Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth yr of pouiokrai wexaacajtby evcaias fefcrtiary lstk 1042 5c a copy 200 yr haltons federal member speaks before parlumetit jmrmriti ft copy of luruim bzajlze mr hiitw etc era uidjt in pj- lucbect on pndtj kbruajy toj w alrftali to ta obi dm fwcatf ami in us to inc yjl th conttcu of hi addma tn our uit hajr w print it bcwvtih tr iiuolfxb xxavt3l ulallonj ur speaker l bivrn tlraadj rxieod- d m j prnaul coagratuuocu to th tamer tmr ftwrckx and th ucoo- wr ltr tj ol the mthlm which a ar now daruujnj for an addrau to 111 drciirdo the cknrrcof ororral in reply to the prtb from in throne wr ax no mj into the third jtj of the aar at thla the ciholnj of another iftlon tt u well out aboum look back tf what hu hv end in in patf a well a aujdj r preaent and pian for in futurv the oprnlnc r of thr war ni frtufnt aith aim at a orrahelinlnjj 4uh3ra 71 u a fart wtu tnowo now thai ti ocnaacj had lmmui- lt fouowrd dunkirk with an iniailoa of orral drtlain all might ha burn lost rno a tl m only tht forll- tuda and brawy of th urtuah po- pit sarad lh world- ttnca thru itiirr aim of woid dotnlnalion hat bccma apparent to all and now practically ail of lh d accracla bate bandjd together at britains aid tvday hll to cer tain coufitrifta lh ud of war u ttlu ajalnat ua w can real auurad thai we ar not fotog lo lo the war dr- motradm ar praxelorta oounlrlea and do not lightly broom rnxud in wmrfar but now that th dxuloo hat been mad wr and them all gear in up to end the war njoreaifuuy and a quickly a poaalblc otnt dt though only a amall coun try of elvtvn and on hall- million people in lh ihort rpaor of two anu on half ran haa mad wonderful atxldca 60 o of our people wrrr tm- paurnt al the aiart and wanted ua to throw frrytning into the atrugsla without i f planning for the futurv bomr pc quit aincereb though that th war would be won or oat in a yaar your govrmmrnt had no auch luudotu and planned our war effort for a ion atrugslr planned our war effort ao that rach yrar it would be come inrrraaingty atrongrr and t furtherance of thla poury in the optn- lnf month of the war took th umt and apent large turn of money to build new faclortrs for the produc tion of armament and equipment they took the ume and money to build and create the grrateat alr- tralning eatahuhmrnt in the world they enlarged ihlpyarda and built plat muu to fabrlcat plate for mi they increased the produc- ucn of ateel and other neceaaary ma- tarlala a a reault canada atanda to day aa a living example of what fore- ight courage and initiative can ac- oompilah we have seen our nav personnel lncrraa from leu than 3 000 all rank to over 27000 we have aeen our air force increae from leas than 9000 to over 100000 we hae een our army for overeaa increae from 400 active toldlera to nearly 360 000 and we have a reaerve army of enrr 160000 on top of all this hundreds of thoutanda of workmen are employ ed in war mdiutrlea all over the country- to aum it all up the total col of the laat war to canada including the cost of demoblllxauon waa just un der 1700 million dollars we are crowding into just thl one year of this war one and one half times the total coat of the last war xn the preaent flical year ending march 1942 we ahal have apent 1a00 mullon on our direct war effort and we shall have ti lo u that for ojj armd forcaa oirrwaa oartds 3uu coactrat as aitbourcd druiaci and lank mprm w are now lndoiiriaily eqjxpped for uu type ot wct and when th oaw amiea for an iniajico of th contin ent i brhn thai lh air fore and wiftcuiklnff troop wul b of paramount lmporuncv oina- dran in th air hat ahown trrmro- ojou couragr wlfllanr and irjtia- ute the um qoaljiiea wul b of rqoal taljr in land oprrauona thrfr at iccnr proper aho txllm that indourtauy ar hat ahout rrach- tj ur prk ol ou nauonal rapaxjty in thu i do not agrrr 1 contvd at once that r hate ttry few tkiim men out of work but thi