh wry and in tna council chambar of tba nation it elaeatee tba humbla and nothing so becom thaa in lb tilts 01 tha mighty it was ni recognition of thi to hrrant uruish quality which lad h pouxd to exclaim iisd my pavmia uno ornish i could has lost wai-r- loo and slul baan emperor loyalty safrguard th atata and devciopa tha country it surwoubta difflcuiuea and oanarataa lh paimotla faith that inovaa mouniaina it axhitvaa mom than th moat skil ful it will auflat any thing and coma from tha ordaal ra- onao uka a tamparad sword blada it is uyond prlca fiklll and bffttjas may ba purchased rl mm for maq but never trua loyalty- it waa loyalty that bulldad lbs aart- uih empir loyalty to high tradi tion of honour juatle vt uilagrtfy worked into th woof and t cd this stubbord island no tor ft taoi- and yeara never war trua loyautla ad fisntt mdad aa now aiany of th paopiia of tha world or passing through eon diilona which am f aliiipritil dutraaa and sutfartng it u by loyalty that v shall coma to our ova again peilam unswtting loyalty id our friends to our country and so oar obligating a tn raanact to paopl and mtit who although imafliywr ailaa to our blood roc occupy thalr own place in th graat scham of edoauas humanity long bun b iiadb by uodehn loooktonvsa a ft result of improvamaots in loos motiv rtignj fmrraima with tba bast development in lb oualactrte engina tha fiip national itau wssa now ha locomotlvaa capable of tf ng run of sod milt wlibhat change drawtng heavy ollatee poa sangar train although only a few year ago changea had to ba mads every 100 to to mike thaae long run without rturkt- lka longest being ml mile biwa winnipeg and kdmon tonha va baan macb possibly by tha use of super- healers to increase steam pressur and of auailtary engine f iij booatanr to increase power without maiartsu adding to tba deadweight the employ mant of steel alloys in wearing parts tha mechanical lubrication of ejun- dcar and valves the us of areas in stead of oil tn lubricating ail aurfucee and by other reqnemanta fas design while the longest oneengine runs are performed b yth company y0tt- tlnental limited- freight looomotiwaa show similar imnrovemanta notably between uontreal and sarnls whar heavy freight train or drawn ui mile without engine chant there la aa much difference ofav- clala of the canadian national bail- wya claim between uu locouotrr and one of ibis aa thar is bten two motor car of those year wealthy days gone bitv has no bkqbbt0 wultam taylor fudcun uvea on what ha describee as ft com paratively small income has no re gret tor those days when awwdtflgt to atslement made in ft court hadr- ing he used to earn wjmo pounds a year i live adequately he oeid vl work hard and x run a car what more can any man needf tn my wealthy days i lived about here near bromley but that fact dotal not worry me believe me most peo ple expect ft great deal too much of life a great income u not neoassry for any one fifteen shilling a weak will feed anyone for both health and happiness another popular mlstahf u that it take brains to make ntnasy it does not it takes ft large helpinc of luck and a uttla ingenuity that i all x have raised cattle in western america and worked as a lumberman in canada au these things were only sidelines to my actual profession of electrical engineer mr taylor ho lived in aonat capi tals of the world has been in e european country except bwedsa and while a resident of hussls in tb bad days wss presented to the csajr the boots auords bend front on of great britains famous old una regiment dating back to uw4 wbl b heard at th oansdtan national ek- hlnltlon in dsjly ttm conoertai this