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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1949, p. 1

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the georgetown herald r georgetown ontario wednesday march 9th 1949 along the boards with whaldon kmncnod georgetown raiders have addedmr- nduon tuck wa another laurel to their kwii do- iojitlhg a hockey team of bridge- ports callqre was not an easy task the majorityof fans who witnessed the series were sipualicd with the outcome tsomc claim georgetown were very fortunate in winning we honestly believe the haiders were the best team this statement is based upon facts and figures the w raiders finished in first plucc in their group showing they possessed a little more on the hockey ball bridgeport played the same teams as the raiders yet failed to beat acton twice while the raiders de feated acton in both their sched uled fixtures looking over the brldgcpott club we pick wildfong howey glassford and woolncr as their main strength these four carried the load while the raiders have players like storey the beau- jnonts the bradburys nash mcl- anson ferri kemshead just to name a few if wildfong or glass- ford were out for a game due to injury bridgeport would be in a very bad way but if storey or nash failed to appear raiders still can play a very good game of hockey we ore not trying to chide the bridgeport club at nil that cer tainly is not our attention but we ar rnerely trying to point out our i lifelong town resident a lifelong resident i of george town mrs nelson tuck passed iwuy at her home on queen street pn saturday february 26th for- merly mary alice king she was a daughter of the late george king and alice crocker and was born in georgetown 69 years ago forty- three years ago she married the late nelson tuck and after living in brampton for a year they re turned to georgetown where they had since resided mrs tuck was a member of th united church and belonged to the womens association of the church as well as being a life member of the womens missionary society predeceased by her husband three years ago she leaves a family of three children bert william and mrs hugh lindsay alice all at georgetown and three grandchil dren she also leaves a sister mrs martin cummins of georgetown and a brother fred king of tor onto t ilev john smith conducted the funeral service from the mcclure funeral home on tuesday with in terment taking place in greenwood cemetery georgetown pollbear- in were roy king harvey king howard kentner john cummins ontario treasurer deliver budget views on why we thought the best team won looking at it this way i7a7i kncandcevi ida mdvon we would go so far as to soy geor getown have a club thnt possesses more above average hockey ploy- ers bridgeport possess four or rive outstanding players the rest mrs o m houston average we would like to con-c- i rm l gratulate the raiders on winning p on citizen a wonderful exciting hockey game and a word or two in favour of the lhc re m meeting of bridgeport club their executive and majority of play en were as nice a bunch of fellows as a person could meet during the season bridgeport received a lot of pub licity most of it bad but after meeting their executive and team we all agree here in georgetown you provided a splendid scries and it was gratifying to know the winners had to be a good club to beat your team hon leslie m- ikosl hon leslie m frost provincial treasurer and minister of mines who delivered the budgot in the legislature on friday march 4th the budget showed a surplus of 1132000 for the current jical year and an estimated surplus for the 104950 fiscal year of 157546 mr frost reported wide expansion and development throughout the province that the province s fin ances arc in sound condition u succession of balanced budgets with surpluses for t six year period the i redit position is excellent adding history is a great teachei if we i follow the pattern of lhc past we know with certainty that the even development ol our economy will idd up to progress and stability to a greater happier a tut more piusperous ontario comments on the lesson by rov john m smith sunday mattch 15th jesns ministry to human meeds in last weeks lesson jvo discov ered something of jcsuv- great proaohlng ability and his power to move people with his simple pre dotation of grtyt spiritual- triith life spoke of the need for love sym pathy forgiveness aridsecvlce in relationship to ones fellow men our lesson this week shows us that jcnus was no mcfc talker abodt such qualities of character he ex hibited them in his dally contact with ahe rich and the poor the learned and the illiterate the sin ncr and the righteous thus we find him through the active years of his ministry taking time to stop by he wayside to offer a sympa thetic word to a troubled heart to lovapo rejected and outcast sinner to wal the broken and diseased bodiea minds and spirits of his brother men truly as we view the ministry of jesus and note its preaching and social implications we realbe4hat the announcement which he rndda at the outset in his home town synagogue was no idle boast luke 4 1621 he preached the gospel to the poor he healed the brokenhearted he preached deliverance to the cap tives he made the blind to see and get at liberty them that were bruised he preached the acceptable year of the lord thecrois did not end the efficacy of such a ministry it continued on and continues still in his church making it evident that the message of our key verse is true indeed i am