couniry has not yrt mil rot down lo ttrcoa wr uj har maoy mm prrfurmlng wnun tthlch arr not ralroual to sr ume wr xu1 hair djpaasuoo of tmifis ifany of oar prop are tuj rllng luiorie can wu do allhout- utl me lairate in coy homr town of purungton with leas than 4xoo proplr ihrit ar sjmvd trucks and inrn truck d1tr driving up and dwn the strert ovlitrrlng mhx- is lhr city of llamlilon thrrr arr orr thrr handrrd ooal dravra scrvtz that city i am tod on good authority thai four of the larger firms could second victory loan ca n in progress lwterrifif wwt to st sokat ckwth korway komto mtkkcjlx amd hxd40 at a qxrft rkung in tu joho cbjjxj of ptglsna norway on uoo dr afwnoon jtajwr luru crvjnrr oai dagtiur of u j it ajclrrl of tuuuto brrtutx thr tvse vi norman dsvu liarhrr jooural mq of kb aa3 urk c ii lurtw of oorgr- tti 1u- ilrtfr lirvvur usktat ftd at thr crrrmoiit the bra mvrr to pvrr after- noun cu of piu hvur tvu with a tniulutiv hat and rnlm a utjqrl pk rrnuuru and boj adla lira o w uraaiio ur niaaruo-of- tkctmour wit 0ok pjia wouj yrvry a ith matcjiutj nat 11 ujrt aas of mijtr luxka 11 r nkcivjnan was ktr howard cfchr uj ixojjd p- rd uke racing uiuijc a triujci ai hrlj brier ur crw mofiy al uvr orrhaid lrk jloul th brldea raouirr rcril vmj in idqm frreei prlri led u 1 lh black acraaaarlr and a cooage of pink aent to great britain over a thous- roughly speaking on 30 000 ue take and million dollars worth of shells half i wish to urge in all rlous- buns planes motortred equipment and nev and with all the slnocrlty at my foodstuffs it u uuly a stupendous command that c should take all in- ort i comc ovvt and tthow the living cxemp- now what of the future our tlons it would mean that thousands prime minister mr mackenzie king of personal servants would have to be has already advised us that the navy duoharacd but these would be avail amply jpcuy the fuel nerd of lh fmuofii hhe -s- aaaud by the city we have thousand of taleamrn j grooma motr who wore btack tharr till earning on compruutr telling i of p rarnauocu ahlch u unnery take life in- i the couple wul uke up leatdrnc kuranor for ramp ther ar n the ij maurter airtmrnu law thousand of life insurance grnu go- l trncr iurfc the giwrn u a ril ing up and down uiia countr i knoti ixeoou musician and is at think they could be rll spared for lwnt a mrtnbrr of usr ofthwtrw the war effort thru loo u ahuh pisjs on the oktrfr radio man industrie still enraged in the fhow on hunda rtrnina tjie grooms- production of nonesentlal thooa ns mr ctur l airaryrrr snd con- snd of men could be uarutfrrred from djrtor of the prctftm ttw bride u thli nonuential mork and placed tt fratund on uw msnnin lvt pew mar production rram on rflday rvrning ak aril as in addition to all these groupn i bring miolt with rvrde un s or- haie menuoned e have hundreds of cheatra at the itoel linbawy thousands of women in this oounlry ho are willing and analous to vork for war purpoua fr all thee rraaona i oujd urge that orderi jioxd be placed al once ahch would substantial increas canada producuon of war equip ment there are uil man unau mac- nine shops dotted over this country ahlch arr not being full uulixrd dome may question canada s abtllt to pay for any greater mar effort i have a kuggeation to make in that re gard as well if i judge aright th temper of the canadian people they are not only cheerfully responding to the present demands that me are mak ing upon them but lhr are poallhc- ly asking that me should request great er saoificca on their part there is a feeling abroad that we as a people ar spending too much money and using up too much valuable material on noneasrnuals in my opinion we should gel down to buslncna and stag tring to keep up with the jonese during the first ten months of this fiscal ear wr have collected nearly 600000000 in income tax compared with a total or less than 1 0000100 collected in the entire period of the lnst war thu la