page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 16th 1938 gyprocwoollnsulation and storm sash anyone can mstal gyproc wool between the attic floor joists without any muss in the house it will pay for itself many times over in fuel savings and greater comfort sufficient gyproc wool for a 2 thickness over the ceding of an average house 24 ft x 30 ft would only cost 2200 our storm sash are made of genuine on tano white pine at no extra cost over hard pine sash despite the fact that they will last more than twice as long windows measured and quotations given with out obligation j b mackenzie son acton georgetown phone 33 typical low fares by motor coach buffalo 640baltimoke 319 45 cleveland jlltsaugusta u tickets and inroimation at w h long phone 89 georgetown gray coach lines by betty barclay did yon tr pay closo attentiod to the actions of the children in tha home when an adult party was in foil swing tiny grace in mule and pajamas peeks down from the top of tbo stain older george mnit be bundled out of the way halt a docen time it inn t the children a party but their boqis are in it gitb yonr children a real parly of their own occasionally the kind that will teach table manners tite them poise train them for their teen age parties later on uttle children call for amall group toys simple games and interesting stories older children demand advanced games noteltles and excitement all children need simple menus and healthful ones the menn for a afternoon party should be ampler area than that for an tailing affair for dinner follows the afternoon gathering bert tasty sandwiches in attrac- tr shapes filled with things children like peanut tatter froimd raisins and ants jellies and jaw e reanetlsed milk or a crnttada m attactrn glasses will do far berenge gsylytopped otarfal resastcostsrds are faror- iteb with tiny tots and mothers loo they re so easy to prepare so easy to digest and so intriguing to the eye and appetite that they arc surely desirable snapping paper crackers on tho table tiny paper cups of can ly and nuts ronnetcustnrds gn ly decorated with slices of banana or fesfjvo candles alirpctlve sen 1 wlches glasses of bcrcrnie an i paper hats for the guests rattan a real children s party here is a suggestion for dessert make some extra dlshch for the adutts and by all moans giro the children a pjtrtv roti vanilla rennetcusta i 1 package vanilla rennet powder 1 pint milk cup whipping cream cup sugar make rennetcustard accorllng to directions on package then chili in refrigerator when ready to serre whip the cream adding sugar and mixing well squeeze through a pastry tube and decorate top of each rennetcustard gar nish with sliced maraschino cherries bananas marshm allows or colorful candles had tt zdent i tarn ip bmt chadly fs7 m osktyt- ton know tbe gross eyed beer we sang ad stent mm a took the fswfcu1ssd mother a few flafcmtas fee lsnentet tbe tajmn otadr tbe cross x bamr- the sacredness of the home international uniform sunday school november so 1938 golden text keep thyself pure 1 timothy 5 22 lesson pasbaoe exodus 20 matthew 5 27 28 mark 10 2 14 16 come almighty to deliver let us all thy grace receive suddenly return and never nbver more thy temples leave thee we would be always blessing serve thee as thy hosts above pray and praise thee without ccas ing glory in thy perfect love rowland hugh prltchard education 14 education is necessary to safeguard family life homes have suffered greatly by a hush hush policy con cemtng biological facts the scientific method is to collect the facts stjdy them find out the policy justified by faots and guide conduct by intelh gent conviction it required long edu cation to establish the principle j of monogamy much remains to be done to have purity established as the cus tomary social code the church can help by lending dignity bo the mar rlage ceremony a public wedding where two young people in the pres ence of friends and relatives march down the aisle with best man ind bridesmaid and plight their troji as the minister reads the solemn ritual of the church makes the marriage ceremony impressive and memorable the music the congratulation of friends the gifts the sendoff com bine to make the whole occasion slgnl flcant added meaning is given to he foundation of a home public opln ion is definitely against stunt wed dings in aeroplanes or swimming tanks if ever there is a holy hour it is when two people pledge themselves to live together in the sacred relation ship of home thought life 27 28 purity is a matter of word and dred but first of all it is a matter ot the thought life christ traced impirlty back of action to motive desire una ginatlon and thought control may be attained