Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1942, p. 3

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use georgetown hsrim wednesday may 20th 1942 carrolls queeklawd sweet mixed uujuatnu awug ww aawwwafe a pickles tt 23 kafisaaaaaft base ribbon maromiasm 1 22c 39c swift cchilsj pli sfdalty bbbtff auiouu mo arwatthf wicriw jzc hajnsaadta spread 19c lbra rtlyi mustard 10c haau teasels ketchup 19e cwutjas wefw grahams ztzse catajtac dry cartnwawy dapoalt oa bottle ginger ale 221 catto pfee old cheese ov 43c orn flakes 2 ap 15c dewjot tomatoes x wetstaffe witfc pacta strawberry or raspberry jam cam0 best coffee yoafb uu ill bafvaaaatab cmiifiaiatl nuniuk tfca flaw al sal tbe soap of bsmttfoj women camay 3 wia ita wuppd ocb utiw lux soap 3 17c ueeweeteoad gaapefruit juice 20-0- mc tla 21 odex hajlh soap 2 ok he princess mm soap flakes 2 w pa 29c e5r salad dressing kajlacra ua famlw cuaa cat aad aix wheat i ettj 22- pork and beans catn vegetable soup ay 3 cap chicken and rice mclafwa crisp dill pickles arlmar jumbo peas isoa tar sic loatl ijc for cloaaina for laaaiif p o naphtha soap 14c s xxe foe laaaatry gold soap jae st i7e tr xoc tr io aylmer kernel corn x tt sle cauiv qsili ckls ujl macaroni or spaghetti jr soc for cakaa paatry r fit crisco 6sc f wai waak wukaas bkack oxydol 9c xse w dalickom christies data loaf 5 carbtia royal marma cake a xte nw eaor vauncia oranges doz 21c 27c 31c push xvicy lemons 6 for 17e dstoavted no i new potatoes lb 5c coo kino onions 2 lb 13c w taaaraa a tjm aa aa aaaaaaaai at ab aaaaa s ftasav aaaakaaaaaav raunr and veoxtajlk mars cooo till uiuatay ibght omti phone 357 free delivery main st georgetown imptovtd unlfoim inteinayiomal sunday chool lesson leuoa for may 24 thvataoal the last das wrtbshe dtadtles hawaii dlnlei laxtsd in moat of i atrcar dual at canada the can- ms bed ctoie la receiving 3000 do ll of blood each week which is tato uaghibat aerura tor uae a w to wounded aoldlua tij atameo bo great la use demand that the rod oraaa la lnoreaa- mtr its laeultlea aa ranulr aa peanut to take earn of sjooo d each week abore laboratory twimlriana take samplea of aaah dotvauon whkti la careftillj in our mail bag england april 0 101 the editor georgetown herald dear air a few llnea to let you know i imi receiving the herald alright and want to thank you for being to kind i enjoy reading it very much bccnum ita pagea chiefly concern the luippoi- lngs and people of my homctoan i have read with great lntereit an i admiration the stories ol bob oold- homa rise to hockey fame we arc proud of nun and sincerely wbli him continued sucoeu in the future very often as we alt around a radio tutiu- tag to a hockey game being re-broai- caat from home it la not unusual to hear some of the lads saying oold- hams from georgetown my homi- town or i used to go to school with him and played hockey with him not so many yean ago there is a dis tinct note of pride in every phrasa when bobs name is mentioned we are carrying on mush the same over here and getting along fine the other day i had the good fortune to witness a general court martial ease due to the foot that i was an escort for the accused it was very interest ing and no doubt shall remember it for a long tune z havent much news this time so will just out my letter short thanks again for er me the fream beit regard to my friends at home filnoerely your tptej errsva euiixrson buwo 1st otto corn not unit lornesaota odn army owaeaa ustoh tzrria is i- i coldeh tcxttu la at atalii a i tfc last day i how quickly tt eotnta and how seating ytt mean- uxful ita momenta w do not know wnat our lord did on wednesday of passion week in all probability he remained tn bethany to ml tn fruowahlp with hie friend surely he needed that day of quiet for that tiler bad gone before difficult and strenuous as it had been was as nothing to that which lay before htm late on thursday he and ills dis ciples came to the upper room ttlerr prtrr and john had already mttde prt partition for the cbaerv ance of the pulorr lultr 23 b this frukt hod since that great and