a pretty good record but to me it is not gooa tnough we have not gone faa enough at a time like this why should we leave untouched 100 000 of income in the hands or anv individual in canada today a man with an income of 300000 1a left with 100 000 in the clear coming down to the moderate incomes why should we leave 13 000 in the hands of any indivi dual as income untouched and that la just what wc are doing in regard to a man earning an income of 30000 lees stets lasd at mite th lism boau band prccrcled a band coorcrt in th prunes tbeetr icrton last sunday vienlng under th uirr of th llon cvudian c th baxul a under th lead- rujp of 6gt d dubciry who is a member of th 4kh h gritrrfvrs hand toronto a wrll a playing comet ilh the toeonto fiphocy orchraira a kjw colrfctiao u uiirn 07 mtezihrrs of the catti x3 ui prurntdt wrrr aded to an ytrt i igairtir fund puruord by th club alter the concert rrrrfhjxrttu mrrr trrvvd to the kmknhrr of the hand b th oath in the oddfeow llau rhe iheaut wms flud to ca pacity for the coraorrt and the chu man tirns w j f- llaffipihxrw lrmlmd the band fughly and said that n was lh brat cuocrn he had nit brn pruungrd to hear uttu cofntmxftctr at nox chtkcu hi wd a v ftomr eighty delegate ar rrpeclnd at the litoe ooniertcor of toron to ptrwbyuo vji which convtor thi akdd- at knoa preatryurlan church omrng by charumd bus threw will be mttnbrra from toronto nsvmarkm port cradlt agtncourt urimptob and norval a bancrt uaturday mrnlng given by lh wo mans association will be follow rd by cunruiion groupr on uunday mom id the vlulng young lyoftle will at trnd a communion senlcr with their hoiu with further diussioo group taking place in the afternoon th nming mc mill be in charge o uw young prop lr who have asked jtv a n uiuer of brampton to be gueat jkpeaker aflermwrds a frlkrw- wilp hour all be tharrd by the local fjoclety and the vlsltora army train here this morning theatre conceit tomorrow night the weather by h l uu fxr lo th prntat of met work urf aurr thmjtu xi ux get in his mport in ufflr fee laot k lu o j ar hatr a to ti rrport ft lu lur aftrr frtuig laif y through lh uitrr with wil lvan 4 lnctkaa of ltow and no tnywdnru it was hardly to be enweted this woatt ounjt for th itt of u sinter ttir ftit tk vt fvbruar started in to bmx up f all mtfj ahortagr and w got upjc of 4 inch inowtals acoomacs rd by itrong north rast wind and an brow srro teccprraturr thai ptd tr uiqv tn hard drift and biockfd rugtiway and tidrroads tn all dlrvc- uons it wms not for a coupi of daj that the ioao wrrr sjfnriecuy tifarrd for car to grl through lo tur on to a wr go to preta this week there fia been a sudden drop tn lh baro- mrter from 101 to sj which tndl eat a thaw and mlidar vealhcr pouowtng ar tht local records rcr th past two wreks acton minister guest speaker at local lions club will be expanded in personnel aa ra pldly aa naval hlpa can be built already we have expanded our navy from 20 ihlpa at the outbreak ot war to 360 ahlps wc have built in can ftda over 120 corvettes and mine sweeper juftt before the freezeup we were receiving deliveries of these vessels at the rate of one every four days these little ships will outrtdb any gale on any sea they arc the answer to the submarine menace they are just as cffectlvo against thi submarine as destroyers arc as to merchant shipping if wc are able to maintain our 1043 programme by the end of this year we shall be turning out merchant shipping at a rate equal to that at great britain in the air our enlistments will be maintained to the capacity of our tralnlns schools which are as yet un surpassed by any country in the army thus far we ore plann ing an additional armoured division and an additional tank brigade this added to the armoured division al ready planned and the three infan try divisions and the tank brigade al ready in oreot britain will bring up our army to three infantry divisions two armoured divisions