the georgetown herald sixtyninth yer of puuiutioo ttw georgetown herald wsjneaday evening auguai 2 j at 1635 s1js0 par abniaa tn adrmoea zx0 to usa rk georgetown herku j u uoou aikillcr canadian wckly hfcpar aoflallon cnr tir tfcue ltotuw all istst uu duiridard tune 14uj ku cavjiijir nn mjii 1030 a tt poufiiitir mvd uju flij pm puwiijrra fur toronto du pu uundjy golrg east iafiijjr it pm pasenters for toronto oio pu puju tiger and uati paufngrr passenger and ual patu tiger llunday only psumjr uuoday oui kru f us1 and pauenger lfau und passenger iu iu pm 410 pm lis to 11 is pra 44 am iu pra leave ckokoetowh ui eaes m am eu eb has am is am lii pal ilia ta 146 pm 154 pm ftu pm 434 pa iu pbl is pm ii jo pm oil pa eastqih 8tahuju1d this wu u lomos byou directory le bo djue barrbcar uj uautitar oaorgaunro ontario ocra gregory thaatra tlld atlli bt kenneth it uu40doh baifular uaudur naur huu pint uortaaa atonav to loaa oaoea iuin blnm booth pnona u oaarttovd gwlnbubnb ucauaoson bhuin sainton nauiba ab riukk w juohjuujoon ava uonay to loan fcuphana mj auluarloh bansy obavdom uawbzncs a cook barrutara eta tu bay u tara b oax e ktaur nana yea ii edward dock ocrdan araydon 133 uatn bl norui urampion ttlaphona to itarold r lawrenca loblav duudlna dnunptno talaphona u r at watson dju udjl daarttaa oelca itoura o to a exorpt tliureday ajlarnoona a m nielsen hal vaar al tncut chiropractor xray drtiguu thenpul laa aualaal offloa ovar dominion star oaarcauwn iloura 3 s t30 030 tun ctaaat tkuajar raa ila frank fetch licensed auctioneer fee the ceaauee el peal aj hallea prompt service vtuajietusi cheltenham m r 23 georgetown 6lrl pott office cheltenham monuments pollock a ingham buceessoru to cater si worth gait oflt designs oil request ptuuu teal inapect our work in greenwood cemetery radio repairs yaa an lovltaj la aaaw la aaj talk ovar yettr ruaia bmajaua uu adrlaa a a tnlnaj atadlo hatvlu emlaaar to yta far tha ifhohe ii hugh lindsay la lb ual bbdl wood for sale oholm ilanlwood dfiech and uvuls t moo per oom ulud wood vm oer cord italia xb0 per cord jt mbandtottd rtterie u5 mr u3j amvukrtl wood for sale oholofl hardwood luapla tod bmcii mlud aolt wood moat wiionabla tarloea apply jfuk tut wiona uuw o0rf6t0wil w fc have your eyes examined tetten tlui- lafnua rtxvd buii aw u lti woua ar auurali u rlie ahfnmr you lock up or down in or cut tulyr ltwuoa am rvuucftd in pno and arv told at uj lima prtw all crttr qantda mo id ultra from uiuk tall tiller lam for ilia aim prtr u fcfl uiu u toituito or oiulpn o t walker ro ottoumuhy kviuioir iricuuif 1 wfc- b u liokfith dkto ufoklk cunua urf l avrmf inllll cw y uay aial o v wjiw u kta mm to wima4- a otxyue kjuilmdck today i v a butlrrtly ahoa a tlty alrwt in all liu hurlburly it u quit noifl trt it mow a bit tvetlavtivl aa it rut urvj hir and lhr for it uaa fir fiuiu rover iwxii and in all tlia ivol and traiil fthcre uia piftty ftfaturt hvey i ftwwjil it u a plt all it- trui thlii ilu in all o ir uolc mid btruagl in pr luiniui r cf our duty trgttuu lull ilr linw tliat hfr nor lain to muct of lwauy ttiat lofly luimlfu taratu then tn all tliat duvl and din wu uilt a grntlr tiirninj of a run uoa human iin ta tin of cold tnjutivrr nc to it nnr u u13 of itf that t aiv often guilty of tn all oui ulfuli urtl oarroll van coun clearing sale of all summer millinery a i ii i i i i m all sumirvw mulirwy to b cuuvd a tk lowt poaaltu prk misses claridge hru block gao btseball puy0ff cime m tk pwk georgetown oa tturshay night aogost 221 gadpb ts georgdowo whlw day ix done wtua uy u tkni clo up your vj and lock jour troutw tn it another da u on iftr way and faooji jog will bto it but hn at tiuht yvuv luktard bound doot 1h lhr tujiiiima find you iiii havy catj upon your buk you dutnl uv l hind you whmi iahadoea com and tltn 40 tall and ttllil turtj crplna- lh tn 0 tjifc ho wait for you thfou0t wtiulow panu ar pvplnc tir locklns for a happy facv a tnula that rfauurtng and bufc of all thw ltkci a 1ot uiafa oorutant and enduring tallr hoov a tmu