Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1933, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sfarfysmoui ya of fufcatioa tbe geortiwn herald wcdnwdmy evening octotw 2sfc 1933 91js0 par auras ia adrancj 200 fa uula tu corlowo herald crr tin tkua tfcd vud loirj bjdrttwaato t44 t w h i tfafa u wii u4 fefc ttll wt cat li ua tu ja ilia ma iua gl lu fesi lu iu p3 bpul fu41i4jr ul na cm pea u pa ui p-m- 10j pja is pl m1lu pja daily euwpl aoxifiuy it biuiwi uw ohtv sundja and liou- bjurtsui stoaujld tata owectofty lb bos bub lilrit uj ftill nnrplnii oalano o o vbtw niy uiuet czjlbjbks wumuns m mi tmuy t hi osm u ucin at mom lib u1kmok oal ntlkiw ui bowsbb fcrri i u ku bi odiarla 8 o ota a a oxiubi o m luuiboh afvtmbcbini a bmcuxboeom bimain ithihih uuh it fbajoc w buausdsoh bul tilnhmi uj baifcnt ul 4c qn u aiuiottin if b w1to0u bab hjib 11 l dab ltoaiaa a bioiauai a m nielsen 1u luf ti tatum cufopractflr xray drucuu ttwapla oom ow nnmlnlnn blot atariilovn uxm i yj 0 m pja owl aanlir han u frank fetch uobhsbs aoonohkkb prdaa otrvla aara om kok ottwohtluijiul monuments pollock a ingham n ouv won gab oat ftiifill our wit la owmssd the ivetv ivctj to l9uy coat blue coal and welsh anthracite 0a ofjw fo i m of vwi of hue no extra delivery charges to nobvjx wcwutrrown oxkm willum wtonb school tmuuuil aitwai rw cub if mk ovfaur a rut luiul john mcdonald mum it- cwokuttmown wlbb m1w1 lta faumftfrx wbed a deal ia baaglbg fir bj the rcapoiulbllltya yours and youra junl a little doubtful aail youd like the beaeflt of dudy advire just reacb for the nearest ulephone aud give lilbi the facta ileii never faraway by telephone far so centa 100 mile fc bgllnj a bt- wbbwlnl tltatf j ita uhoi biw b bobbt w4ibraw duicattom god ito luut tat our pkatuit iwrl hourujuir u t wen lie duunutiu bad til ta u tlv lui8 hn of ubor and of we owjlfau to tin out of the voj ui cry ttut win- ltuitfd uaru- cxr xr of unjcrgotun irjiia kin ijr lialh lidn lh uton oir hi 1 to iclie our mnj of ptbi- tim thrdtutlnit tjtrwu tiuu- itjvrn- buultw tovra ttww cltu llftixj from a bruk 11 clod vf ibokj ui bond from mlgtitfr fund thui out and uity inun ttuir o ood tlwlrn wty lwf tr that dvrd uir ujiirodiwrt uiul oum bat lu nwp ha rtfwrknl ct4 tlwy t la all tlr bountm raukhd froot tliy hjid orsjit do hoi fbt t1mk lt u tli- llur luh fur ua to t0ir tlitn- u viijon ouri ttur bid tnlni wily uud ioj uu aliar if chit ruv tnakr hlih uttuiuaiit tudy boauayktrr u rhrn every hurt of uu a lfjor of laarm suid dluj- drough nd frot bonvr jwivuxib triial hold ttwlx nutli nd prir bo ttiah not one u lort tanrd r ijif bulidjij sift and rvonr o dh our fr tirr drud our oru rr rt to lf orunt u mronjt u1 and untwv load ed ryt to offrr ihrm to ttur tuke thou our nnd and mak4 the jounwy plain guld- thou our hand to fairly nd uv iiw voursv lu from lothtlll c turn again a eoodlurr hrrliajpr ryanrr iwatrlff taylor hauhhoabo kdadh all durr of motorcar anow what iilhboird road axy it u pro bblc ivomrvrr that frw arr acquaint- j ili crrtajn tnnlnwrtaa facta that liiur brrn kamrd in ronrkrctkon tlkrrr- uiu ptlrurljiul amonj tlww u that thrn l o ovflnll dlttanre botwwn the rldsra tilth raur the aui- burd i njitiu4r atatr tfw dlauuico from tfr top of orvr rblar to another ii tarn tix and one tialf tnehra lliry furttirr drclar that ihu mru ur mrnt no utiu on all roada a uroup of auto orwr on one oocaaktn ircrtitlt u aacd to trursa th du- tanor bfturcn the rldgr th suru- ran all llw uuy from rnxn inches to tarnti no ant yurwd aa high a trnty all eilklnrcr horvrr ad mit thr cannot riplaln thr mact re lation bctarcn cam rvprrvntcd by x hlculur truffle and effect aa aarn on hr r1dr ahlch cauw the ducom- icrt o drhir and niuwrrurrra and hi- daiunr from aklddinir they know the kind or rcodi that are affected but that about all tachonce ituatlr nrklfflioom taftrr the wed ding tirrakfa o well thank for all icr good uhea im atartln married life 1th a doacn fine helfrra ond oarah if i cant make a do