and two tank brlgaies as well as all necessary an cliliry troops for two onnmllnn corps aa private member with only alight military service in the last war i hesi tate to express any military views but for what my opinion la worth i should hiv r v bbooks addbckncfl i local obcajwieation at meeting laht monday rev e a btoola rector of m albans church of cnsund acton u girtt sprssrr at the cunnrr mct- ini ot thr onnrtun lions club la th- urolbbon iiik on monday ernlng the meeting sa in charge or uu clusrnshlp and patriotism oommlttr under the chairmanship or ool james bollsnune asmited my ii c moolure and in the absence of president it ucata cxi bsllanune presided sir brooks gae s review of old tetxament hllory tying it in with modem cents to show that the pattern ot hlstory hu not changed religion ls the bau of a acurebpect- laii life and no mstur how honest and good a man appcan to br there l cmethlng locking in his makeup if he docs not hue a decent rellgloui cried lo folloa i do bcueve said the speakes uist ue hae a belter relltilon and coneiiquenuy a better people nowm- das than we had in olden das llccauvc of uilv he fell that the pres ent situation wuh not hopclca and that we will eventually win out over die forcea ot evil which places a hu man being in the seat of worship and tries to dastrov religion lie advocated a return to lmpll- clt in order to make a better world less emphasls on slle in clothing etc a vote ot thanks uus moved by j i kelly und loroy dulr vklsry loan w 1 lonr canvass chairman for the victory loan in this dlstrlct rc- iblc for war work it would mean that evervonr would have to be his own buuer and his own vnlit whrn the minded the club ot the canadian safety of the orld is ot stake when army train which appeared in the flower of canadas manhood is in georgetown this morning and of the the front line or on the way to it i concert in the gregory theatre lo- ask you should anyone at home com plain if cut down to the bare necea- sltlas of life in the financing of this war i tlll have another suggestion to make we do not hesitate to make a capital levy with respect to the estate of a deceased person tills is just exactly what wv do under our jiuccesslan duties acts i firmly believe that tho present situa tion is grave enough to justify serious consideration of the subject of a capital levy for war purposes afte setting up exemptions to provide amply for family responsibilities for illness and for old age in my opinion any surplus capital over and above that should be taxed for war purposes when a young canadian gives his life in defence ot thla country that is a one hundred per cent capital levy so far as that young man is conoerned should wealth object to a parties capital levyf right here i should like to make a suggestion in regard to the armed forces many ot those who have stay ed at home have earned good wage some have spent them othersmany have aooumulated savings x would urge mr speaker that a savings fund continued on page a morrow night both events planned to further loan subscriptions in the dls trlct rural night planned the club ls planning a rural night for some future meeting when the meeting will be taken to one of the neighbouring municipalities a ladles illuht l also on the agenda for feb ruary the georgetown herald britialt war victim fund forward to toronto evening telegram 363933 cash on hand acknow ledged mjt community euchre spon sored by sb no 4 1018 georgetown lion dub silver oodectlon at mov ing picture show in knox presbyterian church tresented by m mov ing picture unit or mj s mm total feb 1kb smwwi murfincurke wedding saturday event a quirt aeddlng took place on bat- urda rybruary 14th at odock tn st albana oburori okn william whrn eelyn laura the eldest da ugh ter of kfr and xlr a d clarke of terra ootu became the briar of basil prank martin niagara rails iter woo thompron officiated and mrs j r wlutanu of ororgrlown