s the georgetown heraldwednesday evening september 28th 1938 page 7 notice to creditors in uie matter ml the eitilt ofwil notxor is thereby given pursuant to seouoo 81 of ti truate act that au i creditors and other fearing claims or demands against the estate of the late wlluam banter who died at to- 1 ronto on or about the 19th day of june 1988 are required on or be fore the 31st day of october 1d38 to send fay post prepaid or deliver to george wauaoa and mildred a mac- kensfe fixeetos of the estate of william baxter otencalrn avenue- toronto thpir fun names addresses and full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among toe parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the sam executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to- any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re ceived by them at the time of such distribution dated the 19th day of september 1s38 f a burgess 76 adelaide st w toronto 4tf solicltor for the said executors shooting match norval thanksgiving day monday october 10th at 100 pjn for dressed fowl ranges 50 and 100 yards 22 cattbre rifles positionbench rest if weather unfit for outdoors the indoor range will be used e j gollop secretary ontario business summary white optimism is felt regarding i autumn trade wholesale- buying dur ing august was confined to the main- tenanoe of the modest stocks in toe i hands of retailers retail trade in j uxtfan centres experienced a steady demand for strictly seasonal goods and generally rural sales compared favourably with those of a year ago collections are fair it is estimated that- the tourist traffic was below that of last year and spending was more conservative industrial activity has been stimulated by the aatlafactorjy western canada grain crop and the prospects of an early commencement of airplane construction on an im portant scale tool die and pattern makers have substantial orders on hand and the immediate outlook is favourable automobile manufacturers are about to begin production of new models and accessory plants arc ac tively engaged agricultural implem ent factories are seasonally quiet textile woollen and worsted and knitting mills are operating on slight ly increased schedules the improve ment in the tanning industry has been maintained shoe factories are well engaged and the volume of or ders is satisfactory lumber prices are holding fairly steady but mar kets remain inactive furniture manufacturers report a slight im provement over the previous month gold production for july totalled 253- 232 ounces 8363120 as compared with 2146s3 ounces 7513205 july 1937 production of silver 34364 ounces against 33375 ounces a year ago new entry port as a sequel to the opening of the thousand islands international bridge the town of lansdowne ont on the canadian border between brockvlue and gananoque has been added to the list of animals inspec tion stations through which animals subject to inspection may enter can ada from the united states lans downe on the main highway between montreal and toronto is in the vici nity of ivy lea at the canadian end of the bridge your eyes the long summer evenings are over you will be doing more reading and indoor work your eyes may need help fob glasses op quality at new low prices consult o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who u at robbs drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or yon may pansnu o t walker at his office in brampton fire prevention week ptqmjjetjthjtojwi been chosen as tire prevention week to impress upon the citizens the fi importance of safe guarding life and property from loss by fire government figures show that dur ing the last 17 years 727000 fires in canada destroyed insurable property valued at more than 675000000 and that 7200 persons lost their lives and more than 23000 were seriously in jured as the resuh of on the pro clamation claims at least 80 per cent of the fires which occur origi nate through ignorance or neglect and the exercise of reasonable prud ence and proper carefulness would substantially reduce the losses by fire the proclamation fixing the date urges that dwellings and other build ings be inspected and cleaned of rub bish in order to reduce fire hazards and maintain health and safety fire drills are recommended for stores in stitutions large stores and factories boy scout leaders are- asked to give instruction to the troops under their control as to the best means of co operating with municipal flre depart ments in preventing fires all- legislation and regulations en acted or issued by the dominion pro vincial or municipal authorities deal- lng with flre prevention should be given publicity by the municipal offi cials in cooperation to reduce fire hazards id saturday only this cerblicate is worth 231 this certificate and 69c en the bearer to one of our genuine indestructible 300 vacuum filler backless fountain fsns vlsmfe ink supply you see the ink a lifetime guarantee with each pen sixes for ladles men boys and girls plunger filler- zip one pule and its full this pen holds 200 per cent more ink than any ordinary fountainpen on the market you can write for three months on one filling no repair bills 1 no pressure bar i every pen tested and guaranteed to be unbreakable for life get yours now this pen given free if you can buy one in the city for less than three dollars this certificate good only while sale is on abo m and sl50 pencils to match above pens 39c add 8c- extra for mall orders maecormacks drug store phone 327 georgetown how to avoid the poor house we havent the time to do it but no doubt many of our readers are capable of taking pencil and paper and figure this out for themselves the story goes like this let a young man or woman start in at the age of twenty years and put away twenty dollars at interest instead of buying cigarettesforjnstance mosl boys and some girls spend that much on tags in the course of a year but if you dont smoke then probably you have another habit such as cho colate bars or chewing gum in any event put away twenty dollars a year or a little over 5c a day do this every year and let the in terest stay there too for fifty years and when you reach the ripe young age of seventy you will be able to laugh at the poorhouse you will have to your credit by tflat time the tidy sum of twenty thousands dollars we just print the above to show you that even five cents a day