with that lot i dont deaerve to how much are your prachea penny each lady i ii have one nleaw olvtn a nartyt im caau ibaaj blue9erries pt- iiwiiiiij cocoanut jalv powders i4n- lot uuri sauerkraut for halloween llaltayami cuu drops ik lb llajlnwmi k1s3u lb i7 pop corl 3iiuij buih 0u jeuv beans ik i7 qruntwult sardines lutuont corn starch paxltag 10c fuatl japan rice miiu 10c 10e choice peaches uu 10c aylmm tomato juice no i ii4 j uiu 10c easlfirst shortening 10 small white beans 4 ibs 10 ayltner sweet corn n 10 frankforcl peas n 10 natures best tomatoes 10 fresh rolled oats 2 iba 10 fancy pink salmon iib tin 10 chef pork beans 2 l 10 golden wax beans n 10 pure p butter 1 10 mclarens quick puddings 10 kelloggs wheat flakes 10 plain lunch cookies p 10 golden laundry soap 4 10 nugget shoe polish 10 6011 ton toilet tissue 3 u 10 hui rvaparatl mustard mm jar 10e wwllm iiy lblsfci gat bars strained vegetables rr baby tin 10c a sweet potatoes main street 7 lb 21c tokay grapes 2 lb 26c phone 357 georgetown worlds tttnpertnc taty lalrramluall taufaww ummuy aukaj octohtat imit oolicm text lcne orkth no ul to hla neighbor therefore love u the fulflung of uu- law ilomana 13 10 lloaon passage flottjju is 12- 14 14 7 9 ts31 cod be u my luad aud in my luidafklkxuluvg ood tw lq bu5e and- in iiy kk- log ciod le ui niy mouui and in my ipjk in ood be tn my heart and in eoy uuna- tng ood be at tune end ohd at ray de parting lutuki ajj nlgki u uu aiuraj condjuona wr ofuii indea- cribalr bad in the ftomaxi anny ixa- cjp uv a atrkct dulag dayugtu trauuiw but during long hour of dartuhb uu atmlura iortd to tui oua fonu of vie for pautuur ifveo anud modem cwiditiona vbtn cilw uv uluzninaud un tkcincjty uu- nighf tun it the occuoo lot huj y teuilauoru paugue faouwa ram- nvtcuiuawi umuartorntj uu ouuula- ur mu of tntualcanu olun oauie tlw icin ui be throu upon the dvcit cf juat and llorniar for whuh tfvra u huduiutumi and ihaci in uu morn ing lwmmi umjl ao dihvrotly at mid- iiuht and at dawn paul likened the ctirutlan lite u uie daytlnw dlttln- lne of a aoldler in contratt to the ru uig of nlghta an ke lie encke of putting on the lord jeaua chxtat even a a icdlrr put on hi armor c in- in la a defrno both from tempta tion without and within cruaa depend upon secrecy and deception but a ohriuian ieeka to the to aa not to fear ecn the cloaaat acruuny cf dally conduct ilrfaiaj e lurmlaft hi 7t we are membera one of another bocut u a relauotuhlp beteeen per- koiu it u tmpoaauxe to live aokrly to ourvlvea a motorut picked up a chanor traveller on a highway from a horn a a hole family caught a con- ugloua dueaae a drunken driver by u inuneiitary mlajodgment cauaed five innocent people to hav to enter a hoautai aa patlenla a tchool teacwirr aho habitually muprorounord a word caused that ord to be mlaiironounc- ed throughout a urge tectlon of a toanajup in the food c rat the clothrk ae war he amuaementi we putionle e are dependent upon otiirra we can never be a holly free irom their influence they ahare our inmoat uts thla fuu ua poaluvt and hopeful aide we may ahare knoa wtkr frlendahlp and joy juat aa r are often forced to ahare injurious influcnor nor la helpful influence limited to thoae whom ae ace day by day chrlat may come into our uvea a 1th hi power of healing and help we may open our heart to otirtrt and receue hla abiding pmrce un til we are able to aay that we uve tn chrut and chrlit uvaa tn ua ttu bal u lan ij ii it i aomettmca dlmcult to know how far wv ahould oorulder thr pre judice and preference of a waaker brouter fioatetlme thlt arakcr bro th r need lo he ahoclted out of hla unuti complacency and made to think for him if eaprclally if he la magni fying tnnea we today can hardly apprrcute thr force of the jewlah ob jection to eating meat which had been offered to idol our flrat concern a on id be to hae tlte meat free from prim and micrcb but thlt wai a matter of aerloua contention between the o reek and awa in the rally eara of the