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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1934, p. 4

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pk4 the georgetown herau wejneacjay evening june 6th 1934 motoa vimklh hamch oatfamo dtajtlunt of rohwav but huhtjywjs of ru oatuta builorula lseau4 of trtsdla lit uxu holloa i tlcrtlt jlun at hm txht p47t mvltatm llljkl0ufr of youn lut vim lut ay liuvj o injured lws iniuhit chluro for lb rt of u4 llv- imw iiifti ami wuufti will vajtuy rgret having fkutrd lo ely lla fw tjinjiu driving rul uhuh vrp buao lata out of trouble twl aa lifs club siul prop brtraua to many tlri ltuxl t mla s2a0 ptueui vr lxuj or la jural on our highways in 1j3 efrsy dlk ey atuuttl wu raiiwd by fauaiaa tirlirivrt isnt it tluia fur ua ta tie s iltll twiiling do you dr afuuy ejwaya you akouulf uiily fur your own pr tevttoti remrnib tkat st9 p rut of tke vtriltue of fatal udu tsat yaj vr occupauta of buttae vahiejaa don be sorrybe careful mmimml okumih alt cahjmi an0 imhjuive paunff awo uoicmuttl muit acjr thi rttfokmujtv jo ihua taihy facts about hydro no 4 of a uriti of official amtounctmenh by lit ontario municipal electric awocialion reprctenlliig the munlclpjlitiri ubo oun tbe hydro ijectric syitem uf ontario how hydro helps rural ontario electrical service in the rural municipalities of ontario as provided under the administration of the hydroelectric power commission is unsurpassed for any comparable area and circumstances about 36j township municipalities have contracted with the commission to supply power from the extensive transmission networks serving the urban municipalities rural power districts generally include parts of several townships to give the most econ omical distribution costs they are operated by the commission as agent for the township rural consumers receive special advantages not conferred upon urban consumers the provincial government helps in three ways it pays half the capital costs of rural distri bution lines and equipment it makes loans for the purchase of wiring and equipment and by its guarantee it has enabled the commission to establish reduced maximum service charges rural hamlet service corresponds to urban domestic service farm hydro service includes both lighting and power and thus is a combination of urban domestic service and power service here are tome uses for hydro service on farms in the house on the farm lighting cooiino waiiiino iionino rliugcration vacuum clxanino lighting babni ckcau separating sawno pu u fi no water churning voaimop milkino fllo ciiorrino silo tuxino xmunc mlll root pummng mot blm on account of the fact that electric service in the rural home is now to widely used that it can be considered a necessity a fiveyear contract with tlie consumer is available in those dm nets where the townships concerned so approve cent of mralcomununruyleuthinihfgovenimint- gujrintrcd maximum service chirge energy charge are alto low mor thin 49 per cent the iervee charge incorporated in rural ritct it deuuncd to meet the capital and operating coita of rural diitnbution line and equipment required to deliver the power to the rural comumer to rvich each rural comumer there ti required twenty to fifty timea greater length of dittnbuiion line than to urve each urban comumer with a corretnonding 1n1re11c in esperue nevertkeleu government aid and cton omical operation make it potuble to aupply farm cervice in ontario combining houtehold uu and three hortepowcr of agricultural power at even icti monthly coat to the farmer than the low charet in many ontario towns for s comparable domcttic ecrvico ptut a three horupower power urvice co operation pjyt in dulricti wlure farmer