the georgetown herald sixtyeighth year of putucation the georgetown heram wfcdfieeowy evening november 7th 1634 180 par amn in ajvanca 200 o uia- the georgelovm herald j m uoou1 ruij sk ivwuus uflabr c motllui wwkly n kiupr akoiliuun cnr time tafcle rlandird timet ciai ea paienjer and hail 1030 ajd lwnuer und mall 837 pio wiatnrr ttr tuiunto ut pja ttundoys going lou jiinjr 9io pto lj injir for toronto 9m pui cu uwl putajcr and mail 11 ju pinger aog pm raoiliar uul loau u pjo luin uunday 1100 pjn oui kuu m41u ond iaungr 45 04d uooi tth uau uul rilwnr 61 pfal ivttfcij new sdejule lkavk cltofculfctoww bj4 aju 11a ua all15 am 9jo lu 111 pm ijjo pm 3a4 pm cti phi a3 pm a pa a4 pin 91i pja 1024 ul 11210 ta a doily toutpt aitumy uanidoy only 1 tsauirday sundays and holi days eajutejin standard tule ba p4 wu u long m mtoatfc directory tl uov i1a1x lurrutar oa oal ueurgeloan ontario office git try ttwotre wdj mill til ueknltu u lanfjuon turrluar ualuuw nslaxy paula pint mortgage mousy to lou otncis mala uumt uouib plum its ooteton be kun rj bangains- but watch quality bugfeli uv stllial isi ll xw ti iimmi mi fcfto f 0sai foe4 iwl w fj u w wvj uw uum e im wur w 01 ail u ijjy hhhur quaurv u tu lw m cj cffru uji- uwin1ujrne ucuasdsoh ftuut kuiuiisr w mlujkc w kloimrnfioh jul money u looo tawphono m ottajuwa rwa hul stitajtrron raney qravdow lawsencs a oook hutiaultf tla us br lit ywmutmuua 01 e 7rur luuy fcco 1l kjsard oook oordcti oruydoo us ula bl north ilramptcn tupbona tflj iliroul it lartn uibuw ttuudlnf ummptoo tiphoo wl p b wat80h dji wjjj offlc iiour 0 to s fctapt thuid altmnoon a m nielsen iiu vu e fmum chiropractor xray druguu t lai lluiiul ofsc mi domlnioe sum aorgton iloun j 6 t m pa obmj liihiu nai lie floral designs wruuu bbraya iuauu kbj ii fciotlu wwfc biadj abd dillnrad pkjoeh keasonable j farmer gwlb bl omtwtmra red salmon 2 23 mccormicks biscuits 2 b 27 blueberries 2 i 19 booiil b uli ulii i ut s- i pork beans a f 2 ho a magic 81kin0 r 34 e4 ik ceut 1 j neilsons g0c0a j 23 8htu corn prunes 1 cctj uk umtv p it i lux k fcx lux soap gold i soap is fr ijjp h jgbbbb j t2bbwbbblf t fflhf jabbbbbbbbbjtta carrolls ixt uk umuthtns ttutt coin ur old 1 lr mt todjy 1 bluui toki lit i ivt a t ilme vi i i j i u to iiimd u to make ol joy ti j win um u lltlla more nu to nlaht look lir k onu tlu ajuu ojui djik and to m j l ju r of nhnntxmi net to uau or mui j- woild u tuttir tlial i uvvd tott sweet potatoes 3 lb 9c tokay grapes 2 lb 23c potatoes 9e pcu phone 367 main street georgetown put age plnhiov ciunc1c linn lxiid crull utru nniuninrc mrnl teuthr to hskxhiju up uw iui mint nllon of ttr old aflc ivrulont at wilt br rrclrd ft i 111 utufaclumi by nun of tlu old iwple tio flnl it ncccwary to apply for tht ppiulcn in hie iu t it ha ucn wwiary for iv n ilicnnt to fill out the tpplle tlou mid t ihmlt it to the local comi ty pni n dotml wl ich in turn sub rnlurd it to the- provincial hoanl for lu approval very often it took two or three mouths tand jtnmftlmm ion btid brforp tn applicant icamm of th dcculon of the hoard and frr- qiutntly lh long ptriad of vuttna fn taum conv rurdhjp and occasionally the oppliciuit duxl before tu ivniuit oa utjiiuvi it 1 riprojxl um rd ina to mr croll thai ttw ur h km mill miltt it xi lulc to m ike u tli culon on an oppll cation within uu ttwkt accord tnu to the new plait uhirh allt take r fleet at the end of the vear munlclpil olcrfca lll com- ulcu tl appllciitlin hlrh v ill b for irthxl directly to the provincial cointnlulon thtu rllmlnatlns the conn y itoard ii vm r it 1 doubt ful if the dec won of mr croll to abandon the prmlnctul liuiwcuon njitfm at an economy rneaurt ftlll uotk out hutlsfoctorlly tlwre havt been in uu ut und there undoubt- edl ttlil bo in the future raea turt people received live penlon ihroush mli st luimnla or othatwlt whare ihcy should iot liav dona there is im doub but trut lhe yurm of in pec t ion kept thce caw to a