ohrutlan church to ua it u a much more lerloua matter when the eaample of a profeaalng chiiatlan rncouraffea oilier in the ufte of tntoii- eating liquor ttiere have turn drunk- arda a ho aaaerted that their nrat to- clal etaaa waa gtivn to them by their own minlater port una tely thla ruu become more rare thr great majority of miniate r now being uetotauera dut at public banquat very often the gueata follow the etample of thow at the head tabl th praaldrfnt of certain unlvtralty invariably turn down hi euua becauae he doe not wuh hla example to cause any aiudent to form the habit of drinking trie brat guidance about aucrt aoclal ctu toma u to be found tn ifw la of love if love our fallowman it wlu be mail hardahlp for ua to deny our- brhea any indulgenwa for the take of their aaiely and welfare a hbirhaaj ubtfaam 17 ii there ha own cndlaaa dlaouaalou over the liquor queatlon aloonol hau received far more attention than it de- ervea if all the claim mad for alcohol were true it would uu re main on unimportant part of experi ence- compared with buabvua and family life education and religion the kingdom of ood la not a matter of concrete nhyalcal thing aa much oa of higher anlrltual value auoh u rtghteouanea jvaoe and joy in the holy bplrtt tneae are the thmn to which wc ahould gtve our chirr at tention a half hour vttlt of in- rctlon of a beer parlor make one aonder what 1 the attraction there la little aoclal gladnea no educa tional value no iclrntlflc rtrogrvaa no athletic gain lien alt around drtnk- lru some of them until they are ttupld and aodden it is a muiaken idea of having a good time there la far more fun on a bowling green baseball diamond or akatlng rink- there la far more profit in attending night claaaea in the schoola public ubrarlna dlacuaalon group in church- ea it la a great mlatake to allow the body to uaurp the kingdom of the mind a rrotberhajwl 1111 we may contribute more to chrlatlan aoclal order tf e oonoen- trate on the factor whloh unite rath er than those that divide paul aaw that small and trivial thing often dlaturbed the peace of hi muuuon churchea lie aakrd the ohrlitlan to concent rote upon the great cjtatntlala of faith and conduct their guiding principle will afford ua sure guidance aa to our social standard the an lillcotlon of the oolden nulr will pre vent ua from exposing other o temp tations from which wo trek to have pur own families protected it is lest of the highest spirituality to prac tice srlfdenlal far thr wellbeing of othrrs thu la moreover th chrla tlan anv of life chrut thought not ct himself but went about doing good qaeetiftiu for ntatatu 1 are leisure hours the moat danger ous morally t 3 how la the law at love practical in business life 3 how u social interdependence in creasing 4 wiiat do e dfstre moat from life ia the temperance question ewen- tlally a rellfflaua queatlon advice for joan br k louis havaou tunmniuhiiinmi one answer given as the reuon for hard times was a period when peo ple utort feeding the cow and wonder why ahe give leti milk borne mer- chflnta are tlut way with advertlalnff and their buatneaa hi h peijw wu aj iow to joaa 4 if ru tatr gin bad r truj ci mj- m himlur oi- wblcb 4 tint w l pto ltjtj vaag uo ur tw rtib j6ulg uun ilm aw r 3 ixd iiusj aud iujwt l9 ub c 10 lute tlrro bud iviur tulo be llf iw4 uwa imif joung uihuo aruold wa uf iti pvsidwj 4 r tbe upcal c4l lua tkv tue ure uaoo prioelpal rf tk ki kjmil ujt iw t vlubb iflll woulj lijtrm iiujita lurry itavl au uvttll i ii ilrt umuuvi u t uej i rfnt jtll liut urv tjtfuia iltilng atnii h f vtuii- its a ikjrvi rt ittuinf air tali i tw ca4lmr gll ul- ul it tuy it btb iiatil tn nurr t oiifi m hur f jni kuu i u ii kbiw- lte buillmf wmlttllus jiuilm i ijr itrvtimum fnv tjljti ui ixlvr fhat abe si uvuirvd uf umu jaa ajf mii u4trly bj d1 oa apaud our vbiioo wllb ausl arolt do oy frua bolh ibeai ftjeulu j iuog ma and iklsk r hi ufa out f r diriulf ib bfmlj- bjm jn ltit f lu trial iii burvl aunt kill