Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1949, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 11th 1949 skinny men women gam 5 10 15 lbs m w vim pr jmh news and items of interest to halton farmers soil building with hod chops a driver carefully fram ed o drivo in all sorts of weather and all sorts of traffic a bus equipped with the best safety dovices and reg ularly inspected theso are the added safety features you enioy at low cost whon you travel by bus fares are low washington 2100 north bay 1235 montreal 1485 new orleans 4210 round trip tax included subject to chango tickets and information saipwiirs restaurant the following an address given at the annual meeting of the on tario crop improvement assn in toronto by prof g n iluhnkc formerly head of the dcpt of soils lit the ont agricultural college in our opinion it is sound practical and worthy bf careful study from all our readers at the outset lcl it be maijo clear sis to what we mean by soil buildlnit it has boon popular rec ently to write and talk about soil conservation rather- than soil improvement or mil building because some think it more injprp- slvc to use a new term rather than io stick by the tcrrns that arc al ready well known through long us age now most any rdeans that may be used effectively to increase interest in better farming methods may be justified even to the ox- tcnt of using new terms for old established practices but if tho new term docsn t add to the clarifi cation and better undcrstandng of the problems involved perhaps we should forget about popularity and lor the sake of clarity say what wo mean in the most direct and simple way in this talk we arc stressing an impottant principll we are talk ing about soil building making better soils and more productive soils out of those we now have the term soil conservation on the other hand literally moan con serving or saving or just holding the soils as hey are now but it doesn t suggest directly what is equally important the need for problems of their maintenance in their total effect in soil productiv ity we shall now proceed to dis cuss each of these factors in turn organic matter or ilnnill the maintenance of organic mat ter may bo rated as our number one soil management problem in the wuke of declining organic mat ter or humus follow poor absbrp- tloir of rainfall increased surface runoff and floods sheet and gully erosion por tilth adequate sup plies of available plant foods es pecially of nitrogen and phosphor us ifnd poor crops everything that is done to a soil effects the organic motlfcr in tho soil- hi one way or another for pot ter or for worse tho kinds of crops ho amount and frequency of cultivation and the amount of frequency of manuring and fer tilizing in tile rotation nil help to determine whether the organic mnttlr or humus content wilt bo maintained or gradually reduced to a critically low level in the soil we should keep in mind certain fundamental principle in our at tempt to increase the humus con- lent of the soil straw corn stalks tomato vines stubble ind other crop residues are sources of organ ic matter for the soil such mater ials however do not become soil organic matter or humus until thiy hnc undergone decomposi tion in the soil and have been con verted into the dirk brown to black jelly like material which is usually present in abundance in our mode fertile soils one point to be emphasized about the organic matter problem 1b this icluulk ver little of the organic lloyd d dingle new crown attorney for halton lloyd d dingle burlington law yer has succeeded w i dick icc as crown attorney for halton counv ty mr dingle took the oath of off- ico before magistrate kenneth m langdon lost week at ceremony at milton court house the retir ing crown attorney read the oath of office to the new man mr langelon expressed the thanks of tfui county for the mr- vice- rendered to mr dick during his 45 years in oftco and said that hu was a fine example of an attor ney who placed the faots before court and novcr von a case or lost one me new crowh attorney u a native of burlington and gradu ate of lvtcmaster university he has practiced law in burlington since 1024 arid is an exmayor and has held high positions or various fra ternal and service organizations have your renewed your subscription yet matter gives the legume cropi fnlfalfa clovers an especially im portant place in the rotation continued next weok ba mr and mrs alex- macdougmll of hillsburgh visited sunday with mr and mr dan mckeohnle mr and mrs w early of eden mills and mrs mi near of oeorge- towti were sunday visitors with mr and mrs cam mcenery mr arid mrs russel taylor and daughter valerie of toronto spent tho weekend with mr and mrs jt allan mr ray mcenery has sold his fa no to mr thos gibson of ftoclt- dlle who will take possession soon mothers day service was obser ved in our churoh sunday rooming with an exeoptidnally large con gregation present a service of bap tism also took place with seven in fants being fccpepied into the church the first oa the list was james murray young son of mr and mrs wllllard sanderson then carolyn june daughter of air and mrs ernie mcenory albert mur ray son of mr and mrs leo jam- leson sheila may daughter of mr and mrs stan sinclair kenneth lloyd son of mr and mrs lloyd mclean cordon richard son t mr and mrs fred gray and diana sheila daughter of mr and mrs elwood snow page 4 cocurratulatjotui to mr and vic hwlwuehurst and mr am kenneth rialer on the r a their baby daughters may lot tad may 3rd respectively the flowers on the fiiiiimiinian table sunday morning were plaeaa there by mrs jos klrkwood an memory of her parents the late mr and mrs george mcmenemy nahsaiqatveya wiea hvby weeds this veab m nossagaweya township will pur chase a weed spniylng outfit and spray weeds on township roads this season it was decided at the may meeting of tho township oouncu tenders wil he colled jr the sop- plying 6f this equipment as rwell os for the crushing and delivering of 6000 cubic yards of gravel for rod tho township assessor was npr pointed a delegate to the assess or convention in ottawa thl mftnls the tax collector was authorized to write allhhose ih arrears of taxes that if arrears are not paid by august 1st he would go forward with seizures to cover these earlier in tho day the reeva councillors and road superintend- cnt had made a- tour of inspection of the roads and plans were made at the meeting for repairing por tions of the roads the