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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1949, p. 2

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j tftic georgetown heofid wcdncaday june 29th 1949 48th district annual meeting halton wls page 2 officer elected at trie palermo meeilmr resolutions passed utd reports received the significant fact of the oort- mu of women particularly in he rpfal areas in shouldering their roaponslbllltlesand to llrij- oppor tunities of service to others was forcibly indicated 111 the reports of women s institutes at the 4bth dl- irie annual for halton hold at palermo en june 14tlf mrs frank rinclidrt r r r campbcltville who was electod as president for her second term pro aided in her presidents address mm hlnohurt hanked the district rectors the socrotary and the vice presidents as well as othors for their coppdrtition jjhe hoped the delegates woalcf go back to the branches inspired b this occasion she urged the women to meet to gether work together ploy togeth- er and as womens institute mem bers to take thplr- place in the communities as non denominational nonpolitical organizations the treasurers report was glvon by mrs chester sorwce this last year in the district receipts had totalled 11000 73 expenditures had been 8 083 73 leaving a bal ance of 4077 the address of wel come was given by the palermo branch and replied to by nelson branch particularly interesting during the morning session were the reports of the standing com mittees each conveying to those assembled something of me work being done in each line throughout bic district the following conveners gave re ports agriculture and canadian industries mrs george somqrville citizenship mrs mothuen dcaring home economics mrs c mccul- loch social welfare mrs robert mears historical research mrs a smcthurst publicity mrs max featherstone junior activitv miss lorna lawrence halton s home economist miss l barber commumtv sinfiihk was ltd b mrs llod craif6td whibt pi ino accompaniment together with her friendly smile made this in en- joj able feature resolutions were- p reseu tc 1 by mrs j k mahon oniv one huint been received fron c implelkllle mrs rinehirt five the leport of the officers conference it guelph from which much benefit juts been derived b the meetings of the branch presiderts u nil district pres ident she described the program as follows mrs milton weber r r 1 west montrose federated board direc tor spoke for the guardian body the growth of the wi in ontario mas been rapid with 1401 branches and a total membership of 44150 a percentage of 96 9 branch insti tutes had reported at distnet an nuals with an attendance of 10 942 she spoke of the fall and spring meetings of the f w i and of the 52 years of progress hats off to the past coats off to the future was a goodtslogan to follow and she urged the women not to rest on their laurels nor to relax their ef- forts mrs weber also spoke of scholarships of which five would be set up this year w i scholar ships were being set up for rural girls each district and area rais ing 3000 would be assured of a scholarship in that district or area any individual donating scholar ships could name them selection of girls would require tiiat they be 16 years of age have completed six or more projects be connected with home makers clubs the choice would be made on definite per sonal growth as well as having glv en leadership urs weber reorted that a pur trait of adelald hoodics was now being painted to be hung in the canadian archives as a permanent memorial to the founder of wom ens institutes ihc appealed to the members to assist with the cancer society work for which there were needed 20 000 dressings each month she admonished members to give- no industrial or geographical infor mation to foreign conespondhnts she outlined other wi woi k and told of plans for the w 1 holiday at oac guelph fiom july lltli to 15th applications would lie re eclved till june mil should be sent to the dcpartnn nt of public relations at tic oac shi n- couraged all parents to accompany their children to moving pictures and make it possible lot moving picture nianiteis to tnfojii eminent ickulatiou- t u i i id i tlicie been such tiovvth mil divtl opmcnl i in the j ist lout w u mrs vvebci iiculiil lot tie li tlon of oflicei si i tic si d lit point hi i ifni ii iii ml i office foi 1 iilc i tl ii jciis con secutively ajrl i i mil lit i i ti bers to tin m w llunliniok foi iel rences rhe ii m t iluotms wcic confirmed lit following iii i wen dec td mrs frank llinlurl pusnum i ifliton brown it it i nuiii vim president mil j hlirln and vice piosldint it k i m1i- ofr mrs t ii rcpicspita- dl crwfoid mrs hiir- baptist ohuboii highlights risbell freeman district delegate