j ml mru- f thul au1 or ij r a joo like fcjld lr aather la dlfftmilty lo ilia ood joan bhii lo lloton kh a dmt at lite tar tat 1 by br saot brtiao itowitiainr amd brotaru saliad efiauftrur hi frlao t the miinn beownmooefroefed ba- to itarfa luy thru ahown to bee norm and told l a prmlke w bilerapped niuld hat bee aunt would be home at ave al fle pmmiitlr aunt ojrol aunml stthitly furrvcl tan 1 buwrwd rap bur rjlng into the isw m aad luolt joan lo life arm vour otothar wrote me ah as 1 1 aremy that nu f run away frt i two ardeol aduilrvn ami nuianwmlt- we tauat ae unit yuu bate tie llnt uaae n4 even hull arnold ullts deb utante slater cuuld bv whlrird through own galefy i ban did joan in the fullowlng da j a ninmh un- ludcbaoaa shoinilnn l aura iinr- li waa a wuoiy if either lurry or iflll waea r aparl a tbaoght and yvt ijtog la tka exqnlaltai i1rabd four pnatee joan a thouibla algtitl trald home tbl sort f lira wikild b bee fortnar if aba our- rled uut if she marrted lurry well f coarse it waa absurd to think ab weald know abjeet porarty r anything reraotely aifrortiliig 1l what b- mould know would b dalng her awn boose tx ilt task a careful avcoaocay do- lag without tbl a to obtain that and if then- ajinojd be a family a coo si in speeoluiion aa ta wtiarv deoiui bll m mutc lesanoa and eotleaj edua-atlon- were rem ing from joan didnl wee a frat deal ef tvr uunt once intrtmliioil to hie bavy of yt antf tpaople tlmi ft daughter an i wins of her aunt friend aba was bwit along without effort oa her part i an the surge of various aortal aetlv i tie it waa the last bffbl af ber afay tut audi carol came into ber room as the waa umlreailiig before ttu eeay little fire that burped in ibe grata ifuv you artltd laat ravoaseatoua fiion or yourat aba aakcd wltb a smile joun ahnek ber head i take it for grunted went m ber hint thai both are fin yoaag buo mil thai thhr inromea being equal imn tin jou itv ine of tbemr rmn rtiiah vuffuted the sweat con lour of jiutna fa i i think ao e ronfi wed iter uunt cattu over aod laid a bind n t with shining hugo on joan hliih r btuiulihr tuke hit onw yuu f jimn if it a i lie rlih one will i tnxml if hie poor nntuke htm lift- tiring hanllili and disappoint intlila that onl love wll vttlhblund ou aw unow hha panmtl then i t tui gruvtl im going to tell oii a illtlii uwett joan i once hud lb mint itrtlton to make that yon huxe i lovitl a poor young iiiuq and i marrleil iherbh one i haven t hem llltthfllut ulllllli tlut i tllh1 111 n uitm tuxly ehu llfv and hnve mv r lunl time in live niy uun id awith it lliimuatli hull ami ponltloti in tw li l tr a wim jnung thing lib unt if unit ull tin jitb ynn nre jrv luu lirlng vnur iuiiht a muni mm n luu tiruinl bliln ii und hiu t timed lnun utiit buwil her prvtty blee and li imrtisl iiiii u futher nnt ht r at the mnt inn in the nlil uir that hud to h ruiiliitl in rort it uoilhl go hope life with illltnerula lliiwtlt a mi i led youi timh for home jounnte in crluneil ltetvi n jou and nu i v mir iiut tunil u lot i van onii null e mill mi tier hid she ttirmd me down tnr u vmiiig nuiti wllh ii mllllnii if lit limtu i 1 xliniild tit vi r liuve got tnir ninlhir loin miii i o 1 in rrj mint verv m m lit ii u love thill iiuiiiih ulie inltl lilm univtlv life ih1ium iiiiiiiv itnlhlilpt ihilt nnlv itivt tun willi mini hi tit r lunro n ioor young mi hut llurr in did not miluf vvlml uiim nil iilitnii hihuiu lur mnltv liv i r fit mli i mlioulilt m m not mi tturii or lomi he fuhl vml im tlm i ii i ii iievt vtur vml lie won trtil ii- he tool lur in lil uniit itt rm n huh mito ihut iiiibtnti on mil- tiilil i m 1 1 p canadas ofhcial anthem according to the department of the secretary of state at ottawa the only anthem which has official sanction in canada is ood bave the king it u always played and sung u the offi cial national anthem llowewr the maple leaf forever is often called canadas national anthem it is known 1y almost every school child and is widely sung and probably