the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 4th 1 940 boiling fowl i vb avebagb 19 c lb lamb chops cut from the rib or loin lb 29c fresh pork shoulders lb 16c beef sausage country style 2 lb for 29c fresh fruit and vegetable caufobnia grapes 2 lb 19c table turnips 2 for 9c sunkist uip slse oranges doz 37c carrots 4 lb 10c head lettuce 2 for 15c texaft 11111 sin grapefruit 6 for 2sc cooking onions 10 lb bag 25c maple leaf toilet soap s for 25c lyons tea yellow label 33c bhie label 38c libbvs tomato or vegetable soup 3 for 25c westons old hickory sodas to 25c red river cereal 25c crown or beehive corn syrup 5 lb tin 39c white beans lb 5c javel water 3 for 13c fresh ground coffee lb 23c i lb 45c aylmer ready dinner irish stew 2 for 25c shredded wheat 2 for 23c libbys pork and beans 16 oz tin 2 for 15c c j buck phone 28m georgetown glimpses of parliament by hughes cleaver lfcp monday rf this week saw the finish of the aeteued report to the canadian people by our war ministers of can ada s war effort with a summary by the primp minister mr kings statement was prompted by a request made by mr hanson in the rouse last thursday in which he said i do leel that the situation today in the theatre of war over there la just as serious as it was at the time of the fall of france the virtual destruction of the cit ies of birmingham bristol and south ampton the loss of shipping as evid enced by press reports and in parti cular the utterances of the marquis of lothian with respect to finance in dicate the seriousness of the position mr king in replying to this state ment urged the members of the house to use great care in their public ut terances and stated that the admission by tire lender of the opposition of the virtual destruction of the cities of birmingham bristol and southamp ton was rot only inaccurate but was an admission which would bring joy to the enemy he said that while serious pi damage was inflicted the actual figures did not indicate any thing more than serious civilian pro perty loss birmingham has a population of 415 009 people bristol has over a million inhabitants southampton 178 000 and coventry 204 000 though the des truction in coventry was much more severe thar in any of the other dtles above mentioned there were only 400 deaths and no serious damage done to any war industries in that city as to loss of shipping during recent weeks loss of british shipping has been greater than the amount of new ship ping which is being built in the old country but canada and the united states htve both received orders for merchant shipping eighteen mer chant vessels are to be built here this coming year as to the money situation dealt with by marquis lo thian it is true that the problem ol obtaining u exchange is very serl ous and that britain is almost at tht end ol her resources in this respect but li b much belter that this fac should be made known to the u s so thai their neutrality act and the johnson act may be repealed in the light of present world conditions it would be difficult for me to buleve that hit united states would with hold wm supplies to gnat britain be tan t oi in i mubilitv to mnke pay- ntn in i old oi in us exchange mr k n ini nft red to tin tro ij loss in h cnimuij has sustained in lluiis uid air crtws ind to un treai l improved conditions in in med uraimeni ant onrludid his idrires h unit ii to ktip in mind th fi tli it hi ir l not oing to be otr in i mittii of inon lis bit th il it will en nut to i n imlx r of iirs h sud i t vi a 11 iiivi s iccsscs ud miri but we sho i d at ill t i ji both snictssts and r w rsi ashenhitrst memorials at st georges at the beginning of the service at st georges church of england on sunday morning the hector dedicat ed three outside lights and a small tablet ih memory of the late william ashenhviret and his sister sarah jane ashenhuxst in these words in the faith of jesus christ and in mem ory of william and sarah jane l henhurst we dedicate this tablet and these lights to the glory- of god and for the use of this church in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen the text of the sermon was we bless thy hok name for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear the rector thanked the donor in the name of the congregation ex pressing thanks also to mr wufoert bradley who had installed the lights the preacher spoke of tbe ciiitajbiuty of placing memorials to loved ones in the church especially such useful ones as these beautiful