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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1949, p. 11

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x pll the georgetown herald njedneaday june jsth 1949 ease schurtx electrical construction industrial commercial and domestic wiring distributors for renfrew machine qbucts cream separators milking machines scalee-r- wood and coal ranges r predscjjiuliz v phone 53iv for 7v prompt and effkcient service hi general haulage worlr call dickenson haulage also guelph building blocks chimney blocks partition tile cement bricks washed sand washed stone phone 84r33 georgetown or 381r22 alexander little wkddinq 18 performed at lioiule op bride an aroh of ovcrrcen and whlto peonies on the lawn was tho net ting for the marriage of mildred lorraine little daughter of mr7 pnd mr- femorson llttlo of shol- burnc and william georgo alex- andor son of mr and mrs john alexander 6f georgetown on sat urday june 4th no v ross iunv- inlnfl of huttohville was the offl- clallng minister glvcrr ifi marriage- by hfr father the bride wort a blush satin- gown with flttetf bod- icb long ilpeves and flhgortlp veil of net- slier carried a bnufluot til red foses her only ornament was a double strand of pearls her bridcsnfald mtss margaret alcxr ander sister of tho bridegroom was gowned in lilac frosted organza over taffeta and wore a headdrevfs of rosebuds and -carried- a bouquet of sweet peas littlo miss marie smith in a yellow sheer dress cur rying a nosegay of sweetpens was flower girl- glcnfbrd little bro ther oflhfc bride was groomsman miss norma may of milton was pianut and mrs harold mcclure of norval sister of the bridegroom was soloist the brides mother dressed in royal blue- flowered crepe whh corsage of red roses received with- the bridegrooms i mother in pink crepe with corsage of toses a buffetlunch was served by four girl friends of the bride mrs burton- bealey mis ses betty burrows gladys arm- istead and nhlrley wedgowood for a trip to muakokn and points north the bride donned o navy blue suit white accessories and carried a light blue shortlo coat the youqg couple will make their lionhc at 201 queen st w in brampton 365 average at pakville consignment sale the twelfth ookvlllo consign- ment sale with which was com- bincd the complete dlsperliar of sunnllca herd of willis j- burton woodstock ttntarlo brought a to tal of 521j05 for 4 general average of 305 on 58 head there were ncr pxccptionally high up but the general level of prices was good highest price- was 825 ppld by george strykor waterman- 111 to credhoime farm strectsville for the bred heitor crcdrrolmc susie monogram a granddpughter of ivtontvic monogram topping the burton animals was the fouryearold very good sun- nilea dominntor bessie who brought 050 on the bid of hnrold g mccarty thnmesford ontario this animal is a granddaughter of marksman another granddaugh ter of marksman from the burton herd went to gerald hornick til bury ontario at 525 she too yas classified as very good and vvas a fouryearold still another marksman granddaughter a bred helfor brought 525 from osborn bros arkport nv while harold g mccarty paid 600 for yet an other marksman granddaughter w c good brantford rccolvcsv 000 from j b smith toronto for a sevenyearold oow while cred hoime farjn slrcouvjue sold a bred heifer to- gordon alnslie blenheim at 000 g h walker se soil port porfy received 330 from c p bcehfol hospeler for aiov tin year old cow twenty two mlhcing females aw craged 30b 24 bred hdlfets 300 open heifers 207 0 hoifer eaives 23d and four bulls 247 r f filioroaws nephew assists at mass here ilev fothcr francis morgan nephcwpof rcy fr v j morgan pastor of holy cross church ass isted at the early mass here on sunday may 22 and after mass gave his blessing to each of the parishioners present he was or dained to the holy priesthood in ihe basilica of christ the king hamilton on sunday may 1st by bishop webster of toronto the newlyordained priest sang the last mass at acton the some sun day and gave his blessing there to the parishioners of st josephs church fr morgan will he- stat ioned at the cathedral of christ the king in hamilton maw etuhm dmupftj t rteavtr fruit haver a practical process for recover ing in essence form the volatile uroma or flavor of fresh fruit juices h been developed at the u s eastern regional research lab oratory near philadelphia the sqnee contains nil the aroma in a concentration iso or more times that of the fresh juice it is a clear watorwhtte solution that can be kept for long periods at- room tern- perature without alteration in concentrating fruit juices to make jellies and other products the flavor df the fresh fruit is largely lost this ispartlcularly apparent ih apples the characteristic flavor of which is go volatile hat many apple- products have none of the fresh fruit character adding a small amount of apple essence to applejuice concentrate restores tha full flavor used as a fountain syrup the full flpvor concentrate may be diluted with plain water to moke a bever age practically indistinguishable in taste and aroma from fresh apple juice the process of flavor recov ery