forfh th tmr and tmuga of gloom and aojrov a nuht of ru and you ran fljht and drivt lhm off to- mor row don i dudppolm th cni ho valt and look for your mturruruj but tprd grin from ht to mr and utufy ttwlr yajnlng tnayr walitng for a hrarty kit for ne that a bright and elurry vfhapj tliy too hav had a day lhata uft n tort of uy uut youv man and you it la to whom uwy look for chhrtnf that why thy alwyi hav an y to watch fo your apprartruj 80 vtkra ou cloa your dk at nliht lock all your troublm in it and amooth tl r frowna and wttnklm out twill only talu a mlnuu thvn lift your chin and atart to grin md kwp that grin a 1 witching takr hotria a amuc to uvw you tov thrll hnd it mot bfwtuhtng ooooooctcooooooc tooocsoo the tett of time 2 by adscwuwra oooooouikroooooooooooocooou 11 1111 it uj it 1 11 m ua- v uh f 11 41 rajlt wl till if ll itji ul j ii if tttl 1 mr la 4i 1 f ullll- fr in u i hi iu u uu j u luuvru ituului ui did f i la ituj ulliuu r a fumti r 1 wxtmilllluw jul lllt it tint lk ultl uitovi f 11 1 1 iu i liorvit 1 i u lidlitr 1 ullur kiliuu uu urit i lllin- uu i lult itl i ii tt ul llv b mi tub j ilk hum it 1 j l utah itll 1 uti hall u i urll 111 rill lh- tllri iul fuf ii f utau flt fjaltl prl a loaa llito u ljilrl uu lk t i ijiut ht iu iafi uy 111 tlrf mtt tol hut ljilituar uu uut illfuuru 0 11 iliiatit j urorli w itfal i lit ri u luiliuhrlii iailj ulu tr ml duulj bring i ilia lt fluuaj ml ml uu fiaiul ttixiugb until lrlla aoil lluigatvl tff iimtiltil ftrr itijl i u uiuti w ul4 t it nli flfrw u friitimil li ji it tin- aiujlluo liil uuw i in i htit liahlug ll k tf lit fulut h fur lit ui km if to tiltt of iltt 1 rrwnl b- uu ufitt atntl tla 11 oil 1 9 ultjnul ami i am inruuttng llial iue glil of fwtuij ll jtari frutu hue mil b- a prtui euuvt mftortub malurt ilmi ulialit u uri lu lj iral dttiiulilrra or ltk u of jaia aj iillliirtr at li1 tjltttxtr libit wit t ibljvlt i ulltimttl nod oblllerol by ltt uiiln il r hi j ibttttrr uf bu tnmlj thla vtulut loutsir b u inifd wllli ao unubual bail 1 likba nv utrllil uf bill cud wurr tminrtl rvimnrd fmm hlai mind ll mat otilr u uu f r1lig gml 01iil fur lha lu niitl hitn irt n h ciulil do 1 iitil iu ut a if ltniitlng lili election day set foreihty ym old and still october 14tb llmton of uir dominion of can ada u1 go to ui poll on iior iday otobrr 1411 iuit to kfltvt lhf rtgh- miut paruunrnt of catuuu ltit writ duuilvina tbr pjfcnt kaullunum will txar the data of aujuu ibth ulur ttlilxh lime idl thr ouinurk of uf liouw of common i01 uu past fur yrari mutt ugn thrmmlwj rauj th unia a 111 be rruiinabl on oaturday no- ruiur wli ikldom unce cunfnknulon ha an tlktlon date lirrn the aubjttt of lo mufl difficulty th- flrt clvoloa a llttrtrmurr 30tl but k wai pwdily dutorird thai it ua doubtful if all uu- wcfaaary urranurmnta could lw made by that tliru thn oft 1u u oontrmplattd but it waa tprdlly duomrird ttuit 11 waa the day of aioilfirunl a holiday to tarred lafip of uvr jrwuj faith that tlnry would ur dulrnnrlilmxl if it wrr ctotti oclcbrr mth thrrrupon br tainr tlif final ulrctlan but in order that it mlifht bf urlnrlrxl it aaa nrc- ruary to imrrlnd prlou proclama tloiu which had airtady njiuktvl u aa tlunllmlvuig da tliat ivollday la now bring oanxfcrthl to tlmrulay otobrr 21lh irddrh o 1 bltiih illuihiuag lausftl it la not gnvarally known that the highway act of ontario claum hlieh- hlkara among the undealrablra on our highway- there haa bn a regula tlon on the booka for at leaat two yaara forbidding tha aollclttng of rtdra in oaxa by peraona who aland on the highway and do an ajtuuc pice of numbing bom chug ha baen laid during the pau and vlolatera of tha law have bn convicted at carrolls fresh cookies e 2 ocum 19c ctlll cocltd spaghetti w- 15c frfklii prpwttl salad gaa mustard j- 11c ubbyi holiday olives talv 29c nw clovtr honey n 5 pj 39c aylmrr sieve 4 new peas no 8tu 11c waailaffri rtipbtny or sbawb jam cm gesso fry ssoi u 31c bed or white in rubbers 3 doxcn 14c brawn lioal k f salada i tea 3uj gown or corona fruit