aful night of isrerla rrdrmption out of egypta bondage polnted for ward to the christ and to ills croaa aa ihr futnilmrnt of the type of re demption by the sheddlne of blood but now the hour kad come for him to give himself tn thst death and so he set aside the passover because it has been fuljuled to rstsblllh the great christian feast of remem brancethe lords table which now shows forth his death uu ii come i tka rtaal pa w 14ls our lord looked forward with in tense desire to the passover which he now observed with ills dlsclplea for it was the last celebration of that feast recognljed by god all that it had foreshadowed of deliv erance and hope waa fulfil rd in him who now aal at the table he had moved forward with resolute pur pose to his day when hi mission on esrth wss to be accomplished and he was to become the chris tians passover lamb i cor s t the fact that he had looked for ward to it with desire does not mini mise the dtep darkness of either gcthscmane or calvary remem ber that when in the garden he faced that hour and thought of the possibility of the cup being taken from him he sold to the father not uhat i will but uhat thou wilt praying concerning the same matter tn john 12 27 he aald now i my soul troubled and v hot shall i soy father aave me from this hour but for this cause came i unto this hour n the first cemmsmlsa w 19 10 taking the unleavened bread and the unfermented wine of the pass over which had just been observed jesus established a new feast the christian feast of remembrance which w call communion or the lords table his words are significant for aa often as y eat this breed and drink this cup ye do show the lord death till he come i cor 11 26 at the louts table his followers find spiritual strength in recalling iii death for them but they also find joy as they remember that he 1 to come again they thus testify to the world that they believe and cherish these truths this feast is rightly called com munion for down through the ages and until he docs come the saints of god have at his table ewect com munion with him and with one an other let us not neglect itl our lord also spoke of the cup as my blood of the new testa ment the word testament means covenant the lords table therefore speaks of our allegiance to him of our loyalty to our lord and our devotion to his service that 1 why the christian church peaks of communion as a sacra ment a word from the latin sacra- mentum meaning oath and cucn- tlnlly on oath of allegiance ui the folly of the disciples w h30 somcono may say that point docs not belong with the other two both the passover and the lord supper aro for the joyful remem brance of deliverance and redemp tion the objection is well token except for one thing wc are deal ing with human beings as they ore not as they should be and could be by the grace of god here in the inner circle of the twelve there was one troltor it aeema impossible but apparently judaa hod maintained such outward conduct os to turn no suspicion in hia direction even though all along he hod in his heart the blackest of treachery against his lord a aad and soulscorching fact is here re vealed that it is possible for one to moke a high profession of faith in christ and even so to live as to give no cause for criticism and yet to be unregenerote and in fact the ene- myof christ what about the atrife regarding position shameful u w agree thai it was it atifl gm on la the church not even the ftmembimnee of our lorda death and the nmlnder that he ta coming again to cootigb t keep men froth wanting to to great- sjsjl i c ultil i it7 timely topics for women iy larbtra iaktf voir pjtdtt bstsb 19 voir best frond thr fwrnv ol i j uninz u almoa vrr clotac have been 9 turned out vocsmt have been rleanro and put rarejuuy avay to moth 9 iont get thrtn fuxrsare and iuverue iarfcliixr thrre t col a tpxk of dost or dirt or ffreve antahere but the rrtuiu are djapootdtlng the le dvwzal look to trj different from vhat it ed oeffire mm anriuaj hxkileclraxlj biix ah btit httt u the cauh voj need a bit of new paint to anartm thinr uq