the cecrgetrwn i ad wednesday may 25th 1949 inj6y urn umtm m d m0 w a ww imsy i to m as hm fcrfi k wh hhdto iht may li it hmurrjsumtr tomato juici appli juici choice luivom ttuurr jlynn valliy piachestm3c s4umam tn oa raise of ma aiiiy greek pias 323 abmm raj4mrchoc cut r golden wax beans 1c toihti tomatoes std 2 29c sweet mixed pickles 18c ayuos vmu mctlm strawberry jam dl42c mumiuan vieirakus heinx baby foods in tomato sauce i heinz spaghetti muiniom will nut ftavoul peanut butter isanimiiu flavouh nuuav csound richmello coffee noush uukmct styu domino black tea sat hiyt oh ctown kand corn syrup 3io tim 25c 1 4c s6c iff- 45c 2t fruit and vegetables just aimed new crop no 1 iv ew texas carrots firm mexican red at lenst 14 ozs in each carton ripe tomatoes cello carton 29c b c extra fancy eating or cooking winesap apples lb 15c sweet thin skinned and full of juice large size 210 s florida oranges dot 5t fresh sweet excellent for preserving size 24 s ripe pineapples each 33c ontario new crop fresh red radishes fresh green onidns i ii cooperators fidelity guarantee association a cooperative automobile insurance company sponsored by the ontario federation of agriculture and in halton by the halton county federation of agric farm people are now clubbing together to check mounting automobile coats by writing their own auto mobile insurance tor more informanon contact halton automobile committee m j brown lloyd crawford albert hunter emerson ford r s heathcring ton dtatrict representative l bulldozers available for grading excavating by the hour or by contract hamilton brothers streetoville phone collect 24r32 imclvally lane co ltd i contracting lumber building supplies shingles wauboard plywood siding cement gyproe lath tile and hardwood flooring hbtreet- phone 1sw the adventure of flitt the butterfly by robin wynn hrrt and father neptune it waa an exciting aoy for flltt the butterfly ax he started on his joiirncy to visit father neptune at the bottom of the occtm the green goblin ijad performed many won derful fcau of magic but all the tolk in the green forest felt that ihu was the moat wonderful of all making a magic potion to paint ona butterfly s will j ao that lie coutd live on the ocean loot flitt carefully brushed the potion on bin win us nod put the tirvy botuc back in bin travelling bag jic wus ntw ready foalhij journey under water hills little li bumpety bump as he flew out oton tin water however be had a lot of faith in our friend the gicen poblin sq he landed on a big roiling wave as 1l rested quietly on the cicil of the vwiyl lit thought ll heard someone sij hello in a soft gurgly voice he looked iiound md sine cuoufh there sat the most mischievous lucuuun little se i hoi so you could cvci imafinc whit i funny sjidle he hiid on his b ick it w is ill m idc of mothei of pt irl ilnd liimmcd with tm sea shells of in mv colotus rhe nicest thing of all was the lomfj looking tumble se it fastened in tlil bale of the saddle i lltl wis so siupiiscd th it lll il- most forgot to be polite 1 or a min- utt he just stntti but as itnck as you e in wink both eeb he remem- beied md sua hello iiuil tca horse how did wju know inj name oh imwered the sc i horse l trjoiil knows uiiiln i atlicr neptune s kingdom ttuicy ire all aituik to weleomj j ou h atlicr neptune sent me to ifarry you to hia c istlc on the ocean floor in no time at ill i lilt hopped into the saddle and put his iin ti ivel line b ik in the rumble seat with a splash and i mcu i uich fioiu the little sea horse they were pn their way amidst a cloud of sea foam down and down they went all the while the mischievous sea horse waa leaping ovli hits of floating sticks and pretending to be scared is he dodged little fish that they met he was hiving lots of fun of course he was showing off a little to im press flitt but he was very young fto i guess we can foigivc him hitt was really enjoying his ride tho he was a little neivous and held tight to the saddle horn it was all new to bim of course a buttcifly had never ridden on i sea horse before all the httb people of the sea waved their fins or tails at flitt as they passed and called out a cheery hello it seemed only min utes to flitt until they rounded a huge rock on the ocean