matte full uic of service ratet go down more than 40 per of all rural comumer pay a fitit consumption charge per kilowatt hour of 3 6 cents net or leu and thu rate applte only on from jo to 42 kilowatt hour hamlet and ordinary farm aervitei for addi tional energy comumed the rate to any rural con turner die not exceed i 8 cent net per kilowatt hour and ihouundi obtain it for i j5 cent net per kilowatt hour a low follow on energy rate of 0 67 cent tut par kilowatt hour hai recently been approved for rural uwn making liberal ute of the tervice this la a loner fallow on rate than u available in almott any city town or village for domeitic tervice ten years of progress in rural hydro service vu uitnorrubal nuuii or pus load clttl govmnui nt giant pbiuabv linb coniuulk llnaupovri invliiulnt actually pais 1923 1050 7790 1700 28000 421000 1928 4100 l00 16980 7298000 5617000 19 9175 61850 270 17694000 879000 hydro service brings to the citizens of the township municipalities the comforts of urban life no other material agency can contribute so much to the maintenance of a standard of living which makes life in rural districts more attractive a service that hi9 doubled its business under the difficult conditions prevailing since 1928 has proved its worth ontario municipal electric association publicity committee clulrmth controller jamei simpson toronto frank l maton oihaws t w mcfsrland london mnp ovrtxoa mot to bs ncmuimtwd bf umw hfd- but 10 uaxtd tr to kcsp th isilnd kt brood on ulv dsi tutanlim hlur kill ludtt oi kwlaita and tbtw uyturiou at frwry ukricrt kl dfd to eusi um luukt out of our yt catudderin only uoe whu un what lift vliai lov whi beauty la tliu la to lit uid wla uu anal paw tljiunh 4ru ux fortuiv and hnh luitnan bsrd iksil down th uml m tfuksnu lund and dutnb with ajoay hi patlenes uifi ihaji cod uany fwal vote from life outer ui hours ol urajiac irlumuti and whjn tev eun twd uutoiui and gluupd cf wmtty stir atnd suoluu tft u j i ulltsl ilrptittioll llj tu in i ru ul i t t ivijrw tvivultvu liiurll f i wlru i git w fcilsr f i u u ry i twsio uul by il i- l i i lfji4ctuim uf iutlijujil sisn ij u ii4iiutt r faucd i u losf hi tl tup sjf a ijrg sjad riitj iixui ttws diniuuc frwo mi l siting tlir bllrlbql rv i ur uluj llltlllwu ittdltul till tttfj nrv wtttub din o in otl tiand it rlr siftmattt lp mm ttow hj t hj j of uu lduao iuttj t vt tt 0 i rr an ur i tutulr tl i tfcv i ruti kl rrtiwsiftlla a fttl fcal ul uikii mti wtmng r ftfii luftl mb rr- titvtcii a mid la huuvjo co tmiu- mi a woman boib ttmpdio in tis1 ttlliul wlib ltlr bands imtrtj furwirtl wbil m kibi fcad llh urgr la rd swqisi to res froa a slogsj tull tli ramy or fgura of wisra aij a tie god flir iiultljratla lapor uar o ib lnr tw furtiur po4wa tilat rwi bjatilflftbt u ikry or p aal mad for uu of tt foe- ljn rujonlt smib tr to bumrchi at iiimpid la tb utr pctfnii pt4 and or stub ulfch w llttl ou uul nw c6muu a strmu ef uautai uaiblra fcu bwo aptly ttemdra ruluotcd iil- and mill tuwim iu pa441 till is apli of rat land blld hhlrfi vrsr atoned foflfcldrabu lem itf a ad pr prty ifaovira ta lajid of run and flnsef and blu 41m wtub ha a twroei blahly nooular a a bollilmy rruel with tka of ewau bbj uuurv uhai alruili a mo about ii ritsarorrmpoadmit bu tha aitranrdlnary tanrlri of ra torn at imtt flit or all rutahu all aloaalda nvodro nwtbada aad lat- provftnata up and 6v wa th mar row twin i of ttrta f rotsla patlaal tlr of bollneia 1m fraaa aa tha train ai ida u tra 1t1j fffffftr e ssftyfaantllaa and drltaai br etua feoya la ptrtaracriaa aatlm em taat whiu ta uoal btodms botat ear tad awtor basa rrtie ba- t1fa htv9 rnnrhal asd th lllaa ef tk hlbtreuad whs pajl uu at a ait terdiu pe um af utlaim