bronne lan terns which replace the plain and less harmonious former fixtures he mentioned also the desirability of leav- bequests to the church when mak ing wills also the wisdom of making wills when in health as the prayer book advues finally he spoke of the inevitability of death saying that it has no sting to that person who lives a just godly and prepared life former nobval bfcsjdent after a lingering illness of two vears mrs thomas mcmillan passed away at the manse caledonia on wednesday morning november 20th marearet anne grant was a native of new glasgow nfl the daughter of the late james grant and miry macdonala she was educated at pic- tou acigtmy n and taught school m spinghlll ns and albemi bc from the latter place she was called to toronto to become the superinten dent of the presbyterian missionary and deaconess training home five can late she was moved to halifax to asssmt charge of the y wc a she married thomas mcmillan and lived in toronto for many years whee he was active in church and phllan throplc work her husband died in 1928 she moved to norval ontario to bi with hi son the fuv norm in mcmil ian and was a resident of caledonia lot iboiit twe ytnrs bin a as a trustet of the vmjb of tl i p sbweiun church in canada ldt nt o the toronto auxil- i i lu mi a lissdn ol r ui lay away club buy your christmas presents now and save money join the layaway club pay a small deposit new specials for the christmas holidays including silk hose 69c to 150 silk and wool hose 100 and 125 wool hose 75c 100 and 125 silk rayon hose 30c and 35c silk hose 50c babys wool goods all wool jackets vneck or hign neck a large assortment in stock 100 and 125 babys bootees infantees mitts gloves crib blankets 75c 100 150 200 all wool crib blankets joo comforters large size satincovered woolfilled comforters colors rose green gold blue wme regular 7 50 for 625 flannelette blankets a large assortment checks striped borders candy stripes plain white 60 x 90 70 x 90 80 x 90 bed spreads satin bed spreads colors mauve gold green rose blue size 88 x 100 398 dress goods 36 plaid dress goods 50c yd agents for langleys cleaners and dyers mcbean c o phone 64 georgetown i h h iqm un m nbtr of lit n save with safety at you rexall store i watch our window for weekly i2e cream specials and confectionery butterscotch nut sundae 13 2 or 25c longs conteetionery geyi the a tre friday dec 6 phantom raiders nick carter thriller florence hire walter pldreon musical dream of jean rue cartoon homeless flea canada carries on britain at bay fox news saturday dec 7 safari african adventure doojc fairbanks jr madeleine carroll a comedv mr clyde goes to broadway cartoon a wild hare chapter 9 zorro s fighting legion matinee at s pjn tuesday and wednesday dec 10 and 11 daytime wife pay romance tyrone power blnnle barnes crime doesnt pay buyer beware traveltalk new orleans band jimmy dorsey cartoon porkys poor fiah to the voters of ward 2 may i take this occasion to thank those voters in ward 2 who supported me for reelection to the council my heartiest congratulations are extended to the two successful candidates i know that they will be good servants of the residents of ward 2 and of the town of georgetown t rene cave t ntlrt struggle nolu litisi tndliu mr kiiil i is nr iik oids hf mphalrid tilt firt yisvt nothlnti but our fullest com ibu lion to thr wnr effort would be enough md h sti ltd that cimidn woud b called ukin to rrnko stilt neater sneri isitv kingston ii i u two oils t mur ici 11 i loron mil r j mil mtmuui of caledonia and ii hi i c c 1 in of ntlson bc it fun ril uwc was luld from un mans galedoni i on friday nov i i muc 2nd u 2 pm tlic siruce was uu minister of rosedale fires in the fact of all of these tacts pribyurinn ghuiiji toronto uie rev i ulll txlee uiat cajindihiis as a j b pauun ussliud bj rl d t l wtiole do not fidlj pillclatt itie irrea mckerrol dd ind r dr g p sacrifices which are being made dallv uuiilan in the motherland ind ihave urged inornni ux3k l ln mount plea- upon tht coernmeni tlie great need ctmutry ioronto for still tatcx publicity in lhe press over the radio and in uie movies su that our people will know of the irrrat netc which exists living con ditlons to da in canada in practi cally normal and in mj opinion if i p pip our people know the facts thev would i cnorjetown instst upon still greater eflorth than new advertisements phone 267 arc novt making we are now spending at the rate of about four mlllloas dailj but by