Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1949, p. 5

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semar shtrtaga h twatt la dmiim f u ejtperh recent figures on foreign trade indicate that the dollar ahatage in many foreign countries la beginning to hayeeneffeet on exports from the united states according to alex ander hamilton institute after reaching a high record level inst spring the general tendency has been for exports from this country to decline because of the large disparity which developed between purchases by foreign countries in the united states and their sales to thlk-coun- iry many of the notions of europe and the western hemisphere found it necessary to tighten up import controls they look these measures in order to conserve tbelr fast dwin dling resourcjss of gold and dblhlr jssvts ohd to prevent their trndc deficits from increasing too rapidly if codgrosp sh6uld adopt substan tially the long range european re eovery program presented by the administrauon this would tend tn modify the indicated decline in ev ports from the ijnltodsrirt dur ing the first three quarters of 1917 the deficit of countries in the mar shall plan area in their trade v ilh the united states was cquivaltnt to a rate of approximately 4 billion dollars a year this i is ibout equal to the amount whu h the administration teirtatively h is lecommcnded he loaned or granttd innually during the next four jeui to the 16 western europejn conn tries and western germany com ng under the marshnll plan qn georgian bay oh boy i is it ever fun here in the nice sand and with lots of water to play in and dad and mum can have lots of fun too cause they dont have to worry this beach is sure swell for itids youll enioy going by bus fares are low parry sound 910 wasaga beach 570 penetang 615 collingwood 605 round trip tax included csubject to change early sheepman imported merinos to improve flock presidt nt jefferson knew thai wool could become important in thi- new land he urged our ambassador to spain washington irving to send home as many merinos as possible several thousand of these sheep were imported to improve american docks the first woolen mill in the united states had opened in 1788 george washington ordered soma sturdy brown cloth from this mill the suit which he wore at his- first lnaugura tion as president was made from this cloth as the pioneers moved westward sheep ivent with them the new england states however were the leadingwool growers until about 1850 after 1840 great flocks began to be developed in the west the call forma gold rush in 1849 brought thousands of sheep into that state- many of these sheep were used for meat by californias growing popu lation some were kept as breeding flocks for future wool production after the civil war industries in the east developed more rapidly hailroads were pushed into the west the growth of factories and population brought fircatei demands or wool wool and sheep for meal both could be shipptd more easily to eastern markets hrorn that turn m texas and the western states bt arne more and more import int as i ool growers f tiocers and information v taldwtits i restaurant r 5 eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons i jewellers main st georgetown telephone mtt 2 ever wednesday lfcj asa to 6 0jb 8 m fatbish ko reg optometrist 1051 egunton w the adventures of plittjhe butterfly the georgetown herau wednesday jul 13th 1949 by robin wynn master bullfrogs problem industrral castor oil castor oil luis rn my industri il uses it lubricates intt rnnl combus ii n engines it is um i in tht nunu ficture and pr ctsm of such t i pr ducts os irtifin i it the r it ithlr lubricants lirioli inns tj p nter inks rubhi r s u in vui mh up rr ii tnsji irlnt so tj ind medilin ii pitj n itions it i isud is a sulfon t tt f il in tht m ik in of turkt rtd ml e compound ki 1 dtn ii dtd in tiit dtin ml loth printing ntdusti c us tor nl ilso is utilitd tis a plstnitr i t istic nianuf iliutl it cut i 1 mub in del ii itinji tht il wl i tkt it possihlt t u i it us a sub titute or amendment to tun il in thivdrvinj oil industry tht pwl t its and sterns m bt ustd in ut kmj ftitil trs i 1 ntics thtmi lis tl th and cordial nisi cticki ind paper for boxes futt and mr sunshine flew high over the ircos of the qttifin fojrest onjoyinj the uunshlno ojf a lovqly iiftttoor ihornlng as they posited the big pond that the bcavcrs hud made they noticed that all the small irogb were ploying ompnjf uie reeds thartj odd nald flitt they should be i ichool at uitfl pme po you suppose thai old master bullfrofi tolllu be ill lout no dovn add lind oul wild mr bun beam away they wept diving thro jjit austraiaht for thctpond theyounu irons