the most dutlnwaojbtritlci tontf among canadians of french extraction is o canada uut neither the maple tteaf forever nor o canada c cording to uie department of the sec retary of state of canada has official hooaiutlokt ttwr baty in tku pew by iuv k c ptrouon oi some ymjtrt ago the writer tnooatr with a sipping infant in twr arttrt enlmed a city church to attmd divine worship but was atoptxl at the door by sf jirrtlm deaooo who said lladam uu u pot a nuftrfryr the woda vere diaaumttpous and lacr- utwnt but uili uoe ww they lit- lui in uh anlht of ciirurt rsartun- auly such an auulde u but rarely manlfld in cruirch luv lody and like swriat thurcli is mo anxwi to kail tha ehildjvn to attend bat far some reason or rfiaaona u ttaajort ty of the small cviudreiaiar not to be sava at church a vuu to a bumiwr of oukhea will soon oanvtnat t that coaiparstlwly few ctuldrfrt a to h wrti in the average eongnrauon it u i silualkan wluch piajfj tlrf minutry and ail who ium uu vwl far of that chucti at heart- wlut u wnoogt if th uttw onli- dro are dot awn in the church tuw u ui fauiltl hcrorly the miftjiey for ukb cniidrn arv loo young for hij to auract and not the child a for u u not out enough to ovclde luf itself the busne muu rst squarely upon th shoulder of the parrnta if lhe pirenla have not trained up uit child ln the way ivy ahould ajo they hw no rni to expvct that svheiri la 1 old la slil notovfbut from il we are toaj that the small child of primary ar cannot unovratand thr sermon but that u a ood oval lii the nurse a boastyman often tward about but seldom un luua pi ten- era have big ear and the amauer children understand a good deal more man w usually give tfwm crdit for even tf thry are too young to under stand what go on in the church ser vice the moral hct 1 such a potent influence for good that no ruhtmind- ed parent can afford to ovrrlock il it u a truism that th children of today are the church of tomorrow how important then to get thrm start ed right ttany a godly mother la backward tn taking her young child or infant with her to divine worship bring fearful of the child crying or getting treat- and her usual excuse for being absent 1 the baby k- me away or the children p trie at home aa a matter cf fact ho ever a very small proportion of little children taken to ohurch cause any trouble for after having barn taken a few tlmea they soon learn to keep quiet the lraat whimper sound to the selfconaciou and panteatrtken mother like an indian warwhoop nd she immediately make a rwun for the door when a a matter of fact no one else has noticed any distur bance uothrra i the mind of your little children are prepared soil ready for the seed what are you going sow take the baby to church and do not be ashamed tf you have to leave one in a while it take a good lusty yell to disturb the average mini ster and he dors not get annoyd because baby is rutlua take mby with you next bunday and are how u work note the writer of the above article tt the auooeasor to dr how ard tn the town of vankluk hill of the ottawa valley where dr how ard 10 yean ago itu toorloa ul aioatmlmo ukulx whn you the oa at aaity dawn putting hi eoldam raiment on if a loni u ih ray from uu fcun uf djy oswls vou and lingers for a while juu thlnkf h 1 ltu janing amii if your brokea irfp was fljiaxl whh far of what biiht happrh ajvj um wvcas tjaaj tne pomii hotur a thry 1 t tttjou l be nllad vvktb caw- jut una lo the sijj asiuw and uafl the glow cmue why carry the cawt u tenda ue light aa an uivtution sjrog and bruhi ror you to troll the cai cwi him and you sijjajinj luan will chant a hymn of praia a you du asrfjii la the aynlal ray of hi uorfunt ami at night wfwa the sky 1 msaofwj with slant they are hla tra that took through the bar of constant fear uut cage you in the drape of heaven am wry thin uos up aud saich the star awhlk for liar or hi rye tht alway smii a i love to vander uirrugh the wood land hoary in the soft light of an antnr day when summer