jars doitn 99113153 old outeb ckaosar oaaiat urm ul umi lulllmg wd loutuu wagftmtu u hui willtv wvutaau dud offee by diritavsjnboiiti mbb 35 rpl cawaouc umirte oranges 23c 35c do bananas 2sc doz muskmelons loc each tomatoes 3 lb for sc cooking onions lb for loc main street frc delivery phone 357 georgetown iu ulitt tttid iuf up to llil life to which tha glrla bad bo uu n itiiwi latuk dad riclalumsl ulli lba ioor ino la ariually hap thtolr ofatti ntlixt flulirl lea in dar and you and jiur altir udwiuingl iibp ml by mniruit wra llt rauu tlt- ffulli ulltfudci whirl h r- tumd lo riilalo ijilltiorr ml liimlr bliu ftonwttilna or a flgur alrtuilj hila ouitaat waa billing lo ita s wirk riia tiro came for tha anaounrw- lurnt r th wloru r ur ibt cminjn i hurt wild mi nam in ilia forttm ftiuilly latum ink that buatiixl and falhar nut a ptrstlblllly ubtti in iiik- rutua ud uni m tanjliig letter nrrlml ltlltimt li d hltrthl and t alitl hu lifud iu till li imn tit- load win liritil mil itiu wny mtia llrttr ll lnfctl mil r lilt wlutliw f l lilt and kitifrird tvbal bui wttulil ililtih if itf hlntuifd hit- itlltitfa iu llt- uriht tliu kv kluo bu ml dfinm tied atiiig und c le- lirtillon ii arnt nut to tuxiill hta ilutl ii ml uu ibt wuy t until hi llm n ids t a ih imltv rltiur hi ciinlil ii ml then lit rvud tlif liiier fur itw uv nil llnw win juu 1 1 iiatu mil at our onuv ii auld unl luftirm uh nbul yrni iuu f your llff unl jur c it rta in tlil ttiulihl uu kill inill tlit lufinii illun tor ptiblh ll imrimim a ihlm wiih ui tril ul but a titniry iu ijitllintr irtinlit bliiikair for ilia mttinil tlnvtt in inrr lit gn ul nil nr ami wan wiutuinil mrillally nimv till iu hit wtlliir bi ii mvh n l ini uurpilnrd lo nlnl hut will ott tin wllh tit num t i uua ounkiil all ibf i lint una ibt tiiinmir uiul i will attl hw iiunty mi my two try i it m tluuuh era and uh nvrw nu umlldi nil tint 1 iitllnifr waa tlli ul hnw itntm bv till ihla mini tlnil tur uin 1rnrt hill and mrirgiiril wire i urn und uhtn u unrlil una iuin irllltltng ibv yixitli ur llmt lltm hi i ml vtn jual in li unolher prltu willi hi miuitt inunuaurli it esquesing council oontract awauuld iuu miluino of 1uo hkhm1lm ulcaarltown auguit 13 1du hie council tvrld uwir rrulir mon thly mrung on uotuuy aug 13ui drpuly itrea l 1 uulun oouncu- lora u w liurray n a itobliiuyt and w a wilvun were pwunt llecve oourga currle prraldm at the nvct tng ttj minutea ol hut maeting rie rtad and conflrrotd comiuunlctuaona a re read from tha llamlllun chamber of onmmrrc fuwyvruauey ud dtlurtuuni of llrullh wftuauitr ifacjiinrry co a k wllwjn ai co ltd and lvpartment of agiicullure trudra wrro nwlw for the build ing of to bridge und the contracl ftaa lei to ur uam walkrr klotvd b w a- wiuoji accondaxl by n a itoolnbon uiat the trcaiurrr pay thr rillrl accounu a pixunuvl by the itfilrf ohorr knotfj carried lloved by o w uurray tondd by w a wllum that tha trraaurcr pay urll trlrpnone co u13i coo ki1 1 iu total wei lettrr lihop ai dupply co u printing 300 ooplra of vottra iuu jqm carrlrd xxovrd by n a iloblnion seconded by u w uurray thai tha tteaiurer pay the roirt bfct oa prrtrnted by the itood dupe rln tendril i iu4 it carrkd uoad by t u uullin ivrccndaxl by n a floblnton thai the tmuurrr pay uoard of health acoounta dr o k utevinum mruttu riamtnatloria of jotin ilouo and ceruilcau- and muraje iuj0 ur it t laul at tending u04i convriulon 110 00 j uonford 1 pr pyiamaa for dlckcn- n boy onlrred by uoii mc car ried uovod by w a- wluan aecoodcv by l l uullin that the tttaiurer puy alrp claim ocorge jennings 1 hip killed by dogs moo p o uc- olbbon valuator u00 canled limed by n a ilobuuon acconded by l l uullin that thla council do now adjourn to mert monday fiep- trmucr uth at u0 im or tit the coil of the luxv c crrie bliuful moment lllllurd allntsl in fiu titniririnlila t luilr hi tiuilil titur iiltta butu- uluft ll uiib til- lf- uiul tut moth i- lulhliuj mllhiil imiiihi iu hatt mttirtnt u upli txllil ilim imiiil n i id ii r tuiiit hu luolhirln