systema tically saved will produce results if you can afford ten cents a day all ihe better the l october ing i m best of au mr ojawish well mrs murphy im glad to see you how did you like your trip abroad this summer mrs murphy well i liked paris london and rome but the best part of the whole thing was the trip over dont miss that whatever you do if you ever go to europe keep summer at home f r this winter enjoy the steady summery warmth o hamco canadas finest coke delivers an abundant flow of clean easily controlled heat with plenty of reserve to- the ooldestnap dustlees smokeless wasteless easy to handle leaves minimum ash priced today at the lowest in years its your greatest fuel bargain order from your toctil hamco dealer he deserves your fuel business mtyour dtaltt about tht new hamco automatic draft control and hamco hot water heater lj 9 money earing conveniences mr lfcffcf ham ii m hamkton tkmgoua cm ovwfc kammohcuuda sold by w b itenlner son j b mackenzie son major baseball at hamilton october 8 bill rogells american lea guers vs joe kkakauskas all stars baseball fans who want a treat in major league ball will no doubt take the tbove mentioned game at hamilton civic stadium saturday tter 8th at 245 pm bui rogell is bringing the follow- ig players to hamilton campbell outfield cleveland bell outfleld st louis cullenblne outfield detroit mccoskepcentireael bea boss right field glace bay hughes 2nd base st louis chrlstman shortstop detroit rogell 3rd base detroit archie 1st base detroit oalehotise pitcher cleveland moore pitcher glace bay p reiber catcher toronto tebbetts catcher detroit this team will be known as billy roegus american leaguers and they will perform against joe krakauskas all stars joe who is with the was hington senators is the only hamil ton boy to make the big leagues and we feel confident that if given fine weather a capacity crowd will be paclced in on joes team will be bobby por ter of toronto art upper of rome of the canadian american league eddie runge george 31 inn and tommy bonk of hamilton rogell has kindly consented to let us have tebetts to catch and he himself wuj play shortstop and hughes 2nd base for krakauskas team furthermore he has promised to cooperate in every way to make the game a real success the net i- pepceeds of this game which is sponsored by the hamilton byproduct coke ovens limited will be divided between the spectator fresh air camp and the lions club of hamilton camp so spotr fans can appreciate that the cause is a very worthy one horseshoeing comfetttions at international plowing match under the spreading chestnut tree the vulace snrfthy stands the above lines or longfellow might well be paraphrased in these days and tunes to used to stand blacksmith shops in ontario are becoming al- j most as scarce as fried chicken at the north pole it is a serious situation from a farming standpoint and fully realized by the ontario plowmens association the cream of canadian and ontario plowmen will be competing for the highest plowing honors in the world at the international match at mlne- stng near barrie october 11 12 13 and 14 this year so why not have horseshoeing competitions for the farmers rriend the blacksmith reas oned officials of the ontario plow mens association with this thought in mind competitions for mature and junior blacksmiths will be held each day at 2 pjn during the match prise lists and rules may be obtained by writing to bert guest guthrie chair man of this committee or to- j a carroll parliament buildings toron to mr carroll secretary of the inter national b most enthusiastic over the the horseshoeing contests we will always have horses good horses and care must be taken of their feet said mr carroll we will either have to have more blacksmith ap- rntices or young farmers must learn shoe their own horses we hope by introducing these horseshoeing competitions to revive interest in what is fast becoming a lost art these competitions have been held m the old country or years and have been most successful i feel they they will be a most attractive feature of the match at mlnesing concluded mr carroll v the international this year promi ses to be the best on record the farm machinery exhibits in the tented city will occupy almost a mile of frontage and will be the largest ever seen in canada the best plowmen in the world will be seen in competition and there will be a number of tractor competitions as well as numerous in teresting educational demonstrations every farmer should plan to spend at- least one- day at the international plo ma t will nr- terest his wife and family too mlne sing is within easy motoring distance and on a paved highway the difference pleasure is like a sprained ankle you have- it all to yourself but hap piness is like measles you cannot have it without giving it to some one else swt sound reasons why you should insult a hecla 4 dares heclawarm air fur 1 nace saves 1 ton of fuel in 7 s steelribbed ffrepot is tfuaran- feecf20rra radiates 3 times the heat of ordinary nrepote 3 fused joints positively prevent escape of gas and dust for rail life of furnace healthful properly humidified air at au times gbh hecla material costs and eummatloo of sales tax make hecla the roasi- mumfuraace value ba can your hecla can easuy be con- verted to a clare air conditio unit at small cost f may be purchased on home improvement plan emm saves 1 ton in 7 g r muckart phone s19w or j geoegetown its agin the law to use a gun the best way to hunt customers is to use the georgetown herald it wouldnt do to take a gun to go out for customers hunting customers requires a clever technique but some business men are blind in their search for more business they are blind to the fact that advertis ing is good business the investment in space in the columns of the georgetown herald is an investment which will return quickly and many tinges over in an increased sales volume form the habit of keeping the news of your business before the public through the georgetown herald our readers are quick to take advantage of shopping opportunities your business will increase- and moretrading will be done at home by the shoppers it it more convenient to trade at home readers of the hometown paper patronize our advertiser you fl dont need a license to advertise just phone us well be glad to help you enlyfc yonr advertising problems i the georgetown herald phone no 8 mam street