gather up her rot of glory and like a dream of beauty glldaa as ay whltaaa ne ottawa sfutistlt outside cafita1vtuc adopted child the entry through the doaater la te rest of lixltish capital into an im portant canadian pulp and paper en terprise may easily prove to o the turning point in the rehabilitation of canada a moat important naanuias turuig industry it foilowa the suc cessful flotation of the canadian oov- ctmnxnl 115 000 000 issue of tome ock ago and direct attention to the fact that urltuh capital has played a very important part in canada de velopment even more important hoawcr becauw of the trend of fin ancial event since loii ha been the uivwatmcnt of amerlcan capital the canada year book for 1wj shoaa that a at january 1st 1031 oulaldr capital invcetexl in this country to talled nearly 400000000 of uu amount more than 3jw0ou0 000 waa shown as british capital more than aloooooooo aa united etata capital with liuoooooo from other coun- lrtea in dincung atteuuon to this altua- tlon u may be all to again cmnnaatie that the part which outside capital has played in the country a develop ment ahould not be forgotten aa there 1 a tendency at time to forgctn the treatment accorded to the enter prises ahlch have been built up with thla capital there 1 too frequently a disposition shown to discriminate against such concern in matter of taxation and in oompeuuon for buat neaa with other more purely cana dian concern the dealrablltty of inritifjing outside capital to come into the country 1 widely recognised this being the case there ahould he nothing but en- eauragcment and cooperation tn maki the enterprise so located successful from a financial standpoint sentiment pay uuie u any part tn the decision a to a he re capital la to be invested what la more important i assurance of security protection from interfering and confiscatory kg- talatlon intelligent and not too bur densome taxation and generally speaking an opportunity to make a fair and reasonable profit on the investment outside capital u an adopted child which ahould be treated a our own financial tunea alontreal oct 0th 1ieheh a manh idea of iiolhtwivel code st lotus a code for united state housewives has been drafted by judge u lurtmann of the court uf domes tic itclatlon here but it doeant re semble the one by jjrs ltp of mederland texas who urged among other thing that wives bo allowed to sleep late at least two day a week why says judge itartmann the wife should arise at least one hour before the husband and have his pipe lit and his morning paper at hand for him exotpt on bunday a husband la entitled to a hot substantial dinner each night of the week cold cut and sardines are taboo i wife ahould find recreation in whatever form of entertalnmcht fur husband prefer whether it be read ing music the movies golf or football after giving 10 per cent of hi salary to his wife for personal ex pense and paying the household bills the husband is entitled to the balance if any j and judge llartman adds the husband is entitled to an ojyeotlon- ate welcome on his return home at nlghta olrl to her sweetie what have you there t u her sweetie borne insect powder olrl flood heavens vou arent going to commit auleldet whether ita tttawlagw or bualnasa patletvofl u the ttrat rule of svumsa uy uy ottawa oct 17th how u to climb out of the depresadoo selling our own bouse in order lowering tariffs or raising them waiting for the rest of the vorld to improve or by adopting on ntla of our own could sa bring back proa- prrity by inflation a national divi dend managed currency or a central hank that are question you haar flung about by every group of tbouahtful oajuidian who fret to dlacuulc pw- sant tvrt1niona in canada ho aonoer uicr la so muori oon- fiujn because our own uacura and adviser donl agree here are a group of cnruradlctory lncffbf iran taken from uu news of on iay panada la definitely a part of iba solid family of nations wa cannot live unto oursrlvra we are