to eoter uo the chhtov and faded spot and add a bu of color and rarrtr to ur daxy 4tme if the man cl the hou4- count painting amor hi hott then jou are indwj in ikil ileie are jots a ftv wawtkxi for av ln vtuch vou ran maie oux paint truth jour beat friend tict kttckjo am uatjckoou a thin coat of paint ana fiethen up our kllcirc and bathroom but if joj uv tired of the tun old cora horn about buomlng out in an rnurrly nr color acheme it u male ou fee a though ou had mened into a ne hjir nrlng ijr gaden ntit irade hjj pal- 7rv tu a limontruo v l jig and fiten llncirum on the foor uie bnjt lltr uanrrn en t0 niu and chair or try a oa erfen tint for the 1u and criunj 1tji m qiineav red trim luve the table chain garbage pail and u axeaicrra carry out the main roicr tclirmr wxntxw itl iad i wmtlnv the inmr of clndoa thadf and the ticettbtng on irneuan bund a color aliich lu rarrnonlir wiji tna loom tae omj artlitic tnt bring irrltaud hpfrad lhadea ojt flat on ivtitaprra and irate flu until nalnt l dry oood paint on t cxmtk ahea thr ha tie tn roilfid ud pojtcii and oaiu313j mnuvmnic itov about a m- palntsnd lare lor oir porch r sarden umlluiet olutenlng hjt vh blue trtm and a touch hrrr atad liarre of ird u coo and inviting tooting n the ticktrrt mratlwr n paint nn uphoutrrtng cr fcr ruahiona wlu frcah in the oidrtt lumlture providing it u u iludy and hae w nooj ho odd placet pain led allae teem to crru a barrkocloas croup t t11l ivsnoom and recreation roou if it u he jnroom cr re -i3- i ijm that looking it boy try adding a frw unpalntrfd rctt 3 oi c bock tbtlr a aruh diearr a pair of rod labia cr ooffm taias ug paint ihrm to hanutntte lih the irat of jour ij n ihi eu3 a cjjc l freth pircrt will gite ttr life and iet to tabl no vrd 0tias3 nuod futrt rugi take nrm aac on ufs panud rr taxuum thcroaguy to rrtof all tracea of dutt and itnd ucrub ih mcld tojp tdf tepid water antj a soft bnuh itinaa with a hoar m1pr with an oid toci and bang to dry quickly when quite dry paxt 1lh a mliture of four paiti good quality houae paint and on of cnt awkthoa too faded awningi will look ule new if you bruab djr on fnetu or appiy a light coat of good houte paint which haa been thinned with turpenlin btrtpca ahow through in a pleaant twoten effect ol if youre qui erprrt you ran bruih on atrlpea of the orlglnal color before painting mend tear by atltehng or cementing patches oo the underneath aide ixjinteful for pajjvtcrij if rou are an neipertenoed painter here are aome htntt that may be hrlpful all aurfacea muat be dean and perfectly dry before palntinat llolture under rnl caue buem olts paint thai u peeling i hoy id b btuned or lc raped off before a new coat la applied if furniture la of wlckrr or of fibre tmooth off rough plaoe lth steel wool and ute a acuum clraner to rrmoe dual a apraer does a quick job if you hare urrral piece to be painted a fpraycr auo doea a better job of painting roufth plaater aurfaoea than does a bruah it u neceaaary to cover floors carelulty and wear a face maak aa aprajtnjf ii1u the ail with a tulit that ibuiild not be breathed to remote patlcra of paint from linoleum rub lightly with atacl ool and a little lurpentln a raxor blade will rrroovt paint from glaaa to atorr paint briirhr for uac net 8pflnn toak them in turpentine until thi an aoft thrn ah them thoroughly ln warm ioapy waur wipe wall aiwi ahen drv tp ln paper tc la away from oib kcraf book we inakf oar lues ahaleer we will thr are brood or narrow according to uhat e put into them not a hat e set out of them iv m montoomtry arc ioib fcct givtvo vol good ktblcx women art marching to xrk thousand of them and atandtng long hour ut factory lummbl llnea at canteen at cutting tabic ln red crui orkrooou they are walking to do their ahopplng to fir t- aid rloaaea and nutrition clajkaee- and dosen of other places where formerly the rode tru cnthuajaam with which three womrn are able to carry on their war work drpenda to no unall decree on what kind of aerrlce their fast sif thrm how thrlr feet aland up to this nfv activity this la why th nati of rtgh ah or