yathcied urthindus 1 litt and mr sunbuum inn tied on a log llout- iib n the water v 1 hope you men t pluyinjf truant this morning i lilt buid to them with a twinkle in hh eye of course he knew they wtren t xoi they were ery yood little frogs most of the tinae is ii a holiday today or is your tcuchcr ill oi uuy asked 1 litt it 3 kind ol ahohdu piped u one little fiog we came to ehool this inoiiniig and bang out good moiiuug sonh said anothei little qrog liut mus ter liuthrog looked vei unliappy und he kept bumping into the desks then he picked up his bot tle of ink instead of his glass of water my oh my how we splut tered when he took the first sip but ue didn t like to ask him what was the trouble byln7s time mitt was beginning to feel quite worried what could be the tiouble he i asked one of the older frogs i don t know said the older frog but when he tried to read the lesson to us he couldn t he just put his hands over his yes nrtd told us to to out to pla until he returned and i think he went home we d bttter go to see him flitt said mr sunbeam and at once they set off to see if they could help him when they knocked on the bullfrogs door the heaid a veary voice say come in pleaes now master bull r ro u as as neat a person as ou could find anywhere tiis giirdcn was always tlie best in the frog village his house was the last word in neat ness all the frog village folk ad ynired him as he passed down the street sti u i tint along in his spot less white vc si and his long tailed co it of treen with legiif to in hi h but is flitt and mi sun- btam stepped thro tin do i thtj could hi at once th it sunn thing w is wnmt it home tm joi mr uullfrotshum was ittinll untidy i l thiln itfimon 111- lu there sat m istei bullfroc null mlltdw on dkol nil hts hrndirrhisrnnds injrotr r 1 kmok pa it ms nd dmt oh i i es it was j lilt to st t whit wis tilt lmllbrt foi in rdt him mi the t it it uert tht lilt siteuult tint hi 1 i i won hut nil is i i th tht itn i ut it 1 nktn tin oor i id fellow wis j uh ne t lihndw ithout them don t won m ist r htillfioc s id hut wt ii i i nir llassis i fii d i ieli t iw i hitt ind sunbe mi flew i ti ntlit t hh h mi f tin wise old owl ho often w u el i m to i tt tf ik m uttl in lp them hut the wi t old owl i mil i ml tt 11 tht in th it tht htth t if ho made hn l1 ism s till j im t i iw l iii v ii ution now hi il w is i diltn oil j lob in win ii ii old tht i i t tl es f litt ind mr stiutii mi it down oi i hi mt h tn think wnhc ut in w iinint mr sunlm tin tned 1 t i j round the bend with steambmt the shelf nnd poured a little on each drop suddonly the drops bejon to hop up- and down ln their buttercup containers higher nnd lilljhor they bounced until vutt nnd mr sunbeam just held their breath foi fear ihcy would bounce right nut and bo lost on the tloor how ever the drorts settleicguletly down oi6in exi mc green gctblln lartfullj lifted one of uc drops out with i siher spobn ohd laid it on the tiille then a second drop then till thlfd gently he placed h mnodtli bonln top j thtm and piipised down until the dropa were imie flot nd justaydut as thin is rrjt thinnest cookieji yburmoth- tlisuntly ho lifted the board up uud there on the tabjc lay three ol the most perwet littla lenses you invud eti imagine still iuicrrjg nnd as cle ir as the clearest felass it took only 1 moment for the ollcn goblin to tut out the lenses i in the lllil with 1 tiny rookie clitti r i nnw to harden tht m nd the goblin i litt and mr siinblim u itchid him place the ltnsls on a ti i hi next took down the bot- tltd sunsbim fiom uie shelf nnd i mind a little on lath lens quick lht put tht tray in a little 1 isc mil hit tin lid he nttd 1 mo- nit nt until they tould hear a hlss- ri souiitl thtn oiitntd the cose ind touk nut the drops now a si lid as klass 1 peifett peifcet said the green cibl as he f ittlcd thl lenses into mastr bullfrog s glasses the third kni he put in a little box that will gic himjm extra li 116 111 tast ht breiks one sain tin gretn goblin i hank ou so nuiih said flu t 1 now maslei bullfrog will be able i i to lcath hi school arqin i hiti and mr sunbeam flew stnifiht back to master bullfrogs houst ind found turn still sitting in ins hair how surprised and tnp p tht old ftllow was tthin he put llu kl issss on i why thest are wondtrful i 1 in stt bttltr than ever before ou 1 dont etn hae to blink lu i ltd as ht nptntd his door 1 mig1it j luti wtnt up from the little frogs hho had githtitd iiound ihs home i tic v lotd thtlr sttin but kindl si hoiil masttr and vitre so glad stt lhit ht ould uih thtm j- oti vtlt an u iioii trftateritlnv tha 10 lr coflu lltlu sru ttt femniu oi w an im w nine tkaln all s uill s nd hut to mr sunbt 1111 is lh ik tt liomt