frarll rally th vntlr ebala ta oad for eaimrelal fnirpoun wltaia eu of eora la chlaf bevdoet and la ud prlartpajly al th bbi law ta baaalrf baas oeraatmuuly it u aaad aa a labetraat la eiuaatia with binaral 4i aad raeaatl a ow osa aaj baaa foaad for it la aa aalmal oil for auhliif nurrartb utlla hala oil la bow oad far baatlaj asd light lag parpoaaa prh whala iuh u rroond lato frfcauraaat bmat for eat lla fcrd and bath th baah and boaaa ar groubd lato fkrtltiaar could not dress herself ntuatmil im vurt amm w naurttla i uo ualng krutct n urtur wruf a wooian of 60 yu aiid uitt on a tj ucflt foe i rould not dru kaywli toowtuiusi triy uft arm wu to pauniui i ukf krxncthtn very tnoening and ui psiin hi now sea i wu roaudnovd by toy doctor to ui uiu of imar ood uiu auiud to and i and km chrn u th bt in tl it u von dsirful i fl twr u mueii uuer mid i ahalj aways uk il i tm w or of a and haw not till to wu for -aj- 4c s tli palna of ncurtua and wutkj aj a fctatuim uf owpi troubia ur uun uoubw thu uutaa itowilhw cout and lutbao ttwy im b ui uf an imnum bloodum thy how thu potona bm crapt lato the ltood- icruuiifa u a ewumfmstlon f atv iiixusj fcalu wfaleh shihjj loumaj tuinllra and kp tha bloadlrtva pun k uij rvfofciwd blood i rot coursuna to cry nbr of your bilnf ttwo naurtlu uuo and btmlinj iu olj pu you by k prominent hindu fclnuw c u 5w au cuttbi ww u ttgus by rttjt tj itxot 1iitut i w anj ouia oaitw kcsu cj r iau1 tu ami oa- cvojh uij ttho wajjd lis llu twu jjikja la ihr miiu1 luoaodt ctjaur mr a uwl ha ikr nauauoj of ivinj oat of ihf momi i httif liwicig aifuu oj rfuuij uoal tve mlm in lb wufumfj trw if arul clhufv r6s ttom a ko- nusutu lukaa hamjy wb rotraud lla sm atul outtenjeb uombyaa tbi fc l cjvoia hoa gfirfaittet ba tba rvaaidioey couro la cabya iii ugfe boaon u cotutid b krtiaac atti lc canae tr camhri4 aj tbata tree athlstd th rtaufcula bal i aualaa tat bi th lor ta uduaejvdur- w ob rhanjd t udu i bamltfaal antmrtli ta th xeci iwi injormatii e tfah nn ul and watch for further statements by the vulalctty committee caraf al ct- tsro fltnlu eollr glria aiat-a- bref a eattplac parly ob oa ns- inn what ur iuatloo ef mbahroobu earn op cura aatd on of thee blth rf sraeea lo th bpelbtoa brooiht la thaa buy b good nothrooaib all right hut br yoo eoftwiaaily tprt in bbeh mattr to ksow taat thy ar not la wallty toadatoolaf -wall- uld cura tbar wir1 bar toada tittle a thata kaoaaa city tim e far vols a collector of manuwrlpta aad set adlllooa of aarlj americana foood b msf in pamphlat form la a bsieoad- haad boob abop it waa th oaly itboso ropy of th old aarrnaa aicapt tba ob which th collector atraadr poasaaasd ii paid tfluo far th aae- ood copy i hen took it horn with bin and lbrw it late th nrplae th daafroetloo of th aaeond copy bddad aavara tlmaa it porchaaa arte to th a th eolletar orltnally bald bo eiplalned nation a not idm homaa carwlval cbaagaj id b ganoral ay it run ti uli that earnlral la huld juat bafora th boglq dlog of int hut it ailata no morv in tta anelant form in ilnm it la now alraoat wholly umltw tonubml ball in th thaatrra and ita manlfatalloaa ta tb atroata am aparae and frry at tonuatad ort the itlvlar howavar thor or float mainly with flowara whit ihla aaiwct of carnival one aa important haa altogether dlaappaarod lo uodi opea vue iu wu thai rovtacia hoe hafy yari b btod vsvan bv brovlaeaa aad wa abu lo mi aarafal tta a kta asd pncttcaj lai a ta aroaumy kouecu- 1 wlf a biiisjrr e tb board el odiucrtaa aaj bmhiuhu el tba ceatral shf el bdu b wu aaeoiated riiiialibv lo tb tstrannj labor cmiuru at wabtoom two vara taate b aa aaai lo cav u lb bam eifpiijhf aad uc tbtu be hu pel maek e ui tta tbar lervtao u ibr tdjicuj aaj ubae caaert