come that they might hac life and that they might have it more abundantly john 10 10 thr biblical i las is what cduncil did the weather mr editor there is 1 d6cidcd diforencc in uc way march ia surlink out this your when nite cjnmparei tiic following tnblcdf la it ycar h february una year also was certainly much above average wth uic mux thl year bcintf 34 or 8 decree above normal and min be- inif which 11 4 detfrees above avcrukp v note the firt day of spring will be in 14 day ern butkln dale feb 2h march 1 march i march a march 4 march 5 march a mum 27 25 jl m xi 43 31 mln 20 10 4 14 21 27 snow 1 flurries v average 32 57 2 month of march 1948 date max min remarks everything in general by borne mean twist of fate the names of some of the executive and supporters of the club who adopwd a player and contributed the balement roomtora fuiure was held at the home of mrs wal ter peck durham st on wedncs day march 2nd with the president mr h c baik in the chair the roll call a notld canadian woman was confined pretty much to tills immediate commumt l m montgomery being tlu favor ite a repoit of the helping hunii committee uai fiven the lactt tjeinj replenished b generous member- 1 he committee appoin ted to the itecreational council gav e a short i eport and it was agreed to give support to this wor- th organization- representatives a ho waited on the library board btdgtt highlight i mark r 22 z l 42 luke 7 2021 a surplub of 51uj000 for the prom tlu manv lsiblc passages fiscal jtr iinu 49 sixth conicu- tteount of jesus ministry twe surplus with a 157 4g lbll ui hum in need the story or jairus daughter has been chosen l money towards sox were omitted these generous gentlemen were ken mcmillan don barragcr and frank murfin our apologies boys wasn t tut harrison surprised the other night when he went to blow the buzzer to end the first period and found it had been left in the office meeting place reported a good re ception and after needed repairs and some adjustments in a short time the institute will have a new home in the center of the town mated surplus for the fiscal ear ending maich jl iodo no new taxes instead t i reduc tions hi some fields including tin all lie ties c ontrol act the coi por- i lions 1 i ait tlu smicsmons dutas ut j oik null subsid tu municipal lies discontinued md icpliccd b 1 y me nt i of pel centre n nnt f tnunieipal file and police deput ments based upon population 1 ir gei toad subsidies one half net cost of maintenance of homes for aged largei grants for children s id work ovei iuou f unilies enabled to purchase homes municipalities iiav e been assisted in providing 2 915 more houses in ontario 31100 housing units completed with and without provincial assistance in 194u with 2u97g additional units 1 27 0 clear and cold 2 2j 15 10 snow j 29 16 cloudy 4 17 4 clear s 17 28 clear and very cold a 32 22 clear and very cold 7 37 20 cloudy 1 30 23 partly cloudy 9 30 25 very windy 10 32 5 partly cloudy 11 10 5 clear 12 22 clear and cold 11 32 3 clear 14 44 2 partly cloudy 15 50 20 cloudy heavy i rain 10 50 14 spring break up 17 41 15 partly cloudy ii 44 21 clear il 50 29 l rain 211 62 14 ham 21 00 33 cloud 1 m ii partly cloudy 51 14 partly cloudy 21 5b 2u clear 45 25 c1l ir ci 20 heavy ham 7 11 20 ham turned to snow 21 10 lb ckai 21 ill 19 clear l ju 12 25 clear 11 il 20 11 mi march wholesome homes arc the stepping stones of a great country and topic citizenship was under the convenershlp of mrs e r robinson who called on mrs j a r vannatter for a reading cn- during the last game woolncr in tled the family which brought fi for bridgeport was outstand- back dlomant mcm0r of the days mg delly beaumont was at his when famiiy worship was an insti- best and played superb hockey tutlon in every home mr a throughout th scries max bradbury was give the job of lettering the box on georgetown motors tow truck max spelled implements implements you have the same trouble with your paint brush max as we have with our typewriter it cant spell either nice to see mrs leigh brad bury back at the games after her i x illness the hockey world was shocked to hear of the big fix in the in dustrial league last week we werent going to mention this bu this league is such an oil standing league such a high class league such a gentlemanly league til at a matter such as the big fix lias to be exposed meadowglen had s points with one game left busi nessmen had 8 points with one same left meadowglen wore to meet smith and stone tho first half of a doubleheader business men were to play alliance second hulf the situation was tills bus inessmen only had a few players on hand to play agaliut alliance- smith and stone realizing ibis told meadowglen if you beat us today the buslnes men cant pos sibly beat alliance so tlverefore they will mlu the play off bus inessmen were getting the bust- m put right to them through jsocn vry fancy playing smith stom managed to lose to meadow- alliance wallopftd the bumi- nn so tww yours truly and i of the executive of the league re hollering for round robin eerie with every teem competing commenced 1200000 provided in the motto cor the month of estimates to assist municipalities in servicing houses to be built hstimuted net receipts of ordin ary revenues amount to 208034000 for fiscal year ending march 31st 1040 28000000 in excess of esti mates estimated ordinary expend ture 204002000 for same period gasoline tax and motor vehicle lieensea account for increase in rev enue of 6350000 rural power lines to be increased tost sang two pleasing