the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 9th 1 94 1 nnsbnatiolmi dnivobh sunday school lesson christianity expands in asia sunday july is 1041 oolden text so mightily stew wie word of god and prevailed act 19 30 stir me o stir me lord i care not how but stir my heart in passion for the world stir me to give to go but most to pray stir till the bloodred banner be un- fjuied oer lands that still in deepest dark r ness he oer deserts where no cross is lifted high bessie porter head tpbrough teaching 8 10 jesus spent nearly three years teach ing his disciples paul spent over two years teaching in ephesus first in the synagogue and later in the school of tyrannus understanding is necessary lor sound conviction a revival preach er says that he never expects many results before the third week a foundation of knowledge has to be laid or decision will not be permanent an encouraging feature is the increasing interest in week day religious educa tlon in schools more can be done to reduce the crime wave through steady efficient teaching than by reform schools a recent church pronounce ment calls attention to the need for a more definite program of instruction in our church by all means we must ipiard against the danger of spiritual illiteracy we appreciate th good work that is being done by many ministers in gathering teen age child ren in a church membership class for a few weeks preceding easter but we are sure that this should be regarded as the beginning of instruction rather than the end werecommend tnere lore the formation of study groups to take care of young people after they have been admitted into church mem bcrshrp that way 23 25 the first century christians were distinctive because of their way of life that way was the significant term used to describe the christian move ment we may understand its spirit by contrasting the discussion method em ployed by paul and that used by de metritis paul met with people for five hours a day in a school answering questions explaining the oscrlptures telling of the life of christ his ap peal was to truth his aim was u teach his hearers to live in the spirt of love and service there as no thought of self interest or personal gain demetrius worked from a dif lerent motive he was a sllvermlth who made silver shrines for diana samples of these are still being dls covered demetrius gave out con tracts to small craftsmen and when he called them together for discus sion his chief concern waa profit what a contrast there was in the way of life pteeented by paul and the mer cenary govettlng purposes unabash edly accepted by demetrius i we can not do our maximum for the collec tlve good if our desires are centred upon individual financial gain floiw materialism 26 27 demetrnie talked religion but thought money he viewed with alarm the numerloat growth and moral in fluence of the christians he feared that the temple of the great god dess diana should lose prestige he played upon the local loyalty of the people at ephesus actually the mo tlve for his speaking was that his craft was in danger the commercial demand for idols had fallen away through the influence of pauls teach ing demetrius had found that the worship nrf diana at the ephesus temphdvas good for business the same argument has had to be met in regard to the opium traffic and the sale of alcohol noise 28 demetrius knew how to play upon the feelings of his crowd perhaps some elite- leaders had been wisely placed throughout the audience to lead in shouting great is diana of the epheslansj the volume of noise contributed nothing to the greatness of diana but it kept up the courage of the shouters and took the place of ar gument modern propaganda has de monstrated the power of slogans which can be remembered without ef fort- and are bright enough to lead to constant repetition in germany na tional thinking has beep unified by the prescribed salutation hell hitler constant repetition does not make a slogan true nor is the repetition of a cauh word a genuine educational pro cess in canada an election cam paign featured the slogan canada first but no one remembers with pride a part cry that expressed na llonallstlc individualism klot 29 32 usually noise precedes a riot con science is drowned by shouting de me nus awakened religious fears and appealed to tradition and self interest and soon there was a seething mob ben upon destruction the danger of the mob spirit is that action is taken without thought or adequate invests gation of facts a lynching in the southern states l possible one daj when feeling is inflamtd but the next da when second thought has had a chance a lynching would be impoi sib e ocasionallj in parliament even in churchy councils a wave of senti mint or resentment will lead to action that many would wish reversed a week later lasting influence is with the steady leader paul w rote his letter to the ephestans some of the nobkst thoughts he ever wrote wert sent to the christians of ephesus who sur vived that mob later the epheian elders went to meet him and to show him their affection demetrius led a riot bu paul founded a church questions for discussion 1 is there efficient religious teaching in jour place of worship 2 can ou expose to yourself jour self interest motives 3 who profits most from hospital sweepstakes 4 who makes your slogans 5 a mob is like bees swarming how the sue canal axis objective the sues- oanal has been described by mr eden as a main arterial road for the brtush empire since its con struction in the latter half of the nineteenth century it has served as the main route from britain to her empire in the east it has reduced the distance to bombay horn jhmo to 6300 miles to singapore from 11400 to 8100 miles and luf sydney from 12300 to 11200 miles vbince the development on a large scale of wax 111 the mediterranean almost all ship ping to the east has however been diverted to the old route round the oape nevertheless the suez canal is a vital channel through which war and other supplies pass from ad parts of the empire and lately from the united states to egypt and palestine control of the canal is essential to the carrying on of naval and military cam palgns in the middle east its seizure by the axis would not only force the allies to abandon the mediterranean but it would also give the enemy a sea route to india and the east coast of africa and a break through the british blockade the canal runs 101 miles through egyptian territory from port said on the mediterranean to suez on the gulf of suez which connects with the bed sea and the indian ocean un like the panama canal which was cut through uneven country and depends on highly vulnerable locks the suez s simply a channel dredged through the egyptian sands since improvements were completed in 1933 the canal v ill permit passage of vessels up to 45og0 tons with a draught of 36 feet its surface width varies from 400 to 500 leet the largest vessel to use the canal was the empress of britain 42 000 tonsi of great importance is hit fact that it may be traversed by any ship ol the british navy et i the hood which had a displacement of 42 100 tons a btm of 105 j f tnd a draught of 28 feet could havt passed through suez the us u il lufglh