by changing the thought stream thinking beautiful thougnts will drive out the desire for low thoughts in some way or other dominant thoughts eventually lead to action victory over physical impulses can be attained only by dlscipltred thought control there has to be dis cipllne of the eye not looking at foul pictures but using the ee to give ense impressions of beauty there must be discipline of the ear noc lis tening to stories or sugges ions that arouse dangerous passions thire must be discipline of the tongue that our speech ma be elevating and post he by building up habits of thought ron trol many temptations may be avi id ed altogether divorce 2 6 usually alvorce is admitted defeat a marriage that was planned in nigh hope has failed in the uni ed states one marriage in six ends in divorce in one or two states ne marriage in three ends in divorce many of these divorces could be pre vented b a christ an attitude ton ards life the divorce court is usual ly the line of least re istance wl at k needed i not m re marriage laws upon our statute books or mort b nd int words in tl e marriage rli nl we need a nobler cone pt of the ma r age relationship in tl e minds of men and women before the u tar ls nacli ed and the words art pokui we n ed to have planted in the lives of lovers an intelligent and revtr nt under standing of the serlou responsibility i of married life there have been al toother too many jes s about miirrl i art publicity ls given to marr ic failures and too uttle mention is mi do of the blessings of married life in spite of an increasing divorce rate j there are many happ homes for tas e of heaven upon earth chris j tian peopk need to const ler seriously the christian ideal of marriage aid seek 10 remove the cause of freq ont lailurls in family permanence broken ilomri 10 12 many broken homes have been re united misunderstandings have been explained away and new beginnings made some people who have hus been re united are living together with a more understanding love than berore dimeultles arose in ma ny cities courts for domestic relation hip prevent many divorces and bring to gether people who have been tempor arily separated yet the broken homes may be prevented and our eiforts should be at prevention even more than restoration youth should be told that marriage is not specifically for the specific ends of desire it ls not the legalized area where lust may be unrestrained it is the serious en tering into that rcdmptive sharing of life which inyolves the shedding of blood their minds should bo dlsabas ed of the cheap theory that the baslj of marriage is happiness while marriage has a basis in- physical hap piness it normally looks forward to th propagation of offspring and their tralning this means responsibility of such high quality that only the hardy will hazard it divorce ls fun dam en tally a character problem character has been defined as the ability of the individual to adapt himself to the various conditions and crises of life as they arise tbe children s rights 13 16 the sacredness of the home should be zealously safeguarded for the pro tection of children invariably child ren suffer when parents are divorced records of juvenile crime show that broken homes aggravate the juvenile crime problem every child whose parents are living is entitled to have a fathers care and a mothers lore this frequently requires a subordlna- uon of parental egoism to tmnlflsh- love for children no fojter home boarding school or mstttntloa can take the place to tbe life of the child of a christian home where father and mother tfre together m lore and good wul dtvoree ls rarer where both nut- band and wife are members and regn lar attendants or a chnro toeeptrtt of christ in husband and wife can solve many problems and bring peace to many homes questions for discussion 1 why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly 2 is absolute purity an impossible standard 3 in what sense is the family the unit of society 4 what has been the effect of econo tnic depression on home life 5 is it possible for husbands to love their wives as christ loved the church not even a rink recently in juvenile court in wlar ton seven boys appeared before the court with helr parents mrs dun can editor of the wiarton echo took the occasion to supplement the lecture given by the judge to the parents by addressing one to the community she points out that there used to be a boy scout troop in wiarton out there is nobody willing to lead it now and it has disappeared she looks at the churches and finds little hope there are ten denominations in war ton carrying on services though the population of wiarton is only 1725 which does not leave very many to