and foot core i to important manulacturers are now designing tirdy comfortable functional shoes with iemlble heel and womrn hae adopted these new styles so uholeheartedly that hlghhrel toeleas ahoes are almoat a drug on th market they look unart too because they harmonize with the tweeds and tailored clothes that women are wearing ao much these days but nenvwlth the best fitting ahoes feet get tired one good way to real them is to lie down with your feet on a pillow ao they will be high er than your head plunging tired feet ln hot waterthen chined water stimulates the circulation and takes out the atlffness ma waging the feet for five or ten minutes after the dolly bath alw relieves tired muscles if the arc he arc weak it la advisable to hae a foot rjecuust prepare ft ret of foot cxerclaea for you that will strengthen them clean stockings dally and two palra of ahoea to be worn on alternate days will also add to our foot comfort the book of the week seven toilfe by vauohan wilkins jonathan cape 450pp 1300 scen tempest la a vigorous romance of the days when queen victoria ofl a ouns girl a story with plenty of thrills suipens net on nnd excltermnt n atory of roalt nnd humble folk and of ths qlamoroiu intrigue that surrounded all thrones of europe at that tlffia anne louise duchrs of llmburg a mettlesome but lxteproachabla jounff girl revolts when her uncle king leopold of belgium tries to foros her to marry the uncouth and blind prince george who is heir to ths hotim of hanover nnd ln line for the english throne refusing to be a royal pawn iho runs away and is rescued from highwaymen by seven trmpcnt seven after cars of toughening ttt hhlpnrdf coal mines nnd mixllr factotlts u able to measure up to bis father standard nnd hns inherit d hla um lmtuatrul intereikts he im interested to fee how a roal ducheaa would respond to a similar expert mi nt in education and helps her to escape to america on a small packs boat where she is forced to mingle with thleca and trollops the adventures thnt ensue make a gripping htory squalor murder istorm and shipwreck hideous experiences redeemed by high courage and brent endurance finally anne louise ls caught up again in leopolds web and kept n virtual prisoner nt n minor german court an even baser plaos than the hold offjthe packet where homicide nnd lunacy are taken for granted but anne hna plrlt nnd through seven tempest has developed ths toughnra to look out fur herself you will enjoy the story of her final escape nnd sevens ahare tn it wartoie cnooolate cake the food situation ts chantrlng almost dally already some com men foods are srnrce nnd others almost unobtainable without doubt ths canadian people though more fortunate thrm most are tn for some drag tic chances in their en tin u habits tor one thing transportation difficulties ore golnfr to force on us the use or mire dried and processed foods than we have been accustomed to we are being anked to use fresh vegetables and fruits wherever pos sible this summer to conserve the supnlles of canned goods on hand but it u the suffarrauonlng that has us most worried at ths moment we in this country have developed a rather sweet tooth and though we are told we have been eating more sugar than ta good for nt stin cutting down isnt all joy you folk with growing boys and olrls la the family w01 welcome this biifwrsavhije recipe for chocolate outs and x assure too that you will find tt qutto dtffctatat 4 cup sugar 3 squares chooolate fmeltod h cup shortening teaspoon hjldng sod utewoonmlt 1 cw osto flour 1 teaspoon vanilla j oup sour muk tt cup asm syrup or btittennalej blend together shortening sugar salt and vanilla add ts and best well add corn syrup and chocolate oft isry ingredients and add to vie first mixture alternatory with milk bales tn two greusd mneh layer pans ins moderate men 3m de v so to is ramutes oool ujamaualsjow jookt beatloeiffwlilt wlfawapeam rrup to s rlotsue totter owr hot wter tmdc wd fluttr- add dtasfl mjariimaito5i75a mdaftd kemow firom stovs tftltmui lota

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