not mas ters of our fate aa we ware before altered condition made ua a factor in the world of commerce premier dennett speaking at edmonton a world conference of nations in which each nation ha not done all that u possible for hartf 1 inevit ably doomed to failure whan every nation ha done ail that 1 possible within tt own border than aucoaaa will surety f allow hon il 1l oievrn speaking at ottawa it will not be enough for ur dennett to argue that we are drifting tn the current of world events and are helpless to remedy condition tn our own country alberta labor news diwavat aa wsru il ha been pointed out on many occasions that canada a prosperity de pend almost entirely on the exports of the products of our farm forests mine and ftthrrtee this he in the case there l little this country can do by itself to promote a really sub stantial increase tn our acuvttlea o f tower assistant to the general manager of the royal nana complete recovery so far as busi ness la concerned must depend on tha recovery of lost maikeu stanley baldwin speaking in r in a aorld in which ijifaufjtriamcy la no longer cither desirable or at tamable we are moving forward to a fuller realisation of the posalhllltlea of closer reoperation international trade u a business of give and take jamea a famli uj fsrudw of oommeroa at ottawa ottawa faeu orallttlj the declining trad between can ada and the united bute waa re garded by ur ifarrtman as ominous it made him wonder if the united state tariff enactment had deatxoy- ed trade which would be mutually proatable to both countries and simi larly if the ottawa agreements wttti other empire countriee had not di verted trade into channels which wetra not dictated by sound economlca from report of speech at ottawa by il il irarrlman prealdent of the ui chamber of commerce with all the experts at sea what about the men in the atreet through all the fag and confusion however there doe seem to be a trend toward clearing the channels of trade british expert tn september wetv nearly 30 ooo 000 higher than tn the correipondlng month of 1933 austra lia is enoouragtng empire trade by aorne new reducuona of her tariff argentine and the united kingdom liave just made agreement which will cumulate business the cana dian chamber of commerce at ot tawa urged the government here to assist trade betwnen canada and tho u a one suggestion being that erode to the value of 1100 from the ujj be allowed free into canada a simi lar provision on the other aide has existed for some time premier ben nett in the west defending his appli cation of high tariffs explained that it wa a temporary expedient toot to be regarded aa permanent policy jioy- be uw whole world 1 not far from a new era of trade aanll canadian taxpayer save 13600 000 annually in interest as n rctult of tho huooeas 0 thj nca loan too bad a drastic scheme covering all our ob ligations could not he undertaken that would save 135 000 000 b year or more point lono in dihpdte holved bv old trees further proof tliat norut america and asia acre once joined or were port of the same continent has been found in northern alberta canada remains of trees said to be from ftfttm to twenty million years old yet perfectly preserved werv found m sticky tor sand near fort mo- murray anurled branches arid trunks of trees uiat could be whittled with a jackknife and even the leaves and the insects that fed upon the leave were in a good state of preser vation thanks to the utrttght em brace of the tar sand not only aro these ancient trees far older than any previously discovered tree remains but they are said to be tlve only known deposit of jurassic period vegetation tn its original state the remains utiw discovered by tlve engineer of the canadian federal department ot mines who is an authority on bitu men deposits saltyforth i i cant find words to express my uutlanatlon u irnrrodlilv tnen why get wild when x aay m ue lgnorantr

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