proper tcono urn s tli amount could be very sub- tantiuly increased nils afternoon the minister of fin- ante na an outline of his proposed new act foi the conservation of foreign exchange the full details will not bo disclosed until tomorrow that i can only give a broad outline of the measure it 1a proposed to pro hlbit lhe importation of a long list of commodities including prepared cereal foods cut flowers processed fruits and vegetables automobiles clothing pumlturt mnniitaftirrwt tf articles for sale child s tricycle girl s winter coat tood ar in w size 812 apply the herald it apartment wanted apartment for winter com apply box l herald up xmas stationery beautifully boxed 25c to 2 50 men s toilet sets 25c to 650 specials for this week to the pi b1ic 1 ins is j bpetidl invitation to you omr in and see our early dis pi iv of lirflmas ntcrehandtse ou nil be under no obligation what vt r so come in and look around ml nmimbir ol can always hoi to ad antage at your 11 l i store ladies toilet fe sets 3 to 10 cigars cigarettes and tobaccos 25c to 500 robbs drug store phorjf 10 we deliver rexall store georgetown and man other articles it is also proposed to prohibit the importation of another long list of ar ticles including petroleum products excepting under temporary permits until cai adian sources can be develop ed a third feature of the measure is the fact that many types of british goods arc to be placed on the free list and drastic reductions in tariffs are to be made with respect to em pire goods not included in the free list all of this is being done to con serve our supplies of u s exchange so that we will be enabled to increase our purchases of all types of war equipment and supplies from the u s canida imports annually about 25 mlulon dollars worth of fresh fruits and vegetables from the ub and many of us whose ridings are directly interested made strong representa tions to the qovemment that the amount oi us exchange used for this purpose should be drastically re duced the announcement of tba minister nxmw indicate that our rep- resentftttgns tow wbn on ttosjmn however a far as i am concerned the flsbt wfil go on until this wmste foreign exchange in also curtmued as to the new excise tax there has been a moderate increase on can in tin low priced flekl the tax now ctarte at 30 and increases until ft reaches price the tax is also raised to 90 on practically eh types of electrical household appliances for sale complete ski outfit shoes size price very reasonable phone 303 sheep for sale 4 good shropshire ewes apply robert wjjler phone 398 r 11 goorge own ltp boarders wanted accommodation for two girl board- at murdock and albert streets all converences apply m haines it for rent six room house with all conveni ences centrally located vacant dec 1st phonf 276 it boarders wanted con accommodate two girls or two gentlemen prices reasonable apply mr john farmer main st opposite presbjterian church ltp wanted a local dealer or distributor tor full lire of fiim lmpletnenta for george town acton and erin districts pull coopera km and sales assistance giv en prefer one acquainted in the dis tnct ecrything from a plow boat to a harvester combine apply 7 j the herald christmas trees ifor salei mrm ia increases until reaches i a i ivltwltinnf 5 80 on the excess cuomk txf v1w s phone ssw georgetown friintniimioiiiitiiitiic3iiiiiimtiiiciiiiiiiitiiitntttiiiniicjiiiniiihiicittiiiiiiiirjttiniiiniit3irihiitinc3tiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiriir ttwwnuaiin i to the citizens of georgetown i i sincerely thank you for the acclamation for i reeve accorded to me for the coming term of office assure you that i will give you my best as i have tried i to do in the past i harold cleave ouiiniiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiinutiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiniiitiiiiiimuiintiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiintmiti thanks i wish to convey to the electors of ward 2 my sincere appreciation for your suuport in electing me a member of the incoming council i will endeavour to return your confidence placed in me by giving efficient service to the best of my ability clifford bradley r to the voters of ward 2 you have seen fit to return me a one oijrour representatives in the council for my fifth term of of fice i appreciate your trust and this year a in other yearstnry every effort will be bent to serve you honest ly and efficiently james eosngar