also is applicable to other fruits i major details of the progressive conservative partys declaration of policy drafted and approved by canadians from every province representing every walk of life since parliament dissolved a few weeks ago progressive conservative leader george drew has visited all ten provinces he and the party he leads as a result of this tour are convinced of one thing its time for a change the important thing is for all canadians to decide between now and june 27th is what that change will be with this thought in mind the progresaiveconservative party takes this oppor tunity to present some of the major items of its declaration of poljcy this is no hastilydrafted election manifesto nor is it the opinion of one man it expresses the un opinion of delegates from every province who met in ottawa from septem ber 30th to october 2nd last year the importance of many of our statements of policy has been greatly emphasized by the conduct of the mvernment during the recent session but the policies themselves remain unchanged they were prepared in the belief that they will serve the best interests of all the people of canada it is one statunwnt of olicy for the whole of canada the purpose of the undertaking we givo to canadians can be broken down under threo headings opportunity security and freedom opportunity the progressive conservative party will antra opportunity to all our people by a bold and progrea- dve national development program canada standa on the threflhold of her greatest period of develop ment a vigorous progressive con- awpativeroverpmcnt with fuith in the future will brinr into production the immense resources which we poanesa in every part of canada there is no part of canada wlurt then are not new apportunitisn of development if wo provide the elect ic energy and other sources of powk to encourage new industriea and new types or agricultural pro duction the progressive connorvative national development program will cover development ol ixwer oil coal mineral resourcuh and the transportation fucilitiew for their fu use we will a kstablish a national develop ment advisory council in coopera tiou with the province h establish a national power authority to coroperata with the provinces in the technical exaraina- tttir of possible power develop- d7cth and in the actual develop ment of electric power at cost- c undertake the commencement o a joint conservation irrigation a power project on the saskat- ch vn river sts kncouruge the development of power in the maritime provinces from coal aa well as other means e promote the development of the great iron ore resource of canada and the establishment of greatly expanded steel industry 0 stimulate the development of petroleum and ether mineral re sources in cooperation with the provinces by taxation and fiscal policies to encourage the investment of risk capital g institute a vigorous program of water conaervatioa reforestation flood control irrigation and draln- age scheme throughout canada for the reclamation of unproductive land and the preservation of our soil h establish a positive program cmarehland reclamation and devel- epment i take effective steps aa soon ae possible to osoperau with the provinces in building the trans- highway and feeder roads to not only greatly increase our transportation facuitjee but also to sjevelop canadas tourist business j remove the dterrimination in freight rata between different k deal effectively with the specisl transportation problem of prince edward island newfound land cape breton and vancouver island 1 take the necessary steps to proceed with the development of the power and waterways project on the st lawrence river expansion of trade the progressive conservative party will udopt every practical means to expand our external trade with tho us and all other nations specifically wo will a promou and expand overseas trade through reciwfcal tradi agreement ty remove all abnormal f trade barriers imposed by way of license quota or embargo c remove the arbitrary pro vi sions of the foreign bxcnango control act d revalue the canadian dollar within the limits permittid by the bretton woods agreement to uasist our external trade fe open negotiations to make the dollar and tho pound convertible to regain our markets in the sterling urea reduction of taxat sweeping reforms in our taxation systenv and reduction of taxes are necessary to encourage initiative and reward hard work the progressive conservative party will a increase exemptions to at least 2600 for married people and 1250 for single persons b increase the exemption for dependent children by 200 c lower the general rate of personal income tax d allow deductions to farmers for work done on the farm by mem bera of the family e end the persecution ol our people by taxcollectors acting under arbitrary powers f encourage development of small business operated by the owner by allowing proper exemp tion for money reinvested in the businees and not paid out in profits g provide for a graduated reduc tion in taxes on other small busi- upon the portion of the left in the business for income further development h abolish nuisance taxes and make