kactx ju hi horn in toronto ttediy jury and ims mkutti urf- n o bu and thj let wr bu of brampton fwisety of cuolmm rufiarml tbunaday jlcrnoon fct 4 pjet la toronto v uocoyid toronto on batuftuy jim ahh itao luy oou blod vtl of john b keoody ou wu- uubj ld hy fcuh obtitlary piosumce tmows tiorrota iron died la hoapftal ta detroit kdehlcftti on kliday morning th 3wh of jutw ta bar sstb ay uji ku th third dajjchur bf us j o iron of toronto and th 11 mr j o irotu tt ktarria euaafeatb buanllnr lur untimely death ws the rult of b motor ear accident a lb sunday tanning ptwvtou th ear pure food store 16 to tla hornes double cream brand custard powder 2le 16 oz tin majtone a deliciou food drink chocolate flavor 31e 32 oz jar apple and strawberry or apple and raapberry jam 506 8 oclock marmalade orange lemon grapefruit 21e 1 lb pkg wetton engluh quality bucuitu variety package 2ke 2 a i lb bag walker butter mod soda bucuit 25c 2 tall tin angler brand keta salmon 28c gold bond brand choice quality green gage plum oc certo or making jam and jellic 29e 6l oz jar miracle whip salad dreuing 2te 8akfat bacon tlued per lb 28e freah bologna in piece per lb 12vic 2 pkgt prince soap flake 2se 3 cake palmohve toilet soap 14c 10 cake karavan cat lie soap 2sc cuotcg rmxuu irr awo vacifcfalea cu aujfc cuw j fi a e farnell phone we deliver new from the nyal drug store spocxal this week bathing cam half price 9e 13c 19c 29c kttaluu luaim salt u ult h uinli wi kusnsx m lkji w to tub vacuum botfles ut ut umt utiur cvrjilj b ik hckh iwhitl op all kjntw ay low micc chs bat iriv ituu u llj a vuut am ikom uutrl iw lr w my wsl lb r ktval hum ov 1caonkma i t a a m uui mux ruj maecormaeks drug store okoiuieyoww tv wat bvmcnt bod col- liding with th oodaru atruetttr of mity hone on kluchanan bottt th fluwrwj wa held in aoegtowa oi katondsy at 3m kuv a h biw of bcuung and buiij bvu id tb lru dlcrt in atwawood cwiatr tfcj tni- udiiu uciskur of t- tjnliy t- lflckllila bh u uinrld by hr flhf and thrw jtrt un k wa- ba wulwhro ujr ic ikp ud ulrt uxth korylb of toarxrta wjmls rally h weit tb kuucm bmuoaiij kuuy of tu- ud ltbyurtaj rti baid ftvt wtaoary uoiud cuukii ttaialar oa wd- tdy j an 3th ttu two tttatj and ctr a bundid chujt tfc bumlnt aiaoal hs oiled uryajy taiit kiauuyuaf import frou all u- tueiaw uaai ta our faction and clom arub an tatpwiv- qiiwti hiifbour takxi by ul t laulcbau our travelling tcrt uu7 of lh wmm ttoai tothcio alar tb daritgliiuj unimr urfbir all auuaucd aald bavln trnt i tulpful round obi couiumui osa ductad by ux uo alixm ukm th fibbyuruj ocdor gav tlwtr fciuour- aglnj account ol tb comfau liaiacb aiwuxig to iludllloa by ura tiubr7 axtoo tu txitld i4ut giwa by ulu c ulubtuj on oux tlo0 uuijn wort lattwd ccy olw to urw uo ahjjujjy ura aiibur tiovuht of uaotajaboam gava u lb ftuanlnfl of lb ifcm ifbooi of ldr btui id tokmto oa uiiiioo utuu arorfc lcji 10 dd full of n id and twidd lt- uulcal nubban tbrtkiib lb maiihwn r ttuicb aojoyd bolo by iallm hatty solbt of oaacaavfr ur il u lorulg of wuy aod lira o u ioou of jletoo alo pijljipg pliiy nuhatatr by ura- wmbfc uo t vikc of wwy tbi cloaibj aaakvg da01vtd by ura il liuulrt of urotiu tab alu r4 rtdraam u lhj tk laav butal omcaja lain two allkao imjflawiuu fad and put pretdamt ur o l- imgu fiurtfif llluk had itrury aletj w bui aiu tbm to valud oblcu vjy tilub but kuai u aoinj to aartcb otbar ivaurtiij ura vannalur of 0oiitom potud tor tba cooruy rwruattu tjnhipat all or tb v r had ce tfaiuy iorwnllnj asa a county cloud vmutawi lauv innf ywuld uah im toktd thj oocmltta to bwo in itaiton county a wrlu of prolaat auiaa at th dl- talual of