with mrs milton brown alternate mrs w p bnlllle milton and mrs chajlos jqrvls r r 1 milton aud itors mrs george robertson r u i acton mrs george somorvllle r r 2 acton mrs max feathery stone r b 1 freeman mrs milv ion brown mrs d a wendovefj palermo and miss jean patterson st r ir bronte representatives to the federation ofajsrlfcurure miss lorna latyronicl7lt 2 oakvluc was appointed ns junior convener ind home makers club roprcserita tle mrs george mcmlunn bur- jlnkiiin wasjanpolntcd on the hel ton musicoffostlvol board the following standing commit- tec conveners were elected agri culture and canadian industries mrs r l dovldson r r 2 ac ton home economics and health mrts charlotte mccullough r r 1 georgetown historical research and current events mrs vclma norrli r r 2 milton citizenship ind education mrs e manning r r 1 hornby community activi ties and public relations mrs r 1 diedgc r r 3 milton resolu tions mrs j k mahon campbcll- vllle roll call at the afternoon session as answered by all branch mem bers sutnding the resolution pre sented by campbellvllle could not be dealt with due to the fact it vas not propcrlj signed the reso lution was as follows whereas we have noted thvgugh succeeding years the pyramiding of both consumption and advertising of cigarettes and whereas this ad- ttrtislng in its diversified charac ter hav insidiously erached a point tod i which a few jears back pub lic opinion would have resented 1 using womanhoods beauty ind refinement for obvious reasons be it resolved therefore that the c inijibi tlville branch of women s litilitute communicate our reaent inent of such me ms being used by tibaccos filtaiuiil interests to whit uc deem is luk of icspect for true wunanhood ind added to which is iltc bono th it from thii high office 1 1 i c in mate i 1 1 qusl th it no f ice i lire attitude i i ittire of worn nlukil be used issouatcd with to i tcco idccrtuinc the invitilion if gcikclwn to i id the dt trict iitiui il there next w i u is accepted mi c ii ii ilton the depart lent speaker tonlrilul ited the rktrict on the voik iccompllshcd is coin lit d in the reports she nit h the brine lus to select the lult women fir tlu niht iiiltvin- irships and tmphisizcd the use of c vv i cri st on stitnmcr etc bunday evening the pastors sub ject was higher criticism what is if in early days higher criticism was the study of manuscripts in or der that we may be sure we have the original words as written by divine inspired writers it was the study of the historic origin dates and authorship and the literary structure of the various books of the bible this in itself was very helpful i the higher criticism of unbelief is the criticism without tho holy spirit the scriptures oro only dfs- ccrnable through the inspiration of the holy spirit higher criticism started back id she- slxtecntlvccntijry they did not influence very many fni878 the germans expounded this teaching thc itiqst powerful exponohts of rnodern higher criticism were the germans these were men without faith in the god o the bible and no faith in a personal supernatural cv6lntion dr samuel davidson a british britic published a volume in 1802 borowing from the german critics the german higher critics did not bcliea in the inspiration of the bible and slid they were a mere hunran product tin english and american high- ci critics compromised and said the word of god was in thev bible but the whole bible was not the word of god from this teaching we have today higher criticism mod ernism and free thinking they arc all the same the doctriml system of the lead ing denominations have accepted blotters totalling 44000 had been sold which was good publicity home and country snould be read and tweedsmuir village histories cuniiniicl she look up the co-op- ci itive program with the result that hi ilth bi fore mil ifter fort was icceptod is the district service this jcu mi s himllton spoke qf the ij rii- of in titute work in thi past whici hould be a challenge to the fjtuie women loo cistlv hi jl disc in in d bv setbacks she ill u um n should make their iwn contribution to ubllc lift ind i lo i it til iti tin nil n pu jtl lut is b nil down in whit wi in i up nn slu cjuoli d mi i a ci like mil mis mil tin briwne pre si tiled the pric f r thi in si ultstun lot district m- in il to mis 1 miiiniiil of drum- init hi null mrs itiown mil mrs i i hliihv prc llhe pist pitsiiint- jewel fi trs chesti r st av u t a dtmiinsti ition of wei- m w is iivn in mi h i ilatkin mil in i nti rtaituiil ircuuiil of her tup u plorpl i was glveri b mo i v lru mrs w cromar gave ii tilings mil music wis furnished b p ilt i inti in inch i that the bible is the truth the whole truth and nothing belt the truth peter said holy men at god spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit wo believe the bible is thew ord of god therefore stand nn its promises and we need not fear the evening subject was back sliders you cannot be a backslider until i a profession has been made god is ever calling the israelites through the propnoti to return unto him the israelites forgot god on manv occasions backsliding is tho first step of the journey back to the oljl lire at alii backsliding begins fii the heart the old testament is full of god s appeal return ye why will ye wonder the new testa ment appeal through christ is come unlet trie josus knew all tyhout the backslider nnd represen ted him by the parable of the prod igal son tire women a society held their meeting on tuesday evening at the home of mrs wro thompson georgetown united church the satramcnt of the lords sup- pei w is observed ut the george town united church on sunday morning the losson was read from 1 cor 11 2020 ond rev j m smith spoke on the subject the brethren of the common table 1 he choir under the direction of miss lynda stewart sang the an them author of life divine colborn the flowers decorating the church were placed by mrs tyndall in memory of her husband the late w tyndall it was announced that the con gregation would worship at knox presbyterian church during tho month of july sunday school is to be held at the usual hour in tho united church but will be dismis sed cirly to enable scholars to at tend the morning worship flowers for every occasion dcsign work a specialty i i bonded member t d s telegraph delivery service flower by wire anywhere in the w nrld norton floral phone 31 5 w georgetown n it tvrmmtmmqisof canada unlimited throuoh twirling bllixartfc along iainwlmf iralu tk ctturrliir d btojt tlrugaud acprftbmn country with a diipalch h lupl in a bd of pin boughi in lh tnow and often wnt dayi without food early canbda hod no postal mrvleot 6ourrirs war hlrd lo carry uhort for that who could afford it whan th flnl pott offlca opanad lit halifax in 1755 raaular mall tarvlea lb england bagan in 1763 pott efflcaa wara opanad in montfaal quabac nd thraa rlvart by bnmln franklin than daputy potlmatlarganaral of tha british colonial in amarlca during tha iftoos roods opanad up boots bagon ragulor trip along tha si lowranca mail tarvlea axpondad urtfll in 1852 tha canadian pott offlca was handling 3700000 lattart and en christmas day 1898 thanks lo tha afforfs of sir william mulock panny potloga was bom todoy canada laads tha world carrying mail by air barwaan distant points of our country at firstclass rotas i from poparmoklng to transporta tion tha industrial that moke the postal services possible have contributed to this growth have increased oppor tunity yes theres room to grow in canada unlimited just how much room k totd im canada uniimmmd am ttluttratmd 144 page book publkhmd by th okmmfm foundation you may oblajn your copy by tmnding sc m cash no stomps or chiqum peate fo canada unlimited depr n311 okmmfm houtm toronto ontario fhmatm print your name ond addrmu cearfy a0 monies recerveo wui be donatmd fo the canadian cutxmmahp couecft brewing company limited a eeencfl el service wtfar church lebeur fraternal antl elliar araanlxaheas what aim it to acquaint mmw cewaetews wak the eaaertaalhes effarati ay i cbtsaaahlfi la caaada bfs tbr mh the allmetal allpurpose suburban lot i mm ylm i armor uhuibflnllfl or ii i ljiujs4ji llnu iho ub- u rt 1 toil 1 r load liaullnrj w th the ioj boat t i iwd 1 t s it i all i itll ijiltxluct 1 a i ll i iu 1 1 t jinylnq aixtru 7 itnil itul 4 1 ntj n 1 n tr 11 o tual tu ly w nil oi 1 1 n n io nnll 1 1 1 lil til it 1 my l willtlb aiu a 1 l t itv i 1 id into 1 u jul dujlu r wit you ii find a wljo euli hu opon tho wido clooia in 1 yo 1 ii an i tho bpaco provl lo 1 for tu j 7 ijo ml c 11 dcxiqo thoioa plonly ol hoi i hq m 1 1 ibow r oats ita lively 07 h p oiujmo o 1 it 1 will ti 1 ability and oconomy givoa you ani lo power t it 1 1 r goinq ot ho hoalon inclc ijw pu 1 mo h103 sh ly springing ind powotlul hydraulic bi thoa aauuio yo 1 a al with tho roar scat lo lod lush with 11 lloor an oa ly 0110 h t o 1 1 tlon tho now dodgo suburbin cm doubfo as a too ny pnial i lhiiy vohklo you can oaady load tt with any l po ot luichmdino winio it a voity its all mujal mtttlor ia laid to dami jo fhu long iaiiug vl 1 i libtlc upholstoiy us aaloly ntd uatttty wash iblo t irppocl this gioat now n i iuion to tho ainoua dbdtjttufao at your tc 10 dosoto doaloi a ahoyvtooma you 11 ind il juat iho car you vo always wantud at a ptico you aio willing to pay see vio hoaulilul now dodgo niociw 1 tho distinctive dasoto with tiptoo goar shift and the famous dependable dodge jobbated rucks at saxe motors- phone 152 w geor

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