substantial reductions in general salsa and excise taxes on necessities mcueuty security f employment the progressive conservative party assures security to all carta diana by the following declaration of policy in cooperntion with the varioim provincial governments wo will explore every possibility of expand ing the opportumtiom- forwork by encouraging new types of produc tion we believe that the greatest security for employment in canada is based upon the fullest develop ment of our resources which will create new employment and jncreaw doraehtir markets contributory social security program this plan will provide the follow ing ihmfuii 1 old age pensionh at 05 without a meann tmt 2 unemployment insurance iwnefitm to imj extended to include payments for time lost due lo occi dent or sicknesh 3 adequate medical and hospi- tul care t lw proviileil under a national health pngram which will include the niimt extensive pre ventative health services m the same family allowance for every child regardless of the numlicr of children in the family these and other provisions in our program will bo worked out in co0enition with the provinces an effective program for the construction of houses 1 ioans and priorities will ih made nvailablo to those who desire to build their own homes 2 lowcost housing will be pro vided under plans jointly a pprovod by the dominion provincial and municipal governments these plana will be administered by the municipalitiea 3 new types of construction will be encouraged to reduce building coata 4 restrictions on building up plies will be removed security for farmer the progressive conservative undertakes to 1 enact floor price legislotion baadd on the following principles a a definite formula in the farm prices support act for arriv ing at floor prices b the formula will allow for variations in produc tion and demand c floor- prices will be announced well in advance of the production period d floor price w be arrived at in consulta tion with representatives of the producer 2 we favour the restoration of the canadian wheat hoard act of 1935 to serve aa a marketing agency for wheat producers coarse grains aa well aa wheat will be handled on a voluntary basis by the wheat hoard the producers themselves will divide the method by which their wheat will im handled and sold marketing loardn and reprrsfnta- lives of the producer organizations should and will determine their own mot hod of marketing 3 we will establish a board of livestock commissioners 4 we will extend the activities of the federal farm ioan hoard ko that farmers can take advantage of longterm lowinterest rates t we will increase the facilities for agricultural research to find new uich for agricultural products we will in cooperation with pro vincial dcimrtmcnts of agriculture conduct thorough htudiea of con- liigious animal and plant diseases lo reduce the heavy annual ions from these muses 0 in determining agricultural mticy we will enlist the cooiwra- tion of farmers organizations throughout canada the lest interests of agriculture can be served under theguidance of those with practical knowledge of each phase of agriculture security for labour cood working conditions for our people and friondly relations bc tvrofln workers and management are not only in the beet intufbhu of the workers but also in tlie beat interests of the country tho security and happiness of all our workers must be protected by legislation providing for effective collective bargaining the deter mination of mutual rights aa well as conciliation and settlement of difficulties which may arise a we will establish a national labour council with equal repre sentation from labour and manage ment this council will examme causes of labour disputes and pro pose solutions it will conduct research to im prove labour relations b wo will provide for greater labour representation on govern ment board commissions and agencies cj we will encourage profit- sharing plans through adjustments in taxation id we will improve legislation eroviding for compulsory collective argaining certification of labour organisations after a majority vote machinery for conciliation of dis pute fair and adequate wages standard hours of work keeping in mind the industry concerned boll- do ys with pay security for veterans a we will establish a standing committee of the house of commons on veterans affairs to regularly review veterans problems fh to retain and constantly improve sl veteran legislation c to elim nate all unnecewuiry delays in dealings with veterans and to simplify pro cedure d to extend pension itene- fits to the members of the merchant navy d to accept the medical cutegory recorded on enlistment f to stabilize pensions of first world war veterans providing for upward revision where the disability has increased g to increase and extend provision of war veterans allowances with an increase in the amount that u veteran may earn alwve die allowimce paid freedom the progressive conservative party pledges itself to terminate bureaucratic action by government- orderincouncil ministerial pro clamation and departmental regu lation n we will restore responsible government answerable to