a congregation even if everybody goes to church the energy of the people is all used in trying to keep then- ten churches solvent and it doesn t leave them much chance to do ac tual christian work in the commani ty there ls no gymnasium there lsn t even a skating rink although many people can remember when wiarton had famous hockey teams there is no place where the boys and girls can play games under adult sup ervislon but there is a juvnlle court mrs duncan ends with a reference to matthew 18 6 perhaps it is just as well if you look up the reference yourself what mrs duncan has to say about wiarton applies to any other town and is just one of the reasons wby midget hockey should be continued again this year in georgetown example of rapid subtraction a ship on clearing the harbor ran inlo a nasty half pinching choppy sea which was especially noticeable as the 25 passengers at the captans table sat down to dinner i hope that all 25 of you will have a pleasant trip said the captain as the pup appeared and that this uttle assem blage of 24 will be much benefiltted by the voyage i look upon these 22 smiling faces as a father upon lis familj fo i am responsible for his group of 17 i hope that all 14 of jo i will join me in drinking to a merry trip i believe that we arc most congenial and i applaud he judgment which chose these 3 oer soils for m table you and i my dear sir are here steward cleir away those dishes and bring me the fish plants at night steal ocr oxygen mcgui savants confirm belief flowers should be remo from sickroom at nightfall science has justiaed the old prac tlce of removing plants from a sick room at night the explanation comes from mcgill university plants breathe just as human be ings do under daylight cond uons they consume carbon dioxide so lelp to purify the air the metabolism of a plant however is dependent uoon the amount of light it receives for it requires the energy of sunshine to convert the carbon dioxide from the air and the water which it takes up through its roots into starches when dusk comes the plant stops eating and thus does not require any carbon dioxide it continues to breathe however arid in this breath ing process it actually consumes acy gen during the night then it does nothing to purify tho air of carbon dioxide while at the same time it- use oxygen which is vital to ings j workmens compensation statement there were 5 008 accidents reported to the workmens compensation board during october as compared with 121 during september and 6556 during october a year ago the total benefits awarded amount ed to t5943l885 of which 601160 00 was for compensation and 93168j0 for medical aid to date this- year there have been 50 002 accidents reported to the board as compared with 58225 during the corresponding period of 1937 and th beneflts awarded amount to 5277- 49198 as against 501457057 to the end of october last year prepared by filling bins with tbe an thracite that gives you heat per dollar because its harder more compact and has mors units naturally its morev economical caste lonaefe inquire now mbtnit modern anthracite burnma eowment anthracite j u mackenzie son coal and lumber phone 33 georgetown the solid fuel for solid comfort the heralds big offer grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to snap up 8 bargain but youll recognize these bargain offers without her years of ex perience you save real money you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper thats what we call a break for you readers no wonder grandma says youve got something there allfamily offer this newspaper 1 year and any three magazines please check three magazines desired d moclon manama 24 tiuai i yaar a nat anal horn monthly i yor co nod an magaz nw 1 yaar 0 chojalo n i yaar 0 p ctor al raviaw i yaor d co nod an hart culture and horn mogul n 1 yaar g rod and gun i yaar d s tvr scraan i yor amit can fruit growar i yaar d parantt 6 mot amancan boy 8 mot d chrttan harold mot opan road for bay 1 yoor all four only 2 50 -super- value offer this newspaper 1 year and three big magazines group a select i d nawk 6 mot trua story i yr q scroanland i yr d j yr d mccalty i yr magaun d gatt 6 mot d oranh i y g cwtpn harold yr waano t homo cempon on i yr 0 cojw t i yr d aawrloaa toy 1 yr group b select 2 o moclaan magaino 24 ituat i yr d nat onal horn monthly i yr o canadaii moqoi na i yr d chotala no i yr q rod and gun i yr a s ivar scraan i yr d fctoriol rkm- i yr amtncon fmll growor i yr g canadian hart curhtro ft horn ma go tin t yr d opan rood for boy i yr all four only 3 05 6ntwmi 1 ondom ffer owrod with a year i d attfomfrf i am cfcug bolttw fw tubtchphon to row popmt d svpmvvatu st a rr tatm a4 rv uaa v w