iuu a tilt i mill i lltliik nii tutuhl to irtut hint wllli h llllli iimrc iut uiul cuiixhlt nitltiu v bin in iiiiiiih imiiw iuu iu unritiititf uiul unll till i it ttjiliiltiit ufiiri iihmuu iiwuwitnl ipu ulliiiiu llaa jumi tin intiii in up pmliili uinli gininull on jour part iu hint tn lilm mllluril atlrrt d tin tu wily lrlng ta lit in iiinrv whin lit huiilh familiar with li riu biiiuli utrc tiilkliiu ti in i n i him llklillt btnti timiul ubtn ulil mini lll hulll llutt jim ft lltm m luiinl uhtiui ihu hiiiutr mho tliiimtl ii ulrit tnr ihu ii dlxiii in iliv iu in tlldni luttli li but u imii in tin- gniuitd iinnn ii ii run h in iinl htttl ll ibt lihit iii n nil iimai mid ui il in tint nlit luurd ul kuusau city canada continue- to bo the chief aotiree of lupply of tomato kotdiup and saucea to tlie united kingdom incraaalng her shipments in the 1035 period to tmu7 oauta from 60700 in 1mi tlie tomato aoup trade also in almost entirely in canadian hands tha ontario approved imrkey qraederg auodatlon impaction work hoi been oreotly tncreuited wltli 9000 turkeya eligible lor approval uuiwe- llon in 1033 ogaliut 083 in 10s4 the real problem eonoernlng youy lejjtird u how to keep ouur peopli from luung it why all tilt noihet we uac tuptruiiced tlio inconenl- cv and duromlort of having to umrn to noltea uf a more or ira tlia- trucilng nature at larioua lioura of tin du and night and many munl- upjutlcj arc taking atepa to atop unniccjtry nouea to thai people can gtt tliclr rct ttio ailly praotloo of autouu bio tng tlictr honu to herald unlr arrival ui u home or to an- nmincv ttio approach of tnotoruu r- gardlc of time piac and clrcum- atuncoa vnema to u to bo overdue for wrlou icv lew on the port of reapon- alblo authorltlca a few momenta re lit c lion by moiortata ahould be uffl- cl iil to remind them that whether it t hoirpitul or a private realdrnce which tiny are pauliig cltluna have acme right which it ta not alwaya convenient at the time to enicroc n lndtd aliould ll be naoaaaary fcr ono to be for over toying please je a little thought and conaldera- tlon for someone cuet aa one aaya in displaying that much worn and quca tlonublc algn kep off the gnual blcluieaa and the ahadow of death are factor with which we are contending every day and we aubnilt tho min utratlona of doctors nurua moihera and frlcnda might often be moro ef fective if the polling motorist would atop to coniider that in all probabili ty he or ihe may be driving in a locality where a quiet aono la highly caumtlal to the welfare of tome one or more very alclc people there ahould be and in many in- atancoj thcn doubtku u a dealre on tha port of the public lo remem ber the other fellow not only tn re gard to the mnlut or motor nolaea but in relation to another much dla- cuurd and oocatlonnlly ampatatlng queallon tin overwoiked radio the tadlo fan who liulata on running hit machine long after matt iieople are in lux aliould ute aome duicretlon tnero u no ruweaalty of letting it roar until people can hear it tor blocks if you wunt to enjoy a pro- liritm nfler your nelglibora have re tired to tn joy a night real we lave no objection to anybody making the best paulblti usi of tills modern miracle note we said the beat use but there ore times when uu may become ubuse wo enjoy an occa sional late program airulves but we endeavor to keep within tho moral law which requires o dun considera tion for the family nctt door at tho conclusion bf a rudlo progrum recent ly tho announcer said when you turn on your rudlo tonight will you remcmur that others are about to retire will you not think of them as well as yourself remember ute uoldtn kule i two ulrl friends mot in the street ono day i hear youve broken off your engagement aald one of them oh my door yes onsuered tlie other jack simply became impos sible he criticized tlie way i dressed objected lo my friends and nlwflys ex pected mo to bo at lits bock and call then on top of all that he suddenly went off and married another atn bo i simply mado up my mind