of lb m prrmraaiit tb tahraauoaaj labor czaiitmt icid um tbtt petti- diajla w ku tfcnia aakcaailtii ba8mo ol reaaaaifblsf fridtnii for bla nxiatry aw blai tw abvtoc tbotr ba ibe tuob cfigtlmiirtila ta loodoa ml vacaal la l3f issr aaariy arvaa year kt aatfanaij ua dottaa htb tact aad ifcul bjaa tqttlu vttb ah claaw of palihriaaa bu a bveru to bodiry gtpts eva 8b w be ktee el waua ow iril daettaaj ilteaabara el lb rayaj family are dil uod wtdt fitltt paoai tbtok they would b tai la tb kinaa rob bow- aver la atttcdy lotbywad la bo elturn ttaacaa tloaa b arcapt gtita roai hi iut ku tw rale la to uitl kaowo thai ujf lmd awly raturaa drtunta oaertd imob a0 aarfai el tba cbataua tvaajtb tba kla u phlbtihil asd u fr aurally oaf atajap by fellow inthun aata trceouv tb iqaa rthtied a collc tloa omferad by aa pnghihwan overwa hub bad taua kau a bfm to acqulr wuw hfoaiaa hia mjy oferad to bay baa ol tb raiitle lor hu own coluettoo wba iba kjoq be came latereuad to wtrejstu a tklua of handioat uta dacrodd oo bucklnahjm iauc k atlll uu tba aet be haa hud for uun tta after as liloeu patrol aedlctnaa of ail idoda arrived in oojiiion to homad reaudiea ood nclpesv th qureo a eipert knowltdo of por calaln wu mapoaalble for mnoy olf tacludiim family plrcca but tbe rule vva adhered to her nobby ta aouque tbe print of wale ha bad ttruior 0llt offered btaa ourtao bla african i unt few year bad b rkelved a qiii ol wlvea sis black auldrna wrrc unt wltbout waratao by a chlefuln aa the orcateat olft it wu in kt power to u iow great but waa nrcruary in lecllnlaa hu prearat aalaul wall troalej jo sofia hulirurlu unlnmly of bur- tln ar protoctikl by luwu wlilcb aro impartially inftirrtkl only loada if certain alia or penal mud on wajixiu anil the uasooi rauat b groawd rm ularly no they pull anally rvnry mil mat nulling a burdao niust bo properly atiod and tlrlvtm ura cautioned lo fed thorn well uimp thou treated properly when they ar hu sowl cnniiot b carried with heaila down ia tlita a crual wiy ii waa la baj a mun nuvur knuua wbao ti burnad hla potatoov ohurve1 cusb miller cigar alor phllobophar a poor flab la bar racoiiily auya haa lioi irtinhli at tinum bml dint unow why u blwiija douo rlubt hi uiya und aviu when tta went to nluuur falla he wnu thounhtful anouith ta aand hla wlfa tuothar a iouioolir ihuiiui mrit of tha whirlpool rapid aaylng urfoctlonutily i wlab you waea hare thrift uasailb- vlaltor how old a you my llttl many uoy darned u i kaow mltter mother waa twentyaltf when i wat bora but now aba a only twentytour modern buns brain not barie la thai of gavemia tvolaaaar tbui dr cyril burt nroleuor of pv oqy at loudon unlverilly lol 1 ttvidtnt ul crhant coiuq thai the human tmln eemi to b in decline pier la oo evlurncr thai it u upr tor to th brola ol paleolithic mm he mild and ita loberent capacity uem lew thitn ii waa a century aoo dr uuri t4i culed the reputed reaionlno power of modern onlauli we read fascuutlno ilorle of the wonderful sinlaul which uccordino in their proud owner were more ioqici than hunun betoo he aold but ih animal avycholoalil nod tfut thl u not io- even the cleverest trick anlnuila jo not learn to perform by u proceu of re i onlna they learn by trlj und error ultimately knowing that there u more pu ur ta taking on court thin another a case f s all gold loo ailk to tue haul maaaoe loula irederlckion hotel manaotr at livunilon ul took chute ouon into court over 78 ooldjuh oiioo tent red erlckiod too ooldflth for the hotel oolj- dili bink for tbe winter errderlckioa uld all but 22 ooldflih died obon he claimctl cam and got bla 22 bih and 7tt other- i loaned blu 100 flak aald ouon i ouoht to oet 100 back but i woo t be huih about ft hew ih 100 bib