ol time necessary to pass from one tnd to the other is some what over 11 hours contrary to frequent assumption britain i ttr has owned the suez canal in normal times it is govern ea by a company with 19 french 1 brut h i dutch and 2 egyptian membtiv the offices arc in calio and port said with the admlrustra ion ctntred in paris the british go tn ment appoints uirtt of the un brm h directors and holds 44 per cc it f 1 comjranys shirts the com jun is on egyptian componj and since lit touapse of france the local officials hae been running hit enter prist to a irgt txtcnt on their vi authority because the canal is so ltai to tht strategy of nations 1u international status is prestred by convention of 1888 signed bv grtat britain france germany austria hingarv italy holland russii spam nd tirkej accord ng to which the cam is to be free in time of wa as in peace and never subjected to the xerctt of tht right ol blockade this provision became ol considerable im oi ancc during the italo bsilulan air wher there was discussion o closing the canal to italy which had w a mil 1 canadian industry aff empire bulwark never in the history of human conflict has industrial capacity skill and production efficiency counted for so much as it does in the present national emergency fortunate indeed are we therefore that can adas comparatively young but virile industrial setup had been developed to its present high efficiency otherwise we could not have made the contribution expected of us and so vital to the success of our cause management and men of industry quick to respond to the call of empire mobilized its forces with remarkable adaptability swinging rapidly into production of much needed mechanized units munihonsand equipment of all kinds rounding out our national activities in a more balanced economy canadian industry has in ad dihon to serving well the home market developed a substantial and profitable export business the industrial areas too provide ready and profitable markets for our own agricultural products but great as may be its peace time contribution to the weal of canada canadian industry rises to new attainments in the contribution being made in producing the requirements of mechanized warfare moneyharris is proud of the part it has been permitted to play in the development of canada to far and in the defence of its dearly treasured traditions and of democracy in general itfy i where do you belong i a happy couple the smiling couple pictured on the left are mr and mrs good citizen why are they smiling because they represent those people of which every town is proud the ones who buy at home they live in a home built hp george town contracting firm they wear clothing bought in georgetown clothing stores and eat food purchased from georgetown grocers and butchers they attend local functions the theatre hockey games and garden parties they are regular attendants at a georgetown church they have an insurance pctficy under written by a georgetown insurance man and a motor car bought fr6m and serviced by georgetown dealers their home is furnished with articles which they bought in george town furniture and dry goods stores they belong to that group which believes that you should spend your money where you make it and with them that s synonomous with spending their money in georgetown where do you belong buyers guide brills dept store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear bootjs and shoes main st phone 167 georgetown w j cain invites your patronage auto repairing j any make tires battenes welding all work guar phone 284w mctorfa st cohegevlew phone georgetown 250 acton 149 georgetown lumber co everything in lumber sash doors and interior finish we also handle iidrated umc hard wall plaster fibre board cement and roofing of all kinds hollywood hotel norval a home away from home every accommodation exchange hotel room and meals good accommodation r licata fruit vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 georgetown i lillicos for best servtre and cleanliness we try to make an ad of every permanent machine or machinclesa our prices are right too call hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kelvinator phllco stewart- warner main st phone 11 h c mcclure home furnishings luneril director and ambulance service piionf jlu why not make mcgibbons hotel your meeting place i leasant social surroundings mcbean co importers of dry goods gents furnishings shoes caps overalls house furnishings phone 64 visit mackenzies one stop service station ars picked up and delivered all cars insured he lmitc oyr lalxonage phone 355 brue markenzie proprietor why spend jour mono out of town when rachlins can give you belter service a try will satisfy cleaning pressing tailoring all work guaranteed phone 233 de scotts garage international truck sales and service corner main nd goelph sts phone 261 gutta pebcha tires richardsons hardware phone 25 electric fans 5 50 to 14 75 keep cool we deliver white rose service station and garage specialist ignition and carburetor repairs f sinclair main street georgetown phone 26 saxe motors oul road service dodge and desoto sales and service gnelpb street phone 152 tyers miik products limited high grade dairy products phone lg2 george town masseyharris company limited builder 5 of good farm implements since j847 no other route of supply for her ag gressfon in east africa in actual fact although no axis ships can now pass through suez this situation s due not to the closing of the oanal to them by britain but by the tact that the british navy is able to prevent enemj ships from approaching the entrances to the canal according to the con venuon of 1888 the sultan of turkey xl as given special powers elating to the defence of egypt and suez but after the last war these dowers wire transferred to britain which has the right to clow the canal for the de fence of egypt or the canal itsell with oermany now ale to bomb the suez canal region from bases in crete or rhodes the question of the canals vulnerability has arisen to the west of suez is general wa veils army of the nile and the grea egyptian desert to the east is tho desert of sinai and the armies in palestine by treaty with egypt bri tain has for some time had the right to maintain air forces and armies in the canal zone and one mai assume that anti aircraft and other defences have long been in place it s ques uonable if a oanaj like jhc suez could actually be put out of commission by bombings but its shipping is open to attack and the germans are repo ed to have attempted to lay mines in th canal trom airplanes the entire canal is regularly swept to preven thli serious menace the most scrupulous care is taken to prevent suspcious ships of any kind from using the channel for there is the constant dan ger of deliberate scuttling the block ing of the channel which might be caused by such scuttling has possibly been exaggerated for a very close watch is kept on all shipping and tugs are constantly ready to push a sinking vessel to the bank and keep the main passage clear at ismattia half way along the canal a coordinating force of all three services maintains a de fence patrol cutcoarjt fott thtplpg old chum l anrmi for cieatmk