mtni- m in no ulth the abondonlna of tlio inspection ujion wtvom will the i im fall of invtiilaallna the differ- t nt ca and chefclna thaa wfru would htoop to mlareiutentauon of i clr flmncib kmuua in order to ob twin the eiulon if it 1 epctd that thi municipal clertu will do ihu unrk it k moat unfair to three men and would place them in an awkward position rhecujly in the amaller temrr in our pstlmatlon the tyt tm of tnpectlon will bs rveadad un der the new plan us much or even more m than undtr tho former ays tem fltlrllna newnajiru the georgetown herald offers yon m0ny- mailbox hr is a ral effar that will cave you monay giva yeunclf and your family lasting njoyntant and cntartainmant th vwhola year through th it all you hava ts do select unv ol i hese fumous miiiimjiks monuments pollock a ingham buocauori to oftur b worth gait onl dmihu ta bkaht rluuu uu injfuct our work in oreenvood gemmrt and you will ncaiva the whole 4 publica tion for na year from the data we receive the coupon here it the amazing combination lew price 50bgf dimolut vpirst ilobo kiinvylntf htroam of plcafiuro baelteni i atoa olkiayo uakm yer fool common wlwii no body alnt workln help l whist playor dut what mado you put your queen o hut or 7 vou oouldnt boat it lady player no but x tltousht dure wan no harm in trying anothek clan foreman are you a mochanlot appuauit no im o mocfuroiy ivuclutif m liwj 1 yr t chauliin lyr qcmimdlsr lyr naiuhai haw maflthv 1 yh rtcuruihvuw1vr d carutjbn hoiiculur ntj hmha mafialria lyfe our ouarht4a to vul tlili wonderful offer u avail- ablo to old and now subicrlb erf to this newspaper wo guaranteo the fulfillment of all maoailne subacrlptloni and you havo posltlvo auurtneo that this gunoroua offer lu exactly oi repreoontcd he- newali will bo extended for full term shown ywouinuti ullic on wywrmkatlkcg day ottawa oct w canada an- iuj tco minuu of tiimoe will ajaln ba cbrv4d tlua vmjt on nov 11 from ho am unul ii 03 am and lh eovmmrnt haa uuuftd tntntctionv for pro- vlndal and municipal authorl- tiea to aruntf for kuvprniloil of all vehicular uatac during hew two tninuta utauway and oiamuup travel iuvold t mail couhm yo0av please elfp iu of watjarittfli afer chcklp 3 publlm iloiu deilrtid ym out coupon carefully aontlemcnr i oncloao i pleaio tend me tha throe mauazlnub clwcked with yeari luburlpuon to your nowipaper mamb bwebvoiinvd town and province he christian citizen larwulr day lalinullfiaul i rlfdrm ujuav vutj lmmta komttur llti ooldoj tx1 all ttu tliat take the afcurd uiall ivruti wt h ihr knrd matthru vi u ixiliion pajuiaoe ualatlana ii m vavq bqtj thrr in the nljlit arrutv the uunn rp plain we ai the utuutt of a valiant af a million mutdired men i wtio bna ovrre at the daaii rrou the tun iwtpl plaint wt aie tiie rnn of thow who asear it ahall not tw gaa i tfiioma curtu ctaik kaveiaj iw ise is 15 a man who aa notorloua for uumttuorernau in aporta poliuos and buklnev vti appointed an o of hu church itu colleaffuea rather diraded hlin but found him vrry co- otterauve wren eiked for an ei tuanatlon he replied i do all my riatuirui ouuide uie church that u uu uie point if we can manage not to right at home or tn lte church it u purely paulble to avrul atrtfe in buklnea and in international affairs tl o way of hate has been tried mm riently often to dimunttrale that ll iciuu to atrlfe and injury it haa uujj been demontiratm that the inlrlt of love prevents friction and u ahle to cure conflict the world ttaa to rhoow between ornumenta that will lend to destruction or rducalion tn uood will that will makr world wide cm pc rut tan poulble a lalfij wui if ii the real enemt of all nations are hate urred ulruhruwa racial and i itlonillmlr bluotry ttie real battle 11 idi of live world are not klanden i irld bi t human reana the arih thnt we dread on un international rnlr extsta flnt or all in individual life tlvrre u a civil war in the oul d ie lo the l ife betaken fie