its u 1 it filling to bt tblt to lulp 1 tint lf tintkmin iikl m isttr hullf oi 1 i i 11 l 1 ii il i hi ii i 1 tl lit ml 1 of lie laiuji tltt hojnt of uhhn chii on sauthlnvt il 1 1 111111 1 i till i11 1 i t ih dnn juls j at suinr luous 1 11 i it busiiu s tt 1 ion th 01 nit nt mi iuli v 1 1 ti ink i iittini alter rcnuinu the jotter wrlllon bj mr bonn sponsor of the chol- kentiam concrete softball tcora which appeared in lost weeks her ald wo fool tho mnln issuo hns beon saturdays dodged by mr bdnn in his latter rained out mr itonn ridicules me for having one of his teams games thrown out tlue to the ineligibility of omo of hisployors admittedly wo repor ted the gamij in question but luwns left xor the exocutivo to decide what was to be done when the game was uicown out it was done 0 by tho ti unanimous ticclsion of the 1 xceutive not by yours truly 1 but lets talfe a lpolt at the renjl situation ani let tho sporting soft- bnll lubllr diaw ifi own tnnclii uvn the first thing to ipneider is the kuics loch team 111 the league has toniplitd with the lults in every lespttt eept the c heltenham i btutkmen if mi bonn nd eoit 11 siotty pat- ttison had iltendld any of the exiiutisc niietings at the beginning i of the stason thtn team would piobabb not bt the problem team tht ire now mr bonn 111 his let ter sas fiuolt if steamboat tarid to look into fatts before re- poiting them umiuoti if mr bonn nnd toaih patterson tared to rtad tht 1 lilts the would find the lonslitiilipn butes onlj two hard- bill placrs may be signed per team this does not mean two hardball players per game or per innings it mcaiuuvo hardball play crs in the roster this rostcr now reads martin storey scotty and spun patterson ev wilson and harvc cliapi cl gibson and nasli ttho were listed with them arc now the property of the lions club the second ssue is the executive has the potter to strengthen or tt taken teams as they see fit el no moic has been made to alter tht rosier of the cheltenham blocki- men we sugfcist the excutne look into this matter immediately and lakt steps to prevent the blockmen 1 from hasing six inrdball players on thtir tiam the third issue is this league opt rates foi those who ish to pla softball for retrtation and because they hac no other affiliation with ball the hardball players have iheu own it ikui and therefore thc should not be allotted to play 111 hit softbill ltagut the it pnvc ullows not mttrcsttd in hardball or not not good enough to 1 i 1 from plaing softbill it foi t tht ltakiie got undtr way it blotkmtn tttrt li en more iisiilimation thin nn other ttam 111 the ltague et thtv fail to re 11- 1 this and lotiliiuit to pla their i 111 le id of the le imlc tta if the exiiulivi fail to thetk the 1 11 0 s tt the other teims croom vour players well for tho i i offs mil in tht blocks fall ft tin nni steamboat e ing the kind of ball they can play thcso girls arc attracting mora people every game hardball game w skinny men women gain5 crtjie ptp win vigor 4tod vlumin l nlti r rr i unroll niii- 1 tilnml rti al waif 1 1 ir only floe r new vigor ii ilrusilata eyes examined ot walker optohxtbist 8 main st n braaipuai pbooa sb at georgetown office ovat bell telephone office the second wednesday afternoon of each month phone 8tw foot ailments treated miss allan beg chiropodist treats corns bunions eauaoaea ingrown nalla etc appliances for foot eentfert phone 1390j 27 arthur bt ouzlfh flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flower by wire anywhere in tbe world norton floral phone 315w georgetown ill t ii 1 r t cl inmi plntd here not 1 ttith hit poit crttiit ml i i 183k memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come ftonumtnts markers moderately priced card or letter will bring our service t your door oakvtlle monument works 29 colborne t oaltvou objifchtirnr stronj toil durable wool wnr i has rttrr ti 11 it icststani to pulling w ol tlbi rs t be bt nt bttkttirtls and foiuirds main iiit tints than n alitr n itui il t xtilt htt 1 lil 11 ln 1 inl 1 1 ittll ll lll litn s 1 m tit wi i lil 1 wool s strinklli 1 i rt lilt fit it w wool to st n 1 bird list thus milking itmiy duia tilt prtdutts from wi ol appt ir in hi ny ind iii 111 lit ights s htm ilothts ntl fill or as light soft iniiti n lis in 1 ithtr form 11 is dur 1 bit cluthmg from wool gives pio tn lion without grtat wi ight somt viiul fabru s are us lilit and soft is lottn tin use of summtr clotliui midt of wool as well as blunktts ind baby tlothing hns increased in rttent years tt it in int t id fiom di 11 lbamptn 1 mnikdili 11 i iiiklilm mis 1 1 111 1 in iblt ittiss mim ni 1- cili otta it ii i nilililln kll i 1 lot it hltl shout so lil l tills ill 111 s th il i lilt m id lo tlllli