ooj o o urowi and otbr vttun mt uu rrliay nuht at ullton and paawd a raioluiloo aklii or th appolntewmt of a court of inquiry to rtvlaw all dtalml of wt- ran from oovmaunt pqahlfwi ta itaiton durtxuf lb da4 jr tb kaolutlon furtbtr oviflanffad that ouoattnat auth uvjulry tbow found to ban bn dlmlit crttbout oauu b rainataud or tb oombiuu notlnvd bfor july ii that all cao- dldata tn lb oomliig clactloa cadaiw a platform of vauran pnltaoa that all patromj ooounltuu baw veuran npreamtatton of at 1 onatblfd th oommlttiv u mpowrd to call a ooohntlon of iltlioo vaaarvlo man to nominal a third nmit or th riding a grand swcy giukttflatowm ltfr ukd lrtfc uent hid tntxmxm to ruoualamlw ow domoflom ulmdxv kcvkntma uxvlclt uuulaxv attknzkcjv ou of tb tbtet alatiiiaful tjalaiwav tioiu wi- fcud la oorvpiom ibat ao0cborad by oavfmowx kip btud oa tkioday iod lt6ndy lmc tu araaubaa a4 iat lb auacbdauaca feood and tb propmu throybout iihtd fcwy oa bundy arcubaj a aacrd vlo and coooaft va bid la tb park abo liy ii l lial of aetoo k th apaakarr and muic aiaa aupfuad by th cvftjwauod amy buar bd of wt toronto kv ur kaannl tav a fcddri uu utulitaf tb ajur gt- tb f til ill tb orttntittoo of a ip kkia tb tom and th turt of uu uaud oa thair nlaaviwt aoai b jjok of tb baauity of fauu0 abd tu gjai inftilwv to tb cbaiaxtis bdld mm of twto and arotdam w tbould thank ood uh our miue for bl guidioji car and prouotlon to our onitnwid throuchout tb ya that hv riih- k fotarkid to lb fuuif lo ajlulpmtkjl of rtidrtfig onto itlta our thnk la wrvbr anj oca kay th ntu of 111 booiatly alui ood and your fllo- bwn ork in hamiony and unity and uwh frill b n caui of worry or lb fuluw an furtwot pyojraja of aacri winti-i- orai and ln4ruaniij vaca and dumti r randafad by tb band to tb dubl of tb urf us fr f ainf n tb otauce cjo jam vjirss iv 29c hmieibvch honey at 4sc ftnauuar tea wffis 25c cheese 2 iv 25c baking powder c tr 17c cocca mnatoh 10c 1lb tin 23c helmet cooked 19st tl corned beef coffee o ii pork and beans 2 lard cocoanut sffik ib 15c blueberries n s loc 14c canabu chairman on babalf of tb hn kund ihanilad ur iwnnl or hi wry abl nvirimt and tb uaabara of th band and clhtr bo took part to lb ctaoln tutb a plaantng iumiaa oo uonday tb bif tlld dy prod a ondrf ul attracuon and ttubnd ol vultora hiord tb atttrovaa 4 tb paik at im tb atiwt parad flurud from th luh tubool pouadj and uarcbad to tb park tn tb folloarti ordar lunry fibfpbtid khrad mntiih itigbund khp ttand uotofcyclaa daoratad oar aotoo karaa kkd uotoaxyei lorn kuoa tioouiafa band clom aland kuckui and auto at th park thr a not a dull mlnutaa durtn tb tlf arufliooti ilubau hiotorcytl rtciaa bieytl raclnat lootraam and ouwr alhwu iwou attracted crowd to vartou part of tb viril th rand hand he packed and eroard und tb ttocm of th rac4 coura and around tb ball diaaood tf during tb afumoon wa auppuad by tb up uand undar tb uadarthlp of pu uajor buart acton lirajj band and uob ualuy- clom uand oojbpauuon in th rata and vart ou ainuue vai u quit kaau but th th tbrulint esoiorclycl rae- town council council ebbk on tuaaday tilaat with uayof olbbon la th ehalr turn cinw and oounetuort a b kair a r plbl o artnatronk oaors davl and v b kdmkbura dillon tu 0 itvrrlngton ur c lapun a il uocartny i if uakboutit 1 uuur w ii uarcbbmnl i umr ulauu of pfwrlou inmltnai atr rd and eonnnnad oacmualcatlona wr td front on tario uimldpal botud r watraorkt aatwibloa byuw hydro omcuid um4r oomsiwlon of ouurto r audit of aoaounu daoawtmmu of kubuts wotka r ruf wtk cana dian klf uadanrwtriur aaaortalidrt m bucctor rttxrt f v uq- owaoa t fuu of bauy broa- to ronto ctnrfj