solos i passed by your window and two j by 3880 miles in 1040 adding 40000 eyes of blue which were greatly new customer nsdoib o- tarty i b f win- appreciated mrs o m houston superinten dent of ccdarvalc sachool for girls was introduced by mrs a it van- natter speaking on the topic cit izenship she said she must first bring to the audience s attention our lord s message on citizenship the sermon on the mount and love thy neighbour she gave a talk on her work at ccdarvalc and many were much wiser about this homo n our midut which is shaping lives for better citizens nothing spared in diet to build good bod ics in fact physically mentally and spiritually these little bodies are fed with the best possible food at tainable to go into the world good citizens mrs wm rank gave a vot s of thanks to the hostess and the com mittee mcsdamcs robinson semplc snyder king and vannatter and also to the speaker and others who made the afternoon such a pleasant and profitable one lunch was ser ved by the committee 00 millions to be spent on high way maintenance and construction in 1040 hospital tax receipts estimated to amount to 0 millions in first year additions of 35 millions from consolidated revenue fund have permitted capital and maintenance grants of 9 4 millions 110 million board feet of lumber and railway tics salvaged from fire swept misslssagl forest reserve bib ileal basis for our lesson heic we see a man desperate with frustra tion he is i good m in in the com munis hi id in rcipitt as a ruler of th- sj nnrojuc it 1j probable th it heretofore hi paid little itten limi to tht t upcntei preiihii cal- mut ikmi i no icspcclor of i h i s d1es i mdc sc irsi dcires and in guelph hospital indirfi 1 1 nies uid reach out to uhitcr pouu is able to help so u find iinus beseiching jesus nit on tlu oiiasion of his daugh- t r s sei lous illness in spite of the niws th it the girl has died jesus sa s the damsel is not dead but slcepeth and ulth the parents and tew chosen disciples he enters the room and taking the child by the hand says damsel arise in her obedience we see restoration ol health for the daughter and the healing of the grieved and broken hearts of jairlus and his wife the luke 7 20 23 passage tells of the imprisoned john the baptist sending messengers to jesus with a definite inquiry as to whether or not he was the messiah jesus simply telu them to lake stock of what they hnvc seen and heard and to report the same to john this testimony of jesus ministry to hu man need by pokcn word and lov ing deed would be sufficient an swer for the baptist by these signs he would recognize the mes siah the application our generation has its share of frustrated and defeated folk phy sical mental and spiritual ills arc not uncommon perplexity because of economic political ideological and international confusion is pres ent in some form in the lives of 1 unci il mi wees were held froi tht mcclure i uneral home on tuisdiy mirch 1st for aifrcd sid- ni stocklcj who passed away in st joseph s hospital guelph on the previous saturday he had been ill a little oer two weeks with pneumonia and was admitted to hospital on friday but medical aid proved unable to help him mr mockley was born in dorwel england 37 years ago in 1914 he came to canada and took up resi dence in glen williams with friends mr and mrs samuel bon- field who haa come to canada a few years previously from there lie moved to georgetown where he had since resided except for three years which he spent in bradford he was an employee of provincial paper ltd surviving are his wife formerly flcanor mcmullcn and one daugh ter kathleen victoria two sis ters live in england archdeacon w g o thompson conducted the funeral service and pallbearers were jack mcburncy of stratford ken hunter chester stevens bob eason ditk grace and ivan crab- tree essions ministering to human need owe their birth and early develop ment to the christian faith 7 realize that often the best way that christ can meet our human need m to use us in sacrificial ser- miss lis besey of the teaching staff of ha r wood school toronto and mr peter besey toronto were weekend visitors at the home of their parents mr and mrs h h bsey guelph street celebrating her seventh birthday ast friday gall brauby daughter of mr and mrs william urahrby entertained at u party to which she tnvited patsy bquskiu jacqueline tost ju1 kentner carolyn blchn wendy davidson sherron brad- hnrymry kmnrtn fwmn rv lf pw ftwon and robert hsr- most ol our people the question ontario schools paid 37 millions might well be asked docs christ in grants in 1040 i still minister to human need is mcmaster university to receive he able to do anything for uj in our i vice to meet the needs of others capital grant of 250000 and main situation the answer might slm- heqlize that our suffering when ply be stated that according to faced and endured in the christian our faith eun we expect to be spirit is our best character builder helped it ought to be realized that an addition to expecting christ to do something for uu we ought also to expect that lie will do some thing with us transform us it naturally follows tliat we should be willing to do something through us for the advancement of his cause therefore in our tunes ol human need we would do well to 1 have faith in the power of god in christ to meet human need 2 humbly wait upon god in sin cere prayer 3 submit ourselves to ills will realizing that often our will may be in opposition to his and that there in lies part of our problem 4 realize that