to have nothing moro to do with him plshormaii i tell you it was that long i never saw such a flint wleiid i beltove you i oils oa fivr axtv ftdmi uavu uu fouyicu asts wo mr amd moatt uokjt oeorge imhumi wauon rv tired fniu ru fom in naujgaaeya town- iinp u ueorgctoau about a tor uf ytairs uuo krwa uie tod and re- auuuibiitiy of workiuu b big farm lu aatkd don to a nice pfacfui ay t jtuitnc in hi trui cmrnt lie uuie it a rule mttr to a oik longir than from daau u duik iwr to tiro lilmuu imu tlit point aljir ha lias to lis down iiiad oil in all uud u life of coax- pu i ulitiujt on til jtvem7b ctate at uu tv of ttw town lo li4ir ura tu it mtnaalng f am a u ilia raiocsi uuiig in ur kuild he u only tighty years of age and yuuri fur hu ytars to why tiioui- ju tit dot p and let tlie nutcu go to dr come an in and rutvt captain i tiid wulug doaii a duj of aif- ifa ajhwj tv mas tnowuig broadcasi orr uai uubbia ciptain piotni to or a big thlny lioiw iu ruovd otr tompaiikuiaiily and oorge ltrxuuud ui down ou tne manger t tlia head of hit ttali ang pivponxj u espialn aboui ijj rmlivmvni lie low laxnuiig lie quit farming ahrri lie left uauuiry of oourw but iue acie la jut a ni little pjtcl- u maana tcauiuilng for him to do and tomivuilng for captain to do tha ug hart nickrrcd aa he tuanl ids name and tidied over to tils fknd oot him about lour cara ago people thai had tum lie had umn oral they tnrd to nuke him plow with a slower hort utide him then thay told into tha slow hona and captain lost paurnr jutt quit puuin uan cam und alter i got him and tay u voull near plow allii that on uo 1 told him that captain hod done oil the plowing i needled he kicked up a bit at first plung- uig and rearing but i kept right ba- laiid him with th plow and bye and bu lie quletod down captain it ueuu uas over ttttuy years of age lie tuid all ursf sheen and gloss of a caiiisge liars krooi clean bam down to una fence oeorge leonard does au his on work lte had a bit of hslp for bruiglug in tha oats cut for grean fewd but the ritt of the oik was his nil this year and besides ha caputn plow most of th gardesu in a town of largo home vegstabla piota over on the edge of a hay field from which enough feed was cut to supply cup tain and his stable mate is tha family cow onoo a familiar figure tn bigger loans than georgetown but now a fast fading flgura of speach 1li cow who enjoys almost as much of her owners affection as captain u tughly contented tha secret of it til even in thaca days of low prices and turmoil is that farming a fun oeorga leonard watson aaya to and he started from scratch to h should know ills father mas one of the pionrrs of kassagaweya wlien the township was a wilderness of bush and stone oeorge leonard started tn as a youngster and waa plowing behind osen when he was a lad of thirteen the oxen ere homebred and it wu part of his work to break tn new tterra to the yoke that waa where much of the fun of early farming camo in for him h says llreaklng osen mas great sport tlie winter a new team would be yoked to a hand sleigh and led away from the farm they wtv taught i heir gw and haws on the road way then turned around and let run for home three or four boys would be piled on the sleigh and the game mas to tip the driver off and let him walk home the oxen ment at quite i clip too there was a man named uckay as mall carrier tried to pass me in thr sleigh one tune lie had a horse and culler and he pulled out in the sou snow so i told the oxen to go to a and by golly he couldnt get ahead ol me the oxen would gallop nearly as fail as a horse for a short stretch that team of steers never forgot about keeping the horses behind uy dad would take our work horses back to the pasture lot at night and when tho oxen taw them coming theyd pull their cart along and the horses never could catch them oxen ur watson found had as muu grey matter as a hone hitch thorn to a atnno and thcyd pull this may and that until they found which wuy it was going to come easiest tlieyd tup each others