nothing matters now bui victory buy bonds fiftysix years of canadian railroading thi ttucttt ssj ighi toctey by j hijerford en tfc ooctlaslco cf w jaj c active rillrocr in oaii- tula tad cs blf redronou as cbli- caa of the cfezautlin nxttona wbj jj tjlni comr to r ml and to i wo caooeded la the prec- kjct last jfj by itr vwgfhn ajad fe chairman li vu to impli- couoo tjisl my ircxrttiy ecu it srmce tct to ckw l rot adrue ttxi l fbsj el up the cruirmnihjp of uir board ai u mil of btrmbrr 1sh th wreunalion of thi 1tuuj ofiflll oanruxxlan 1ui oar id quii rtnbrrtjvir w it ur n 1 fcoerung portion of mj eir b attmod with rrctr a tu with jvijiji of xirtn ft- iw mi- con ths m vrtujn aui lw i-ln- did mm and taun no cnui v the largv 4tat of uv on jj r fiftruy not or a ciefcr u it lis un uovnvt tnr f ericas of muiemw u to lxre eunt rrlrttd t pull- mj aajtujuuao in the grwau week trl wt ttbrhg- have fconaaxpuiiij tn bring inj uv cotirv farukin orgknunuum and wrlce cf trie cajualsn nauaul railway to such a haih and uu factory state of dmlcpfcbtl the ahtaty cf the bjilita to nnd thr prafcut fi vclsn of trac wtth auefc prompt dfepaic b and eamporaato hu u av mxtur of u utmost sattif stetson a u alio t knowledge that the attrrnvrbttnn of the whoir propnty u to mart apafcir anoor feature that one recall rtfh cmt plsure to tw tint and oortluj rtlhionijtfj mtiktj rutu br- twu the mntgytnfot ju3 rxcfo- i bren a most lirporui ur6ar lii inr dntloprmmt of uv hjun uio hxt brn tourov of pintfcajr and uttijmlln ti biyji clftcin aij rmpl- oyvw far miny rm tl drrp t hutlij tntrrrat and cpmlu rfturt tk ur oofn and ctnpwot cunv t otrr4tcpjualuxs u it it arjy unuujii ur combtnrd rndrour li mil no crmrd uiat ir can mikr tbr untrt c r jir cnjullut nllotu iild ccntrttiulr mtli miilguro lo tlu nf rtlort of lhx kiion- hay uir timt o boud ui and odopjrvtkm 40 rr much ta rrtdrficr donuxg utfr trtn urom rmilnur lo pro and ripu2 tn in yvuv to com a pmoo of cny ar u natursx itto lo nmrcaprcbjarv ii u now fifty tm yrn tincr brn rmu thl prrtad oorrnj ji 6mrj- met of the imuvsy from fjae wood btxetflf laasofjm tt und brexr and tha exudst ftrtnitw to tt p- mt tins wbeo rmjroadiof iuu h- eoew scirtvi ted ttm9 u tb rat- cc mxjblmy and effioocy la all bmxivm of th tcrrvv ttilrtini cf h bfra decr i butvw a th ftjenmcjiihzajor but do fraturr locnaa bi more than the impren- edt tn utf rrutloru twtn man term od npiojt alrrady rr- xcrrwd to ftcd 9qjsiy vit ffoyth of ft f2d ptrlt of llodrjttlndln br- tvrm crir gnrrj pttlic ud nr lmj oar ffrrai ruwy fuirtn ro forwmrd suctuy ttuojiii nr- uj tbftus to fulilu her mjuolt- drjctn u fto inrumnt 01 lrkxnurit uarfulnra in our nation ctrre mrcxl i am tcnfmmt uut it u 1 idtn llrvur cjciliiru that ur mro and woenrn in jj titpunirtni vuj do tnftr uuoobt to mxkt 11 uo j apple blossoms october im tia to tr ouuvrm- t ltr uuitur and un- itrd with inrlr ocuamt nthbr mi- and fcjtjrrru mr j ii iliku bruuht into lw tificr uil vrwk iu frum an aptl trrr whcfi sii in fuu taum tni muil turtly or nur fur awr urea to bl oom thu umr of jnar and if trirr ow urm to andy clarjr a nrlsnbour- ty km broadraaf no u rauvr an autnorlty on uw oddjtlrw in tn ctrvi the gecrgetowa htald wedaeaflay october 2l 8 rofto acutt on uw ivyroa iulnt comm- ittr cf the vlftury tttin ur lui u ofttfr nuniijrr at limih a fttonr ltd owinf i th fumnt inortr tj bfwf orr ft rrrct wtr rod tnr tronoa at caxnp nardrn wrrr fcrrro to rat tuitry lnurd of thr oid rtila- b ahvn u ukiahy lrxyrd day tn th oiit tor brtt that u tn you by bu tnj victory nanda invu it hurt were going to need so many things when the war ends that an hard to get now i every day nlmost uc find that tomcthing else is getting scare so often we ore told theyre not making it any mure factories nrc making guns instead of ploughs tinks instead of tractors planes and shells instead of stoves and bed well have to replace so many things when the wr tnds things c cant buy now money invested in victory bonds will provide the cash to buy them m ways to buy victory bonos now wmrcttsa in one lump sum with money we have saved there is no safer investment no better way to protect our savings or we can buy bonds and pay for them through our banks in monthly instalments as the instalments come due the bank will charge them to our accounts farm folk can pay for victory bonds in another convenient way by using the produce for victory ticket by simply signing a victory ticket you can authorize those who buy produce from you to send alt or part of the proceeds to the war finance committee to buy victory bonds for you ask your local war finance worker for details what a victory bond is look at a dollar bill a dollar bill is like a bond its a promise to pay to the man who has it you get bills when you sell things and pay them out when you buy things a victory bond is a bill intended to be saved when you keep a 10000 victory bond for a year you receive an additional 300 3 interest buy all the victory bonds you can tend money to canada to help to win the war save your bonds to have money for things youll need when the war ends national wmr pinmnoa commliha your safest investment canada nevfr has failed and never will fail to mm bw omietlions proenttflv and