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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1949, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 23 194 first picture of the new plymouth 4door sedan page 10 l plymouth special desluxa fourdoor sedan shown above u one h naif plymouth modal just announced the others are a f mith spacuvdelnxe club coupe a fourdoor sedan and a icoupe in the delano series wider teats antple head leg and r loom greater vision increased safety and comf art ore some i made far tbess nsw models higher horsepower 07 l ratio automatic choke and improved fuel de lta ellfllnslthl advancements offered in the neat sw plssrls apaaasl salaun are avallabla on the e 1 highways down through the years gray coach linos passen gers havo onjoyod a full tnoasuro of now modal comfort as bottor and better busos havo boon built this record it your insurance that you will continue te enjoy all the ssdvantagosof progrotsive public travel service on the highways fares are low st louis 2635 halifax 6295 owen sound 615 losanghles 9825 round trip tax included subject to change ijlfekhs and cdwills itostauftant high school news e p head optometrist eye examined hclentlrlcslly ukarinu all llallkuika quick rkpaiks to e lllnoeulars hau cuaases ktfl u m cunmrwes b guelph by lloyd there were two girls hockey ramos last week and i fcel it is ray solemn duty to rite a wee bit about them much agin my better prin ciples tho by necessity the report on each will be brief the first gome monday between first and the combo of second and third ended with the lowly first formers coming through the victors to put it plainly second and third lost vou ought to be ashamed of yourselves letting those first form mdgcts beat ou the two goals were scored by joyce herrlngton but of course the goalies were the same n zlllo for first and j hancock opposing her taking everything into account it was nay sich a bad game if you overlook the fact that the majority still couldnt skate and spent most of the time on the icetrying to learn it was fast and rough that rough should be accented the girls arc beginning to hand out body- checks comparable only to shnv tons defense line 500 lbs of flab by fat and threw their 110pounds around like experts experts what i don t know as a consequence to all this rufhouse bruises sore shins and sore shoulders headed the list of ailments tuesday morn ing one interesting thing happened part way through the game that bears mentioning from a faceoff the puck flew up in the air and dropped but to where nobody knew then commenced that old game button button whose got the puck upon the ret j kirk- wood calling for all exits to be blockaded and allowing no one to leave the arena a certain girl could be the third form joan of last week not joan of arc spoke in a weak wittle voice here it is wha hapj en was simple it fell into her pocket on coming down how convenient the second gome wednesday was between first formand grade viii with a resulting score of j0 for g ii b i bet you ll never guess who got the goals not even in a light year but if you said joyce her- ringtons hockey stick you could be right of course joyce was on the other end of it i hear the next game is j herrlngton vs2nd 3r3 and gr viii goal tenders were n zillo and marlene bludd to men tion a couple of grade eight who pluyed is only fair so patsy vance and pauline tyers i mentioned them thats enuf the most impotant subect sho nuff ot the moment is resanu could be they will bo almost over when this is read to you i should be studying instead of doing noth ing writing this but i can stand another year of good old ghs my tenth im waiting to bo pen sioned off my rcol reason is im stupid as if you who read this didnt know third fourth and fifth ore the only ones who have to suffer the rest of the school con tinues in the regular rut for the past couple of weeks on tuesday and thursday after four the cadets have been going down to the armories for a leetc beet of competitive shooting nj mentioned last week the top man to date is john nodwell with a score of 00 not bad last tuesday a small squad of first and second form cadets ib in all went down to the armories and under the instruction of some schmoo called jim addle or chick en haddy or bob halibut bob addy to be correct weie given tho fundamentals of nfle cit ill enuff sed t and now at xnclly four minute- toone sunday march 20th i will say fond adloi for another weak r0sedale floral cut flowers potted plants iv its a assay wseutsw wx can putau you oar fill are mtem pbooa 28sj we dejiver canadian plowmen abroad by if jjot moses dircfor ontario plowmens association cor j this is the sixth of a series of weakly stories which elliott moses a director g the ontario plow- mens aliocladon la writing about the vlut of cunhtur champion plowmen to the uihjih islet aboard tho qiiebn mojy by the time you wlllbc readlhg thu letter the boys unci i will be home that 4a all of um except wjlbert mpraddin the suluda silver med alist who decided to rcjnaln in england u few jextrn week we are very clad to relax on board thm luxurious liner because from the moment we landed in england nearly ilx weeks ago until now we have been constantly on the go the boat trips going and return ing have given us our onjy mom ents of leisure providing one was not seasick speaking of seasickness reminds me of a story i heard years ago but which is still timely a young fellow on a certain ship was selling subscriptions to the magazine at lantic monthjy he walked up to a passenger who was leaning over die railing and said sir would you like to subscribe to tho atlan tic monthly the man replied son im subscribing to the at lantic daily the queen mary is a beautiful ship to mr it is like a floating islantfbn which there is everything that one may need to live in com fort i am not going to attempt to describe it because i know last years team manager did a good job of that instead i shall try to recall the events of our last few days in britain after sight seeing m northern ireland wc sailed for england where we spent almost a week be fore our ship sailed our first stop was wolverhampton county stnf fordshire one of the most heavily industrialized areas in the british isles the farms in this district also appeared to be more prosper ous than some other sections ol lngland he had isited the british isles possess a beiut uitc different from in thing our part had e er seen the architec ture of the buildings the country side and even the people nrj fireatj fiorn one section of the couulrj to another often when duwng a hort distance we noticed that the stcnei uould change en tirely