engineer was asked to prepare an estimate of the cost of straightening the road and building a bridge opposite lot 20 between concessions 4 and 5 improving the soil for building maten lis which uie plowed undei up its fertility for increasing its mini is soil orcinic matter most capacity to produce more he mater il dcciys i ipidl our first point then is tint we iciviik onlj a small amount of tho ire dealing with soil building m perm inent form of soil or fc vw v not only holding to what uc have not only conserving our present soils but ns well improving them building them up and making them more productive for the future now wt ill know of course in it we hive firms scattered thro eery community where the soils ire being well maniged and kept fertile and where there in t really any problem of soil building it ill in those cae th matter is just one of maintaining the ex ibting high state of productivity by continuing the present prictice of crop rotition manuring fertilizing and good cultiv ttion on the othei h ind we h ite far moi e farms where through long eirs of tulli i ition ind cropping the soils have been illowid lo run down produc tion i it i low level indhheie is i re il job of oil improvement to be done you don hiv to be told wlerc such funs ire to le f unl ou lii cab t mind numerjus ex implcs in your communitv the t ire thi firms wnieh are ui gently in need of i piojnm of soil build itik such is we are about ut des eribe what are the requirement for soil building if we ire to do i s itiif idorj job ot boil buildinj w d lo be sine first wh it it is that needs lebuilding i hen ind only then cm we select ind use the light nn teriuis to aecomplish the job we li ive to do i he primary needs of run down less productive soils are 1 inert im in soil organic mattti i j oi humus 2 improved physic il condition j increase in fertility supply and 4 more ictive impu tation of desii ible soil microbes these four requirements are in tei dependent on one another in the tom hews0n representing willoufthby real estate agency de laval milking machines and cream separator international motor truck hudson and rover cars ferguson tractors and equipment george white threshers used tractors and cars r centaur tractor wood oecjjical equrprnent milkers grinders coolers our mill street office is just around the comer from j the bank of commerce v residence 332j imttw k nuc m itter humus cjrcfully controlled cxpe i imcnts it the michigan experimental sta tion show the rile it uhlch oieinlc mittci is lost vhcn plowed under lioni this work it wis found that li ss thin 12 i erceiit of the idded re uuc matter remained it the end f two ye irs ticn when hi tons of drj oiemli niiltti in lie 1 1 il per icil wei t usei in scci il instances iicnk 61 pci ei nt of the added turbon disipiincd within the four m irs where did it ill ivioatly nun tho air il nuc mittci in soils is i source of food ind i ounstimcnt foi mil lion of b icteria ind fuiifii which flcjnish in its presi ncc ind arc t cnti il foi fcrtiu soil lust is tin foi d wc c it is burned oxi hi ill in our bodu s to provide us with in iti nils foi ri placement of l s uc ind unerey foi our woik so i nc in ittci is burnt d ox icd in the soil ti pi ivlch re ijiccmint of humus in i icvtsc ii ulil i ul ibh mtrolcn mil nun i us foi the use of ii c ill nuc i i obes ind t rop pi mis while the cxpciiiiunl itfciicd ib c were e u 1 1 1 til in tlu iiccfhimisi wheic u is w irm th un round ind dcci was moit i i id til in undei field 11 ndition tin results ncverthctiss mph islze t fill ih it oxid itli u of ork hiu n hen its in tin oils mics on very 11 idilj under f imiiii ibk condl turns 111111 this h is indent tint the fiioblcin is no to be silled by pi i hie mull unts ot humus fiirmiue nutinil ind then t tin pi obit in foi tin next twi nty ye irs the more viu eurtlvilc and stir i in soil the more air and oxytfen i enlcrs the pon sp ices and speeds up hie oxidation ir burningup ol the organn mittci by the soil microbes cultivation ind stirring of the soil are like opening the- drnflfl ind stirring the fire in a i oil or wood burning furnaie the fire burns luster and if you want lo keep in from going out you have to a keep adding more and more fuel is fast as it burns or b close he drafts and add only a little fuel oecaslonally to keep the fire alive when wc glow too large a pro portion of clean cultivated row crops like corn potatoes sugar beets tobacco etc in ii rotation wc keep the drafts on our soils wide open and tho organic matter is being burned up continually and at a very rapid late as compa rid with the rotation in which the clean cultivated row ciop occurs only once in a four or flvo period further whon those clean cultivo- tecf row crops predominate in the ortatlon there is likely to be less- llvcstock kept on tlu farm and hence less manure is available for the land a second point woithy of em phasis in connection with this prob lem is that the organic matter and nitrogen contont of the soil ore dir ectly related the former being about twenty times the lottor the loss of organic mutter from the soil involves the loss of nlliogon us well tims in older to build up soil- organic matter or humus it is nucessiiry to psovldc for the build ing up of tho nltrogi n at the same time this flxod lulatlonshlp be- tw i en nitrogen and will orgunic 4 suiebook of famous trains swxjnq mlm pwwncm ek coukoja across canada travellers are speeding to their destination on trains of the canadian national enjojing delicious dining car meals comfortable sleeping accommodations rooms and berths and every travel comfort famous trains such as the continental limited and the ocean limited enable you to cross canada from the pacific to the atlantic the international limited the inter city limned the walhingtoniun ore typifying canadian nationals importance ss an international corner between canada and the united states c o these and other great trains together with dependable locals cover more than two million miles each month and make up the railway blue book the canadian national time table only canadian national serves all it- canadian provinces and die blue book is your guide to everywhere in canada or across the border be your journey for a day overnight or longer y y toitritty and ttrvut you lravl tm tamfmrt you trriv ttlrtibtd aid rtlaxtd ubn you gm ctumdum nolloual siinationaii railways aihllneh e steahshivs hovels bxpss tgdf hjll l i

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