h and pint tlve work of rtllglon u to unl fv pertonallty ily abolute lurren dcr lo ood thu cont u dialogue be irn good and i u may be ended those wto are willing to let ood holy spirit lead them find that um rations weaken and good purposes ure strengthened the relief that follows conversion is due in part to the fact that the will has become a unity chrut sold that we cannot ene ood and m mman we must make our choice onor wc ore unre lervodly commuted to goodne inner it rife is leowncd our capacity far cfu 1i tneru ha bean much ducuulan to original atn but at least human nature fas m ich originality tn evil what varutle of tine there are i examination or the criminal rode u a sldetlgft upon the sfana of the nasi with which the law has hod to deal a newspaper any day reoorda many different typea of crtnwa our own hearts also turprtfie us by different temptations at different period ol ufr it u lhu avu in the human heart that t given rtae to the widespread belief in a perumaj devil ttiere doe appear to be a cunning evil ivower kunrulngty racouroeful tn temttatloru and in arttlng pitfalui for the unwar it 1a uecuhu to dls- gulie or deny the fact of evil ten dencies within us w ore tafer to fir rtiallua and lake one long look at the blaclcneu of our gvn hearts a wholesome fear of tin u a aafe- ard of goodneas we tmu watch out tendencies and direct ton of our tile cfpccially in small choicas two f oritur college male at a unl v rait y have reoently been given wide pub licity one haa received great fame for keeping five little bablaa olive tn a aelllex shack the other ts in prison charged with a brutal crime tmrty years ago both uvea were full of promle flucoeulve doolstoru throughout the year have decided the destinies of the two men oar capacity far good tltl if wo were to look only at the evil in human nature we ahould be du rourofffld thorp u luiwever on other aide to uie quest ion victory over evil ta possible tlvere u latont goodneia u ell aa latent evil if we allow the spirit of ood to direct our uvea great virtues become pos ible the fruit of tho uplru of love joy pcaoe long aufferlng klndnea and goodneaa failhtulnei metkneas toif control agauut such oiero u no law wo need lawi and iienaltle only regarding evu tringv and not against virtue love la the fulfilling of the law becutue it create a spirit in which uo may gat away from rules and find freedom tn doing right thit vi ay to this poftcr of aoodneaj under the dlrnctluit of ood holy bplrlt i true hurrender tte fjash and the hut thereof come under con trol anoe wo unruiorvodly yield our ulvea to ood vlctor over evil bo- cornea ivaulble when wo accept the will of ood as anal for us industrial peace x5 u tho world tut long auffered from personal quarrels und international atrlfe with the coming of tu mac hine ago industrial conflict botwaen omployors and workers in which both sides always loae tlio one thing gained ts tho conviction as to the futility of strife strike are aiaen- t la ily otrugglea and struggles inoll war of one tort or another now that tre world has come to the point of view that uara should be outlaw ed tho aame principle should be ap plied to our industrial strlfo labor dlspuuis with capital also imply qutjtlon of rights both aides are upt to be right and wrona at the sunu tlmi ttioro u never a aide that has all lightooumww or justloe on it aide rium again tliore l another comlderatlan which muii onter in there is a third party to every labor dispute namely the public at largo which in the final analysis is uu largest sufferer par all these reasons atrlkoa and lockoul are lit uui main unoontctonublo oivlllaatlon has reoclird the point where dlfforenooa oliould and can be aottled amicably qusctlatt fnt dueusslam 1 how doe obedlenoe to uw bve freedom 3 how may we iittaln a unified telff 3 in which ortaa of lire are you moat tempted 4 how does religion produce upright diameter 6 how may clot