the elec ted representatives oftha people b we teliovo in the widest possiblo measure of personal free dom consistent wjh law- order and the general welfare c wo are opposed to powors which givo the government control over the rights of the individual d wo will restore the full supremacy of the law and the equality of every citixen under the law e we will conserve the author ity of the provincial and municipal governments over local affairs f on assuming office we will convene a dominion- provincial con ference g we believe that national unity dependa upon res poet for the federal constitution and the clear definition of tho responsibilities of the dominion provincial and muni cipal governments with assurance of adequate financial resources u carry out those ronponsi bill ties h we undertake to restore free dom of speech over the radio and to place the supervision of all cana dian broadcasting under an inde pendent administrative body i we will abolish the license fee on radio receiving sots j we give our unqualified sup port to the north atlanticsecurity i believe this htatement will provide convincing reasons why yon should cast your ballot on june 27tfc for the progressive conservative candidate in your own constituency so that the public business of this great country will be handled by a strong vigorous and progressive government in the years ahead i georme drew victoria hc may 30 1949 new tel hoiis offers variety of innovafloni farmers and small town dwellers soon will be able to own a home with features of quality beauty and utility never before offered in the housing field lustom homes which are sched uled to be produced at the rate of 30000 a year will be fireproof and will require no repairs or redecorat ing during the lifetime of the owner they can be erected at a cost of 7 w0 and will have ceiling radiant heat a completely modern kitchen a large amount of builtin closet and storage space and a number of other features that will reduce housework and provide luxurious living the use of porcelain enamel steel throughout- the housewill provide a finish that will not face or crack and can be easily cleaned by a light application of soap and water the louses come in six different colors selected with a view of blending with various color combinations of furniture and other home fur nishing fly ants from australia insect history was made recently when a scientist flew from australia to america as escort for 3000 live ponerine ants the first time that these insects have survived a long distance flight it was necessary that live specimens of the ants be sent to the haakins research laboratories new york on a research study into trie origin and social structure of australian ants there are about 300 species of ponerine ants all primitive all attempts previously made to keep ponerines alive at high altitudes have failed as allmoistura in the ants body had to be replaced since the ant dehydrates in a high altitude the problem therefore was to put enough moisture into the glass container to allow for evaporation a t high altitude but not so much mois ture that the ants would drown when the correct amount of mois ture was worked out it was possible to deliver the ants in good condi tion american dairy breeds principal breeds of united states dairy cows are ayrshire imported in 1u22 origin county ayr scot land color red of any shade ma hogany brown or these colors with white or white with each color clearly defined weighs about 1150 pounds bmwn swiss imported in 1869 from switzerland color a shade of brown varying from a sil ver to a dark brown weighs about 1400 pounds guernsey imported jn 1818 origin islands of guernsey and alderncy color a shade of fawn with white markings- clearly defined weighs- about 1100 pounds holstein from holland in 1857 color black and white markings clearly defined weighs about 1500 pounds jersey from island of jer sey in 1815 color a shade of fawn with or without white markings weighs about 1000 pounds for your progressive conservative candidate t rrini mi n ul in w nnw v a causes fabric damafe one of the mostjjpmmbn forma of fabric damage according to ameri can institute of laundering is meet- dental contact of clothing linen and towels with home cleaning corrtr pounds bleaches astringents and medicines which scribusly injure the fabric fibers such damage usu ally shows up after laundering in the form of holes fabric care is tin basis of thrift dirt and dust become embedded in fabrics cutting into the threads wearing them awajt the sooner the dirt is removed the less damage will result to prolong the life of an article never postpone having jt cleaned nine training started in 1869 a report read to ameri can medical association by dr samuel gross represented change in current trdnkmg which since his become universally accepted the report stated that nursing was as much of an art and science aa med icine and urged that training schools for nums be stabushed in connection with hospitals in all lections of the country first blq curse in nursing- m this countfjr- under the aegis ol a university nu ivan la ibm whanvunlerlt of

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