v i linn i aduis of i or 00 miles a astlt near the welsh horde r the f u thest pcint reached on this oui miuiki isit to england was the it i if ludlow near the welhh boi dei we sau the ic mains of the old lustlt ludlow which was built is a sti onghold against the invading welsh people m the das when the welsh and lnglish weie bitter enemies the battles of that time would ippear to have been more baibarous than the warfare carried on b the north american indiana against the new settlers ludlow castle is not as well pre served as ldmburgh castle never theless it was a wonderful sight to behold with its walls measuring eight to ton feet thick and the num erous roonu occupying in all about five acres of land from ludlow castle we drove to an old inn known as whittlng- ton inn which they say was once owned by dick whittington lord mayor of london and dates back to the year 1310 here we enjoyed our first steak dinner since landing in britain the following day we journeyed hack to london whore we saw many place of historical interest including westminster abbey nnd st paul s cathedral our visits were hurried but what impressed us most was the age and grandour of the numerous buildings through out the elty- lator we took u bus- trip through a beautiful putt of tho country in and around london terminating at windsor cnutle where tho king and queen spend j portion of tljcir time we vvcc impressed with tht magnificence of the castltf during our tour of tho country side wo hud an oppoitunlty to visit the angloamerican oil com pany experimental furm lqcaleti in a fertile agricultural district about co miles outside london here cientiflc tests are conducted on diesel oily lubricants tractor fuels nnd a hojt of other petroleum products we were interested to learn that when angloamerican bought tills farm they didnt build any new buildings but simply tur ned the barns and other fatmbulld- ings into laboratories what wai formerly tho horsj bairn is now thq recreational building for the staff of over 200 this building has a thatched roof which is said to be the largest in england the anglo people did valuable work for the government during the war years in testing lubricants and fuel for engines and aircraft qnd now in peacetime they are continuing their work with the same scientific zeal canadians in television from the esso farm vve were rushed back to london for a most unusual purpose to appear on the bbc television program rhys bacher wilbcrt mcfaddin and my self were interviewed the two bo s appeared in their plowing outfits and i donned my indian cos tume for the occasion those who saw the program remarked that our little part came over well and was received with much interest by the audience needless to say it was an unexpected privilege for us the net morning with mr stap- loford of ontario house we visited the headquarters of the hudson s iia company in london known us bcuvci house it is said to be one of the most up to dite build iiils in the w orld on cnu ring we were icicived b the compau le iding exeeutiv es w ho an angccl a toui f the establishment w t weie p irticularl interested in the fm dej ai lincnt where the i iw fins aic sold by auction u buvei fiom a nir uil world 1 he luction uioiii i aiiinged with soft cushioned si its in in elevated pos ition and will se it 700 krsons no furs u c in e v idence when the sale is in progi t ss for the bu ers have visited the stoic rooms pievioilsl and know b numbers the furj the w ish to purcliase the bav is proud of its record of being the oldest established firm of its kind m the world and after learning the quantity of furs that a i e cut from canada annually we aie convinced that the fur trade is still one of canada s most im portant industries on our am evening m london we were entertumed at a farewell dinner at simpsons one of london fashionable restaurants this brought to a close four weeks of experiences in the old land which will long be remembered by all of us rhys bacher has just come in to say that wc are only a few hours from new york we have had u wonderful trip but like most trav ellers we are looking forward to our homecoming my next letter will be written from brantford and i shall try to sum up our im pressions of conditions in the brit ish isles what the people gener ally and the farmers in particular think about the countrys national ization program and the cancella tion of food contracts with canada the new fluiddrive custom dodge ballad af the flout in si years the anr custom dodge features looser whaalbase wider aeaia more head and wf room all withaut wider wind- far greater ibcreaahis- tfaa overall dimensions of the oar 1 cbalrhlah seats prorlda better j more people are using lotigvtetance more often oui i oii ilisiuio operators now pin tlirounji oci 5 million r il is a month twice is ni in is six uirs ifio i o i i more families lcep in toui h with oiu mother ami busy men get more tilings clone by 1 ong ijisiiuce providing for this growing use- of long distance is an important part of our vast expansion and improvement program thousands ol new operators have been added more are being selected and trained hundreds of new ind improved suitchlioards and lines have been built more are on the way with i ong distance as with local sirvire no want to put your calls through courteously quickly and accurately to guc you even greater value by continuing to provide more mil better telephone service at the lowest possible cosi d the bell telephone company pf canada unemployment insurance books must be renewed employers please send all unem ployment insurance books immediately to tho national employment office with which you deal unless renewal arrangements have already been made they must be exchanged for new books before march 31st the new books have spaces lor march contributions so you can renew tbe old ones before the end of the montn renewal of books is important to you to your employees and to the commission please act promptly to the insured worker 1 have you as ifisurance book in your possession if so pleam take or send it to the nearest national employ ment office for renewal belore march 31st il yotl seed your book enclose your present address aft that your new book may be returned to yea promptly unemployment insubancb commission aju mobchison i o bisson riutmltttate cutf csmntliilnmu lffj lanes haulage you gail no job too big we haul no job too small american cement for sale j phone 5 harley motors at your service for car repairs brake lining and greasing a specialty shell products willard batteries phone 539 john street gordon harley prop wpskb

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