hoapual r lndlsiit paumt a bylaw to trnt cartala und oava- d by tb oorporatlon of a6vtom at tb far of tb twa tw otnot block to tb dobualoa oonrtuaant or tb tuu of tvo dollar u rd tb naonjary nunibvr of tiaim and finally ihnrf und by huc kbmia ioondd by jlibt that tli lollowlnf kecounu b paid if uarchbut ww au ii w ta ft tu ttl iu law iso it 00 w c lapptn ati t w j loikruu wbtcbman a0 j d lick lcruiun iw if izarchfiunt tlw i uilwr at 1tw w chaplin ata ttw y vim tu 14 k ward paik 111 a kbadwy ww hod h it urown r prouetloo 400 j u cklu ai hon fir pro ski at c thoglpaoo court ervtra ago w ward court awvui 4w 0jxthorttoninon up av my go ww aaunalon bat ii lakvano fir kntn j realt llnutad fir protection um cripp oaiaa ilu oanadlan brau co ww hi marlon county cmldua chlortd oaorvatoen luabar co park 41 ia kubbo library rant duion court una hydro kudrie byatce tota j k ithd ww 469 r il tbocbnaon 4t co w 44 j bcbulta at lavu kl lunuon poatai w w ww canada vaiv a ifydrant oo ww aaumlon iftju diu tauphona co tkr uunklpal road bpraytaf and otllnf co u 1ww v ulroormtfk autlomry am o uanhall poataf loi j h ohuj k son ww j0 uovd by parr aoondad by ana ttrong that th traaaurtr pay tb llcurf commiaiion tb auta of txa to cover jun afoounta carrud s special weekend xt f 1vi ao 9 o prices at ivlnu 3 fcvra aracui uu wnicl awi svctjf 5 creamery butler j 22c lb snoulder reat si ivuhb beef ikclb short rib roast 17c bx uncial kale- l brisket and plate boiling bed 1 lc lb cbikul pot roasts ol beef 18em rclal ealk- choice roasts veal i2 1 7eib pnular attraction tb cuflafaot prov tb prta wlnnara tn th vsu wtfw a fouoara laotorryei raot onmll notto 1 bob davu a obaru jonaa don whiubor toronto thraa bill axpart daaa i johnny ullutt to ronto 2 oy llanry toronto auirwll london- thra taliaa daia i cbaru jona s bui tur ner 9 don whumor toronto blcycl rac on mil i o sud- dall oonjtown d oibbon oak nil blcycu ran two all t o hid dall 0ortatowd 1 d oibaon oak- vul foot running rant on mil i d crtchton oortovn 2 w oauir oaorsttovn root runntna rao im sda i o ollnart uutnn 3 a bmih koot running rao 440 fd- t o oubrt union 9 b ooaran braus- n koot runniaf ran yd 1 o oubart uuton s kl cook fltraat- viu koot runnlnt rao h hilt 1 w oouur oaoritoam 1 b ooama brampton ralay ran 1 mil i uuton uam d bruah a unhabb k olkbart b- bruah 3 oaorgatown tau b kb- nady cook pranuiioc to rev tad mr rumuy at a largely attandad catbertng of mrmhar and adbarcni of th unllad church uat imday tvanlng luv and lira kumlay war th raclplcnu of tb followlna acldrcaua and pwynlllona prior to th ir rrmov at to lit kumlay a new chanj in llamillon ur w t evan was chairman of tb evening ur o 11 dayfoot raad th addrau and uaaara john udr mid and w c anthony mad tb nraaenutlon 0artown ontario jun mth 1 ho ur and ur r w rumlry oaorgatown unllad church dear pyttnd a th um or your drpartur from oaorgatown u drawing naar w da- air to txprvaa to you our arvatit wuh that tn tb new oald of labor to whlcb you are going you may fully raalli your datpmi bop for th proaparlty and fruufulnra of tb work of lb oongtagatioo of which you ar to taks oer tb paitoraia whil tb um doa not permit ur humky to ravlaw in datall jour attlviue in cocnaction with nary da- partment of th work of thl ooogr- srmwtngveal 2 u 23e kvi cwi la4ai aaj bib veal chops 22elb utcial balcfbtau qaallly fresh bosogna 2 lb 29c ektsa uncul uum4uu fl ftikft red rose tea label 27c aracial kaic lb awaa pineapple 2 tin 29e pea soup 3 larft lift 2se avueut pork and beans 2 fat 5sc classic cleanser he each uabitv uoanra bracfut cup coffee 1 lb pk 29c lb pk 18c ihou alk jelly powders 6pai2bc 5 