floor and there before them wjs father nep tune s castle what a bciutiful sight the great cattle was covered with lovely sea shells that glistened through the water like diamonds as they came cloc to the k ttes a gruff voice aid halt it imjll hitt jump in surprise and the sea hoist skidded to a quick stop in front of a giant octopus hitt gues sed that he w is tin uei pi i of the latcs welcomi t i tthei neplum i i i tie hitt snd mr octopus whose first it inn w is hint i j h ink mi six i litt as he shook h uuk ilh lrn i m oh m whit i h i 14 u it iiil th it wis i wi ill know th it 111 01 t iu li is i r kiii h md to h 1 i i lilt tnuld st e the twmkli 11 i lnui s is hi i ut out one 11 in ifd 1 inothi 1 i i mei w is fnu filindly fellow whin von j ot to kmm him iun tho hi did urn liiji nul gruff at first just then th kitls lo the t istli swiiiil opt n md uaii stood the jolliestmokinj fellow with 1 long uhiti be ud ilmost to his wlist i litt knew it oihc this v is i ither neptune hitt hud to smile as he noticed a little se 1 nymph picking out from the old mans whiskers the little fellow was shy at meeting strangers i guess by hither neptune s side walked mis neptune the queen of the ocean such a dear little old ludy but as spry as a chipmunk welcome to our home hitt they both said together their friendly faces and cheery smiles made flltt love them from the mom ent uiey spoke he climbed down frpm his sea horse and walked with them to the castle lyirs neptune had a delicious sup per of sea food ready for them and tp his hurprltc flitt enjoyed it wry much the dear old lady then roads up a cosy bed for flitt and be snuggled down just as comfy as he would have been in tho green for mat he was soon dreaming of the great adventures he would have in this wonderful land at the bottum of the ocean omnwnfs the utsoa sunday may 2mb watching and prayino in getii8kmane our lesson this week calls to mind hofmanns beautiful and masterful picture entitled cbjst in gethsemane there are tow christiana who have not looked dpoii this great work of art and in thut look luivc become meditative in the uct of reverent worship it picture chrlut in proyor in the garden of gethsemane ando we look uppn his face wo become con scious of the terrific struggle and the triumphant victory involved m the words nevertheless not whflt t will but twbut thou will 1 1 tho background we mo the sllupini figures of three ot ids uis- eiplcs iyid though we ace fliern but faintly we ore renlndcd of the words watch yd and pray lest ye tntev into temptation the spiut truly u ready hut thu flosh is weak mk 14 u i he itlblicaf llaslti v mark ii u- u in this passage we read of jesus witlidiawing irom ins disciples with whom he had been h iving te how ship and with whom he had been piaymt he leaves the larger body and 111 the comirtiny of uiree chosen companions petei james and john he outers deeper into the e elusion of the garden after the otheis have teen left behind he icqueslb his tluee friends to wait intl tu watcti while he going stdl dee pei into tlie quiet of the gar- nikht tinds a place to kneel ancl jnay to his lather in huaven in tills prayeiful attitude jesus is hf the throes of a tieat soul stiuggle it is an agojiuing experience for him it is evidejtt to bun that uie cup f 1 0111 winch lie must drink is o be biltei to the very end he sllb ttiat while he would desire it othei w ibe that there must be a complete suiiendcr of his will to that of his father so it is that he pi ay a abba hither all things are possible unto thee take away the cup fi om me nevertheless not what i will but what thou wilt in this lesson we also see the weakness of three associates of jesus who had at one time voiced their loyalty to him in this his t hour of agony and approaching ar rest ttiey fall asleep failing to obey his request to wait and watch the application in this lesson we find that jesus through the agonizing hours of prayerful soul struggle placed him self completely in his fathers hands and so won through to cer tainty and ultimately to victory we learn that jesus through the medium of prayer found strength to carry out his fathers will we c 111 rest assured that we can avail oui clv es of that same strength through the same medium