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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1949, p. 8

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u the georgetown herald wednesday feb 9th 1949 the georgetown herald serving the communities of qkoioetown glen wiiimmb nokval umehoube imknby 8tewarttown asnfleovr baixinafad tekka cotta subscription rate 250 a year single copies 8c each adyertlslng rates quoted on application walter c 11ieun publisher and editor garfield l mcguvray staff leslie m clark barold davison corey herringiao jr lht herald la printed each wednesday ahernoon at the office on mala toast georgetown authorized as second class mall post office dapt ottawa k members of the canadian weekly newspapers associations and the ontario quebec division of the cwna r- r the editors corner a last word now that jeorgetown council has committed the town to ar expenditure of up to 80006 for improve- rrients to the- water system we shall accept the situa- rjon arid make no further comment other than this- last year we criticized council riot because they fav oured the expenditure of a large amount of money but because they chose to make the decision themselves rather than asking the ratepayers for a mandate the same criticism can be levelled at this years council one argument advanced last year was that the water works were in such condition that any delay for a vote of the people might be disastrous for the town several months have elapsed pferity long enough for a vote and nbthing has happened yet or is likely to happen to put the town in any immediate danger we are confident that the waterworks improve ments as outlined by mr roberts who appears to be a very competent engineer will be of lasting benefit to the town and that the money will not be wasted we atill think however that council oversteps its mandate when it makes decisions of such importance and of such financial magnitude for the people it represents the point could be illustrated by comparing the council wth the general manager of a large business in his capacity as manager it is this mans job to keep the business running efficiently and to make decisions on everyday conduct of the business and incur the normal expenses which are in line with this supposing the manager gets the idea of adding an expensive new machine which he believes will make for a better busi ness or which he even might consider is absolutely nec essary in order that the business can continue to func tion efficiently he would not for a minute go ahead and order this machine without asking for approval from the owners of the company for it is their money he is spending the owners if they are on their toes and if they have confidence in the managers ability will in turn give him an attentive hearing and decide to buy the machine council is in exactly the same position as the man ager the ratepayer as a stockholder in the munici pality expects ordinary decisions to be made and or dinary expenditures to be incurred when it comes to large expenditures- suchaaaeweragewater improve- ments and artificial ice all of which have been intro duced without a vote we think council is going beyond its authority worthwhile as all these projects may be it is to be hoped in future that any major questions will be brought to the ratepayers for their decision before any action is taken tradesmen are canadas backbone an editorial appearing in a recent issue of the daily commercial news has some sound advice for youth in telling them that trade training has many more advantages than seeking a white collar job here is what the editorial has to say about it the approach to education in canada has be come so devoted to white collar ambitions in recent years that the nation is rapidly becoming a place where more and more people want to sit back and take things easy with precious few left to carry on the real pro ductive work that is necessary this fact is revealed only too clearly in the diffi culties which are being encountered in securing suf ficient youths to enter apprenticeships with for ex ample the building trades and with the continual flow of the young people away from the rural sections in search of something better than the farm offers the picture of attaining greater social position of taking things easier of earning greater incomes is one which probably has much to do with the existing situa tion but it is a picture that is not altogether true and one which should be dissipated in a nation which needs strong hands and ready hearts to develop its resources in the years ahead canada will not develop its industries because its people study philosophy or train themselves to be soc ially acceptable in cafe society circles it can only dev elop as its skilled workmen its carpenters its brick layers its plumbers and its other tradesmen put on their overalls and do the work the ranks of these trades must be filled by more youths tradesmen are the backbone of the nation it is they who make modern roads possible to speed com munications it is they who build the bridges construct the modern buildings and homes which too many people accept as a matter of course canad is paying today for its failure to encourage its youth to enter skilled trades and it probably will be some time before there are