pboae 27 wml king delivery mbbttambbbbbbbbaaiiabbbbaaababbbbababbaialb8bbbbbbbabbkiaubalb maple leaf pure 1lb pk tomato sodas corn julc tooi uu christies salted aylmer white slb box 29c no 8 tin 9c rrrssfc carrolls w lucbardaon 6 harcant h i lop atap and imi 1 b bruah uuton a t kault oaorgatown kou vault i b bnuh uuton t l lomali oaorgatown i running broad jump 1 b bruah ullton l email oaorgatoam bhot put 1 h scott clariuob 3 i eaujj oaorsatown i ugh jump at x email oaorg- town 3 ur rlcbkftuon oaorgahown in th baubau toumamant oaorg- town uam wr vtctoiioua iport oraw du dafaatad harry icaiuaa taau of toronto by a oor of to 3 o town cufaatad port cradlt 3 to a thar waa a food attandanc at th tardao party in th park in th vaning whan bob ballavb band olanxmrry troup of highland dan cer billy amolt iha mraatll aur- tatnar of toronto and pin laajor a btawart of oaorgatown put on a vartad projraa that wa taartuy baw plaudad by th tars catherlag thl wa followad by a dene tn lb armourte whan bob bauyii abvan plao okhaatra furnlihad mujlg to marry uirong of danoar that taxad th capacity of th ipkcloui jtnwaf it waa th cjlmait of a parfact day and on of th bigvst awnu mr held tn th town th commlttm in charg ar daaervtng of much cradlt for th excellent clbfatlon program and tb manner in which th prooaadlnge war carried on all with th pip band every luocea in tb futur rbizb winmeb0 in bcientific yeitfllance contkbt following l th itat of piiii twnnei win watermelon finest sowega they are luaclaus each bananas r 23c dozen oranges 19c dozen lmm 19c dozen sweat and jaley larga and jbley cabbage sc each new potatoes 7 lb 25c aaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaals i contit conducted by the women chrtatlan tamperano union for hal- ton county public achoola th nrtac wer preaentad at the waning aeatlon of th county convention held in tb united church oaorgatown jun loth taaohera euay ulaa eu1 u nelu olen williams rafereno book 8r xj elmer laaby acton jao- quellna pleetham buntnatton jr n uartaret hoar george- 1 town oordon uooutcheon aetoti kuth ilutehlnaon uuton ar uliouy porty aeton tub dobaon georgetown jr inoor wood acton lhubb johnaoo llnehouaa poatara fir kviurold wbeeler ullton helen devereaux umehou oharie robblni buhlnfton jr xvatuubeth king buruhaton ruth hutchinson uuton juukud- dell georgetown i iapatrlcla oaaely uuton george wcbie b a no l oaobj town xiuy king buhlnfton jr iii aiiob gibbon acton bw nle vanweet b wo 3 georgetown main st free delivery phone 357 georgetown wood for sale onoim uabls hariw0il and oadar rau at tight ttrioat ordeta bit at a uunua or at my homa phow u prctnpuy auanded to- a uvimatmknr gallon rat we cladly plan on raoord lb aaai and aimiiftiiai that you diipiayad tn your afforts for th pro- graaa of all department owlnt to tb unlqu important of work with tb young wa would men tion tn particular your unfailing tn- tareet tn tb work of th txmday bcbooi tb vousf paopu llocifty th coxt and oil et th boy of tb trail ranger and tim group will alwaya rmaaanbar tb hearty mannar tn which you joined not only in their formal pro- grainmae but in their gmw to tb and thai lb caiiiitotstrad loaala oi tboa organiution alould bear xrult la their uvea- as chairman for two year of tb county boya work board you aided la protbotinj this mott promising work in a wider held you hav alvayt ahown n wans conotm for th protection of tba mor al ntw i of this community and have not failed to point out tb anst danger that threaten the uvea of our young people through tb aal of in- t lifluora tba work of th church during tb greater part of tb aut yaara in which