much of our frus- tractlon comes from the presence of evil in our lives and trt the uvea of other 5 heallze that christ through the evangelical teaching healing tenance grant of 100000 for first time in that institutions history hydroelectric power commis- iion to spend 120000000 this year in its construction program succession duties tu be reduced to relieve widows und dependents where aggregate value of estate does not exceed 50000 budget forecast of ordinary rev enue 104050 201103400 ordi nary expcndltuie 1040 50 200048- 000 estimated surplus 104050 157546 whos next at press tme wo information is available about which t georgetown will meet in the intermediate b pleydowna grimsby who have a bye into the playdownn may be the op position but nothing definite urn been set other district teams a re still in playoffs and eelay oeceesary if any umm othe institutional and social ministry of- goodwill his church la labouring to meet human need tt thai i 0 examine ourselves and bo sure that our approach to god has more uian a utilitarian motive helpful quotations a miracle is an event which we cannot account for by what we know of natural law it is the result of a higher law being impoiod upon the lower and producing results which from oui level of know ledge is mlraeulous mans extremity is gods oppor tunity tlie proof of gods presence in his church is changed men and wo men bringing about god kingdom of brotherllneas i am perfectly sure that we shall not get the moral recovery we need except by a serine of obli gation to god 1j us never auppoae that any external readjustment of the atruc- ture of life can produce fellowship at all times it la- the primary fduty of the church to remind men thatlfthoyngglect god -they- ran tutibns and prof- j not make a auccea of human llf on monday march 7ih hired jim sargent as a iouio em ployee at u rate of 85c an hour plua i umoondjahah fpp overtime moved by davidson and lyons the town foreman who had re quested that another permanent town employee be hired explained that lie felt that the present itaff was not large enough to do all tp work required and that ah extra man wbuld be a saving for th town because many jobs which would have to be done by outside contractors could be done by that men themselves he said the sew age disposal plant was going to take a certain amount of attention wklch he would be unahlc to giver it without extra help turned over to the fire brigade a 75 cheque sent by the town of brampton in recognition of the sear- vice performed by the local bri gade at the green lantern fir in that town moved by herbert and hill the executive of the new recrea tional committee were present and with chairman alex machven a spokesman asked council to grant the same amount as previously in the budget for recreational pur poses and that the grc be given organizing use of the park and the old town hall mr maclaren said it was not the intention to make any changes in present events which were established but to lum these two assets to their full ad vantage the matter was left in the hands of the property committee to work in conjunction with the grc mayor gibbons said he objected to a statement m a recent herald editorial in which it was stated that up to the present there had been loose coi trol and management of the park by the town council money had been spent on the park and lie was of the opinion that this e ir budget might provide for a fixed amount for this purpose durinj the war years while geor getown s oung men had been do- fending their country there was no one to use the park anyway he thought it unfair to past municipal councils tint such statements should ik made and that anvone who had served on countil would realize the difficulty of raising tax money and that caution had to be exercised in expenditures wrote mr hall brampton archi tect who designed the municipal building that the fan on the air conditioner was not working satis factorily moved by herbert and hill received word from town solici tor k m langdon that he had en gaged counsel and would proceed immediately with the john street subway case as asked bv council at tbir last meeting he pointed out that he felt more time was needed to prepare the towns case and said that while it was his con viction that the cost of enlarging the subway would be assessed ag ainst the cnr the outcome of liti gation is never certain and th town would be in an embarrassina position if enlargement of the sub way was ordered and the town ass essed for the cost cr lyons said that the sewcrag system had been in partial opera tion but that a broken gear had held up operation for a few days the system has not been officially opened or turned over to the town turned over to the grc and property committee a request from the jehovah witnesses for use of the town hall on april 12 and each sunday night ordered two spare hydrants and 100 fact of 4 pipe to be used as a stockpile moved by herbert and davidson deputyreevt goodlct reported tliat a kitchener firm were interes ted in securing land in 4owxit0 build a factory which would hew ah initial floor space of 10000 square feet and eventually 90000 fifty men would be employed in the plant fred w chapman new managear of the bank of commerce attended tlu meeting and was introduced to council a discussion on the budget waa delayed for a apvelal meeting at which the hhfl tax rate will be struck hurubu guest er have yoa ever walked in your sleep sir ha inaldt rlchrfmti have motand

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