horns and then step into tlie yoke and out would come the rock an ok he re membered a as more apt to suffer from the hrut than a horse they cant sweat until the sun goes down ur watson explained ive teen them with their tongues hanging out with the heat hu father taught him to love farming and ho iuu pasted on the passion for the soil to his aona and daughters jits four sons william llobert on the homestead oearge alfred at rockwood james victor tdcn uuls and charles leonard out west arc all farming and one daugh ter ura emily wilson of eden uuls married a farmer the other daugh ter mrs it oagher who la out west married a baker ur watson doetn t bother much about politics he ma brought up a liberal but frankly admits that he has voted tl other way when the occasion teemed to demand it ho won t say it but hi politics arc work more work a hearty meal a chat with captain and a sound sleep ura watson who tends to a healthy flock of barred hocks feels the same way ubout it and she can keep pace with her active elghtyyearyoung hus band atlhoush she too is in her blst year toronto telegram what other papers say it iu climated there will be candidal in the coming fwurtj election lfany of tho vlu be among the uneupioyd tea lbs contihtt la vr but they soot be of the on to ottawa variety chat ham new will 1taxt and cthopla fight or wont they uuuollnia wlulocne lo arbltnate majfre the outlook hope ful for prat italy s wax pjvparatione make wr look certain whan uuso- llni says to his soldiers unit and until the machinsyy of pao orfare a working lubatltute for the ue of force force or the thraet of it will be restored to then you think you fe that he down t really want war if it can be soidd the outlook for ptace alto gros brtcmer wba one eade that traprror blaie want to mm uauollnl fast to raw and talk thing ovtr milling newaargtai ilkjjitv foiid iuu increawd the wage of his employees to the amount lie formerly paid sis dollar a day this u all to tlie good and no doubt it uiul to utter wages in other linae ftfll as ln the automobile industry uuth a wage while somewhat to ad vance of former day la cone too much for a good workman- ikrt the dimculty is that six dollars a day uay mean lath hundred dollars yj or even las depending upoa bo many days the man la eeptord if he works only six months in the yar he is no bitter off ttnajwialiy than the man mho work twve monthe at three dollars a day if fc were able to turn hte hand to somsthlntr je during the slack season it oul4 be different but in these day thle r dlftuult if not impossible alwr all a the yearly wage which counts and not tha daily one- outlook in thefle day of mooatajy re form and credit cruee it ts il tor the individual to rrttfwiber that there is nothing subvendve or unpatrloue about having some saving to the bank whaievr idee one may bold about the banking system or what the govsrnment ought to do about money crdit it le wise to keep a 1w shskrls handy for the rainy day which cannot be avoided by wulatlofi or prevented by forethought it is the duty of evtry cltlml to hold an opinion regarding the control and credit and to do what lis within his power to translate hi opinion in to legislation hut it is hi great and more immediate duty to taf asuard his family and himself by earls tome of his earnings and awetfral them readily available unfortunate ly many have not income and can not save their plight cannot be bet tered by thrift but there are many hundred of thousands who could save if they would and who do not qoclal insurance of many kinds will likely come to lessen the risk of want in the future but those who de- tire to ensure themtelvee modest com fort in thetr old age will likely find thst what they save and keep to thetr own credit will be the surest meant of providing tt this gsneratton may not live to see an organisation of society that will ensure all cttlaepe a comfortable livelihood as long aa they ihe oakvule record caupbcix to toy again sir ualcolm campbell world record holder for land speed