you have been our pastor has been carried on in a period of great and ipj dlfnculiy arising from the problem created by tb great builneae and aomiomla cvpraaalon no tnougbt- ful parson can eurvey tbt polltlcau and religious sut of tb world to day without grave apprehension icrnaat men have cuffered and will oontlnu to differ regarding tb onaracur of tba tnaaiurea that must b taken to crest a national order that wlu give justice and opportunity to everyone these queetlons must be frankly faced by every alnoare man and we will remember the intensity and outspokenneas of your presenta tion of these problems of our econo mic atructure in your aeimons the supreme purpoee of tb chris tian church remains as it alwaya has been to declare to a needy world th good new of th love of ood in and through jesus obrut our lord we ihftu thankfully remember that throughout your mlnutiy this has continued to be the unwavering them of your meaiage from week to week it has been said of the ancient church that u sang its way to triumph and the service of song on of the most important aids to worship on behalf of tb church lira kumley wa wish to express our appreciation of the valuable contrlbu tlon you made to th musical part of our cervices not only as acootattanlst t time but in training those group of girls who on various special occa sion sang so harmoniously in our services we also wish to express our appreciation of the tauiiosj help both by voice and instrument given by your daughters in those prosaumea in th work of the woman 13 slonary society and other women or- gsnlsatlons you hav given your loyal cooperation on behalf of the church ur and una kumley we ask you to aoosnt this chair ai a nmembntnee of the years of your comimtlon with this congwgstlon and of the many happy and lasting frtendihlp which have we the tnambere of the young ivopl uoclety of th unllad church oorstown wlih to uk this on- pojiualty of evpretung to you our deep appraclatloo lor the kindly unul you have taasn tn th work of our oodaty during lb coura of your mlnlury in this church your raguiar auandano at our mseiing and your wtlllngnsa to balp whentwr called upon have meant much to us and to th life and work of it booty and we desire to thank you tlnoirely and now aik you to accept this utile detk clock together with our vtry best wlabee for tb health and happlnata of you and ura rumley your family as you go to your new lome and work in lumuton tugnsd iiansl u ucdirmld prealdent uadsliln erwla clarence kennedy hilda erwtn rev and ura rumley very feeling ly rffplied tiwwiig the donors for their kind words and hu gifts which would alwaya remind tbam of the many happy day spent with the members and adherents of oaorga town united church other preeeruatlon u ura rumley war umbrella by tb choir purs by the horn detwrtment of tb bun- day school lif msmbsrshlp and pto by womana ulmlonary bociety booka wer preaauited to jane kate and uarthk rumley by the sunday school they ware autographed cop a of iv u uontgomerya books glen w11jjam3 nohotioh exauinationli entrance das tn alphabetical or der ralph bludd eve clark john pry doris ileggu tom hill kdna kfealon roy kreston myrtle warren name appear tn order of merit honour standing le seventylive per cant or over jr xv to br xvhons dlnwe beaumont oerald hoody oeor blyth and norman davidson duel tn dennett pan henry inrrunan jackie crawford clarence beaumont emily lledley br hi to jr xv hon dorothy clark owynneth williams lawrence beau mont june graham pais harold bohenk uly barclay vanun ktrby jack allen george eaion on trial joe uokienemy wtnnl wluett br m robert