in full our county urgently needs every dol lar p run spirr from our savings and from our rtmingn canada will pay hack rvery rrnl with interest when you buy victory bonds you lay up for yoursrlf thr best of all investments they are backed by all the resources of the dominion of canada they yield a fair rate of interest you ran borrow against them and hry are readily saleable when you need the cash if we lose the war we lose everything if we win the war it will be because you and fejlow canadians backed our fighting men to the absolute limit of your ability nothing matters now but victory v nronaobxd bv beaumont woollen mills glen williams ontario as we see it d j a lr iitf it 1ahwm ab uioutfh that old rtabllahod i all frut known tu tjic kol txipper b onouur liuutut- ion that ma be out far the duration and oa in uic caw of other uuiiga ihiit orr out until after the war we would think that wc utu be ubje to tivl alonjt without 1l in fact c ncmr dui uikjwtitund ufhy anyone iroufrl ant to rot a heavy meal at night if the fowl aupprra oould be luld ui noon n would be much more bciulble uc would lhlrut another angle of the aituatlon woud be that lhoc fowl that have no often been donated for the foal ftupprr if hold at todab price would likely bring more caah than they would if they had pone to mnke up the meat dlh for the biff ftupprr and think of trie work that would be 6acd if it la golnfi to help win the wax we can very pally rit aloiuj without the fowl supper i an ao an 11luu vic1vh loan got away to a good start last monday morning the total nmoum aimed at in this loan drive is teven hundred and fifty million- doll tint we arcnt very familiar with millions but we think that it must moon quite a lot of money however een a mm ion dollar 1 made up of amall am- ounls addixl toecther to make the total which we apeak or aa of brirut one million we arc apt to forget this when we consider our uttlc one thouaand or perhaps one hundred that we may happen to have that is not wortdnt and that we could invest in this third victory loan borne one han made the statement utot life is mode up of tho little things and we could aay that name thing about loans of this nature in fact we could say the same witrut about democracy that institution that wc are all inter- osted in preserving at present it is true that our streets arent hvwell lighted as they used to bo but ihey are still 1 urnted the folk over in en- flland cant toy that about their stre ets if you are in the habit of pull ing down your blind at night you can still look out past them and see the neighbours lichu but over tn england there wouldent be a uflht tftowtriff if you want to visit the nearby city you can still take the old bus and drive down but civilians over in england arent to tret any bob at all for their private can it la true that we may not be able to ffet as much bob aa ve have been used to sottinjr but we eon atlu get plenty far normal needa v sou want a new oust or drees or oboes or any wearing app arel you can btul drop in to your nearest store and buy them you don even have to bather about oouaoai u they do over there when wirohaa taff lettilnv h you think thai the youttfttem to your family hate orangri or brcakjost there is no ihln to hinder you eottlxuj them und of mnlng thrm at breakfast but it s u ions unic bince the mothers in cril1 could do that if you enjoy nuking j oil ran sttu ret all you want at any tobacco store alana the street cner there they hacnt a er urse mpplj o tchaco and if it la cjamr- ettcs that ou hat in mnd you uld huc to hac the empty pack- ng with ou in order to set another i ten fass perhaps you might want to take a bath and you may like the tub illcd up for the job over there the tub has a line on it five inches from the bottom and you wouldnt be all owed to fill it any higher we hare been cuihy at times or making rings around the bath tub maybe you have too but there was nothing compulsory atxu it ern the king saw to it that the live inch ring wa painted en the royal tub it is these little things that wc want to preserve for our children isnt it w like to be able to ray or write what we like with out fear of being shot for so doing so far wc have been comparing our lot here in canada with that of folk over in englnnd if we go a little further and compare them with those unfortunate folk in the unoccupied co untrles the comparison is much worte we all wont to keep these advan tages that nc enjoy we want to keep the war as far away from our own shores as pcmlble and wc also want to act it over with as won as possibly can we arent all able flffht we cant all be pilots or a inis but moat of us can dig up per haps one thousand dollars cr maybe one hundred domtr and lend it to cur dominion in order that our co untry may continue to carry on its part in this war wo arent even ex pected to lend that money for noth- intr but uc are to receive at regular intervals a fair interest for our loan the least uiat we can do is to dig up nil that we possibly can and to lend it willingly no that the grand totals wtien the books close will not only be three quarters of a billion but they will be one whole billion ah in fav our say aye hominbmattirsnolv but victory bonds