enough men available through apprenticeship to accomplish anything ap proaching the vast building necessary thert ia no social position that can compare page 8 with the satisfaction of a job well done a productive job which contributes to the progress the nation society owes it to the man who does things to be stow adequate honour upon him if canadiarfb want things easier if they want to become part of a nation which devotes its attention to the cultivation of luxuries at a time when great con- struction developments are necessary for its progress then its future canbe only a national shame canada has the resources and all it needs is aggres sive skilled ambitious men to carry out its develop ment if it is to havc such men h must waste no time i in educating the educators to the heed of more and more skilctd tradsmen to do the work required hydro situation improves a letter received last week from robert h saun- ders chairman of the hydroelectric pbwer commis sion ojf ontario gives the opinion that with a con tinuance of voluntary power savingi there will be no further hydro cutoffs in ontario this winter mr saunders reveals some of the plans for hydro expan sion as folows yesterday febl 1st i was happy to announce discontinuance of allocation of power on a quota basis to southern ontario municipalities following not ification from oneof our suppliers that deliveries would be substantially gstreased while we are still short to the extent of some 10000000 kilowatt hours a week in deliveries from suppliers and therefore not by any means out of the woods so far as the present shortage is concerned it is heartening to note the improvement in the situation in recent weeks the commission as you know was faced with an extremely critical problem particularly during last october and part of november when lack of rain in the right places caused a serious drop in available storage water and a resultant decrease in the output of power plants in both ontario and quebec then came an almost miraculous change in the situa tion rain fell on the right places consequently water supply conditions improved and the output of power plants increased however there were other factors which have contributed to the improvementin evidence one to which i would like to make special reference is the magnificent cooperation which hydro has been and is receiving from both weekly and daily newspapers the support of the press has given tremendous impetus to the splendid voluntary power saving effort on the part of labors and industry commercial firms housewives and farmers by maintaining this effort along with present restrictions affecting certain uses of electricity i believe we can get through the winter without further cutoffs meanwhile hydro is going ahead at a highly accel erated pace with its tremendous 400000000 con struction program and already four new and import ant sources are in service and work is proceeding rap idly on six other projects at the same time prelimin ary survey work is well underway in connection with the 200000000 frequency changeover program in the 25cycle areas of southern ontario in closing let me express sincere appreciation for the allimportant public service which is being rendered by the press in helping clarify difficult problems faced by hydro and the way in which these problems are being met yours truly robert saunders chairman easy there snlly eleanor pnruer requires zlppor help from 1111 ronulil henklin i win hit bros pirturlitlon of the fnned romimtlr enmeily tin voice of the turtle which comes next krltlay to the itoxy thentlc f- flowers for valentines make the perfect gift u mixed spring bouquets of daffodils tulips and snapdragon or pan ofdaffodils or hyacinths a corsage for the iode dance will please her rosedale floral bbbsb phone 283j wveuw directory ektmr c imsobahp c p hallway sad suuafkb excursions fame llw a j csumatiisa wmkmmmatmmmmmmmmbmmmmmm leroy dale kc m sybil bennett kc uu1 street barristers and soudton gsa pass 1 langdon and aylsworth banisters and elottdtots notaries public kaaaetii u laagdoa georgetown h- madbtyre ajwwocta bjl aden arsmt hofttgage money to loam offices bo tfceatw mdfr hill sttpaosm u geoccstaara cooper bid paocut 216w aetea el minna i nn aao san frank petch ucbnkeb adctionkkb tvscatav sarrie fits tl giiisjilism r obm in monuments vm best aead ossusfevula oat nielsen the curoatattor idjr j t 1 ataa tarn let m pm lever and hoskin jenkins and hardy iso 44 vktesia teasasjs msfoam consillt j a wiuoughby sons tor complete keajl estate sescvice head office toronto 156 yone st ad mm ota ud ci lir feaass ia ssaall ladastsial aa tom hewson is your local najseasutatfre phone radio repairing we specialize in this work 1 yessv easxetea j sanford son monuments pollock i campbell tt waver st mas c a l t diawsi a xaasasst laaseet sa- wash in j for prompt and efficient service in general haulage work dickenson haulage georgetown phone 84 r 33 sewer connections we understand that the sewage system will soon be in operation we will be prepared to properly plan and install your interior sewer connection in the most sanitary way when the system is ready g r muckart plumbing heating tinsm1thing wiring oil burner and service d 1 mill street pjhoaa 319w or j

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