tht i ilii t ttoultlii t huri mil b mi i mi tint ifflttis foi tin mining t ir t 1 ttitl fullott president tits mithlli ct irjetott 11 isident mi blmn ltuglllln 1 xtittmi nt ins lt id s ills ilis cotxl s 11 i i it plan wt ii 1 ml tin c ln lp int 01111 of bis t stltni swtitd mi tunlit 1111 ttlltlf tht spiilch ii wlnts tin irt t 11 olilin s in iglt 111- n oil uih w w ittrfalt is ittr mist i ulil tri lliinti 1 mi in 11 ml 1 i in 1 1 itti 1 1 1 1 1 11 lit isuit r ins i ei la c ottn c i olllst wllltls 1 it j ittn i augbliti 1 1 1 i t nt 1 mrs spin l tommlttit u01 1 1 i i illkllllll hill i iiiulillll mis pllcc harrt lilllell illta t mar m ugni et iid bill fjis 1 ti 1 h is iruck the intcrmeil 11 1ils st ftball te im the mon- nths in 1 kink if u mi iinil h niiiit 1 son siilttait 1st in 1 niiii itt ii id a broken ttrist 111 1 in h pill is lit loiinded sit ml on 1 loni hit bill audits ctiiiunti iiijiutd hi r hand and tin two htiiinitoi iirls paullnt and itivil ittliitd minor injuries paul- 11 mtl itn 11 ttiie not forced to tht suit inns but uidres and janet win auritii ilaiug the hot cor- iti aiitl j nut on first wtrc two solid iiifultltrs and thtir loss to the tt 1111 will be felt pittlici ev rob iiistin 1i10 ha- done a grand job ill stnson is in hospital after hav ing in ippnitliv operation tht ills were reill flving until htsioktd b injuries but manager spuks dron and eoaeh bill kor- itk will lne to do some fancy fin inglin to ktep the squad pa- e p head optometrist eyea examined hclentmcally ukauunu all batteries quick repairs to chaises binoculars field glasses ete m st georges 89 guelph phone 1szb eat zl beginning of butter credit fdr the discovery of but ler usually is given to an aryan herdsman of many centuries ago it is said that he placed some sour cream in a goatskin fastened it to ins saddle and galloped across the plains on reaching his destination he was amazed to and that the cream had turned into a yellow mass he taated it and liked it other herdsmen also liked it and soon the wholj tribe waa making butter i they put sour milk into goatskins and shook it or beat it until the cream or butter had aep orated from the whey this prlml live method of making butter still la used in some parts of the world j 1 cv linn is out plan tthilt tin is trystal ilenr mil pint wt t ikt some of th it to tin giien goblin to sn if be tan make it solid if ht tan do thnt thtn wt tan fix masti 1 bullfrog s glnssts hit tlnrttd thro the fori st to tht waterfall ami sine enough thtre was one spot where gieat huge drops of wntir gathered on the edge of a rock nnd went ploonk into the poolbelow it was easy to ace that these drops of water were different for they were as big as marbles and crystal clear they re perfect sold flitt as he hurried away to get three large buttercups to catch the drops by careful balancing mr sun beam was able to reach out and catch three drops and they took them at once to the green goblins cave and explained to him what they needed this isnt as difficult magic as the magic potion for your wings flitt said the green goblin lets get at it at once with grata care he took tho but- mary tercups from mr sunbeam and ge them qt the table makjrig sure 11k 11t1 of think i is mo t i lit miss it ib i iimhlm of toi lllo tl till illst 111 lldtlss lu j ih 11 iti ions hospitnlfti mr har i mt 1 it nttnttl tin pnt for the that the precious drops didnt splli next he took some fizzy liquid from oldist 1111 inbi 1 prt st nt nnd lutlt 1 11s knkwood for tin oungost ru inbi 1 riios who jttt ntlt tl from tin ioiim st distuut ttin mrs rlsio i 1 iil til in and mis mi11 i poihlinnn of v nncouiei n c in the evening a fine program spoits was tint veil which hnd been airangtd by the sports committee tht following wort prize winners dannna rate mnrjorle kirkwood and etcles micturc clothes pin rate thomns laughlfn of oshawa newspaper raic glenn laughiln race under f ve years margaret wilkinson nancy laughlin johnny laughlin and marilyn kirkwood five to ten years lee wilkinson ruth wilkinson 10 lo 14 years glenn laughlin cay laughlin nail driving contest vero hlndley bill laughlin ladles race 35 and over edyth wilkinson egg on spoon dorcen laughlin beans in strsw jvtcclure the happy occa sion was brought to a conclusion with the presentation of some very interesting moving pictures shown byhr elgin laughlin phone 328 or 168r floor sanding floors sanded and refinished the dustlets tray new modern equipment ted bludd c i attention farmers we are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animala horse cattle hogs telephone collect for inrftrnate terries gordon young limited toronto adelaide 3636 gmipl 3334 f lu

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