jaajoualas be curad erin urtt ada tihort suflfd a frattur- id ankle on tufwlay mominet vdn uie siepprd out of the uxk door at tur liome and ulypl oo mj c hlch was bartly covered with tdm9 mr and un oeo hfuril and fa miiy and mr wm ounnbighairi imiu uw wek tnd wkh uk uuara jur ur and lira o at alma ur and mr 1 j hinculr wit oo si atday for a motor trip to ttprtna utid klu vrfr tlvey vtl visit llh mr ad mj p i fuitovtmrfi itelauvo here rvwlvd the ad newa of the death ol jauph mowai ax vanoouvar uo ea uaiurday oc ioor 7lh lvoaasd was a sort of hi late ur and mrs jas- uun aiul i bom in noasagabeya and hirnt lua oung manrxod to erin about 40 years ago he wtot wt lure he has alnoe ruidd a quirt but pretty wedding was soumniwd at jlodjws iftytrun church woodbtne ave toracito on luturttay eveninjr october 3ft wha i lax i ann corbet t daughter of ur and urs john oorbvtt lrin bcove the bride of rtoyd ualone um of mr and mra jaawa ualone 1006 woodbine ave toronto rev hot cameron conducting tha cwe- mony kouowuui a short nooeyuoon luronto- milton jolin luur and 11 plcleu ilamby on prises in opi n stubble at uv pvel oounly plowing match at clalravule tte uaton preyed brick oompany lias resumed operation at its punt hua reducing the number of ilutoas uivem ployed the uuton itualna mens wt4- mday half holiday for this year ndal terday they will no doubt be iraumed next may members of the tihort ooursj and voung varmera club paid a surprise visit to mr and mra a o icuttlnr and prenutd them with on electric vacuum coffee machine the prasrfi- t alien was made by cecil crusholm who cvpreued the appraclouon of the members of the club for the- valuable aalxtanc given to the members by ur and mrs klrstlne alnoe the club a as organised mr klrstine who until recently was agricultural rrpre- 4autlvc for hakoq county is leav ing shortly to take a py else where luiton county pall axatsas opened lere nn uanday oct ulh ur ju- uce ucwitand fjraaldlna there acre no criminal cases and only one civil action jamas william oowte of acton sued for and was granted a divorce from hu wife pauline buler- man oowle of toronto okirdon o crtby of toronto was named as oo- reapondent the action was unde fended the anises closed within one half hour after being opened sold to be the ihortaat court of any 0010 held tn the history of the county the divorce taking but 30 minute of his lordships time champion ixcmrmuranrc ap ily lance corporal t hear tlve drums throb skipper with steady measured heat bejieath this hifih hung window men are marching in tha tret the guard of honor passes in khaki row on vow just a you saw them paoainc scorer tyo decades afio they brinfl me thouohts of you sltippcund of the lads we knew who never saw a cenotaph thote came when you were throush the streets are crowded silent theres neither flatf nor cheers i see below a wisp of white as a woman dries her tear and now the band playe skipper in fancy i can see the roads of france the khaki fours with right arms swinging free tlve kilometer sign posts i hut marked the winding way the long long trail that trswned with each succeeding day the thin brown column winding across the hilts and downs oer roman roads by gallic streams through medieval towns past ageold farms where women toiled amidit the ripened grain so marched our troops from dawn to dusk through sunshine and through rain all that was only yesterday so swift the years go br now nations are forgetting how a million youths can die we are not ungrateful skipper we speak of you with pride but we are all so busy living were forgetting why you died i hear the trumpet skipper i hear its golden call last post and then reveille fur flung from wall to wall two minutes silence ended thats all that we could spare i wonder did you notice it amid your silence there john b bauu geo clawencs acton mr and una j h reed who hove been vwtitm at oahowa and toronto the uaa week returned hoom wednesday mr