u iredirtckjoa can pkk out hla 78 be can havt theta fhovruluoo took on loolt at tb bowl of bab abd udullted thai b could uoi ttunuly hu thiiinaaa lw uiqfp rj k- as utu4e 44lrfsi iwi 1 sij im 11 llj t4 4itjj lj j x d proof against lightning fire wind ri permtintnt fitiuini investment la the twbtyooa ywajrw thitvw hv been building prwoo uil tvuaa bars unt ooo of thca bmi hi luvd dmktoyd try lljihtjalnff ou ft ca win eh a liftitswa w44 asd ivi4 bo tbt ftr ta ob tblajf you ot ibiab about bn i hrj a lsem prtoa 8ii tniasi lr ar aholuljy btiroof from vttboul proof too wbao rosldad utructioaa hsftron tttfl tluis bajihs ar tb rtroo bare yo ca buy kut tnusmi a ol bvy atrucuirai 6tl rivtud wltb pbrtwill rlvvtura hid- and rul ar brwd la ajl diriloa roof ha a puung fitch colc rr dp aad rwat- heavy mtory bcllt door with aobr eatvy njlllaj harjdr larg kadocs vwitilt aivl opubl cufcu wuuiowa kaap hi ktft cool vou ar uagi by your bulidlaf- ikiy a lirsptoa buaxtnu lurti and yoo will always b prouj of it dtlnile in bpparem towlaoo4 retdby oaof nurcnwalna trfc voeblaj d- without aay uiuas iu writs for our bn circular ermrosaedrvodnfrs sok its sif uttjtjl to vtr uir4kl tiu ushh ititmjhi narobinson live stock dealer and butcher nerval live stock trucking all loodf fully insured phone t gssoftt 101 is bray chicks at reduced price oridi morr opportunity knock at your door bray chick price half bwn materially rrducrrt on all ltt br0w rr th baunoa of thr waton yvu can buy grnutn ilray ciilcka at prior very luu if an higher than you ill huc to pay anywhrre dtaoi ml thl ehanc to tt aomr rrally oguundln ehleka at low cotf th demand for limy cuci haa tncrrued tku tiukb in tever yrora thai aort of uiinu dorr t juit hapiirn- thrre a rasuon the reason u th all ruind ailtufactlcn ohtn by dray chick phonr tiur ncart- t dray itauhery for todaya twice of your favoni brrcd or trie direct to llead ocdo uav chick lutciirmy u cuybara aw bf calkaru 04 wal a c baown kami bjht dnwoveuhui var bloo4taunijtxtb yaar ooenuakit approwl w s mm mm m m mvmmmjl mmm av4 k baby chicks to lay from w4tkin h bfikdlno htatioh flock iunm hock and ocw lahorn chick hatched rrom our own flock mfclch haa btvn dloodttd under ojjil for your pttumuon thrre year without one reactor lait year fun cuatoenen raport hav- ins pullrti uylna at four and a half to fir month bo ther 1 atlh a chanor to gtt net fall hlah eg prlo with watkdts cidcicb hatchr every tvt day from june uu foundation grade chichw at dtandabd okadc muck j b watkins piionc hrtl on mil ct of acton on no 7 highway wlu 1 acton l new beauty for your kidchen end better cooked foods for your table with the new 940 series coleman 9e85 irjsianjgas rsags mau and buns ttwlr own 6i light insunilyl in thim oiw maim rantw fou u1 llnd ksndsonu d slln ml llnlilu ih u1 idl nsw brljhliuh uul bisstv yoiir lllchnl n lmprovrnrl mtklt my lo hlv knir cookid lood lor voor ublll th nw couiiun inslsnl oa stsngu uv ih ifn uovs r nuj1 au rsuji tsodi i cmutlti lutl unki audi at munim kvrdur mul rust ttld mini oomalon nronl and thfy provld ntodjrn gts tsrvics tot eeab in no tualtsr wbsf jwu uv amulng new bandablu buniar cuts ud coil onsflllh ptovum wur tat of coskliut but 0i van hut durrlb ullooi 30 pr cms ttumr hullni kuuitcy a uau mousy and lsbor uvlrur lniprovsiiuiul dill yypa sfty cirbumtor valv ikj th iuw dili tyw ciibwmor valv tlvu you vpbbv t your llnier lips nosjilvi vlslbu ml control it skslmsl pioducm iu insunlly ram uty ood rids or tut bwial butod motor ml sjilui tluu itultuuoit rwii gmw ulir to otxrsu thin rw htlon babw s thtu rinurlabli rsngtl tt our stonl the coleman lam andjtovi company utt s6i1 your dealer uhj5vj

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