anrvotmoed definitely on monday that ha plane to seek hi goal of 100 miiee per hour tn the famous racing machine bluer- bird on the utah salt flats duxtae the second week of september bluebird accompanied by e crw of mechanics was packed for tha shipment on the aqultania sailing august 14 campbell la booked to leave on the uajeetlo august slat and will go direct to utah from hew york he said he expects to begin practice runs toon after his arrival and shoot quickly for the record campbell and bluebird luted thetr world mark to 31aj1s miles per hour at deytona beach last winter our coible uub1lbooub juut blame the compohitor the intelligent compositor on whom blame for absurd and some times vexatious newspaper error la leaped was condemned for making her the brldoet dainty feet were en cased in fairy boots to road her dirty feet wore encased in ferry boats tlie intelligent reporter wrote wuiards view of oovt the llnotyite man mado him soy mil lard view of gout the gentleman named is a political candidate after the midnight meals and general feasting he will be called upon to en dure during the noxt few weeks hla view about gout will probably be as convincing as those upon govt dut if anything happens blame tt on the compositor no organization of a similar nature brings together moro countries than the worlds poultry science associ ation does at die world poultry con gresses which are ute triennial meet- inge of the association canada- takea on important part in tlie spreading of scientific and practical poultry knowledge and will be represented at the next eongreaa which will be held in berlin oennany la lflv uany different kinds of edible mushrooms are found in canada to gether with a great number of worth less ones and a few deadly poisonous toadstools it le impossible for the average person to team to know them all but it t possible to learn to re- cocnlae the beat edible apedee and the harmful and deadly prisonous kinds it is no more difficult than learning the different kinds of hovers ln u garden although it le much more difficult to set the information the beet source of information in canada it the recently published book from the division of botany on utiahroomj and toadstool which may be obtained from the kind printer ottawa another li to set someone who le a student of mush rooms to point out the different kind or information can be obtained from the dominion laboratoriee of plant pathology in the different province the different kind of edible mush rooms ere to numerous that u as not possible to mention more than e few favourites the beat known are the field mushroom and lte large cousin the hone mushroom both of which are pink underneath and grow in the open fields if these are the only mushroom known by a person they should not be collected from the edge of woods or near trees the fairy ring mushroom is found on lawn during the summer and the shaggy mane on lawns in the fall the smooth leplot grows tn cultivated held and or chards look like a mushroom on top but is white underneath and resem bles the death angel in the sprue and ar woods the yellow chanterelle and the edible boletus ore found throughout the summer each kind ha to be known and dutmgulshed from some worthless or harmful specie that resemble it in some re spect in gatrering mushroom to eat the great danger le ln picking a deadly toadstool they are all too common and very few people know them well the commonest deadly species 1 th uy agarlo which is to named becauae it can be used as a fly poison the most dangerous kind 1 the duh angel ao named because of it siately appearance and pure white colour no person aliould ever gather edible mushroom in ute woods without knowing this specie for there i no known antidote for it slow acting poison tlie ettlmated ahort apple crop in the united kingdom for 1035 ahould stlmuluto a larger demand for cana dian apple which have the further advantage under canadian export refttilatloiu of carrying with then ft ceetlooate of fmedom from dlaeaw