pre sided at the organ the bride git en tn marriage by her father mxrre a rortrwood sheer wool drcfsa with brown aoceuvorlea and a lecture mie hat a 1th a conage of pink carantions dorothy clarke was her shier h only attendant she wort u drrvt of pale blur crepe with black aecrarle and a corsage of red car nations john nellson of st cathar ines was groomsman the reception was held at the home of the brides brother jamc clarke uhcre the brides mother received in a black sheer dress with a corsage of pink carnations the grooms mother uho also received ore a navy blue erutmble and a coragv of white car nations the couple left on a short motor trt to ueatem paint par travelling the bride wore a rose wool rnemble out of town guests uerc mr and mr- john nlelson of 81 cutharine ilmiv tschiruky of niagara fllft nrd the grooms mother from kit chener and hl slbler from toronto i a perfect v potato u on n mbit m the herald ulndou this txk brought to tin olflce by 11 p uvhon date uuill rvactnl- tvinp tsuon to m 1 l u wed peb 4 77 10 thura rx 6 30 30 4 snow krl rro 30 t ual rvt 1 30 31 4- snow lion pen t 1 p alon petj p 17 a tur prt 10 11 0 wrd py ii jo 10 thura pcb 12 31 4 111 pet ij xi list prt 14 30 li llun pb 15 jt 33 hon peb ie 33 30 17 rain papcm maavxtur night at carorr lodge credit masonic lodge held a very auccrsriful paprr uakrra night en prldar jvbruary 13th when brother douglas afspleadrn was lnlllald into maaonr by the following ofbccrs from tlir paper mill 1iu wor bro o t uckay wju wor bro len uarchment b w bro j d kelly jw- bro w v oranl d of c wor bro hugh dickie becretary wor bro w o rord treasurer bro ncls tuck vara organist bro r b poulls chaplain wor bro d p crlchton bd bro l e pvck j d bro prank bykra io bro a ii pcucr tyler bro pred amutrong si bro alex kean j b bro ed ucwhlrwr aamtcd by wor bro oeorge dob- mn bros robert addy harry comp- ton rom thompson and others after the close ot the lodge the members sat down to a sauerkraut banqurt specially prepared by the junor warden m j keldmsnn and were promised a chicken dinner a the next meeting the georgetown herald sotteera comfort fund forwarded to georgetown soldiers comforts committee t3ooj4 total peb lath 20sjv4 24 raised for bwvf at motion picture show lions club sponsor moieh in knox church h s 4 cilvc 11000 donation from community euchre a 134 00 donation was received f9 the herald war victims pund this week representing a allver collection taken during the showlnc of a num ber ot motion pictures lost thursda evening in the sunday school rooms at knox presbyterian church the program was presented by a special mobile motion picture unit from mili tary district no 3 and was sponsower by the georgetown lions club the unit was under direction of siajor i w sharps djio mj 3 and was tn clause of lieut w e uuner of the argyll sutherland highlanders other members of the unit were bgt- msvjor j a dymond rjojs opl r h van home queens own rifles pte w h uoore of the toronto boot- tlsh hev o o fieeifape was onalnnan far the evening and introduced tho guest speaker but major dymond uho has recently returned from a years service overseas and gave an interesting account of his experiences the movies shown included not peace but the sword the road to vic tory baptism of fire a dermal propaganda htm seised by authorities at bermuda last spring and pint aid for front liners the evenlns telegram bwv pund picture the gross collection of 2400 was turned over to the herald w v pund use of the church being donated and the lion club assuming incidental e penaea on friday morning the films were shown to the children at the public school a previous donation of iiojib re ceived on january slat representing proceeds of a oommunlty euchre spon sored by a s no 4 was overlooked during the absence of tho editor and is acknowledged this week in the fund column the grand total now stand at jm07e vutttno sfiujux wox tocs pactoues nut hotrdat