prayer of absolute sui render every life knows something of important de cisions to be made of agonizing pain to be borne of failure and sucocss of temptation and of sin how in my of us in the face of these trying exjericnce have com- plett 1 and unreservedly given uui wills in subjection to that of jod how many of us really pi iy thv will be done and mean it f thi thu 1 sleep- tliis lesson we be- nui ow n ti hdency st in life md in iih nt md how we 1 il desnes as wi think 1 ink disi ipli s in fiiut iwait of to ksiu tin bt pll ltd ll ii hk vl fit ti illow our nul siippou i in is intiifiu with the fulfilment of oui spit itu il ob- ln ition i he spn il ti uly is 11 uly but the flesh k we ik let us 1 iinini om selves in the light of th it f u it statement are we mi illy of slumbcung during our hums of opportunity or are we diligently working in the icaliza- tion that the houi comet h when oui pilvilege of such service will be over helpful quotations if our souls be at any time ex ceedingly sorrowful through the afflications of this l present timv let us remember uint our master was so before us und the disciple is not greater than his lord how much easier it is to pro pose to do great things than small things petei could fight for him die for him but he could not wutclj with him jesus relied on prayer at th end iof a hard day when he waj very bred he went for a period ot qulet communion with his father the prayer began in agony but ended in u calm strength which not even calvary v could break in prayer jesus kept bis peutlon wiuiin the bonds of consecration prayer faced the shock defined the issue pondered alternatives made the decision und curried re solve into the deed of calvary before cll paints on take ill they have tho lasting beatity the rugged reaihtanoe to wear antl weather which mean true paint economy it pays to use crl paints you paint cll tftlm and tfteuis w door untl window ramtu jiml other outside trim ilidei lttr dne fantrr holts colour and glow longer than ordinary points see your paint furniture oiiidaorb anil m willi chljj i nauiel i vnllent too for aiirhmohili h i any to uhc dm nun kh and 21 t olours to 1 fiooi front page 2 tin rert a c-f- 1 1 inili for c rv painting w 1 1 indoors and out in tin 1 ou n jinnt- iu 1 lionet 1 room 1 r 1 1 li ur it pis to at 1 iiiur c il rami lit 1i1 r hrt o 3 lilt g00dlets economy hardware longer hours of daylight mean more outdoor time for children motorjsls should give the young sters playing on the stieits plenty umlmje to get out of the way they should slow down before coming to any likely spot where t hildren might bo pluying a child cannot always bap to safety at the sound of a borii world butter production louring the fourth quarter of 104 ii is esti mated it 75j j million pounds which it presents u 0 per cent ln- 1 1 case ovi 1 uie corresponding per iod of the previous year of tho chief producing countries only uutiulia s production declined and uuly by two juu ceru 26000 otftktc provide more and better telephone service ionay w lli twin is 111 im iiiijnahs is five cirs jgn iicctus iikit jhoj unit inuii siisih ihui ur liidiri liyr i ii ilil iniirunus our upir iturs instil krs the rirls ur iiiisiikss iiiikcs ill iiiiiij ti tlitir johs the unu frunilk spirit tint mi ins licttcr tthplionc urviif fur tni iinus it uf n nir th in iiiust otlitr things you huy in the pjsl fivt years our payroll has rouc up from 20 million to over r million doll irs u up to now despitl hirlilrtostson ill sidts thirt h is kin no increase in the h isic telephone rates est ihllslici j sears ago iodiys expansion prngrun is bre iking all records but there ire still oreh rs we lijsen t been ihle to fill we will keep riht on ssorking nul builtlllir to mike your telephone tt rv uc i bimjc hirjiiii thin ever to con limit to provide moie and bum servue at the lowest possible cost the tile phone company canada times change but nature doesnt the need for protection against lou from fire and windatorai always exist walter t evans company insurance service the log cabin georgabvwu o i harley motors at your service for car repairs brake lining and greasing a specialty shell products w1llard batteries phone 539 john street gordon harley prop d w mt iti y j viitj