daldoo irvine hiu jr tn to 8r lulion uhdrad eaton and vlvlenne ouyot equal uarjori ochenk lorraine bloby astrtd chrtstensen pin pherolyrfi davldion on trial john wagsutfe wufred blbby kathleen buck ray mond addy edna nsu principa junior roou crlcory- theatre friday july 8 tte awakcnldg ol jmj butiu ha aai wlr hu m jim uri by ju hh daf u r u fllllbfl cartoon scrappy televiuon comedy bum voyage fox new saturday july s million dollar baby b wasul bw typ af aj eaeey ttartbag bay wakker asj aitlm jlw comedy ten baby finger mtcttey mouse mickeys service station novelty canadian spring song wiltaie at 9 ta tueatuy ami wedaeatjay july 0 uvl 10 vvneasa fj uaeisd fievuaaayeare raatsaee atsrttaw bibart wiatgeaairy ana ium tfxyaa comejy moon over manhattan snapshot melody maaterg qvas davis and band cokatnot uilu cuvutvtr au gklrtey tmbjj formed duruu your iuk years slay la this community blgnad by uwibem of the chureh the ftiuowlttg addmss from the young people was read by ulss isabel uodemld while uise uadelltie erwin made the prestation oeorgetowtt ontario june lath uu xjosr ur rutdly i ii to jr uxuerjorle wagstsife honst oordon kmcksr uary wu- tett robert hancock teddy beam herbert preston bruce ucquarrle clifford davuon plora nibby on trial ii uelvln beaumont sr i to ii uarton hepburn oerty cain roger ouyot violet loutii erie clarke eilsen ucousrrle clayton davidson dolly llllck charles craw ford nsvld barclay on trial stanley dicketutn on trial pr a i bulle oatrander bona eugene logan butter norton billy norton ifelbum bpenoe oubert preston helen wulett jack tnglis donald luncock jimmy preston re- oomme tided pr a ruth norton pr d to pr a uobby haaton patsy otionsvan eleanor ilyde barbara dickemon on trial uary appleyard on trial liargaret x leslie teacher ur joseph beaumont left on satur- day for new york where he will ipend several day ur ted perkins of toronto the holiday with ur and ur bennett ur and ura tom beaumont were visitor over the week end in the olen uw yeoman and ulu ellen tur- reu of toronto spent the holiday with un clayton allen ur and ura pat cdanovan spent the week end with un haines urs delby and eileen of gualph have been ataylng with un prod norton for a week we ar pleased to report that ura j w hill u improving niosly tn ouelph hospital the sympathy of the glen is esrtend- ed to th0 jsmlly of the we urs jack uoody who passed away on flaturday the young lady school teacher who was travelling from xjndasy to gait on horse bank called in the olen on sunday evening about ovdock ur and uh w a uoouvtay of torouto spent th houdsy with ura laocjure watch our window torn wlctklv ick cmtam otculm awh ooioiymohgat this week fresh fruit sandae 1 oe longs coplectio g 89 georgetown laawamhi good times are coming for those who know travel values vacation suggestions rv yiwr cuhwaknui montreal 3 days 10 including hotel and usals amusemenl new yobk 3 days 10 3 in room ueau hotel cabaret etc tent thousand islands via o a l nrom toronto evry day uujj ml berth includtd 1500 georgian bay 10 week end crake includes ueals and berth grand bend 7 days 1800 ii la i a includm ueau and nocoi southampton 7 days kincardine port elgin 1600 a delightful reitful vacation at any of the above summer resorts includes hotel accommodation and meals mackinac island b a hantooiiun 5 day cruise 3500 ueals and berth included mkuipowlm bland b 8 oaribw itl g uaailaa 6 day cruise 3500 ueau and berth nuluded abk lociai dub or towust aooit for partlfulam and raurvatuuu and txilucrmated udokun ptuoa or write dlreet vacation j central ontario bus lines 1191 bay st at blow telephone mldway 9881 toronto