harold awaokhaaer left tuesday for oaladonls wtare he hoe a poaitian with the sean furniture and iindertaktiur oiiabushrnent all are glad to hear of the continu ed progress of william buchanan son of andy duchonon uower avenue who was seriously injured when ood- dentally shot lost week although the bullet went right hrough he body and pierced the lung the lad eonttnue to mako atlifaotory progress and u is heped wui make a complete recovery the canadian oovenunent has treated the usual soldiers nonumant over the grave of bern w j btuc- kry whose body is interred in pair- view cemetery the stone u of neat ueslffn and suitably marke this sol dier grave amos barber co member toronto slock exchange we extend to you an unexcelled service in listed or untitled stocks and bonds enquiries invited on any investment problem canadian bank op commehce build in o toronto t tkuhione elttitllm to uutuidize wkeklieb a pros dupotcb says that the que bec government has decided to old wnckly newspapers in tho province with a substantial subsidy e partln uu for dcauce announced at a banquet given at orandjnere tn honor of eluear dallalre recently elected president of the association of kroiwhlonguog weakly newspapers of canada the provincial gwernmanl old to weekly newspapers will be granted regardloa of the papers political af filiations mr portln declared ur daltalra was prammed with a pen and pencil sot by his friends who were his hoato at the banquet this would indicate that weekly newipapors ore wwkly papers and require government support in the way of a subsidy or pension uui it uo indicate that um legislature has a proper appreciation of tho im iwrtancu of the weekly newspaper as a community institution tito action of the qucbtc government is in sharp contrast to that of the ontario gov ernment which cut the prices of printing the provincial elections vo ters tuts without conultlng the wockly publishers and has refuwd to give them fair rote for o respon sible exuding and laborious piece of work- tie country press is powerful and important instrument of education information and reformation in tho community it is a pity when ovon tho smallest and weakliest of them is extinguished and there are many that are weakly in ontario and more will be discontinued or amalgamated unless given fairer treatment by tlie government and the various local bo- dui and institutions and busiiusses of the community that they serve and wtuue interests they uphold too often those aoem to be engaged in efforts to cut down the legttmato means of support of tlve local preas tlie workman is worthy of til hire here as elwlwerxohange naturally teacher that star is venus it was named after a wry beautiful woman pupil is uiat tlu star tha wise usu followed s when dizzy spells hdi vm fmi uuir jut tvt parkes liver tone it ttlhulatse a buy liver ts healthy normal action and soon mfctarea au to year asaol normal health ft u 0 boreal corrective for roastlpattoa fa bllletuuieas haadarbea and dlnlne 3uc vi robbs drug store phone 76 gcoreetown out bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhabbbbbbbabbebbbbbbbbbb have your eyes examined tillycr lenses unlike ordinary www hhnlisi of bi tyti tenses are accurate to the vary edge whenever you look up or down in or out tuiyer lenses ore reduced la price and are sold the same price all over canada 80 get them from us as we sell tulyer lenses for the same price u any one ta toronto or ouelph o t walker ro oftom2to1 kthiobt ikouluv mttltum fik b u h0b8ts dkca itost ol uu ww j of t wm linill o wdur u hit iba bi brtmj4w sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbib mined in the shadows of stirling cnetle and clpie to the field of the battle of bannock- burn history has again been made by the introduction of genuine scotch coal to canada for less worlt and more economy and atu faction use this coal a trial will convince you your local dealer will supply you