ttvr fiecond victory loan tty crred in is ovorgrtown cjurtrl ea itorvcko whrn cajliassrn brgwo m4a irar uxtr rounds tberv was htcaf fanfaje to opeo the carspalgs but ihw cuirc b victory loan owwloas by virur o s wupunrsd sdfertiatbar nsiriagn mjm lo aoajalot every ctusrn aith uv sm4 for money to carry en canada a war progress- hawa pajat anl tjlboard adfarustcg psa ur and bannrrv bjxlrra and coniops itustm arv bring vusd lo rvlttnavr salsa of victory hoods whu prtxala- rnt ciisrru ajr alrtng lara peruana cf trrir love serving on the wlou rcmnlllre olllllll sll w v oranl wno headed the suo- carul victory loan coccmlttaa isst jjim i orce agalo otaurmsn of tho oectrgtlcan cuurvct commutes and u alk brning on th flprclaj nsmas oommuu as rteechalrmm lr- iut dalr ko u c fleck t l leale and howard hay are asauuoat ut oram wllh the forrarr two also aroralng on the gpedal names oom- mlum in addition to this ui rsoal u ricensirmsn of the llslton coun ty eircvauvr w ii long heads the oales oom- miliar whkh is rompoaed of prank prlch k u langdon ralph rosa a braumont and john d kfqy rhls group directs live tlsff of sta caniast ra w deans p kersey and t l leslie in uve town and w a wuan oeorge c brown and prank pclciv in the township w p bradley and w c kfhn ara h2ndlng putuclt with pred alcnauy on uie ohirabrrs oomrolttee h b poulu is again chslrman 0a irke cmivoees committee conslstlaaj of w u pord c slcwhlrler a beaumont snd lt col o d 8 cou- tens in addition to this a cltlims com mittee consisting of twenty two la- lucntul oiuzrns is awlrtlng tn trst loan drive camaalaa araay train the canadian army train whlds is making an rxlcnslw tour of th province in support of the loan was in ocorvotovn this morning from 10 am to 13 00 noon in charge of li- col j e mckenna the train show ed equipment uscd by the rsiwsjt army with a apedal oar devoted to canadian red cross activities oora- mutee ofnclsls met the train when ii arrived and were entertained by li col mckenna and his ataff prior b ihe ooenlng of the exhibit to the pub lic masrarnr ttsvttw tomorrow evening in the orsff ory theatre the maaquers review presented through the courtesy of the t eaton oo ltd will preaent a variety program to help swell the sal of victory bonds the review pro duced by prank rostance has bees widely acclaimed at appearances la other towns and it is expected that capacity audience will be on hand fox the show a victory loan speaker will also be present to give a short talk on the loan talks is employees bgt major lowry of toronto haa been engaged to talk to employees of the larger firms in georgetown and olen williams and will be tn town next monday the committee era counting a great deal on small sub scriptions from the working man to send the loan over the top last time an objective of 4140000 was al- st doubled with subscription amounting to 4231800 this time tho objective has been raised to tlbsood snd n greater effort ls necessary if the same good record is to be main tained stewarttown the meeting or the world day of prayer will be held in the oounatl chamber friday afternoon at s oclock all women and girls welcoms tho womens institute meeting wa held in the council chamber laat tuesday the afternoon was spent lull ting mrs j h smith mr cecil smith mrs sanford mrs humphreys ifra w hodge and airs bauy attended tho social in the parish ban nona wed nesday evening the social was held by the parishes of norval hornby ana stewarttown for the purpose ot rais ing funds to assist in the parish ta england of rev ut jackson whoa church has been destroyed by bombs mr jackson was formerly rector her mrs a harris of georgetown spent at thursday with her rtiitght mrs b hodge lao oubert hunt of trenton- waft home over the week and mr and mrs alfred thfmgsori ruth shirley and bullo of llbrval visited in the village fninday come on canada buy victory bonds

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